Fernando Castro-Chavez wrote on Jeremiah Oliver's timeline.
HB Survivor!!!
"Windows of Grace" have a narrow span... She and I were there, on the 16th of February, 2020!!!, at the Lakewood Church, just before the globalist hell broke loose..., that window I expected to still be open, I think that has just been slammed right on my face right now. But I believe GOD will open an above and beyond my wildest imagination ONE!!! That is in HIS NATURE!!! Thank YOU God for Your wisdom above and beyond my own limitations, sins and mistakes!!!:
The bitches just removed a Christian channel that was reporting what was going on without the bias of the sold-out prostitute MSM and its despicable whore daughter the Social Media with whom we all interact... https://archive.vn/ovUE8, https://archive.vn/8UPld, https://archive.vn/37tFq, https://archive.vn/a9AAk, https://archive.vn/UWzWz, https://archive.vn/FKA9F, https://archive.vn/ls2Vq, https://archive.vn/dyXHR, https://archive.vn/v4BoN; then, 26 pages in a loop of people committing an "Unlawful Entry" (funny that the real Antifa / BLM and other more obscure characters are not seen anywhere here, i.e., Sullivan, the one with the "all-seeing-eye" tattoo over his hand that was precisely by the side of the shooting victim): https://web.archive.org/web/20210107172705/https://dam.tmz.com/document/63/o/2021/01/07/6343de0c1d1f41a59f45e7722f409a12.pdf
Updated Jan 10, 2021, 4:27 PM
https://youtu.be/mKdcPfJYA2U... In the fading light, hearts collide; Shadows dance in the distance; Something just ain't right... There's a thousand miles between you and I; Oh, my, my, my; Just a thousand miles between me and paradise... When the dark has gone, the morning's won; We're gonna feel something different... Learn to be brave, see the other side; Won't you lead me there? Have no fear; Close your eyes, find paradise...
Updated Jan 6, 2021, 2:03 PM
Fernando Castro-Chavez
Look at the whole event of the meeting to Save America and you will see the good people that follows light orderly, quietly and happily gathering together by the millions. So, those animal beasts in viking attire, bearded crazy violent savages letting on purpose inside the Capitol are a completely different crew coming from a completely different place, impersonators that sooner or later will be accountable for what they have done. It starts with prayer, with godly reminders, with pastors and preachers:
Updated Jan 8, 2021, 6:56 PM
Fernando Castro-Chavez updated his status.
Another post removed by "the CCP controlled" (another way to call the despicable Bankster Clan (Rothsch) that aims to control the world):
Fernando Castro-Chavez
Updated Jan 6, 2021, 9:55 AM
Updated Jan 6, 2021, 8:48 AM
BIGGER THINGS COMING IN DISREGARD OF THEIR DESPICABLE INTIMIDATION TACTICS: "If you see something say something, record it, publish it": Heads up: Pallets of cement blocks placed in D.C. Josh Hawley has been already threatened by the Deep State Central Banksters, by Soros and by the DaemonKrafts and their Antifa, BLM paid scum: Tonight while I was in Missouri, Antifa scumbags came to our place in DC and threatened my wife and newborn daughter, who can’t travel. They screamed threats, vandalized, and tried to pound open our door. Let me be clear: My family & I will not be intimidated by leftwing violence: https://archive.vn/adzmG, https://twitter.com/tr00p3RR/status/1346314780135587842 (https://archive.vn/mw5JG); #DC, Antifa threatened Senator Hawley’s wife and newborn daughter while he was away in Missouri. They screamed threats, vandalized, and tried to pound open the door. (My Note: Please Our President Trump, do NOT let that Soros paid anarchy to continue!!!), Gral. Flynn wrote: "EVERY MEMBER OF CONGRESS SHOULD IMMEDIATELY CONDEMN THIS! And Melissa Tate wrote: "Antifa is the terrorist arm of Democrats Party. The media, which is the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party, will not even reports on these acts. We the people are not going to be intimidated into giving up our freedom to these ravenous s wolves. They can’t stop us!", Senator @HawleyMO you & your family have millions and millions of supporters. #WeThePeople do not accept this behavior in our election process to choose who runs the greatest country in world history. #GodBlessAmerica"; V-Shaped Recovery: Manufacturing Defies Expectations as Rebound Continues Despite Covid Surge: The strength of U.S. manufacturing appears to have been largely unshaken despite the recent surge in coronavirus infections. The Institute for Supply Management said its manufacturing index rose to a reading of 60.7 in December from 57.5 in the prior month, marking the highest level since 2018. Economists had expected a small decline in the index, which is based on surveys of manufacturing sector senior executives. New orders matched their pandemic high at a reading of 67.9, up from 65.1, signaling that the sector has been more resilient in the face of the pandemic’s winter surge than many other parts of the economy. President Donald Trump made strengthening U.S. manufacturing a key part of his campaign in 2016 and his administration deployed many policies to bolster the sector.https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2021/01/05/v-shaped-recovery-manufacturing-defies-expectations-as-rebound-continues-despite-covid-surge/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+breitbart+(Breitbart+News), https://archive.vn/gMZkJ; "Trump Renominates Judy Shelton For Federal Reserve Board After Failed Confirmation. President Donald Trump again nominated Judy Shelton to the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors in a last-minute attempt to fill its only vacant seat... Trump renewed Shelton’s nomination Sunday, the first day of the 117th Congress. She was originally nominated in 2019, but failed to be confirmed by the Senate in December. Her failed nomination came after retiring Tennessee Sen. Lamar Alexander announced his opposition to her confirmation and Sens. Chuck Grassley and Rick Scott were quarantining after being exposed to the coronavirus. Alexander has since been succeeded by Sen. Bill Haggerty, meaning that if Georgia Republican Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler win their runoffs, Shelton could have enough support to be confirmed..."; James O’Keefe wrote: "BREAKING: @CentralOAC has now DELETED their Twitter account following @Project_Veritas #GAVoterFraud release tonight exposing their illegal registering of thousands of Atlanta homeless to vote at the same address! What are they trying to hide? We already got it all on tape! pic.twitter.com/YncsG4qYdc, #GAVoterFraud pic.twitter.com/5j2uJ2XV4T, https://twitter.com/JamesOKeefeIII/status/1346303974203338752"; Paul Sperry wrote: "DEVELOPING: While the mastermind behind Biden’s and the DNC’s multistate mass mail-in voting scam is Stacey Abrams, records show the financial catalyst behind her well-funded operation is leftwing globalist George Soros & his son Alexander, who have donated millions to her cause"; Trump Lawyer Jenna Ellis Suggests Pence Could Defer Certifying Election, Send Requests to State Legislatures (VIDEO). Trump’s legal team has argued to state legislatures in these contested states that they have plenary power Under Article II, Section 1 Clause 2 of the Constitution to choose which electors are sent to Congress. The President over the weekend spoke to 300 legislators urging them to decertify the ‘unlawful’ election results for Joe Biden": https://archive.vn/ouzzv; Trump wrote: “You watch what happens over the next couple of weeks. You watch what’s going to come out. Watch what’s going to be revealed. You watch.” –POTUS pic.twitter.com/HzLBHUny5N", "The Vice President has the power to reject fraudulently chosen electors" and also: "Pleased to announce that @KLoeffler & @sendavidperdue have just joined our great #StopTheSteal group of Senators. They will fight the ridiculous Electoral College Certification of Biden. How do you certify numbers that have now proven to be wrong and, in many cases, fraudulent!"; Jim Jordan wrote: "Who makes election law: -State legislatures, Who doesn’t: -Liberal judges (I call them "Libertine"), -Secretaries of State, -County clerks (and I add, the stupid MSM and its daughter SM). It’s about the Constitution"!!!; Georgia State Senators Call on Pence to Delay Jan. 6 Electoral Vote: Republican state senators in Georgia started a push on Monday to delay the Jan. 6 counting of electoral votes. At least a dozen have signed a letter directed to Vice President Mike Pence asking him to officially delay the count—and the number is still growing.Source: theepochtimes.com, Dave comments: "There are also other senators from Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Arizona also wrote letters sent to the Vice President, [telling him] we want the vice president to at least delay it 10 to 12 days.” Jan 20th is date that matters Constitutionally: “Terms of the President and Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January” Will this depend on the Senators on how it is going in the Senate?, How do you return the power to people?, How do you introduce the constitution? People are now hearing it on the MSM, people want to know what it says and how it works: https://archive.vn/h4439; Sidney Powell wrote: "...One citizen—one vote is imperative to the Rule of Law#DefendingTheRepublic#Pence has the authority to recess until machine fraud fully investigated & and actual ballots counted https://t.co/3ynwbq4HyO pic.twitter.com/Hxod4eKzeB"; “It’s now inside the gates, CCP is here in America” —Pompeo; Those who went against Trump will pay in the end, he will unseat each and everyone one of them in the next 4 years, how by telling the people and the people will vote them out. 1) Pence rejects electors from fraud states; sent back to state legislatures, 2) Biden doesn’t have 270 on 1/6, 3) State legislatures convene hearings, 4) Trump drops powerful new evidence, 5) Fraud states decertify, 6) 12A House Vote – 1 per state delegation, 7) Trump 2nd term; President Trump Replaces US Attorney in Atlanta with Another Trump-Appointed Prosecutor After Byung “BJ” Pak Abruptly Resigns: President Trump wasted no time replacing the top federal prosecutor in Atlanta with another Trump-appointed prosecutor. US Attorney in Atlanta Byung “BJ” Pak abruptly resigned on Monday and it is unclear if it was voluntary or if he was asked to leave his post. President Trump bypassed the Assistant US Attorney who was supposed to take Pak’s place and instead chose to replace the outgoing US Attorney with a former state prosecutor. Bobby L. Christine was named Acting U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Georgia “by written order of the President": https://archive.vn/XeETh, https://archive.vn/WtCPJ; Lin Wood to Paedo Supreme Court John Roberts: "Note to Chief Justice John Roberts: Many are interested in docket entry numbers 41, 46, 57, 58, & 60 in Case No. 15-545 below. As head of highest court obligated to rule on election fraud cases, would you inform public of contents of these entries & then resign? Or vice versa? pic.twitter.com/GlhwlJJvJv", https://twitter.com/LLinWood/status/1346325897306120192/photo/1; Richard Grenell wrote: "The political objective of bringing our troops home and not starting any new wars was made clear to the American people in 2016. The DC crowd & Pentagon elites want more wars." The Daemocratic false flag: "False Flags: FDA Admits PCR Tests Give False Results, Prepares Ground For Biden To “Crush” Casedemic. The FDA today joined The WHO and Dr.Fauci in admitting there is a notable risk of false results from the standard PCR-Test used to define whether an individual is a COVID “Case” or not. This matters significantly as it fits perfectly with the ‘fake rescue’ plan we have previously described would occur once the Biden admin took office. But before we get to that ‘conspiracy’, we need a little background on how the world got here… As a reminder, “cycle thresholds” (Ct) are the level at which widely used polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test can detect a sample of the COVID-19 virus. The higher the number of cycles, the lower the amount of viral load in the sample; the lower the cycles, the more prevalent the virus was in the original sample. So, in summary, with regard to our current “casedemic”, positive tests as they are counted today do not indicate a “case” of anything. They indicate that viral RNA was found in a nasal swab. not sufficient replication of the virus to make anyone else sick. the media reports… and is used to fearmonger mask mandates and lockdowns nationwide... Why is this being brought up now: The Fake "Rescue" by the Cheaters: Biden will issue national standards, like the plexiglass barriers in restaurants he spoke about during the debate, and pressure governors to implement mask mandates using the federal government’s financial leverage (NOTE: his 100-day mask-wearing ‘mandate’ is already in play). Some hack at the CDC or FDA will issue new guidance lowering the Ct the labs use, and cases will magically start to fall. The change will only eliminate false positives, but most Americans won’t know that"; Meanwhile, the Globalists keep on pushing China as their NWO leader: "A shift to a more Chinese-style global industry promises to be excellent news for consumers."Prices would fall while choice and innovation would probably grow: Why retailers everywhere should look to China: Yet as we explain this week (see article) it is in China, not the West, where the future of e-commerce is being staked out. Its market is far bigger and more creative, with tech firms blending e-commerce, social media and razzmatazz to become online-shopping emporia for 850m digital consumers. And China is also at the frontier of regulation, with the news on December 24th that trustbusters were investigating Alibaba, co-founded by Jack Ma, China’s most celebrated tycoon, and until a few weeks ago its most valuable listed firm: https://archive.vn/09q39" Sources: https://archive.vn/1k4T9; Videos, financial: https://tinyurl.com/JudyS-CrashFed, geopolitical: https://tinyurl.com/big2Brevealed
BIGGER THINGS COMING IN DISREGARD OF THEIR DESPICABLE INTIMIDATION TACTICS: "If you see something say something, record it, publish it": Heads up: Pallets of cement blocks placed in D.C. Josh Hawley has been already threatened by the Deep State Central Banksters, by Soros and by the DaemonKrafts and their Antifa, BLM paid scum: Tonight while I was in Missouri, Antifa scumbags came to our place in DC and threatened my wife and newborn daughter, who can’t travel. They screamed threats, vandalized, and tried to pound open our door. Let me be clear: My family & I will not be intimidated by leftwing violence: https://archive.vn/adzmG, https://twitter.com/tr00p3RR/status/1346314780135587842 (https://archive.vn/mw5JG); #DC, Antifa threatened Senator Hawley’s wife and newborn daughter while he was away in Missouri. They screamed threats, vandalized, and tried to pound open the door. (My Note: Please Our President Trump, do NOT let that Soros paid anarchy to continue!!!), Gral. Flynn wrote: "EVERY MEMBER OF CONGRESS SHOULD IMMEDIATELY CONDEMN THIS! And Melissa Tate wrote: "Antifa is the terrorist arm of Democrats Party. The media, which is the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party, will not even reports on these acts. We the people are not going to be intimidated into giving up our freedom to these ravenous s wolves. They can’t stop us!", Senator @HawleyMO you & your family have millions and millions of supporters. #WeThePeople do not accept this behavior in our election process to choose who runs the greatest country in world history. #GodBlessAmerica"; V-Shaped Recovery: Manufacturing Defies Expectations as Rebound Continues Despite Covid Surge: The strength of U.S. manufacturing appears to have been largely unshaken despite the recent surge in coronavirus infections. The Institute for Supply Management said its manufacturing index rose to a reading of 60.7 in December from 57.5 in the prior month, marking the highest level since 2018. Economists had expected a small decline in the index, which is based on surveys of manufacturing sector senior executives. New orders matched their pandemic high at a reading of 67.9, up from 65.1, signaling that the sector has been more resilient in the face of the pandemic’s winter surge than many other parts of the economy. President Donald Trump made strengthening U.S. manufacturing a key part of his campaign in 2016 and his administration deployed many policies to bolster the sector.https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2021/01/05/v-shaped-recovery-manufacturing-defies-expectations-as-rebound-continues-despite-covid-surge/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+breitbart+%28Breitbart+News%29, https://archive.vn/gMZkJ; "Trump Renominates Judy Shelton For Federal Reserve Board After Failed Confirmation. President Donald Trump again nominated Judy Shelton to the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors in a last-minute attempt to fill its only vacant seat... Trump renewed Shelton’s nomination Sunday, the first day of the 117th Congress. She was originally nominated in 2019, but failed to be confirmed by the Senate in December. Her failed nomination came after retiring Tennessee Sen. Lamar Alexander announced his opposition to her confirmation and Sens. Chuck Grassley and Rick Scott were quarantining after being exposed to the coronavirus. Alexander has since been succeeded by Sen. Bill Haggerty, meaning that if Georgia Republican Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler win their runoffs, Shelton could have enough support to be confirmed..."; James O’Keefe wrote: "BREAKING: @CentralOAC has now DELETED their Twitter account following @Project_Veritas #GAVoterFraud release tonight exposing their illegal registering of thousands of Atlanta homeless to vote at the same address! What are they trying to hide? We already got it all on tape! pic.twitter.com/YncsG4qYdc, #GAVoterFraud pic.twitter.com/5j2uJ2XV4T, https://twitter.com/JamesOKeefeIII/status/1346303974203338752"; Paul Sperry wrote: "DEVELOPING: While the mastermind behind Biden’s and the DNC’s multistate mass mail-in voting scam is Stacey Abrams, records show the financial catalyst behind her well-funded operation is leftwing globalist George Soros & his son Alexander, who have donated millions to her cause"; Trump Lawyer Jenna Ellis Suggests Pence Could Defer Certifying Election, Send Requests to State Legislatures (VIDEO). Trump’s legal team has argued to state legislatures in these contested states that they have plenary power Under Article II, Section 1 Clause 2 of the Constitution to choose which electors are sent to Congress. The President over the weekend spoke to 300 legislators urging them to decertify the ‘unlawful’ election results for Joe Biden": https://archive.vn/ouzzv; Trump wrote: “You watch what happens over the next couple of weeks. You watch what’s going to come out. Watch what’s going to be revealed. You watch.” –POTUS pic.twitter.com/HzLBHUny5N", "The Vice President has the power to reject fraudulently chosen electors" and also: "Pleased to announce that @KLoeffler & @sendavidperdue have just joined our great #StopTheSteal group of Senators. They will fight the ridiculous Electoral College Certification of Biden. How do you certify numbers that have now proven to be wrong and, in many cases, fraudulent!"; Jim Jordan wrote: "Who makes election law: -State legislatures, Who doesn’t: -Liberal judges (I call them "Libertine"), -Secretaries of State, -County clerks (and I add, the stupid MSM and its daughter SM). It’s about the Constitution"!!!; Georgia State Senators Call on Pence to Delay Jan. 6 Electoral Vote: Republican state senators in Georgia started a push on Monday to delay the Jan. 6 counting of electoral votes. At least a dozen have signed a letter directed to Vice President Mike Pence asking him to officially delay the count—and the number is still growing.Source: theepochtimes.com, Dave comments: "There are also other senators from Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Arizona also wrote letters sent to the Vice President, [telling him] we want the vice president to at least delay it 10 to 12 days.” Jan 20th is date that matters Constitutionally: “Terms of the President and Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January” Will this depend on the Senators on how it is going in the Senate?, How do you return the power to people?, How do you introduce the constitution? People are now hearing it on the MSM, people want to know what it says and how it works: https://archive.vn/h4439; Sidney Powell wrote: "...One citizen—one vote is imperative to the Rule of Law#DefendingTheRepublic#Pence has the authority to recess until machine fraud fully investigated & and actual ballots counted https://t.co/3ynwbq4HyO pic.twitter.com/Hxod4eKzeB"; “It’s now inside the gates, CCP is here in America” —Pompeo; Those who went against Trump will pay in the end, he will unseat each and everyone one of them in the next 4 years, how by telling the people and the people will vote them out. 1) Pence rejects electors from fraud states; sent back to state legislatures, 2) Biden doesn’t have 270 on 1/6, 3) State legislatures convene hearings, 4) Trump drops powerful new evidence, 5) Fraud states decertify, 6) 12A House Vote – 1 per state delegation, 7) Trump 2nd term; President Trump Replaces US Attorney in Atlanta with Another Trump-Appointed Prosecutor After Byung “BJ” Pak Abruptly Resigns: President Trump wasted no time replacing the top federal prosecutor in Atlanta with another Trump-appointed prosecutor. US Attorney in Atlanta Byung “BJ” Pak abruptly resigned on Monday and it is unclear if it was voluntary or if he was asked to leave his post. President Trump bypassed the Assistant US Attorney who was supposed to take Pak’s place and instead chose to replace the outgoing US Attorney with a former state prosecutor. Bobby L. Christine was named Acting U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Georgia “by written order of the President": https://archive.vn/XeETh, https://archive.vn/WtCPJ; Lin Wood to Paedo Supreme Court John Roberts: "Note to Chief Justice John Roberts: Many are interested in docket entry numbers 41, 46, 57, 58, & 60 in Case No. 15-545 below. As head of highest court obligated to rule on election fraud cases, would you inform public of contents of these entries & then resign? Or vice versa? pic.twitter.com/GlhwlJJvJv", https://twitter.com/LLinWood/status/1346325897306120192/photo/1; Richard Grenell wrote: "The political objective of bringing our troops home and not starting any new wars was made clear to the American people in 2016. The DC crowd & Pentagon elites want more wars." The Daemocratic false flag: "False Flags: FDA Admits PCR Tests Give False Results, Prepares Ground For Biden To “Crush” Casedemic. The FDA today joined The WHO and Dr.Fauci in admitting there is a notable risk of false results from the standard PCR-Test used to define whether an individual is a COVID “Case” or not. This matters significantly as it fits perfectly with the ‘fake rescue’ plan we have previously described would occur once the Biden admin took office. But before we get to that ‘conspiracy’, we need a little background on how the world got here… As a reminder, “cycle thresholds” (Ct) are the level at which widely used polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test can detect a sample of the COVID-19 virus. The higher the number of cycles, the lower the amount of viral load in the sample; the lower the cycles, the more prevalent the virus was in the original sample. So, in summary, with regard to our current “casedemic”, positive tests as they are counted today do not indicate a “case” of anything. They indicate that viral RNA was found in a nasal swab. not sufficient replication of the virus to make anyone else sick. the media reports… and is used to fearmonger mask mandates and lockdowns nationwide... Why is this being brought up now: The Fake "Rescue" by the Cheaters: Biden will issue national standards, like the plexiglass barriers in restaurants he spoke about during the debate, and pressure governors to implement mask mandates using the federal government’s financial leverage (NOTE: his 100-day mask-wearing ‘mandate’ is already in play). Some hack at the CDC or FDA will issue new guidance lowering the Ct the labs use, and cases will magically start to fall. The change will only eliminate false positives, but most Americans won’t know that"; Meanwhile, the Globalists keep on pushing China as their NWO leader: "A shift to a more Chinese-style global industry promises to be excellent news for consumers."Prices would fall while choice and innovation would probably grow: Why retailers everywhere should look to China: Yet as we explain this week (see article) it is in China, not the West, where the future of e-commerce is being staked out. Its market is far bigger and more creative, with tech firms blending e-commerce, social media and razzmatazz to become online-shopping emporia for 850m digital consumers. And China is also at the frontier of regulation, with the news on December 24th that trustbusters were investigating Alibaba, co-founded by Jack Ma, China’s most celebrated tycoon, and until a few weeks ago its most valuable listed firm: https://archive.vn/09q39" Sources: https://archive.vn/1k4T9; Videos, financial: https://tinyurl.com/JudyS-CrashFed, geopolitical: https://tinyurl.com/big2Brevealed
Updated Jan 5, 2021, 9:05 PM
Proud to Live and to Post for an Historical Landmark in the Life of America!!!: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ErAKtHIXUAQyKE7?format=jpg&name=small
Updated Jan 5, 2021, 5:32 PM
BIG THINGS COMING: More things to be disclosed in Wed., the 6th at D.C., are already starting to come out right now such as: Patrick Byrne (former CEO of Overstock dot com) wrote: "A printing shop in Michigan prints ballots for Delaware County, Pennsylvania and as Lancashire County, Pennsylvania (this is normal). But along with the ballots it prints on contract and delivers to those counties, it prints some ballots that get diverted to Bethpage, New York. There, a boiler room of folks fill in “Biden” (often without even voting down-ballot). The ballots (which are forensically legitimate, given that they come from the same print shop as the good ballots, ) then get trucked into Pennsylvania and mailed. Hundreds of thousands. We have all of that documented. Texts, statements, affidavits, everything. A handful of papers stuck to the side of the shredding bin. They include some unshredded ballots (which 2 federally certified forensic examiners have affied do not match the legitimate ballots). ALSO, A SHIPPING RECEIPT FROM THE CHINESE FIRM THAT PRINTED THE BALLOTS! IN CHINESE! Word is the DOJ and DHS have been told to stand down. That President Trump himself has had to call agents on the ground asking them to continue. If you think they should continue, retweet to let @TheJusticeDept know your feelings." Jovan Hutton Pulitzer said: "#BREAKING Can confirm my team has been provided evidence of mail in ballots with the votes already filled in BY MACHINE. More than one instance of has occurred and it shows the voting machines can read and do accept MACHINE FILLED IN MECHANICAL BALLOTS more soon #ScanTheBallots", then LISTEN TO THE FINAL 1-MINUTE🚨 ...of the call between @realDonaldTrump & GA Secretary of State Raffensperger. President Trump: “We just want the truth. Let the truth come out” pic.twitter.com/ra1tt8Vp8u, Richard Grenell wrote about this: "Brad Raffensperger is imploding after his phone call was leaked. People are now seeing he isn’t doing his job. https://t.co/Gl1PrhPXNe" The failed plan of the Central Banksters, a.k.a. the Deep State, the "Shadow Government", the pesky "Powers-that-be": "What was the [DS] plan: They wanted America economy to fall under COVID. Their plan was to weaken Trump, turn the people on him Trump was suppose to be completely unpopular, so the election was going to be won easily with a little bit of cheating. But this didn’t happen Understand, The PLAN expected Trump to be FINISHED by December 1st, their plan backfired,they underestimated the American people." Dave indicates: "What did Trump do on the phone conversation, Trump had them lie on the record, is Dominion moving machines, nope, then Trump asked a very specific question, are they changing the parts out of the Dominion machines, he did this on purpose. Trump notified them that this was your last chance, we caught you and you can tell the truth now or go down with the ship, we have it all." The VP Mike Pence wrote: “I promise you, come this Wednesday, we will have our day in Congress.” pic.twitter.com/wfCHyHujBy, so... "Trump will present the fraud, video, data, dominion hacking etc.. Senators will be put on the spot, what will they do with the world watching. They will need to reject and admit there has been election fraud. McCarthy: Congress Should Debate Integrity of Elections ‘to Unite This Nation’": https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2021/01/04/mccarthy-congress-should-debate-integrity-of-elections-to-unite-this-nation (https://archive.vn/DCk0u), JUST IN – Mexico’s President Obrador prepares a plan to grant Assange political asylum. UK court ruled earlier in the day to block WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s extradition to the US. Lin Wood also talks of the things to be disclosed soon! Paedo Supreme Justice Roberts, for example: "This blackmail scheme is conducted by members of 10 of world’s most well-known & “elite” intelligence agencies. One of those groups was hacked by a group known as Lizard Squad. The blackmail files of rape & murder were obtained by this group & copy was provided to Isaac Kappy. https://t.co/9lCAggRrCG I have shared with several individuals the TRUTH I will be speaking to you. Killing me will NOT prevent the TRUTH from being revealed – it will only trigger its release by many others. I ask @realDonaldTrump to immediately appoint an honest special prosecutor to pursue justice." DoS quotes precisely today Trump: "President @realDonaldTrump: Human trafficking erodes personal dignity and destroys the moral fabric of society. It is an affront to humanity that tragically reaches all parts of the world. #EndTrafficking pic.twitter.com/CIa3FuU2Z3" Today also the recognition of: "White House announcement of Medal of Freedom for Rep. Devin Nunes: pic.twitter.com/3yBCuMBfow", National Guard Activated to Help Support Police During Pro-Trump Protests (But as Dave said, to whom they finally shall obey? (if they are the real ones and not evil foreign agents dressed like them!!!): https://archive.vn/oRuVW, then my questions: Why Trump is also outsmarting the Deep State into going 5G (seen near the end) as he did with the vaccines (under him are NOT mandatory, and as far as I know, with NO "digital certificate", unless they secretly added that "ingredient" as per the specifications of demon Gates). Text: https://archive.vn/otQJY, Video: https://tinyurl.com/closer-1-4-21, Dave resumes his own presentation as: "The patriots are now moving forward with their plan to move the country away from the [CB]. The [CB]s around the world are now moving towards the great reset to save their system, this will no succeed. The patriots are moving the economic system into a system which is not controlled by the [CB]. Trump is ready to go. The [DS] has been given multiple chances to follow the rule of law. He has now trapped them, this will not end well for the swamp. All parts of the plan are now coming together, crimes against humanity, election fraud, the economic system, it is all being exposed at once. The patriots are ready to drop the evidence, buckle up its going to be a bumpy ride."
BIG THINGS COMING: More things to be disclosed in Wed., the 6th at D.C., are already starting to come out right now such as: Patrick Byrne (former CEO of Overstock dot com) wrote: "A printing shop in Michigan prints ballots for Delaware County, Pennsylvania and as Lancashire County, Pennsylvania (this is normal). But along with the ballots it prints on contract and delivers to those counties, it prints some ballots that get diverted to Bethpage, New York. There, a boiler room of folks fill in “Biden” (often without even voting down-ballot). The ballots (which are forensically legitimate, given that they come from the same print shop as the good ballots, ) then get trucked into Pennsylvania and mailed. Hundreds of thousands. We have all of that documented. Texts, statements, affidavits, everything. A handful of papers stuck to the side of the shredding bin. They include some unshredded ballots (which 2 federally certified forensic examiners have affied do not match the legitimate ballots). ALSO, A SHIPPING RECEIPT FROM THE CHINESE FIRM THAT PRINTED THE BALLOTS! IN CHINESE! Word is the DOJ and DHS have been told to stand down. That President Trump himself has had to call agents on the ground asking them to continue. If you think they should continue, retweet to let @TheJusticeDept know your feelings." Jovan Hutton Pulitzer said: "#BREAKING Can confirm my team has been provided evidence of mail in ballots with the votes already filled in BY MACHINE. More than one instance of has occurred and it shows the voting machines can read and do accept MACHINE FILLED IN MECHANICAL BALLOTS more soon #ScanTheBallots", then LISTEN TO THE FINAL 1-MINUTE🚨 ...of the call between @realDonaldTrump & GA Secretary of State Raffensperger. President Trump: “We just want the truth. Let the truth come out” pic.twitter.com/ra1tt8Vp8u, Richard Grenell wrote about this: "Brad Raffensperger is imploding after his phone call was leaked. People are now seeing he isn’t doing his job. https://t.co/Gl1PrhPXNe" The failed plan of the Central Banksters, a.k.a. the Deep State, the "Shadow Government", the pesky "Powers-that-be": "What was the [DS] plan: They wanted America economy to fall under COVID. Their plan was to weaken Trump, turn the people on him Trump was suppose to be completely unpopular, so the election was going to be won easily with a little bit of cheating. But this didn’t happen Understand, The PLAN expected Trump to be FINISHED by December 1st, their plan backfired,they underestimated the American people." Dave indicates: "What did Trump do on the phone conversation, Trump had them lie on the record, is Dominion moving machines, nope, then Trump asked a very specific question, are they changing the parts out of the Dominion machines, he did this on purpose. Trump notified them that this was your last chance, we caught you and you can tell the truth now or go down with the ship, we have it all." The VP Mike Pence wrote: “I promise you, come this Wednesday, we will have our day in Congress.” pic.twitter.com/wfCHyHujBy, so... "Trump will present the fraud, video, data, dominion hacking etc.. Senators will be put on the spot, what will they do with the world watching. They will need to reject and admit there has been election fraud. McCarthy: Congress Should Debate Integrity of Elections ‘to Unite This Nation’": https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2021/01/04/mccarthy-congress-should-debate-integrity-of-elections-to-unite-this-nation (https://archive.vn/DCk0u), JUST IN – Mexico’s President Obrador prepares a plan to grant Assange political asylum. UK court ruled earlier in the day to block WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s extradition to the US. Lin Wood also talks of the things to be disclosed soon! Paedo Supreme Justice Roberts, for example: "This blackmail scheme is conducted by members of 10 of world’s most well-known & “elite” intelligence agencies. One of those groups was hacked by a group known as Lizard Squad. The blackmail files of rape & murder were obtained by this group & copy was provided to Isaac Kappy. https://t.co/9lCAggRrCG I have shared with several individuals the TRUTH I will be speaking to you. Killing me will NOT prevent the TRUTH from being revealed – it will only trigger its release by many others. I ask @realDonaldTrump to immediately appoint an honest special prosecutor to pursue justice." DoS quotes precisely today Trump: "President @realDonaldTrump: Human trafficking erodes personal dignity and destroys the moral fabric of society. It is an affront to humanity that tragically reaches all parts of the world. #EndTrafficking pic.twitter.com/CIa3FuU2Z3" Today also the recognition of: "White House announcement of Medal of Freedom for Rep. Devin Nunes: pic.twitter.com/3yBCuMBfow", National Guard Activated to Help Support Police During Pro-Trump Protests (But as Dave said, to whom they finally shall obey? (if they are the real ones and not evil foreign agents dressed like them!!!): https://archive.vn/oRuVW, then my questions: Why Trump is also outsmarting the Deep State into going 5G (seen near the end) as he did with the vaccines (under him are NOT mandatory, and as far as I know, with NO "digital certificate", unless they secretly added that "ingredient" as per the specifications of demon Gates). Text: https://archive.vn/otQJY, Video: https://tinyurl.com/closer-1-4-21, Dave resumes his own presentation as: "The patriots are now moving forward with their plan to move the country away from the [CB]. The [CB]s around the world are now moving towards the great reset to save their system, this will no succeed. The patriots are moving the economic system into a system which is not controlled by the [CB]. Trump is ready to go. The [DS] has been given multiple chances to follow the rule of law. He has now trapped them, this will not end well for the swamp. All parts of the plan are now coming together, crimes against humanity, election fraud, the economic system, it is all being exposed at once. The patriots are ready to drop the evidence, buckle up its going to be a bumpy ride."
Fernando Castro-Chavez
Updated Jan 4, 2021, 8:35 PM
The Real Patriots for a still Real Nation, STILL Stand for Truth, NOT for a Cheating Idiot!!!, on the reception given today to Trump in GA: https://twitter.com/i/status/1346271579664220160
Updated Jan 4, 2021, 8:32 PM
Fernando Castro-Chavez updated his status.
Patriots of all ages are expressing the evidence of fraud through rigged "Dominion" voting machines and multiple other ways that all are going to publicly be exposed on the 6th of Jan., 2021, giving a detail of names and companies involved, with the clear and confidential evidence, there is no other way, and there is no option. All chances were given to the crooked ones to amend their ways and do the right thing, but it was stronger the fascination with money, fame, prestige, and maybe even cowardice...:
Patriots of all ages are expressing the evidence of fraud through rigged "Dominion" voting machines and multiple other ways that all are going to publicly be exposed on the 6th of Jan., 2021, giving a detail of names and companies involved, with the clear and confidential evidence, there is no other way, and there is no option. All chances were given to the crooked ones to amend their ways and do the right thing, but it was stronger the fascination with money, fame, prestige, and maybe even cowardice...:
So RON, code monkey Z, the one with tools to see, and one of the Cue heads, is wisely recommending to all those going to D.C. on the 6th of Jan., 2021: "If you are planning to attend peaceful protests in DC on the 6th, i recommend wearing a body camera. The more video angles of that day the better"!!!: https://twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1345599512560078849, https://archive.vn/o1edS
So RON, code monkey Z, the one with tools to see, and one of the Cue heads, is wisely recommending to all those going to D.C. on the 6th of Jan., 2021: "If you are planning to attend peaceful protests in DC on the 6th, i recommend wearing a body camera. The more video angles of that day the better"!!!: https://twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1345599512560078849, https://archive.vn/o1edS
Patriots are Going to Be By the Millions at Washington, D. C. on the 6th of January, where Trump and his team are going to reveal all the SECRETS of the voting fraud and other things related to the Shadow Government lead by the Central Banksters that want to Subdue YOU to their Evil Wills and Ways, Put RESISTANCE while you are still able to do it!!! Put Resistance as well while you are still on this earth, put resistance if you are led by GOD to do SO as I am doing right now by putting this, once realizing the MSM and the SM are repressing, banning, censoring, and removing the truth!!! Light dissipates darkness!!! So shed some light the best you hear God telling you to DO IT, but DO IT and DO NOT be Idle Anymore, Please In the Living Name of Jesus Christ I beg you to do so. Dear Dave "Lesimpsod" wrote: "The UK is now looking at China as the biggest threat. Nigel Farage issues a warning that China is a direct threat to the UK. Trump halts visas and wants jobs filled by Americans first. Congress went ahead and pushed the NDAA through, we are still in a national emergency, Trump has additional powers. The patriots are now pushing forward with their focus on the constitution. Over the past couple of weeks election fraud evidence has been shown the people. The idea that Pence will need to do his duty and follow the 12th amendment. Senators and Representatives are now coming aboard and are calling for an audit to see how bad the election fraud actually is. The patriots are pushing the rule of law, the [DS]/MSM are now being backed into a corner."
Patriots are Going to Be By the Millions at Washington, D. C. on the 6th of January, where Trump and his team are going to reveal all the SECRETS of the voting fraud and other things related to the Shadow Government lead by the Central Banksters that want to Subdue YOU to their Evil Wills and Ways, Put RESISTANCE while you are still able to do it!!! Put Resistance as well while you are still on this earth, put resistance if you are led by GOD to do SO as I am doing right now by putting this, once realizing the MSM and the SM are repressing, banning, censoring, and removing the truth!!! Light dissipates darkness!!! So shed some light the best you hear God telling you to DO IT, but DO IT and DO NOT be Idle Anymore, Please In the Living Name of Jesus Christ I beg you to do so. Dear Dave "Lesimpsod" wrote: "The UK is now looking at China as the biggest threat. Nigel Farage issues a warning that China is a direct threat to the UK. Trump halts visas and wants jobs filled by Americans first. Congress went ahead and pushed the NDAA through, we are still in a national emergency, Trump has additional powers. The patriots are now pushing forward with their focus on the constitution. Over the past couple of weeks election fraud evidence has been shown the people. The idea that Pence will need to do his duty and follow the 12th amendment. Senators and Representatives are now coming aboard and are calling for an audit to see how bad the election fraud actually is. The patriots are pushing the rule of law, the [DS]/MSM are now being backed into a corner."
Every Patriot is Doing the Best Possible for Truth and Justice to Be Done, so as for us to Keep Freely GATHERING as Before and as God Prescribes in our Prayers for our Lawfully, Legally Chosen Authorities:
Every Patriot is Doing the Best Possible for Truth and Justice to Be Done, so as for us to Keep Freely GATHERING as Before and as God Prescribes in our Prayers for our Lawfully, Legally Chosen Authorities:
The crucial moment demonstrating the fraudulent nature of the "Dominion" voting machines:
The crucial moment demonstrating the fraudulent nature of the "Dominion" voting machines:
Updated Jan 3, 2021, 10:05 AM
Sent by the One that Melts my Heart:
Updated Jan 3, 2021, 8:43 AM
Updated Jan 3, 2021, 8:11 AM
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
You tagged Silvia Preciado
3 Years Ago
Alexandra Preciado added a new photo.
Different times... ..God Bless the ones who Love You
Updated Jan 3, 2021, 8:11 AM
Updated Jan 2, 2021, 11:01 PM
Updated Jan 2, 2021, 11:01 PM
Updated Jan 2, 2021, 8:17 AM
Please sent your message requesting justice to: history@mail.house.gov, david.ralston@house.ga.gov, mike.dugan@senate.ga.gov, my email sent says: Demand a Vote on Decertification Against Cheater and Lame Biden Ralston and Dugan, with a witness (The Historian of the House), Please, one more of the at least 75 Million Citizens that voted for Trump are requesting from you to: 1) Hear the evidence 2) Correct false statements 3) Demand a vote on decertification It is historically clear for all the ones that want to see it, from any place in the world, that there was rampant fraud perpetrated by Biden. Here, just one small historical fact that the historian called as witness here will not deny (check this out before it disappears): Testimony at Georgia of Jovan Hutton Pulitzer: https://youtu.be/KeVAssjxHx0, Interview of Pulitzer: https://youtu.be/UgeqGmvQXKs Thank you for attending the truth in this situation, Fernando Castro-Chavez, PhD https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9661-5672
Please sent your message requesting justice to: history@mail.house.gov, david.ralston@house.ga.gov, mike.dugan@senate.ga.gov, my email sent says:

Demand a Vote on Decertification Against Cheater and Lame Biden

Ralston and Dugan, with a witness (The Historian of the House),

Please, one more of the at least 75 Million Citizens that voted for Trump are requesting from you to:

1) Hear the evidence
2) Correct false statements
3) Demand a vote on decertification

It is historically clear for all the ones that want to see it, from any place in the world, that there was rampant fraud perpetrated by Biden.

Here, just one small historical fact that the historian called as witness here will not deny (check this out before it disappears):

Testimony at Georgia of Jovan Hutton Pulitzer: https://youtu.be/KeVAssjxHx0, Interview of Pulitzer: https://youtu.be/UgeqGmvQXKs

Thank you for attending the truth in this situation,

Fernando Castro-Chavez, PhD
Another of the best teachers, using Proverbs in her class! "A fool and his money are soon parted", for her teaching, as mine is, on Paraphrasing, I paraphrased this sentence as: "Money plus a Fool equals a broken porcelain vase" (Hehee!) Then I also adopted for my own class the resources that she presented: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/using_research/quoting_paraphrasing_and_summarizing/paraphrasing.html, and the Technology introduced by her that will allow for the interactive participation of the students: https://www.polleverywhere.com, here is one of the several ways that such concept has been translated in the Bible: Proverbs 21:20 says "Precious treasure and oil are in a wise man's dwelling, but a foolish man devours it." Here in the Bible we can see the inspiring wisdom of God through a figure of speech that changes the end from "them" to "IT" so as to make us put our emphasis in the word "WISE" and not in the "fool"!
Another of the best teachers, using Proverbs in her class! "A fool and his money are soon parted", for her teaching, as mine is, on Paraphrasing, I paraphrased this sentence as: "Money plus a Fool equals a broken porcelain vase" (Hehee!) Then I also adopted for my own class the resources that she presented: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/using_research/quoting_paraphrasing_and_summarizing/paraphrasing.html, and the Technology introduced by her that will allow for the interactive participation of the students: https://www.polleverywhere.com/, here is one of the several ways that such concept has been translated in the Bible: Proverbs 21:20 says "Precious treasure and oil are in a wise man's dwelling, but a foolish man devours it." Here in the Bible we can see the inspiring wisdom of God through a figure of speech that changes the end from "them" to "IT" so as to make us put our emphasis in the word "WISE" and not in the "fool"!
Fernando Castro-Chavez updated his status.
Trump just posted (at 2:00 PM, on the First of Jan, 2021): "The BIG Protest Rally in Washington, D.C., will take place at 11.00 A.M. on January 6th. Locational details to follow. StopTheSteal!"
Videos: Financial: https://tinyurl.com/scum-vs-nation, the other at the bottom of this post; Sources: https://archive.vn/DjLZd More on the Real Victory of Trump over a Confessed Cheater, Biden: JANUARY SIXTH, SEE YOU IN DC! Said Trump, who left Mar A Lago early to go back to DC, cancelling a New Year’s Eve party hundreds of people had bought tickets for. Vice President Pence Must Be Guided by the 12th Amendment, Not the Electoral Count Act, on Jan. 6 (https://archive.vn/seRS5):
"State Lawmakers Choose Electors; the Vice President Determines If There’s a Dispute; the House Resolves the Dispute by a Contingent Election
Under the 12th Amendment, the vice president, in his constitutionally prescribed role as president of the Senate, is granted the sole power to “open” the electoral vote certificates and “count” them at the joint session of Congress, this year scheduled for Jan. 6.
Pence will be faced with dueling electoral votes for the six disputed swing states, a Biden slate from the governors, and a Trump slate from the lawmakers. The six disputed swing states account for 79 electoral votes. Not counting them, Trump stands at 232 and Biden at 227. Thus, the disputed votes are sufficient to make either candidate a winner, if they are counted, or neither candidate a winner, if they are not counted, since in the latter case neither candidate will reach 270 votes (though in that case Trump would have a majority of the votes counted).
A Contingent Election in the House
The 12th Amendment sets forth a procedure for resolving a disputed election where neither candidate achieves a majority of electoral votes. In that case, a “contingent election” is held by the House: “the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote …”
if Pence were to “open” and read the electoral votes cast by both of the competing slates of electors from the six swing states, and choose “not to count” either set—in light of the conflict—the House of Representatives would immediately vote to determine the winner, with each state getting one vote. Given that a majority of states are GOP-controlled (although the Democrats control a greater number of representatives), Trump would prevail.
Electoral Count Act Sets Forth a Procedure Entirely Different from that Prescribed by the 12th Amendment
the Electoral Count Act (ECA) provides an entirely different procedure. Instead of a contingent election in the House, the ECA calls for “objections” to be sponsored in both chambers, and if, and only if, the objections carry in both houses are the objected-to electors not counted (in which case a contingent election would take place in the House).
if the objection doesn’t carry in either or both houses of Congress, then the ECA further provides that the slate certified by the governor controls, in which case the dispute is thus resolved, and a contingent election never takes place.
The ECA varies the 12th Amendment procedure for resolving disputed electoral votes in three crucial respects:
First, while the 12th Amendment grants no role whatsoever to the Senate, the ECA grants the Senate equal control over objections, as they must pass the Senate and the House.
Second, the ECA provides that in the absence of objections passing in both houses, the slate certified by the governor of the state controls. This is nowhere provided in the 12th Amendment.
Third, by providing for governor-certified slates to be counted even if there are dueling slates of electors—absent objections passing in both houses of Congress—the ECA eliminates and replaces the contingent election procedure set forth in the 12th Amendment, because by virtue of counting the governor-certified slates, the dispute is resolved (though not in the manner set forth in the Constitution, i.e., the 12th Amendment), and never reaches the House (for a contingent election).
the vice president should adhere to his oath of office and refuses to “count” either slate of disputed electors, this will then send the matter to the House for a “contingent election” as the 12th Amendment requires."
The [DS]/[CB] is falling apart, Trump had the [CB]/[DS] accelerate their plan so the people were able to see it clearly. Now the people can see it. The great reset is failing, the pandemic is failing and now the people can see who actually destroyed their lives economically. The [DS]/MSM fell right into the patriots trap. They patriots have been planning this for a long time. The people are now seeing election fraud for the first time and a grand scale. The MSM/SM narrative is falling apart. The constitution is now on deck and the patriots are waiting for the right moment to strike, good will always win in the end. The [DS] players will not be able to walk down the street. The people know who the real enemy is: https://twitter.com/i/status/1344374207979913216 and https://twitter.com/i/status/1344374378461593604, and “Because you’re not having people enter these totals into a spreadsheet, that removes the entire layer, the entire argument for any kind of human entry error, because there is no human being entering anything anywhere in here”: https://twitter.com/i/status/1344374569990287363; they fraudulently increased the numbers for Biden: https://twitter.com/i/status/1344374776853368839: "...the data your @GaSecofState’s office is certifying w/, is the same data that shows these negative decrements [votes being siphoned from Trump] is the same data the NYT is reporting, the networks are reporting. This is simply stunning": https://twitter.com/i/status/1344374877466320897; "Thank you to each of these brave whistleblowers, experts and patriotic Americans for shining a light on this massive fraud, as well as @RSBNetwork for the incredible non-stop coverage." Murray. MarkFinchem wrote: "BREAKING...AzAg joins in battle for forensic audit of Maricopa County elections equipment and ballot images. Files amicus brief in support of the Senate subpoenas! #StopTheSteaI : (https://web.archive.org/web/20201230212249/https://www.azag.gov/sites/default/files/2020-12/Maricopa%20County%20v%20Fann_%20AGO%20Amicus%20Brief.pdf). Senator Doug Mastriano wrote: "Today, members of the PA House and Senate request that Sen Mitch McConnell and Rep Kevin McCarthy dispute the PA election results until an investigation is conducted into the numerous claims of fraud. Until this is completed, the hastily certified results can’t be trusted." Rudy Giuliani wrote: "In a country with a free press, you would know:

1. The Georgia Senate Judiciary Committee issued a report demonstrating the vote was stolen from @realDonaldTrump.

2. The vote was unanimous and BIPARTISAN to audit Fulton County’s Absentee ballots.

3. And to de-certify Biden." Jenna Ellis wrote: "NEW: President Trump files new Wisconsin case in SCOTUS today.

The lawsuit asks to declare the Wisconsin election unconstitutional and void as a result of the multiple violations of law, and order the state legislature to appoint electors consistent with Article II, Sec 1.2." General Flynn Wrote: "How many overseas connections are we talking about involved in our 3 NOV election? Are there any foreign countries NOT interfering in our elections? China, Serbia, Italy, Germany, Iran. WTH!

The electronic voting machines are NOT suppose to be connected to the internet (Period)." Josh Caplan wrote: "List of SOME Republicans planning to challenge Electoral College results (the key ones are held discretely, who may double this number):
Rep. Brian Babin
Rep. Andy Biggs
Rep.-elect Lauren Boebert
Rep. Mo Brooks
Rep. Ted Budd
Rep.-elect Jerry Carl
Rep.-elect Madison Cawthorn
Rep.-elect Andrew Clyde
Rep. Jeff Duncan
Rep. Matt Gaetz
Rep.-elect Burgess Owens
Rep. Scott Perry
Rep.-elect Marjorie Taylor Greene
Rep. Jeff Van Drew ...; "The Chinese Communist Party that paid Joe Biden’s family businesses at least $11 million also offered to pay non-state actors in Afghanistan to attack US forces": https://archive.vn/VHxKL, main video Geopolitical: https://tinyurl.com/fraud-exposed
Updated Jan 1, 2021, 2:07 PM
Mi entrega de Hoy, para cerrar: https://youtu.be/QU_qDrhI6XE
Updated Dec 31, 2020, 4:39 PM
A Clamor from the Past: "Alpes et Ribeiro" (sent by HER), Reminding us of the Wild Freedoms of the Great Outdoors, there in the 60s, far from the Madness of the Current Times, Other Problems Indeed, but not as Involved as those Ones of this 2020 that is Dying Today! Bye Past, Welcome Future!!! I Toast for a 2021 as Good as it Gets, Potting God First, In Disregard Anything BUT Him!!!
A Clamor from the Past: "Alpes et Ribeiro" (sent by HER), Reminding us of the Wild Freedoms of the Great Outdoors, there in the 60s, far from the Madness of the Current Times, Other Problems Indeed, but not as Involved as those Ones of this 2020 that is Dying Today! Bye Past, Welcome Future!!! I Toast for a 2021 as Good as it Gets, Potting God First, In Disregard Anything BUT Him!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
A poetically visual evocation of the most important event for me in this 2019 that is ending and that 2020 that is starting, an event that is still ongoing and getting more interesting as the seconds are passing-by: My Sunset Into Your Fountain: "The beautiful end of another day! The sunset displaying all of its intriguing colors! Two trees are standing close to two fountains of waters and of lights; in the mean time, one heart is looking at this amazing display of the divine majesty of God, while fervently praying for the woman that he likes the most under this blessed earth and in this awesome time that both of them have had the great privilege and miracle of living!!!" @[100001280559168:2048:Fernando Castro-Chavez].
1 Year Ago
Dec 31, 2019, 10:53 AM
A poetically visual evocation of the most important event for me in this 2019 that is ending and that 2020 that is starting, an event that is still ongoing and getting more interesting as the seconds are passing-by: My Sunset Into Your Fountain: "The beautiful end of another day! The sunset displaying all of its intriguing colors! Two trees are standing close to two fountains of waters and of lights; in the mean time, one heart is looking at this amazing display of the divine majesty of God, while fervently praying for the woman that he likes the most under this blessed earth and in this awesome time that both of them have had the great privilege and miracle of living!!!" Fernando Castro-Chavez.
Updated Dec 31, 2020, 9:32 AM
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
Hello, This is my painting 4 U, "Flamingos", with my earnest desire for your best 2017!!!: In my case, this will be a beautiful family looking towards the same God, and with an increase of little "flamingos"... this, and a song, reminding us that, really, it never is "too late...": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULb_oFejouI plus, my writing again on "The Promise" Such as the fruit is the fulfillment of the promise of the button and its flower, The butterfly is the fulfillment of the promise of the worm and its cocoon, The chicken is the fulfillment of the promise of the hen and of its egg, And the baby is the fulfillment of the promise of the woman and her belly, The eternity is the fulfillment of the human promise and their anointed! Fernando Castro. (Thanking God for His forgiveness in Christ, and asking in their names for your forgiveness towards me). With All My Love.
4 Years Ago
Dec 31, 2016, 7:58 PM
Hello, This is my painting 4 U, "Flamingos", with my earnest desire for your best 2017!!!: In my case, this will be a beautiful family looking towards the same God, and with an increase of little "flamingos"... this, and a song, reminding us that, really, it never is "too late...": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULb_oFejouI plus, my writing again on "The Promise" Such as the fruit is the fulfillment of the promise of the button and its flower, The butterfly is the fulfillment of the promise of the worm and its cocoon, The chicken is the fulfillment of the promise of the hen and of its egg, And the baby is the fulfillment of the promise of the woman and her belly, The eternity is the fulfillment of the human promise and their anointed! Fernando Castro. (Thanking God for His forgiveness in Christ, and asking in their names for your forgiveness towards me). With All My Love.
Dreams of Being with the One at the Shore of our Lives... that my longingds came to life... And The Will of God is DONE in US
Updated Dec 31, 2020, 8:19 AM
BIG News on the Voting Fraud, 2020 is ending with "a Bang"!: Inventor Jovan Hutton Pulitzer hacked into the voting systems: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/12/isnt-beating-drum-burning-city-inventor-jovan-pulitzer-destroys-certification-georgias-2020-election-results/
Welcome to 2020, when @JovanHPulitzer hacked a voting machine live during a government hearing and the press insists there is no evidence of election fraud.
Two months worth of fake talking points were just blown sky high.
Hutton said if state officials would simply allow investigators to physically examine the ballots, they could quickly determine if the ballots are counterfeit. Hutton says Georgia officials are dragging their feet and keeping the ballots hidden… Hutton says the physical evidence shows material differences in ballots, and investigators should focus on those differences: https://twitter.com/Wizard_Predicts/status/1344315322975875077
New Lott study estimates 11,350 absentee votes lost to Trump in Georgia. Another 289,000 "excess (fraudulent) votes" across GA, AZ, MI, NV, PA, and WI. Check it out!: https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1344173684983017473
GA State Senate Judiciary Subcommittee unanimously pass motion to audit Fulton County's absentee ballots (see: State Vote Farm Arena). It follows the bombshell report of the live hack of Dominion by @JovanHPulitzer& would allow him to *audit the ballots.*
1:15 PM • Dec 30, 2020
Trump Campaign Takes Wisconsin Constitutional Fight to US Supreme Court — Challenging 50,000 Illegal Absentee Votes : https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/12/trump-campaign-takes-wisconsin-constitutional-fight-us-supreme-court/
RAFFENSPERGER GETS CAUGHT: Georgia Ballots Were Printed DIFFERENTLY for GOP Counties vs. DEM Counties — Election Was Rigged! : https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/12/raffensperger-gets-caught-georgia-ballots-printed-differently-gop-counties-vs-dem-counties-election-rigged
Jovan Pulitzer revealed the differences between votes printed for Democrat counties versus Republican counties.
The Republican counties had a barcode up in the right-hand corner.
The votes from two different counties are printed differently.
This caused GOP votes to get kicked out by the Dominion machines.
Secretary of State Raffensperger allowed this to take place
Georgia County Official: Raffensperger Sent Armed Secretary of State Agents with Handcuffs to the County After They Complained about the Inaccurate Dominion Machines (VIDEO) : https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/12/georgia-county-official-raffensperger-sent-armed-secretary-state-agents-handcuffs-county-complained-inaccurate-dominion-machines-video/
 Coffee County official spoke before Georgia’s Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Elections. The woman told the subcommittee that when their county complained to Secretary of State Raffensperger about the voting machines and the recounts Secretary Raffensperger sent armed Secretary of State officials with handcuffs and two Dominion operators to the county.
 She said Raffensperger was intentionally threatening the county officials.

McConnell Ties $2,000 Checks To Section 230 Repeal, Voter Fraud Investigation: https://dailycaller.com/2020/12/30/mcconnell-2000-checks-section-230-repeal-voter-fraud/
 Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell introduced legislation authorizing direct cash payments of $2,000 , but tied it to a repeal of Section 230 and an investigation into the president’s allegations of voter fraud.
 Democrats immediately criticized McConnell’s bill, calling it a “poison pill” and warning that it would fall short of the necessary support needed to pass.
I want businesses open. I want people working. I want society back: https://twitter.com/SydneyLWatson/status/1343771955418308611
Exactly!! Open your businesses NOW! This lockdown ends when enough people say they’ve had ENOUGH! Rob Schneider: https://twitter.com/RobSchneider/status/1344059728452747265
“Barack Obama was toppled from the top spot and President Trump claimed the title of the year’s Most Admired Man. Trump number one, Obama number two, and Joe Biden a very distant number three. That’s also rather odd given the fact that on November 3rd, Biden allegedly racked up millions more votes than Trump, but can’t get anywhere close to him in this poll. No incoming president has ever done as badly in this annual survey. That’s because he got millions of Fake Votes in the 2020 Election, which was RIGGED!”: https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1344259405274087424
UBS Securities (subsidiary of UBS Group) gave Staple Street Capital, owner of Dominion, 400 million dollars in the weeks before the 2020 General Election. UBS group is a SWISS bank: https://twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1344261205158858752
Scytl (Spanish company) is partnered with (and perhaps owned by) the SWISS Post: https://twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1344261209298673671
Why does a SWISS BANK own the voting company that is one of the biggest voting companies in the US? Why does the SWISS POST count our votes through their partner in Spain? Switzerland held a secret meeting of world elites in 2019. Stacey Abrams was invited. Why?: https://twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1344261210875707392
False Flags
Hospitals in COVID-19 hotspots to receive $10 billion more in federal aid: https://www.hfma.org/topics/news/2020/07/the-new-round-will-pay--50-000-per-covid-19-admission--compared-.html
 More than 1,000 hospitals in high-impact areas will get a share of $10 billion in new federal assistance.
 The new payments will be $50,000 per COVID-19 admission, less than the $77,000 in an earlier round.
 Hospitals with large Medicaid populations have until Aug. 3 to apply for a separate pool of funds.
 Hospitals that recently have submitted information on large COVID-19 caseloads could start to receive a share of $10 billion in new federal assistance this week.
 The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced it would begin sending payments July 20 to more than 1,000 hospitals in “high-impact” areas of the pandemic, based on the case count data they submitted in recent weeks.
 That would add to the $10 billion HHS sent in May to hospitals that had more than 100 COVID-19 patients by April 10.
 Hospitals will qualify for payments based on whether admissions between Jan. 1 and June 10 meet one of the following criteria:
 More than 161 COVID-19 admissions
 At least one COVID-19 admission per day
 Higher than the national average ratio of COVID-19 admissions per bed
 Amount of assistance reduced
 The new round will pay $50,000 per COVID-19 admission, compared with $77,000 in the earlier high-impact round.
 A senior HHS official said on a media call that the reduced funding is due to the number of such admissions surging from about 50,000 in the first round to more than 400,000 by the time of the second round.
 The first-round payments went to 325 hospitals. The new round of payments will be “net from their payments — what they had already received” will be subtracted from their allocated total, the official said.
Pence’s final visit to Israel before leaving office is canceled: https://www.timesofisrael.com/pence-cancels-final-visit-to-israel-before-leaving-office
 A planned visit to Israel by US Vice President Mike Pence was called off less than two weeks before he was due to arrive, the US Embassy confirmed Wednesday.No reason was given for the cancellation, which was first reported by the Ynet news site.Pence was reportedly scheduled to make a number of stops on a final world trip before leaving office on January 20. Earlier this month, Politico reported: https://www.politico.com/news/2020/12/17/pence-trump-election-loss-447326 that the vice president planned to take off on January 6 — the same day the US Congress is scheduled to confirm President-elect Joe Biden’s electoral victory — visiting a number of countries, including Israel from January 10 to 13.
 All warfare is based on deception. Everybody assuming Trump hasn't been working furiously behinds the scenes to affect certain outcomes were wrong. They based their assumption Trump doing nothing & just hoping for the best on the surface of things. As they were supposed to. “Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him.”
https://twitter.com/BrianTh37895972/status/1344328567593820162, etc., etc....; All this documenting text and more: Text: https://archive.vn/wip/ni8i7; Videos: https://tinyurl.com/congr-owned (financial); https://tinyurl.com/slo-mo-2020 (Geopolitical). The [DS]/MSM has just been exposed. The idea that there is no such thing as election fraud and that the election systems are secure has just been debunked. GA held a hearing and now the GA lawmakers are looking into the ballots. The entire election scam is falling apart and those who [knowingly] participated are feeling the heat. Tick tock time is running out... Trump has now trapped, congress. Congress has been put into the spotlight with the stimulus bill and the NDAA. Now people are watching to see how congress handles this.This is something they do not want, they are exposed. The EU begins to talk about the great reset, this is already failing.
Updated Dec 30, 2020, 11:51 PM
The Crooked "Blue-bird" started to prevent the full posts of Trump to be seen with any sort of a pretext:
The Crooked "Blue-bird" started to prevent the full posts of Trump to be seen with any sort of a pretext:
Fernando Castro-Chavez added an item to the featured collection: The Times We Live.
Dec 30, 2020, 4:12 PM
Fernando Castro-Chavez created the featured collection: The Times We Live.
Dec 30, 2020, 4:12 PM
"How can we account for our present situation unless we believe that men high in this Government are concerting to deliver us to disaster? This must be the product of a great conspiracy, a conspiracy on a scale so immense as to dwarf any previous such venture in the history of man - A conspiracy of infamy so black that, when it is finally exposed, its principals shall be forever deserving of the maledictions of all honest men." - Senator Joseph McCarthy https://youtu.be/lZKfT3brcZg
Updated Dec 30, 2020, 9:23 AM
Living the Current History Day by Day: Unraveling and un-spinning what the corrupt fake MSM and SM are scheming: "Democrats wanted to quickly pass a STANDALONE BILL giving every American $2,000. And the reason McConnell blocked it was because he wants a PACKAGE DEAL that includes the election fraud & revoking 230. It’s a GOOD THING Mitch blocked it" (and the MSM darkness to pretend rivalry within the good teams to divide citizens)!, https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1343998076084748288; In the Gallup poll for Most Admired Man, Joe Biden received 6%… Yet he ("supposedly") got 80 million vote??? Soros (the same "animal" that is putting all his money in "hidden" schemes to oust Trump) hired and paid fake "immigrants" from the south and now is when they are trying to use that "card" once the COVID-19 failed them!!! NIST says: "“Dominion, Now the Largest or Second Largest Voting System Company, Is Foreign Controlled and Depends Upon Secret Source Code Created and Owned by Smartmatic, a Foreign Controlled Company With Ties to The Venezuelan Government Led by Hugo Chavez”": https://t.co/ThRgnig9i9, Ron, from Q, asks: "Did you know http://Dominionvoting.com/ shared an SSL certificate hosted on IPs based in multiple countries including Serbia, Canada, and the USA?", https://t.co/WBiHzBPOyc; the "inferno" of nepotism: "WOW! Georgia Judge Who Also Is Stacy Abrams’ Sister BLOCKS Elections Officials from Challenging Voters Who Live Outside of Registered District!: Judge Leslie A. Gardner blocked the Muscogee County Board of Elections and Registrations from keeping more than 4,000 “targeted voters” from casting ballots in the U.S. Senate runoff election on Jan. 5", that ridiculous hell needs to be legally stopped NOW!!!; Dave says: "The voters in question allegedly live outside of the jurisdictions in which they were registered — which would be an illegal vote! This move by Judge Gardner is promoting illegal votes." Trump says about that: "A group of Republican lawmakers in Pennsylvania say 200,000 more votes were counted in the 2020 Election than voters (100% went to Biden). State Representative Frank Ryan said they found troubling discrepancies after an analysis of Election Day data...” https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1343919651336712199; however: "What’s This About? On January 6th, After Overseeing Declaration of the Winner of the 2020 Election, VP Pence Will Jump on a Plane and Fly Overseas" (If he attempts to do something wrong, do not let him, please, dear Mr. President), but of course, is coming from the corrupt MSM, maybe to confound?: https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/business/money-report/mike-pence-to-head-overseas-hours-after-declaring-joe-biden-the-presidential-victor-over-donald-trump/2786788/; the AZ Rep. Part. says: "REPORT: @Twitter wants to cancel our official account. That’s too bad, and all because we support our President and care about #ElectionIntegrity! If that’s how it ends, know we love you all and you can follow us on Facebook (@ArizonaGOP), Instagram (@AZGOP), and Parler (@AZGOP)": https://twitter.com/AZGOP/status/1343959674677305345; "The NDAA was hijacked by the forever war lobby and their bought and paid for allies in the United States Congress... President @realDonaldTrump took a principled stand against this unprincipled legislation by vetoing it", says Rep. Matt Gaetz; also: "The Trump administration has beefed up an executive order banning U.S. investments in Chinese military companies, according to a notice posted by the Department of Treasury late on Monday evening. The November executive order prohibits exchange-traded funds and index funds from financing Chinese military companies and/or any related subsidiary companies", https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/trump-administration-fortifies-executive-order-banning-us-investment-chinese; "More than 1.5 billion face masks will pollute oceans this year, report says https://trib.al/1Pmi6uh", "BREAKING - San Diego County data for FLU infections shows **only 36 cases** so far this year. In a typical year we get over 17,073 on average! Once again, I'm calling for a full audit of the Covid-19 data we are seeing reported from our public health system", said Carl DeMaio, etc., etc. Video: https://tinyurl.com/trump-re-birthing-usa; text: https://archive.vn/cd5vS
Updated Dec 30, 2020, 8:10 AM
A great class with great principles, not only for teaching English but for life: "I always pray", to the great teacher policy of using English only in her class, this is my response as an International student: "...I will not be so strict in the only English policy because sometimes we can learn bunches of things by hearing how a word is known in another language, of course, keeping the international languages to a minimum, say, a maximum of a 3% of the class time, which is approximately 2.5 min. I will do that by putting a word under consideration, like the example that I, as a man of Faith, liked the most: "I Always Pray", and then to ask the students to go to the blackboard and put below the word "PRAY" in their own language, then putting in parenthesis after that their native language. I mean, me, as a teacher, will be more motivated to also learn from them at least a word a class from all of their languages per class!!!"
A great class with great principles, not only for teaching English but for life: "I always pray", to the great teacher policy of using English only in her class, this is my response as an International student: "...I will not be so strict in the only English policy because sometimes we can learn bunches of things by hearing how a word is known in another language, of course, keeping the international languages to a minimum, say, a maximum of a 3% of the class time, which is approximately 2.5 min. I will do that by putting a word under consideration, like the example that I, as a man of Faith, liked the most: "I Always Pray", and then to ask the students to go to the blackboard and put below the word "PRAY" in their own language, then putting in parenthesis after that their native language. I mean, me, as a teacher, will be more motivated to also learn from them at least a word a class from all of their languages per class!!!"
The Censored Video by Politician and Dr. Ron Paul, Dad of Rand: https://tinyurl.com/pls-fire-fauci from TX:
Updated Dec 29, 2020, 12:00 PM
"The [DS] plan to launder money to special interest groups has been BLOCKED by Trump, he used "the Impoundment control act" of 1974 to pause the funds from going overseas. We need to remember that we are still in "a national emergency" and Trump does have the ability to REALLOCATE these funds. The patriots are now preparing for Jan 6. Pence card has been put out there, but there are other paths to victory. Trump and the patriots are pushing all plans, following the constitution. No matter which one he chooses the [DS]/MSM will attack him and push their agenda. Trump and the patriots know this, they know their playbook. All is going according to plan, the constitution will bring down the [DS] and the MSM. This is not just election interference this is treason", says wise Dave. Text from: https://archive.vn/oBqTh , video at: https://tinyurl.com/01-06-2021 where we hear: "President Donald Trump has signed into law a $2.3 trillion coronavirus aid and government spending package aimed at restoring unemployment benefits to millions of Americans and averting a partial federal government shutdown": "As President, I have told Congress that I want far less wasteful spending and more money going to the American people in the form of $2,000 checks per adult and $600 per child. As President I am demanding many rescissions under the Impoundment Control Act of 1974. The Act provides that, “whenever the President determines that all or part of any budget authority will not be required to carry out the full objectives or scope of programs for which it is provided, or that such budget authority should be rescinded for fiscal policy or other reasons (including termination of authorized projects or activities for which budget authority has been provided), the President shall transmit to both Houses of Congress a special message” describing the amount to be reserved, the relevant accounts, the reasons for the rescission, and the economic effects of the rescission. 2 U.S.C. § 683. I will sign the Omnibus and Covid package with a strong message that makes clear to Congress that wasteful items need to be removed. I will send back to Congress a redlined version, item by item, accompanied by the formal rescission request to Congress insisting that those funds be removed from the bill. I am signing this bill to restore unemployment benefits, stop evictions, provide rental assistance, add money for PPP, return our airline workers back to work, add substantially more money for vaccine distribution, and much more. On Monday the House will vote to increase payments to individuals from $600 to $2,000. Therefore, a family of four would receive $5,200." He READS, not like "Congress" that just transfers whatever the Deep State wants for them to support for money. Further acts of greatness by our Wise President: Trump just signed an executive order to fund students directly if their school doesn’t reopen for in-person instruction.”These scholarships may be used for: (i) tuition and fees for a private or parochial school; (ii) homeschool, microschool, or learning-pod costs; (iii) special education and related services, including therapies; or (iv) tutoring or remedial education.” On the opposite side, the perverted and evil deals of darkness of that piece of scum of Biden (audio recording, Nov. 16, 2016): "Nov 16 2016 call between Biden & Poreshenko: Biden "I have been somewhat limited on what I'm able to tell their team [Trump team] about Ukraine...the incoming administration doesn't know a great deal about the situation... I don't plan on going away... As a private citizen (in 2016), I plan on staying deeply engaged in the endeavor that you have begun and we have begun...I'm worried since they don't know enough...They will question my motives...""", what a grand idiot!!! And meanwhile, more bombshells ready to explode keep on appearing regarding the most enormous vote fraud in human history, by the same idiot that declared the statements before: "Mathematician Bobby Piton Finds More Than 500,000 Unique Last Names in Pennsylvania: ‘Sophisticated State Actor Was Able to Optimize Desired Outcome’

Bobby Piton, the mathematician who testified at the Arizona voter fraud hearing dropped a bombshell this weekend.
Piton revealed this weekend that he examined just over 9 million records in Pennsylvania and has identified 521,879 unique last names.
In other words, these people have no parents, siblings, aunts, uncles or cousins who share the same last name (phantom voters).
Pennsylvania has 695,430 Fewer People in the top 1000 Last Names.
Bobby Piton found that there were fewer people with common surnames such as Smith, Jackson, Johnson. Bobby Piton essentially discovered where those 695,000+ illegal ballots came from in Pennsylvania.
President Trump was ahead of Joe Biden by over 700,000 votes on election night in Pennsylvania and within a few days after the election, hundreds of thousands of ballots appeared for Joe Biden.
Between 695,000 to 958,000 voters just got up and vanished out of Pennsylvania! Based on Piton’s findings, it appears that a centralized actor was calling the shots.
Bobby Piton says a sophisticated State Actor was able to optimize a desired outcome for both the state of Georgia and Pennsylvania." And so much more findings of that fraud, but you do NOT here any of these well documented real news in the prostituted corrupt MSM: "Evidence of Foreign Influence in 2020 Election: Nevada Secretary of State Caught Sending Voter Data List to Pakistani Firm Linked to ISI. Kavtech is a private Pakistani-based business intelligence firm with close ties to the Pakistani intelligence service, the ISI.", etc., etc., heavy loaded and good info. that is ignored by the frivolous and superficial average American!

The Co-Founder Waqas Butt is cc’d on emails containing personally identifiable voter information from the Nevada Secretary of State.

Catherine Engelbrecht is the Founder and President of True The Vote the nation’s largest voters’ rights group.
In November True the Vote wrote the Nevada Secretary of State for the eligible voter list report.
When the Secretary of State responded True the Vote was shocked to see that waqas@kavtech.net was cc’ed. "
Updated Dec 28, 2020, 7:31 PM
It’s for Mike Pence to Judge whether a Presidential Election Was Held at All, on January 6, a joint session of Congress will open with Vice President Pence presiding as president of the Senate. His power will be plenary and unappealable. You heard that right. As president of the Senate, every objection comes directly to him, and he can rule any objection “out of order” or “denied.” His task will be to fulfill his oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and to ensure that the laws be faithfully executed. This is a high standard of performance, and V.P. Pence will have two choices. He can roll over on “certified” electors, or he can uphold the law, he will be presented with the sealed certificates containing the ballots of the presidential electors. At that moment, the Presidency will be in his hands. And there is nothing stopping Pence, under the (plenary and unappealable) authority vested in him as President of the Senate, from declining to open and count the certificates from the six disputed states... If the votes of all 7 contested states are registered as zero, President Trump will have 232 votes, Joe Biden will have 222... in plain language, Donald Trump will be re-elected, since he has a majority of the actual electoral votes. There will be no need to involve the House of Representatives to resolve a contingent election.then Attorney Sidney Powell released an explosive document of foreign interference: 270 pages of affidavits... military and alphabet testimony, and details everything from interference, to origins of voting machine fraud, to cybersecurity intrusions into U.S. elections systems and more... the president of the Senate is the final authority on any motions or objections during the vote-counting. There is no appeal. That doesn’t mean there won’t be any outrage. Whatever Pence does, people will be angry. But what does the law demand? Seven contested states clearly violated their own laws. An election is a process of counting votes for candidates. Only valid, lawful votes may be counted. A valid lawful vote is:
Cast by an eligible, properly registered elector as prescribed by laws enacted by the state Legislature.
Cast in a timely manner, as prescribed by laws enacted by the state Legislature.
Cast in a proper form as prescribed by laws enacted by the state Legislature.
Any process that does not follow these rules is not an election. Anything that proceeds from it cannot be regarded as having any lawful import.
Most commentators suggest that a process of collecting pieces of paper with marks on them is an election regardless of errors, omissions, and even deliberate malfeasance. This is a mistake. Imagine a golf tournament where every bad shot by one player gets a do-over, but the competing player has to follow USGA rules in detail. One player gets to drop freely out of hazards, but the other has to tackle every embedded ball as it lies. The result is a travesty.
The same thing applies to elections. If there are a handful of improper votes, we can suggest that there was in fact an election, perhaps tainted, but the election wasn’t materially harmed. But when the people charged with managing the election decide to ignore the law, whatever process they supervise is not the process defined by the law. Therefore, it is not an election...: https://tinyurl.com/2363b-x22 and its sources: https://archive.vn/7mrgH, where RINOs are denounced, such as: "If “free money” was truly Romney’s concern, why didn’t object to the massively ridiculous spending in the deal, which included millions for Swamp projects, like $10 million for “gender programs” in Pakistan? Instead, Romney voted for the “America Last” boondoggle, which included $135 million to Burma, $85 million for Cambodia, $130 million for Nepal, $700 million directed towards Sudan, and a cool $33 million for Venezuela. Only now that President Trump is pushing to raise the amount of direct payments to Americans has Romney suddenly become a budget hawk"... "Trump’s own team (NOT Trump himself) is feeding fake leaks about a White House locked in absolute chaos to the media. Fake leakers working for BOTH SIDES have been extremely busy this week. They’re going to get busier the closer we get to the key dates of Jan 5/6..."
Updated Dec 27, 2020, 8:21 PM
A skit from SNL, at NY: https://youtu.be/ZD28LP01td0 (I was loking for the other "Subway" "Eat FLesh" skit, Hehee)
Updated Dec 27, 2020, 7:59 AM
Updated Dec 27, 2020, 12:04 AM
Updated Dec 26, 2020, 7:26 AM
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
1 year ago
Dedicated One Year Later To The Same One...:
The bold take of bringing truth, light versus lies and darkness is very heated. Here we are witnessing real history on the making, and not the corrupted "news" that are rather a "brainwash" against the good peoples of this Planet. Happy remembrances of our Savior Jesus Christ Now and Always!!!
The bold take of bringing truth, light versus lies and darkness is very heated. Here we are witnessing real history on the making, and not the corrupted "news" that are rather a "brainwash" against the good peoples of this Planet. Happy remembrances of our Savior Jesus Christ Now and Always!!!
"We [The People] tried to play fair. We gave you all the chance to correct your misdeeds, but you continue to play dirty. You have no respect for the people and our Constitution. We are going to use the full extent of our Constitutional Power to demolish your stronghold. We [in The Mighty Spiritual Realm] KNOW everything. We SAW everything. We HEARD everything. You can run, but you cannot hide. The day of the reckoning is NOW! We're coming at you Constitutionally strong and mighty!!!" Posted by Lin(coln) Wood, a Q powerhouse (WWG1WGA) and a bold patriot worth to be linked here next: "TRUTH: Light always overcomes darkness. Truth always overcomes lies. “But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.” - John 3:21" https://twitter.com/LLinWood/status/1276885076853379072
"We [The People] tried to play fair. We gave you all the chance to correct your misdeeds, but you continue to play dirty. You have no respect for the people and our Constitution. We are going to use the full extent of our Constitutional Power to demolish your stronghold. We [in The Mighty Spiritual Realm] KNOW everything. We SAW everything. We HEARD everything. You can run, but you cannot hide. The day of the reckoning is NOW! We're coming at you Constitutionally strong and mighty!!!" Posted by Lin(coln) Wood, a Q powerhouse (WWG1WGA) and a bold patriot worth to be linked here next: "TRUTH: Light always overcomes darkness. Truth always overcomes lies. “But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.” - John 3:21" https://twitter.com/LLinWood/status/1276885076853379072
Updated down below. YouTube Removed my Research Regarding the Truth of The Second World War II, They Simply do NOT Want the Historical Truth Anymore, They Produced and Have Turned to the Fables That They Themselves Invented and With Whose They Indoctrinate The Future Generations, here is my set of links that "they themselves "HATE"" (Hehee): 1 https://ia800405.us.archive.org/11/items/PlanetRothschildPart1/planet%20rothschild%20part1.pdf, 2 https://ia800402.us.archive.org/9/items/PlanetrothschildPart2/planetrothschild%20part2.pdf 3 https://ia801304.us.archive.org/3/items/TheBadWarTheTruthNEVERTaughtAboutWorldWarII/TheBadWarTheTruthNeverTaughtAboutWorldWarIiversion2MikeKing.pdf (https://ia801304.us.archive.org/3/items/TheBadWarTheTruthNEVERTaughtAboutWorldWarII/The%20Bad%20War%20-%20The%20Truth%20NEVER%20Taught%20About%20World%20War%20II.pdf) 4 http://the DASH eye DOT eu/public/concen.org/The%20British%20Mad%20Dog/British%20Mad%20Dog_%20Debunking%20the%20Myth%20of%20Winston%20Churchill%2C%20The%20-%20M.%20S.%20King.pdf 5 https://ia803200.us.archive.org/25/items/war-against-putin/War%20Against%20Putin-What%20the%20Government-Media%20Complex%20Isnt%20Telling%20You%20about%20Russia%2C%20The%20by%20M.%20S.%20King.pdf 6 God vs. Darwin https://web.archive.org/web/20201127050743/https://media.8kun.top/file_dl/0509b530664e334f9cc3b696d89b49730484bdf438ba2852671a363bc4e7efb2.pdf (https://media.8kun.top/file_dl/0509b530664e334f9cc3b696d89b49730484bdf438ba2852671a363bc4e7efb2.pdf) 7 The Real Roosevelts https://web.archive.org/web/20201127051739/https://media.8kun.top/file_dl/91bc33ee7c7e2e4fde07dfe8b3e5acb5093029a5fd3f8f67397040bb593dd743.pdf (https://media.8kun.top/file_dl/91bc33ee7c7e2e4fde07dfe8b3e5acb5093029a5fd3f8f67397040bb593dd743.pdf) 8 https://web.archive.org/web/20201127052441/https://itsthetruthstupid.files.wordpress.com/2016/12/meinside.pdf (https://itsthetruthstupid.files.wordpress.com/2016/12/meinside.pdf) 9 https://media1-production.mightynetworks.com/asset/5221933/ST_JOE_FINAL-1.pdf 10 https://www.realhistorychan.com/uploads/1/3/3/8/133840286/6x9_libtard.pdf 11 https://b DASH ok DOT lat/book/5216195/a865d3 12 https://deutschelobbyinfo.files.wordpress.com/2017/07/hitler_photos.pdf https://web.archive.org/web/20201130211922/https://deutschelobbyinfo.files.wordpress.com/2017/07/hitler_photos.pdf 13 http://tomatobubble.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/morphine_genocide.pdf https://web.archive.org/web/20201101051553/http://tomatobubble.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/morphine_genocide.pdf 14 http://strai8hts.com/pdfs/Climate-Change-Lie.pdf https://web.archive.org/web/20201128015257/http://strai8hts.com/pdfs/Climate-Change-Lie.pd Torrent: https://concen.org/content/climate-bogeyman-criminal-insanity-global-warming-climate-change-hoax-2017 https://concen.org/sites/default/files/torrents/M.%20S.%20King%20-%20Climate%20Bogeyman%20-%20The%20Criminal%20Insanity%20of%20the%20Global%20Warming%2C%20Climate%20Change%20Hoax%20%282017%29%20pdf%20-%20roflcopter2110.torrent 15 Complete: http://strai8hts.com/pdfs/Napoleon%20-%20Not%20The%20Ice%20Cream.pdf (https://web.archive.org/web/20201128013617/http://strai8hts.com/pdfs/Napoleon%20-%20Not%20The%20Ice%20Cream.pdf) (Excerpt) http://lust-for-life.org/Lust-For-Life/_Textual/MSKing_NapoleonVersusTheOldAndNewWorldOrders_2016_31pp/MSKing_NapoleonVersusTheOldAndNewWorldOrders_2016_31pp.pdf (https://web.archive.org/web/20201127202017/http://lust-for-life.org/Lust-For-Life/_Textual/MSKing_NapoleonVersusTheOldAndNewWorldOrders_2016_31pp/MSKing_NapoleonVersusTheOldAndNewWorldOrders_2016_31pp.pdf) http://www.tomatobubble.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/napoleon_vs_nwo_2016.pdf 16 https://c-cluster-110.uploads.documents.cimpress.io/v1/uploads/4e05ce3b-76b1-4b48-9b1a-830d91304651~110/original?tenant=vbu-digital (https://web.archive.org/web/20201128011350/https://c-cluster-110.uploads.documents.cimpress.io/v1/uploads/4e05ce3b-76b1-4b48-9b1a-830d91304651~110/original?tenant=vbu-digital) 17 Genghis Monster (sudden download) https://media.8kun.top/file_dl/6d859f217150c48715d2bb27be54a21db537cf124f589994b88fbd4758185d59.pdf (https://web.archive.org/web/20201128011959/https://media.8kun.top/file_dl/6d859f217150c48715d2bb27be54a21db537cf124f589994b88fbd4758185d59.pdf) 18 https://files.secure.website/wscfus/10348600/7999579/interviewhitler.pdf https://youtu.be/6kP8iQO3Mn0 19 http://strai8hts.com/pdfs/Andrew-Jackson.pdf https://web.archive.org/web/20201128014516/http://strai8hts.com/pdfs/Andrew-Jackson.pdf 20 https://media.jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion.pet/file_store/6600c6f05e09dfeef203ba59029c38b904be822b49a3d0c56d3deb77fbd75b2e.pdf https://web.archive.org/web/20201128020108/https://media.jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion.pet/file_store/6600c6f05e09dfeef203ba59029c38b904be822b49a3d0c56d3deb77fbd75b2e.pdf 21 https://media.jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion.pet/file_store/58ce2a30e2509efbf1e94ac6139abc2b91d938392502020d1b23ca913bddafd0.pdf https://web.archive.org/web/20201128020329/https://media.jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion.pet/file_store/58ce2a30e2509efbf1e94ac6139abc2b91d938392502020d1b23ca913bddafd0.pdf 22 Excerpt on Woodrow Wilson: https://media.jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion.pet/file_store/8ab157a1fd147e93c329d94ff7dc3dc87da43e6e1797069f0cbcd820f89457c6.pdf https://web.archive.org/web/20201128020729/https://media.jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion.pet/file_store/8ab157a1fd147e93c329d94ff7dc3dc87da43e6e1797069f0cbcd820f89457c6.pdf https://uploads.documents.cimpress.io/v1/uploads/6f4ff177-4bb9-4007-8ae3-98cb3561cef3~110/original?tenant=vbu-digital 23 "The Anti-New York Times" King PDF https://www.pdfdrive.com/download.pdf?id=32387249&h=df1e610b353921c6891e46a7c1de776e&u=cache&ext=pdf http://tomatobubble.com/id963.html 24 https://uploads.documents.cimpress.io/v1/uploads/17e1cde2-ed3c-4faf-8385-ca7769f3354b~110/original?tenant=vbu-digital Interviews: Audio: https://archive.org/details/MikeKingAndrewJacksonJosephMcCarthy https://archive.org/details/MikeKingMichaelJacksonAndHitler http://therealistreport.com/?s=Mike+S.+King http://therealistreport.com/page/2/?s=Mike+S.+King http://therealistreport.com/?s=TomatoBubble.com http://therealistreport.com/page/2/?s=TomatoBubble.com "Ike and McCarthy" Nichols PDF https://www.pdfdrive.com/download.pdf?id=199765049&h=9661af4c24573cb5e3a8fb58d5eff547&u=cache&ext=pdf https://www.archives.gov/files/publications/prologue/2015/fall/ike-mccarthy.pdf Documentary Federal Reserve CFR The Global Elite: https://youtu.be/eb3Zaren9gg Same DOCUMENTARY: The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the American line James Perloff - The Best D https://youtu.be/CyBCFvbU--Y The New American https://ia802802.us.archive.org/24/items/dayofdeceit/Day%20of%20deceit.pdf https://www.nsa.gov/Portals/70/documents/news-features/declassified-documents/cryptologic-quarterly/pearlharbor.pdf, etc. with no end... Update: Continuation of the Narrative: 25 https://www.bitchute.com/video/zJQFGwFnmYKB/ 26 https://www.bitchute.com/video/9CsG72uXAk4R/ 27 https://www.bitchute.com/video/PWnRT68PCAkB/ 28 https://www.bitchute.com/video/hChVD37DY4di/
Updated down below. YouTube Removed my Research Regarding the Truth of The Second World War II, They Simply do NOT Want the Historical Truth Anymore, They Produced and Have Turned to the Fables That They Themselves Invented and With Whose They Indoctrinate The Future Generations, here is my set of links that "they themselves "HATE"" (Hehee): 1

http://the DASH eye DOT eu/public/concen.org/The%20British%20Mad%20Dog/British%20Mad%20Dog_%20Debunking%20the%20Myth%20of%20Winston%20Churchill%2C%20The%20-%20M.%20S.%20King.pdf
God vs. Darwin
https://web.archive.org/web/20201127050743/https://media.8kun.top/file_dl/0509b530664e334f9cc3b696d89b49730484bdf438ba2852671a363bc4e7efb2.pdf (https://media.8kun.top/file_dl/0509b530664e334f9cc3b696d89b49730484bdf438ba2852671a363bc4e7efb2.pdf)
The Real Roosevelts



https://b DASH ok DOT lat/book/5216195/a865d3








17 Genghis Monster (sudden download)






Excerpt on Woodrow Wilson:

"The Anti-New York Times" King PDF


Interviews: Audio:


"Ike and McCarthy" Nichols PDF

Documentary Federal Reserve CFR The Global Elite: https://youtu.be/eb3Zaren9gg
Same DOCUMENTARY: The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the American line James Perloff - The Best D

The New American


https://www.nsa.gov/Portals/70/documents/news-features/declassified-documents/cryptologic-quarterly/pearlharbor.pdf, etc. with no end...

Update: Continuation of the Narrative:
Update: Adding an extra bit of information, we can see that the 23.12% (https://archive.vn/GUrAi) of the US population is younger than the age to vote (18), this means that 76,740,671 citizens of the US are still unable to vote, so, only counting the ones able to vote, by Oct., 2020, we have that supposedly the 62.67% of the voting population of the US voted on 2020. Does that make sense? Furthermore, my comment on his site (do the Math, do your own analysis by yourself to be fully convinced of the intolerable fraud committed by the Career Democrats and their Handlers): "Current total US population (and growing every second): 331,940,546 (https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/us-population), on the 19th of October, 2020 there were (deduct some 200,000 to the date of today, thinking of some 3,000 babies born every day in the US) ~ 331,740,000. Registered voters at Oct., 2020: 118,755,704 (https://archive.vn/fnuLk), supposed number of people voting in the 2020 Presidential Election: 159,800,000 (https://archive.vn/4QajR), this means that 41,044,296 of extra voters rushed to register after October and that all the previous registered voters all of them voted with no exception, does that make any sense? (Or is better understood by the Rampant Fraud Perpetrated by Biden and his global banking handlers???)." https://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/videos/436515744393744/
Updated Dec 23, 2020, 2:13 PM
The update of today presents the work that is being done by independent Patriots in support for the Truth, signaling the evident proofs of fraud and how corrupt individuals are looking to the other side, but how is it that they will not prevail, and that once they are lost and want to resort (being paid by Soros and the Globalist Banksters) to insurrection, riots and even attempting against the current president Trump, Pence and his faithful soldiers have the precise plan to restrain them. An invitation is made by Trump for all the Patriots to gather in DC on the 6th of January, the same day that the traitors were attempting a "coup"... and many more things...
The update of today presents the work that is being done by independent Patriots in support for the Truth, signaling the evident proofs of fraud and how corrupt individuals are looking to the other side, but how is it that they will not prevail, and that once they are lost and want to resort (being paid by Soros and the Globalist Banksters) to insurrection, riots and even attempting against the current president Trump, Pence and his faithful soldiers have the precise plan to restrain them. An invitation is made by Trump for all the Patriots to gather in DC on the 6th of January, the same day that the traitors were attempting a "coup"... and many more things...
The discoveries of fraud keep on piling up on a daily basis, while the corrupt media, here and there, paid by the banksters, keeps on doing the fabled ostrich hide, but how long?: Kanekoa asks: "When you win a record low 17% of counties, lose Black & Hispanic support, lose 18/19 Bellwether Counties, lose Ohio, Florida, & Iowea - and lose 27/27 Hose "Toss-Ups" - but you shatter the popular vote record..."? (Obama 69M Votes, 873 Counties; Trump: 74M Votes, 2,497 Counties; Biden: 81M Votes??? 477 Counties). Meanwhile Bill Binney, a Constitutional Patriot, does simple maths, and he wrote: Point 39 demonstrating the Biden Fraud: With 212 Million registered voters and 66.2% voting, 140,344 M voted. Now, if Trump got 74 M, that leaves only 66,344 M for Biden. These numbers don't add up to what we are being told. Lies and more Lies!... in the meantime Pence and his faithful soldiers are getting fully prepared to prevent a paid by Soros and the Globalists, artificial "insurrection" by the likes of Antifa and BLM once it is established in January that Biden committed the most rampant, despicable and absurd voting fraud in the whole history of any nation... a total shame...
The discoveries of fraud keep on piling up on a daily basis, while the corrupt media, here and there, paid by the banksters, keeps on doing the fabled ostrich hide, but how long?: Kanekoa asks: "When you win a record low 17% of counties, lose Black & Hispanic support, lose 18/19 Bellwether Counties, lose Ohio, Florida, & Iowea - and lose 27/27 Hose "Toss-Ups" - but you shatter the popular vote record..."? (Obama 69M Votes, 873 Counties; Trump: 74M Votes, 2,497 Counties; Biden: 81M Votes??? 477 Counties). Meanwhile Bill Binney, a Constitutional Patriot, does simple maths, and he wrote: Point 39 demonstrating the Biden Fraud: With 212 Million registered voters and 66.2% voting, 140,344 M voted. Now, if Trump got 74 M, that leaves only 66,344 M for Biden. These numbers don't add up to what we are being told. Lies and more Lies!... in the meantime Pence and his faithful soldiers are getting fully prepared to prevent a paid by Soros and the Globalists, artificial "insurrection" by the likes of Antifa and BLM once it is established in January that Biden committed the most rampant, despicable and absurd voting fraud in the whole history of any nation... a total shame...
The current scientific "advance" is to the point of controlling your brain and emotions through an electronic implant within it, called such "treatment" with awful implications a "Deep Brain Stimulation", with the excuse of treating and controlling "Parkinson", other humans have already figured out how to control your "feelings", think about the implications of a sinister brain like that of Gates and his attempts to introduce his software within humans!, currently doctors can already do such controls of the brain, and Gates wants to be ahead of that "game" through his other "healthy" pretext of a "Digital Certificate of Vaccination", his "Passport of Immunity" or any other name in disguise of the crazy globalist attempt to track and control every single individual over the face of the earth through inserting an implant within humans themselves!:
Updated Dec 21, 2020, 12:06 AM
The progress of the evaluation of voting fraud and the official awareness of preventing a provoked "insurrection" once it is fully established that the apparently win of Biden was fraudulent, not a "martial" law, that is NOT the path! And the example of Andrew Jackson of defunding the Central Bank (currently and also falsely known as the "Fed", as it is a private, invading and foreign institution just established by the Banksters-Rothsch-Ziono, to rob the Americans through their high interests that it charges to the banks that receive their tainted and filled with their symbolisms"tender"):
The progress of the evaluation of voting fraud and the official awareness of preventing a provoked "insurrection" once it is fully established that the apparently win of Biden was fraudulent, not a "martial" law, that is NOT the path! And the example of Andrew Jackson of defunding the Central Bank (currently and also falsely known as the "Fed", as it is a private, invading and foreign institution just established by the Banksters-Rothsch-Ziono, to rob the Americans through their high interests that it charges to the banks that receive their tainted and filled with their symbolisms"tender"):
Mi más reciente lectura, que básicamente completa los eventos de la Verdad Detrás de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y nos proyecta hasta los tiempos actuales, como siempre, queda material para continuar:
Updated Dec 20, 2020, 11:00 PM
A clever way to demonstrate the rampant and illegal censorship against the truth by the corrupted "Big Tech", to open the eyes to those still out there that blindly believe the crap tossed at them by the 100% biased (for more than 200 years) MSM: https://youtu.be/RGxbaxviRVw
Updated Dec 20, 2020, 4:58 PM
A Wake Up Call, Not To Get Stung By An "Experimental" Piece Of...:
A Wake Up Call, Not To Get Stung By An "Experimental" Piece Of...:
A real good human hero, a good Hebrew from NY, Vladimir (Zev) Zelenko, who helped Giuliani and even Trump to heal from their COVID-19 infection with his amazing treatment, hinted and then seen from Minute 58:30 (of said link: https://tinyurl.com/C19VaccPitfallsStart, very recommended the whole program), this is the cure no need at all of the crippling "big sting":
Progress of Today:
Progress of Today:
Keeping track of history on a daily basis, of these awful times that we all are living, and to demonstrate how the ones that belong to God, can really make a difference while they are still around!!! Keeping the records, past and present, straight!!!
Keeping track of history on a daily basis, of these awful times that we all are living, and to demonstrate how the ones that belong to God, can really make a difference while they are still around!!! Keeping the records, past and present, straight!!!
Living vital historical moments, preserving the history of today for posterity, the legal fight for justice and the counting of only the legal, and not of the fraudulent ones! the refusal by the crooked ones to do so, the caving-in of the compromised against America, and some manipulators headed to jail while others in jail headed to clearing their acts... all so intense happening here and now, but a very corrupt TV since long ago is not showing you on a timely basis the truth!!! Until also tossed aside and pressed upon by the honest citizens for the truth!
Living vital historical moments, preserving the history of today for posterity, the legal fight for justice and the counting of only the legal, and not of the fraudulent ones! the refusal by the crooked ones to do so, the caving-in of the compromised against America, and some manipulators headed to jail while others in jail headed to clearing their acts... all so intense happening here and now, but a very corrupt TV since long ago is not showing you on a timely basis the truth!!! Until also tossed aside and pressed upon by the honest citizens for the truth!
In the messages of Trump during these four years, both for Christmas and for Easter, he remind us that Jesus is OUR Savior, Our Hope, Our Lord, and Our Redeemer!!!: https://youtu.be/4RovAF-EeUQ, has any other president really done that? Reminding us of our Brother and Friend Jesus in the most important celebrations of the year??? (And he really means it!)
Updated Dec 15, 2020, 8:27 PM
So, after we reported yesterday that the tainted SolarWinds software was behind the "Dominion" Voting machines that deliberately shifted votes from Trump to Biden and that eliminated thousands of votes for Trump on purpose, by design within its algorithms, they maliciously removed that final line from their pages!!! Here we see that Trump has all the winning cards in his hand, just as he had them when they tried to "impeach" him unlawfully or when they wasted the American Citizens money on the "Russian INterference" investigation. He knows with what kind of scum he is dealing, and he wants to geth them all together to indicte and defeat them!
So, after we reported yesterday that the tainted SolarWinds software was behind the "Dominion" Voting machines that deliberately shifted votes from Trump to Biden and that eliminated thousands of votes for Trump on purpose, by design within its algorithms, they maliciously removed that final line from their pages!!! Here we see that Trump has all the winning cards in his hand, just as he had them when they tried to "impeach" him unlawfully or when they wasted the American Citizens money on the "Russian INterference" investigation. He knows with what kind of scum he is dealing, and he wants to geth them all together to indicte and defeat them!
Mi transmisión de hoy a favor de la verdad y para entender lo que está sucediendo hoy (a pesar de los medios fraudulentos, que entonces como hoy, engañan aún a presidentes como el de Rusia y al de México, pero aún no termina la búsqueda de la verdad): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSr-KhRGz4s
Updated Dec 15, 2020, 2:47 PM
In search of more freedom, I joined "Parler": https://parler.com/profile/Fdocc/posts, and reminding you that my eMail, that is also present in all my research Articles, is fdocc@yahoo.com, in case these crazy sites blackout and keep on censoring at the style of the CCP. This is my profile statement there: "I love freedom, and right now, the globalists are enslaving us, censoring us, and diminishing completely the meaning of individual, of independence, of anything for which our Founding Fathers fought!!", and my first post there: "This is my first message here, I am tired of the absurd censorship of all the others (YT, FB, Twitter...) that think that they are "big", and they are really NOTHING without the people, my research going on is about the evidently artificial nature of COVID-19: As seen in my RG: https://www.researchgate.net/post/Third-Sequence-COVID-19-AATGGTACTAAGAGG-HIV-1-isolate-1966324H9-from-Netherlands-envelope-glycoprotein-env-gene-sequence-ID-GU4555031 and in my Article, entitled, for you to search it if you want, as the link has failed to be posted right "Anticovidian v.2 COVID-19: Hypothesis of the Lab Origin Versus a Zoonotic Event which can also be of a Lab Origin": https://zenodo.org/record/3988139 that Fauci did not like, thus deleting three of my previous works that were already at the PubMed on his absurd basis of being publications "after the expiration of my grants", a ridiculous, very harmful globalist that he is..."
Update: 01/11/21, In search of more freedom, I also joined Gab: https://gab.com/fdocc due to the usual monopolistic bullies falling also hard against "Parler" on these days: https://parler.com/profile/Fdocc/posts, and reminding you that my eMail, that is also present in all my research Articles, is fdocc@yahoo.com, in case these crazy sites blackout and keep on censoring at the style of the CCP. This is my profile statement there: "I love freedom, and right now, the globalists are enslaving us, censoring us, and diminishing completely the meaning of individual, of independence, of anything for which our Founding Fathers fought!!", and my first post there: "This is my first message here, I am tired of the absurd censorship of all the others (YT, FB, Twitter...) that think that they are "big", and they are really NOTHING without the people, my research going on is about the evidently artificial nature of COVID-19: As seen in my RG: https://www.researchgate.net/post/Third-Sequence-COVID-19-AATGGTACTAAGAGG-HIV-1-isolate-1966324H9-from-Netherlands-envelope-glycoprotein-env-gene-sequence-ID-GU4555031 and in my Article, entitled, for you to search it if you want, as the link has failed to be posted right "Anticovidian v.2 COVID-19: Hypothesis of the Lab Origin Versus a Zoonotic Event which can also be of a Lab Origin": https://zenodo.org/record/3988139 that Fauci did not like, thus deleting three of my previous works that were already at the PubMed on his absurd basis of being publications "after the expiration of my grants", a ridiculous, very harmful globalist that he is..."
SolarWinds the hacked software exposed, to scare and justify the Social Media blackouts, now NASA, serving the same scummers, is warning of real ones from around the 16th and 22th of the current December, 2020... Correcting all those broken records with our Founding Fathers!!!
SolarWinds the hacked software exposed, to scare and justify the Social Media blackouts, now NASA, serving the same scummers, is warning of real ones from around the 16th and 22th of the current December, 2020... Correcting all those broken records with our Founding Fathers!!!
... and then today:
... and then today:
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
1 year ago
A year ago...
April 27, 2016, Washington, D.C.: "We will no longer surrender this country or its people to the false song of globalism. The nation-state remains the true foundation of happiness and harmony. I am skeptical of international unions that tie us up and bring America down. And under my administration, we will never enter America into any agreement that reduces our ability to control our own affairs." D. J. T. (And this is the reason why the Zio-Rothsch-Banksters hate him since before the start!). Portion expanded at: https://youtu.be/EOyma_8dFm0
April 27, 2016, Washington, D.C.: "We will no longer surrender this country or its people to the false song of globalism. The nation-state remains the true foundation of happiness and harmony. I am skeptical of international unions that tie us up and bring America down. And under my administration, we will never enter America into any agreement that reduces our ability to control our own affairs." D. J. T. (And this is the reason why the Zio-Rothsch-Banksters hate him since before the start!). Portion expanded at: https://youtu.be/EOyma_8dFm0
Continuando con el estudio acerca de la verdad detrás de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, aquí lo tenemos hasta donde lo dejen, para que ustedes por su cuenta sigan investigando: https://youtu.be/mB7VZpZiLH0
Updated Dec 10, 2020, 10:36 AM
Well. the news today are that Trump and 17 States have joined the Lawsuit by Texas against the four most cheating States. And in this very same day the most corrupt people at YT announces that starting today, the most rampant censorship there will forbid strictly anybody from presenting the truth that Biden commited the most devastating fraud in the history of the US. The Ziono-Rostch-Baksters want Biden in "power" as another dupe of them, as the numerous of the past, to continue with their agenda of the NWO... but we, Body of Christ, are still here to stop them even if they block the truth from every single platform of their Zoo-cial 1/2...
Well. the news today are that Trump and 17 States have joined the Lawsuit by Texas against the four most cheating States. And in this very same day the most corrupt people at YT announces that starting today, the most rampant censorship there will forbid strictly anybody from presenting the truth that Biden commited the most devastating fraud in the history of the US. The Ziono-Rostch-Baksters want Biden in "power" as another dupe of them, as the numerous of the past, to continue with their agenda of the NWO... but we, Body of Christ, are still here to stop them even if they block the truth from every single platform of their Zoo-cial 1/2...
The big story today of the Biden Most Rampant Fraud is that Texas is suing the four most cheating States, go texans!!!our
The big story today of the Biden Most Rampant Fraud is that Texas is suing the four most cheating States, go texans!!!our
By the means of Tina Bain, a hero and a Patriot of Justice, wrote in part:
"Hi All, I am not on a Facebook user, my partner is. Colin Wyse (CueAnon).
I,,,my only goal is to get this truth out. I think we have the Covid fraud worldwide to be used to beat Trump. The irony is the election hysteria is stifling Covid.
Found an ally in Robin Monotti, an Italian Architect who is trying to tell the world that Dr Stefano Scoglio has reached the same conclusion as Dr Castro-Chavez. (wish you had a shorter name, Hehee).
Anna Brees knows about your Hypothesis but she was threatened. ( I haven't told anyone this)."

Very interesting post! Yes, also my works, three of them that were in PubMed, as punisment for doing my research, have been removed, this accumulated with other evidence indicates that Fauci is all in for this NWO globalistic attempt of the World Bankers (read: Ziono-Rotsch) to take over the world economy and governments, and even "religion". The last great work that I recommend is one that was also peer-reviewed and accepted, for publication, done by some of my "brethren in arms", Drs. Deigin and Segreto: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/bies.202000240
Updated Dec 8, 2020, 2:22 PM
As David says: "...the case is overwhelming, white hat hackers have the evidence, the tide is turning, Trump and the patriots sent a message, big things are about to happen, buckle up countermeasures are coming." Then,,something very timely that is covered here: https://ust-edu-ph.zoom.us/j/8992208601?pwd=Rzk0UVdzbDkwTi9FdlhiSXV5UmQ4dz09 and https://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/oct/29/zuckerberg-paying-election-operations-vote-countin/, sooner or later those B...tards will pay for their lies and that knowingly, suppress the truth!!! But, people is not stupid, it has means to circumvent censure, or are you not reading and watching at this video still here??? Hehee
As David says: "...the case is overwhelming, white hat hackers have the evidence, the tide is turning, Trump and the patriots sent a message, big things are about to happen, buckle up countermeasures are coming." Then,,something very timely that is covered here: https://ust-edu-ph.zoom.us/j/8992208601?pwd=Rzk0UVdzbDkwTi9FdlhiSXV5UmQ4dz09 and https://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/oct/29/zuckerberg-paying-election-operations-vote-countin/, sooner or later those B...tards will pay for their lies and that knowingly, suppress the truth!!! But, people is not stupid, it has means to circumvent censure, or are you not reading and watching at this video still here??? Hehee
In Memoriam...
In Memoriam...
https://www.politico.com/video/2020/12/04/trump-gives-remarks-for-the-annual-white-house-christmas-tree-lighting-102665, but the important part is left out, the message of Jesus our Savior!!!, that you can see from his previous years in Presidential Office at: https://youtu.be/Mtu3ombsV48, starting at min. 11:04; also this one, was weighted and fell short: https://www.cbsnews.com/video/national-christmas-tree-lighting-2020-white-house/
Updated Dec 7, 2020, 1:20 AM
The additional evidence presented today of the rampant voting fraud by Biden in the prejudice of Trump: "Robb Hurst declares: Ware County, GA, has broken the Dominion algorithm: Using sequestered Dominion Equipment, Ware County ran a equal number of Trump votes and Biden votes through the Tabulator and the Tabulator reported a 26% lead for Biden. 37 Trump votes used in the equal sample run had been “Switched” from Trump to Biden. In actual algorithmic terms this means that a vote for Trump was counted as 87% of a vote and a vote for Biden was counted as 113% of a vote. Those conducting the test were so shocked that they ran the same ballots again. The same results appeared. ONE PIECE OF THE PUZZLE SOLVED. (It is worth noting that this was one County, and on one Tabulator alone. Dominion Tabulators could have been configured with different algorithms in different Counties or States.) The use of illegal and/or fabricated ballots is an additional issue altogether, but this is sufficient evidence to question the validity of the ENTIRE Election in the 28 states that used Dominion software. Source: Debbie Browning Tift Co. Republican Party." David, the analyst declares: "...The fraud that is being presented is unprecedented. The states are now ordering signature verifications, Trump and team are analyzing the Dominion voting systems and video has been coming out documenting the fraud.The world is watching..."
The additional evidence presented today of the rampant voting fraud by Biden in the prejudice of Trump: "Robb Hurst declares: Ware County, GA, has broken the Dominion algorithm: Using sequestered Dominion Equipment, Ware County ran a equal number of Trump votes and Biden votes through the Tabulator and the Tabulator reported a 26% lead for Biden. 37 Trump votes used in the equal sample run had been “Switched” from Trump to Biden. In actual algorithmic terms this means that a vote for Trump was counted as 87% of a vote and a vote for Biden was counted as 113% of a vote. Those conducting the test were so shocked that they ran the same ballots again. The same results appeared. ONE PIECE OF THE PUZZLE SOLVED. (It is worth noting that this was one County, and on one Tabulator alone. Dominion Tabulators could have been configured with different algorithms in different Counties or States.) The use of illegal and/or fabricated ballots is an additional issue altogether, but this is sufficient evidence to question the validity of the ENTIRE Election in the 28 states that used Dominion software. Source: Debbie Browning Tift Co. Republican Party." David, the analyst declares: "...The fraud that is being presented is unprecedented. The states are now ordering signature verifications, Trump and team are analyzing the Dominion voting systems and video has been coming out documenting the fraud.The world is watching..."
La presentación que hice que me cortaron cuando iba a la mitad (su video, pero la voz me la cortaron desde el minuto 30, cuando iba a traducir la siguiente expresión, escrita en 1924: "Este trabajo... me asistirá en demoler las falsedades acerca de mí creadas por la prensa...", agregando cuál prensa, la Ziono-Roth-Bnk-Jw, exactamente como en el día de hoy!!! 2020, 96 años después!!!), véanla antes de que sea removida:
Updated Dec 5, 2020, 6:54 PM
Details more specific are being presented in the courts as days go by: 2,506 felons voted. 66,248 underage registered. 2,423 voted w/out registration. 1,043 address a Post-Office. 4,926 registered late. 10,315 dead people. 395 cast ballots in another state. 15,700 filed national change of address. 40,279 moved. 100+ affidavits. With the false pretense of a "Water Main Break at State Farm Arena"... video footage was capable to show that in the voting places everyone was cleared out "including Republican observers", but 4 people stayed behind!!!, pull suitcases filled with ballots from under a table, & continued to count ballots in private from around 10:30 PM until 1 AM, if 6,000 ballots fit in each of those suitcases and there were four suitcases, those four individuals added some 24,000 votes all for Biden during that time!!!, etc., etc., etc., as I have said before, the information is getting more detailed and longer and longer as the days are passing, and for the 19th of this month of Dec., 2020, there where an alud of information regarding the voting fraud perpetrated for Biden is fully exposed... The gifted author of the video declares: "...the evidence is pouring out and nothing can stop this. People are seeing it, they are now experiencing" the full exposure, in the US, of rampant "fraud for the first time. [DS] panics, sends a message, GA is in the crosshairs. Everything is about to change, the truth is about to come out. The tide is turning." To see more of the profound insight of David, go to: https://rumble.com/c/X22Report
Details more specific are being presented in the courts as days go by:

2,506 felons voted.
66,248 underage registered.
2,423 voted w/out registration.
1,043 address a Post-Office.
4,926 registered late.
10,315 dead people.
395 cast ballots in another state.
15,700 filed national change of address.
40,279 moved.
100+ affidavits.

With the false pretense of a "Water Main Break at State Farm Arena"... video footage was capable to show that in the voting places everyone was cleared out "including Republican observers", but 4 people stayed behind!!!, pull suitcases filled with ballots from under a table, & continued to count ballots in private from around 10:30 PM until 1 AM, if 6,000 ballots fit in each of those suitcases and there were four suitcases, those four individuals added some 24,000 votes all for Biden during that time!!!, etc., etc., etc., as I have said before, the information is getting more detailed and longer and longer as the days are passing, and for the 19th of this month of Dec., 2020, there where an alud of information regarding the voting fraud perpetrated for Biden is fully exposed...

The gifted author of the video declares: "...the evidence is pouring out and nothing can stop this. People are seeing it, they are now experiencing" the full exposure, in the US, of rampant "fraud for the first time. [DS] panics, sends a message, GA is in the crosshairs. Everything is about to change, the truth is about to come out. The tide is turning." To see more of the profound insight of David, go to: https://rumble.com/c/X22Report
Additional evidence of fraud is what the hidden cameras of the voting places recorded, in Georgia, after the observers and the supervisors left, four individuals where authorized to stay, and they took under the desk big luggage containers... in the first place they had not legal business staying there... etc. Then a bold woman declares what she saw saying that she sworn signing her affidavit and that those coming forward denouncing fraud have a hard time in society because of ostracism and criticizing... and even with all those hindrances, people is coming forward to witness the truth! So, if you can, please read carefully the next book that explains how the same players managed to corrupt the information, to manipulate the history, and to bully anybody thinking differently as the way the bullies want you to think (but at least no more for the ones that already are aware!!!): https://ia801304.us.archive.org/3/items/TheBadWarTheTruthNEVERTaughtAboutWorldWarII/TheBadWarTheTruthNeverTaughtAboutWorldWarIiversion2MikeKing.pdf
Additional evidence of fraud is what the hidden cameras of the voting places recorded, in Georgia, after the observers and the supervisors left, four individuals where authorized to stay, and they took under the desk big luggage containers... in the first place they had not legal business staying there... etc. Then a bold woman declares what she saw saying that she sworn signing her affidavit and that those coming forward denouncing fraud have a hard time in society because of ostracism and criticizing... and even with all those hindrances, people is coming forward to witness the truth! So, if you can, please read carefully the next book that explains how the same players managed to corrupt the information, to manipulate the history, and to bully anybody thinking differently as the way the bullies want you to think (but at least no more for the ones that already are aware!!!):
Fernando Castro-Chavez posted in FerKat.
The Presentation at the NYU of today, oh Most Precious Lady Princess in the Eyes Divine and in My Eyes:
Getting longer day by days the evidence of rampant voting fraud in the US!!! And, remembering my Patriotic military friends and fellow citizens, the U.S. Army (a strong arm behind Q) posted today: "The calm before the storm: A team of Rangers silently hold their position before executing a platoon raid." Then O'Keefe is presenting his dosis of the two last months of secret meetings by CNN high executives where we discover that they do NOT report the real news, they attempt to MANIPULATE the "consensus" of the masses, now CNN is crying saying that such hidden recording "may be a felony. We've referred it to law enforcement". What a bunch of cowards those of CNN (and that is just the tip of the iceberg as all the corrupted mass media is the same)!!!, for that reason, Donald Trump Junior responded to those bastards of CNN: "It's amazing that CNN had no problem aggressively running with secretly recorded audio tapes of the First Lady non-stop for weeks, but has a serious problem when someone does the exact same thing to them! ...double standards... no standards at all"!!! Then, patriot Ivan Pentchoukov declares: "Is UPS supposed to carry official election material? Because I and three Dominion Watch volunteers saw a UPS truck picking up a ballet of boxes marked "official absentee" from the Secretary of State's warehouse"!!! Then Jesse Morgan, a truck driver with USPS subcontractor says he was suspicious of his cargo load of 280,000 COMPLETED ballots: "I was driving completed ballots from New York to Pennsylvania. I didn't know, so I decided to speak up." Also Ethan Pease, a former UMS temporary worker describes serious anomalies on the voting day(s)!!! And Ron adds: "Gwinnett County Official admits to taking data from the Election Management System, plugging it into laptop, then filtering it with excel. This circumvents the rules that external software isn't allowed on election machines!!"!!! And bold patriot, a woman that I wish to be as bold as, Sidney Powell declares, apart of boldly speaking to "STOP the steal rally in Georgia"!!!: "Not to mention we received a report that despite Federal Court order, machines were being removed from Gwinnett County elections offices and a shredder truck was there"!!! Then a witness, (a bold black woman, a Poll Challenger) denounces to the Oversight Committee that "Poll supervisor ILLEGALLY gave contested votes to Dem Candidates" (plus other anomalies), this in MI. Then, bold Catherine Herridge affirms: "The Department will continue to receive and vigorously pursue all specific and credible allegations of fraud as expeditiously as possible". Etc., etc. (Including, from past studies, something that I almost forgot, the old Durham metaphor of George Washington entering victorious on such a boat on the 24th of December!!!). If you are a Patriot of the Truth of this planet, I deeply request you to read this interview: https://files.secure.website/wscfus/10348600/7999579/interviewhitler.pdf, it will change forever your perspective of what you think you know during the last more than a hundred years (since the mass media attempted to control your way of thinking about history as per their conveniences and NOT the truth!!! Please read it and as such, retabulate all history in your head, what is true versus what the most dark forces at work in this world want you to "believe" trying even to harrass you if you do not believe as they want to impose you to do!)
Getting longer day by days the evidence of rampant voting fraud in the US!!! And, remembering my Patriotic military friends and fellow citizens, the U.S. Army (a strong arm behind Q) posted today: "The calm before the storm: A team of Rangers silently hold their position before executing a platoon raid." Then O'Keefe is presenting his dosis of the two last months of secret meetings by CNN high executives where we discover that they do NOT report the real news, they attempt to MANIPULATE the "consensus" of the masses, now CNN is crying saying that such hidden recording "may be a felony. We've referred it to law enforcement". What a bunch of cowards those of CNN (and that is just the tip of the iceberg as all the corrupted mass media is the same)!!!, for that reason, Donald Trump Junior responded to those bastards of CNN: "It's amazing that CNN had no problem aggressively running with secretly recorded audio tapes of the First Lady non-stop for weeks, but has a serious problem when someone does the exact same thing to them! ...double standards... no standards at all"!!! Then, patriot Ivan Pentchoukov declares: "Is UPS supposed to carry official election material? Because I and three Dominion Watch volunteers saw a UPS truck picking up a ballet of boxes marked "official absentee" from the Secretary of State's warehouse"!!! Then Jesse Morgan, a truck driver with USPS subcontractor says he was suspicious of his cargo load of 280,000 COMPLETED ballots: "I was driving completed ballots from New York to Pennsylvania. I didn't know, so I decided to speak up." Also Ethan Pease, a former UMS temporary worker describes serious anomalies on the voting day(s)!!! And Ron adds: "Gwinnett County Official admits to taking data from the Election Management System, plugging it into laptop, then filtering it with excel. This circumvents the rules that external software isn't allowed on election machines!!"!!! And bold patriot, a woman that I wish to be as bold as, Sidney Powell declares, apart of boldly speaking to "STOP the steal rally in Georgia"!!!: "Not to mention we received a report that despite Federal Court order, machines were being removed from Gwinnett County elections offices and a shredder truck was there"!!! Then a witness, (a bold black woman, a Poll Challenger) denounces to the Oversight Committee that "Poll supervisor ILLEGALLY gave contested votes to Dem Candidates" (plus other anomalies), this in MI. Then, bold Catherine Herridge affirms: "The Department will continue to receive and vigorously pursue all specific and credible allegations of fraud as expeditiously as possible". Etc., etc. (Including, from past studies, something that I almost forgot, the old Durham metaphor of George Washington entering victorious on such a boat on the 24th of December!!!). If you are a Patriot of the Truth of this planet, I deeply request you to read this interview: https://files.secure.website/wscfus/10348600/7999579/interviewhitler.pdf, it will change forever your perspective of what you think you know during the last more than a hundred years (since the mass media attempted to control your way of thinking about history as per their conveniences and NOT the truth!!! Please read it and as such, retabulate all history in your head, what is true versus what the most dark forces at work in this world want you to "believe" trying even to harrass you if you do not believe as they want to impose you to do!)
And the findings of rampant fraud keep piling up: "Bill Posey is calling on The Justice Department to investigate election software & hardware, Giuliani says: "During the hearing yesterday on Voter Fraud the witnesses described over 400,000 illegal ballots entered under the direction of the Democrat officials in Maricopa and Pima Counties, Arizona. Another part of the biggest election fraud in American history", Expert witness (whom Twitter account was suspended for testifying!!!) says he believes the numbers in Arizona are fraudulent based on the data: "I'd rather resign than have certified those results"!!!; "Hard Drive Shredding Truck Shows up to Georgia Elections machines facility. It can shred machine parts, server drives, USBs etc. People are calling for the Arrest of Kemp & the FBI sleeps on the job. Judges & Kemp seem Complicit w' Crime", "Does anyone know or have a record of why Gwinnett Co Elections has PODS? What's inside them? 3 workers stayed late. The last one was out of the building around 22:48... Watch a Dominion Representative (Xavier Khouri, Quality Technician Support, GPS Trackit, Bufford, Georgia) at Gwinnett County Election Central, responsible for tabulating ballots and certifying results, download data to a USB from the Election Management Server, plug it into a laptop, manipulate the data, then palm the USB"; "We DON'T have "One Person, One Vote!" ", Dr. Shiva Ayyadural; also, ongoing electoral results were sent to Frankfurt, Germany; then, big Capital of the CCP of China is dirtily involved in the voting machines, etc., etc..."
And the findings of rampant fraud keep piling up: "Bill Posey is calling on The Justice Department to investigate election software & hardware, Giuliani says: "During the hearing yesterday on Voter Fraud the witnesses described over 400,000 illegal ballots entered under the direction of the Democrat officials in Maricopa and Pima Counties, Arizona. Another part of the biggest election fraud in American history", Expert witness (whom Twitter account was suspended for testifying!!!) says he believes the numbers in Arizona are fraudulent based on the data: "I'd rather resign than have certified those results"!!!; "Hard Drive Shredding Truck Shows up to Georgia Elections machines facility. It can shred machine parts, server drives, USBs etc. People are calling for the Arrest of Kemp & the FBI sleeps on the job. Judges & Kemp seem Complicit w' Crime", "Does anyone know or have a record of why Gwinnett Co Elections has PODS? What's inside them? 3 workers stayed late. The last one was out of the building around 22:48... Watch a Dominion Representative (Xavier Khouri, Quality Technician Support, GPS Trackit, Bufford, Georgia) at Gwinnett County Election Central, responsible for tabulating ballots and certifying results, download data to a USB from the Election Management Server, plug it into a laptop, manipulate the data, then palm the USB"; "We DON'T have "One Person, One Vote!" ", Dr. Shiva Ayyadural; also, ongoing electoral results were sent to Frankfurt, Germany; then, big Capital of the CCP of China is dirtily involved in the voting machines, etc., etc..."
The unsettling antecedents of why humanity is being pushed into the current situation right now in our 2020s: https://ia801304.us.archive.org/3/items/TheBadWarTheTruthNEVERTaughtAboutWorldWarII/TheBadWarTheTruthNeverTaughtAboutWorldWarIiversion2MikeKing.pdf (and the same real info in a fictitious literary interview form easier to grasp: https://files.secure.website/wscfus/10348600/7999579/interviewhitler.pdf):
The unsettling antecedents of why humanity is being pushed into the current situation right now in our 2020s: https://ia801304.us.archive.org/3/items/TheBadWarTheTruthNEVERTaughtAboutWorldWarII/TheBadWarTheTruthNeverTaughtAboutWorldWarIiversion2MikeKing.pdf (and the same real info in a fictitious literary interview form easier to grasp: https://files.secure.website/wscfus/10348600/7999579/interviewhitler.pdf):
The Light for the Truth keeps on coming: "The Republic (US and the free world) is at stake. This is no game for us. There is a group in this state (Penn) and country (US) willing to throw away (the NWO Foreign Bankers that Bought the Dems and many Reps Plus the Press, TV, Movies, Univs., (and now the "Zoo-cial Media"), etc., etc...) our valuable and precious freedoms. We are HERE TO SHED LIGHT ON DARKNESS!". Senator Mastriano. "The recounts in Dane and Milwaukee Counties have revealed serious issues regarding the legality of ballots... fight for a free and fair election. Jenna Ellis. "...Forensic examination is going to show the alterations. Digital footprints are almost impossible to hide... All election records are required to be maintained for a minimum of 22 months. Any records altered or deleted, there will be evidence, will make people subject to criminal charges... the contract between Dominion and The State of Georgia... will name all those involved in the rushed deal in spite of obvious opposition from both lawmakers and voters... $107 million... Georgian taxpayer dollars... Georgians are entitled to know how every penny was spent... this could set further precedent on the transparency of government deal making and allow for expanded scrutiny of vendor contracts. The who, what, where, when, and why approach to government accountability. All of this should be public domain. Pray... fear not... PUT YOUR FOCUS ON GOD... Not on the storm..." ZultanPhysics.
The Light for the Truth keeps on coming: "The Republic (US and the free world) is at stake. This is no game for us. There is a group in this state (Penn) and country (US) willing to throw away (the NWO Foreign Bankers that Bought the Dems and many Reps Plus the Press, TV, Movies, Univs., (and now the "Zoo-cial Media"), etc., etc...) our valuable and precious freedoms. We are HERE TO SHED LIGHT ON DARKNESS!". Senator Mastriano. "The recounts in Dane and Milwaukee Counties have revealed serious issues regarding the legality of ballots... fight for a free and fair election. Jenna Ellis. "...Forensic examination is going to show the alterations. Digital footprints are almost impossible to hide... All election records are required to be maintained for a minimum of 22 months. Any records altered or deleted, there will be evidence, will make people subject to criminal charges... the contract between Dominion and The State of Georgia... will name all those involved in the rushed deal in spite of obvious opposition from both lawmakers and voters... $107 million... Georgian taxpayer dollars... Georgians are entitled to know how every penny was spent... this could set further precedent on the transparency of government deal making and allow for expanded scrutiny of vendor contracts. The who, what, where, when, and why approach to government accountability. All of this should be public domain. Pray... fear not... PUT YOUR FOCUS ON GOD... Not on the storm..." ZultanPhysics.
Well, we have now thousands upon thousands of evidences that there was voting fraud to falsely claim that useless Biden was the supposed "President-elect", which is the real fake news, which is totally false, and he knows it and deceitfully goes along with that dirty game. Some bold citizen, a patriot pregnant mother, Candace Owens, needed to call a lawyer to correct the false "fact-check" on her post (for corrupt fact-checkers working also for "a Zucker", a real life loser at FB), and her original post was: "Joe Biden is literally and legally not the President-elect. So why is the media pretending he is?". She was fakely "fact-checked", so after her lawyer confronted "PolitiFact", this platform admitted that they LIED by rating her post "false", they needed to put a "Correction" that says: "PolitiFact originally labeled this video false in our capacity as a third-party fact-checker for Facebook. On Nov. 20, an appeal to that decision was made on behalf of Ms. Owens. PolitiFact approved the appeal on Nov. 20, determined that a correction was appropriate, and removed the false rating", CNN also needs to be called to justice and all the other lying arms of the "Mass Media" and their handlers, to correct their lying claims or to go to prison!!! And one Fareed Zakaria from CNN is already making the record straight in favor of Trump, at least for him not to go to jail for blatantly LYING as these corrupt little Social Media platforms, their perverted "fact-checkers", and as said, all the corrupted conglomerate of the Mass Media and their despicable owners have done!
Well, we have now thousands upon thousands of evidences that there was voting fraud to falsely claim that useless Biden was the supposed "President-elect", which is the real fake news, which is totally false, and he knows it and deceitfully goes along with that dirty game. Some bold citizen, a patriot pregnant mother, Candace Owens, needed to call a lawyer to correct the false "fact-check" on her post (for corrupt fact-checkers working also for "a Zucker", a real life loser at FB), and her original post was: "Joe Biden is literally and legally not the President-elect. So why is the media pretending he is?". She was fakely "fact-checked", so after her lawyer confronted "PolitiFact", this platform admitted that they LIED by rating her post "false", they needed to put a "Correction" that says: "PolitiFact originally labeled this video false in our capacity as a third-party fact-checker for Facebook. On Nov. 20, an appeal to that decision was made on behalf of Ms. Owens. PolitiFact approved the appeal on Nov. 20, determined that a correction was appropriate, and removed the false rating", CNN also needs to be called to justice and all the other lying arms of the "Mass Media" and their handlers, to correct their lying claims or to go to prison!!! And one Fareed Zakaria from CNN is already making the record straight in favor of Trump, at least for him not to go to jail for blatantly LYING as these corrupt little Social Media platforms, their perverted "fact-checkers", and as said, all the corrupted conglomerate of the Mass Media and their despicable owners have done!
New evidence is being discovered on a daily basis, I had not checked during ten days the new discoveries but the one of today is shocking: "The final red flag is perhaps the greatest. Something occurred in Michigan that is physically impossible, indicating the results were manipulated on election night within the EMS. The event as reflected in the data are the 4 spikes totaling 384,733 ballots allegedly processed in a combined interval of only 2 hour and 38 minutes. This is physically impossible given the equipment available at the 4 reference locations (precincts/townships) we looked at for processing ballots, and cross referencing that with both the time it took at each location and the performance specifications we obtained using the serial numbers of the scanning devices used. (Model DRM16011 – 60/min. without accounting for paper jams, replacement cover sheets or loading time, so we assume 2,000 ballots/hr. in field conditions which is probably generous). This calculation yields a sum of 94,867 ballots as the maximum number of ballots that could be processed. And while it should be noted that in the event of a jam and the counter is not reset, the ballots can be run through again and effectively duplicated, this would not alleviate the impossibility of this event because duplicated ballots still require processing time. The existence of the spike is strongly indicative of a manual adjustment either by the operator of the system (see paragraph 12 above) or an attack by outside actors. In any event, there were 289,866 more ballots processed in the time available for processing in four precincts/townships, than there was capacity. A look at the graph below makes clear the This is not surprising because the system is highly vulnerable to a manual change in the ballot totals as observed here." From one of the thousand Affidavits of common citizens (this by Russell James Ramsland, Jr.) with some common sense and science, like you and I that have been realizing the impossibility of the "win" of the very corrupted career politician Biden: https://web.archive.org/web/20201120134722/https://principia-scientific.com/shocking-affidavit-how-big-tech-stole-the-u-s-presidential-election/, https://web.archive.org/web/20201120134441/https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.gand.283580/gov.uscourts.gand.283580.7.1_2.pdf, these are not even the strongest cases that the team of Trump is going to raise very soon, but are very compelling and clear on their points of the physical impossibility of the machines to process as many ballots pro-Biden in the short time that they supposedly did!!!
New evidence is being discovered on a daily basis, I had not checked during ten days the new discoveries but the one of today is shocking: "The final red flag is perhaps the greatest. Something occurred in Michigan that is physically impossible, indicating the results were manipulated on election night within the EMS. The event as reflected in the data are the 4 spikes totaling 384,733 ballots allegedly processed in a combined interval of only 2 hour and 38 minutes. This is physically impossible given the equipment available at the 4 reference locations (precincts/townships) we looked at for processing ballots, and cross referencing that with both the time it took at each location and the performance specifications we obtained using the serial numbers of the scanning devices used. (Model DRM16011 – 60/min. without accounting for paper jams, replacement cover sheets or loading time, so we assume 2,000 ballots/hr. in field conditions which is probably generous). This calculation yields a sum of 94,867 ballots as the maximum number of ballots that could be processed. And while it should be noted that in the event of a jam and the counter is not reset, the ballots can be run through again and effectively duplicated, this would not alleviate the impossibility of this event because duplicated ballots still require processing time. The existence of the spike is strongly indicative of a manual adjustment either by the operator of the system (see paragraph 12 above) or an attack by outside actors. In any event, there were 289,866 more ballots processed in the time available for processing in four precincts/townships, than there was capacity. A look at the graph below makes clear the This is not surprising because the system is highly vulnerable to a manual change in the ballot totals as observed here." From one of the thousand Affidavits of common citizens (this by Russell James Ramsland, Jr.) with some common sense and science, like you and I that have been realizing the impossibility of the "win" of the very corrupted career politician Biden: https://web.archive.org/web/20201120134722/https://principia-scientific.com/shocking-affidavit-how-big-tech-stole-the-u-s-presidential-election/, https://web.archive.org/web/20201120134441/https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.gand.283580/gov.uscourts.gand.283580.7.1_2.pdf, these are not even the strongest cases that the team of Trump is going to raise very soon, but are very compelling and clear on their points of the physical impossibility of the machines to process as many ballots pro-Biden in the short time that they supposedly did!!!
https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/proclamation-thanksgiving-day-2020: "On Thanksgiving Day, we thank God for the abundant blessings in our lives. As we gather with family and friends to celebrate this season of generosity, hope, and gratitude, we commemorate America’s founding traditions of faith, family, and friendship, and give thanks for the principles of freedom, liberty, and democracy that make our country exceptional in the history of the world. / This November marks 400 years since the Mayflower and its passengers faced the unknown and set sail across the Atlantic Ocean. Propelled by hope for a brighter future, these intrepid men and women endured... They forged friendships with the Wampanoag Tribe, fostered a spirit of common purpose among themselves, and trusted in God to provide for them... This Thanksgiving, we reaffirm our everlasting gratitude for all that we enjoy, and we commemorate the legacy of generosity bestowed upon us by our forbearers... I encourage all Americans to gather, in homes and places of worship, to offer a prayer of thanks to God for our many blessings... in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty..."
Updated Nov 26, 2020, 6:57 PM
In Brief: https://cdn.lbryplayer.xyz/api/v3/streams/free/Israel-and-the-assassinations-of-The-Kennedy-brothers-Trailer/5f9c8b0153a17c71161ba3f00908a95982def1c6/7cdf7d; In Full: https://cdn.lbryplayer.xyz/api/v3/streams/free/Israel-and-the-Assassinations-of-The-Kennedy-brothers/930e20a0c27317ca6829b1d703007618fee98ff3/b42938; Update: In Context: https://ia800405.us.archive.org/11/items/PlanetRothschildPart1/planet%20rothschild%20part1.pdf, https://ia800402.us.archive.org/9/items/PlanetrothschildPart2/planetrothschild%20part2.pdf
Fernando Castro-Chavez added a new photo to a timeline.
Nov 23, 2020, 1:24 PM
Key links to track on a daily basis the constant discoveries of the most ridiculous voting fraud perpetrated by Biden, are (the CCP repressive style FB did not allow me to put the links, I kept on hitting Post and nothing happened, one good day in the future they will pay for what they are doing on repressing information, on repressing freedom, on repressing the truth to be known, shame on them!!!):
Key links to track on a daily basis the constant discoveries of the most ridiculous voting fraud perpetrated by Biden, are (the CCP repressive style FB did not allow me to put the links, I kept on hitting Post and nothing happened, one good day in the future they will pay for what they are doing on repressing information, on repressing freedom, on repressing the truth to be known, shame on them!!!):
The time will come where the fraudsters will be trapped, the liars will be caught, and some of them are already been put into evidence as per today: Once the most corrupt "Blue Bird" was found lying blatantly yesterday with its "fact-checking" false label of "Official sources called this election differently", in relation to the double statement by Trump about that he WON The Election, now they changed their absurd label with this other one also useless and with no authority whatsoever: "Multiple sources called this election differently" (yeah, all of them as part of the corrupt media, the corrupt social media, the members of the swamp, both local and international... none of them with real authority to call on nothing yet, until all is legally and lawfully recounted and certified, and right there, for the good people of the earth, it can be seen clearly who is lying and who wants the truth to come up!). Then, we see here that Trump knew where they were sending the results of the voting (to Germany, as we also saw yesterday), and he did a sting operation there to trap the culprits of that and to retrieve the original databases, there we can see a big landslide in favor of 410 Electoral Votes for Trump vs only 128 for the cheater scum called Biden. Plus multiple irrefutable proofs that keep on coming, like that CA sent thousands to ballots to "homeless" people who voted "Biden", and I forgot in one of the previous ones, all those unrequested ballots that were sent in abundance to people that do not requested them, including the, yes again the poor elderly people of the "nursing homes" (if you want further information, Lindsey Graham is pursuing that line of investigation)... but it is because there is so many evidence that really make the researchers sick to see how much evil really exists in this world... but the bad ones will fall, no matter how much lies are used to cover-up the truth!
The time will come where the fraudsters will be trapped, the liars will be caught, and some of them are already been put into evidence as per today: Once the most corrupt "Blue Bird" was found lying blatantly yesterday with its "fact-checking" false label of "Official sources called this election differently", in relation to the double statement by Trump about that he WON The Election, now they changed their absurd label with this other one also useless and with no authority whatsoever: "Multiple sources called this election differently" (yeah, all of them as part of the corrupt media, the corrupt social media, the members of the swamp, both local and international... none of them with real authority to call on nothing yet, until all is legally and lawfully recounted and certified, and right there, for the good people of the earth, it can be seen clearly who is lying and who wants the truth to come up!). Then, we see here that Trump knew where they were sending the results of the voting (to Germany, as we also saw yesterday), and he did a sting operation there to trap the culprits of that and to retrieve the original databases, there we can see a big landslide in favor of 410 Electoral Votes for Trump vs only 128 for the cheater scum called Biden. Plus multiple irrefutable proofs that keep on coming, like that CA sent thousands to ballots to "homeless" people who voted "Biden", and I forgot in one of the previous ones, all those unrequested ballots that were sent in abundance to people that do not requested them, including the, yes again the poor elderly people of the "nursing homes" (if you want further information, Lindsey Graham is pursuing that line of investigation)... but it is because there is so many evidence that really make the researchers sick to see how much evil really exists in this world... but the bad ones will fall, no matter how much lies are used to cover-up the truth!
More evidences of the Biden electoral fraud: The voting machines and software were all rigged to favor Biden, even other countries, like the Philippines have denounced the bias of those machines. We have the clear evidence that "the blue bird" has NO authority whatsoever to put the warnings that it puts, and such warnings are completely false, they and the owners of this one, are the fakers and sooner or later they will pay for the deception that they are enacting. then you can see the miserable ANTIFA hitting unawares the good citizens that went to the million crowded event in support Trump in D.C., you can see another scum BLM lady stealing the cell phone of the one on the floor, and on the next video, you can see another of those sorts of scum hitting down another elderly patriot, and some of the D.C. police with helmets are seen doing absolutely nothing!, as if they were also advised by the corrupt government there, not to intervene in the beatings of patriots pro Trump, shame on them, and shame on the corrupt media that is not covering any of the crimes of these pieces of scum, is pampering them as they all are part of the deception. God, protect your good people and that the evil ones be exposed and processed accordingly.
More evidences of the Biden electoral fraud: The voting machines and software were all rigged to favor Biden, even other countries, like the Philippines have denounced the bias of those machines. We have the clear evidence that "the blue bird" has NO authority whatsoever to put the warnings that it puts, and such warnings are completely false, they and the owners of this one, are the fakers and sooner or later they will pay for the deception that they are enacting. then you can see the miserable ANTIFA hitting unawares the good citizens that went to the million crowded event in support Trump in D.C., you can see another scum BLM lady stealing the cell phone of the one on the floor, and on the next video, you can see another of those sorts of scum hitting down another elderly patriot, and some of the D.C. police with helmets are seen doing absolutely nothing!, as if they were also advised by the corrupt government there, not to intervene in the beatings of patriots pro Trump, shame on them, and shame on the corrupt media that is not covering any of the crimes of these pieces of scum, is pampering them as they all are part of the deception. God, protect your good people and that the evil ones be exposed and processed accordingly.
More and plus more evidence of Fraud against the American people, not only in the 2020 U.S.A. Elections, but also in fake charities launched by the Bidens, you can see as well, excerpts of the amazing rally for Trump at DC (not covered by the corrupt "messengers"), and how the violent people that supports a fraudster such as Biden, resorted to the beatings in the night, when fewer people that supported Trump was around, you can see clearly who are the violent crews, and who are the pacific crews, also you can see how the media and the social media tries to deny these events that are really happening, the massive rallies for Trump, the violent beatings of ANTIFA & BLM to peaceful citizens, and how also that corrupt media did not cover the previous extreme violent acts of the same paid reefers.
More and plus more evidence of Fraud against the American people, not only in the 2020 U.S.A. Elections, but also in fake charities launched by the Bidens, you can see as well, excerpts of the amazing rally for Trump at DC (not covered by the corrupt "messengers"), and how the violent people that supports a fraudster such as Biden, resorted to the beatings in the night, when fewer people that supported Trump was around, you can see clearly who are the violent crews, and who are the pacific crews, also you can see how the media and the social media tries to deny these events that are really happening, the massive rallies for Trump, the violent beatings of ANTIFA & BLM to peaceful citizens, and how also that corrupt media did not cover the previous extreme violent acts of the same paid reefers.
Now we are reaching the top, contrary to the baseless opinions of the deceived owners of this site (thinking that their money will determine the "winner"), here we have the Chair of the "Federal Election Commission", Trey Trainor saying today: "I do believe that there is voter fraud taking place in these places", and that is going on even TODAY! (13 Nov. 2020); he believes voter fraud is taking place in those states still counting ballots. During a Friday appearance on Newsmax TV's "National Report," Trainor said locations not granting observers access to watch the ballot counting process could be involved in VOTER FRAUD. The son of Trump, Don, indicates that: "Fact-Checkers" can not put that such is "fake news", coming directly from the "Chair of the Federal Election Commission"!!! Can they b/r...tards? Then an undeniable evidence that the top Election Chief of Milwaukee, Wisconsin was CAUGHT on camera illegally tabulating 169,000 mail-in ballots without legally appointed observers! Breaking the Legal Chain of Custody!!! Those criminals were stealing YOUR votes and giving them ILLEGALLY to an undeserving traitor of the USA!!! Good thing that concerned citizens in the back of the room were able to record such illicit activity!!! Because, whomever goes along with a fraud scheme, no matter whom that person is, with the end to deceive the Nation and the will of the American people, is a traitor of the Nation and do NOT deserve to lead that Nation (even if the corrupted big Social Media platforms, Google, etc., are in it for $$$, they will also fall on their lying "predictions", and will still be servants of the Citizens... unless they shut down their now filled with repressors of truth) that he has deceived, cheated, lied to...
Now we are reaching the top, contrary to the baseless opinions of the deceived owners of this site (thinking that their money will determine the "winner"), here we have the Chair of the "Federal Election Commission", Trey Trainor saying today: "I do believe that there is voter fraud taking place in these places", and that is going on even TODAY! (13 Nov. 2020); he believes voter fraud is taking place in those states still counting ballots. During a Friday appearance on Newsmax TV's "National Report," Trainor said locations not granting observers access to watch the ballot counting process could be involved in VOTER FRAUD. The son of Trump, Don, indicates that: "Fact-Checkers" can not put that such is "fake news", coming directly from the "Chair of the Federal Election Commission"!!! Can they b/r...tards? Then an undeniable evidence that the top Election Chief of Milwaukee, Wisconsin was CAUGHT on camera illegally tabulating 169,000 mail-in ballots without legally appointed observers! Breaking the Legal Chain of Custody!!! Those criminals were stealing YOUR votes and giving them ILLEGALLY to an undeserving traitor of the USA!!! Good thing that concerned citizens in the back of the room were able to record such illicit activity!!! Because, whomever goes along with a fraud scheme, no matter whom that person is, with the end to deceive the Nation and the will of the American people, is a traitor of the Nation and do NOT deserve to lead that Nation (even if the corrupted big Social Media platforms, Google, etc., are in it for $$$, they will also fall on their lying "predictions", and will still be servants of the Citizens... unless they shut down their now filled with repressors of truth) that he has deceived, cheated, lied to...
As more evidence accumulates of the voting fraud, and the one that was already there is fine tuned and detailed, and as for the other side more censorship pours over those that are exposing the lies, we can see that the members of the swamp team together. Now it is Osterholm, the same one that at the very beginning of COVID-19 denied on a popular show that it was an artificial product of a laboratory; so, now, the same "creature" is spearheading the "Dark Winter" organized by Democrats and announced by Biden, promoting another upcoming month and a half of lockdowns. But WE THE PEOPLE will NOT let those criminals to get away with murder, with debunking the USA economy, with cheating, lying and committing every sort of crimes. With the help divine, we are protected and guided by our ever living Father! To see all the expanded insights by David, who alone is exposing a "Goliath", please go to: https://rumble.com/c/X22Report (Here I only put an excerpt of remarkable discoveries that he is putting together in a daily basis, and like him, thousands of Patriots of JUSTICE all over the world).
As more evidence accumulates of the voting fraud, and the one that was already there is fine tuned and detailed, and as for the other side more censorship pours over those that are exposing the lies, we can see that the members of the swamp team together. Now it is Osterholm, the same one that at the very beginning of COVID-19 denied on a popular show that it was an artificial product of a laboratory; so, now, the same "creature" is spearheading the "Dark Winter" organized by Democrats and announced by Biden, promoting another upcoming month and a half of lockdowns. But WE THE PEOPLE will NOT let those criminals to get away with murder, with debunking the USA economy, with cheating, lying and committing every sort of crimes. With the help divine, we are protected and guided by our ever living Father! To see all the expanded insights by David, who alone is exposing a "Goliath", please go to: https://rumble.com/c/X22Report (Here I only put an excerpt of remarkable discoveries that he is putting together in a daily basis, and like him, thousands of Patriots of JUSTICE all over the world).
The endless evidence of total fraud by Biden keeps on pouring, here we see that Truman Black developed a computer script that identifies votes "switched" from Trump to Biden, and votes for Trump that just "disappeared", for example in PA there were 220,000 switched votes, and lost votes that belonged to Trump: 941,000; we also see how Biden is full of lies, he promised to Wallace that he will be waiting before proclaiming his victory until a certified count of valid votes will be done, and he did not keep his promise, then we see the ease where the "Dominion" voting machines can be accessed for anybody to gain "Administrator" privileges so as to alter the voting rates, and then how the voting process was detained with spurious pretexts like a long distance broken pipe, just to stop the counting of the votes for Trump and planning their needed votes for lying Biden to "win"... etc., etc... Happy VETERANS DAY today!!! I pray our Veterans will keep inspiring us and doing what is right to protect our dearly beloved USA, before is dismantled as it will happen sooner or later... but NOT while we are still here!!! An old veteran patriot of our Independence, reminds us today that it is Better to Die standing, than to Live on our knees!!!
The endless evidence of total fraud by Biden keeps on pouring, here we see that Truman Black developed a computer script that identifies votes "switched" from Trump to Biden, and votes for Trump that just "disappeared", for example in PA there were 220,000 switched votes, and lost votes that belonged to Trump: 941,000; we also see how Biden is full of lies, he promised to Wallace that he will be waiting before proclaiming his victory until a certified count of valid votes will be done, and he did not keep his promise, then we see the ease where the "Dominion" voting machines can be accessed for anybody to gain "Administrator" privileges so as to alter the voting rates, and then how the voting process was detained with spurious pretexts like a long distance broken pipe, just to stop the counting of the votes for Trump and planning their needed votes for lying Biden to "win"... etc., etc... Happy VETERANS DAY today!!! I pray our Veterans will keep inspiring us and doing what is right to protect our dearly beloved USA, before is dismantled as it will happen sooner or later... but NOT while we are still here!!! An old veteran patriot of our Independence, reminds us today that it is Better to Die standing, than to Live on our knees!!!
Way far more evidences of fraud by Biden, here an hispanic patriot, Steve Cortes lays out in detail those things that started being studied yesterday, the total statistical impossibility of Biden-only ballots, with no other candidate of any other office checked, not even if Democrat (evidence that they rushed to fill more ballots than what they already had to "rig" the election), he demonstrates that such Democratic lie is exacerbated 11, 712 % just in the State of Georgia, when compared to the similar case for the Republicans, which is a Statistical impossibility!!! We also hear the words of Pompeo, who says: "There will be a smooth transition TO A SECOND TRUMP ADMINISTRATION", and more, thanks to David for his keen analysis of all of those things!!! And to D. J. T. for his honest postings to have a direct connection with the population that wishes to do so too.
Way far more evidences of fraud by Biden, here an hispanic patriot, Steve Cortes lays out in detail those things that started being studied yesterday, the total statistical impossibility of Biden-only ballots, with no other candidate of any other office checked, not even if Democrat (evidence that they rushed to fill more ballots than what they already had to "rig" the election), he demonstrates that such Democratic lie is exacerbated 11, 712 % just in the State of Georgia, when compared to the similar case for the Republicans, which is a Statistical impossibility!!! We also hear the words of Pompeo, who says: "There will be a smooth transition TO A SECOND TRUMP ADMINISTRATION", and more, thanks to David for his keen analysis of all of those things!!! And to D. J. T. for his honest postings to have a direct connection with the population that wishes to do so too.
Fernando Castro-Chavez uploaded a file in the group: FerKat.
Most Precious Kat With NO Compare, Here Is My Essay for your sister.
Countless additional evidences of voting fraud by Biden, thus far 450K ballots nationally have only marked "Biden" with no other selection for any other position of the rest of aspiring ones, neither Democrats or Republicans, indicative of a precipitate fraudulent filing of all of those false ballots (even if the corrupt and prostituted media is also trying even to downplay that evidence, but that media will be buried for good in its own lies!, and really, nobody pays attention to them anymore!), then the discovery of Pelosi and Soros as the important individuals invested in the on purpose biased software systems to favor Biden, dead men voting, postal service workers ordered by their bosses to predate late ballots, etc., etc., etc. So, the alternative given by "The Constitution" of the USA, that Trump knows and upholds (contrary to Biden), indicates that the contested States need to resort NOT to the corrupt governors, but to their LEGISLATORS to do another LEGAL "one day" voting in only those States. Then, the animal "Rioters" have been all the time with Biden, not with Trump, and Trump fired that sold-out Mark Esper, the most corrupt character on the side of the cabal, and put in his place an honest man: Christopher C. Miller, the highly respected Director of the National Counterterrorism Center (unanimously confirmed by the Senate), who will be Acting Secretary of Defense, effective immediately, and he, indeed WILL USE THE MILITARY to prevent more of those lawless bestial Antifa - "BLM" riots paid by pervert Soros.
Countless additional evidences of voting fraud by Biden, thus far 450K ballots nationally have only marked "Biden" with no other selection for any other position of the rest of aspiring ones, neither Democrats or Republicans, indicative of a precipitate fraudulent filing of all of those false ballots (even if the corrupt and prostituted media is also trying even to downplay that evidence, but that media will be buried for good in its own lies!, and really, nobody pays attention to them anymore!), then the discovery of Pelosi and Soros as the important individuals invested in the on purpose biased software systems to favor Biden, dead men voting, postal service workers ordered by their bosses to predate late ballots, etc., etc., etc. So, the alternative given by "The Constitution" of the USA, that Trump knows and upholds (contrary to Biden), indicates that the contested States need to resort NOT to the corrupt governors, but to their LEGISLATORS to do another LEGAL "one day" voting in only those States. Then, the animal "Rioters" have been all the time with Biden, not with Trump, and Trump fired that sold-out Mark Esper, the most corrupt character on the side of the cabal, and put in his place an honest man: Christopher C. Miller, the highly respected Director of the National Counterterrorism Center (unanimously confirmed by the Senate), who will be Acting Secretary of Defense, effective immediately, and he, indeed WILL USE THE MILITARY to prevent more of those lawless bestial Antifa - "BLM" riots paid by pervert Soros.
Further discoveries of cheating by Biden and the complicit and corrupt media, they used fractional percents!!! Did nobody ask: Why there were fractions on election day...? ...and the reason was to play with numbers in order to favor the criminals and to damage the rightful winners, just by playing with fractions!, cercenating hundreds of legitimate votes at every unit of change!; here you can see how when they brought to 0.5 percent a 0.4 percent by the Democrats, and brought to 0.5 percent a 0.6 percent of the Republicans, automatically in the same screen they robbed 560 votes of 560 persons to the Republicans and added that same number of 560 persons undeservedly to the Democrats, just by a biased programmed algorithm to play against the truth! It is the voting system of the "Dominion" software (based on the other corrupt one called "Gems"), and main Democrats are involved financially with that corrupted company (a wretched software used in 29 states, partnered up with Clinton Global Initiative and had on staff former employees of both Clinton Growth Initiative and Clinton Cash Cow TENEO; perverted Clintons!). So, every sort of cheating was enacted to make the fake win of Biden that is now being shouted by the most corrupt media... (Al Gore was also a "President-Elect" by 37 days, but there a bad one was replaced by a worst one, not on this case!) but they, cheating Democrats, will be caught on time and they will certainly pay for what they have done against the free will of WE THE PEOPLE OF THE USA!!!
Further discoveries of cheating by Biden and the complicit and corrupt media, they used fractional percents!!! Did nobody ask: Why there were fractions on election day...? ...and the reason was to play with numbers in order to favor the criminals and to damage the rightful winners, just by playing with fractions!, cercenating hundreds of legitimate votes at every unit of change!; here you can see how when they brought to 0.5 percent a 0.4 percent by the Democrats, and brought to 0.5 percent a 0.6 percent of the Republicans, automatically in the same screen they robbed 560 votes of 560 persons to the Republicans and added that same number of 560 persons undeservedly to the Democrats, just by a biased programmed algorithm to play against the truth! It is the voting system of the "Dominion" software (based on the other corrupt one called "Gems"), and main Democrats are involved financially with that corrupted company (a wretched software used in 29 states, partnered up with Clinton Global Initiative and had on staff former employees of both Clinton Growth Initiative and Clinton Cash Cow TENEO; perverted Clintons!). So, every sort of cheating was enacted to make the fake win of Biden that is now being shouted by the most corrupt media... (Al Gore was also a "President-Elect" by 37 days, but there a bad one was replaced by a worst one, not on this case!) but they, cheating Democrats, will be caught on time and they will certainly pay for what they have done against the free will of WE THE PEOPLE OF THE USA!!!
More evidence of voting fraud committed by the Democrats, this time, deliberate "glitches" in the computers that gave votes to Biden that belonged to Trump, 6,000 x 47, and that just for one State, plus, dumping on the trash can ballots for Trump or addressed to communities pro-Trump, Biden "voters" with fake addresses, plus preventing the observers to supervise the counting process, and many other and endless more dirty tricks, they also are accountable to explain what happened with the Military Overseas Ballots, and if those were replaced with Biden-only votes, to indict all of the ones responsible for such actions...
More evidence of voting fraud committed by the Democrats, this time, deliberate "glitches" in the computers that gave votes to Biden that belonged to Trump, 6,000 x 47, and that just for one State, plus, dumping on the trash can ballots for Trump or addressed to communities pro-Trump, Biden "voters" with fake addresses, plus preventing the observers to supervise the counting process, and many other and endless more dirty tricks, they also are accountable to explain what happened with the Military Overseas Ballots, and if those were replaced with Biden-only votes, to indict all of the ones responsible for such actions...
10 More minutes of the endless suppressed evidence by the corrupt prostituted "main" voices of the world, plus the acknowledgment by Biden and his snouted mouth at the start, since October, that they, Democrats, will commit voting fraud in a massive scale, as we see, by predating later ballots, by making the dead to vote, and not voting once but decens of times, plus the sharpie - magic marker that invalidates the votes as the majority of their own public statements declare... good that Trump has one and a half more months in office to call-in the Supreme Court with all of this evidence to indict most of the responsible ones of this massive fraud, on the open for everyone with eyes to see. Even the idiot Fernando del Rincón from CNN in Spanish, yesterday (06/11/20) declared: "More votes that are just arriving to the polling sites are still being counted.... I should correct, that were already there..." (what a moron, but like him, many reporters realize even in their subconscious that such is the case, ballots arriving late but being falsely pre-dated as if they were earlier... here or there, the real liars will need to pay...
10 More minutes of the endless suppressed evidence by the corrupt prostituted "main" voices of the world, plus the acknowledgment by Biden and his snouted mouth at the start, since October, that they, Democrats, will commit voting fraud in a massive scale, as we see, by predating later ballots, by making the dead to vote, and not voting once but decens of times, plus the sharpie - magic marker that invalidates the votes as the majority of their own public statements declare... good that Trump has one and a half more months in office to call-in the Supreme Court with all of this evidence to indict most of the responsible ones of this massive fraud, on the open for everyone with eyes to see. Even the idiot Fernando del Rincón from CNN in Spanish, yesterday (06/11/20) declared: "More votes that are just arriving to the polling sites are still being counted.... I should correct, that were already there..." (what a moron, but like him, many reporters realize even in their subconscious that such is the case, ballots arriving late but being falsely pre-dated as if they were earlier... here or there, the real liars will need to pay...
In 10 Minutes, the mail-in democratic fraud at 4:00 AM announced by Trump two hours earlier, it is statistically impossible to have only-Biden votes from then on (do not let those ballots to be destroyed, they will be discovered as a fake ballot), and this is just the beginning of the evidences of fraud of every sort, as big-mouth Biden cynically himself said so in October: "We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics": https://youtu.be/WGRnhBmHYN0
In 10 Minutes, the mail-in democratic fraud at 4:00 AM announced by Trump two hours earlier, it is statistically impossible to have only-Biden votes from then on (do not let those ballots to be destroyed, they will be discovered as a fake ballot), and this is just the beginning of the evidences of fraud of every sort, as big-mouth Biden cynically himself said so in October: "We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics": https://youtu.be/WGRnhBmHYN0
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a link to the group: FerKat.
I sent a job request to Yan, at NY: "Dear Team Li-Meng Yan,I am thankful with your two reports and looking forward to your response to those reefers sent by Fauci (Gallo) and by Gates (the Johns Hopkins ones).In my case I wrote one and as punishment the first one removed my three last articles I had on the Genetic Code and the I Ching, as seen in my Resume after the next one:Castro-Chavez F. Anticovidian v.2 COVID-19: Hypothesis of the Lab Origin Versus a Zoonotic Event which can also be of a Lab Origin.Glob. J. Sci. Front. Res.: I. 20(3): 9-53. 2020.Where I conclude: So, the evidence shown here clearly indicates the impossibility of the null hypothesis (Ho), because there is no history of a zoonotic event a prioriSo, my question is to know if I can find me a job in your institution and/or by working for you.Fernando Castro-Chavez | Baylor College of Medicine - Academia.edu📷Fernando Castro-Chavez | Baylor College of Medicine - Academia.edu
Academia.edu is a place to share and follow research.With My Best,Fernando.Third Sequence: COVID-19: AATGGTACTAAGAGG = HIV-1 isolate 19663.24H9 from Netherlands envelope glycoprotein (env) gene, sequence ID: GU455503.1Third Sequence: COVID-19: AATGGTACTAAGAGG = HIV-1 isolate 19663.24H9 fro...
Read 151 answers by scientists with 60 recommendations from their colleagues to the question asked by Fernando C...
Reply All
A year ago, a cold day, but a day of freedom still, and we valued our freedom as the most sacred right that today is being lost by the actions of a few and evil cabal of heartless animal humans.., such as in no more free worldwide tourism traveling, shame on them! I want them to... soon be held accountable...
Updated Oct 9, 2020, 3:35 PM
The most recent research on the ARTIFICIAL release of the current malady, by a defector: https://zenodo.org/record/4073131, and how the crappy botched censorship of the "fact-checkers" (shame on them, history will count them as the most despicable individuals over the face of the earth, in the same seat with the globalist ones who planed this whole tragedy), them of no value, demote her previous research when I post the link on here, as well as my ongoing analysis of it (with 18,780 viewers thus far, so the truth is not going away, you censors from hell, which just corroborates that the censors of the truth are in bed with the planners of the current worldwide situation): https://www.researchgate.net/post/Third_Sequence_COVID-19_AATGGTACTAAGAGG_HIV-1_isolate_1966324H9_from_Netherlands_envelope_glycoprotein_env_gene_sequence_ID_GU4555031
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
The place where I am here in New York!
1 Year Ago
Oct 8, 2019, 5:43 PM
The place where I am here in New York!
Place: BioInc at NYMC (41.082566433667, -73.814508921778)
Address: 7 Dana Rd, Valhalla, NY 10595
A day as today.... things change from day to the night... as I left there, I was able to meet my dream of a woman... God only knows what is next...
Updated Oct 8, 2020, 11:15 AM
You tagged 沈信學
A full month like this one of October, a year ago, enjoying the good company of Dr. Shen, at the NYMC, but also at Manhattan and Brooklyn, NY and at Philadelphia.
Fernando and 學 are celebrating 1 year of friendship on Facebook!
A full month like this one of October, a year ago, enjoying the good company of Dr. Shen, at the NYMC, but also at Manhattan and Brooklyn, NY and at Philadelphia.
Libro acerca de la sólida evidencia histórica de la existencia, vida y resurrección de Jesucristo, de César Vidal, Más Que un Rabino
Libro acerca de la sólida evidencia histórica de la existencia, vida y resurrección de Jesucristo, de César Vidal, "Más Que un Rabino", el fragmento de video indica parte de la evidencia histórica de la resurrección de Jesucristo, la que aún sacudía al Imperio Romano Diez Años Después!!!:}:
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
Con gusto presento este viernes (9 de oct., 2015) a las 7:50 PM de la noche mi estudio del “Testimonio de las Estrellas 2”: http://fdocc.ucoz.com/3/PC_7_02_testimonio_de_las_estrellas_2015.pdf Se verán 7 Signos del Zodiaco (de Leo a Acuario) según la Biblia. Aparecerá en el canal: https://www.youtube.com/c/catadoresdelapalabra1 (donde queda grabado), y desde antes, por el Skype desde las 7:30 PM para oraciones y manifestar espíritu santo, y después, esta vez para breve sobremesa...
5 Years Ago
Oct 5, 2015, 10:34 AM
Con gusto presento este viernes (9 de oct., 2015) a las 7:50 PM de la noche mi estudio del “Testimonio de las Estrellas 2”: http://fdocc.ucoz.com/3/PC_7_02_testimonio_de_las_estrellas_2015.pdf Se verán 7 Signos del Zodiaco (de Leo a Acuario) según la Biblia. Aparecerá en el canal: https://www.youtube.com/c/catadoresdelapalabra1 (donde queda grabado), y desde antes, por el Skype desde las 7:30 PM para oraciones y manifestar espíritu santo, y después, esta vez para breve sobremesa...
Recordando la Sabiduría de Dios, la que excede toda estratagema humana
Updated Oct 5, 2020, 11:30 AM
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
Jesé le pidió que llevara comida a sus hermanos que estaban en el campo de batalla contra los Filisteos, David obedeció y sus hermanos lo menospreciaron creyendo que iba de mirón, pero el joven David era el único que le creyó a Dios para vencer.
9 Years Ago
Fernando Castro-Chavez added a new photo.
Oct 4, 2011, 8:20 AM
Jesé le pidió que llevara comida a sus hermanos que estaban en el campo de batalla contra los Filisteos, David obedeció y sus hermanos lo menospreciaron creyendo que iba de mirón, pero el joven David era el único que le creyó a Dios para vencer.
Una de las más famosas historias de la Biblia: David venciendo al monstruo Goliat, evocativa de confiar en Dios en tiempos imposibles!!!
Updated Oct 4, 2020, 8:37 AM
THE SCREW: History From the USA Battleship at San Jacinto, TX, let's go with all we have for the freedom of Our Nation, and with it, for the rest of the Still Free World!!! For God, Family and Country!!!
THE SCREW: History From the USA Battleship at San Jacinto, TX, let's go with all we have for the freedom of Our Nation, and with it, for the rest of the Still Free World!!! For God, Family and Country!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez posted in FerKat.
Just for the record, where to pay for me your documentation review if you decide this open path fir two years;
Just for the record, where to pay for me your documentation review if you decide this open path fir two years;
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a link to the group: FerKat.
This is the answer of the Germany persons: Incomings <incomings@international.uni-mainz.de>

Thu, Oct 1 at 8:28 AM

Dear Fernando Castro-Chavez,

first of all, the application for the recognition has to be submitted. This process is done via JOGU-StINe. Please see the following link for information on this process as well as a YouTube-Tutorial. No application period exists for this process: https://www.studying.uni-mainz.de/certification-of-recognition-validation-of-foreign-certificates/

After receiving the certificate of recognition, the application for the admission can be handed in – also via JOGU-StINe. Since the application period for desired master program has not started yet,
you will not find it on the platform (application starts October, 15th). Again, the certificate of recognition needs to be at hand for this application since it contains inevitable data for this step.
In case both of you – if understood correctly – are intending to study the master program, everything related to your PhD-degree can be neglected (Online_Registration.pdf. etc.).

The attached screenshot of JOGU-StINe (Externe Feststellungsprüfung, 247658) appears to be an outdated application since it cannot not be found in our system any longer.
In order to apply for the recognition, you have to select “recognition of foreign certificate” (my data, section 2) while starting the application (application/registration on JOGU-StINe).

We cannot provide any information on the job prospects after the degree has been received. Please contact the faculty in charge for information on this topic.

For future requests, please write separate inquiries to avoid confusion about the application process since they may differ in some details.

Kind regards,

pp Florian Herm.
Vote, vote, vote if you are out of your Country, the USA, by request your ballot by email, Fax, regular mail...: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/while-abroad/voting.html
Vote, vote, vote if you are out of your Country, the USA, by request your ballot by email, Fax, regular mail...: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/while-abroad/voting.html
https://youtu.be/MLJoa4F1VK0 Traduciendo al español la primera parte de "La Gran Represión", por el "Ético Escéptico", con los aspectos básicos del manejo amañado de los datos relacionados con COVID-19, así como con el haber ignorado una gran cantidad de conocimientos de virología, epidemiología, inmunología, infectología, etc...

Se observa la tendencia corrupta de unos cuantos con el fin de obtener su dominio sobre el mundo y ganancias políticas a expensas de una humanidad doliente. Pero NO los dejaremos mientras aquí estemos!!! Continuará...
Updated Sep 29, 2020, 6:46 AM
To Her, Because of Her...: https://youtu.be/LGi6Q5WsvtM
Updated Sep 28, 2020, 10:55 AM
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a link to the group: FerKat.
https://www.skillsyouneed.com/num/percent-change.htm, right way: Increase = New Number - Original Number

Read more at: https://www.skillsyouneed.com/num/percent-change.html and % increase = Increase ÷ Original Number × 100 then Decrease = Original Number - New Number and % Decrease = Decrease ÷ Original Number × 100, to correct the book on the signs.
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
En el tiempo de los Jueces, cuando aún no había rey en Israel, Sansón se destacó por su fuerza que estaba ligada a su pelo. Su debilidad eran las mujeres y la enemiga Filistea Dalila le sacó el secreto de su fuerza, y le cortó el pelo.
9 Years Ago
Fernando Castro-Chavez added a new photo.
Sep 28, 2011, 8:09 AM
En el tiempo de los Jueces, cuando aún no había rey en Israel, Sansón se destacó por su fuerza que estaba ligada a su pelo. Su debilidad eran las mujeres y la enemiga Filistea Dalila le sacó el secreto de su fuerza, y le cortó el pelo.
En el último esfuerzo de su vida, ciego y a pesar de todos sus errores, invocó de todo corazón a Dios para que le ayudase a vencer a las fuerzas de las tinieblas... del libro ilustrado que más me impresionó en mi más temprana infancia, y me encarriló a buscar a ese Dios de Poder Verdadero... a pesar de mí mismo hasta el día de hoy:
Updated Sep 28, 2020, 7:07 AM
Fernando Castro-Chavez posted in FerKat.
The Application that I just have done few minutes ago at a Medical research of microorganisms in Melbourne:
The Application that I just have done few minutes ago at a Medical research of microorganisms in Melbourne:
Fernando Castro-Chavez posted in FerKat.
I got the Exercise 3 of the "Investment Problems" (page 36) by trial and error! Again at my second guess, that was off by almost twice the amount! So, the solution that I got in that way, like in three minutes, is: 60,000.00 x 0.08 = 4,800.00; while 40,000.00 x 0.05 = 2,000.00. The way to verify the second is that is (2 x 2,000.00) + 800.00 = 4,800.00. So, she invested $ 100,000.00 and gets an extra in interests of $ 6,800.00 from both of her accounts.
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a link to the group: FerKat.
Here are listed 175 MSc degrees in NY: https://www.findamasters.com/masters-degrees/new-york/?c00lSSP0, let us find the best for you to go back to where we belong!!! (God first!).
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a link to the group: FerKat.
What about this message for the Sports Sci. Lab. https://nysportssciencelab.com/ at NY: Sports Sci. Lab, Having born in Guadalajara as well as Juan Delgado, I am an MSc and PhD from the U, de G. as well, seeking for an intense and prosperous job in New York, specializing myself in Anti-Obesity and Anti-Atherosclerosis: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=%22Castro-Chavez+F%22, with a completed Postdoctoral at the Baylor College of Medicine (Dr. Ballantyne, TX), and with a suspended one in the NYMC (with Dr. Nader G. Abraham, Valhalla, NY), currently in my native land (place of my home phone). My most recent work is: Anti-Covidian: https://zenodo.org/record/3988139, I can do every kind of research, and my female friend from the Philippines who referred me to you is a recently graduated BSc from UST, Manila, in Sports Science and can also be of help as she is a very dynamic instructor and researcher as well. With my best regards. and looking forward to hear from you, Fernando.
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a link to the group: FerKat.
Here are the key documents to apply for the Recognition of foreign certificates: https://www.studying.uni-mainz.de/files/2019/04/Click-instructions-for-the-application-for-recognition.pdf, and the key statements there;

1. Payment of the processing fee
Please transfer the processing fee (60,-€) to the following German bank account:
Empfänger Universität Mainz, Abt. INT
Name der Bank Sparkasse Mainz
Swiftcode MALADE51MNZ
IBAN DE60 5505 0120 0000 0108 68
Verwendungszweck Nachname, Geburtsdatum Antragsteller/in
2. Application process via Jogustine
Please apply online (https:\\jogustine.uni-mainz.de/) for the recognition of foreign certificates. The
application for recognition of foreign certificates can be filed at any time.
Fill out the complete form conscientiously. As soon as you have completed all sections, you can send
the application electronically.
Attention: You cannot make any changes to your application after it has been sent electronically!
3. Submission of the application
Please print out your application for recognition from Jogustine and submit the printed application
form together with all necessary documents to Student Services – International Admissions. Please
note your checklist, which you download together with your application for recognition.
Attention: All school and study certificates must be submitted in the original language and in the
translation (except English or French certificates) as officially certified copies
We will notify you by e-mail as soon as we receive your application by post,

And here is the detailed information: https://www.studying.uni-mainz.de/document-authentication-certification/

In my case, I thin that I will need to go to the Guadalajara University in the big city to certify my copies of MSc and of PhD.
The Eight Key Moments of the Research By Ethical Skeptic Demonstrating That COVID-19 Has Clearly for Everyone Been Used For Sinister Purposes To Control and Manipulate in Every Single and Mean Aspect Humanity!!! Say NO to their Plans to Violate your FREEDOM!!! Fly Like a Bird!!! Escape from their Nets!!! (In Every Single Sense of the XXI Century Meaning of these Sentences!!!)
The Eight Key Moments of the Research By Ethical Skeptic Demonstrating That COVID-19 Has Clearly for Everyone Been Used For Sinister Purposes To Control and Manipulate in Every Single and Mean Aspect Humanity!!! Say NO to their Plans to Violate your FREEDOM!!! Fly Like a Bird!!! Escape from their Nets!!! (In Every Single Sense of the XXI Century Meaning of these Sentences!!!)
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
7 Years Ago
Fernando Castro-Chavez added a new photo.
Sep 24, 2013, 5:21 PM
Taking God to a next step:
Updated Sep 24, 2020, 9:40 AM
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a link to the group: FerKat.

All enrolled students have to pay the so-called “Semesterbeitrag” - regardless the program. Currently, the fee is 326,11€ (387.25 Dlls) for the upcoming winter semester 2020/21.

In some cases, additional costs (“Studiengebühren”) may be raised. This has to be reviewed individually:
Before completing all the steps, the application for the recognition has to be submitted, in order to review your formal qualification to study at our university:
https://www.studying.uni-mainz.de/certification-of-recognition-validation-of-foreign-certificates/ (60.00 Euros equals 72.00 Dollars)
After receiving the certificate of recognition, the application for the admission can be handed in:
Kindly note the current information on the application process:


If it is currently not possible to have your certificates officially notarized; your online application and the uploaded documents are sufficient for processing. Please make sure that you upload all the documents required for evaluation (original language and, if necessary, translation) in the application. You will receive a preliminary certificate of recognition with limited validity.

You will have to submit the printed and signed application including all necessary documents as soon as possible. You will then receive a final certificate. If the submitted documents do not match the uploaded documents, we will not issue the final certificate and the validity of the preliminary certificate will be cancelled immediately.

You are an applicant with a non-European citizenship

For applicants* from abroad, this confirmation will be provided with the letter of admission in the download area in Jogustine. You do not need to submit an application.

In financial emergencies that occur through no fault of your own, JGU’s AStA offers interest-free loans and subsidies through a relief fund for support paying the semester fee, for rent, or for health insurance, for example.

The Studierendenwerk Mainz can help in financial crises through its Emergency Aid Fund, as well. You can find information for quick help and financial support during the corona crisis here (link in German). It’s best to take up contact to the Studierendenwerk via e-mail:

For subsidies, contact schreiber@studierendenwerk-mainz.de
For loans and advice on student loans, contact junga@studierendenwerk-mainz.de

You can find a number of part-time jobs using the employment agency’s job exchange. Those looking for work can also contact the job-seeker hotline +49-800-4 5555 00 or +49 6131-248 777. A search for employment can also be filled out online (link in German).

Many sectors, such as grocery stores, delivery services, or distribution centers are looking for temporary help especially now, during the corona pandemic.

Agricultural businesses, too, have called on students to work as harvesters. You can find relevant offers in the following job exchanges (in German):





Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a link to the group: FerKat.
The status of our possible travel to study at Germany is for this career: https://www.studying.uni-mainz.de/sport-science-m-sc-movement-and-wellbeing/, the only pay done per semester per person is: 387.25 Dlls, plus 72.00 Dollars extra for the validation of your documents, a process that takes 6 weeks, the application process for this MSc stats on the first of October, very soon, and ends on the 15th of November; the page for the submission of the documents is this one: https://www.studying.uni-mainz.de/certification-of-recognition-validation-of-foreign-certificates/ and after receiving the certificate of recognition, the application for the admission can be handed in:
https://www.studying.uni-mainz.de/online-application/, the required English skills need to be proven: https://www.studying.uni-mainz.de/range-of-courses-2/, Kindly note the current information on the application process:
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
Por la gracia divina, los estudios del poder de Dios hoy, continúan: La Administración del Secreto Revelado, Administración de la Gracia de Dios: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTGj2-dyoSI Caminando en el Nuevo Nacimiento: A) Recibiendo Revelación, B) Renovando la Mente: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1sFL66NaEo
5 Years Ago
Sep 23, 2015, 2:48 PM
Por la gracia divina, los estudios del poder de Dios hoy, continúan: La Administración del Secreto Revelado, Administración de la Gracia de Dios: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTGj2-dyoSI Caminando en el Nuevo Nacimiento: A) Recibiendo Revelación, B) Renovando la Mente: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1sFL66NaEo
Pasado: Salvación en Romanos, Corintios y Gálatas; PRESENTE: AMOR en Efesios, Filipenses y Colosenses; Futuro: Esperanza en Tesalonicenses!!! Oh Grandeza Suprema de la Multiforme Revelación de Dios!!!
Updated Sep 23, 2020, 10:02 AM
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a link to the group: FerKat.

I just received the partial answer to my questions, and as this had been processed before, if it works, it may be worth to be pursued by the both of us:


To the Administrator,
1) Can we, international students (MX: PhD Mol. Biol., PHP: BSc Sports Science) have it as Tuition Free (or at least one of us)?
2) But, if that is not the case, what is the cost of this MSc?
3) Regarding the B-2 exam, as the classes are in English, which is the document needed and from whom?
4) Is it also a requirement to do a B-1 exam for German for this particular MSc, and where can it be taken?
5) In the given case, what do we need to put as "Hosting Chair" as host and eMail?


Dear Fernando Castro-Chavez,

thank you for your interest in studying at JGU Mainz!

1/2) All enrolled students have to pay the so-called “Semesterbeitrag” - regardless the program. Currently, the fee is 326,11€ for the upcoming winter semester 2020/21.
In some cases, additional costs (“Studiengebühren”) may be raised. This has to be reviewed individually:
Further, there is the possibility to opt for a PhD-program without becoming an enrolled (only registered) student. On the downside, you will not receive the “Semesterticket” which enables
you to use the public transportation system for free (as well as other benefits): https://www.studying.uni-mainz.de/costs-funding-and-aid/
3/4) Depending on your choice of studies the requirements differ. In case a proof of German language proficiency is not specified, it does not have to be submitted.
Instead, the required English skills need to be proven: https://www.studying.uni-mainz.de/range-of-courses-2/
If a proof of German language competence is necessary for the application, we accept the following certificates as an equivalent
to the DSH-exam: https://www.studying.uni-mainz.de/german-language-requirements/
A provisional admission might be issued by handing in a language proof that does not match the requirements (recommended: B2-certificate/confirmation of participation C1-course).
5) Please clarify this question.

Before completing all the steps, the application for the recognition has to be submitted, in order to review your formal qualification to study at our university:
After receiving the certificate of recognition, the application for the admission can be handed in:

Kindly note the current information on the application process:
Kind regards,
pp Florian Herm
Student Services - International Admissions
Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz
D-55099 Mainz
e-mail: incomings@international.uni-mainz.de
(Due to the large number of individual requests, the replies to e-mails can be delayed.
Please do not send multiple e-mails with the same content.
Internet: www.uni-mainz.de/incoming
With Best,
Fernando Castro-Chavez, PhD.
"...Make me brave, so I can stand and fight the spiritual battles in my life and in our world. Give me your wisdom and discernment so I won't be caught off guard. Together, Lord, we'll win, because in truth, you already have. While evil still roams, the power of Your name and Your blood rises up to defeat and bring us victory against every evil planned against us. While malicious actions may disturb us, we use the armor of God You have given us to stand firm. You will bring justice in due time for all the harm and needless violence aimed at Your children. Until then, we remain in Your presence, aligned with Your purposes, and we look to You as our Supreme Commander and Protector. Help us to avoid temptation, and deliver us from evil, Lord. You are the Mighty One, the One Who will ultimately bring all evil to light. With You, Jesus, we are safe. Amen." Found at QAlerts dot app
"...Make me brave, so I can stand and fight the spiritual battles in my life and in our world. Give me your wisdom and discernment so I won't be caught off guard. Together, Lord, we'll win, because in truth, you already have. While evil still roams, the power of Your name and Your blood rises up to defeat and bring us victory against every evil planned against us. While malicious actions may disturb us, we use the armor of God You have given us to stand firm. You will bring justice in due time for all the harm and needless violence aimed at Your children. Until then, we remain in Your presence, aligned with Your purposes, and we look to You as our Supreme Commander and Protector. Help us to avoid temptation, and deliver us from evil, Lord. You are the Mighty One, the One Who will ultimately bring all evil to light. With You, Jesus, we are safe. Amen." Found at QAlerts dot app
Fernando Castro-Chavez updated his status.
Say NO to a Compulsory Vaccination with Maiming Venoms! Against You and Your Offspring!!
My Video of Today on "The Great Repression", reading and commenting the work of The Ethical Skeptic: https://youtu.be/U9BEozUfX4w
Updated Sep 20, 2020, 11:11 AM
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
1 Year Ago
Sep 20, 2019, 9:05 AM
The Gospel roots in the Christian Foundation of Country Music in the USA!!!: Bristol, Virginia, its "Sessions" of 1927-28!!! With the song most characteristic of those recordings, dealing with the Mighty return of Jesus Christ for his own!!!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36xj-2B_ZBQ (Added later: Some more photos presented in a great video at the place)
Exactly One Year Ago, Driving With the Freedom of a Bird Passing Through Bristol, Virginia, from Texas on My Way To New York!!! Oh, God, I Wish to Do All Free Traveling All Over Again, Here and There, and All Over The Planet, But Not Alone This Time!!! Will it be Possible, Dear God?
Updated Sep 20, 2020, 11:06 AM
August was a busy month, but even more busy the current month and the months ahead... fighting for truth and justice according to my understanding, profession and as God inspires me!!!
August was a busy month, but even more busy the current month and the months ahead... fighting for truth and justice according to my understanding, profession and as God inspires me!!!
A Very Important posting of today at the RG to my already 18K readers there, make the research of The Ethic Skeptic widely known, please, your offspring is at stake: "The Great Repression": A report on the criminal activities performed by those that organized the current Plandemic of COVID-19, and the informed ways to stop them!!! (Excerpts from TES: https://archive.vn/Doptk). "I began to apply my skills in order to see if the media and agency-bearing academics were indeed telling the truth. As it turned out, in critical significance, they were not." "The Great Repression – the period of severe depression economic fallout greater than that of the Great Depression, characterized by 38 million jobs (11.5%) and 500,000 or more lockdown lives lost and 6 million famine lives lost, which resulted from an over-reaction to and/or incompetent understanding of coronaviruses and Covid-19 in particular. Marketing disinformation as an academic, governmental or media authority, in order to compel despair, panic or compliance inside a population under duress of epidemic, war or economic collapse – these things are indistinguishable from war crimes. They are a violation of basic human rights, and as such constitute acts of class harm, scienter, racketeering and oppression." "Lockdown/Great Repression Fatality – a fatality reported by a state department of health and cataloged by the CDC in which the person’s death was caused by lack of access to medical services (diabetes, heart disease, stroke, other illnesses, etc.), lack of adequate diagnosis (cancer, etc.) or Suicide Addiction Abandonment & Abuse." "...Covid directly or indirectly precipitated an increase in deaths attributable to known natural causes (9,079 fatalities overage versus normal)... these additional deaths served to also create a hole in the death rate starting 8 weeks later and onward (13,429 fatality deficit versus normal). In this instance, Covid-19 impacted death rates by ‘pulling forward’ deaths which would have occurred in July and August, and forced those to occur in April and May... it is estimated that we have experienced possibly 40-45% of the pull-forward deficit. The full pull-forward deficit will not be known until as far out as May of 2021." Oh Patriotic Citizens of the USA and of the World, you are The Owners of The: "Stakeholder Ethics – a principle or condition wherein those who bear the negative impact of a decision can hold those who make that decision, accountable. Further then may dissent, and reverse that decision or remove the decision maker, even if they claim to be an ‘expert’. A claim to science is not a free pass to tyranny." "NiCFR – net infectious case-fatality rate (risk). The total ‘died of’ and ‘died with’ fatalities from a given pathogen, minus those who died as a result of over-reaction or ignorance around that pathogen, divided by the estimated total population which was infected by that pathogen. Has nothing to do with symptomatic rates." "...data must be denatured of its noise, into information... then... into intelligence... the only basis from which to infer or take action..." For the first graphic shown here: "...US Covid-19 progression...: The blue vertical column bars indicate case arrivals each day in the northern 37 states, while the orange vertical bar arrivals show the patterns in the southerly hot 50 border counties or hot 13 states (seen here in Figure 6)... This surge in cases peaked on July 16th, 13 or 14 weeks after the north latitude peak (one quarter of the year)... each case peak adhered to Farr’s Law (https://archive.vn/N1QsO: "...epidemic events rise and fall in a roughly symmetrical pattern. The time-evolution behavior could be captured by a single mathematical formula that could be approximated by a bell-shaped curve")... this latter surge in cases was not a ‘second wave’ as much as it was a sympathetic overflow from southerly latitude patterns of the same virus... This latitudinal effect is called a Hope-Simpson subtropical latitude effect (https://archive.vn/1X7xC). This should have been known before we decided policy. Most predictive models for the pandemic were merely regression models, with high and low banding. None of them predicted the distinct Farr’s Law shape of this latitudinal surge.... this surge in cases formed a peak around July 16th (2020), which was immediately called by The Ethical Skeptic by means of the charts to the lower right, but took a full 3 weeks to be acknowledged by official channels and media, most of whom still did not even mention the tail off by early September (2020)... The curve continued an upward progression until it lost that momentum on 16 July (2020) and never recovered it. The Ethical Skeptic was watching for a confirmatory rise in fatalities 28 days after the initial rise in cases – and indeed a mild rise in fatalities formed, confirming that this reported rise in cases was about 37% real, (and) 63% salting through new practices of case detection ...(this means in blunt terms, that:) the gentle rise in percent positive ...was 37% real cases in our 50 hottest counties composing the July 16th surge, while 63% of that rise was crafted through salting/juking of reported cases"!!! From a related graph, also applicable to all: "...curves should move in a given ratio throughout the horizon, unless an exception has occurred such as Legacy Data Laundering LDL-1 or Lockdown Death Laundering LDL-2." (See below the definitions of these criminal statistical lies imposed over humanity by the killers-that-be). "...The degree of Lockdown Death Laundering (LDL-2) can be ascertained by comparing the height of each day’s ...column, versus the ...CDC excess all-cause deaths line... adjusted for (the) documented CDC lag..." "SupraLag – that CDC lag in posting of actual deaths (shortfall in all-cause death count) by date in the MMWR weekly data, which exceeded by a large amount, the typical lag which the CDC had historically exhibited for that same week (current week minus x MMWR weeks). Ideally if both the CDC and analyst tracking them are performing well in their duties, SupraLag should be minimal." "Death ‘from’/Death ‘with’ Covid – an important principle in that there are those who died of Covid, who simply/trivially had Covid RNA in the nostrils while they were already dying of something else, as opposed to actually dying from Covid as a primary or secondary cause of death. The reason this is important is that the former group causes a ‘pull forward’ effect which will artificially make it appear that suddenly Americans are not dying of other diseases any longer, either now or in the future. This effect as raw data, will serve to mislead." "...the parody ‘Lemming Cycle of Continuous Impairment’ is also a satirical commentary upon how panicked state level government officials served to foment continued panic and despair around Covid-19. Also derived from the allegory of fictitious lemmings who run off a mythical cliff en masse, in their hysteria to achieve a given inductively derived or panic-fueled goal. The cycle wherein panic over perceived cases of Covid-19, drove demands inside certain state government levels for more testing and track-and-trace team funding, which resulted in increased PCR tests run and false/3-month-old positives being generated, which resulted in ever higher positive case-detects being reported as raw data by the states, which resulted in more panic/despair. Incompetence. Forgetting the data grooming methods employed with annual flu analytics and opting instead to simply report raw data – a scientific error." And I may say a deliberate one, and a crime!!! "The Lemming Cycle (boosted as well by false positive PCR testing results which were left unchallenged), fueled a feedback cycle of panic inside the media and administrative government decision-makers, regarding Covid-19." "RNA/Virus Detection Half-Life – the period after which half of those who were infected at one time, can no longer present detectable dead or inactive Covid-19 RNA. The half-life period has been evaluated to be as much as 7 weeks. The entire period of detectability is 14 weeks. This noise in data collection was exploited by nefarious political and power hungry forces during the pandemic." "Salting/Juking Reported Cases – one or more of a variety of methods of boosting reported cases of Covid-19 in order to make the pandemic seem hotter, growing when actually in decline or larger than is its reality. Includes methods such as legacy data laundering, backlog stuffing, AB testing results mixed with PCR testing, focus on hot spots, posting track and trace %-pos results only, testing prisons care facilities and factories only, temperature screening selected testing, report of ‘suspected’ cases, non-reporting of negative tests, delay or lag exploitation, multiple tests on one person, cross-border cases, hospital comprehensive screening, nosocomial cases, paying people who (or TO) test positive, batch swab testing followed by individual testing, etc." "The comparative between ICU Census and deaths allows the astute analyst to observe that reported deaths can contain legacy data up to 12 weeks old in some cases, and most often in excess of 3 weeks old... key in estimating Legacy Death Laundering (LDL2)..." https://omny.fm/shows/the-todd-herman-show/independent-data-analyst-ethical-skeptic-joins-the And for those assholes self-deemed as "fact-checkers": "...every person has a right, responsibility or qualification as a victim/stakeholder to make their voice heard..."!!! "Agency" (y note: Such as the NIH of Collins, Hehee): "...when a denial is involved, the incentive to double-down on that denial, in order to preserve office, income or celebrity – is larger than either bias or nominal conflict of interest... A "tendentious" person holds their position from a compulsion which they cannot overcome through objective evaluation. One cannot be reasoned out of, a position which they did not reason themselves into to begin with... catch-phrases that a person will employ to demonstrate that they are inside the approved club or academic circle around a particular topic..." (and talking about Francis S. Collins): "...A blindly devoted official, follower, or organization member... One who either ignorantly or obdurately lacks any concern or circumspection ability which might prompt them to examine the harm their position may serve to cause..", from elsewhere in the article: "...Be wary of agency which exploits the appearance of raw data...", and before: "..raw data – which most often will serve to dis-inform..." "in order to comprehend the risk entailed to the general stakeholding public – and the hazard presented by those who wish to exploit the tragedy as a means to abuse..." And about Fauci, Gates, CDC (again and again, as the criminal par excelence which that one indeed is) and Birx and the WHO (to all of them felons belong the information below)...: "Catalyseur – ...A conflict exploitation specialist, or any entity which stands to gain under the outcome of a lose-lose conflict scenario which they have served to create, abet or foment. Someone who acts as a third party to two sides in an argument or conflict, who advises about the ‘truth’ of the other party involved, respectively and urges an escalation of factors which drove the conflict to begin with." "Shopcraft – traits, arrival forms and distributions of data which exhibit characteristics of having been produced by a human organization, policy or mechanism. A result which is touted to be natural, random or unconstrained, however which features patterns or mathematics which indicate (that) human intervention is at play inside its dynamics. A method of detecting agency, and not mere bias, inside a system." "Slapping the Grizzly/Bear – if someone implies to you that they know exactly the outcome of slapping a grizzly bear in order to get it to go away – they themselves are more dangerous than a virus by far – no matter how many risk PhD’s they may hold. The act of becoming robust to a constrained small-risk of harm/death bearing sound epistemic precedent (a virus with 4 months of observation and multiple precedents) – while exposing (the USA) to an unconstrained large-risk of ruin/death, derived from our actions (an economic Great Repression), which bears no epistemic precedent …is like slapping a grizzly bear to compel it to go away." "Mobsensus – the inferential will of media, club, mafia, cabal or cartel – in which a specific conclusion is enforced upon the rest of society, by means of threat, violence, social excoriation or professional penalty; further then the boasting of or posing such insistence as ‘scientific consensus’." And as the WHO and CDC do under the higher-bidder$ orders: "...through sleight-of-hand, changing the context of its employment without the soundness..." "...never ascribe to happenstance or incompetence, that which coincidentally, consistently ...supports a preexisting agency... a handful of the clever manipulating the ignorance of the millions." "Marketing disinformation as an academic, governmental or media authority, in order to compel despair, panic or compliance inside a population under duress of epidemic, war or economic collapse – these things are indistinguishable from war crimes. They are a violation of basic human rights, and as such constitute acts of class harm, scienter, racketeering and oppression." "Indigo Point (Inflection Point) – ...event or mechanism which is manipulated early in a process... which will alter/tip subsequent events towards a specific final outcome. It is the magician’s unremarkable sleeve"!!! "ingens vanitatum Argument – citing a great deal of expert irrelevance. A posing of ‘fact’ or ‘evidence’ framed inside an appeal to expertise... which serves to dis-inform as to the nature of the argument being vetted or the critical evidence or question being asked." "Laundering (of Legacy Cases and Fatalities) – partly a term from data management and partly coined for the Covid-19 response. Legacy data is any form of old data which involves work in transcribing into a new system, approach or context. "Laundering" is the process of removing the old undesirable context for an item transacted in a market (information is a market!), and fabricating a new beneficial context of use – free of the old one. Inside the context of a pandemic, this constitutes a method of misrepresentation to at-risk stakeholders. When conducted inside the context of a population under risk, or when exploited by media to incite panic or despair, it is a human rights crime as well." "Legacy Data Laundering (LDL1) – state departments of health (CDC) may unilaterally, or through direction by higher agency or political intermediaries (WHO), choose to report cases or fatalities over 7-days in age, as if they occurred on the day of reasonable reporting. In this manner, a sufficient amount of old data or newly converted old data (cases or fatalities), can be exploited to craft the appearance a false trend, rise or level." "Lockdown Death Laundering (LDL2) – state departments of health may unilaterally, or through direction by higher agency or political intermediaries, choose to designate past CDC excess all cause mortality deaths which were not attributed to Covid-19 on a death certificate, as ‘suspected’ or ‘probable’ Covid-19 deaths. In this manner, deaths from lockdown, access and despair can be attributed either as direct Covid deaths or ‘death from Covid upheaval’ – and be reported at a later date as a current Covid-19 fatality. A sufficient amount of these fatality conversions can be exploited to craft the appearance of a false trend, rise or level of fatality." "Law of Large Numbers – a fallacy wherein an arguer does not perceive that a perceptibly large effect on a small population might serve to produce rather small numbers of outcomes, while a very small or subtle effect on a very large population, may well serve to produce surprisingly large numbers in outcome." "Lag/Delay/Lag Curve – a delay is the period of time between when something actually occurs and when it is reported or cataloged as data..." "...It is dishonest for a man deliberately to shut his eyes to principles/intelligence which he would prefer not to know. If he does so, he is taken to have actual knowledge of the facts to which he shut his eyes. Such knowledge has been described as ‘Nelsonian knowledge’, meaning knowledge which is attributed to a person as a consequence of his ‘willful blindness’ or (as American legal analysts describe it) ‘contrived ignorance’." "Eristic Argument – an argument which is posed with the goal of winning and embarrassing an opposing arguer, as opposed to seeking clarity, value or common ground. Usually stems from the arguer’s past psychological injury, narcissism and combative habituation." "Attentodemic – a pandemic or other social malady which arises statistically for the most part from an increase in testing and observation activity. From the two Latin roots attento (test, tamper with, scrutinize) and dem (the people). A pandemic/tragedy, whose curve arises solely from increases in statistical examination and testing, posting of latent cases or detected immunity as ‘current new cases’, as opposed to true increases in fact..." "Backlog Stuffing (BS) – State departments of health may unilaterally, or through direction by higher agency or political intermediaries, choose to delay reporting of data inside one week’s period, and further then report several days of data as if it occurred in a single day. In this manner, a sufficient amount of backlog or infrequent report arrivals, can be exploited to craft the appearance a false trend, rise or record in data. When exploited by media to incite panic or despair inside the context of a population under risk, it is a human rights crime as well." "Bridgman Point – the point at which a principle can no longer be dumbed-down any further, without sacrifice of its coherency, accuracy, salience or context." So, Fauci et al., are a: "Scienter – ...a legal term that refers to intent or knowledge of wrongdoing while in the act of executing it. An offending party then has knowledge of the ‘wrongness’ of their dealings, methods or data, but choose to turn a blind eye to the issue, commensurate to executing or employing such dealings, methods or data. This is typically coupled with a failure to follow up on the impacts of the action taken, a failure of science called "ignoro eventum"." "Wittgenstein Error (Contextual) – employment of words in such as fashion as to craft rhetoric, in the form of persuasive or semantic abuse, by means of shift in word or concept definition by emphasis, modifier, employment or context." "Wittgenstein Error (Descriptive) – the contention or assumption that science has no evidence for or ability to measure a proposition or contention, when in fact it is only a flawed crafting of language and definition, limitation of language itself or lack of a cogent question or (willful) ignorance... I cannot observe it because I refuse to describe it... Science cannot observe it because I have crafted (a) language and definition so as to preclude its description... " These one is more specific for Gates and for his employee, the WHO: "melochi kupets (Russian: мелочи купец) – trivia merchant. One who feigns competence or intimidates curious outsiders... One who cannot differentiate the distinction between a peripheral or irrelevant detail and a critical path element or principle." "Principle of Peerhood – ...I shall not tell an epidemiologist his business... (Otherwise) The stakeholder placed at risk is the peer review... "armchair intelligence"..." "missam singuli – ...risk being measured as an effect on the whole, while benefit is only evaluated in terms of how it benefits the individual or a single person." "quo facto malo – Latin for ‘having done this evil’. When a person desires to do evil to another, they will manufacture or fantasize in their mind, (such as with) offenses their target has committed, which serve to therefore justify their actions; harm which they had conducted or intended to conduct from (the) very beginning, but were simply waiting for the right excuse to blame it upon..." "nulla infantis – a pseudo-argument, sometimes cleverly disguised or hidden inside pleonasm, which basically is the equivalent of saying ‘nuh-uhhh’… Latin for (a) child’s ‘no’. Usually followed by an appeal to have the opponent shut-up or be silenced in some manner." But, now that his Dad is gone (maybe from the very same malady that his own "criature" unleashed under his orders); so, now "baby criminal brat" is almost desolate, as the forces of evil have lost one of their avid participants... This one even goes to Cuomo and felons in crime up north, those that went with deliberate policies to kill the elderly to inflate the numbers, Cuomo you say? "Nosocomial – an illness which is contracted or occurs while one is a patient in a hospital, having been admitted for a completely separate condition" And this this one goes to the usual reefers paid by Fauci (Lipkin, Andersen, Cohen, et al): "Ockham’s Razor – ...also means that once there exists a sufficient threshold of evidence to warrant attention (plurality), then science should seek to address the veracity of a counter claim." "Omega Hypothesis (HΩ) – the argument which is foisted to end all argument, period. A conclusion promoted under such an insistent guise of virtue or importance, that protecting it has become imperative over even the integrity of science itself." This one goes for the Criminal-Career Demon-Crafts, including its candidate and its Majo-Lead: "Paradox of Virtue (Covid-19) – if leadership had not shut down, all 150 k Covid deaths would be blamed on that mistake. This flawed virtue signal argument, then forces us to conduct activity which is 5 – 10 x more damaging. Like a bad SAW movie. We are exploited by evil"!!! (His words). This goes to all those coward scientists that have not taken a position for the Truth, even if their attitude goes in detriment of their future generations: "Pluralistic Ignorance – most often, a situation in which a majority of scientists and researchers privately reject a norm, but incorrectly assume that most other scientists and researchers accept it, often because of a misleading portrayal of consensus by agenda carrying... Therefore they choose to go along with something with which they privately dissent or are neutral." And, "Except" for this artificially made in a Lab COVID-19: "...coronaviruses are considered to be ‘sharply seasonal’... (https://archive.vn/AI8xF)" Epidemic Threshold – when a virus is ‘in season’ – the point at which fatalities from that virus exceed 7.2% of all fatalities in a given week." "Covid-19 Reaction Fatalities – or ‘lockdown deaths’..." "‘Lockdown Deaths’ are estimated separately by means of the Full Covid Death Accountability Chart each week..." "...the broken window parable ...proposes that even in disaster, an economy profits on the repair and recovery... The Bastiat Fallacy... states that... The economic benefit of war is never compared to what was lost as a result of the war" "...baseline (solid beige line), a modified average of each week from 2014 – 2017 (2018 was an exception year and threw the average off to a mis-representative level)." "Close-Hold Embargo – is a common form of dominance lever exerted by scientific and government agencies to control the behavior of the science press... model of coercion... under the condition that the media outlet not seek any dissenting input, nor critically question the decree, nor seek its originating authors for in-depth query." "Net Accident Reduction – reduction in auto fatalities and iatrogenic accidental deaths." "6. Scientific American: COVID-19 Is Likely to Lead to an Increase in Suicides; https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/covid-19-is-likely-to-lead-to-an-increase-in-suicides/‘Cries for help’: Drug overdoses are soaring during the coronavirus pandemic: https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2020/07/01/coronavirus-drug-overdose/" "10. Dierenbach: The coronavirus response has been deadly: https://pagetwo.completecolorado.com/2020/06/11/dierenbach-the-coronavirus-response-has-been-deadly/" "Cultivated Ignorance... such that it serves and sustains ignorance on the part of the general population – a dismissal of the necessity to seek what is unknown... its purpose is to socially minimize the number of true experts within a given field of study." "...new Covid-19 cases per day (are mis-) reported by China to the international community. A green dotted line is fitted as an estimate of a more likely case level, based upon the rates of transmission observed by other nations..." For the still deceived millions of the world: "5. An ignorance of risk or absence of risk strategy, is itself a risk strategy" "...false positive outcomes as part of their assay design. When a population is tested by PCR tests, and 99% of that population is well, then there will be a high number of false positives arising from the testing of that population, even and especially compared to false negatives. In addition, beside the issue of test design, is the reality that testing labs may suffer from laxity in procedure, kit contamination or employee error or malfeasance..." "If we have a 1% rate of false positives, inside a population which is testing at 1% prevalence, in theory almost all of the positives being detected, are indeed false. As of late August the US was conducting on average about 680,000 (COVID-19) tests per day. A 2.3% false positive rate would yield 15,640 false positives per day. The average positives detected during that same time was around 45,000 positives per day. Thus, potentially 35% of those reported positives in late August 2020, were indeed false. A study by Cohen and Kessel, updated and re-printed (18 August 2020), cited a measured median false positive rate of 2.3% for Covid RT-PCR testing. They confirmed the reality that “the likely sources of these false positives (contamination, human error) are more directly connected to laboratory practices and layouts than to which particular assay is used” (https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.26.20080911v3)... positive case detects reported by the states and tallied at "The Covid Tracking Project"... a significant issue of concern, and citizens should be highly upset that this raw data, was passed to the media as ‘truth’." "False Tail (The Principle of) ...it was estimated that 42% of the reported cases... were from either: 1. The 12 week shadow of RNA PCR detectability/trivial dead RNA, or 2. The lower-band rate of false positives at 0.8 – 2.3% (avg = .0155, see Cohen-Kessel Study in ‘False Positive Rate’) This amplified caseload lent false support to the notion of keeping society partially shut down – a condition which was fatal to small and medium-sized businesses in the US, but not (to) their conglomerate competitors." "...those who were dying of Covid in Florida were dying much later in life than the average person in the US dies, by age tier for all causes. This demonstrated that the vast majority of those dying of Covid-19, were indeed dying only months earlier than they normally would have. This is still tragic, but constituted critical information we should have had early in the Covid response effort. This allows for the calculation of life-years lost comparatives between Covid-19 fatalities and fatalities from overreaction to Covid-19." "Gaussian Blindness (see medium fallax) – ...I’ve got my head in the oven, and my ass in the fridge, so I’m OK" "Gompertz Curve – ...bureaucratic effect – producing a unique form which hints at a blending of a natural arrival distribution, combined with a human arrival distribution (shopcraft)." (Note: Also called: Photoshopped or for the WHO: "Theoretical models are prime over real data"!!! SOBtchs!!!). "Asymptomatic – those cases who detected positive for Covid-19 by antibody or PCR testing, however who do not recall being sick." "RNA-Dirty – those who detected positive for Covid-19 however never really were infected with the virus at all, rather simply carried dead fragments in their mucus or clothing. Also those who were infected up to 12 weeks earlier and still shed the dead RNA fragments." "False Positive – a false detection of Covid-19 by – sensitivity error – excessive CT threshold >35 – failures of process and lab design – individual errors/contamination – malfeasance/maliciousness" "...herd resistance ranging from 5% in farming communities, all the way to 70% in prisons, for instance." Please, quote as: "The Ethical Skeptic, “The Definitive Guide to Ethical Skeptic’s (TES/ES) Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (2019) Analysis”; The Ethical Skeptic, WordPress, 9 Aug 2020; Web, https://theethicalskeptic.com/?p=44989" (There attached a PDF with en Edited view that made more sense to me...): https://www.researchgate.net/post/Third_Sequence_COVID-19_AATGGTACTAAGAGG_HIV-1_isolate_1966324H9_from_Netherlands_envelope_glycoprotein_env_gene_sequence_ID_GU4555031
A Very Important posting of today at the RG to my already 18K readers there, make the research of The Ethic Skeptic widely known, please, your offspring is at stake: "The Great Repression": A report on the criminal activities performed by those that organized the current Plandemic of COVID-19, and the informed ways to stop them!!! (Excerpts from TES: https://archive.vn/Doptk).

"I began to apply my skills in order to see if the media and agency-bearing academics were indeed telling the truth. As it turned out, in critical significance, they were not."

"The Great Repression – the period of severe depression economic fallout greater than that of the Great Depression, characterized by 38 million jobs (11.5%) and 500,000 or more lockdown lives lost and 6 million famine lives lost, which resulted from an over-reaction to and/or incompetent understanding of coronaviruses and Covid-19 in particular. Marketing disinformation as an academic, governmental or media authority, in order to compel despair, panic or compliance inside a population under duress of epidemic, war or economic collapse – these things are indistinguishable from war crimes. They are a violation of basic human rights, and as such constitute acts of class harm, scienter, racketeering and oppression."

"Lockdown/Great Repression Fatality – a fatality reported by a state department of health and cataloged by the CDC in which the person’s death was caused by lack of access to medical services (diabetes, heart disease, stroke, other illnesses, etc.), lack of adequate diagnosis (cancer, etc.) or Suicide Addiction Abandonment & Abuse."

"...Covid directly or indirectly precipitated an increase in deaths attributable to known natural causes (9,079 fatalities overage versus normal)... these additional deaths served to also create a hole in the death rate starting 8 weeks later and onward (13,429 fatality deficit versus normal). In this instance, Covid-19 impacted death rates by ‘pulling forward’ deaths which would have occurred in July and August, and forced those to occur in April and May... it is estimated that we have experienced possibly 40-45% of the pull-forward deficit. The full pull-forward deficit will not be known until as far out as May of 2021."

Oh Patriotic Citizens of the USA and of the World, you are The Owners of The: "Stakeholder Ethics – a principle or condition wherein those who bear the negative impact of a decision can hold those who make that decision, accountable. Further then may dissent, and reverse that decision or remove the decision maker, even if they claim to be an ‘expert’. A claim to science is not a free pass to tyranny."

"NiCFR – net infectious case-fatality rate (risk). The total ‘died of’ and ‘died with’ fatalities from a given pathogen, minus those who died as a result of over-reaction or ignorance around that pathogen, divided by the estimated total population which was infected by that pathogen. Has nothing to do with symptomatic rates."

"...data must be denatured of its noise, into information... then... into intelligence... the only basis from which to infer or take action..."

For the first graphic shown here: "...US Covid-19 progression...: The blue vertical column bars indicate case arrivals each day in the northern 37 states, while the orange vertical bar arrivals show the patterns in the southerly hot 50 border counties or hot 13 states (seen here in Figure 6)... This surge in cases peaked on July 16th, 13 or 14 weeks after the north latitude peak (one quarter of the year)... each case peak adhered to Farr’s Law (https://archive.vn/N1QsO: "...epidemic events rise and fall in a roughly symmetrical pattern. The time-evolution behavior could be captured by a single mathematical formula that could be approximated by a bell-shaped curve")... this latter surge in cases was not a ‘second wave’ as much as it was a sympathetic overflow from southerly latitude patterns of the same virus... This latitudinal effect is called a Hope-Simpson subtropical latitude effect (https://archive.vn/1X7xC). This should have been known before we decided policy. Most predictive models for the pandemic were merely regression models, with high and low banding. None of them predicted the distinct Farr’s Law shape of this latitudinal surge.... this surge in cases formed a peak around July 16th (2020), which was immediately called by The Ethical Skeptic by means of the charts to the lower right, but took a full 3 weeks to be acknowledged by official channels and media, most of whom still did not even mention the tail off by early September (2020)... The curve continued an upward progression until it lost that momentum on 16 July (2020) and never recovered it. The Ethical Skeptic was watching for a confirmatory rise in fatalities 28 days after the initial rise in cases – and indeed a mild rise in fatalities formed, confirming that this reported rise in cases was about 37% real, (and) 63% salting through new practices of case detection ...(this means in blunt terms, that:) the gentle rise in percent positive ...was 37% real cases in our 50 hottest counties composing the July 16th surge, while 63% of that rise was crafted through salting/juking of reported cases"!!!

From a related graph, also applicable to all: "...curves should move in a given ratio throughout the horizon, unless an exception has occurred such as Legacy Data Laundering LDL-1 or Lockdown Death Laundering LDL-2." (See below the definitions of these criminal statistical lies imposed over humanity by the killers-that-be). "...The degree of Lockdown Death Laundering (LDL-2) can be ascertained by comparing the height of each day’s ...column, versus the ...CDC excess all-cause deaths line... adjusted for (the) documented CDC lag..."

"SupraLag – that CDC lag in posting of actual deaths (shortfall in all-cause death count) by date in the MMWR weekly data, which exceeded by a large amount, the typical lag which the CDC had historically exhibited for that same week (current week minus x MMWR weeks). Ideally if both the CDC and analyst tracking them are performing well in their duties, SupraLag should be minimal."

"Death ‘from’/Death ‘with’ Covid – an important principle in that there are those who died of Covid, who simply/trivially had Covid RNA in the nostrils while they were already dying of something else, as opposed to actually dying from Covid as a primary or secondary cause of death. The reason this is important is that the former group causes a ‘pull forward’ effect which will artificially make it appear that suddenly Americans are not dying of other diseases any longer, either now or in the future. This effect as raw data, will serve to mislead."

"...the parody ‘Lemming Cycle of Continuous Impairment’ is also a satirical commentary upon how panicked state level government officials served to foment continued panic and despair around Covid-19. Also derived from the allegory of fictitious lemmings who run off a mythical cliff en masse, in their hysteria to achieve a given inductively derived or panic-fueled goal. The cycle wherein panic over perceived cases of Covid-19, drove demands inside certain state government levels for more testing and track-and-trace team funding, which resulted in increased PCR tests run and false/3-month-old positives being generated, which resulted in ever higher positive case-detects being reported as raw data by the states, which resulted in more panic/despair. Incompetence. Forgetting the data grooming methods employed with annual flu analytics and opting instead to simply report raw data – a scientific error." And I may say a deliberate one, and a crime!!!

"The Lemming Cycle (boosted as well by false positive PCR testing results which were left unchallenged), fueled a feedback cycle of panic inside the media and administrative government decision-makers, regarding Covid-19."

"RNA/Virus Detection Half-Life – the period after which half of those who were infected at one time, can no longer present detectable dead or inactive Covid-19 RNA. The half-life period has been evaluated to be as much as 7 weeks. The entire period of detectability is 14 weeks. This noise in data collection was exploited by nefarious political and power hungry forces during the pandemic."

"Salting/Juking Reported Cases – one or more of a variety of methods of boosting reported cases of Covid-19 in order to make the pandemic seem hotter, growing when actually in decline or larger than is its reality. Includes methods such as
legacy data laundering,
backlog stuffing,
AB testing results mixed with PCR testing,
focus on hot spots,
posting track and trace %-pos results only,
testing prisons care facilities and factories only,
temperature screening selected testing,
report of ‘suspected’ cases,
non-reporting of negative tests,
delay or lag exploitation,
multiple tests on one person,
cross-border cases,
hospital comprehensive screening,
nosocomial cases,
paying people who (or TO) test positive,
batch swab testing followed by individual testing, etc."

"The comparative between ICU Census and deaths allows the astute analyst to observe that reported deaths can contain legacy data up to 12 weeks old in some cases, and most often in excess of 3 weeks old... key in estimating Legacy Death Laundering (LDL2)..."


And for those assholes self-deemed as "fact-checkers": "...every person has a right, responsibility or qualification as a victim/stakeholder to make their voice heard..."!!!

"Agency" (y note: Such as the NIH of Collins, Hehee): "...when a denial is involved, the incentive to double-down on that denial, in order to preserve office, income or celebrity – is larger than either bias or nominal conflict of interest... A "tendentious" person holds their position from a compulsion which they cannot overcome through objective evaluation. One cannot be reasoned out of, a position which they did not reason themselves into to begin with... catch-phrases that a person will employ to demonstrate that they are inside the approved club or academic circle around a particular topic..." (and talking about Francis S. Collins): "...A blindly devoted official, follower, or organization member... One who either ignorantly or obdurately lacks any concern or circumspection ability which might prompt them to examine the harm their position may serve to cause..", from elsewhere in the article: "...Be wary of agency which exploits the appearance of raw data...", and before: "..raw data – which most often will serve to dis-inform..."

"in order to comprehend the risk entailed to the general stakeholding public – and the hazard presented by those who wish to exploit the tragedy as a means to abuse..."

And about Fauci, Gates, CDC (again and again, as the criminal par excelence which that one indeed is) and Birx and the WHO (to all of them felons belong the information below)...: "Catalyseur – ...A conflict exploitation specialist, or any entity which stands to gain under the outcome of a lose-lose conflict scenario which they have served to create, abet or foment. Someone who acts as a third party to two sides in an argument or conflict, who advises about the ‘truth’ of the other party involved, respectively and urges an escalation of factors which drove the conflict to begin with."

"Shopcraft – traits, arrival forms and distributions of data which exhibit characteristics of having been produced by a human organization, policy or mechanism. A result which is touted to be natural, random or unconstrained, however which features patterns or mathematics which indicate (that) human intervention is at play inside its dynamics. A method of detecting agency, and not mere bias, inside a system."

"Slapping the Grizzly/Bear – if someone implies to you that they know exactly the outcome of slapping a grizzly bear in order to get it to go away – they themselves are more dangerous than a virus by far – no matter how many risk PhD’s they may hold. The act of becoming robust to a constrained small-risk of harm/death bearing sound epistemic precedent (a virus with 4 months of observation and multiple precedents) – while exposing (the USA) to an unconstrained large-risk of ruin/death, derived from our actions (an economic Great Repression), which bears no epistemic precedent …is like slapping a grizzly bear to compel it to go away."

"Mobsensus – the inferential will of media, club, mafia, cabal or cartel – in which a specific conclusion is enforced upon the rest of society, by means of threat, violence, social excoriation or professional penalty; further then the boasting of or posing such insistence as ‘scientific consensus’."

And as the WHO and CDC do under the higher-bidder$ orders: "...through sleight-of-hand, changing the context of its employment without the soundness..."

"...never ascribe to happenstance or incompetence, that which coincidentally, consistently ...supports a preexisting agency... a handful of the clever manipulating the ignorance of the millions."

"Marketing disinformation as an academic, governmental or media authority, in order to compel despair, panic or compliance inside a population under duress of epidemic, war or economic collapse – these things are indistinguishable from war crimes. They are a violation of basic human rights, and as such constitute acts of class harm, scienter, racketeering and oppression."

"Indigo Point (Inflection Point) – ...event or mechanism which is manipulated early in a process... which will alter/tip subsequent events towards a specific final outcome. It is the magician’s unremarkable sleeve"!!!

"ingens vanitatum Argument – citing a great deal of expert irrelevance. A posing of ‘fact’ or ‘evidence’ framed inside an appeal to expertise... which serves to dis-inform as to the nature of the argument being vetted or the critical evidence or question being asked."

"Laundering (of Legacy Cases and Fatalities) – partly a term from data management and partly coined for the Covid-19 response. Legacy data is any form of old data which involves work in transcribing into a new system, approach or context. "Laundering" is the process of removing the old undesirable context for an item transacted in a market (information is a market!), and fabricating a new beneficial context of use – free of the old one. Inside the context of a pandemic, this constitutes a method of misrepresentation to at-risk stakeholders. When conducted inside the context of a population under risk, or when exploited by media to incite panic or despair, it is a human rights crime as well."

"Legacy Data Laundering (LDL1) – state departments of health (CDC) may unilaterally, or through direction by higher agency or political intermediaries (WHO), choose to report cases or fatalities over 7-days in age, as if they occurred on the day of reasonable reporting. In this manner, a sufficient amount of old data or newly converted old data (cases or fatalities), can be exploited to craft the appearance a false trend, rise or level."

"Lockdown Death Laundering (LDL2) – state departments of health may unilaterally, or through direction by higher agency or political intermediaries, choose to designate past CDC excess all cause mortality deaths which were not attributed to Covid-19 on a death certificate, as ‘suspected’ or ‘probable’ Covid-19 deaths. In this manner, deaths from lockdown, access and despair can be attributed either as direct Covid deaths or ‘death from Covid upheaval’ – and be reported at a later date as a current Covid-19 fatality. A sufficient amount of these fatality conversions can be exploited to craft the appearance of a false trend, rise or level of fatality."

"Law of Large Numbers – a fallacy wherein an arguer does not perceive that a perceptibly large effect on a small population might serve to produce rather small numbers of outcomes, while a very small or subtle effect on a very large population, may well serve to produce surprisingly large numbers in outcome."

"Lag/Delay/Lag Curve – a delay is the period of time between when something actually occurs and when it is reported or cataloged as data..."

"...It is dishonest for a man deliberately to shut his eyes to principles/intelligence which he would prefer not to know. If he does so, he is taken to have actual knowledge of the facts to which he shut his eyes. Such knowledge has been described as ‘Nelsonian knowledge’, meaning knowledge which is attributed to a person as a consequence of his ‘willful blindness’ or (as American legal analysts describe it) ‘contrived ignorance’."

"Eristic Argument – an argument which is posed with the goal of winning and embarrassing an opposing arguer, as opposed to seeking clarity, value or common ground. Usually stems from the arguer’s past psychological injury, narcissism and combative habituation."

"Attentodemic – a pandemic or other social malady which arises statistically for the most part from an increase in testing and observation activity. From the two Latin roots attento (test, tamper with, scrutinize) and dem (the people). A pandemic/tragedy, whose curve arises solely from increases in statistical examination and testing, posting of latent cases or detected immunity as ‘current new cases’, as opposed to true increases in fact..."

"Backlog Stuffing (BS) – State departments of health may unilaterally, or through direction by higher agency or political intermediaries, choose to delay reporting of data inside one week’s period, and further then report several days of data as if it occurred in a single day. In this manner, a sufficient amount of backlog or infrequent report arrivals, can be exploited to craft the appearance a false trend, rise or record in data. When exploited by media to incite panic or despair inside the context of a population under risk, it is a human rights crime as well."

"Bridgman Point – the point at which a principle can no longer be dumbed-down any further, without sacrifice of its coherency, accuracy, salience or context."

So, Fauci et al., are a: "Scienter – ...a legal term that refers to intent or knowledge of wrongdoing while in the act of executing it. An offending party then has knowledge of the ‘wrongness’ of their dealings, methods or data, but choose to turn a blind eye to the issue, commensurate to executing or employing such dealings, methods or data. This is typically coupled with a failure to follow up on the impacts of the action taken, a failure of science called "ignoro eventum"."

"Wittgenstein Error (Contextual) – employment of words in such as fashion as to craft rhetoric, in the form of persuasive or semantic abuse, by means of shift in word or concept definition by emphasis, modifier, employment or context."

"Wittgenstein Error (Descriptive) – the contention or assumption that science has no evidence for or ability to measure a proposition or contention, when in fact it is only a flawed crafting of language and definition, limitation of language itself or lack of a cogent question or (willful) ignorance... I cannot observe it because I refuse to describe it... Science cannot observe it because I have crafted (a) language and definition so as to preclude its description... "

These one is more specific for Gates and for his employee, the WHO: "melochi kupets (Russian: мелочи купец) – trivia merchant. One who feigns competence or intimidates curious outsiders... One who cannot differentiate the distinction between a peripheral or irrelevant detail and a critical path element or principle."

"Principle of Peerhood – ...I shall not tell an epidemiologist his business... (Otherwise) The stakeholder placed at risk is the peer review... "armchair intelligence"..."

"missam singuli – ...risk being measured as an effect on the whole, while benefit is only evaluated in terms of how it benefits the individual or a single person."

"quo facto malo – Latin for ‘having done this evil’. When a person desires to do evil to another, they will manufacture or fantasize in their mind, (such as with) offenses their target has committed, which serve to therefore justify their actions; harm which they had conducted or intended to conduct from (the) very beginning, but were simply waiting for the right excuse to blame it upon..."

"nulla infantis – a pseudo-argument, sometimes cleverly disguised or hidden inside pleonasm, which basically is the equivalent of saying ‘nuh-uhhh’… Latin for (a) child’s ‘no’. Usually followed by an appeal to have the opponent shut-up or be silenced in some manner." But, now that his Dad is gone (maybe from the very same malady that his own "criature" unleashed under his orders); so, now "baby criminal brat" is almost desolate, as the forces of evil have lost one of their avid participants...

This one even goes to Cuomo and felons in crime up north, those that went with deliberate policies to kill the elderly to inflate the numbers, Cuomo you say? "Nosocomial – an illness which is contracted or occurs while one is a patient in a hospital, having been admitted for a completely separate condition"

And this this one goes to the usual reefers paid by Fauci (Lipkin, Andersen, Cohen, et al): "Ockham’s Razor – ...also means that once there exists a sufficient threshold of evidence to warrant attention (plurality), then science should seek to address the veracity of a counter claim."

"Omega Hypothesis (HΩ) – the argument which is foisted to end all argument, period. A conclusion promoted under such an insistent guise of virtue or importance, that protecting it has become imperative over even the integrity of science itself."

This one goes for the Criminal-Career Demon-Crafts, including its candidate and its Majo-Lead: "Paradox of Virtue (Covid-19) – if leadership had not shut down, all 150 k Covid deaths would be blamed on that mistake. This flawed virtue signal argument, then forces us to conduct activity which is 5 – 10 x more damaging. Like a bad SAW movie. We are exploited by evil"!!! (His words).

This goes to all those coward scientists that have not taken a position for the Truth, even if their attitude goes in detriment of their future generations: "Pluralistic Ignorance – most often, a situation in which a majority of scientists and researchers privately reject a norm, but incorrectly assume that most other scientists and researchers accept it, often because of a misleading portrayal of consensus by agenda carrying... Therefore they choose to go along with something with which they privately dissent or are neutral."

And, "Except" for this artificially made in a Lab COVID-19: "...coronaviruses are considered to be ‘sharply seasonal’... (https://archive.vn/AI8xF)"

Epidemic Threshold – when a virus is ‘in season’ – the point at which fatalities from that virus exceed 7.2% of all fatalities in a given week."

"Covid-19 Reaction Fatalities – or ‘lockdown deaths’..."

"‘Lockdown Deaths’ are estimated separately by means of the Full Covid Death Accountability Chart each week..."

"...the broken window parable ...proposes that even in disaster, an economy profits on the repair and recovery... The Bastiat Fallacy... states that... The economic benefit of war is never compared to what was lost as a result of the war"

"...baseline (solid beige line), a modified average of each week from 2014 – 2017 (2018 was an exception year and threw the average off to a mis-representative level)."

"Close-Hold Embargo – is a common form of dominance lever exerted by scientific and government agencies to control the behavior of the science press... model of coercion... under the condition that the media outlet not seek any dissenting input, nor critically question the decree, nor seek its originating authors for in-depth query."

"Net Accident Reduction – reduction in auto fatalities and iatrogenic accidental deaths."

"6. Scientific American: COVID-19 Is Likely to Lead to an Increase in Suicides; https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/covid-19-is-likely-to-lead-to-an-increase-in-suicides/‘Cries for help’: Drug overdoses are soaring during the coronavirus pandemic: https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2020/07/01/coronavirus-drug-overdose/"

"10. Dierenbach: The coronavirus response has been deadly: https://pagetwo.completecolorado.com/2020/06/11/dierenbach-the-coronavirus-response-has-been-deadly/"

"Cultivated Ignorance... such that it serves and sustains ignorance on the part of the general population – a dismissal of the necessity to seek what is unknown... its purpose is to socially minimize the number of true experts within a given field of study."

"...new Covid-19 cases per day (are mis-) reported by China to the international community. A green dotted line is fitted as an estimate of a more likely case level, based upon the rates of transmission observed by other nations..."

For the still deceived millions of the world: "5. An ignorance of risk or absence of risk strategy, is itself a risk strategy"

"...false positive outcomes as part of their assay design. When a population is tested by PCR tests, and 99% of that population is well, then there will be a high number of false positives arising from the testing of that population, even and especially compared to false negatives. In addition, beside the issue of test design, is the reality that testing labs may suffer from laxity in procedure, kit contamination or employee error or malfeasance..."

"If we have a 1% rate of false positives, inside a population which is testing at 1% prevalence, in theory almost all of the positives being detected, are indeed false. As of late August the US was conducting on average about 680,000 (COVID-19) tests per day. A 2.3% false positive rate would yield 15,640 false positives per day. The average positives detected during that same time was around 45,000 positives per day. Thus, potentially 35% of those reported positives in late August 2020, were indeed false. A study by Cohen and Kessel, updated and re-printed (18 August 2020), cited a measured median false positive rate of 2.3% for Covid RT-PCR testing. They confirmed the reality that “the likely sources of these false positives (contamination, human error) are more directly connected to laboratory practices and layouts than to which particular assay is used” (https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.26.20080911v3)... positive case detects reported by the states and tallied at "The Covid Tracking Project"... a significant issue of concern, and citizens should be highly upset that this raw data, was passed to the media as ‘truth’."

"False Tail (The Principle of) ...it was estimated that 42% of the reported cases... were from either:
1. The 12 week shadow of RNA PCR detectability/trivial dead RNA, or
2. The lower-band rate of false positives at 0.8 – 2.3% (avg = .0155, see Cohen-Kessel Study in ‘False Positive Rate’)
This amplified caseload lent false support to the notion of keeping society partially shut down – a condition which was fatal to small and medium-sized businesses in the US, but not (to) their conglomerate competitors."

"...those who were dying of Covid in Florida were dying much later in life than the average person in the US dies, by age tier for all causes. This demonstrated that the vast majority of those dying of Covid-19, were indeed dying only months earlier than they normally would have. This is still tragic, but constituted critical information we should have had early in the Covid response effort. This allows for the calculation of life-years lost comparatives between Covid-19 fatalities and fatalities from overreaction to Covid-19."

"Gaussian Blindness (see medium fallax) – ...I’ve got my head in the oven, and my ass in the fridge, so I’m OK"

"Gompertz Curve – ...bureaucratic effect – producing a unique form which hints at a blending of a natural arrival distribution, combined with a human arrival distribution (shopcraft)." (Note: Also called: Photoshopped or for the WHO: "Theoretical models are prime over real data"!!! SOBtchs!!!).

"Asymptomatic – those cases who detected positive for Covid-19 by antibody or PCR testing, however who do not recall being sick."

"RNA-Dirty – those who detected positive for Covid-19 however never really were infected with the virus at all, rather simply carried dead fragments in their mucus or clothing. Also those who were infected up to 12 weeks earlier and still shed the dead RNA fragments."

"False Positive – a false detection of Covid-19 by
– sensitivity error
– excessive CT threshold >35
– failures of process and lab design
– individual errors/contamination
– malfeasance/maliciousness"

"...herd resistance ranging from 5% in farming communities, all the way to 70% in prisons, for instance."

Please, quote as: "The Ethical Skeptic, “The Definitive Guide to Ethical Skeptic’s (TES/ES) Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (2019) Analysis”; The Ethical Skeptic, WordPress, 9 Aug 2020; Web, https://theethicalskeptic.com/?p=44989" (There attached a PDF with en Edited view that made more sense to me...): https://www.researchgate.net/post/Third_Sequence_COVID-19_AATGGTACTAAGAGG_HIV-1_isolate_1966324H9_from_Netherlands_envelope_glycoprotein_env_gene_sequence_ID_GU4555031
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
Uno de los textos que más le agradan a Axel, "El lay de Aristóteles", fue cubierto por el profesor Sánchez Ocampo, señalando que es un estilo olvidado que Arreola revivió, siendo esta tan sólo una de sus poligrafías, que según he encontrado, suman ya casi 120 en sus obras. Este "lay" escrito por Arreola describe el imposible romance entre Armonía y Aristóteles, quien aunque fue arrasado por la "ineludibilidad" (palabra que erróneamente Word me marca como errónea) de la poesía, al final intentó, ficticiamente, desde luego, desmenuzar en todos sus detalles a todo esto en su "Tratado sobre Armonía" (la cual cabalga literalmente sobre él en los altorrelieves medievales, y sobre su prosa torpe y burda en el texto de Arreola), uno más de los miles de libros que fueran quemados por los musulmanes de la desaparecida "Biblioteca de Alejandría"; fue precisamente en estas conferencias que tuve el honor de conocer a mi amigo @[100028244536186:2048:Rilj Herschel], y luego a su hermana en nuestro evento del 20 en @[100027406571808:2048:Educem Ciudad Guzman]
2 Years Ago
Fernando Castro-Chavez added a new photo.
Oct 14, 2018, 1:09 PM
Uno de los textos que más le agradan a Axel, "El lay de Aristóteles", fue cubierto por el profesor Sánchez Ocampo, señalando que es un estilo olvidado que Arreola revivió, siendo esta tan sólo una de sus poligrafías, que según he encontrado, suman ya casi 120 en sus obras. Este "lay" escrito por Arreola describe el imposible romance entre Armonía y Aristóteles, quien aunque fue arrasado por la "ineludibilidad" (palabra que erróneamente Word me marca como errónea) de la poesía, al final intentó, ficticiamente, desde luego, desmenuzar en todos sus detalles a todo esto en su "Tratado sobre Armonía" (la cual cabalga literalmente sobre él en los altorrelieves medievales, y sobre su prosa torpe y burda en el texto de Arreola), uno más de los miles de libros que fueran quemados por los musulmanes de la desaparecida "Biblioteca de Alejandría"; fue precisamente en estas conferencias que tuve el honor de conocer a mi amigo Rilj Herschel, y luego a su hermana en nuestro evento del 20 en Educem Ciudad Guzman
Place: Casa del Arte CUSUR (19.706604646923, -103.46244911615)
Address: Avenida Cristobal Colón 143, Centro, 49000 Ciudad Guzmán, Jalisco, Mexico
Two years ago, a room full! Today, tracking the roots of a virus that is being used by every bully that be to subjugate its neighbor... God, stop them!
Updated Sep 18, 2020, 1:26 PM
The Artificial Origins of "Plandemic COVID-19" Revealed Since Two Months Ago: https://archive.vn/Brufs, and its press coverage (but not on the currently corrupted TV): https://archive.vn/zERqY, https://archive.vn/SJwtx, https://archive.vn/uhLDP, https://archive.vn/4usX7, etc..., etc..., what can be done by the ones that can do something???
Where the LIBERTY Bell is: "The Constitution cannot accept the concept of a "new normal" where the basic liberties of the people can be subordinated to open-ended emergency mitigation measures. Rather, the Constitution sets certain lines that may not be crossed, even in an emergency." Judge Rules COVID-19 Lockdown Unconstitutional (Please, Go On, All Nations!!!): https://web.archive.org/web/20200917232739/https://renzlaw.files.wordpress.com/2020/09/pa-butler-v.-wolf1.pdf, https://archive.vn/VerUZ
Para que no se quede en el olvido, el testimonio del descubridor del método CRISPR (un recordatorio del escritor y economista @[1424210929:2048:Alex Spin], quien también escribe de las bellezas naturales: https://archive.vn/LAfm2): https://www.informacion.es/alicante/2020/01/31/francis-mojica-apunta-coronavirus-mutante-4897007.html (https://archive.vn/ds84v), la pregunta es sencilla: "¿Queremos ganarnos al mundo al tiempo que lo perdemos como era antes, o buscamos la verdad para llegar con ella hasta donde ella tope?"
Para que no se quede en el olvido, el testimonio del descubridor del método CRISPR (un recordatorio del escritor y economista Alex Spin, quien también escribe de las bellezas naturales: https://archive.vn/LAfm2): https://www.informacion.es/alicante/2020/01/31/francis-mojica-apunta-coronavirus-mutante-4897007.html (https://archive.vn/ds84v), la pregunta es sencilla: "¿Queremos ganarnos al mundo al tiempo que lo perdemos como era antes, o buscamos la verdad para llegar con ella hasta donde ella tope?"
How Beautiful Is The Love For Truth!!!
A "record breaker", in just few hours of its publication today, it already reached the 157,000 views: Unusual Features of the SARS-CoV-2 Genome Suggesting Sophisticated Laboratory Modification Rather Than Natural Evolution and Delineation of Its Probable Synthetic Route, by bold Yan, Li-Meng; Kang, Shu; Guan, Jie; Hu, Shanchang. https://zenodo.org/record/4028830; and its download: https://zenodo.org/record/4028830/files/The_Yan_Report.pdf?download=1
You tagged Stefano Macedo Reyes
On studying one of the references of the great book by my student Stefano Macedo Reyes: https://www.amazon.com.au/DNA-Diet-Hack-Your-Genes-ebook/dp/B087X1JKSX, I found the next vital link, about Yourself Being Mindful: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/meditation-health-benefits_n_3178731, the related video is the amazing one about "Neurotheology": https://www.facebook.com/HuffPost/videos/next-level-living-episode-5-what-are-the-benefits-of-meditation/10153680138496130/, and the extra links there reported (many of them broken,are): Meditation: https://archive.vn/aMQLw
https://web.archive.org/web/20130820064317/http://www.time.com:80/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1147167-2,00.html (https://archive.vn/Xtvej)
https://archive.vn/xvGhv (same as the previous one, but used twice in the illustrative images)
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/07/080724215644.htm (https://web.archive.org/web/20190720020305/https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/07/080724215644.htm, https://archive.vn/R4bq1)
https://web.archive.org/web/20140621163608/http://phys.org/news/2011-04-demystifying-meditation-brain-imaging.html (https://web.archive.org/web/20181229082847/https://medicalxpress.com/news/2011-04-demystifying-meditation-brain-imaging.html), an amazing dive into the power of purposeful PRAYER, both including our understanding and without our understanding!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a link to the group: FerKat.
Diabetes Diet acording to my student Estefano Macedo: Food: A Diet Based on Plants MODERATE on Carbohydrates.


Nutraceuticals: Acid R-Lipoic, Omega 3 from Seaweed, and CoQ10

Herbs: Cinnamon, Ginger, Nopal (Opuntia sp.), Salvia (Lamiaceae from the mint family)

This is his book:

And the advised link on Meditation: geti.in/1lwwnxW, which is: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/meditation-health-benefits_n_3178731
Fernando Castro-Chavez posted in FerKat.
Good foods that help our intelligence!, by removing metals (such as Al, Hg, Pb...) from our brain (and bodies)
Fernando Castro-Chavez posted in FerKat.
"Give your love and help to others when they deserve it the least, because it's then when they need it the most." https://www.facebook.com/TheKindnessGuy/videos/687325898465275/
You tagged Kent Heckenlively and John L Mikovits III
Search results of today, using the same words, between an every day more and more trustless by the biased, minimal, or limited "results" that Google provides, versus a still open search engine (Search saved to freeze a moment in time, today, where similar deceptive strategies as then, are been used by evil minds for their private and ulterior motives), only God can help, and inspire His own to act for the good while there is still time to do it!: https://archive.vn/WJuKu compared to https://archive.vn/MUkMg, below I indicate how all of this confirms before and today the wise words of Mikovits and of Kent Heckenlively, of us being punished for working hard on things that are unpleasant for the NIH, but beneficial for humanity!, which just confirms their involvement on the financing and launching of the current and malicious Plandemic!!!
The current press conference by Trump going on right now: https://youtu.be/P1NZJoAijZs
Updated Sep 10, 2020, 3:48 PM
Fernando Castro-Chavez updated his status.
Suing every single head of corruption that is ordering in the USA the injection of venomous substances against the will of adults, and worst of all, of defenseless children that got chronic diseases out of the v.a.c.c.i.n.e.s of hell, absolutely NOT necessary as God developed for us our enduring immune system, we do not need to "help" it at all (it is documented at least 1500 times, that are ignored by the corrupted money that Big Pharma pours on the hypnotic and corrupted mass media):
Fernando Castro-Chavez updated his status.
Just say NO to the preplanned hell in the cover of COVID-19 and a completely useless and unnecessary "v.a.c.c.i.n.e" from hell:
Fernando Castro-Chavez updated his status.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., one of the very FEW patriots of the planet for good doing something from his area of influence:
Fernando Castro-Chavez posted in FerKat.
You tagged Katrinna Delfin
Captures from our last studies:
Fernando Castro-Chavez wrote on Lidia Ruiz Gomez's timeline.
Una muy feliz cercanía al retorno de Nuestro Señor!!!
Remembering Once More the Original Revelation of Matthew 28:19 for Those Still With Eyes To See: https://web.archive.org/web/20081229235917/http://www.geocities.com/fdocc3/in-my-name.htm (including one PDF by one of the big scholars that studied this: https://www.geocitiesarchive.org/arclc/f/d/fdocc3/conybeare.pdf), and the incomplete index from another of my many sites that is preserving few of my endless pages posted in the good ol' Geocities times! (see some remembrances below):
Remembering Once More the Original Revelation of Matthew 28:19 for Those Still With Eyes To See: https://web.archive.org/web/20081229235917/http://www.geocities.com/fdocc3/in-my-name.htm (including one PDF by one of the big scholars that studied this: https://www.geocitiesarchive.org/arclc/f/d/fdocc3/conybeare.pdf), and the incomplete index from another of my many sites that is preserving few of my endless pages posted in the good ol' Geocities times! (see some remembrances below):
Also protesting in Australia against the insane "protocols" by the globalists to submit the world population to their heartless plans: https://www.facebook.com/BenSwannRealityCheck/videos/646531375995807/
Updated Sep 7, 2020, 6:31 PM
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
Para los amados santos de habla hispana: La presentación en vivo de la "Astronomía del Nacimiento de Jesús" será este viernes a las 7:50 P.M., hora de Houston, TX, en: https://www.youtube.com/c/catadoresdelapalabra1 Sus transparencias: http://fdocc.ucoz.com/2/06_estrella_de_belen_2015.pdf Comenzamos a las 7:30 por Skype para oraciones y manifestar espíritu santo, y después para la sobremesa!!! En Cristo, Fernando.
5 Years Ago
Fernando Castro-Chavez added a new photo.
Sep 7, 2015, 12:07 PM
Para los amados santos de habla hispana: La presentación en vivo de la "Astronomía del Nacimiento de Jesús" será este viernes a las 7:50 P.M., hora de Houston, TX, en: https://www.youtube.com/c/catadoresdelapalabra1 Sus transparencias: http://fdocc.ucoz.com/2/06_estrella_de_belen_2015.pdf Comenzamos a las 7:30 por Skype para oraciones y manifestar espíritu santo, y después para la sobremesa!!! En Cristo, Fernando.
Moon memories from the astronomy in the arrival of Jesus our Christ, the eclipse of Regulus when in conjunction to Jupiter twice, representing respectively the transfer of the Scepter and of the Legal Authorization to rule: The Legislator.
Updated Sep 7, 2020, 10:25 AM
The Best Moment Spiritually and Emotionally of "Fireproof", about Love with NO Conditions: https://youtu.be/t0-hF-8fei8
Updated Sep 7, 2020, 9:25 AM
Fernando Castro-Chavez posted in FerKat.
You tagged Katrinna Delfin
These are our saved slides from today, oh Treasure of Talent and of Virtue that I Humbly Aspire to Win Not Because of me but Just by the Grace Divine!!!:
Almost ten months ago, I started learning in the practice that: https://youtu.be/Hsw7yaFGNQw, Slanted Girl: "Brainstorm, take me away from the norm... you ought to know what brings me here... You live too far away... nothing good comes easily sometimes you gotta fight... still it's fine from afar, and you know that..."!!! With all of my beaten heart, for the one that captured my heart, the one that teaches me about it on a daily basis in the practice, the one that leads me to discover the real meaning of (Since the 18th of Nov., 2019): https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/311/amber.html
Updated Sep 6, 2020, 10:40 AM
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
Este es el grupo de artistas que nos hicieron bailar por 3 h con sus ~40 canciones en inglés de los 50's y 60's; Ethan nos consiguió el poster firmado por ellos (en fotos de mi esposa) y su última sudadera disponible (donada por Jamie Harden!). Ellen nos recibió en su casa y nos transportó.
8 Years Ago
Fernando Castro-Chavez added a new photo.
Sep 6, 2012, 5:17 PM
Este es el grupo de artistas que nos hicieron bailar por 3 h con sus ~40 canciones en inglés de los 50's y 60's; Ethan nos consiguió el poster firmado por ellos (en fotos de mi esposa) y su última sudadera disponible (donada por Jamie Harden!). Ellen nos recibió en su casa y nos transportó.
Tenn saw
Updated Sep 6, 2020, 8:24 AM
Parody of an imbecile who is willing to remove GOD from our PLEDGE of ALLEGIANCE TO GOD!!!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2lTIh536jY
Updated Sep 5, 2020, 7:48 AM
Fernando Castro-Chavez updated his status.
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
So, if you are around and want to come, tomorrow Saturday 09/05/15 at 7:00 PM we'll study the astounding 'Astronomy of the Birth of Jesus', also possible to be seen at: https://www.youtube.com/c/CatadoresDeLaPalabra1 (live and afterwards); and its slides: http://fdocc.ucoz.com/2/03_star_bethlehem_1_2015.pdf (the same info. will be shared in Spanish next Friday 11 at 7:50 PM) See ya!
5 Years Ago
Fernando Castro-Chavez added a new photo.
Sep 4, 2015, 4:18 PM
So, if you are around and want to come, tomorrow Saturday 09/05/15 at 7:00 PM we'll study the astounding 'Astronomy of the Birth of Jesus', also possible to be seen at: https://www.youtube.com/c/CatadoresDeLaPalabra1 (live and afterwards); and its slides: http://fdocc.ucoz.com/2/03_star_bethlehem_1_2015.pdf (the same info. will be shared in Spanish next Friday 11 at 7:50 PM) See ya!
The Astronomy Created by God Bending all of its Knees Like a Giant to Honor the Birth of Jesus our Christ!!!! How much more an insignificant invisible virus designed on a bench and released to harm first the weakest
Updated Sep 4, 2020, 1:32 PM
There are no words to describe the JOY...: https://youtu.be/gI2eNnoJaBs
Updated Sep 4, 2020, 10:47 AM
Fernando Castro-Chavez posted in FerKat.
Ah!, before I forget, the quotation of the subatomic particles from PBS, and its very good teacher (she forgot to put ARE, as in: "Quarks ARE the building blocks"), let us get a traveling Van for our traveling dream, yeah!!! One season of traveling all over the USA to live its motor-home culture, and then settle in the ONE dream place that we liked the most!!!!:
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a link to the group: FerKat.
My Job application of today was for the California Institute of Technology at Pasadena, CA, 45 min. to the LA Airport, to go an pick you there (if I get the job as Postdoc in DNA Repair), through the Research Gate. With your BSc, you may be able to subscribe there to help finding the best jobs and to apply for them: https://www.researchgate.net/jobs
Recuerdos del 2018, cuando aún existía la "Sana Interacción", la "Sana Inmunidad Natural", el "Convive Con Otros", el "No Andes Asustado", el "Dí NO al Bozal", el "Ignora a la Prensa Corrupta", etc., etc... esperando con todas las ganas volver a la "Antigua y Humana NORMALIDAD"!!! Di NO a los malditos globalistas que intentan capturar por sorpresa y marcar bajo pretexto a toda la humanidad!!!: https://fdocc2.wordpress.com/2018/12/12/dos-periodicos-del-sur-de-jalisco-narran-nuestra-arreolanza-del-27-de-nov-2018-en-la-cabana-de-arreola/ (Gracias a @[100000848899034:2048:Lila Nieta De Epifanio Zuñiga Chavez], disculpas que me tardé cuatro meses en responder, estaba según yo intentando colaborar en el rescate de la humanidad con mi "Anticovidiana": https://zenodo.org/record/3988139); video, lectura a cargo de @[1586841892:2048:Say Renrod], filmado por @[100000186697386:2048:Adriana Cecilia Vargas Alzaga]
Updated Sep 3, 2020, 10:19 AM
It just takes "A Leap of Faith"!!! The Spider VERSE!!! Inspired while looking at NY!!!:
It just takes "A Leap of Faith"!!! The Spider VERSE!!! Inspired while looking at NY!!!:
The words that did not make it in the re-posting are as follows: Robin L. Armstrong "was invited to come and testify in an Arkansas Senate Committee discussing COVID-19 and treatment options.

America will remain free, only when there is an open discussion about how we solve the pressing problems of our day."

Armstrong "will be discussing our use of Hydroxychloroquine in a nursing facility, and how lives were saved."

If you want to watch, click on this link below:"
Updated Sep 1, 2020, 4:29 PM
Updated Aug 31, 2020, 8:56 AM
Updated Aug 31, 2020, 8:56 AM
Fernando Castro-Chavez posted in FerKat.
The captures of today, the man that in perpetual wants to be by your blessed and blessing side:
Vorhies: https://fdocc2.wordpress.com/2020/08/31/here-in-pdf-the-full-set-of-zach-vorhies-released-from-google-dont-be-evil-files-a-whistleblower-denouncing-the-current-criminal-removal-of-truths, a bold whistleblower from Google (to take back the power from those bastards, he recommends to dismiss all their services, this is war people, such as: Not Chrome anymore, but rather the Brave browser, Not the Google "engine" but DuckDuckGo (or any other search engine); Not gMail but ProtonMail; Not YouTube but Any Other Independent Video Platform (as I am using Lbry and Minds, and they also recommend me "Float"), Not Android
But iPhone or BlackBerry, so, I will hearken at him!!! If you wish to take back the power that Google stole from you... I invite you to do the same), here is his webpage: https://www.zachvorhies.com/, here are some of the internal documents (another link with all the documents in my last post of this subject below): https://pv-uploads1.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/2019/06/SS1DocDump.pdf (the very corrupt owner of YouTube, the one deleting Mikovits, 9/11, The Highwire, Dan Dicks, Infowars and many other persons and videos, Zach says that even before May 2019, multitudes of YouTube Channels of mothers questioning vaccines due to the damages of their children were deleted, as if "they" already "knew" that COVID-19 was coming later!!!) that explains how they are biasing their algorithms to censor the truth: https://www.facebook.com/HighWireTalk/videos/google-whistleblower-tells-all/2539648299653942/, and (slower as its traffic saturates) https://thehighwire.com/videos/google-whistleblower-tells-all/
Updated Aug 30, 2020, 6:28 PM
Updated Aug 30, 2020, 11:37 AM
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
This coming Saturday at Seven we are going to remember the amazing and all-wise Father we have! One that organized the Heavens and His old Laws in a way as to announce the precise hour of the birth of His precious son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
5 Years Ago
Fernando Castro-Chavez added a new photo.
Aug 30, 2015, 9:31 PM
This coming Saturday at Seven we are going to remember the amazing and all-wise Father we have! One that organized the Heavens and His old Laws in a way as to announce the precise hour of the birth of His precious son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
The Wonders of The Message of Salvation of God written in the stars:
Updated Aug 30, 2020, 10:24 AM
My last posting at the RG: "One of the references for my article: Karl Sirotkin (former NIH Data expert): Article https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7435492/, with Dan Sirotkin, father and son, in an out-of-the-ordinary and thorough article (where they basically update their amazing blog posts), fully ignored, as well as most of the methodologies described there by the deceivers-that-be, called "Might SARS‐CoV‐2 Have Arisen via Serial Passage through an Animal Host or Cell Culture? A potential explanation for much of the novel coronavirus’ distinctive genome", published on the 12 of Aug., 2020, provide the details of how even cell passage, and not only a zoonotic event is sufficient for a deliberate design and release of Sars-CoV-2, excerpts of this informative article are (but before I want to say that here we have in Acknowledgements another whistleblower that works directly at the NIAID of Fauci (https://archive.vn/8JhJE), being that pesky Fauci one of the prime suspects on deliberately orchestrating this whole Plandemic in company of Gates, the CCP, WEF. J. Hopkins, CDC, and the WHO amongst several others): "Without knowing the true nature of a disease, it is impossible for clinicians to appropriately shape their care, for policy‐makers to correctly gauge the nature and extent of the threat, and for the public to appropriately modify their behavior." "...the dual‐use gain‐of‐function research practice of viral serial passage should be considered a viable route by which the novel coronavirus arose" "...molecular clues raise further questions, all of which warrant full investigation into the novel coronavirus's origins and a re‐examination of the risks and rewards of dual‐use gain‐of‐function research." "SARS‐CoV‐2 ...has been reported that “the virus acts like no microbe humanity has ever seen.”" http://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&q=M.+Wadman%2C+J.+Couzin%E2%80%90Frankel%2C+J.+Kaiser%2C+C.+Matacic%2C+Science+2020. "The long‐standing practice of serial passage is a form of gain‐of‐function research that forces zoonosis between species, and requires the same molecular adaptations necessary for a natural zoonotic jump to occur within a laboratory, leaving the same genetic signatures behind as a natural jump but occurring in a much shorter period of time." "...every highly pathogenic avian influenza virus, defined by having a furin cleavage site, has either been found on commercial poultry farms that create the pseudo‐natural conditions necessary for serial passage, or created in laboratories with gain‐of‐function serial passage experiments...they only emerge under artificial conditions in influenza viruses..." "...SARS‐CoV‐2 is the only lineage B coronavirus found with one, and the only other coronaviruses known to have them are only at most 60% identical to this novel coronavirus." "...It is possible that this novel coronavirus gained its furin cleavage site through recombination in an intermediate host species, however there are also two laboratory processes that may have imbued SARS‐CoV‐2 with its furin cleavage site..." "...serial passage through a live animal host simply forces the same molecular processes that occur in nature to happen during a zoonotic jump, and in vitro passage through cell culture mimics many elements of this process—and neither necessarily leaves any distinguishing genetic traces..." "The dual‐use gain‐of‐function research tool of serial passage was first applied to a strain of H1N1 Swine Flu, a variant of the pandemic influenza virus that was genetically modified before it either leaked out of a Soviet lab or was introduced as part of an attenuated vaccine trial in 1977." "Then in 1979, just 2 years after the introduction of this modified H1N1 Swine Flu, a different Soviet lab leaked weaponized anthrax... Soviet authorities convincingly blamed the deaths on contaminated local meat...was not revealed to be a fabrication until 1992, when an analysis of dispersion patterns revealed that the victims were not those working with the supposedly contaminated meat, but instead all lived downwind from the Sverdlovsk weapons lab..." "The Soviet strain of serially passaged H1N1 Swine Flu was likely being developed as part of a vaccine program, one of the humane goals of gain‐of‐function research that exist alongside riskier and more troublesome ones like developing bioweapons... ignited the debate between the risks and rewards of dual‐use gain‐of‐function research—causing it to became the poster virus for the dangers this protocol posed." "...two separate teams used genetic manipulation followed by serial passage between ferrets to create mammal‐transmissible H5N1 Bird Flu strains of influenza virus in 2011 (which contributed to the NIH imposing a moratorium on dual‐use gain‐of‐function research from 2014 until 2017) that had the gain‐of‐function of being transmissible by aerosol. The first team was led by Dr. Ron Fouchier and conducted at the Erasmus Medical Center in the Netherlands..." "...Yoshihiro Kawaoka of the Universities of Tokyo and Wisconsin used genetic engineering to combine genes from the H1N1 Swine Flu as well as the H5N1 Bird Flu", producing artificially: "a chimeric virus that was then serially passed through ferrets, creating another airborne virus with potentially pandemic properties"!!! Both, Fouchier and Kawaoka produced "...a modified genome that appeared to be the result of natural, albeit accelerated, selection..." (This of course was deliberately ignored by the reefer authors of "The Proximal origin..."), and "were viewed by many as being sufficiently dangerous that they should not be published... however they were both eventually released with certain methodological and sequence details left out" "In the years that followed, gain‐of‐function serial passage through ferrets was used to increase the virulence of the H7N1 Bird Flu as well as allowing for its aerosol transmission without first introducing any mutations." "...the H1N1 Bird Flu was also found to become airborne and increase in virulence after in vivo passage through swine..." "...highly pathogenic influenza viruses all contain furin cleavage sites... which only emerge after serial passage in laboratories or pseudo‐naturally on commercial animal farms"!!! "The process of sequential passage through animal hosts or cell cultures leaves a genome that appears natural and not purposefully manipulated since it effectively mimics the natural process of zoonosis..." "...the artificial generations added by forced serial passage creates the artificial appearance of evolutionary distance, which was the characteristic of the H1N1 Swine Flu Soviet leak in the 1970s... exactly what is found with SARS‐CoV‐2, which is distant enough from any other virus that it has been placed in its own clade"!!! "...other viruses have been observed to acquire furin cleavage sites by passage under experimental laboratory conditions, then such a mechanism is theoretically possible for SARS‐CoV‐2 as well": 1) "...either nucleotide insertions or substitutions... able to be rescued and then eventually selected for, due to the high multiplicity of infection found in serial passage protocols." 2) "...the recombination of multiple viral RNAs inside a host cell..." "...a molecular pathway for their emergence (of a furin site, also called polybasic) must exist..." "...the infectious bronchitis coronavirus (IBV) is serially passed through chickens it developed notable mutations along its spike‐protein genes..." "...when a lineage A (of a) bovine coronavirus was subject to in vitro serial passage through cell lines, a 12‐nucleotide insert found within only a small minority of the pooled viruses spike‐protein region was strongly selected for and quickly emerged as the dominate strain..."!!! "...just like influenza viruses are only able to preserve their furin cleavages in artificial environments since the heightened virulence they impart kills their hosts... lineage B coronaviruses do not appear to be able to support furin cleavages in nature"!!! "...(also the furin site) could have been spliced directly into the novel coronavirus's backbone in a laboratory using classic recombinant DNA technology that has been available for nearly 20 years..." "...the removal of the restriction site junctions (is achieved by)... using the aptly named “No See'm technology.” (Yount, ...Baric, J. Virol. 2002, 76, 11065)... urin cleavages already have been successfully spliced into other coronaviruses, including the IBV ...and even into SARS‐CoV, where it increased cell‐to‐cell fusion in in vitro experiments... to impart it with increased lethality..." "...Vero cells often used in serial passage are derived from kidney epithelial cells extracted from African green monkeys, which have ACE2 receptors very similar to those found in humans..." "A coronavirus that targets the ACE2 receptor like SARS‐CoV‐2 was first isolated from a wild bat in 2013 by a team out of Wuhan. This research was funded in part by EcoHealth Alliance... and set the stage for the manipulation of bat‐borne coronavirus genomes that target this receptor and can become airborne... one research expedition captured as many as 400 wild viruses... (Aizenman, NPR 2020)...a private repository that has since grown to over 1500 strains of virus... meaning that the Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention has a massive catalogue of largely undisclosed viruses..."!!! "...in subsequent years, EcoHealth Alliance received funding for project proposals outlining gain‐of‐function research to be done in Wuhan... (all) needed to engineer this novel coronavirus in a laboratory..." "...(and just as taking the full guilt,) the Wuhan Institute of Virology has refused to release the lab notebooks of its researchers... despite the fact that these notebooks would likely be enough to exonerate the lab from having any role..." producing COVID-19. "...(all of this is also possible) isolating a progenitor coronavirus from civets and then serially passing it through mammalian ACE2 receptor‐expressing cells—serial passage through host cell lines..." (And none of these methods have been addressed by the same reefers denying the lab origin, while at the same time are the ones with the highest conflict of interests: Daszak, Zheng-Li, Fauci...) Next we find an interesting phrase integrated by the two first words: "2.3 Ferreting Out the Signs of Serial Passage: / ...studies examining SARS‐CoV‐2's infectivity in ferrets found that it spreads readily among them, and also appears airborne in that animal model... (in) the Netherlands... the novel coronavirus had spread among thirteen different mink (varieties of ferrets, with a fertile interbreeding) farms there, and also to at least one farm in Denmark[39] and to another in Spain where 87% of the mink were infected"!!! (Just as if Sars-CoV-2 were seeking for its "originators"), so: "...the virus spread to fifteen different farms in three countries, but also appears to have spread from minks into farm workers... (so) the fact that SARS‐CoV‐2 (with a from bat viral backbone) spreads from humans to minks and then back to humans demonstrates a high affinity for both species..."!!! Furthermore, similarly demonstrating this: "...an April 2020 preprint: https://archive.vn/i1RDN, quoted in: https://archive.vn/d5PZC, which appears to have been retracted after Chinese authorities implemented the censorship of any papers relating to the origins of the novel coronavirus: "!!!!!!! "This paper found that coronaviruses that target the ACE2 receptor bind with ferret cells more tightly than any other species except the treeshrew (cheaper, smaller, and easier to handle), which only scored about 2% higher... also... used for serial viral passage..." "...SARS‐CoV‐2 was perfectly adapted to infect humans since its first contact with us, and had no apparent need to for any adaptive evolution at all"!!!: https://archive.vn/xObt8 "...SARS‐CoV‐2 appeared just as adapted to humans at the very start of its epidemic as SARS‐CoV was in the latest stages of its emergence... (both) unexpected finding(s) since viruses are expected to mutate substantially as they acclimate to a new species": http://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.05.01.073262v1.full "...there is very little serological evidence of any exposure to these coronaviruses even in Chinese villagers living in close proximity to bat caves, and at the epicenter of the current outbreak—no previous exposure was found at all... natural jumps leave wide serological footprints in their new host populations as early variants of a prospective virus make limited and unsuccessful jumps into individuals of the new host species..."!!! this in itself is enough for a reasonable researcher that has not vested interests to realize that COVID-19 is a totally artificial Pandemic. "However these results do not rule out a much earlier jump into humans somewhere outside Hubei province, an alternative that is awaiting empirical support." And this is where things get really weird as Latham and Wilson have shown, that a deliberate inoculation into humans may have been on their way since 2012-13 out of those fateful six miners!!! So in this case the zoonotic event that I postulated in my article could have happened in HUMANS and not in animals!!! "...the examination of all past gain‐of‐function serial passage research by the scientific community at large should occur to determine what other definitive genomic signatures serial passage leaves besides the creation of furin cleavage sites, in case more of those (signatures, such as the 22 INSERTIONS of segments of the HIV (the coronavirus was pinpointed back in 2006 as a viable vector for an HIV vaccine and research into a pan‐coronavirus vaccine has been ongoing for decades), as per my, and Perez and Montagnier's research) can be found in this novel coronavirus...: ...SARS‐CoV‐2 possesses a genomic region not found in other coronaviruses that appears to cloak the novel coronavirus from white blood cells, a characteristic also found with HIV": http://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.05.24.111823v1, an interesting article already reviewed here (see above). "...the second preprint identifies a region on the spike‐protein gene found in no other bat‐borne coronavirus that is nearly identical to superantigenic and neurotoxic motifs found in some bacteria, which may contribute to the immune overreaction that leads to the Kawasaki‐like multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, and cytokine storms in adults"!!!: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.05.21.109272v1.full.pdf: "An insertion unique to SARS-CoV-2 exhibits superantigenic character strengthened by recent mutations"!!!, and their supplementary material: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2020/05/21/2020.05.21.109272/DC1/embed/media-1.pdf (which is the also great part here illustrated). "(So, Engineered and Zoonotic (that can also be originated from a Lab)): Both avenues should be robustly investigated by the scientific community"!!! "It seems ill‐advised to rule out the possibility that gain‐of‐function techniques such as serial passage may have played a role in the creation of SARS‐CoV‐2..." "...(like it was said in the pre-planned 9/11 for the bewildered military then, now in the pre-planned COVID-19 it is concluded that:) the emergence of this novel coronavirus has demonstrated that the international public health community is not prepared to handle the leak of a pandemic virus." "...none of the gain‐of‐function research conducted since 2014 has provided humanity with any tools at all to fight back against the ongoing pandemic caused by this novel coronavirus"!!!!!!!!!! Their blogs that were the source of the current and excellent article are (mainly the first one. which I proudly quote in my own article are): Sirotkin, K. & Sirotkin D.: https://harvardtothebighouse.com/2020/01/31/logistical-and-technical-analysis-of-the-origins-of-the-wuhan-coronavirus-2019-ncov/, https://harvardtothebighouse.com/2020/03/23/no-monkey-ever-reheated-a-frozen-burrito-what-the-expanse-tells-us-about-the-covid-19-pandemic/, https://harvardtothebighouse.com/2020/03/19/china-owns-nature-magazines-ass-debunking-the-proximal-origin-of-sars-cov-2-claiming-covid-19-wasnt-from-a-lab/, 2020a, b and c (Web). And remembering that ANY alternative to the perverted vaccine that Gates, Fauci, Schwab and all of those crooked minds are attempting to implant in us, is very welcome, such as this recent one:" https://chemrxiv.org/articles/preprint/Natures_Therapy_for_COVID-19_Targeting_the_Vital_Non-Structural_Proteins_NSP_from_SARS-CoV-2_with_Phytochemicals_from_Indian_Medicinal_Plants/12661214/2, from my: https://www.researchgate.net/post/Third_Sequence_COVID-19_AATGGTACTAAGAGG_HIV-1_isolate_1966324H9_from_Netherlands_envelope_glycoprotein_env_gene_sequence_ID_GU4555031
My last posting at the RG: "One of the references for my article: Karl Sirotkin (former NIH Data expert):
Article https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7435492/,
with Dan Sirotkin, father and son, in an out-of-the-ordinary and thorough article (where they basically update their amazing blog posts), fully ignored, as well as most of the methodologies described there by the deceivers-that-be, called "Might SARS‐CoV‐2 Have Arisen via Serial Passage through an Animal Host or Cell Culture? A potential explanation for much of the novel coronavirus’ distinctive genome", published on the 12 of Aug., 2020, provide the details of how even cell passage, and not only a zoonotic event is sufficient for a deliberate design and release of Sars-CoV-2, excerpts of this informative article are (but before I want to say that here we have in Acknowledgements another whistleblower that works directly at the NIAID of Fauci (https://archive.vn/8JhJE), being that pesky Fauci one of the prime suspects on deliberately orchestrating this whole Plandemic in company of Gates, the CCP, WEF. J. Hopkins, CDC, and the WHO amongst several others):

"Without knowing the true nature of a disease, it is impossible for clinicians to appropriately shape their care, for policy‐makers to correctly gauge the nature and extent of the threat, and for the public to appropriately modify their behavior."

"...the dual‐use gain‐of‐function research practice of viral serial passage should be considered a viable route by which the novel coronavirus arose"

"...molecular clues raise further questions, all of which warrant full investigation into the novel coronavirus's origins and a re‐examination of the risks and rewards of dual‐use gain‐of‐function research."

"SARS‐CoV‐2 ...has been reported that “the virus acts like no microbe humanity has ever seen.”"

"The long‐standing practice of serial passage is a form of gain‐of‐function research that forces zoonosis between species, and requires the same molecular adaptations necessary for a natural zoonotic jump to occur within a laboratory, leaving the same genetic signatures behind as a natural jump but occurring in a much shorter period of time."

"...every highly pathogenic avian influenza virus, defined by having a furin cleavage site, has either been found on commercial poultry farms that create the pseudo‐natural conditions necessary for serial passage, or created in laboratories with gain‐of‐function serial passage experiments...they only emerge under artificial conditions in influenza viruses..."

"...SARS‐CoV‐2 is the only lineage B coronavirus found with one, and the only other coronaviruses known to have them are only at most 60% identical to this novel coronavirus."

"...It is possible that this novel coronavirus gained its furin cleavage site through recombination in an intermediate host species, however there are also two laboratory processes that may have imbued SARS‐CoV‐2 with its furin cleavage site..."

"...serial passage through a live animal host simply forces the same molecular processes that occur in nature to happen during a zoonotic jump, and in vitro passage through cell culture mimics many elements of this process—and neither necessarily leaves any distinguishing genetic traces..."

"The dual‐use gain‐of‐function research tool of serial passage was first applied to a strain of H1N1 Swine Flu, a variant of the pandemic influenza virus that was genetically modified before it either leaked out of a Soviet lab or was introduced as part of an attenuated vaccine trial in 1977."

"Then in 1979, just 2 years after the introduction of this modified H1N1 Swine Flu, a different Soviet lab leaked weaponized anthrax... Soviet authorities convincingly blamed the deaths on contaminated local meat...was not revealed to be a fabrication until 1992, when an analysis of dispersion patterns revealed that the victims were not those working with the supposedly contaminated meat, but instead all lived downwind from the Sverdlovsk weapons lab..."

"The Soviet strain of serially passaged H1N1 Swine Flu was likely being developed as part of a vaccine program, one of the humane goals of gain‐of‐function research that exist alongside riskier and more troublesome ones like developing bioweapons... ignited the debate between the risks and rewards of dual‐use gain‐of‐function research—causing it to became the poster virus for the dangers this protocol posed."

"...two separate teams used genetic manipulation followed by serial passage between ferrets to create mammal‐transmissible H5N1 Bird Flu strains of influenza virus in 2011 (which contributed to the NIH imposing a moratorium on dual‐use gain‐of‐function research from 2014 until 2017) that had the gain‐of‐function of being transmissible by aerosol. The first team was led by Dr. Ron Fouchier and conducted at the Erasmus Medical Center in the Netherlands..."

"...Yoshihiro Kawaoka of the Universities of Tokyo and Wisconsin used genetic engineering to combine genes from the H1N1 Swine Flu as well as the H5N1 Bird Flu", producing artificially: "a chimeric virus that was then serially passed through ferrets, creating another airborne virus with potentially pandemic properties"!!!

Both, Fouchier and Kawaoka produced "...a modified genome that appeared to be the result of natural, albeit accelerated, selection..." (This of course was deliberately ignored by the reefer authors of "The Proximal origin..."), and "were viewed by many as being sufficiently dangerous that they should not be published... however they were both eventually released with certain methodological and sequence details left out"

"In the years that followed, gain‐of‐function serial passage through ferrets was used to increase the virulence of the H7N1 Bird Flu as well as allowing for its aerosol transmission without first introducing any mutations."

"...the H1N1 Bird Flu was also found to become airborne and increase in virulence after in vivo passage through swine..."

"...highly pathogenic influenza viruses all contain furin cleavage sites... which only emerge after serial passage in laboratories or pseudo‐naturally on commercial animal farms"!!!

"The process of sequential passage through animal hosts or cell cultures leaves a genome that appears natural and not purposefully manipulated since it effectively mimics the natural process of zoonosis..."

"...the artificial generations added by forced serial passage creates the artificial appearance of evolutionary distance, which was the characteristic of the H1N1 Swine Flu Soviet leak in the 1970s... exactly what is found with SARS‐CoV‐2, which is distant enough from any other virus that it has been placed in its own clade"!!!

"...other viruses have been observed to acquire furin cleavage sites by passage under experimental laboratory conditions, then such a mechanism is theoretically possible for SARS‐CoV‐2 as well":

1) "...either nucleotide insertions or substitutions... able to be rescued and then eventually selected for, due to the high multiplicity of infection found in serial passage protocols."

2) "...the recombination of multiple viral RNAs inside a host cell..."

"...a molecular pathway for their emergence (of a furin site, also called polybasic) must exist..."

"...the infectious bronchitis coronavirus (IBV) is serially passed through chickens it developed notable mutations along its spike‐protein genes..."

"...when a lineage A (of a) bovine coronavirus was subject to in vitro serial passage through cell lines, a 12‐nucleotide insert found within only a small minority of the pooled viruses spike‐protein region was strongly selected for and quickly emerged as the dominate strain..."!!!

"...just like influenza viruses are only able to preserve their furin cleavages in artificial environments since the heightened virulence they impart kills their hosts... lineage B coronaviruses do not appear to be able to support furin cleavages in nature"!!!

"...(also the furin site) could have been spliced directly into the novel coronavirus's backbone in a laboratory using classic recombinant DNA technology that has been available for nearly 20 years..."

"...the removal of the restriction site junctions (is achieved by)... using the aptly named “No See'm technology.” (Yount, ...Baric, J. Virol. 2002, 76, 11065)... urin cleavages already have been successfully spliced into other coronaviruses, including the IBV ...and even into SARS‐CoV, where it increased cell‐to‐cell fusion in in vitro experiments... to impart it with increased lethality..."

"...Vero cells often used in serial passage are derived from kidney epithelial cells extracted from African green monkeys, which have ACE2 receptors very similar to those found in humans..."

"A coronavirus that targets the ACE2 receptor like SARS‐CoV‐2 was first isolated from a wild bat in 2013 by a team out of Wuhan. This research was funded in part by EcoHealth Alliance... and set the stage for the manipulation of bat‐borne coronavirus genomes that target this receptor and can become airborne... one research expedition captured as many as 400 wild viruses... (Aizenman, NPR 2020)...a private repository that has since grown to over 1500 strains of virus... meaning that the Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention has a massive catalogue of largely undisclosed viruses..."!!!

"...in subsequent years, EcoHealth Alliance received funding for project proposals outlining gain‐of‐function research to be done in Wuhan... (all) needed to engineer this novel coronavirus in a laboratory..."

"...(and just as taking the full guilt,) the Wuhan Institute of Virology has refused to release the lab notebooks of its researchers... despite the fact that these notebooks would likely be enough to exonerate the lab from having any role..." producing COVID-19.

"...(all of this is also possible) isolating a progenitor coronavirus from civets and then serially passing it through mammalian ACE2 receptor‐expressing cells—serial passage through host cell lines..." (And none of these methods have been addressed by the same reefers denying the lab origin, while at the same time are the ones with the highest conflict of interests: Daszak, Zheng-Li, Fauci...)

Next we find an interesting phrase integrated by the two first words: "2.3 Ferreting Out the Signs of Serial Passage: / ...studies examining SARS‐CoV‐2's infectivity in ferrets found that it spreads readily among them, and also appears airborne in that animal model... (in) the Netherlands... the novel coronavirus had spread among thirteen different mink (varieties of ferrets, with a fertile interbreeding) farms there, and also to at least one farm in Denmark[39] and to another in Spain where 87% of the mink were infected"!!! (Just as if Sars-CoV-2 were seeking for its "originators"), so: "...the virus spread to fifteen different farms in three countries, but also appears to have spread from minks into farm workers... (so) the fact that SARS‐CoV‐2 (with a from bat viral backbone) spreads from humans to minks and then back to humans demonstrates a high affinity for both species..."!!! Furthermore, similarly demonstrating this: "...an April 2020 preprint: https://archive.vn/i1RDN, quoted in: https://archive.vn/d5PZC, which appears to have been retracted after Chinese authorities implemented the censorship of any papers relating to the origins of the novel coronavirus: "!!!!!!! "This paper found that coronaviruses that target the ACE2 receptor bind with ferret cells more tightly than any other species except the treeshrew (cheaper, smaller, and easier to handle), which only scored about 2% higher... also... used for serial viral passage..."

"...SARS‐CoV‐2 was perfectly adapted to infect humans since its first contact with us, and had no apparent need to for any adaptive evolution at all"!!!: https://archive.vn/xObt8

"...SARS‐CoV‐2 appeared just as adapted to humans at the very start of its epidemic as SARS‐CoV was in the latest stages of its emergence... (both) unexpected finding(s) since viruses are expected to mutate substantially as they acclimate to a new species": http://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.05.01.073262v1.full

"...there is very little serological evidence of any exposure to these coronaviruses even in Chinese villagers living in close proximity to bat caves, and at the epicenter of the current outbreak—no previous exposure was found at all... natural jumps leave wide serological footprints in their new host populations as early variants of a prospective virus make limited and unsuccessful jumps into individuals of the new host species..."!!! this in itself is enough for a reasonable researcher that has not vested interests to realize that COVID-19 is a totally artificial Pandemic.

"However these results do not rule out a much earlier jump into humans somewhere outside Hubei province, an alternative that is awaiting empirical support." And this is where things get really weird as Latham and Wilson have shown, that a deliberate inoculation into humans may have been on their way since 2012-13 out of those fateful six miners!!! So in this case the zoonotic event that I postulated in my article could have happened in HUMANS and not in animals!!!

"...the examination of all past gain‐of‐function serial passage research by the scientific community at large should occur to determine what other definitive genomic signatures serial passage leaves besides the creation of furin cleavage sites, in case more of those (signatures, such as the 22 INSERTIONS of segments of the HIV (the coronavirus was pinpointed back in 2006 as a viable vector for an HIV vaccine and research into a pan‐coronavirus vaccine has been ongoing for decades), as per my, and Perez and Montagnier's research) can be found in this novel coronavirus...: ...SARS‐CoV‐2 possesses a genomic region not found in other coronaviruses that appears to cloak the novel coronavirus from white blood cells, a characteristic also found with HIV": http://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.05.24.111823v1, an interesting article already reviewed here (see above).

"...the second preprint identifies a region on the spike‐protein gene found in no other bat‐borne coronavirus that is nearly identical to superantigenic and neurotoxic motifs found in some bacteria, which may contribute to the immune overreaction that leads to the Kawasaki‐like multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, and cytokine storms in adults"!!!: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.05.21.109272v1.full.pdf: "An insertion unique to SARS-CoV-2 exhibits superantigenic character strengthened by recent mutations"!!!, and their supplementary material: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2020/05/21/2020.05.21.109272/DC1/embed/media-1.pdf (which is the also great part here illustrated).

"(So, Engineered and Zoonotic (that can also be originated from a Lab)): Both avenues should be robustly investigated by the scientific community"!!!

"It seems ill‐advised to rule out the possibility that gain‐of‐function techniques such as serial passage may have played a role in the creation of SARS‐CoV‐2..."

"...(like it was said in the pre-planned 9/11 for the bewildered military then, now in the pre-planned COVID-19 it is concluded that:) the emergence of this novel coronavirus has demonstrated that the international public health community is not prepared to handle the leak of a pandemic virus."

"...none of the gain‐of‐function research conducted since 2014 has provided humanity with any tools at all to fight back against the ongoing pandemic caused by this novel coronavirus"!!!!!!!!!!

Their blogs that were the source of the current and excellent article are (mainly the first one. which I proudly quote in my own article are):

Sirotkin, K. & Sirotkin D.: https://harvardtothebighouse.com/2020/01/31/logistical-and-technical-analysis-of-the-origins-of-the-wuhan-coronavirus-2019-ncov/, https://harvardtothebighouse.com/2020/03/23/no-monkey-ever-reheated-a-frozen-burrito-what-the-expanse-tells-us-about-the-covid-19-pandemic/, https://harvardtothebighouse.com/2020/03/19/china-owns-nature-magazines-ass-debunking-the-proximal-origin-of-sars-cov-2-claiming-covid-19-wasnt-from-a-lab/, 2020a, b and c (Web).

And remembering that ANY alternative to the perverted vaccine that Gates, Fauci, Schwab and all of those crooked minds are attempting to implant in us, is very welcome, such as this recent one:" https://chemrxiv.org/articles/preprint/Natures_Therapy_for_COVID-19_Targeting_the_Vital_Non-Structural_Proteins_NSP_from_SARS-CoV-2_with_Phytochemicals_from_Indian_Medicinal_Plants/12661214/2, from my: https://www.researchgate.net/post/Third_Sequence_COVID-19_AATGGTACTAAGAGG_HIV-1_isolate_1966324H9_from_Netherlands_envelope_glycoprotein_env_gene_sequence_ID_GU4555031
In these movie clips from 2004 (4 x 1), the globalists reflected their plans for the ID2020 (4 x 5), you can see microchips inserted in three parts of the body: back, head, etc...; the grand irony is that those S.O.B. are using right now the brain-wash even before even implanting or RFIDing humanity a.la Five-Gee (which sooner or later seems to be coming over the humanity for the evil peoples of this word to have an even most personalized and targeted control over every individual human at their disposal, more than the control that they have already taken by themselves without any of them involved having been elected by any of us!!!, they just snatched the power over us by themselves, but they are NOT going to get away with it at this time, at least not while Christians with guts and open ears to God are still over this earth), by the invasive use of the controlled Social Media and their extremely annoying WHO liar messages that I have never opened that keep on popping up in every platform, and of course the Mass Media complicit with the ones that planned, designed and released deliberately the current calamity for humanity: That Plandemic of COVID-19: The second movie (2012, 4 x 3 in function of its two extremes) deals with a gigantic set of files denouncing the high corruption of the CIA, if the NIAID is very corrupt, way far more the CIA, so the main "criminal" was indeed the good guy that had the information, the database hidden in a chip that he injected in his leg, but that was in that movie something that had not an effect "per se" over him or over his brain.
In these movie clips from 2004 (4 x 1), the globalists reflected their plans for the ID2020 (4 x 5), you can see microchips inserted in three parts of the body: back, head, etc...; the grand irony is that those S.O.B. are using right now the brain-wash even before even implanting or RFIDing humanity a.la Five-Gee (which sooner or later seems to be coming over the humanity for the evil peoples of this word to have an even most personalized and targeted control over every individual human at their disposal, more than the control that they have already taken by themselves without any of them involved having been elected by any of us!!!, they just snatched the power over us by themselves, but they are NOT going to get away with it at this time, at least not while Christians with guts and open ears to God are still over this earth), by the invasive use of the controlled Social Media and their extremely annoying WHO liar messages that I have never opened that keep on popping up in every platform, and of course the Mass Media complicit with the ones that planned, designed and released deliberately the current calamity for humanity: That Plandemic of COVID-19: The second movie (2012, 4 x 3 in function of its two extremes) deals with a gigantic set of files denouncing the high corruption of the CIA, if the NIAID is very corrupt, way far more the CIA, so the main "criminal" was indeed the good guy that had the information, the database hidden in a chip that he injected in his leg, but that was in that movie something that had not an effect "per se" over him or over his brain.
CDC changes policies saying that in reality "Masks" should only be used by medical personnel and when a sick person is around, so that right there, once more corroborates that to make them mandatory is just a useless poitical agenda to condition the brains to submission https://thehighwire.com/videos/fauci-silent-as-cdc-makes-sweeping-changes-to-covid-policy/, which is also what the WHO said after once more time changing its stupid policies of mind control as the perverted globalist advise went berserk all over the world in order to submit, to "stupidify" humans: https://www.businessinsider.com/who-no-need-for-healthy-people-to-wear-face-masks-2020-4?r=MX&IR=T
Updated Aug 29, 2020, 11:05 AM
Updated Aug 29, 2020, 9:43 AM
Updated Aug 29, 2020, 9:42 AM
Fernando Castro-Chavez posted in FerKat.
Saved Slides From Yesterday And Today:
This is why I see Trump as the one that can straighten the boat of the USA, and with it of the whole world, taking it away of the hands of the globalists that are trying to take over the control of the whole world. He has defended, not only my freedom of free expression, even when some key components of my work on the artificial origins of the COVID-19 have been removed from this platform of the Facebook, and from the YouTube amongst other sites (ResearchGate, Twitter, etc.), but also my freedom to pray every beginning of my classes!!! And that for me is worth the Universe!!!
Updated Aug 28, 2020, 2:06 PM
Another song, whose title I was seeking for years, as it was the case for "Kalimba" by D'oa and "7 Minutes" by Youssou N'Dour, is this one: "Wanted" by Doogy Degli Armonium!!! Go, figure that one (or all of those!) out!!!: http://youtube.com/watch?v=074CX4sPppg, found with the help of: https://www.watzatsong.com/en/found/Doogy+Degli+Armonium-Wanted-667257.html?has-confirmed=1, I hope you like it as I did in my early childhood when it was played by the "Stereo Soul" of my City!!!
Updated Aug 27, 2020, 8:08 PM
While the crazy globalist non-doctors Gates with doctor of schemes Fauci, and their friends keep on terrorizing humanity with the multiple Pandemics panic, & also promoting their "Population Control" in more than one sense, Trump is defying their prospects, and sticking to support the life of the minors, and of course, of the unborn, and of the American citizens, and with them to all of the good peoples of the word!!! (The problem is that he is not a doctor either, and even when he has "outsmarted" them in many aspects, he may fall in their trap of a mandatory but totally unnecessary "vaccine", as he fell in their trap of finding endless "masks" and "ventilators"..., so Open His Eyes God, it will be very upsetting to me to realize that he has fallen under their "vaccination" game, pray in the spirit for our good governing system, as Paul himself required us to do, so that we may continue having the freedom to proclaim God and everything that He inspires us, even if many are still willingly asleep..., I pray for Trump and Pence, for us to continue having a quiet and peaceful life to proclaim the Greatness of God no matter what!!):
While the crazy globalist non-doctors Gates with doctor of schemes Fauci, and their friends keep on terrorizing humanity with the multiple Pandemics panic, & also promoting their "Population Control" in more than one sense, Trump is defying their prospects, and sticking to support the life of the minors, and of course, of the unborn, and of the American citizens, and with them to all of the good peoples of the word!!! (The problem is that he is not a doctor either, and even when he has "outsmarted" them in many aspects, he may fall in their trap of a mandatory but totally unnecessary "vaccine", as he fell in their trap of finding endless "masks" and "ventilators"..., so Open His Eyes God, it will be very upsetting to me to realize that he has fallen under their "vaccination" game, pray in the spirit for our good governing system, as Paul himself required us to do, so that we may continue having the freedom to proclaim God and everything that He inspires us, even if many are still willingly asleep..., I pray for Trump and Pence, for us to continue having a quiet and peaceful life to proclaim the Greatness of God no matter what!!):
Uno de los héroes originales de los Derechos Civiles en EE UU habla: https://youtu.be/1L7JuIEtL7A (the image for this video kept on coming blank over and over, so I just cropped a scene of it and put it here), como otros han hablado durante estos cuatro días. Estelita me pregunta:"Murió mucha gente en Estados Unidos de Covid según las noticias, por culpa de Trump... ¿Podemos confiar en El ?" Ésta es mi respuesta parcial: "El único realmente 100% confiable es Jesús, pero de las dos opciones que se tienen, Trump es el que se está oponiendo a los deseos globalistas que soltaron a la Pandemia con el propósito de una ganancia política internacional. Los mismos Medios Masivos corruptos que bloquean la difusión de la verdad del origen artificial del virus del COVID-19 (y del 9/11, etc.), son los que han estado criticando a Trump desde hace cuatro años por todo el mundo para desvirtuar su imagen, él fue el que decidió cerrar las llegadas de vuelos desde China a un tiempo temprano para evitar un aún mayor esparcimiento del virus en los EE UU, que es lo que los que Planearon esta pandemia querían, por lo tanto ellos ahora quieren negar que eso haya sido importante o bueno hace SEIS meses, simplemente con eso se comprueba que los que supuestamente checan los hechos están vendidos a los globalistas, aquí los mismos Chinos reconocen con quejas que Trump hizo eso tempranamente (y en ese entonces lo criticaban también falsamente de "racista" por cerrar las fronteras): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KJkgaK2NNA, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmXJcBIcuYg, más en https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Early+Closing+of+flights+from+China+to+the+USA. Se puede ver en la convención republicana que negros de calidad que se han querido superar son buenos líderes, y no como aquellos causando destrozos (BLM, Antifa, Black Bloc (esos ni Americanos son, son "porros" importados para causar caos), etc...) por ser directamente pagados por Soros y por los políticos Demócratas de carrera (también usando del dinero que Soros y que la campaña BLM les proporciona, y espero que muy pronto se detenga a los financiadores de esos desórdenes pre-planeados y fabricados contra los Estados Unidos). Recordemos que Trump es el único que ha sido anti-guerra hasta ahora, el único con valor para ir, arriesgando su vida a hablar con el loco de Corea del Norte para aplacarlo, y el único que fue a la ONU y al WEF a decirles sus verdades de que el globalismo va a ser aplastado por su gobierno, por eso los globalistas de Biden (político de carrera demócrata que vive del "sistema" como los Clinton, Pelosi, etc., porque hay otros demócratas a los que yo admiro porque NO se corrompen con los intereses ajenos de los globalistas como Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Vernon Jones, y otros pocos), y otras basuras globalistas reales a las que Trump se opone lo son Soros, Gates, la OMS (a la que él sabiamente ha dejado de financiar), Fauci, Redfield, Birx, Daszak, Baric, etc,, etc..."
Uno de los héroes originales de los Derechos Civiles en EE UU habla: https://youtu.be/1L7JuIEtL7A (the image for this video kept on coming blank over and over, so I just cropped a scene of it and put it here), como otros han hablado durante estos cuatro días. Estelita me pregunta:"Murió mucha gente en Estados Unidos de Covid según las noticias, por culpa de Trump... ¿Podemos confiar en El ?" Ésta es mi respuesta parcial: "El único realmente 100% confiable es Jesús, pero de las dos opciones que se tienen, Trump es el que se está oponiendo a los deseos globalistas que soltaron a la Pandemia con el propósito de una ganancia política internacional. Los mismos Medios Masivos corruptos que bloquean la difusión de la verdad del origen artificial del virus del COVID-19 (y del 9/11, etc.), son los que han estado criticando a Trump desde hace cuatro años por todo el mundo para desvirtuar su imagen, él fue el que decidió cerrar las llegadas de vuelos desde China a un tiempo temprano para evitar un aún mayor esparcimiento del virus en los EE UU, que es lo que los que Planearon esta pandemia querían, por lo tanto ellos ahora quieren negar que eso haya sido importante o bueno hace SEIS meses, simplemente con eso se comprueba que los que supuestamente checan los hechos están vendidos a los globalistas, aquí los mismos Chinos reconocen con quejas que Trump hizo eso tempranamente (y en ese entonces lo criticaban también falsamente de "racista" por cerrar las fronteras): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KJkgaK2NNA, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmXJcBIcuYg, más en https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Early+Closing+of+flights+from+China+to+the+USA. Se puede ver en la convención republicana que negros de calidad que se han querido superar son buenos líderes, y no como aquellos causando destrozos (BLM, Antifa, Black Bloc (esos ni Americanos son, son "porros" importados para causar caos), etc...) por ser directamente pagados por Soros y por los políticos Demócratas de carrera (también usando del dinero que Soros y que la campaña BLM les proporciona, y espero que muy pronto se detenga a los financiadores de esos desórdenes pre-planeados y fabricados contra los Estados Unidos). Recordemos que Trump es el único que ha sido anti-guerra hasta ahora, el único con valor para ir, arriesgando su vida a hablar con el loco de Corea del Norte para aplacarlo, y el único que fue a la ONU y al WEF a decirles sus verdades de que el globalismo va a ser aplastado por su gobierno, por eso los globalistas de Biden (político de carrera demócrata que vive del "sistema" como los Clinton, Pelosi, etc., porque hay otros demócratas a los que yo admiro porque NO se corrompen con los intereses ajenos de los globalistas como Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Vernon Jones, y otros pocos), y otras basuras globalistas reales a las que Trump se opone lo son Soros, Gates, la OMS (a la que él sabiamente ha dejado de financiar), Fauci, Redfield, Birx, Daszak, Baric, etc,, etc..."
Fernando Castro-Chavez posted in FerKat.
Here are the rules of ConCAVE and ConvEX lenses:
Here are the rules of ConCAVE and ConvEX lenses:
Fernando Castro-Chavez posted in FerKat.
A simpler explanation of the Delta H:
A simpler explanation of the Delta H:
The Book of Daniel reminds us of battles amongst dark angels for the control of nations and of humanity, and the angels of God also intervening for the preservation of the good nations against such spiritual forces of darkness (Dn. 10:13: Mike, then a Messenger (maybe Gabe), Perses, etc...); well, a battle of such sorts is going on today in the heavenly realm... as well as here on earth!!!:
The Book of Daniel reminds us of battles amongst dark angels for the control of nations and of humanity, and the angels of God also intervening for the preservation of the good nations against such spiritual forces of darkness (Dn. 10:13: Mike, then a Messenger (maybe Gabe), Perses, etc...); well, a battle of such sorts is going on today in the heavenly realm... as well as here on earth!!!:
Another great young Patriot, working hard for a better future, while we are still hanging around here (not for long, but not for less either!!!)!!!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuBHecxGSl8
Updated Aug 26, 2020, 12:10 PM
Trump Challenges and Defeats the godless Globalist Agenda of a "New Normal", of a "Great Reset", which is just another way to call the perverted NWO: SO: Say NO to One W. economy, say NO to One W. government say NO to One W. religion. Gladly, he also rejected the liar that the WHO is, so do WE THE PEOPLE!
Trump Challenges and Defeats the godless Globalist Agenda of a "New Normal", of a "Great Reset", which is just another way to call the perverted NWO: SO: Say NO to One W. economy, say NO to One W. government say NO to One W. religion. Gladly, he also rejected the liar that the WHO is, so do WE THE PEOPLE!
The Heartfelt Speech Of Patriot Tim Scott of South Carolina: https://youtu.be/v6NWDEE2Uj8
Updated Aug 25, 2020, 1:30 PM
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
Esta foto tiene la historia descrita para niños; como adultos sabemos que los primeros frutos de la humanidad perfeccionada por gracia nos vamos al cielo, primero los que murieron en Cristo y luego los vivos, a seguir vivos por siempre!
9 Years Ago
Fernando Castro-Chavez added a new photo.
Aug 25, 2011, 10:10 PM
Esta foto tiene la historia descrita para niños; como adultos sabemos que los primeros frutos de la humanidad perfeccionada por gracia nos vamos al cielo, primero los que murieron en Cristo y luego los vivos, a seguir vivos por siempre!
That Ark as a metaphor of our impending departure...
Updated Aug 25, 2020, 11:18 AM
I was able to record from my screen the end of the speech of today, and when he said that the CCP of China was the one that purposefully, in concoction with the US career politician Democrats (i.e., Biden, Pelosi, Clinton, clarified as per the observation by @[100003085740160:2048:Kathleen Hall]), to ruin the USA economy and to defeat him through a mail voting (method with which the CCP from China pre-made-ballouts in favor of the full time dwellers on politics Democrats (not the lay citizens), who have already sold their souls to the best financial bidders, will be entering with not a single problem), released the COVID-19, YouTube cut the transmission for several seconds of his Nomination for President 2021-2024 (as it can be seen at the three seconds lags end of this short clip, then I stopped my first recording, even when the freeze lasted longer..., just to resume when "the signal" went back, as seen in the final clip of his speech below), just look by yourself who are "the ones" pushing the CCP China style of censorship of the "Social" Networks (since 2019, as if "they" already knew what was coming) and who is on the opposite side, trying to keep them fully free and open: https://schiff.house.gov/imo/media/doc/Vaccine%20Letter_Zuckerberg.pdf, https://www.businessinsider.com/adam-schiff-tells-google-and-twitter-to-look-to-facebook-2020-4?r=MX&IR=T, https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R45650.pdf vs. https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-preventing-online-censorship, https://www.heartland.org/news-opinion/news/physician-group-sues-adam-schiff-for-attempting-to-censure-vaccine-debate, https://static1.squarespace.com/static/514b05c6e4b04d7440eb010a/t/5e43713e383ee71bf828b05d/1581478219297/Letter-to-White-House-Officials-Feb-10-2020.pdf
I was able to record from my screen the end of the speech of today, and when he said that the CCP of China was the one that purposefully, in concoction with the US career politician Democrats (i.e., Biden, Pelosi, Clinton, clarified as per the observation by Kathleen Hall), to ruin the USA economy and to defeat him through a mail voting (method with which the CCP from China pre-made-ballouts in favor of the full time dwellers on politics Democrats (not the lay citizens), who have already sold their souls to the best financial bidders, will be entering with not a single problem), released the COVID-19, YouTube cut the transmission for several seconds of his Nomination for President 2021-2024 (as it can be seen at the three seconds lags end of this short clip, then I stopped my first recording, even when the freeze lasted longer..., just to resume when "the signal" went back, as seen in the final clip of his speech below), just look by yourself who are "the ones" pushing the CCP China style of censorship of the "Social" Networks (since 2019, as if "they" already knew what was coming) and who is on the opposite side, trying to keep them fully free and open: https://schiff.house.gov/imo/media/doc/Vaccine%20Letter_Zuckerberg.pdf, https://www.businessinsider.com/adam-schiff-tells-google-and-twitter-to-look-to-facebook-2020-4?r=MX&IR=T, https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R45650.pdf vs. https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-preventing-online-censorship, https://www.heartland.org/news-opinion/news/physician-group-sues-adam-schiff-for-attempting-to-censure-vaccine-debate, https://static1.squarespace.com/static/514b05c6e4b04d7440eb010a/t/5e43713e383ee71bf828b05d/1581478219297/Letter-to-White-House-Officials-Feb-10-2020.pdf
Fernando Castro-Chavez updated his status.
¡Nada Mejor que estar en Familia! ¡Saludos!
Fernando's most loved photo on Facebook of 2016
Other times of good family crowding days, doing all in my living existence to retrieve the freedoms of the good old normal while I am still on earth, do help me God by our dear living brother Jesus!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez posted in FerKat.
Now our wavelengths, even if they travel afar, are in a Constructive "Interference" (I do not like too much that they used that word, I may have used: "SINERGY": "Constructive Sinergy"), why our waves have unified themselves? Because we have made our independent goals our COMMON goals, otherwise it will be indeed a "Destructive Interference"!!!! Hehee, God, thank you for unifying our forces, energies and our fields!!! Here is the captured slide, we as the speed of light are proportional, so always keeping the same and maximum speed of light!!!:
Now our wavelengths, even if they travel afar, are in a Constructive "Interference" (I do not like too much that they used that word, I may have used: "SINERGY": "Constructive Sinergy"), why our waves have unified themselves? Because we have made our independent goals our COMMON goals, otherwise it will be indeed a "Destructive Interference"!!!! Hehee, God, thank you for unifying our forces, energies and our fields!!! Here is the captured slide, we as the speed of light are proportional, so always keeping the same and maximum speed of light!!!:
Fernando Castro-Chavez posted in FerKat.
Kat of All of My Endless Admiration, at Least we Have Each other No Matter What, I am With No Conditions YOURS!!! That, to have us is more valuable than all the gold on the earth!!! And it is more valuable than all the titles and degrees that may be possible in the whole universe!!! So, here is the awesome data of the FIVE water constants (another part of the grand design of GOD)!!!
Kat of All of My Endless Admiration, at Least we Have Each other No Matter What, I am With No Conditions YOURS!!! That, to have us is more valuable than all the gold on the earth!!! And it is more valuable than all the titles and degrees that may be possible in the whole universe!!! So, here is the awesome data of the FIVE water constants (another part of the grand design of GOD)!!!
Plandemic II: The most popular site nowhere to be found on the Internet as Google altered its algorithms to make you NOT to find what is NOT convenient by the devilish globalistst that control them: https://plandemicseries.com/ (Download and share all their videos before they are hijacked again as it was done in the Plandemic I) https://ise.media/ All the videos there are worthy to be watched!!! Mikki Willis: https://www.facebook.com/mikki.willis
Updated Aug 23, 2020, 6:20 PM
More an more people is aware of this: https://www.facebook.com/BenSwannRealityCheck/videos/222593145838782, https://ise.media/video/exclusive-interview-ben-swann-and-plandemic-creator-mikki-willis-24.html, since Mikovits, PhD, by the side of the Lawyer @[100001604190174:2048:Kent Heckenlively] started opening the swamp of the living "Plague" integrated by the Medical very corrupt leaders of America: Fauci, Redfield, Birx, Collins, Varmus, and the list goes on...: https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1144263933405179904, hopefully Trump does something about draining that swam and that he is not just words and rhetoric, that will be very disappointing for us Americans! In the Plandemic II we found the next, as I responded today to Marie Ovensmith (Updated here to be more explicit): "It seems that the earlier illegal patent (of a Coronavirus) was on the works by Ralph Steven Baric: https://archive.vn/zeSN0 (his cynicism knows no boundaries), as the expert David E. Martin, PhD National Intelligence Analyst, Founder of IQ100 Index (NYSE), says, since 1999, so the dates as seen in the still not removed Patent of him poses dates such as 2001 for the USA and 2002 worldwide (so, as we all know the "fact checkers" are a bunch of idiots paid by the globalists that want to also idiotize the rest of the world), the evidence indicates that even the SARS of 2003 was already an engineered virus from the UNC Lab of Baric (a globalist dupe or supporter, and in either case, very harmful for humanity!, also involved with MERS: https://grantome.com/grant/NIH/R01-AI110700-04): https://archive.vn/7ud3n, the other early patent that appears in the video is: 2003-2004: https://archive.vn/oWrmE, patented by the extremely corrupt CDC, remember William Thompson, and the law that forbids doing so: https://archive.vn/4ileW (and some from the NIH database on a ruling about that: https://archive.vn/FmGSz, https://archive.vn/vnhDC), and the protests of the media raised at that time: https://archive.vn/gS6Ig, but today 17 years later, all the media and social networks have already been bought with the big pharma money!" But also the "Pasteur Institute" patented about Sars (2003): https://archive.vn/j5lTV, which means that this was a globalist race, to see which organization was more in line with the plans of the current criminal globalists that caused the current aliment through all the world (and remember the pitfalls of its founder: https://tinyurl.com/past-lie-eur, https://books.google.com.mx/books?id=KfehqKQWwNIC).
Updated Aug 23, 2020, 4:37 PM
Fernando Castro-Chavez posted in FerKat.
Here are those Rules of Chemistry:
Here are those Rules of Chemistry:
Her channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOVus4q3qrOyKV_cxyfwfhw Her own references to her very important: "Human 2.0"? A Wake-Up Call To The World: https://pubs.rsc.org/--/content/articlelanding/2015/ra/c5ra01508a#!divAbstract https://www.aier.org/article/why-operation-warp-speed-could-be-deadly/ https://www.facebook.com/1780584826/posts/10213711458378968/? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1232869/ https://kenfm.de/bill-gates-predicts-700000-victims-from-corona-vaccination/ https://youtu.be/ywuCRVJVDqs https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2020/05/moderna-coronavirus-vaccine-how-it-works-cvd/ (https://archive.vn/G6dve) https://www.forbes.com/sites/nathanvardi/2020/07/29/modernas-mysterious-coronavirus-vaccine-delivery-system https://www.washingtonpost.com/science/2018/11/30/gene-drive-research-fight-diseases-can-proceed-cautiously-un-group-decides/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMl0ty6evhU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAAZD7QSDiM https://scialert.net/fulltext/?doi=biotech.2011.136.148 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ofdd4ILdpVY http://ir.inovio.com/news-releases/news-releases-details/2020/INOVIOs-COVID-19-DNA-Vaccine-INO-4800-Demonstrates-Robust-Neutralizing-Antibody-and-T-Cell-Immune-Responses-in-Preclinical-Models/default.aspx https://www.researchgate.net/publication/232740966_What_you_always_needed_to_know_about_electroporation_based_DNA_vaccines https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/international-business/article-astrazeneca-to-be-exempt-from-coronavirus-vaccine-liability-claims-in/ https://www.discovermagazine.com/the-sciences/20-things-you-didn't-know-about-dna https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/gene-editing-moderna-and-transhumanism/ https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/07/200715095500.htm https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC33911/ https://www.genengnews.com/topics/drug-discovery/quantum-dots-deliver-vaccines-and-invisibly-encode-vaccination-history-in-skin/ https://newatlas.com/snake-fang-microneedle-patch/60868/ https://nerdist.com/article/invisible-tattoos-vaccination-records-tracking/ https://www.thermofisher.com/mx/es/home/references/gibco-cell-culture-basics/transfection-basics/introduction-to-transfection.html https://profusa.com/injectable-body-sensors-take-personal-chemistry-to-a-cell-phone-closer-to-reality/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/sarwantsingh/2017/11/20/transhumanism-and-the-future-of-humanity-seven-ways-the-world-will-change-by-2030/#158444a7d79e https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/07/200715095500.htm https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/invisible-ink-could-reveal-whether-kids-have-been-vaccinated/ https://www.researchgate.net/publication/338044557_Biocompatible_near-infrared_quantum_dots_delivered_to_the_skin_by_microneedle_patches_record_vaccination https://sciencebusiness.technewslit.com/?p=36802 https://steemit.com/life/@pranavsinha/bill-and-melinda-gates-foundation-kicked-out-of-india https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksEVaO806Oo http://genedrivefiles.synbiowatch.org/2017/12/01/us-military-gene-drive-development/ https://www.bitchute.com/video/LDfqN0W8Iv8B/ (https://youtu.be/ywuCRVJVDqs)
Her channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOVus4q3qrOyKV_cxyfwfhw
Her own references to her very important: "Human 2.0"? A Wake-Up Call To The World:
https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2020/05/moderna-coronavirus-vaccine-how-it-works-cvd/ (https://archive.vn/G6dve)
https://www.bitchute.com/video/LDfqN0W8Iv8B/ (https://youtu.be/ywuCRVJVDqs)
My posting of today at the RG: "Baofu Qiao & Monica Olvera de la Cruz made a great experiment entitled: "Enhanced Binding of SARS-CoV‑2 Spike Protein to Receptor by Distal Polybasic Cleavage Sites": Comment: https://archive.vn/Mzyhh and https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/acsnano.0c04798 . Here, they remove the NSPRRA and discover a reduction of binding affinity between COVID-19 and ACE2 of 36%, then they just replace the Rs with Es, to get a NSPEEA mutant, and this one was able to reduce its affinity bt 20%. This is, as they put it, an additional evidence that such polibasic, positively charged and distant region from the RBD is unusual biologically, which for us means that has been INSERTED artificially as the other many fragments that keep on being discovered, on a daily basis, as shown above. Their own expressions are as follows: "We didn't expect to see electrostatic interactions at 10 nanometers," Qiao said. "In physiological conditions, all electrostatic interactions no longer occur at distances longer than 1 nanometer." Which is further evidence that the COVID-19 virus has been carefully designed in a laboratory to increase its damages in the vulnerable populations. Furthermore they found a therapeutic alternative by producing a tetrapeptide that attaches to that PRRA polybasic site and inhibits its attachment to the target host cells, it is the GluGluLeuGlu or EELE, which means that by producing this short peptide and nebulizing it to COVID-19 patients, the resulting loads virus will be unable to keep on attacking the cells of the lungs. Their work as presented in Spanish: https://archive.vn/udojB, translated into Spanish the words of Qiao are: “No esperábamos ver interacciones electrostáticas a 10 nanómetros. En condiciones fisiológicas, todas las interacciones electrostáticas ya no ocurren a distancias superiores a 1 nanómetro”, refirió el profesor Baofu Qiao. This study develops experimentally the previous theoretical observations done by the European team of: Sørensen, B., Dagleish, A. and Susrud, A.The Evidence which Suggests that This Is No Naturally Evolved Virus. A Reconstructed Historical Aetiology of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike. Minervanett 2020:8 pp.: https://www.minervanett.no/files/2020/07/13/TheEvidenceNoNaturalEvol.pdf Thanks to Alberto Rubio-Casillas for showing me the article of the successful Mexican-Asian team": https://www.researchgate.net/post/Third_Sequence_COVID-19_AATGGTACTAAGAGG_HIV-1_isolate_1966324H9_from_Netherlands_envelope_glycoprotein_env_gene_sequence_ID_GU4555031
My posting of today at the RG: "Baofu Qiao & Monica Olvera de la Cruz made a great experiment entitled: "Enhanced Binding of SARS-CoV‑2 Spike Protein to Receptor by Distal Polybasic Cleavage Sites": Comment: https://archive.vn/Mzyhh and
https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/acsnano.0c04798 .
Here, they remove the NSPRRA and discover a reduction of binding affinity between COVID-19 and ACE2 of 36%, then they just replace the Rs with Es, to get a NSPEEA mutant, and this one was able to reduce its affinity bt 20%.
This is, as they put it, an additional evidence that such polibasic, positively charged and distant region from the RBD is unusual biologically, which for us means that has been INSERTED artificially as the other many fragments that keep on being discovered, on a daily basis, as shown above. Their own expressions are as follows:
"We didn't expect to see electrostatic interactions at 10 nanometers," Qiao said. "In physiological conditions, all electrostatic interactions no longer occur at distances longer than 1 nanometer."
Which is further evidence that the COVID-19 virus has been carefully designed in a laboratory to increase its damages in the vulnerable populations.
Furthermore they found a therapeutic alternative by producing a tetrapeptide that attaches to that PRRA polybasic site and inhibits its attachment to the target host cells, it is the GluGluLeuGlu or EELE, which means that by producing this short peptide and nebulizing it to COVID-19 patients, the resulting loads virus will be unable to keep on attacking the cells of the lungs.
Their work as presented in Spanish: https://archive.vn/udojB, translated into Spanish the words of Qiao are:
“No esperábamos ver interacciones electrostáticas a 10 nanómetros. En condiciones fisiológicas, todas las interacciones electrostáticas ya no ocurren a distancias superiores a 1 nanómetro”, refirió el profesor Baofu Qiao.
This study develops experimentally the previous theoretical observations done by the European team of:
Sørensen, B., Dagleish, A. and Susrud, A.The Evidence which Suggests that This Is No Naturally Evolved Virus. A Reconstructed Historical Aetiology of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike. Minervanett 2020:8 pp.: https://www.minervanett.no/files/2020/07/13/TheEvidenceNoNaturalEvol.pdf
Thanks to Alberto Rubio-Casillas for showing me the article of the successful Mexican-Asian team": https://www.researchgate.net/post/Third_Sequence_COVID-19_AATGGTACTAAGAGG_HIV-1_isolate_1966324H9_from_Netherlands_envelope_glycoprotein_env_gene_sequence_ID_GU4555031
Fernando Castro-Chavez posted in FerKat.
I just received my third recommendation letter for my NYU application, is from the collaborator of Montagnier, who said to them: "If I strongly support the candidacy of Doctor Fernando Castro-Chavez, it is not for his great expertise as a Biochemist, because I am ignorant in this field: pioneer of Artificial Intelligence around 1990, I have been interested, for more than 30 years in the biomathematics of genomes, DNA and proteins.
But it turns out that, from the first days of this year 2020, very few researchers have looked into the possible origins of the genome of the coronavirus COVID_19 ... Among them, Fernando Castro_Chavez and myself ...
It was therefore inevitable that our roads would cross ...
Also, from February 2020, I was able to enrich myself with the detailed and documented analyzes that Dr. Castro-Chavez regularly posted on researchgate in particular.
He quickly achieved pioneering expertise in the genome and biology of COVID_19 ...
I now consider that Doctor Castro-Chavez is really an exceptional researcher, curious, tireless worker, enthusiastic but above all coherent and very educational.
I fully support his candidacy.

Jean Claude Perez
PhD Maths § Computer Science Bordeaux University, RETIRED interdisciplinary researcher (IBM
Emeritus, IBM European Research Center on Artificial Intelligence Montpellier), Martignas on
jalles, Bordeaux Metropole, France."
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a link to the group: FerKat.
My Application of today at the NYU is this one: https://apply.interfolio.com/78023, here is my letter: 08/21/2020
Dear Carmofon Lab at the NYU,
I am a Molecular Biology Postdoctoral good fit for this position because I am an experienced Molecular Biologist that has been both doing experiments and teaching, since 2000 at the Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) as well as at the Universidad de Guadalajara (U de G). In the BCM I was the leading author of more than five and less than five, respectively, co-authors, both for my PhD Thesis and for my Postdoctoral Main Project, and I did work well in that intercultural, international team.
In both of the previous cases, I liked to use the most innovative methodologies available at that time, which were Microarrays (15K fragments of genes, with three replicates, building a database of variants and using every single software for analysis on and offline, settling with the dChip, and discovering the methodological artifacts of the single strand self-annealing of linkers contaminating millions of genes in the Genbank and in all the platforms depending on it, such as Affymetrix, our chosen provider of microarrays) and 3-D magnetically levitated cell cultures, succeeding in both projects with main publications on their fields, which were obesity (the first Perilipin knock-out mouse) and atherosclerosis (the first 3-D culture Athero model demonstrating attenuation of the disease), respectively. Due to my previous experiments, I have experience in mouse husbandry, metabolomics, and analytical chemistry.
Your lab is of interest to me because I am seeking to grow in my career into lab management as a more senior Laboratory Associate due to my proven expertise, I am also seeking to settle in one specific place, selecting for that New York as endless; theoretically, it is intriguing to determine how metabolic modifications, such as reducing the pH and/or the nutrients make the tumor cells to modify their signaling system, altering the communication cell to cell, delaying or even preventing the tumor growth.
But, I am also very intrigued by continue my methodological and technical development of the advanced approaches that you have in your lab, including in vitro and in vivo tumor modeling, genomics, metabolomics, cell culture, live microscopy, image analysis, and micro-fabrication using 3-D printing which I think will greatly enhance my skills. I am eager to implement my 3-D levitated cultures there.
I am mature, serious, work oriented, responsible, but at the same time fun, very easy-going, and most of all, I like to think out-of-the-box, developing an independent research program on the exploration of the Genetic Code and its properties (The “Rules of Variation”), I am constantly working on an article related to it, aiming to keep on publishing both my experimental and my theoretical biological research.
I am open to any question regarding my qualifications and the personal and human aspect of why I, as an American Citizen, am willing to move to New York to work in your Laboratory (fdocc@yahoo.com; https://www.facebook.com/fernando.castrochavez.90). Hence, I have decided to attach as an extra bundle six of my most significant publications, including the one of this crazy 2020 year, dealing with the Lab Origins of Sars-CoV-2 and the accumulating day by day evidence that corroborates that claim.
With my best hopes to take this job,
Fernando Castro-Chavez, PhD, BCM Postdoc.
El rescate actual se trata de dos estudios que dada su profundidad agregué a mi "Antología de Textos Científicos" desde el año 2000: La Ciencia de Dios: El Originador de la Ciencia: Cuerpo, Alma y Espíritu", por VPW, y "Las Constelaciones y Su Remoto Origen", por Ethelbert W. Búllinger. La melodía es: "Wade in the Water": https://youtu.be/Nkhfz9DsDyg, esto hasta ahora completa tres de mis rescates: El tremendo de Einstein, en ese mismo sitio, con la gran instrumental "Tangram", y el de Mendel con una pieza desconocida (links de ambos también en un mensaje de más abajo):
Updated Aug 21, 2020, 2:08 PM
Here is the second part of the series that keep on hammering the heads of the deceiving liars that have taken the world is if they were the owners of every single human being: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZFjRALF5nkHd/, look it all before they keep on removing and censoring it!!! It is a fight to death, either you choose the light!!! Or you choose the "dark mode", the cynicism of the ones that sold their souls to Satan is so disgusting that you need to ask God to open your eyes and to tell you what can you do to help stop this madness of the few malignant beings of this planet. You can start by praying in the spirit, which is the speaking in tongues non-cesant as frequently as you can!!!
Updated Aug 20, 2020, 4:22 PM
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
Hey Baby, What's Up? Do You Want to See a Carnivorous Plant? (so... click next)
This is a carnivorous plant that attracts its victims through some sort of humid sap on those big and flat modified "leaves", two of its insect victims are seen, one at the left and a smaller one up near the center... so, it was saying: "Feed Me"...
So, at a small distance, another was seen with no victims yet, so I turned its "weapon" sideways for you to appreciate its very thin while ferocious consistency (click next)
This is its weapon, and is thin, green at the bottom, and in its upper side is brown with kind of spikes, like an "obstacle race"
Aaay! Help me! I'm almost falling inside its carnivorous pads! Rescue me! (it keeps saying: "feed me")...
Then, after my escape, and farther away, near the end of the road (a 3 Km awesome trip!), we found the "gold bug", so, all our financial needs were finally covered! ('figures'), thanks to Monica for her kind company: https://youtu.be/6aebUrI-WYQ! (and to Tere & Mao, for the delicious sandwich and yellow apple!!!)
4 Years Ago
Aug 20, 2017, 6:06 PM
Explorando el "Parque Ecológico los Ocotillos", en Zapotlán, Jal.
Disfrutando, según recuerdo, cada pequeño detalle de la naturaleza que nos rodea, de la divina Creación de Dios: cada planta, cada flor, cada árbol, cada insecto, todos ellos declaran lo gloria de Dios a su manera y como mejor pueden, así también nosotros!
Updated Aug 20, 2020, 9:29 AM
Fernando Castro-Chavez posted in FerKat.
D E Shaw responded and said NO, so 10% of all my applications gets responded with NO, 90% of them they do not even respond at all. But whatever is needed to be done I will and want to do it with the help of God, for you to have the MD done at the NYU better than at UST. But as I said, I am willing to adapt to anyplace and anything with you.
D E Shaw responded and said NO, so 10% of all my applications gets responded with NO, 90% of them they do not even respond at all. But whatever is needed to be done I will and want to do it with the help of God, for you to have the MD done at the NYU better than at UST. But as I said, I am willing to adapt to anyplace and anything with you.
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a link to the group: FerKat.
This is my to-Vogel letter to work at the NYU: Dear New York University, NYU, Vogel Lab,
I am applying for Research Scientist in your Lab, I am interested in eukaryotic response to protein misfolding & your integromics approach… I will succeed, given my experience with the physiological aspect of obesity and its possible molecular prevention, to grow in my specialized service to humans. I think I am very qualified for the job because I am a Postdoctoral in Molecular Biology both from the Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) and from the NYMC, work that I left incomplete before the Pandemic, on going to take care of my elderly parents in Mexico, but I was working consistently in both places in the anti-obesity field. I took the Postdoctoral during three years of NIH Training in Atherosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology at the distinguished Laboratory of the Dr. Christie M. Ballatyne, BCM, producing one article as first author and a couple of articles as coauthor, realizing the effect of LPC coming out of LDL. I have published 16 research articles in molecular biology, using genomic and proteomic methodologies, including the comparison of data such as microarrays and scanning of proteins. I have also used mice models of anti-obesity (which is a special case of inflammation) and human cell cultures in 3-D through magnetic levitation as models of atherosclerosis to delay this process with substances such as SHN3, humanly produced. My last research is precisely, critical of COVID-19, being artificial. I really like to teach, to give to the next generation my best. I wish to provide expertise in my specialized area of Molecular Biology and the research that I have done on the Genetic Code. Past didactic classes of which I have been professor include Biochemistry Genetics, Pharmacology and Molecular Biology, plus endless tutoring personal hours. This is my LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fernando-castro-chavez-6744a322
I expect to make scientific and scholarly contributions to the research at hand. My PhD is in molecular biology and my dual Postdoc is in Anti-Obesity and Anti-Athero, I have a solid knowledge of cell and mitochondrial metabolism, as the anti-obesity mice that we studied (Perilipin KO) had up-regulated all mitochondrial genes: Respiratory Chain, Beta Oxidation, Krebs (TCA) Cycle; as per my cell culturing experience, I optimized the 3-D cell culture of atherosclerosis models, also working with 2-D cultures; that experience goes from my plasmid research in 1989-90, to my microarray research in the 2000-03 and my 3-D magnetically levitated VSMCs in the 2008-11, plus a recent brief stay in 2019 at the NYMC working with pomegranate oil to reduce diabetes in mice; my proven publication record includes those 15 articles at the PubMed, plus the one on the Pandemic, which also evidences my strong written and oral communication skills, ability to prioritize and to manage my time, ability to work independently and capable of interacting successfully within a group, leading an international and interdisciplinary team twice for my PhD Thesis and my Postdoc research, with fluorescence microscopy, experience in diabetes research, in metabolic modeling and on RNAi methods.
Yours for your consideration, Fernando Castro-Chavez, PhD.
My posting of today at that LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6702017889446215680, while teaming up during some 8 hs daily of NMAT, while the last daily is for exercise, I am open to every good option According to Our Great Good Wonderful God!!! Doing our best we can, While Granting the Defining Piece to God!!! (As in this only one word!, but having a lot of fun while doing it!!! (Hehee): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uihYHuvtfKA), Bye for now:
My posting of today at that LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6702017889446215680, while teaming up during some 8 hs daily of NMAT, while the last daily is for exercise, I am open to every good option According to Our Great Good Wonderful God!!! Doing our best we can, While Granting the Defining Piece to God!!! (As in this only one word!, but having a lot of fun while doing it!!! (Hehee): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uihYHuvtfKA), Bye for now:
Fernando Castro-Chavez posted in FerKat.
So, oh dearl pulse of my beat, I also posted my #OpenToWork statement at the LinkedIn
So, oh dearl pulse of my beat, I also posted my #OpenToWork statement at the LinkedIn
Fernando Castro-Chavez posted in FerKat.
Most Admired And Endlessly Exciting Woman For Me In Every Single Angle Of YOUR Existence, this was my application of Today: https://apply.interfolio.com/67266, but as I say, if I do not get anything, with YOU I am willing to go to New York and apply myself in anything in order to bring the bread to our place, it is very exciting to have an extreme prospect in life in which the only rope is the one that God is extending to US!!! Do you want to take the most extraordinary ride in life? To defeat the unknown? To tackle the impossible by ourselves? To Believe God 100% in every single aspect of our lives? I am ready whenever you are because it is a labor of determination of TWO and not only of one, it does not taste the same the food without YOU!!! I am craving to take you again to all those extraordinary and unknown yet places to eat in NY!!! Do you want to come with me??? Let's Do it! Let's Go!
Most Admired And Endlessly Exciting Woman For Me In Every Single Angle Of YOUR Existence, this was my application of Today: https://apply.interfolio.com/67266, but as I say, if I do not get anything, with YOU I am willing to go to New York and apply myself in anything in order to bring the bread to our place, it is very exciting to have an extreme prospect in life in which the only rope is the one that God is extending to US!!! Do you want to take the most extraordinary ride in life? To defeat the unknown? To tackle the impossible by ourselves? To Believe God 100% in every single aspect of our lives? I am ready whenever you are because it is a labor of determination of TWO and not only of one, it does not taste the same the food without YOU!!! I am craving to take you again to all those extraordinary and unknown yet places to eat in NY!!! Do you want to come with me??? Let's Do it! Let's Go!
Contento estoy de haber recordado al trabajo que realicé, en parte con la ayuda de mis alumnos de Bioquímica del C.U.C.S.: Estudiantes de Medicina, de Ciencias del Deporte, de Nutrición, de Enfermería, etc... Aquí les dejo un gran "Blast From the Past", con la parte que me gusta más de la ciencia: El descubrimiento de la genética realizado por un creyente en la Creación de Dios: Gregor Mendel!!! En ese entonces era grato meterle a las páginas un MIDI a la hora de que se abrieran, para escuchar una melodía, aquí está esa melodía desconocida, espero les guste como a mí cuando lo hice!!! Por allá por el año 2000. Me acordé de esto al estar buscando algo acerca del origen de las Constelaciones para mi colega de la carrera de Ingeniería Agricola de la UAG, MX, @[100001081960293:2048:Luis De Jesús] (a quien aquí recuerdo y saludo con canciones de la época que entonces él llegó a cantar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_Icst5Bfx8)!!! También he recordado a la guapa estudiante bachiller en aquel entonces, Verónica Fabiola Pulido Ponce, a quien de plano le perdí la pista, por si alguien la conoce, que me la salude...
Updated Aug 19, 2020, 4:15 PM
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
7 Years Ago
Aug 19, 2014, 8:31 AM
Mazzaloth: The Planets and their Biblical meaning; the farther two on the Ecliptic: Uranus (false prophet) and Neptune (Abaddon, the Beast) represent the other two leading demons of Revelation that end up in the lake of fire with Satan, who goes there the last (Rev. 20:10); unknown to man until the Telescope was invented, further evidence that the Bible is The Revelation by God to the humanity.
Venus, Mercury and Mars, A.K.A. Jesus, Gabriel and Michael, versus Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, A.K.A. Satan, AntiProphet and AntiChrist, a spiritual battle that you can watch right now by turning on your spiritual discernment!!!
Updated Aug 19, 2020, 9:37 AM
An inspiring song to revolutionize our current thinking, dedicated to the One that melts my heart, propelling it into the skies!!! Do the best you can, the best God tells you to overcame this preplanned COVID-19 Pandemic takeover by the forces of darkness of this world!!!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6a6lAwbE1J4
Updated Aug 19, 2020, 8:34 AM
Fernando Castro-Chavez posted in FerKat.
So, the Nobel Prize responded, and as mentioned, he fears that because of our standing for the truth, that his recommendation could be counterproductive, but I just told him to go ahead, that I do not care what they think, that we stand strong in our upholding the truth of what we are getting as results!
So, the Nobel Prize responded, and as mentioned, he fears that because of our standing for the truth, that his recommendation could be counterproductive, but I just told him to go ahead, that I do not care what they think, that we stand strong in our upholding the truth of what we are getting as results!
Fernando Castro-Chavez updated his status.
Our dear and bold Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is making a difference with this on purpose COVID-19 "darkness": https://www.instagram.com/p/CECUQ2LH1pI/?igshid=wampc0egd5p1
Fernando Castro-Chavez posted in FerKat.
So, the man who wants to make you infinitely happy and to keep you with no end daily smiling as in the cover photo of here, where we genuinely smile due to the joy of being together at Broadway!, has applied to the NYU at their branch of Brooklyn, NY: https://apply.interfolio.com/77041
So, the man who wants to make you infinitely happy and to keep you with no end daily smiling as in the cover photo of here, where we genuinely smile due to the joy of being together at Broadway!, has applied to the NYU at their branch of Brooklyn, NY: https://apply.interfolio.com/77041
Fernando Castro-Chavez posted in FerKat.
So, the Nobel Prize of 2008 for discovering the HIV, Luc Montagnier is now aware of my need of the best job in the USA, with one of his good contacts, I expect to receive an opportunity (But that Leap of Faith I am willing to do it for you and for you only, for you to see, as you requested since day one, how a real man loves a woman, because you are very worthy, to see how in real time with the real motivator of my heart beat, which is you since day one also, I am willing to die for you while demonstrating in real time the walking of belief by the hand of God! I know that the ideal is to have everything set ahead of time, but my real experience is that things do not work like that for me, but as an inspired take that arrives just in time, one step at a time, so please Kat, think about it and take that jump of faith with me, going back to the USA even if we only have the intense enthusiasm within us, and that, with God, is all that we need to succeed!)
So, the Nobel Prize of 2008 for discovering the HIV, Luc Montagnier is now aware of my need of the best job in the USA, with one of his good contacts, I expect to receive an opportunity (But that Leap of Faith I am willing to do it for you and for you only, for you to see, as you requested since day one, how a real man loves a woman, because you are very worthy, to see how in real time with the real motivator of my heart beat, which is you since day one also, I am willing to die for you while demonstrating in real time the walking of belief by the hand of God! I know that the ideal is to have everything set ahead of time, but my real experience is that things do not work like that for me, but as an inspired take that arrives just in time, one step at a time, so please Kat, think about it and take that jump of faith with me, going back to the USA even if we only have the intense enthusiasm within us, and that, with God, is all that we need to succeed!)
El Heraldo de México acaba de publicar los resultados de Latham y Wilson indicando que el COVID-19 es Artificial, mejorado en humanos usados como conejillos de indias por el partido comunista chino (CCP): https://archive.vn/12m2a, que es una de las referencias que pongo en mi artículo, la cual en inglés apareció el mes pasado: https://www.independentsciencenews.org/commentaries/a-proposed-origin-for-sars-cov-2-and-the-covid-19-pandemic/, mi artículo es: https://globaljournals.org/GJSFR_Volume20/2-Anticovidian-v-2-COVID-19.pdf, mientras más gente sepa que toda la situación de la Pandemia del COVID-19 es algo deliberado y planeado por las fuerzas oscuras de este planeta, menos posibilidad tendrán de actuar. La luz disipa las tinieblas.
Updated Aug 17, 2020, 1:29 PM
During the week, I was studying genetics with the One I want (wishing it to one day soon that to be reciprocal), and we discovered this amazing thing: The "Template" (for the mRNA) strand is the "Lagged" strand, also called the minus (-) strand or the feminine, discontinuous, strand: The "life giving one", as women are, as it is the one that produces all the mRNA!!! As God created the DNA and the RNA, He also has also hidden messages there and within all of His molecular designs!!! The sky through His constellations narrates His plan of Salvation, also the molecules and atoms within our bodies!!! The fingerprints of the Creation and of the Salvation from God to men!!!
During the week, I was studying genetics with the One I want (wishing it to one day soon that to be reciprocal), and we discovered this amazing thing: The "Template" (for the mRNA) strand is the "Lagged" strand, also called the minus (-) strand or the feminine, discontinuous, strand: The "life giving one", as women are, as it is the one that produces all the mRNA!!! As God created the DNA and the RNA, He also has also hidden messages there and within all of His molecular designs!!! The sky through His constellations narrates His plan of Salvation, also the molecules and atoms within our bodies!!! The fingerprints of the Creation and of the Salvation from God to men!!!
This is the third interview of Judy Mikovits with Mike Moore of the Thomas Paine show: https://lbry.tv/@fdocc:b/Judy-Mikovits-in-her-Third-interview-with-Mike-Moore-of-the-Thomas-Paine-Show:d, she has two new books with @[100001604190174:2048:Kent Heckenlively]: The one on the masking of humanity to condition the human brain to submission in preparation to the injection of the "Digitization" of humans, and another with her mentor Ruscetti, due for the next year: "Ending Plague", in my case, my research article just published this week is: https://globaljournals.org/GJSFR_Volume20/2-Anticovidian-v-2-COVID-19.pdf, so, each of us doing, like you, individually (do your own work and make it public, I have seen that such works), the best that we can do while we still have time! I am putting chronologically her research and I still have 31 more articles to go!!! Thus far, with the previous and this, only 19 of her early works have I been able to load on the screen!!!
Updated Aug 16, 2020, 10:59 AM
Fernando Castro-Chavez updated his status.
Fernando's most commented photo on Facebook of 2016
El Cantar de los Cantares nos habla de lo intenso que ha de ser el amor entre un hombre y una mujer... en contexto, Salomón intentó quedarse con una doncella de pueblo que ya había puesto sus ojos en otro hombre humilde que con reciprocidad la amaba. ¡Qué bello podría ser el amor de hombre y mujer cuándo este es plenamente recíproco! Ella despreció al hombre más poderoso y sabio de ese entonces y escapó a los brazos de su pastorcito. Amor como este, en la hora actual aún no me ha venido a mí. Si tú lo tienes, ¡no lo pierdas!, es preferible a todos los tesoros del universo. Jamás te unas por conveniencia a alguien que no quieras, el martirio y la tortura mutua serían como un infierno... y el pago de tanta "riqueza" en vano, serían solamente cánceres y tumores... Pero, ¡qué triste y destructivo para mi salud mental y física y la emocional de mis más cercanos, es un amor no correspondido! Si acaso te es posible, huye también de eso cuanto antes... a no ser que recibas alguna señal de ella o aún mejor, del Cielo, que podría desmentir a un fingimiento y sanar a un corazón, en el sentido que vale la pena la temporal agonía del instante actual... "Porque fuerte como la muerte es el amor", dice ese libro.
Guided by the meticulous work of Dr. David E. Martin, Plandemic II: Indoctornation, tracks a three decade-long money trail that leads directly to the key players behind the COVID 19 pandemic. Plandemic II connects the dots between all forms of media, the medical industry, politics and the financial industry to unmask the major conflicts of interests with the decision makers that are currently managing this crisis: https://plandemicseries.com/, please, download all the movies and share them profusely before it is too late, the criminals that brought to us this Plandemic of the COVID-19 engineered in a laboratory are invested into lying to us and rewriting the history, removing everything that is not convenient to them, even if all the evidences are clear!!! You can make the difference by NOT believing at the criminal "fact checkers" or at the prostitute "Mass Media", and now, the big whores of the "Social Media" too!!!
Updated Aug 24, 2020, 10:30 AM
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
Santos Amados: Aquí les presento mi lectura de hoy de Hechos del 1 al 4 del griego: https://youtu.be/kzd4w8f1f6I, en donde se aprecia que es la continuación de las labores de Cristo Jesús, pero ahora él desde el cielo, instruyendo a los suyos, quienes al ser su Cuerpo continúan con su obra. Se observa la gran ventaja espiritual y el poder edificador que nos es el hablar en lenguas, así como el poder que tenemos para salvar y para sanar con el poder de Dios como si nosotros mismos fuéramos Cristo, ¡y eso precisamente significa hacer las cosas en el nombre de Jesucristo: cómo si él mismo las estuviera haciendo, nosotros actuando con su autoridad y poder! También se observa que la vida comunitaria fue algo temporal específico de los judíos cristianos que aprovecharon la reunión internacional de Pentecostés, para continuar aprendiendo al pie de los Apóstoles por unos días más, y eso fue todo (una probadita de la armonía del Milenio con Cristo como el Rey de reyes y Señor de señores). En Cristo, Fernando.
3 Years Ago
Aug 15, 2018, 11:25 PM
Santos Amados: Aquí les presento mi lectura de hoy de Hechos del 1 al 4 del griego: https://youtu.be/kzd4w8f1f6I, en donde se aprecia que es la continuación de las labores de Cristo Jesús, pero ahora él desde el cielo, instruyendo a los suyos, quienes al ser su Cuerpo continúan con su obra. Se observa la gran ventaja espiritual y el poder edificador que nos es el hablar en lenguas, así como el poder que tenemos para salvar y para sanar con el poder de Dios como si nosotros mismos fuéramos Cristo, ¡y eso precisamente significa hacer las cosas en el nombre de Jesucristo: cómo si él mismo las estuviera haciendo, nosotros actuando con su autoridad y poder! También se observa que la vida comunitaria fue algo temporal específico de los judíos cristianos que aprovecharon la reunión internacional de Pentecostés, para continuar aprendiendo al pie de los Apóstoles por unos días más, y eso fue todo (una probadita de la armonía del Milenio con Cristo como el Rey de reyes y Señor de señores). En Cristo, Fernando.
Mi mayor deleite es estudiar y compartir las maravillas de Dios, de Su Revelación y de Su Creación maravillosa. Como científico Postdoctoral, doblo mis rodillas solamente ante Dios, y mantengo mi plena y firme confianza, certeza y creencia en Dios aunque me cueste una y mil carreras, trabajos y relaciones. De que sirve todo eso si ya tenemos a Dios?
Updated Aug 15, 2020, 9:58 AM
The truth keeps on advancing, kicking the rear of the Adversary hard, no matter how the forces of darkness attempt to suppress it: https://www.researchgate.net/post/Third_Sequence_COVID-19_AATGGTACTAAGAGG_HIV-1_isolate_1966324H9_from_Netherlands_envelope_glycoprotein_env_gene_sequence_ID_GU4555031
The truth keeps on advancing, kicking the rear of the Adversary hard, no matter how the forces of darkness attempt to suppress it: https://www.researchgate.net/post/Third_Sequence_COVID-19_AATGGTACTAAGAGG_HIV-1_isolate_1966324H9_from_Netherlands_envelope_glycoprotein_env_gene_sequence_ID_GU4555031
Updated Aug 15, 2020, 4:02 AM
Updated Aug 15, 2020, 4:01 AM
Fernando Castro-Chavez posted in FerKat.
My letter to Dr. Latham: "Dear Jonathan, I reported an artificial artifact in 2003 and was silently fired by my then PI from Hong Kong at the BCM of Houston, TX; then, 5 years later, back to the BCM I developed during 2-3 years a 3-D model of atherosclerosis and its attenuation and my methodology was stolen and reported first by a crooked team of Chinese, Korean and American men, from "The Methodist Hospital" and again from the BCM. To denounce 9/11 I needed to hide my results unseemly within my articles. Now, in reparation, we want to start for free, with a scholarship or with a grant, anywhere in this world, the career of MD or a related MSc in the company of my female study companion, but I found no support by anybody. So, we are in the mean time studying the NMAT to pay some $400.00 each just to have the right to do the test, and then (one of the cheap options that we have found, but we really, rather do it in the currently very beaten, but still the best place on earth, USA!!!), some more than $3,000.00 each per semester during eight semesters... So as Vivek and Lorna before me, we are talking about real life issues here that are going thus far into deaf ears. P.S. Here is my current effort done, as I am fighting for life against the current situation, to counter the deliberate release of COVID-19: 1) My peer-reviewed article that took four months of back and forths until accepted: https://globaljournals.org/GJSFR_Volume20/2-Anticovidian-v-2-COVID-19.pdf, 2) My ongoing discussion aimed at expert researchers: https://www.researchgate.net/post/Third_Sequence_COVID-19_AATGGTACTAAGAGG_HIV-1_isolate_1966324H9_from_Netherlands_envelope_glycoprotein_env_gene_sequence_ID_GU4555031 (reaching the 16,000 reads), and brief excerpts of my several interviews where I report the current plots of the heartless globalists (in Spanish): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvUjvukmJ-o, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0g0Z9AGO98, and one of the full episodes: https://www.facebook.com/KardagarCoaching/videos/713879892781432, already reaching the 59,000 viewers. Any advice, help or suggestion will be very well accepted (@@ my paper). For further personal contacting or to answer questions, I can gladly be reached. In Christ, Fernando Castro-Chavez, PhD, Postdoctoral at the BCM and at the NYMC."
My letter to Dr. Latham: "Dear Jonathan, I reported an artificial artifact in 2003 and was silently fired by my then PI from Hong Kong at the BCM of Houston, TX; then, 5 years later, back to the BCM I developed during 2-3 years a 3-D model of atherosclerosis and its attenuation and my methodology was stolen and reported first by a crooked team of Chinese, Korean and American men, from "The Methodist Hospital" and again from the BCM. To denounce 9/11 I needed to hide my results unseemly within my articles. Now, in reparation, we want to start for free, with a scholarship or with a grant, anywhere in this world, the career of MD or a related MSc in the company of my female study companion, but I found no support by anybody. So, we are in the mean time studying the NMAT to pay some $400.00 each just to have the right to do the test, and then (one of the cheap options that we have found, but we really, rather do it in the currently very beaten, but still the best place on earth, USA!!!), some more than $3,000.00 each per semester during eight semesters... So as Vivek and Lorna before me, we are talking about real life issues here that are going thus far into deaf ears. P.S. Here is my current effort done, as I am fighting for life against the current situation, to counter the deliberate release of COVID-19: 1) My peer-reviewed article that took four months of back and forths until accepted: https://globaljournals.org/GJSFR_Volume20/2-Anticovidian-v-2-COVID-19.pdf, 2) My ongoing discussion aimed at expert researchers: https://www.researchgate.net/post/Third_Sequence_COVID-19_AATGGTACTAAGAGG_HIV-1_isolate_1966324H9_from_Netherlands_envelope_glycoprotein_env_gene_sequence_ID_GU4555031 (reaching the 16,000 reads), and brief excerpts of my several interviews where I report the current plots of the heartless globalists (in Spanish): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvUjvukmJ-o, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0g0Z9AGO98, and one of the full episodes: https://www.facebook.com/KardagarCoaching/videos/713879892781432, already reaching the 59,000 viewers. Any advice, help or suggestion will be very well accepted (@@ my paper). For further personal contacting or to answer questions, I can gladly be reached. In Christ, Fernando Castro-Chavez, PhD, Postdoctoral at the BCM and at the NYMC."
My current posting at the RG: "Engineered COVID-19... by Latham: https://archive.vn/NArOS Depicts a grim reality, because if not stopped on time, the globalists behind this Pandemic are gladly realizing that the current hands-on criminals like Baric and Zheng-Li are getting away with designing and releasing COVID-19, they all now feel "empowered" to keep on breaking the laws and to keep on harming humanity, hence the medular importance to make it widely known that the current Sars-CoV-2 was originated in a lab and deliberately released to pursue an agenda of global control of human beings, of economies, of governments and even of religions, aiming at all of them being controlled by only one world government, that has been the sinister aim of the UN and of the WHO since the start... and now they are supported by the CCP, by Fauci and by Gates and company on that pursuit. Ralph Baric is a very dishonest person, which makes him repugnant to all that is human, as in the recent past, he reported of having "found" in 2015 a killer virus to a TV station, when in reality he did not "found" it but "designed" it in the company of the main suspect of the release of the current Pandemic, CCP criminal: Shi Zheng-Li, who even brought from the WIV at Wuhan the killer Spike sequences previously tampered with by her, we read in that article "the lack of transparency represented by the sparse minutes and especially the redactions represent a violation of science’s social contract... The redaction of the researchers’ identities from IBC meeting minutes, in order to hide the activities of researchers and avoid accountability for accidents, fundamentally contradicts the core principles of the US oversight system and violates the commitments that science made"!!! So, yeah Baric is again at it, and their plan to keep on infecting humanity seems to be now based in more "accidental" releases with further cover-ups and layers of deception, just as this COVID-19 is, the good guys of the story are mostly Latham and Ebright, but also the others that are demanding the UNC to be transparent, Hammond, Racaniello and others. Ebright goes further: “There is no justification for UNC’s redaction of the names of the laboratory heads and the identities of pathogens. UNC’s redactions violate conditions UNC agreed to in exchange for NIH funding of UNC’s research and, if not corrected, should result in the termination of current NIH funding, and the loss of eligibility for future NIH funding, of UNC’s research.” Excerpts: "SARS-CoV-2 could infect researchers, especially inexperienced researchers, with unpredictable and potentially quite dangerous results. The biggest risk is the creation and accidental release of a novel form of SARS-CoV-2 — a variant whose altered characteristics... continues Hammond: “Each additional lab that experiments with CoV-2 amplifies the risk”... They do not provide any details of the fate of the bitten researcher. Nor do they state, for example, whether the researcher developed an active infection, nor whether they developed symptoms, nor if they transmitted the recombinant virus to anyone else. Neither do they reveal what kind of recombinant virus was being used or the purpose of the experiment... "...involved a mouse-adapted SARS-CoV-2 strain used in the development of a mouse model system.” Ralph Baric... UNC media relations also told Independent Science News that: “The researcher did not develop any symptoms and no infection occurred as a result of the incident.” ...the UNC redacted the names of Principal Investigators (PIs) whose research required biosafety scrutiny, along with many of the experimental specifics... (“a full-length infectious clone” refers to a viable DNA copy of the coronavirus, which is ordinarily an RNA virus)... any one of eight sets of different experiments approved by the UNC Chapel Hill IBC in 2020 proposed infecting mice with live infectious and mutant SARS-CoV-2-like coronaviruses under BSL-3 conditions and therefore could have led to the accident ...Hammond. Using FOIA again he has further discovered that researchers at the University of Pittsburgh (whose identity is redacted) plan to make what Hammond calls Corona-thrax... Pittsburgh researchers intend put the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 (which allows the virus to gain entry into human cells) into Bacillus anthracis which is the causative agent of anthrax (U Pittsburgh Inst Biosafety Committee minutes June 2020)... the Institutional Biosafety Committee of the University of Pittsburgh... (did a) redacting the name of the laboratory from the minutes and also every name of the members of the committee which approved it... (so) who will take responsibility for risky coronavirus research?" Make your comments there, I did mine, the previous of mine are: "FOE had hoped to pursue litigation but could not find scientists willing to be expert witnesses. There were too many conflicts of interest. Scientists who strongly favored following the law were almost nonexistent. One of these was the late Marc Lappe, who was physically pushed against a wall by another scientists for questioning the refusal of scientists to accept regulation and follow the law regarding an EIS. / FOE”s president, Dave Brower, was himself besieged by “friends” to drop the lawsuit but refused. In our NY office Francine Simring established the Committee for Responsible Genetics, with globally notable credible scientists such as Erwin Chargaff and many others, urging a slow down in research and a commitment to preparing a comprehensive EIS, etc. But it was an uphill battle and FOE was not able to raise enough money to continue the lawsuit." Lorna Salzman. "The social contract that science is supposed to have had with society was dissolved long back." Vivek Cariappa. Mine, awaiting "moderation" says: "Dear Jonathan, I reported an artificial artifact in 2003 and was silently fired by my then PI from Hong Kong at the BCM of Houston, TX; then, 5 years later, back to the BCM I developed during 2-3 years a 3-D model of atherosclerosis and its attenuation and my methodology was stolen and reported first by a crooked team of Chinese, Korean and American men, from "The Methodist Hospital" and again from the BCM. To denounce 9/11 I needed to hide my results unseemly within my articles. Now, in reparation, we want to start for free, with a scholarship or with a grant, anywhere in this world, the career of MD or a related MSc in the company of my female study companion, but I found no support by anybody. So, we are in the mean time studying the NMAT to pay some $400.00 each just to have the right to do the test, and then (one of the cheap options that we have found, but we really, rather do it in the currently very beaten, but still the best place on earth, USA!!!), some more than $3,000.00 each per semester during eight semesters... So as Vivek and Lorna before me, we are talking about real life issues here that are going thus far into deaf ears. P.S. Here is my current effort done, as I am fighting for life against the current situation, to counter the deliberate release of COVID-19: 1) My peer-reviewed article that took four months of back and forths until accepted: https://globaljournals.org/GJSFR_Volume20/2-Anticovidian-v-2-COVID-19.pdf, 2) My ongoing discussion aimed at expert researchers: https://www.researchgate.net/post/Third_Sequence_COVID-19_AATGGTACTAAGAGG_HIV-1_isolate_1966324H9_from_Netherlands_envelope_glycoprotein_env_gene_sequence_ID_GU4555031 (reaching the 16,000 reads), and brief excerpts of my several interviews where I report the current plots of the heartless globalists (in Spanish): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvUjvukmJ-o, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0g0Z9AGO98, and one of the full episodes: https://www.facebook.com/KardagarCoaching/videos/713879892781432, already reaching the 59,000 viewers. Any advice, help or suggestion will be very well accepted (@@ my paper). For further personal contacting or to answer questions, I can gladly be reached. In Christ, Fernando Castro-Chavez, PhD, Postdoctoral at the BCM and at the NYMC." Thanks to @[1549449314:2048:Lisa K Townsend] for the link." Posted at the: https://www.researchgate.net/post/Third_Sequence_COVID-19_AATGGTACTAAGAGG_HIV-1_isolate_1966324H9_from_Netherlands_envelope_glycoprotein_env_gene_sequence_ID_GU4555031
My current posting at the RG: "Engineered COVID-19... by Latham: https://archive.vn/NArOS

Depicts a grim reality, because if not stopped on time, the globalists behind this Pandemic are gladly realizing that the current hands-on criminals like Baric and Zheng-Li are getting away with designing and releasing COVID-19, they all now feel "empowered" to keep on breaking the laws and to keep on harming humanity, hence the medular importance to make it widely known that the current Sars-CoV-2 was originated in a lab and deliberately released to pursue an agenda of global control of human beings, of economies, of governments and even of religions, aiming at all of them being controlled by only one world government, that has been the sinister aim of the UN and of the WHO since the start... and now they are supported by the CCP, by Fauci and by Gates and company on that pursuit.

Ralph Baric is a very dishonest person, which makes him repugnant to all that is human, as in the recent past, he reported of having "found" in 2015 a killer virus to a TV station, when in reality he did not "found" it but "designed" it in the company of the main suspect of the release of the current Pandemic, CCP criminal: Shi Zheng-Li, who even brought from the WIV at Wuhan the killer Spike sequences previously tampered with by her, we read in that article "the lack of transparency represented by the sparse minutes and especially the redactions represent a violation of science’s social contract... The redaction of the researchers’ identities from IBC meeting minutes, in order to hide the activities of researchers and avoid accountability for accidents, fundamentally contradicts the core principles of the US oversight system and violates the commitments that science made"!!! So, yeah Baric is again at it, and their plan to keep on infecting humanity seems to be now based in more "accidental" releases with further cover-ups and layers of deception, just as this COVID-19 is, the good guys of the story are mostly Latham and Ebright, but also the others that are demanding the UNC to be transparent, Hammond, Racaniello and others. Ebright goes further: “There is no justification for UNC’s redaction of the names of the laboratory heads and the identities of pathogens. UNC’s redactions violate conditions UNC agreed to in exchange for NIH funding of UNC’s research and, if not corrected, should result in the termination of current NIH funding, and the loss of eligibility for future NIH funding, of UNC’s research.”


"SARS-CoV-2 could infect researchers, especially inexperienced researchers, with unpredictable and potentially quite dangerous results. The biggest risk is the creation and accidental release of a novel form of SARS-CoV-2 — a variant whose altered characteristics... continues Hammond: “Each additional lab that experiments with CoV-2 amplifies the risk”... They do not provide any details of the fate of the bitten researcher. Nor do they state, for example, whether the researcher developed an active infection, nor whether they developed symptoms, nor if they transmitted the recombinant virus to anyone else. Neither do they reveal what kind of recombinant virus was being used or the purpose of the experiment... "...involved a mouse-adapted SARS-CoV-2 strain used in the development of a mouse model system.” Ralph Baric... UNC media relations also told Independent Science News that: “The researcher did not develop any symptoms and no infection occurred as a result of the incident.” ...the UNC redacted the names of Principal Investigators (PIs) whose research required biosafety scrutiny, along with many of the experimental specifics... (“a full-length infectious clone” refers to a viable DNA copy of the coronavirus, which is ordinarily an RNA virus)... any one of eight sets of different experiments approved by the UNC Chapel Hill IBC in 2020 proposed infecting mice with live infectious and mutant SARS-CoV-2-like coronaviruses under BSL-3 conditions and therefore could have led to the accident ...Hammond. Using FOIA again he has further discovered that researchers at the University of Pittsburgh (whose identity is redacted) plan to make what Hammond calls Corona-thrax... Pittsburgh researchers intend put the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 (which allows the virus to gain entry into human cells) into Bacillus anthracis which is the causative agent of anthrax (U Pittsburgh Inst Biosafety Committee minutes June 2020)... the Institutional Biosafety Committee of the University of Pittsburgh... (did a) redacting the name of the laboratory from the minutes and also every name of the members of the committee which approved it... (so) who will take responsibility for risky coronavirus research?"

Make your comments there, I did mine, the previous of mine are:

"FOE had hoped to pursue litigation but could not find scientists willing to be expert witnesses. There were too many conflicts of interest. Scientists who strongly favored following the law were almost nonexistent. One of these was the late Marc Lappe, who was physically pushed against a wall by another scientists for questioning the refusal of scientists to accept regulation and follow the law regarding an EIS. / FOE”s president, Dave Brower, was himself besieged by “friends” to drop the lawsuit but refused. In our NY office Francine Simring established the Committee for Responsible Genetics, with globally notable credible scientists such as Erwin Chargaff and many others, urging a slow down in research and a commitment to preparing a comprehensive EIS, etc.
But it was an uphill battle and FOE was not able to raise enough money to continue the lawsuit." Lorna Salzman.

"The social contract that science is supposed to have had with society was dissolved long back." Vivek Cariappa.

Mine, awaiting "moderation" says:

"Dear Jonathan, I reported an artificial artifact in 2003 and was silently fired by my then PI from Hong Kong at the BCM of Houston, TX; then, 5 years later, back to the BCM I developed during 2-3 years a 3-D model of atherosclerosis and its attenuation and my methodology was stolen and reported first by a crooked team of Chinese, Korean and American men, from "The Methodist Hospital" and again from the BCM. To denounce 9/11 I needed to hide my results unseemly within my articles. Now, in reparation, we want to start for free, with a scholarship or with a grant, anywhere in this world, the career of MD or a related MSc in the company of my female study companion, but I found no support by anybody. So, we are in the mean time studying the NMAT to pay some $400.00 each just to have the right to do the test, and then (one of the cheap options that we have found, but we really, rather do it in the currently very beaten, but still the best place on earth, USA!!!), some more than $3,000.00 each per semester during eight semesters... So as Vivek and Lorna before me, we are talking about real life issues here that are going thus far into deaf ears. P.S. Here is my current effort done, as I am fighting for life against the current situation, to counter the deliberate release of COVID-19: 1) My peer-reviewed article that took four months of back and forths until accepted: https://globaljournals.org/GJSFR_Volume20/2-Anticovidian-v-2-COVID-19.pdf, 2) My ongoing discussion aimed at expert researchers: https://www.researchgate.net/post/Third_Sequence_COVID-19_AATGGTACTAAGAGG_HIV-1_isolate_1966324H9_from_Netherlands_envelope_glycoprotein_env_gene_sequence_ID_GU4555031 (reaching the 16,000 reads), and brief excerpts of my several interviews where I report the current plots of the heartless globalists (in Spanish): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvUjvukmJ-o, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0g0Z9AGO98, and one of the full episodes: https://www.facebook.com/KardagarCoaching/videos/713879892781432, already reaching the 59,000 viewers. Any advice, help or suggestion will be very well accepted (@@ my paper). For further personal contacting or to answer questions, I can gladly be reached. In Christ, Fernando Castro-Chavez, PhD, Postdoctoral at the BCM and at the NYMC."

Thanks to Lisa K Townsend for the link." Posted at the: https://www.researchgate.net/post/Third_Sequence_COVID-19_AATGGTACTAAGAGG_HIV-1_isolate_1966324H9_from_Netherlands_envelope_glycoprotein_env_gene_sequence_ID_GU4555031
Fernando Castro-Chavez posted in FerKat.
My message to Perez (left), the assistant of Luc Montagnier (right), the Nobel Prize of Medicine of 2008: "Dear JCP, Their response is attached here, but I have not seen them updating it in their two original sources (but I think you can upload the attached one corrected here anywhere you want). Their online sources: https://globaljournals.org/GJSFR_Volume20/2-Anticovidian-v-2-COVID-19.pdf And within their current issue: https://globaljournals.org/GJSFR_Volume20/E-Journal_GJSFR_(I)_Vol_20_Issue_3.pdf With the best to combat this calamity imposed on us by heartless inhuman monsters, FCC, PhD. P.S. Praying to find an open door anywhere in the planet to study the career of medicine (MD) for free, or an MSc, or even to have a job as a researcher while the girl I like studies medicine or MSc (any advice, recommendation, human link or suggestion helps)."
My message to Perez (left), the assistant of Luc Montagnier (right), the Nobel Prize of Medicine of 2008: "Dear JCP,

Their response is attached here, but I have not seen them updating it in their two original sources (but I think you can upload the attached one corrected here anywhere you want). Their online sources:


And within their current issue:


With the best to combat this calamity imposed on us by heartless inhuman monsters,



Praying to find an open door anywhere in the planet to study the career of medicine (MD) for free, or an MSc, or even to have a job as a researcher while the girl I like studies medicine or MSc (any advice, recommendation, human link or suggestion helps)."
Fernando Castro-Chavez posted in FerKat.
My Treasure, I have completed my first set of hormones: "A Catalogue of Human Hormones: Their Sources and Their Functions:
By Fernando Castro-Chavez, PhD
Based on the graphic for the NMAT, Philippines, I allocate the hormones in the next fashion (all the new information added in blue color), here the order is from top to bottom and from left to right:
1) Hypothalamus:
TRH – thyrotrophin-releasing hormone: A small tripeptide (G-H-P-NH2) hormone that stimulates the release of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and prolactin from the anterior pituitary.
CRH – corticotrophin-releasing hormone: A 41 amino acid hormone stimulating both the synthesis and secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) by the anterior pituitary gland.
GHRH – growth hormone-releasing hormone (somatocrinin, “somatorelin”, etc.): It is a releasing hormone of growth hormone 44-amino acid peptide hormone produced in the hypothalamus.
Dopamine: It is the "happy hormone" and a neurotransmitter that plays several important roles in the brain and body. It is an organic chemical released when your brain expects a reward.
Somatostatin (GHIH – growth hormone-inhibiting hormone, SST): It is a 15 amino acid peptide hormone regulating the endocrine system, neurotransmission and cell proliferation via interacting with its G protein-coupled receptors, and inhibits insulin and glucagon secretion…
Vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone, arginine vasopressin or argipressin): It is a hormone synthesized as a nonapeptide with an S-S bridge, antidiuretic, vasopressor and glycogenolytic."
Fernando Castro-Chavez posted in FerKat.
Thanks to you, heaven, and for your honest questions, today it was the first time in my life that I retained in my head why is it of calling the direction of the replication as going only from 5' to 3', from the point of view of the newly made strands: it is because of the Carbon numbers of the backbone sugars!!! That only can be added starting with their carbon called the "5 prime": 5', and the next sugar can only attach its 5' in the 3' of the previous one as illustrated!!!:
Thanks to you, heaven, and for your honest questions, today it was the first time in my life that I retained in my head why is it of calling the direction of the replication as going only from 5' to 3', from the point of view of the newly made strands: it is because of the Carbon numbers of the backbone sugars!!! That only can be added starting with their carbon called the "5 prime": 5', and the next sugar can only attach its 5' in the 3' of the previous one as illustrated!!!:
Fernando Castro-Chavez posted in FerKat.
Our letter of today to Administrator Mónica García, from BCM, and to Dr. Víctor García, from the NYMC:
Our letter of today to Administrator Mónica García, from BCM, and to Dr. Víctor García, from the NYMC:
One of my last delicious Kiamoys from Chinatown, NY, that I got thanks to the wise advice of Dr. 沈信學, from Taiwan.
One of my last delicious Kiamoys from Chinatown, NY, that I got thanks to the wise advice of Dr. 沈信學, from Taiwan.
Fernando Castro-Chavez updated his status.
Jer. 33:15 "In those days, and at that time, will I cause the Branch [Semah, Spica] of Righteousness [Saddiq, Jupiter] to grow up unto David; and he [Jesus] shall execute judgment and righteousness in the land."
Fernando's most commented photo on Facebook of 2014
The Heavens Speak, not Spoke, They Speak of the Sovereign Power of God!!! Evil men may attempt as now, it all, but the Body of Christ on earth puts on them a leash (He and It Restrains them of their mad men plans!!!!), as it IS happening today!!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez posted in FerKat.
Sharing also our common success, to inspire us to always do a better effort: The Article in which I was working during four months that finally appeared published successfully, also thanks to your prayers, is: https://web.archive.org/web/20200811115437/https://globaljournals.org/GJSFR_Volume20/2-Anticovidian-v-2-COVID-19.pdf, praying that it may be able to open the eyes of many. To check its daily impact, the open search link is: https://www.google.com/search?q=%22Anticovidian+v.2%22+%22Fernando+Castro-Chavez%22
Sharing also our common success, to inspire us to always do a better effort: The Article in which I was working during four months that finally appeared published successfully, also thanks to your prayers, is: https://web.archive.org/web/20200811115437/https://globaljournals.org/GJSFR_Volume20/2-Anticovidian-v-2-COVID-19.pdf, praying that it may be able to open the eyes of many. To check its daily impact, the open search link is: https://www.google.com/search?q=%22Anticovidian+v.2%22+%22Fernando+Castro-Chavez%22
Fernando Castro-Chavez posted in FerKat.
Finally, the local director of the School of Medicine responded, it says: "Good morning, right now the access to the University is completely restricted, as soon as the health authorities authorize others to enter, gladly we can program a personal meeting to clarify any doubt and provide information"
Finally, the local director of the School of Medicine responded, it says: "Good morning, right now the access to the University is completely restricted, as soon as the health authorities authorize others to enter, gladly we can program a personal meeting to clarify any doubt and provide information"
Libro de Job ilustrado, y leído por mí: https://youtu.be/uJGa1dGzejw (debe de ser de 2:41:28 y me le corta el principio, no sé por qué):
Updated Aug 10, 2020, 4:45 PM
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
Amadas Santas y Santos, Ésta es mi lectura del libro de Rut del Hebreo, libro que se leía el día de Pentecostés, dedicada a aquella que será mi mujer, sea quien esta fuere: https://youtu.be/zee-VkOV8_s [Y el que se leía en la Pascua: https://youtu.be/zee-VkOV8_s] En Cristo, Su Fer.
5 Years Ago
Aug 9, 2016, 9:40 AM
Amadas Santas y Santos, Ésta es mi lectura del libro de Rut del Hebreo, libro que se leía el día de Pentecostés, dedicada a aquella que será mi mujer, sea quien esta fuere: https://youtu.be/zee-VkOV8_s [Y el que se leía en la Pascua: https://youtu.be/zee-VkOV8_s] En Cristo, Su Fer.
Tal Fidelidad, Añorada y Casi Un Imposible Actual...:
Updated Aug 9, 2020, 10:13 AM
Again, dedicated to the One that I want to keep on loving by my free will and desire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcVlavgjGlY
Updated Aug 7, 2020, 8:04 PM
Fernando Castro-Chavez
Current highlights from one of the bold whistleblower nurses from New York, friend @[100051043734270:2048:Nicole Sirotek], who found with many others that in the NY epicenter hospitals they were inflating the numbers of the victims deliberately, killing patients that arrived with no COVID-19, using ventilators and other criminal strategies. For those new to her, I remind you of her landmark video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuO4d7ZEsO8:
Updated Aug 7, 2020, 7:34 PM
I love this photo of our hard-working friends of the truth, as also is our friend @[100001604190174:2048:Kent Heckenlively] (who injects the humorous notes on it all!!!), here we can see the joyful professional relation of a mentor, Francis W. Ruscetti, PhD, and his outstanding disciple and research associate, Dr. Judy A. Mikovits, PhD. They are bent to publish on the next year the seminal book entitled: "Ending Plague", again with the prestigious, hard fact-checking "Simon & Schuster" brand, so, all that they may had to say about the corruption of Tony Fauci, of Francis S. Collins, of Harold Varmus and of many other Vermins (pun intended), such as Redfield and Birx, but also Gates and the WHO, in a blend of concoctions with the CCP... are absolutely real, solid and fully documented, and such precisely are the felons in charge of our response to the current pre-planned "Plandemic" that has all the planet at stake under the perverted interested of those few pests of humanity!!!: https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Ending-Plague/Francis-W-Ruscetti/Children-s-Health-Defense/9781510764682 This is what we read of the solid science of Ruscetti, a top-notch scientist, more praised by his human quality than any other self-serving glory-seeking scientist as is/was the very corrupt colleague of, and identical to, Fauci, Robert Gallo, disgraced on his own, by his corrupted being, just a reflection of all the other ones already mentioned, but here we read of an honorable one: "Francis W. Ruscetti, PhD has had a lifelong love affair with scientific discovery and participated in several seminal discoveries. In 1975, while a fellow at University of Pittsburgh, he discovered Interleukin-5. In 1978 at National Cancer Institute (NCI), Dr. Ruscetti's team discovered interleukin 2 (T-Cell Growth factor), for which they won a team award from the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer. In 1980, the team he directed at the NCI isolated the first known disease-causing human retrovirus, HTLV-1, opening the field of human retrovirology, which would rise to critical importance during the HIV-AIDS epidemic. During the 1980s, his team identified IL-15, an additional immune response regulator. In hematology, his team demonstrated that human cord blood cells proliferate continuously in vitro and TGF Beta functions as a bidirectional regulator of the hematopoietic stem cell. These discoveries have all been the basis for the development of useful therapeutics. / In 2013, the IL-2 manuscript was recognized by the American Association of Immunologists as the second most important paper published in their Journal in the past hundred years. Similarly, the HTLV-1 manuscript was cited as one of the thirty most important papers in the hundred years of the publication in Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. Dr. Ruscetti received the "Distinguished Service Award" from the National Institutes of Health. In order to develop new antiviral drugs, Ruscetti and Dr. Mikovits work on understanding the contribution of inflammatory pathways in disease, specifically how retroviruses dysregulate DNA methylation. In 2009, they identified a new family of retroviruses, the XMRVs from patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). After thirty-nine years at the National Cancer Institute, Dr. Ruscetti retired in 2014, with more than 325 publications. Since his retirement, he has been consulting with patients and their families, continuing his lifelong effort to understand the process of chronic disease development and develop therapeutic treatment strategies." So, his is solid science impossible to refute by the alluded said corrupted beings, and not even one of them has been really able, in a legal setting, to counter-claim the written statements of these three good luminaries of science!!! No matter how much the planners of the current pest try to silence them, that just increases the desire of the planet to know about the truth!!!
I love this photo of our hard-working friends of the truth, as also is our friend Kent Heckenlively (who injects the humorous notes on it all!!!), here we can see the joyful professional relation of a mentor, Francis W. Ruscetti, PhD, and his outstanding disciple and research associate, Dr. Judy A. Mikovits, PhD. They are bent to publish on the next year the seminal book entitled: "Ending Plague", again with the prestigious, hard fact-checking "Simon & Schuster" brand, so, all that they may had to say about the corruption of Tony Fauci, of Francis S. Collins, of Harold Varmus and of many other Vermins (pun intended), such as Redfield and Birx, but also Gates and the WHO, in a blend of concoctions with the CCP... are absolutely real, solid and fully documented, and such precisely are the felons in charge of our response to the current pre-planned "Plandemic" that has all the planet at stake under the perverted interested of those few pests of humanity!!!: https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Ending-Plague/Francis-W-Ruscetti/Children-s-Health-Defense/9781510764682 This is what we read of the solid science of Ruscetti, a top-notch scientist, more praised by his human quality than any other self-serving glory-seeking scientist as is/was the very corrupt colleague of, and identical to, Fauci, Robert Gallo, disgraced on his own, by his corrupted being, just a reflection of all the other ones already mentioned, but here we read of an honorable one: "Francis W. Ruscetti, PhD has had a lifelong love affair with scientific discovery and participated in several seminal discoveries. In 1975, while a fellow at University of Pittsburgh, he discovered Interleukin-5. In 1978 at National Cancer Institute (NCI), Dr. Ruscetti's team discovered interleukin 2 (T-Cell Growth factor), for which they won a team award from the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer. In 1980, the team he directed at the NCI isolated the first known disease-causing human retrovirus, HTLV-1, opening the field of human retrovirology, which would rise to critical importance during the HIV-AIDS epidemic. During the 1980s, his team identified IL-15, an additional immune response regulator. In hematology, his team demonstrated that human cord blood cells proliferate continuously in vitro and TGF Beta functions as a bidirectional regulator of the hematopoietic stem cell. These discoveries have all been the basis for the development of useful therapeutics. / In 2013, the IL-2 manuscript was recognized by the American Association of Immunologists as the second most important paper published in their Journal in the past hundred years. Similarly, the HTLV-1 manuscript was cited as one of the thirty most important papers in the hundred years of the publication in Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. Dr. Ruscetti received the "Distinguished Service Award" from the National Institutes of Health. In order to develop new antiviral drugs, Ruscetti and Dr. Mikovits work on understanding the contribution of inflammatory pathways in disease, specifically how retroviruses dysregulate DNA methylation. In 2009, they identified a new family of retroviruses, the XMRVs from patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). After thirty-nine years at the National Cancer Institute, Dr. Ruscetti retired in 2014, with more than 325 publications. Since his retirement, he has been consulting with patients and their families, continuing his lifelong effort to understand the process of chronic disease development and develop therapeutic treatment strategies." So, his is solid science impossible to refute by the alluded said corrupted beings, and not even one of them has been really able, in a legal setting, to counter-claim the written statements of these three good luminaries of science!!! No matter how much the planners of the current pest try to silence them, that just increases the desire of the planet to know about the truth!!!
Dedicated to The One I Love, with whom I had sweet and beautiful times in that USA past..., and still... by the magic still of the Internet, by our current times online... one of my dear favorite songs of all times, its video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0P2a6aLDkkM, and live!!!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anDXNlYLW78: "
"Being With You"
Smokey Robinson

I don't care what they think about me and
I don't care what they say
I don't care what they think, if you're leaving
I'm gonna beg you to stay
I don't care if they start to avoid me
I don't care what they do
I don't care about anything else
But being with you, being with you

Honey don't go, don't leave this scene
Be out of the picture and off of the screen
Don't let them say "we told you so"
They tell me you'll love me and then let me go

I've heard the warning voice
From friends and my relations
They tell me all about your heart-break reputation

I don't care what they think about me and
I don't care what they say, no
I don't care what they think, if you're leaving
I'm gonna beg you to stay
I don't care if they start to avoid me
I don't care what they do
I don't care about anything else
But being with you, being with you

People can change, they always do
Haven't they noticed the changes in you?
Or can it be, that like love I am blind?
Do I want it so much 'til it's all in my mind?

One thing I know for sure
Is really really real
I never felt before the way you make me feel

I don't care what they think about me and
I don't care what they say
I don't care what they think, if you're leaving
I'm gonna beg you to stay
I don't care if they start to avoid me
I don't care what they do
I don't care about anything else
But being with you, being with you
Being with you
Being with you

I don't care about anything else
But being with you, being with you
I wanna be with you
I don't care if they start to avoid me..."
Updated Aug 6, 2020, 4:31 PM
Un libro revolucionario de la medicina y nutrición: "La Dieta del ADN", por mi ex-alumno @[876355292:2048:Stefano Macedo Reyes]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIcTUB7Dxtw, https://www.amazon.es/Dieta-del-ADN-Aprende-Hackear-ebook/dp/B07ZPTF3PW (abreviado: https://bit.ly/LaDietadelADN), https://www.centrogenica.com/
Un libro revolucionario de la medicina y nutrición: "La Dieta del ADN", por mi ex-alumno Stefano Macedo Reyes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIcTUB7Dxtw, https://www.amazon.es/Dieta-del-ADN-Aprende-Hackear-ebook/dp/B07ZPTF3PW (abreviado: https://bit.ly/LaDietadelADN), https://www.centrogenica.com/
What I responded to the intelligent Dr. Pascal, one of the 15,577 researchers and MDs that have seen my ongoing research on the artificiality of the current and wretched calamity (his question as an image, in order to prevent the stupid "AI" robots by the obtuse maker of Windows and collaborators, to also maliciously remove this posting, use yourself every single strategy that occurs to you, that is inspired by God, to tackle and defeat the current "Plandemic" and to their "engineers"): "Dr. Pascal, Yes, it is very clear that there are inserts in the genome of Sars-CoV-2, cause of COVID-19, at least six independent groups have confirmed these HIV inserts, and the number keeps on growing daily, this is my current documentation of some 22 of them, but there are more. For you to be fully confident on this, you can see, both the advance that I have integrated about this: https://osf.io/ugpkj/?view_only=65022277577644869f605d0ee12e8ae5, also in here: https://tinyurl.com/Anticovidian2, as well as the work of Perez and Nobel Prize Montagnier, with whom we interacted to verify the results: https://www.granthaalayahpublication.org/journals/index.php/granthaalayah/article/view/IJRG20_B07_3568/691?fbclid=IwAR0evsIgntbVPA7okBeSz7BCRAk0kZrOWybJYowGDeuFlb2O1Y5Iz-sDHlk, you can do a verification of the longest of these inserts: ACTGTTGGTCAACAAGACGGCAGTGAGGACAATCAGACAACTACTATTCAAACAATTGTT, (in Nsp3, found by Arumugham) using: https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi?PAGE=Nucleotides, with my best regards to those doctors in the middle of this diabolical and preplanned Pandemic by the likes of WHO, CCP, Fauci, Gates, etc..., with my best, Fernando Castro-Chavez."
What I responded to the intelligent Dr. Pascal, one of the 15,577 researchers and MDs that have seen my ongoing research on the artificiality of the current and wretched calamity (his question as an image, in order to prevent the stupid "AI" robots by the obtuse maker of Windows and collaborators, to also maliciously remove this posting, use yourself every single strategy that occurs to you, that is inspired by God, to tackle and defeat the current "Plandemic" and to their "engineers"): "Dr. Pascal, Yes, it is very clear that there are inserts in the genome of Sars-CoV-2, cause of COVID-19, at least six independent groups have confirmed these HIV inserts, and the number keeps on growing daily, this is my current documentation of some 22 of them, but there are more. For you to be fully confident on this, you can see, both the advance that I have integrated about this: https://osf.io/ugpkj/?view_only=65022277577644869f605d0ee12e8ae5, also in here: https://tinyurl.com/Anticovidian2, as well as the work of Perez and Nobel Prize Montagnier, with whom we interacted to verify the results: https://www.granthaalayahpublication.org/journals/index.php/granthaalayah/article/view/IJRG20_B07_3568/691?fbclid=IwAR0evsIgntbVPA7okBeSz7BCRAk0kZrOWybJYowGDeuFlb2O1Y5Iz-sDHlk, you can do a verification of the longest of these inserts: ACTGTTGGTCAACAAGACGGCAGTGAGGACAATCAGACAACTACTATTCAAACAATTGTT, (in Nsp3, found by Arumugham) using: https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi?PAGE=Nucleotides, with my best regards to those doctors in the middle of this diabolical and preplanned Pandemic by the likes of WHO, CCP, Fauci, Gates, etc..., with my best, Fernando Castro-Chavez."
Fernando Castro-Chavez updated his status.
Aquí estoy, disfrutando abundantemente de mis tres horas de estudio de la Epístola a los Efesios del Griego: https://youtu.be/nBG0UxcM-wQ Es maravilloso el observar en ella las claves para tener familias llenas del poder espiritual de Dios, poseedoras de los cinco dones de servicio activos, usando además la plenitud de la armadura del espíritu para poder derrotar siempre, si usamos esta armadura, al Adversario causante de divisiones y muchos otros daños: el cinturón de la verdad, el calzado militar de las buenas noticias de paz, la coraza de justicia, amor y fe o confianza, el escudo de la fe, el yelmo de la salvación, que incluye a nuestra liberación diaria, y la espada del espíritu, que es la Palabra del Dios viviente, la "Rhema" específica que por revelación se recibe en cada momento y situación según consultamos con Dios, y se le pide al soldado espiritual el constantemente orar en lenguas, tanto por los santos todos, como por los Apóstoles, para que cuando abran su boca, puedan difundir precisa y poderosamente las buenas noticias del Gran Secreto Divino: Que ya no existe división entre judíos y gentiles si éstos aceptan a Jesucristo como su Señor, de inmediato pasan a formar un sólo Cuerpo: ¡El Poderoso Cuerpo de Cristo!
Fernando's most loved photo on Facebook of 2017
Bending my knees only to God and to His Original (not adulterated by any, so-called "Christian" sect or religion), and to His Current Direct Revelation to those that are His own, to us, as to bless them and to protect them every single day!!! Thank You God for Your Personal Guidance!!!
Her Mentor Frank Ruscetti (the real force behind the "discoveries" of Robert Gallo, a real corrupt plague akin and protégé of the other most depraved of a current infamous memory, Tony Fauci) finally joins his collaborator Mikovits and the most fun writer, our good and admired friend, @[100001604190174:2048:Kent Heckenlively]!!! As per its info: https://archive.vn/t4bSQ, "From the authors of the New York Times bestselling Plague of Corruption comes the prescription on how to end the plague infecting our medical community.

Ending Plague continues the New York Times bestselling team of Dr. Judy A. Mikovits and Kent Heckenlively with legendary scientist, Dr. Francis W. Ruscetti joining the conversation. Dr. Ruscetti is credited as one of the founding fathers of human retrovirology. In 1980, Dr. Ruscetti’s team isolated the first pathogenic human retrovirus, HTLV-1. Ruscetti would eventually go on to work for thirty-eight years at the National Cancer Institute.

Dr. Ruscetti was deeply involved in performing some of the most critical HIV-AIDS research in the 1980s, pioneered discoveries in understanding the workings of the human immune system in the 1990s, isolating a new family of mouse leukemia viruses linked to chronic diseases in 2009, and offers his insights into the recent COVID-19 pandemic. In 1991, Ruscetti received the Distinguished Service Award from the National Institutes of Health.

Dr. Ruscetti offers a true insider’s portrait of nearly four decades at the center of public health. His insights into the successes and failures of government science will be eye-opening to the general public. You will read never-before-revealed information about the personalities and arguments which have been kept from view behind the iron curtain of public health. Can we say our scientists are protecting us, or is another agenda at work? For most of his decades at the National Cancer Institute, Dr. Ruscetti has been in almost daily contact with his long-time collaborator, Dr. Mikovits, and their rich intellectual discussions will greatly add to our national discussion. Science involves a rigorous search for truth, and you will come to understand how science scholars are relentless in their quest for answers."
Updated Aug 4, 2020, 11:10 PM
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
I talked with my lovely wife and we decided that today Sunday, at 4:00 PM I'll be re-transmitting live the same presentation from yesterday related to the Angels Below and the Neanderthal. Yesterday the audio did not work for the recorded version of it so, if you are around and can be here, please come: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGgi7H6CT_ALYhT4jHRu_8w In the image, the first research that showed that the Neanderthal were not human, and the six early places in Israel where their bones have been found, just as the Bible said!
6 Years Ago
Fernando Castro-Chavez added a new photo.
Aug 2, 2015, 8:49 AM
I talked with my lovely wife and we decided that today Sunday, at 4:00 PM I'll be re-transmitting live the same presentation from yesterday related to the Angels Below and the Neanderthal. Yesterday the audio did not work for the recorded version of it so, if you are around and can be here, please come: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGgi7H6CT_ALYhT4jHRu_8w In the image, the first research that showed that the Neanderthal were not human, and the six early places in Israel where their bones have been found, just as the Bible said!
Neanderthal, half human half chimpanzee, RNA vaccines today, attempting Gates, Fauci, WHO, CCP, CDC..., to scramble the human genomes to produce monsters again (in the next generation), and for them, to "learn" as they go about how to keep on tampering with the human software which are the genes:
Updated Aug 2, 2020, 12:31 PM
I am thankful with @[1265686482:2048:Jean-claude Perez] and with Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier for the honor to be mentioned, both as reference and in the acknowledgements, in their current ground breaking work on the artificial origin of COVID-19 and most of its lab insertions from the HIV (you do not hear about this in the corrupted with blood money Mainstream Media), thank you!!!:
Updated Aug 2, 2020, 6:25 AM
Fernando Castro-Chavez updated his status.
“Some 20000 protesters” have rallied in Berlin to protest against measures imposed by German officials as part of their coronavirus response, saying they violated people’s rights and freedoms: ttps://thehighwire.com/thousands-protest-in-berlin-against-coronavirus-restrictions/
Updated Aug 1, 2020, 2:28 PM
Two great professional news, the article of my French friends has been accepted, to be put here below once it is out. They blessed me by making reference to my own ongoing work, but because it has reached already 60 pages, I think that is good to stop it here, where at least the basic science of it is there, even if a lot of information was not included, especially regarding the planning, the motives and the opportunity to release COVID-19 by the sinister powers of this world, already known by everybody (CCP, WHO, Gates, Fauci, NIAID, EcoHealth Alliance, CDC, HHS, FDA...): https://osf.io/ugpkj/?view_only=65022277577644869f605d0ee12e8ae5
Updated Jul 31, 2020, 7:38 PM
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
The Angels Below,part 2 will be dealing with the Neanderthal according to the Bible, Saturday at 6:00 PM (pending to re-recording the presentation due to high static): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGgi7H6CT_ALYhT4jHRu_8w/videos The cover shows in the left side a Neanderthal skull and thicker bones compared with a Human skull and bones in the right side. The set of slides of the presentation, for you to do a detailed study of the corresponding Scriptures can be seen at: http://fdocc.ucoz.com/2/2SpiritsPrison_2_2015.pdf God bless you in Christ!
6 Years Ago
Fernando Castro-Chavez added a new photo.
Jul 31, 2015, 8:08 PM
The Angels Below,part 2 will be dealing with the Neanderthal according to the Bible, Saturday at 6:00 PM (pending to re-recording the presentation due to high static): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGgi7H6CT_ALYhT4jHRu_8w/videos The cover shows in the left side a Neanderthal skull and thicker bones compared with a Human skull and bones in the right side. The set of slides of the presentation, for you to do a detailed study of the corresponding Scriptures can be seen at: http://fdocc.ucoz.com/2/2SpiritsPrison_2_2015.pdf God bless you in Christ!
Genetic aberrations from the past due to perverted brains... similar perverted brains are currently in action preparing their RNA-vaccines to scramble the human genetics, in order to bring back those monsters... plus their tech "upgrade" of branding all digitally, so say NO to the globalist plans of Gates. Fauci, WHO, CCP, etc...
Updated Jul 31, 2020, 2:39 PM
The only amazing program of the many by Del Bigtree at the suppressed (by YT, FB, TW) The Highwire that I was able to save: https://lbry.tv/@fdocc:b/UNDERCOVER-NURSE-EXPOSES-COVID-CATASTROPHE:c
Updated Jul 30, 2020, 8:51 PM
Michele Malkin interviews Del Bigtree about the criminal repression of truth of the current times, how YT and FB and Twitter at the same time removed his great interviews:
Updated Jul 30, 2020, 8:12 PM
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
Comenzando mi próxima lectura de la maravillosa y majestuosa Biblia, me encuentro con la palabra "automate", que llegó a nosotros como "automatos", "autómata", "automáticamente" y todo lo que tiene movimiento autónomo, dice el verso en cuestión: "...llegaron a la puerta la de hierro, la que lleva a la ciudad, la cual automáticamente se les abrió..." Hch. 12:10b; nosotros que nos consideramos tan tecnológicamente avanzados, vemos que hay un poder espiritual sobrenatural capaz de controlar por completo a la materia, aquí hablando de cuando el ángel libertó a Pedro de la cárcel, ¡justo cuando estaba a punto de ser decapitado! Y esto debido a las fervientes oraciones de los creyentes que moraban en Jerusalén, reunidos en casa del futuro Evangelista Marcos.
3 Years Ago
Jul 30, 2018, 1:46 PM
Comenzando mi próxima lectura de la maravillosa y majestuosa Biblia, me encuentro con la palabra "automate", que llegó a nosotros como "automatos", "autómata", "automáticamente" y todo lo que tiene movimiento autónomo, dice el verso en cuestión: "...llegaron a la puerta la de hierro, la que lleva a la ciudad, la cual automáticamente se les abrió..." Hch. 12:10b; nosotros que nos consideramos tan tecnológicamente avanzados, vemos que hay un poder espiritual sobrenatural capaz de controlar por completo a la materia, aquí hablando de cuando el ángel libertó a Pedro de la cárcel, ¡justo cuando estaba a punto de ser decapitado! Y esto debido a las fervientes oraciones de los creyentes que moraban en Jerusalén, reunidos en casa del futuro Evangelista Marcos.
"Automate": Automáticamente, por un milagro de Dios. Así también ahora!!!
Updated Jul 30, 2020, 9:08 AM
One more time giving my recognition to the bold PhD who spoke, and who now is the most banned person on the face of the earth!!!: Judy Mikovits, co-author with our friend @[100001604190174:2048:Kent Heckenlively] of two amazing books regarding the pernicious "Plague" of Fauci and Gates plus friends (Birx, Redfield, Collins, etc.), that currently has at stake the whole humanity!!! (This is the second Podcast interview that Mike Moore, from Thomas Paine did to her, and very soon, if not already, her "Plandemic TWO" is going to be released as well as her book against the criminal "Protocols" aimed at shepplize humanity and for the destruction of the economies of the world, plus the elimination of the religious gatherings!!!, imposed in the whole planted by the WHO subservient to the CCP!!!): https://lbry.tv/@fdocc:b/Mikovits3:d, my previous two were, also there: https://lbry.tv/@fdocc:b/MikovitsAlmost-10_09_55-BIG:5, https://lbry.tv/@fdocc:b/MikovitsPaineMooreP2:1; and for researchers, the slow motion of the HOLOGRAMS that duped humanity on 9/11, as today the Preplanned COVID-19 is doing against the human freedom, as those PNAC / WHO organizers, respectively, are rather "inhuman" than human: https://lbry.tv/@fdocc:b/53HologramsOrCGIEnhancedFlight175HIttingWTCThereWereNoRealPlanes!:9, here Robert F. Kennedy Jr. denounces the hidden plan of Gates behind his "calculated" release of Sars-CoV-2: https://lbry.tv/@fdocc:b/COVID-19-Is-Gates-To-Implant-Humans:d, and then, the depravity of Joe Biden (the worst possible Democrat candidate), also member of the criminal PNAC: https://lbry.tv/@fdocc:b/DepravateJoeBiden:c, and further evidence of the strategies used to demolish those Twin Towers on 9/11, like nano-atomics and Directed Energy (Laser) Weapons, amongst others: https://lbry.tv/@fdocc:b/AceBakerFinalVersionPart2:4, and the CGI strategy used to cover the imperfect holograms that missed wings and are registered as such on film, plus their disappearance of the holographic planes like ghosts into the WTC towers: https://lbry.tv/@fdocc:b/AceBakerFinalVersionPart1:4; my videos have been removed by the heartless communist dupes at YouTube... hopefully here this post will last, as Trump requested leniency with our critical research, something VITAL in a Still, just or a hair of a distance, FREE society!!!!...
Updated Jul 29, 2020, 9:19 PM
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
The sunrise, and on the road again!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWMnU2UWjLs
2 Years Ago
Fernando Castro-Chavez added a new photo.
Aug 18, 2019, 11:17 PM
The sunrise, and on the road again!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWMnU2UWjLs
Place: Ajijic, Jalisco, Mexico (20.3, -103.283)
Address: Ajijic, Jalisco, Mexico
Creations of God, the sun emerges always after darkness!!! Light always wins!!! Especially when we, the children of God are still here stomping on the Devil's head!!!
Updated Jul 29, 2020, 11:58 AM
7 Minutes of Reasons why the Vaccines for COVID-19 Being Currently Made by Oxford and by Fauci are Completely Useless: They are rigged, unethical, unhealthy, fully conflicted and very dangerous!!!, says Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to Dershowitz, the now 82 year old one who took O. J. Simpson to trial, and to bold interviewer Patrick Bet-David, who is doing what the wharlok whores of the Mainstream Media keep avoiding!!! (The whole debate is worth watching, to be informed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfnJi7yLKgE):
7 Minutes of Reasons why the Vaccines for COVID-19 Being Currently Made by Oxford and by Fauci are Completely Useless: They are rigged, unethical, unhealthy, fully conflicted and very dangerous!!!, says Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to Dershowitz, the now 82 year old one who took O. J. Simpson to trial, and to bold interviewer Patrick Bet-David, who is doing what the wharlok whores of the Mainstream Media keep avoiding!!! (The whole debate is worth watching, to be informed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfnJi7yLKgE):
I never send unrequested "funny" videos or photos of any sort with anybody, I never recommend either any pharmaceutical or "vaccine"; so, hackers do!!!, beware and discern in these perilous times those horrible impersonators that are taking even the "identities" of the "beloved" ones:
I never send unrequested "funny" videos or photos of any sort with anybody, I never recommend either any pharmaceutical or "vaccine"; so, hackers do!!!, beware and discern in these perilous times those horrible impersonators that are taking even the "identities" of the "beloved" ones:
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
Tengo gran gozo de presentarles mi estudio del griego de Filemón: https://youtu.be/YK5Z8gXqXSw, que consiste en tan sólo 25 versículos que tratan de manera práctica del amor (Agape) cristiano: Pablo ruega el buen trato para un esclavo: Onésimo (Provechoso), que huyó de Filemón (Lleno de Fileo), su dueño, y que se hizo cristiano en Roma, el cual ahora desea regresar a servir de corazón. El trato como hermanos entre el más alto y el más bajo estrato de la sociedad romana era y es algo totalmente revolucionario, sobrenatural y contrario a la condición natural humana tendiente al egoísmo!
3 Years Ago
Jul 27, 2018, 9:46 PM
Tengo gran gozo de presentarles mi estudio del griego de Filemón: https://youtu.be/YK5Z8gXqXSw, que consiste en tan sólo 25 versículos que tratan de manera práctica del amor (Agape) cristiano: Pablo ruega el buen trato para un esclavo: Onésimo (Provechoso), que huyó de Filemón (Lleno de Fileo), su dueño, y que se hizo cristiano en Roma, el cual ahora desea regresar a servir de corazón. El trato como hermanos entre el más alto y el más bajo estrato de la sociedad romana era y es algo totalmente revolucionario, sobrenatural y contrario a la condición natural humana tendiente al egoísmo!
...And those that trust in the Lord will renew their strength like the eagles, and I do not know how, but God does, and that is good, they also will have more vigor than the unbelieving youngsters, those that will faint and that even will fall...!!!
Updated Jul 27, 2020, 8:57 AM
Hurricane Hanna in Southern Texas, USA
Pray for the saints all over the globe and their tribulations, that are diverse!!!
Updated Jul 26, 2020, 9:04 AM
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
Hablando de trenes, del "Guardagujas" (el que cambia los rieles del tren) de Juan José Arreola, y de la venida de don Porfirio, del porfiriato en México, tenemos que este letrero dice lo siguiente: "Antigua Estación del Ferrocarril: Inmueble que fue inaugurado por el presidente Porfirio Díaz en el año de 1908, que conserva un diseño arquitectónico a partir de módulos de iguales dimensiones. Su principal peculiaridad radica en su techumbre, en cuya estructura se observa un diseño entramado. El edificio albergaba la oficina de ventas de boletos, del telégrafo, un par de grandes bodegas y una sala de espera. Dejó de funcionar como tal en la épica de los 80's del pasado siglo XX.""
My Dad is saying that he used to arrive by train when he was dating my mother, as at that time he worked as "Sugarcane Supervisor" for the UNPASA (National Union of Sugar Producers, Anonymous Society)
3 Years Ago
Jul 26, 2018, 7:24 PM
Here, we have an additional and miscellaneous blend of these three intense dream-days of vacations through Zapotlan el Grande, Jal., MX, with an audio of David Garrett, other of the "virtuoso" favorites of my sister: I hope you like it!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZ-lhLOpnpo
Past amazing!!! Past meets the Present , and basically it says that somehow it needs to be established that COVID-19 is an artificial crisis, if not, they just will continue doing perverted and mad, Gates style, "Pandemics" at their will!!!
Updated Jul 26, 2020, 9:02 AM
COVID-19 has been inflated to Category 2 of 5 in order to ruin the economy of the nations, shame on the corrupt world medical agencies and on its agents, starting from WHO, NIH, NIAID, CDC, FDA...!!!, they are responsible, by cow-towing to Gates, of the current crisis in every single aspect: Morally, Financially, Socially, Medically...: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6OhiNJYQ7k
Updated Jul 25, 2020, 2:26 PM
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
Ésta me sorprende bastante porque es el árbol blanco que crece entre "Las Peñas"
3 Years Ago
Jul 25, 2018, 6:54 PM
Día tres, parcial: Visita al parque ecológico de "Los Ocotillos", Cd. Guzmán, Jal. Los pies y las rodillas me dicen: Aaaay!!! Pero los ojos me dicen: WOW, qué belleza!!!
Times of a Lonely (almost), complete freedom!!! Fighting to have it back with no "vaccinations" and other evils at the airport!
Updated Jul 25, 2020, 8:45 AM
Fernando Castro-Chavez updated his status.
One More Bold Doctor From Germany Exposes The Situation!!!: https://www.facebook.com/LuzHbg/videos/10157739631672880, thanks to biol. Alberto Rubio Casillas
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
3 Years Ago
Jul 24, 2018, 5:58 PM
Tomas del día dos: Caminando por el pueblo cercano al "Nevado de Colima": "El Fresnito", Jalisco, MX, con otras cosas del viaje...
Past memories of little lost towns and places!
Updated Jul 24, 2020, 7:23 AM
Every single day there are more and more voices of scientists that denounce the artificiality of COVID-19, but they have no coverage in the mainstream media, whose purpose is to scare humanity, and valuable information needs to be found in the alternative media, claiming that the Sars-CoV-2 is completely an artifact designed to strongly hit human beings by design (the WHO had plans for the current "Plandemic", to be even more disgustingly invasive in the airports, with a mandate to vaccinate in order to travel, and every sort of "human groping" with a "medical" pretext, since 2005!!!): Stuart Newman, from the NYMC at Valhalla, NY, and Andre Leu, Director of "Regeneration International" join their voices to Jonathan Latham, leader of the "Bioscience Resource Project" to denounce the current crimes against humanity with the pretext of a pre-planned Pandemia to steal the rights of humans, starting again at the Airports and everywhere!!!: "It's been a coverup from day one, and we're unraveling it..."!!! Andre Leu.
"How do we know? We knew right from the beginning, China's working with the World Health Organization on this cover-up. They [the Chinese government] first admitted that there were a few cases of this new pneumonia. But they said it came from the seafood market, and that there was no evidence that it could be transmitted between humans, because it went directly from animals to humans. So, no need to worry about it. At the same time [the Chinese government] was saying that, and the World Health Organization was parroting China's claims, China was jailing the doctors who were reporting on this new pneumonia. We know one of those doctors died, in the end, a month later. He's a hero in China, and should be hero for the rest of us because he went out of his way, he was jailed for telling the truth. So, that's the first coverup."
"We know that they covered up the first laboratory, this is on January the 11, that released the genome of this virus. Because before that they would not release the information on this virus to any other scientists in the world. Then a laboratory in Shanghai published the genetics of it so other scientists could study it. They closed that laboratory down the next day, on January 12, and silenced the scientists."
"We know in early February, a paper came out from two eminent scientists in China showing there were zero bats in the Huanan seafood market, and that the likely cause of this epidemic was a release from one of the two laboratories that were doing this research in Wuhan. Not just one, it's two doing this research. Then that paper got pulled, and the Chinese put pressure on all the academic sites that posted it. It's no longer online, but fortunately we have copies of it and we've kept it, as have other people. But those scientists have disappeared. Any scientist that's come out to try and tell the truth has disappeared or been silenced."
"We can see the cover-up is still happening. They've closed down the Wuhan Institute of Virology. They will not allow any independent scientists in. The lab has been taken over by the military now. And also in China, any publication, anything said about this virus, has to go through their propaganda unit in Beijing."
"So, everything coming out of China now is pure propaganda, including any so-called "scientific study." It's officially edited and approved by the propaganda unit from Beijing. So, this is a grand-scale cover-up."
"And then the other evidence is, that when my country [Australia] proposed an independent investigation into the [origins of] the pandemic, [China] stopped all our imports of barley and meat, and starting putting trade pressure on us."
"...the majority of countries in the world have agreed to an independent investigation into the source and cause of this [pandemic], and the cover-up... What we're seeing is a lack of transparency and scientific transparency. We need openness. We need the real facts published. We don't need the media suppressing things. It's what's happening. The whole issue of Gain-of-Function, you will not see it in any mainstream media. And yet Gain-of-Function research is one of the biggest threats we face. Gain-of-Function research is the cause of this pandemic, and will be the cause of future and even worse pandemics unless we put a stop to it. And I think we need a global campaign to end this type of genetic engineering. This is a disaster. It has been predicted for a long time. Now it's happening and we're in the middle of it, and we need to make sure it never ever happens again."
"Why this matters is because this is probably the greatest disaster that the world has ever seen... here are millions of people now who are hungry because of all the economic shutdowns and people who will be dying of starvation. How many people do we know that their careers and jobs have stopped, they've lost their businesses?"
"This is an A-Grade disaster, and we need to know why it happened so that we can prevent this ever happening again. This is critical, so to do that we actually need to get the evidence and find out the science and the real data, not what the mainstream media is peddling. Let's look at actual evidence. So, that's what myself and others have been doing, we've been combing through documents and documents and documents. This is like putting a giant jigsaw puzzle together."
"There's a very good paper that the Chinese government suppressed that showed that there were zero bats sold in this market. By the way, this is a seafood market. They are really sort of, how can I say, inventing, fabricating that this is a wild animal market. It was not. Now, maybe there were some wild animals sold there. But there is zero evidence that any of those wild animals had the virus that causes COVID-19. On the other hand, where we do have evidence of the closest virus to the one that causes COVID-19, this is found in a bat in Yunnan, which is about 1000 miles away from Wuhan. It was found by researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in 2013. In February [2020], they released the paper showing that this virus [found by the researchers in 2013] is about 96 - 96.2 percent the same as the virus that causes COVID-19. And they're trying to say that this is the one that has mutated. Other papers will show that that mutation will take about between 80 - 90 years to happen. That's nonsense to say that the closest virus has mutated naturally. There is zero evidence of that."
"The other [virus] that they started talking about was from pangolins, because they found some similar viruses in pangolins, and most of those were between 80 - 90 percent similar to COVID-19. Once again, we're talking about 100 years or more of mutations, natural mutations, for them to be the same as the virus that causes COVID-19. However, one of these pangolin viruses had a section of it that was identical to the spike protein on the virus that causes COVID-19. This is missing from the bat virus [found to be similar] to COVID-19. This spike protein is very important. People can imagine in their mind the coronavirus, and you see it's got little spikes on it, you know that's why they call it corona, those spikes are what attach to our cells in our bodies and then allow the virus to invade [human cells]. The spike protein is sort of like a lock and key system. You've got to have the right spike protein to get into a cell. And they found this unique spike protein in a pangolin. So then they said, oh look the pangolin is the cause. But the rest of it is completely different from the COVID-19 virus... But this recombination could not have happened naturally. Because the closest bat virus is very rare, it's only found in a couple of bats in a mineshaft a thousand miles away from Wuhan. And then the pangolin virus are from Malayan pangolins, which were confiscated by the border police, the customs, and were probably collected thousands of miles away from China. And there is no way that this virus, these two viruses, could have recombined, given that the two host animals were probably more than 1000 miles apart from each other. It's just scientific nonsense. There is zero evidence, zero scientific evidence to show that these two viruses recombined naturally."
"I want to explain what Gain-of-Function research is. This is where researchers will artificially modify diseases, all sorts of diseases, and make them more dangerous. So, for instance, most of these coronaviruses in bats and pangolins and mice will not infect people because their spike proteins are the wrong style or shape to infect people. So what a lot of researchers, and this includes researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, have been doing is inserting spike proteins into these harmless viruses. This makes them more dangerous now because these new spike proteins are the type of spike protein to allow the virus to infect people. And we have the papers. They've been doing this research since 2007. Two particular scientific papers, one in 2015, and an even more important paper 2017, show how they did it. In 2017, they got eight harmless bat viruses and inserted new spike proteins into them, so they now had the ability to infect people. It's in black and white. They published it. This is what they do, they take harmless bat viruses, and they put new spike proteins on them. So now people can get infected by these viruses. The viruses go from harmless to being deadly."
"...in 2014, Gain-of-Function research was banned in the United States after several hundred scientists wrote to the Obama government saying this research is too dangerous. We just need one of these organisms, manmade organisms, to escape and we'll have a global pandemic. So, it was banned, but it was reinstated in 2017. And while it was banned there's various organizations in the United States, in Europe and also in my country, Australia, that were funding the Wuhan Institute of Virology to do this banned research. So, it's been going on. And it's not just the Chinese government. Most of our governments are complicit in this."
"And while they're saying we need to do it to understand these viruses, so we can get cures..., there's been 30 years of this type of research, and about all that's come out of it is bioweapons. There is zero evidence of any value that's come from this research. And look at the pandemic we have now. Where are all the benefits of 30 years of Gain-of-Function research to give us the cures and "vaccines" (my quote marks as in ridicule)? They are not there. Everybody is scrambling and panicking to try and develop something. But we've got a pandemic, and we're completely unprepared for it because we've got zero ways to treat it or prevent it. So Gain-of-Function research has had no upsides and has every sort of downside we can imagine."
"...we have good evidence now that that lab had poor biosecurity. There's a very good article in the Washington Post that reported on the cable from intelligence sources that went to the lab. They reported that this lab was essentially a pandemic waiting to happen. They said exactly that, that one of these organisms gets out and we will have a global coronavirus pandemic. They reported that. They explained how the staff was under-skilled, undertrained and they didn't have enough adequately trained skilled staff to run a BSL-4 laboratory, which is the highest security. And there are heaps of evidence all around the world of these organisms escaping out of laboratories, in virtually every country. There’s a very good paper published in Science, which is a high-level scientific journal, documenting numerous examples of these deadly organisms that have escaped, and essentially saying it's just been luck that we haven't had a deadly pandemic from one of these escapes."
"...if you look at who are the people who are saying this is natural, we're looking at the military, were looking at various government-funded research organizations—people or organizations who are actually involved in this Gain-of-Function research. They know if the truth came out, there'd be such public anger that this research would be stopped. And so it should be. I think one of the really important things that needs to come out of this, is that we need Gain-of-Function research stopped. This genetic modification of these viruses is wrong. It's creating new deadly organisms that have zero benefit. The only thing they're designed to do is kill people. And it not only is a waste of billions of dollars over the years, which could be used on much better things, it's now created the worst pandemic in our history. We need to prevent it ever happening again. Because believe me, we know there are far worse organisms sitting in these laboratories. If one of those escapes, it's going to make this COVID-19 look like a picnic."
"What we're uncovering at the moment will clearly provide even more evidence about the day the accident happened... I'll be very happy to come back and go into more detail about what happened, when it happened, and who did it."
"It was Anthony Fauci’s institute that issued these grants and rescinded the ban, so he kind of has an interest in minimizing the possibility that this is a gain-of-function experiment." Stewart Newman.
"...the most suspicious looking thing is the fact that the virus was first identified in Wuhan, China, and that is the site of the only what's called a BSL-4, that’s a biological safety lab, in China. There’s also a BSL-3 lab, and research on bat viruses goes on in these laboratories... viruses of this sort were researched in the lab, and not only by Chinese scientists but also in collaboration with scientists around the world including in the United States.
...after it was sequenced was found to have some features that resembled earlier coronaviruses, things that were being worked on in the lab. But they also had some hallmarks of other kinds of mixtures. A chimera is something that's a mixture of several different types of viruses... This virus is chimeric, it has bits and pieces that look like it originated from viruses in not only bats, but possibly pangolins and other organisms that it might have passed through... It has hallmarks of possibly having originated by manipulation, by being in different kinds of animals. The proximity to the lab is suspicious. So people have started to ask; “Could it have been partly a product of lab manipulation?”
These things can be partly genetically engineered, and they could have genetic engineering in their lineage, in their history...
The spike protein of this virus has a number of hallmarks that are very unusual. So it's very well suited to binding to something on human cells called the ACE2 receptor. That's called a receptor binding domain and the receptor binding domain is unusually avid for the human ACE2 receptor. And then it has something else which is called a furin cleavage site. It's a weak point in the spike protein that makes it very flexible, so the way that you assay for that weak point is you use an enzyme called furin and that will cut it. Almost no viruses in this category have that binding site, because that enzyme cleavage site, it's something that the enzyme cuts and it's the weak point. There are papers that show that genetic engineers working on viruses have introduced that by genetic engineering into other coronaviruses, just as an experiment. So people do these things...
There are papers in which scientists have introduced this cleavage site, it's a sequence of amino acids. They've introduced it through genetic engineering in viruses that don't normally have it, and it becomes much more dangerous when they do that. And this virus, very unusually, this coronavirus has that site in it, and nobody knows how it got in there. So that is kind of another suspicious aspect. So it could have been that some experiment introduced it to a virus, the virus left the lab...
...when I read that paper (the Anderson et al., 2020 "hit-opinion-piece") it raised some red flags for me, because the people who wrote that paper made a very strong assertion about it being very unlikely to have originated in a lab. And what were the arguments they used? First they said it has a very avid receptor-binding domain, but it's not an ideal one. If scientists had designed it they would have designed it differently. / Well, that was kind of ridiculous to me because there are papers going back 20 years that say that this domain is something that is very important to look at... So the fact that this is not what other scientists have found to be ideal, by computer programs, doesn't mean that this wasn't manipulated. And they didn't refer to those papers that talked about modifying those domains. I was surprised by that.
Then they [the authors] point out that the furin cleavage site is part of the spike protein, and they said this is not part of any other viruses like this. Well, that wasn't a good argument either, because they do refer to a paper where it [the cleavage site] was inserted by genetic engineers... the fact that it didn't use the standard backbone is not at all a good argument... the conclusions that they draw from it are very speculative and really raise red flags.
...I think that the honest conclusion is that there's a lot of uncertainty and a number of red flags. The red flags are that it was identified in Wuhan—which was a place where they were working on this kind of virus—and that things like this have been genetically engineered in the literature... there was a lot of controversy going back around 2010, 2012 about what are called gain-of-function experiments. Where you take a virus and you try to add factors to its sequence to possibly make it more dangerous.
In December of 2017, they rescinded the ban, and said that as of 2018 they would begin to issue grants for gain-of-function experiments. Now here we are a year-and-a-half after that and we have something that looks like a gain-of-function. So I think that it was certainly research going on in the U.S. and in collaboration with China that was doing gain-of-function experiments...
...I think that one thing that we found (the ongoing cover-up of COVID-19 by Fauci, WHO, Collins, Gates, Daszak, etc.) —and this is actually a theme of the book, “Biotech Juggernaut,” that I wrote with historian Tina Stevens... we found that very unconvincing... scientists that are backed by corporations, by patents, by business interests—have a strong stake in doing these things, trying them out even though they might have adverse effects... these are very complex systems, and if you put something simple into a complex system that wasn't there before... you can get all sorts of poisons being unleashed that weren't there before but are induced by the new engineered form... this virus killed every mouse that it encountered, it became absolutely lethal for all mice... They had no idea that was going to happen, they put a known gene into a known virus and they got something completely unexpected... it was just too dangerous to try. And this is where we may have messed up ...it's as plausible to me as any other thing I've seen... I would be an advocate for banning gain-of-function experiments. And it's a little bit ambiguous because as I said, we don't know what a gene is going to do when it's in a new context... we have to maybe increase containment when we're working with things like coronaviruses and other kinds of viruses that have caused problems in the past.
...I think it's more likely to have originated in a lab... somebody touched something, and walked out with it on part of their skin... Or it might have been an animal that somehow got discarded incorrectly or something like that. A leak could take many different forms. But I think that the fact that there was this high containment research going on in the same city is very suspicious to me.
...there's a case where you're not using a standard isolate, you're not using a standard backbone, you're using things from the wild, from patients. There’s a fair amount of virus research that goes on that way also, just isolates from animals and isolates from patients. So this idea (the absurd idea of Andersen et al., 2020, that because it was not from a kit, it was not engineered!!! C-mon!) about starting with one backbone and modifying it just doesn't happen typically.
...if it seems to have something new, then it kind of spreads virally itself. You know on Twitter and on social media. As a scientist I look at Twitter to find out what other scientists are talking about, even before they publish papers on it... something came out in Science magazine just this week saying that this particular coronavirus has a lot of sites on it’s spike protein that have numerous glycans, sugar groups attached to them. And these sugar groups both help it to bind to the human cells, but also protect the virus from being seen by the immune system. So it's kind of like a perfect storm... much worse, it’s more protected and more avid."
"Eco Health Alliance (of Peter Daszak), who have been in the news plenty recently, was apparently using U.S. taxpayer funds to fund the Wuhan lab as an end-run around the ban." Jonathan Latham.
"The ban has now been reversed by the Trump administration. That's what looks like happened, because the grant clearly lays open the possibility of doing gain-of-function type research, and mixing and matching potential pandemic pathogenic viruses."
"He has quite a record, Tony Fauci (with 35 years in power!). I wish the media was slightly more skeptical of his credentials. He's been involved in a whole series of questionable events, and what it comes down to for me is, you've got these people running the research situation in the U.S., they have been in power for a long time. Francis Collins is the head of the National Institutes of Health, he's been there for 20 years. These are basically like dictators. It used to be the case that these research heads would come and go in a three, or four, or five year period... What was once a democracy, what was once controlled democratically, and what was a research-led project is becoming more of a corrupt kind of corporate led, in-group cabal of interests, that are running a U.S. research agenda. They have nothing to do with the public interest, and nothing to do with health."
"The NIH has given about $15 million to an organization called the Eco Health Alliance, and the head of that is Peter Daszak. They have used that money for funding biology research in other countries, developing countries for the most part. They've been dispensing that money to do the kind of research that many people find problematic—collecting viruses and doing experiments on them in the lab, as a way of claiming to be estimating pandemic risks... they were the funders of the grant for gain-of-function type research at the Wuhan lab, that started in 2014. If this really was an end run around the ban on gain-of-function research, they were the conduit. They've been basically using U.S. taxpayer money to fund this research abroad... There's a complicated situation here. If you look at their supporters, if you look at their funders—the funds mostly are public money—but if you look at their supporters, if you look at their policy advisers, you come up with a very interesting list of people."
"Firstly, the policy advisors are people like the Gates Foundation, the World Health Organization, the CDC, the NIH, and there's even British public health institutions. On the one hand you’ve got those kind of research interests who want to get NIH public money—they've [Eco Health Alliance] got $15 million, that's quite a decent pot."
"On the other hand, you have Eco Health Alliance listing corporations as part of their support network. Of the corporations listed, a few of them are chemical companies, and other ones are things like Johnson & Johnson, there is also Colgate Palmolive, there is also Reckitt Benckiser, which is another detergent, hygienic preparedness-type company. You start to see a pattern, which is that these are companies that use large amounts of palm oil. These companies are, in my opinion, attempting to divert the narrative around the destruction of the rainforests, away from the idea of palm oil, and agribusiness and big companies, and directing that towards blaming the little guys—the little guys who do the wildlife trading, the little guys who cut down the forests with their hand axes, and the people involved in the medical trade, and the wet markets of China."
"But if you want to make connections between public health, and rainforest destruction and ecological destruction, the people you should be looking at are the palm oil plantations, the cattle plantations, the soybeans and the loggers. These are the big interests that are destroying the rainforest. But what you see in the interviews with members of the Eco Health Alliance is they go from “rainforests are being destroyed” directly into a narrative about wildlife trade, of people coming into contact with wild animals, wild bats, wild pangolins and so forth. This is a total mis-description of what is really going on. So while they profess all this concern for the rainforest, they're not addressing the number one drivers of its destruction."
"You see where the interest of the palm oil people comes in; you get the public trust of scientists who will talk about their important research to do with viruses, of virus research, and how they're collecting viruses from the wild, but they are the spokespeople for this movement. The New York Times, Science magazine, Nature magazine, The Guardian, New Scientist; all these media go to Peter Daszack, to members of the Eco Health Alliance, and they ask them about how to prevent pandemics, and how to stop the destruction of the rainforests, and these One Health people—One Health is kind of an umbrella term—is overlapping with the Eco Health Alliance. These people will point you towards wildlife trading. The Chinese government even bought into this narrative, and shut down the Wuhan market, and shut down all these places that, quite likely, were not the original location of the outbreak in the first place. So we come back to the question of ‘Did it come from a lab...?"
"...it's astounding how little digging the media has done. You have China's only BSL-4 lab at the epicenter of this epidemic, in a part of China where you wouldn't expect the bat virus to emerge. China has a population of a billion to 1.3 billion people. Wuhan is a city of 11 million people. If you do the math, there's a pretty remote concatenation of chances. Why doesn't the media dig into that question? It's so obvious, and yet they haven't done it."
"If you research this you're going to offend the vaccine makers, you're going to offend the Chinese government, you're going to offend agribusiness, we're going to upset the research community, and the scientific community in general... These are enemies of free thought at this point. You can't come down firmly on one side (the "natural" origin of COVID-19), based on not having a clue what happened in that lab, and call it a fact."
Some references:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFH8XOLjdJc: "Genetically engineered human-animal chimeras – what could go wrong?"
https://www.dailywire.com/news/nashville-man-told-by-state-hes-positive-for-coronavirus-he-was-never-tested (Just one of the numerous notes of the thousands upon thousands of "False Positives" for COVID-19).
Also denouncing the perverted, planet and individuals controlling freak of the WHO (one more time!):
And then, I want to end with you looking at another perverted document by the WHO, this goes back to 2005 (updated in 2008), where we read the adulteration of definitions with a perverted motive of gain advantage over the individual body in even more perverted ways that what is already happening today at the airports due to Bush and his wretched government, which itself with foreign help caused 9/11 in order to limit the freedoms of humanity.
So, in this document:
https://www.who.int/ihr/9789241596664/en/ (https://archive.vn/iqnCG)
We read a aberracy on travesting and twisting the definitions as for the perverted globalists to be able to grope cute and young ladies with not even the smallest impediment at all, but that is not all, they will also be able to inject you with any microchip that thew want (unless you say "NO" and refuse then to take the trip that you wanted to take...), so, in the page 15 of that perverted document, we read two twisted, as all that they do, definitions:
"“intrusive” means possibly provoking discomfort through close or intimate contact or questioning;
“invasive” means the puncture or incision of the skin or insertion of an instrument or foreign material into the body or the examination of a body cavity. For the purposes of these Regulations, medical examination of the ear, nose and mouth, temperature assessment using an ear, oral or cutaneous thermometer, or thermal imaging; medical inspection; auscultation; external palpation; retinoscopy; external collection of urine, faeces or saliva samples; external measurement of blood pressure; and electrocardiography shall be considered to be non-invasive"
So, these wretched and perverted peoples of the WHO said that according to them: "cutaneous thermometer, or thermal imaging; medical inspection; auscultation; external palpation", and they say that all of this, and plus: "and electrocardiography shall be considered to be non-invasive"!!!
So, and let me be sarcastic of their regulations and definitions for you to get their full preversity: @rub her... "external palpation", to detect the heart-beat, expecting everyone to be scared as hell; put your hand inside her... "medical" inspection", because, who knows, there may be a "weapon" hidden there, or erstwhile a dangerous "disease" awaiting if not stopped the traveler's destination; massage her... "auscultation" to get her "temperature", and all of that shall be according to their criminal brains something: "non-invasive"!!!"
Plus: They can also "legally" according to their twisted brains, be "invasive" injecting you with whatever they want in order for you to travel, and their so perverted brain had already planned it all since 2005 (and they wished it happened with the pretext of this Pandemic that they themselves released with such purposes)!!!
Also it can be "invasive", "the examination of a body cavity", so not only the touch, but now if they want they can insert a microlens to verify at their full pleasure in their big screens the gonadal details of their unaware "victims"!!!
So, say NO to their depravate plans and long-salivated projects to gain a full control of your individuality in every single aspect that they wish!!! (Only God can get us out of this mayhem of evil!!!)
Updated Jul 23, 2020, 5:02 PM
You tagged Lambert Dolphin
My posting of today at the Research Gate: "By Sørensen, Dalgleish & Susrud: The Evidence which Suggests that This Is No Naturally Evolved Virus: A Reconstructed Historical Aetiology of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike https://www.minervanett.no/files/2020/07/13/TheEvidenceNoNaturalEvol.pdf, this is their second amazing article on the subject. Hopefully somebody really important and not only us insignificant researchers could do something about the restraint of the current deliberate madness of the satanic globalists that want a full control of the individual using COVID-19 as their pre-planned "pretext". "The SARS-CoV-2 general mode of action is as a co-receptor dependent phagocyte" "SARS-CoV-2 is possessed of dual action capability" "simultaneously it is capable of binding to ACE2 receptors" "the likelihood of this being the result of natural processes is very small" "The spike has six inserts which are unique fingerprints with five salient features indicative of purposive manipulation." "a diachronic dimension by analysing a sequence of four linked published research projects which, we suggest, show by deduction how, where, when and by whom the SARS-CoV-2 Spike acquired its special characteristics... the criteria of means, timing, agent and place..." "Why does this matter?" "...a salutary review of failed vaccine programmes... (while our proposal is) not included in the Nature review..." "the eight methodologies reviewed in Nature are unlikely to prove immunogenic... especially RNA vectored models, may carry significant risk of Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE)... we have seen such a story before over thirty years in the failure of all three mainstream vaccine approaches to HIV, which we predicted but were disbelieved" "the SARS-CoV-2 Spike ...is highly singular, possessed of features that we have not seen before and which are not present in other SARS viruses of that clade." "inserts placed on the surface of the Spike receptor binding domain... That SARS-CoV-2 has charged inserts is not in dispute (Zhou (with the man suspect Zheng-Li Shi) et al., 2020)" "the SARS-CoV-2 Spike carries significant additional charge (isoelectric point (pI) pI=8.2)"!!!, compared to human SARS-CoV-1 Spike "(pI = 5.67)" "Basic domains - partly inserted, partly substituted amino acids and partly redistributed from outside the receptor binding domain - explain the salt bridges formed between the SARS-CoV-2 Spike and its co-receptors on the cell membrane" "they suggested, therefore sustain an hypothesis of natural evolution (Andersen et al., 2020). We do not agree... in a forthcoming companion article to this one, about three other viruses of interest, we will discuss further" "Andersen et al cite two authorities which actually say the reverse of what they say that they say... Wan et al say that the SARS-CoV-2 binding to the ACE2 receptor confirms the accuracy of the structural predictions... Wan et al contradicts Andersen et al's opinion that it is improbable that the virus could have emerged through laboratory manipulation" "Sheahan et al go on to explain that by in vitro evolution of the chimeric virus icSZ16-S on human airway epithelial (HAE) cells in the lab, they have been able to produce two new viruses binding to such HAE cells. Therefore this reference supports the very opposite of the Andersen et al hypothesis. We are immediately wary of any paper containing such egregious errors" "make natural evolution a less likely explanation than purposive manipulation, specifically for Gain of Function" "a designed mutated strain (initially) lacking the furin cleavage site residues was used" "there are 6 inserts which make the SARS-CoV-2 Spike structurally special" "and there are five salient features that strengthen the case for purposive manipulation in the laboratory": 1. A major part of the spike protein has human-like domains with matured transmission adaption... 78.4% of 6 amino acid windows are human like...a built-in stealth property... remarkably well-adapted virus for human co-existence"!!! "Such high human similarity also implies a high risk for the ("vaccine") development of severe adverse events/toxicity and even Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE)" "surprisingly, this characteristic is present from the very first isolate (Zhan et al, 2020). This is something that does not sit well with an hypothesis of natural evolution" "2. The Spike displays new amino acid inserts with condensed cumulative charge, all of which are surface exposed" "Being physically located on the surface of the Spike protein greatly increases the infectivity and pathogenicity of the virus, enabling these inserts to participate in binding to co-receptors/negatively charged... even...to the negatively charged phospholipid heads on the cell membrane" With not even a need for a receptor!!! "typically the objective of gain of function experiments... a strong indicator of manipulation" "3. The concentration of positive charge is on the receptor binding domain near the receptor binding motif at the top of the Spike protein... explained by an hypothesis of purposive manipulation" "of the Spike trimer, the majority of the positive charged amino acids are located near or on the top of the spike protein giving the receptor binding domain a pI=8.906, while the Cov-2 specific Cys538-Cys590 bridge brings in additional charge from 526-560 (with even higher pI=10.03) via the Cys391-Cys525 to positions right next to the receptor binding motif (where the ACE2 receptor is located)... this ...facilitates the dual mode capability, allowing binding to ACE2 and/or to co-receptors/attachments receptors... such ACE2 independent attachment and infectivity is happening and is evidenced clinically by the Covid-19 disease pattern... also reported by Zhou et al" (since "2018")!!! Other "receptors ...most likely to be involved are CLEC4M/DC-SIGN (CD209)" "charged amino acids belong to the hydrophilic group of amino acids and are most likely surface exposed" "4. The Spike is so configured that it can bind to cell tissue without use of the ACE2 receptor... Covid-19 ...compromises the functions of olfaction and bitter/sweet (taste) receptors, erythrocytes, t-cells, neurons and various tissues such as intestine epithelia", etc. "5. Location and concentration of charge on the attachment receptor CLEC4M/DC-SIGN (C-type Lectin domain family 4 member M (CLEC4M)/ Dendritic Cell-Specific Intercellular adhesion molecule-3-Grabbing Non-integrin(DC-SIGNR) also known as CD209) (Marzi et al., 2004)... the CLEC4M attachment receptor shows an overall pI=5.23 where the C-type lectin tail 274-390 has a pI=4.4. However, due to the two disulfide bonds Cys296-Cys389 and Cys368-Cys381 the C-terminal part of the tail is pulled back to a domain around position 296. This condensed negatively charged domain is ready for formation of salt-bridges with similar condensed opposite charged amino acids structures on the S1 RBD of SARS-CoV-2... these capabilities were developed between 2008 - 2015... a trial to demonstrate a newly discovered attachment/co-receptor by field testing and verification"!!!!!, this gets harder to reason for normal, not CCP pawns of China, as it may indicate that the six miners of the MMP study were humans used deliberately as guinea-pigs for the "greater good" of spreading communism world-wide, the ultimate "goal" of the WHO, Gates, Fauci, NIAID, Eco"Hell", etc... "the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) team had discovered the functionalities of CLEC4M/DC-SIGN/CD209 receptors in the new SADS-CoV isolate and the fact that it could bind to positive charge (Ref: https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q9NNX6 (CD209) and https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q9H2X3)... they wanted to do a field test of the described functionalities, the best conditions for doing so would be in connection with an ongoing viral infection"!!! "...there are 2 charged domains on SADS that are likely to contribute to attachment receptor binding located in domains 330-360 and 540-560 respectively. Recollect that we have identified a similar highly charged structure on SARS-CoV-2 within the edge of the RBD domain (526-560) with pI=10.03 which is brought right into the core of the RBD (to approximately position 400) by Cys-Cys bridging of the domain (538-590)... similar to that which can be observed for SADS. This new Cys-Cys property inserted into the SARS-CoV-2 Spike does not exist in SARS-CoV... not... by ""natural" evolution""!!!!!!! "we now add here a forensic analysis"!!!! Then, about the Piece O.S that the CCP indeed is, as it is acknowledged by everybody, except by its partners in crime (such as the criminal Gates that even supports and protects them!!!, or the cover-upers of the CCP, the prostituted WHO, NIH, CDC, FDA, FAO, etc...) they say: "...international access has not been allowed to the relevant laboratories or materials, since Chinese scientists who wished to share their knowledge have not been able to do so and indeed since it appears that preserved virus material and related information have been destroyed, we are compelled to apply deduction... the evidence below attains a high level of confidence": "1. In 2008, Dr Shi ...linked gain-of-function projects which lead to SARS-CoV-2's exact functionalities... discovered via SADS ...field-tested..." "Ren et al (2008, including Shi) ...successfully demonstrated technical capabilities to interchange RBD’s between bat SARS-like and human SARS viruses (they state): “... a minimal insert region (amino acids 310 to 518) was found to be sufficient to convert the SL-CoV S from non-ACE2 binding to human ACE2 binding" "2. In 2010 scientists from the 'Special Viruses' section of the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) were engaged in 'gain of function' experiments, jointly with international collaborators, to increase SARS-CoV infectiousness for humans." Note: So, their research is in the good company of the Nobel Price of 2008, Luc Montagnier, for discovering the HIV (defeating in the process to one of the most corrupt individuals, as his repugnant pal, director of NIAID for some 30 years is today), whose key clip is also added here, for the history of this awful, pre-planed situation, to look in retrospect, once this one is completely defeated at its roots!!! But the fight continues as follows: "They used an HIV pseudo virus to express seven bat ACE2 receptors and compared their binding properties to human ACE2 receptors in order to pick the best for further optimizing a SARS-like coronavirus’s ability to bind to human cells. They also found that some bat ACE2 receptors are very close to human ACE2 receptors. This study provided a model system for testing the most infectious of SARS-CoV-like viruses which already had been selected in a vast survey of Chinese bat populations between 2005 – 2013 (Xu L et al., 2016)... Further new viruses were identified between 2012-2015 (Lin et al., 2017)." And the next one is a "classic" of infamy: "3. In 2015 scientists from the 'Special Viruses' section of the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) were engaged in 'gain of function' experiments jointly with a majority team from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill... a mouse adapted chimeric virus SHC014-MA15 which binds to and can proliferate on human upper airway cells (2B4 Calu-3 - a cell line contributed by Chapel Hill):" "...and achieve in vitro titers equivalent to epidemic strains of SARS-CoV", say there the cynical Baric and Zheng-Li. "...it is a high priority in further investigations to ascertain precisely from Chapel Hill lab records the exact donor provenance of 2B4 Calu-3. The lead Wuhan scientist, who provided the CoV material, was Dr Zheng-Li Shi ("provided SHC014 spike sequences and plasmids"). We note that what is described here are, in fact, precisely SARS-CoV-2 properties." "Menachery et al reported that it may be hard to develop a vaccine against SHC014-MA15" "the 2015 experiment advanced the 2010 work by perfecting in animal trials a virus optimised to infect the human upper respiratory tract" "a surprising observation is that the paper states that this research consortium has permission to continue this research. It appears that optimisation gain of function work on this chimeric virus did continue... (both with Baric and) ...in the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV)". "4. In 2018, as discussed earlier, Dr Shi's close colleague Peng Zhou, with others, investigated a coronavirus outbreak associated with a fatal Swine Acute Diarrhoea Syndrome (SADS) in Guangdong... 25,000 piglets died... SADS is a CoV infection utilising new tissue-specific binding domains... Pigs ...have immune systems very similar to humans." "in the Covid-19 pandemic, a well-reported symptom in the early phase of the infection is loss of taste, headache and a sore throat": "Over the past several years, taste receptors have emerged as key players in the regulation of innate immune defenses in the mammalian respiratory tract. Several cell types in the airway, including ciliated epithelial cells, solitary chemosensory cells, and bronchial smooth muscle cells, all display chemoresponsive properties that utilize taste receptors." (Workman et al., 2015)". So, "the reconstructed historical aetiology of the Spike (is) as follows:" "1) In 2008, Dr Zheng-Li Si and WIV colleagues successfully demonstrated technical capabilities to interchange RBD’s between bat SARS-like and human SARS viruses. Building upon this, 2) the 2010 work (Hou et al., 2010) perfected the ability to express receptors on human cells. On these foundations, 3) (In 2015) the central Gain of Function work that underpins the functionalities of SARS-CoV-2 took place, carrying the WIV spike and plasmid materials to bond successfully to a UNC Chapel Hill human epithelial cell-line. This work (Menachery et al., 2015) produced a highly infectious chimeric virus optimised to the human upper respiratory tract. In convergent support of this hypothesis, both Lu (Lu et al., 2020) and Jia (Jia et al., 2020) have now, in January and April 2020, shown that SARS-CoV-2 has a bat SARS-like backbone but is carrying an RBD from a human SARS and Zhan et al. (2020), have, like us, noted unusual adaption to humans from the first isolate. In the 2015 Chapel Hill work it was only ACE2 receptors that were discussed. However, 4) in 2018 Zhou P. et al., demonstrated capabilities to clone other receptors like APN and DPP4 and to test and compare these against the (intestine) tissue specific SADS-CoV identified. Then, in the 2019-20 Covid-19 pandemic, profuse symptoms indicating compromise of the bitter/sweet receptors are reported. Taken all together, this implies that by employing insights gained after 2015, as just deduced, a further optimization of the 2015 chimeric virus for additional binding to receptors/co-receptors such as bitter/sweet specific upper airway epithelia receptors occurred (in 2018). That would help to explain the otherwise puzzling high infectivity and pathology associated with SARS-CoV-2 and hence also help to explain the social epidemiology of its spread." "Conclusion We have deduced the internal logic of published research which resulted in the exact functionalities of SARS-CoV-2..." Additionally, in this wretched document: https://apps.who.int/gpmb/assets/annual_report/GPMB_annualreport_2019.pdf (saved at: https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://apps.who.int/gpmb/assets/annual_report/GPMB_annualreport_2019.pdf ), we have in plain sight the plan to take over humanity with the pretext of a "Pandemic", the globalists are already in their non-conventional "Third World War" against humanity and most of humans are still unawares. In the photos of that perverted double-talk document, we have the four main suspects of having organized this "Plandemic" aligned, in the photos of page 42: 1) The "Gates Foundation", 2) Fauci, king of NIAID for 30 years and five presidencies, 3) Gao, from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), 4) The corrupt and perverted WHO; the first and the third were deeply involved in the "Event 201" in complicity with the WEF and the Johns Hopkins. I think that all that we can do to revert the current trend of annihilation of the individual will be deeply helpful before it is to late."
My posting of today at the Research Gate: "By Sørensen, Dalgleish & Susrud: The Evidence which Suggests that This Is No Naturally Evolved Virus: A Reconstructed Historical Aetiology of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike https://www.minervanett.no/files/2020/07/13/TheEvidenceNoNaturalEvol.pdf, this is their second amazing article on the subject. Hopefully somebody really important and not only us insignificant researchers could do something about the restraint of the current deliberate madness of the satanic globalists that want a full control of the individual using COVID-19 as their pre-planned "pretext".

"The SARS-CoV-2 general mode of action is as a co-receptor dependent phagocyte"

"SARS-CoV-2 is possessed of dual action capability"

"simultaneously it is capable of binding to ACE2 receptors"

"the likelihood of this being the result of natural processes is very small"

"The spike has six inserts which are unique fingerprints with five salient features indicative of purposive manipulation."

"a diachronic dimension by analysing a sequence of four linked published research projects which, we suggest, show by deduction how, where, when and by whom the SARS-CoV-2 Spike acquired its special characteristics... the criteria of means, timing, agent and place..."

"Why does this matter?"

"...a salutary review of failed vaccine programmes... (while our proposal is) not included in the Nature review..."

"the eight methodologies reviewed in Nature are unlikely to prove immunogenic... especially RNA vectored models, may carry significant risk of Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE)... we have seen such a story before over thirty years in the failure of all three mainstream vaccine approaches to HIV, which we predicted but were disbelieved"

"the SARS-CoV-2 Spike ...is highly singular, possessed of features that we have not seen before and which are not present in other SARS viruses of that clade."

"inserts placed on the surface of the Spike receptor binding domain... That SARS-CoV-2 has charged inserts is not in dispute (Zhou (with the man suspect Zheng-Li Shi) et al., 2020)"

"the SARS-CoV-2 Spike carries significant additional charge (isoelectric point (pI) pI=8.2)"!!!, compared to human SARS-CoV-1 Spike "(pI = 5.67)"

"Basic domains - partly inserted, partly substituted amino acids and partly redistributed from outside the receptor binding domain - explain the salt bridges formed between the SARS-CoV-2 Spike and its co-receptors on the cell membrane"

"they suggested, therefore sustain an hypothesis of natural evolution (Andersen et al., 2020). We do not agree... in a forthcoming companion article to this one, about three other viruses of interest, we will discuss further"

"Andersen et al cite two authorities which actually say the reverse of what they say that they say... Wan et al say that the SARS-CoV-2 binding to the ACE2 receptor confirms the accuracy of the structural predictions... Wan et al contradicts Andersen et al's opinion that it is improbable that the virus could have emerged through laboratory manipulation"

"Sheahan et al go on to explain that by in vitro evolution of the chimeric virus icSZ16-S on human airway epithelial (HAE) cells in the lab, they have been able to produce two new viruses binding to such HAE cells. Therefore this reference supports the very opposite of the Andersen et al hypothesis. We are immediately wary of any paper containing such egregious errors"

"make natural evolution a less likely explanation than purposive manipulation, specifically for Gain of Function"

"a designed mutated strain (initially) lacking the furin cleavage site residues was used"

"there are 6 inserts which make the SARS-CoV-2 Spike structurally special"

"and there are five salient features that strengthen the case for purposive manipulation in the laboratory":

1. A major part of the spike protein has human-like domains with matured transmission adaption... 78.4% of 6 amino acid windows are human like...a built-in stealth property... remarkably well-adapted virus for human co-existence"!!!

"Such high human similarity also implies a high risk for the ("vaccine") development of severe adverse events/toxicity and even Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE)"

"surprisingly, this characteristic is present from the very first isolate (Zhan et al, 2020). This is something that does not sit well with an hypothesis of natural evolution"

"2. The Spike displays new amino acid inserts with condensed cumulative charge, all of which are surface exposed"

"Being physically located on the surface of the Spike protein greatly increases the infectivity and pathogenicity of the virus, enabling these inserts to participate in binding to co-receptors/negatively charged... even...to the negatively charged phospholipid heads on the cell membrane" With not even a need for a receptor!!!

"typically the objective of gain of function experiments... a strong indicator of manipulation"

"3. The concentration of positive charge is on the receptor binding domain near the receptor binding motif at the top of the Spike protein... explained by an hypothesis of purposive manipulation"

"of the Spike trimer, the majority of the positive charged amino acids are located near or on the top of the spike protein giving the receptor binding domain a pI=8.906, while the Cov-2 specific Cys538-Cys590 bridge brings in additional charge from 526-560 (with even higher pI=10.03) via the Cys391-Cys525 to positions right next to the receptor binding motif (where the ACE2 receptor is located)... this ...facilitates the dual mode capability, allowing binding to ACE2 and/or to co-receptors/attachments receptors... such ACE2 independent attachment and infectivity is happening and is evidenced clinically by the Covid-19 disease pattern... also reported by Zhou et al" (since "2018")!!!

Other "receptors ...most likely to be involved are CLEC4M/DC-SIGN (CD209)"

"charged amino acids belong to the hydrophilic group of amino acids and are most likely surface exposed"

"4. The Spike is so configured that it can bind to cell tissue without use of the ACE2 receptor... Covid-19 ...compromises the functions of olfaction and bitter/sweet (taste) receptors, erythrocytes, t-cells, neurons and various tissues such as intestine epithelia", etc.

"5. Location and concentration of charge on the attachment receptor CLEC4M/DC-SIGN (C-type Lectin domain family 4 member M (CLEC4M)/ Dendritic Cell-Specific Intercellular adhesion molecule-3-Grabbing Non-integrin(DC-SIGNR) also known as CD209) (Marzi et al., 2004)... the CLEC4M attachment receptor shows an overall pI=5.23 where the C-type lectin tail 274-390 has a pI=4.4. However, due to the two disulfide bonds Cys296-Cys389 and Cys368-Cys381 the C-terminal part of the tail is pulled back to a domain around position 296. This condensed negatively charged domain is ready for formation of salt-bridges with similar condensed opposite charged amino acids structures on the S1 RBD of SARS-CoV-2... these capabilities were developed between 2008 - 2015... a trial to demonstrate a newly discovered attachment/co-receptor by field testing and verification"!!!!!, this gets harder to reason for normal, not CCP pawns of China, as it may indicate that the six miners of the MMP study were humans used deliberately as guinea-pigs for the "greater good" of spreading communism world-wide, the ultimate "goal" of the WHO, Gates, Fauci, NIAID, Eco"Hell", etc...

"the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) team had discovered the functionalities of CLEC4M/DC-SIGN/CD209 receptors in the new SADS-CoV isolate and the fact that it could bind to positive charge (Ref: https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q9NNX6 (CD209) and https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q9H2X3)... they wanted to do a field test of the described functionalities, the best conditions for doing so would be in connection with an ongoing viral infection"!!!

"...there are 2 charged domains on SADS that are likely to contribute to attachment receptor binding located in domains 330-360 and 540-560 respectively. Recollect that we have identified a similar highly charged structure on SARS-CoV-2 within the edge of the RBD domain (526-560) with pI=10.03 which is brought right into the core of the RBD (to approximately position 400) by Cys-Cys bridging of the domain (538-590)... similar to that which can be observed for SADS. This new Cys-Cys property inserted into the SARS-CoV-2 Spike does not exist in SARS-CoV... not... by ""natural" evolution""!!!!!!!

"we now add here a forensic analysis"!!!!

Then, about the Piece O.S that the CCP indeed is, as it is acknowledged by everybody, except by its partners in crime (such as the criminal Gates that even supports and protects them!!!, or the cover-upers of the CCP, the prostituted WHO, NIH, CDC, FDA, FAO, etc...) they say: "...international access has not been allowed to the relevant laboratories or materials, since Chinese scientists who wished to share their knowledge have not been able to do so and indeed since it appears that preserved virus material and related information have been destroyed, we are compelled to apply deduction... the evidence below attains a high level of confidence":

"1. In 2008, Dr Shi ...linked gain-of-function projects which lead to SARS-CoV-2's exact functionalities... discovered via SADS ...field-tested..."

"Ren et al (2008, including Shi) ...successfully demonstrated technical capabilities to interchange RBD’s between bat SARS-like and human SARS viruses (they state): “... a minimal insert region (amino acids 310 to 518) was found to be sufficient to convert the SL-CoV S from non-ACE2 binding to human ACE2 binding"

"2. In 2010 scientists from the 'Special Viruses' section of the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) were engaged in 'gain of function' experiments, jointly with international collaborators, to increase SARS-CoV infectiousness for humans."

Note: So, their research is in the good company of the Nobel Price of 2008, Luc Montagnier, for discovering the HIV (defeating in the process to one of the most corrupt individuals, as his repugnant pal, director of NIAID for some 30 years is today), whose key clip is also added here, for the history of this awful, pre-planed situation, to look in retrospect, once this one is completely defeated at its roots!!! But the fight continues as follows:

"They used an HIV pseudo virus to express seven bat ACE2 receptors and compared their binding properties to human ACE2 receptors in order to pick the best for further optimizing a SARS-like coronavirus’s ability to bind to human cells. They also found that some bat ACE2 receptors are very close to human ACE2 receptors. This study provided a model system for testing the most infectious of SARS-CoV-like viruses which already had been selected in a vast survey of Chinese bat populations between 2005 – 2013 (Xu L et al., 2016)... Further new viruses were identified between 2012-2015 (Lin et al., 2017)."

And the next one is a "classic" of infamy:

"3. In 2015 scientists from the 'Special Viruses' section of the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) were engaged in 'gain of function' experiments jointly with a majority team from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill... a mouse adapted chimeric virus SHC014-MA15 which binds to and can proliferate on human upper airway cells (2B4 Calu-3 - a cell line contributed by Chapel Hill):"

"...and achieve in vitro titers equivalent to epidemic strains of SARS-CoV", say there the cynical Baric and Zheng-Li.

"...it is a high priority in further investigations to ascertain precisely from Chapel Hill lab records the exact donor provenance of 2B4 Calu-3. The lead Wuhan scientist, who provided the CoV material, was Dr Zheng-Li Shi ("provided SHC014 spike sequences and plasmids"). We note that what is described here are, in fact, precisely SARS-CoV-2 properties."

"Menachery et al reported that it may be hard to develop a vaccine against SHC014-MA15"

"the 2015 experiment advanced the 2010 work by perfecting in animal trials a virus optimised to infect the human upper respiratory tract"

"a surprising observation is that the paper states that this research consortium has permission to continue this research. It appears that optimisation gain of function work on this chimeric virus did continue... (both with Baric and) ...in the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV)".

"4. In 2018, as discussed earlier, Dr Shi's close colleague Peng Zhou, with others, investigated a coronavirus outbreak associated with a fatal Swine Acute Diarrhoea Syndrome (SADS) in Guangdong... 25,000 piglets died... SADS is a CoV infection utilising new tissue-specific binding domains... Pigs ...have immune systems very similar to humans."

"in the Covid-19 pandemic, a well-reported symptom in the early phase of the infection is loss of taste, headache and a sore throat": "Over the past several years, taste receptors have emerged as key players in the regulation of innate immune defenses in the mammalian respiratory tract. Several cell types in the airway, including ciliated epithelial cells, solitary chemosensory cells, and bronchial smooth muscle cells, all display chemoresponsive properties that utilize taste receptors." (Workman et al., 2015)".

So, "the reconstructed historical aetiology of the Spike (is) as follows:"

"1) In 2008, Dr Zheng-Li Si and WIV colleagues successfully demonstrated technical capabilities to interchange RBD’s between bat SARS-like and human SARS viruses. Building upon this, 2) the 2010 work (Hou et al., 2010) perfected the ability to express receptors on human cells. On these foundations, 3) (In 2015) the central Gain of Function work that underpins the functionalities of SARS-CoV-2 took place, carrying the WIV spike and plasmid materials to bond successfully to a UNC Chapel Hill human epithelial cell-line. This work (Menachery et al., 2015) produced a highly infectious chimeric virus optimised to the human upper respiratory tract. In convergent support of this hypothesis, both Lu (Lu et al., 2020) and Jia (Jia et al., 2020) have now, in January and April 2020, shown that SARS-CoV-2 has a bat SARS-like backbone but is carrying an RBD from a human SARS and Zhan et al. (2020), have, like us, noted unusual adaption to humans from the first isolate. In the 2015 Chapel Hill work it was only ACE2 receptors that were discussed. However, 4) in 2018 Zhou P. et al., demonstrated capabilities to clone other receptors like APN and DPP4 and to test and compare these against the (intestine) tissue specific SADS-CoV identified. Then, in the 2019-20 Covid-19 pandemic, profuse symptoms indicating compromise of the bitter/sweet receptors are reported. Taken all together, this implies that by employing insights gained after 2015, as just deduced, a further optimization of the 2015 chimeric virus for additional binding to receptors/co-receptors such as bitter/sweet specific upper airway epithelia receptors occurred (in 2018). That would help to explain the otherwise puzzling high infectivity and pathology associated with SARS-CoV-2 and hence also help to explain the social epidemiology of its spread."

We have deduced the internal logic of published research which resulted in the exact functionalities of SARS-CoV-2..."

Additionally, in this wretched document: https://apps.who.int/gpmb/assets/annual_report/GPMB_annualreport_2019.pdf (saved at: https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://apps.who.int/gpmb/assets/annual_report/GPMB_annualreport_2019.pdf ), we have in plain sight the plan to take over humanity with the pretext of a "Pandemic", the globalists are already in their non-conventional "Third World War" against humanity and most of humans are still unawares. In the photos of that perverted double-talk document, we have the four main suspects of having organized this "Plandemic" aligned, in the photos of page 42: 1) The "Gates Foundation", 2) Fauci, king of NIAID for 30 years and five presidencies, 3) Gao, from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), 4) The corrupt and perverted WHO; the first and the third were deeply involved in the "Event 201" in complicity with the WEF and the Johns Hopkins. I think that all that we can do to revert the current trend of annihilation of the individual will be deeply helpful before it is to late."
The Phthalates, like DEHP & DBP, the plan to feminize boys to reduce "the resistance" against the "globalists", inserted into: Baby foods, infant care products, toys, school supplies...: https://branchbasics.com/blog/common-household-chemicals-phthalates-19-surprising-sources, https://archive.vn/dpP4y, https://branchbasics.com/blog/common-household-chemicals-phthalates-19-surprising-sources
Updated Jul 19, 2020, 1:17 PM
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
2 Years Ago
Jul 19, 2019, 8:07 AM
Arte de la China Milenaria!: La cultura Cantonesa de Guangzhou: Esto complementa al mensaje que puse desde la misma China represiva usando un VPN (el CyberGhost, desde su Aeropuerto de 5 estrellas): https://www.facebook.com/fernando.castrochavez.90/posts/2583585851694075, así como al promocional de esta exposición que puse con posterioridad: https://www.facebook.com/fernando.castrochavez.90/posts/2588184794567514; aquí se observa a uno de sus artesanos en plena labor, y la belleza de su jade labrado y de su afamada porcelana, entre muchas otras cosas bellas (pinturas, ropas, labrados, maderas, etc., etc.):
More memories from Guangzhou, 2019:
Updated Jul 19, 2020, 12:09 PM
You tagged Tommy C Dearman
The Science Against The Face Masks (Especially in CHILDREN!!!): Further Damaging The Development Of The Brain Of Your Children By Their Use Of The Face Mask (They Want A Generation Of Idiots To Do As They Please With Them!!!): https://www.bitchute.com/video/OOtNAaD5rayr (The CO2 detector was even unable to capture its real presence as it went BEYOND its limit of numbers, which is 9999)
I say the same!
Updated Jul 18, 2020, 2:58 PM
The last song I dedicate to her: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFtfrd8_K9k, and the last that she dedicates to me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhaCNIpAnPs
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
Y aquí estamos, Estéfano y yo, a la entrada de la Biblioteca del Centro Universitario (C. U.) de la Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara (U.A.G.), donde se encuentra una pareja de Mamuts excavados en Jalisco. Platicábamos el fin de semana, de cómo la segunda glaciación, que fue parcial, en tiempos del diluvio de Noé, arrasó con los grandes mamíferos de todo el mundo; para ver mi estudio Bíblico acerca de esto, favor de dirigirse a, "Las Aguas Arriba ' 2": https://youtu.be/VMzndWIMLD8
5 Years Ago
Jul 18, 2016, 5:17 PM
Y aquí estamos, Estéfano y yo, a la entrada de la Biblioteca del Centro Universitario (C. U.) de la Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara (U.A.G.), donde se encuentra una pareja de Mamuts excavados en Jalisco. Platicábamos el fin de semana, de cómo la segunda glaciación, que fue parcial, en tiempos del diluvio de Noé, arrasó con los grandes mamíferos de todo el mundo; para ver mi estudio Bíblico acerca de esto, favor de dirigirse a, "Las Aguas Arriba ' 2": https://youtu.be/VMzndWIMLD8
Los ciclos de la historia se repiten, ayer se trató de un mamut en la biblioteca de la C. U. de mi primera Alma Mater...:
Updated Jul 18, 2020, 7:25 AM
Las Lucas Locuras De La Gente Maldita (abajo con ella! Y a la derecha, vemos al enfermo mental de Gates, obseso con el control del planeta, sin haber sido elegido por nadie) Que Nos Quiete "vacunar" como pretexto para "Digitalizarnos"... como controla a los medios de comunicación corruptos, que prefieren darle de su caro tiempo televisivo a un loco que nada sabe de medicina pero que tiene suficiente dinero y astucia diabólica como para "comprar" a todos, y a una niña que tampoco sabe nada de nada ni de medicina ni de la vida misma y que tan solo está siendo usada como carnada por las prostitutas de CNN, como lo son la Cooper y el inepto Gupta, pero como ya también lo son, ante mi sorpresa Fernando del Rincón y la Aristegui... (O siempre lo han sido pero no me daba cuenta?). Mientras que la corrupta OMS que le pertenece a Gates, censura a talentos como los Cinco seres de calidad humana y de alto calibre que se ven en la parte de arriba. Estos ni siquiera han sido "noticia" (de notarse) en la porqueriza en la que se ha convertido la "aterradora" (con falsas e infladas cifras durante todo el día) TV vendida de hoy!!!
Updated Jul 17, 2020, 8:51 AM
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
2 Years Ago
Jul 17, 2019, 8:09 AM
More shots from my goings into China from the Philippines, I was the only foreigner within a plane filled with Chinese people, some of them laughed at it, as well as at my flight schedule that I have drown by hand as I had just got it; then, the scheduled departures from the Manila Ninoy Airport can be seen, as well as a set of Muslims sitting at the floor awaiting for their trip to Abu Dhabi:
Here, I reminisce my way back form the Philippines a year ago, coming back to the USA through China, the only one like me amongst a 100% of Chinese, mostly men...
Updated Jul 17, 2020, 7:06 AM
These are the great comments of our dear Nobel Prize of 2008 for discovering the AIDS virus HIV: "Our dear Luc Montagnier made the next comments to my last posting at the ResearchGate, and sent them to our common and talented acquaintance @[1265686482:2048:Jean-claude Perez]: "Sequence alignment show differences between RaTG13 (Sequence of 2020) and Covid 19. Analysis of the samples taken from the dead miners (my note: The six that got infected by a ferocious virus on 2013, very similar to COVID-19) should reveal whether or not they died from a RaTG13 manipulated into Covid-19." LM" " Regarding my last posting at the ResearchGate: "The most recent publications by two PhDs a virologist and a geneticist: Jonathan Latham, & Allison Wilson: "A Proposed Origin for SARS-CoV-2 and the COVID-19 Pandemic": https://www.independentsciencenews.org/commentaries/a-proposed-origin-for-sars-cov-2-and-the-covid-19-pandemic/?fbclid=IwAR22IfkFMlcTUbjefm3GENnmpVeHg29c9oMiCdwh8Ds18zcmdEqhvoJj894 and https://www.independentsciencenews.org/health/the-case-is-building-that-covid-19-had-a-lab-origin/, thanks to biol A.R.C. Furthermore the full original MSc Thesis of the first 2013 COVID-19-likes is available there for download: https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/6981198/Analysis-of-Six-Patients-With-Unknown-Viruses.pdf As they describe the 2013 symptoms of that COVID-19-like scenario (that Shi Zheng-Li has tried to keep on hidden with every single trick in her book: changing names of the strain, omitting that it was a virus then the cause, etc.): "a) dry cough, b) sputum, c) high fevers, especially shortly before death d) difficulty breathing, e) myalgia (sore limbs). Some patients had hiccoughs and headaches... Clinical work established that patients 1-4 had low blood oxygen “for sure it was ARDS” (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) and immune damage considered indicative of viral infection. Additionally, a tendency for thrombosis was noted in patients 2 and 4. Symptom severity and mortality were age-related... Treatment of the six patients included ventilation (patients 2-4), steroids (all patients), antivirals (all except patient 5), and blood thinners (patients 2 and 4). Antibiotics and antifungal medications were administered to counter what were considered secondary (but significant) co-infections... Judging by their clinical symptoms such as the CT scans, all the miner’s infections were primarily of the lungs... the hospitalised miners had very long-term bouts of disease characterised by a continuous high load of virus. In the cases of patients 3 and 4 their illnesses lasted over 4 months..." and most importantly, as per our HIV INSERTIONS (in the word used by Zheng-Li herself!!!): "Furthermore, according to the Master’s thesis, the immune systems of the miners were compromised and remained so even for those discharged"!!! Whoaaaa!!! And also: "Coronaviruses are well known to recombine at very high rates: 10% of all progeny in a cell can be recombinants" Now my question is: Can a coronavirus even pick up in a host a favorable sequence from bacteria???? Regarding multiple "passages" within the lungs of these miners, this is what they say: "...movement around the lungs would likely have resulted in what amounted to a passaging effect without the need for a researcher to infect new tissues. Indeed, in the Master’s thesis the observation is several times made that areas of the lungs of a specific patient would appear to heal even while other parts of the lungs would become infected." Just like today!!! This is their straightforward conclusion: "We suggest, first, that inside the miners RaTG13 (or a very similar virus) evolved into SARS-CoV-2, an unusually pathogenic coronavirus highly adapted to humans. Second, that the Shi lab used medical samples taken from the miners and sent to them by Kunming University Hospital for their research. It was this human-adapted virus, now known as SARS-CoV-2­, that escaped from the WIV in 2019. / We refer to this COVID-19 origin hypothesis as the Mojiang Miners Passage (MMP) hypothesis." Plus the classic statement by, RIP, Mullis, about the uselessness of PCR for estimating viral load: "With regard to the viral-load tests, which attempt to use PCR for counting viruses, Mullis has stated: “Quantitative PCR is an oxymoron.” PCR is intended to identify substances qualitatively, but by its very nature is unsuited for estimating numbers. Although there is a common misimpression that the viral-load tests actually count the number of viruses in the blood, these tests cannot detect free, infectious viruses at all; they can only detect proteins that are believed, in some cases wrongly, to be unique to HIV. The tests can detect genetic sequences of viruses, but not viruses themselves." From: Lauritsen J. Has Provincetown Become Protease Town? [Internet]. Available from: http://www.virusmyth.com/aids/hiv/jlprotease.html Here is the preprint also mentioned in that article of the Preprint of Segreto and now Deigin!!!!: Preprint Is considering a genetic-manipulation origin for SARS-CoV-2 ... Finally this is the link, posted elsewhere, that was removed from ResearchGate, just because it insinuated an ill-hearted trend in those researchers, that like Zheng-Li, were deliberately twisting the evidence to fit their preconceived cover-up ideas!, while Petrovsky was straight as a man since the beginning!!! Kudos to him, and shame on the rest that twist, hide (through the Gis-NO-aid), or even "doctor" the evidence, like Shi and Holmes; so if speaking the truth gets me banned from here, feel free to seek my results of these inquires in the next root page as well, hoping there to find more peace than in FB, YT, RG, etc.: https://fdocc.neocities.org/Petrovsky--Holmes.htm A clear-cut criticism to "cover-upper" Holmes is even raised in the main article at the top of this message, as follows: "At first glance RaTG13 is unlikely to have evolved into SARS-CoV-2 since RaTG13 is approximately 1,200 nucleotides (3.8%) different from SARS-CoV-2. Although RaTG13 is the most closely related virus to SARS-CoV-2, this sequence difference still represents a considerable gap. In a media statement evolutionary virologist Edward Holmes has suggested this gap represents 20-50 years of evolution and others have suggested similar figures. / We agree that ordinary rates of evolution would not allow RaTG13 to evolve into SARS-CoV-2 but we also believe that conditions inside the lungs of the miners were far from ordinary." Will Holmes cry again like a little girl to have that information also removed????"
These are the great comments of our dear Nobel Prize of 2008 for discovering the AIDS virus HIV: "Our dear Luc Montagnier made the next comments to my last posting at the ResearchGate, and sent them to our common and talented acquaintance Jean-claude Perez: "Sequence alignment show differences between RaTG13 (Sequence of 2020) and Covid 19. Analysis of the samples taken from the dead miners (my note: The six that got infected by a ferocious virus on 2013, very similar to COVID-19) should reveal whether or not they died from a RaTG13 manipulated into Covid-19." LM" " Regarding my last posting at the ResearchGate: "The most recent publications by two PhDs a virologist and a geneticist: Jonathan Latham, & Allison Wilson: "A Proposed Origin for SARS-CoV-2 and the COVID-19 Pandemic": https://www.independentsciencenews.org/commentaries/a-proposed-origin-for-sars-cov-2-and-the-covid-19-pandemic/?fbclid=IwAR22IfkFMlcTUbjefm3GENnmpVeHg29c9oMiCdwh8Ds18zcmdEqhvoJj894 and https://www.independentsciencenews.org/health/the-case-is-building-that-covid-19-had-a-lab-origin/, thanks to biol A.R.C.
Furthermore the full original MSc Thesis of the first 2013 COVID-19-likes is available there for download: https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/6981198/Analysis-of-Six-Patients-With-Unknown-Viruses.pdf
As they describe the 2013 symptoms of that COVID-19-like scenario (that Shi Zheng-Li has tried to keep on hidden with every single trick in her book: changing names of the strain, omitting that it was a virus then the cause, etc.): "a) dry cough, b) sputum, c) high fevers, especially shortly before death d) difficulty breathing, e) myalgia (sore limbs). Some patients had hiccoughs and headaches... Clinical work established that patients 1-4 had low blood oxygen “for sure it was ARDS” (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) and immune damage considered indicative of viral infection. Additionally, a tendency for thrombosis was noted in patients 2 and 4. Symptom severity and mortality were age-related... Treatment of the six patients included ventilation (patients 2-4), steroids (all patients), antivirals (all except patient 5), and blood thinners (patients 2 and 4). Antibiotics and antifungal medications were administered to counter what were considered secondary (but significant) co-infections... Judging by their clinical symptoms such as the CT scans, all the miner’s infections were primarily of the lungs... the hospitalised miners had very long-term bouts of disease characterised by a continuous high load of virus. In the cases of patients 3 and 4 their illnesses lasted over 4 months..." and most importantly, as per our HIV INSERTIONS (in the word used by Zheng-Li herself!!!): "Furthermore, according to the Master’s thesis, the immune systems of the miners were compromised and remained so even for those discharged"!!! Whoaaaa!!! And also: "Coronaviruses are well known to recombine at very high rates: 10% of all progeny in a cell can be recombinants" Now my question is: Can a coronavirus even pick up in a host a favorable sequence from bacteria????
Regarding multiple "passages" within the lungs of these miners, this is what they say: "...movement around the lungs would likely have resulted in what amounted to a passaging effect without the need for a researcher to infect new tissues. Indeed, in the Master’s thesis the observation is several times made that areas of the lungs of a specific patient would appear to heal even while other parts of the lungs would become infected." Just like today!!!
This is their straightforward conclusion: "We suggest, first, that inside the miners RaTG13 (or a very similar virus) evolved into SARS-CoV-2, an unusually pathogenic coronavirus highly adapted to humans. Second, that the Shi lab used medical samples taken from the miners and sent to them by Kunming University Hospital for their research. It was this human-adapted virus, now known as SARS-CoV-2­, that escaped from the WIV in 2019. / We refer to this COVID-19 origin hypothesis as the Mojiang Miners Passage (MMP) hypothesis."
Plus the classic statement by, RIP, Mullis, about the uselessness of PCR for estimating viral load: "With regard to the viral-load tests, which attempt to use PCR for counting viruses, Mullis has stated: “Quantitative PCR is an oxymoron.” PCR is intended to identify substances qualitatively, but by its very nature is unsuited for estimating numbers. Although there is a common misimpression that the viral-load tests actually count the number of viruses in the blood, these tests cannot detect free, infectious viruses at all; they can only detect proteins that are believed, in some cases wrongly, to be unique to HIV. The tests can detect genetic sequences of viruses, but not viruses themselves." From: Lauritsen J. Has Provincetown Become Protease Town? [Internet]. Available from: http://www.virusmyth.com/aids/hiv/jlprotease.html
Here is the preprint also mentioned in that article of the Preprint of Segreto and now Deigin!!!!:
Preprint Is considering a genetic-manipulation origin for SARS-CoV-2 ...
Finally this is the link, posted elsewhere, that was removed from ResearchGate, just because it insinuated an ill-hearted trend in those researchers, that like Zheng-Li, were deliberately twisting the evidence to fit their preconceived cover-up ideas!, while Petrovsky was straight as a man since the beginning!!! Kudos to him, and shame on the rest that twist, hide (through the Gis-NO-aid), or even "doctor" the evidence, like Shi and Holmes; so if speaking the truth gets me banned from here, feel free to seek my results of these inquires in the next root page as well, hoping there to find more peace than in FB, YT, RG, etc.: https://fdocc.neocities.org/Petrovsky--Holmes.htm
A clear-cut criticism to "cover-upper" Holmes is even raised in the main article at the top of this message, as follows:
"At first glance RaTG13 is unlikely to have evolved into SARS-CoV-2 since RaTG13 is approximately 1,200 nucleotides (3.8%) different from SARS-CoV-2. Although RaTG13 is the most closely related virus to SARS-CoV-2, this sequence difference still represents a considerable gap. In a media statement evolutionary virologist Edward Holmes has suggested this gap represents 20-50 years of evolution and others have suggested similar figures. / We agree that ordinary rates of evolution would not allow RaTG13 to evolve into SARS-CoV-2 but we also believe that conditions inside the lungs of the miners were far from ordinary."
Will Holmes cry again like a little girl to have that information also removed????"
Fernando Castro-Chavez
La segunda parte del gran programa de @[876355292:2048:Stefano Macedo Reyes] con @[100000268184927:2048:Manuel Murillo] https://www.facebook.com/KardagarCoaching/videos/1194328894267668/, poniendo los puntos sobre las íes:
Updated Jul 16, 2020, 9:59 PM
Remember your FREEDOM:
Remember your FREEDOM:
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
2 Years Ago
Jul 16, 2019, 1:03 PM
So, the Airport of Guangzhou is considered a five star one, specially because of its exquisite museum with the arts and crafts of the region: Cantonese and elementary for all of it that the Chinese culture is, as it originated there its works in porcelain, the paintings of the face and body typically Chinese, the clothing and costumes (including those long dragon ones were several people fits inside), the paintings with written and soothing messages in Chinese, the bronze, the fine carving over jade, ivory, etc., etc., the cake industry and its shapes, etc. (so, as I am able, I will be posting the additional pictures I took of such peculiar art):
Memories of my path through Guangzhou, other days, other times:
Updated Jul 16, 2020, 8:36 AM
The Positive Thinking: I Can Win The Heart Of The One That My Heart Desires!!! Dedicated by her and to her, to succeed, thanks my MaKaMi, from your Kiamoy!!!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5HKMfRzEgM
Updated Jul 15, 2020, 8:54 PM
Starting at Minute 44:44: Ep. 31 – Top Medical Insider from MASSIVE Health Care System Blows Roof Off COVID-19 ‘Scamdemic’ – Internal Numbers ARE ALL RIGGED -- For Profit, Greed, Politics, Social "Justice". ALARMING. PLUS -- Breaking FBI Intel on Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5jYXB0aXZhdGUuZm0vdGhvbWFzLXBhaW5l/episode/OTA4YzJkOTgtYzE3ZS0xMWVhLWJmNTEtNGZiNDMxMTQ4ZDFi
Updated Jul 14, 2020, 6:53 PM
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
Aún buscando compañera (Still searching for companion): Esperaba yo aquí mi salida a México desde Vancouver, Canadá, por la línea China Southern Airlines:
Aún buscando compañera (Still searching for companion): Esperaba yo aquí mi salida a México desde Vancouver, Canadá, por la línea China Southern Airlines:
2 Years Ago
Jul 14, 2019, 11:45 PM
Aún buscando compañera (Still searching for companion): Esperaba yo aquí mi salida a México desde Vancouver, Canadá, por la línea China Southern Airlines:
Reminiscing the Guangzhou airport, where the CCP of China had blocked the Facebook and the Google, but now both of them are mercilessly censoring and blocking, whomever like me wanting to say that a vaccine for this COVID-19 that was engineered by humans and deliberately released precisely in order to reboot the economies of the wold, to make the USA to fall, to have the "NWO", expressed as the absurd "New Normal", with a centralized world government and a one "only" religion as well.... but NOT on my watch! (And, from there I was briefly in Vancouver, Canada, where I took these pictures).
Updated Jul 14, 2020, 9:48 AM
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
2 Years Ago
Jul 13, 2019, 11:56 AM
Más de lo de esas montañas que nunca se agotan (antes de que se me acabe la batería, aquí en el Aeropuerto de Manila, y antes de que se me acabe de nuevo el servicio inalámbrico gratuito del Aeropuerto cortesía de "Google Station"):
At the Taal volcano!!!
Updated Jul 13, 2020, 8:44 AM
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
2 Years Ago
Jul 13, 2019, 11:16 PM
Detalle del arte Cantón de China, exhibición en el Aeropuerto de Guangzhou:
A year ago, on this day, I saw and hugged for the first and for the last time Vanessa Alcover Apao at the Tambayan Hostel at Malate, Manila. She gave back what she owed. Then I flew to Guangzhou, China, where I needed to use the VPN Ghost to be able to use the forbidden in China most common tools of the West in order to submit these photos: Goggle and Facebook, today also corrupted by money.
Updated Jul 13, 2020, 7:36 AM
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
2 Years Ago
Jul 12, 2019, 12:34 AM
Some of my shots of a Wednesday night at Manila (even the restaurants are open past 12:00 AM!!!):
Walking overnight through Manila!!!
Updated Jul 12, 2020, 12:17 PM
The voices of reason of Kent and Judy, again bring us a little bit of sobriety!!!:
Updated Jul 12, 2020, 10:54 AM
Lo mejor de ayer, hoy y siempre!!!
Updated Jul 12, 2020, 10:33 AM
Fernando Castro-Chavez updated his status.
Yo no he mandado un mensaje con Ws, ni siquiera sé qué es eso. Si algún hacker malvado se mete a mi Messenger e intenta "impersonarme", Dios les ayude a discernir que no soy yo. Yo no pido nada de nada, lo único que yo quisiera, ¡es que amen mucho a Dios!
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
Visiting volcanoes with persons from Singapur, MX, Rusia, Holanda y Filipinas; abalone, sailed over de TV5 de con las asistentes de Rafy.Tulfo, yo y April:
Visiting volcanoes with persons from Singapur, MX, Rusia, Holanda y Filipinas; abalone, sailed over de TV5 de con las asistentes de Rafy.Tulfo, yo y April:
2 Years Ago
Jul 11, 2019, 1:41 PM
Visiting volcanoes with persons from Singapore, MX, Russia, Holland, and Philippines; below, going out of TV5, with April...
From my days in the Philippines a year ago, where things were different, not yet taken over by those evils-that-be, at the Taal Volcano and outside of the program by Raffy Tulfo. I meet a great lady living in London, @[1339687409:2048:Victoria Shaykhislamova], due to her MSc!
Updated Jul 11, 2020, 8:52 AM
It seemed that I was unable, that I could not make it with her, even if I wanted to be: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1TcDHrkQYg
Updated Jul 9, 2020, 9:18 PM
Recordando a pasados engaños, por el mismo PNAC (del que Joe Biden es miembro activo al lado de los Bush) que causó el 9/11 y la crisis financiera del 2008 además del Ántrax del 2001 soltado por Bush mismo para matar al reportero Bob Stevens de "The Sun", de Florida, por fotografiar a las hijas de Bush bien drogadas y borrachas ante la vista de los varones de cantina: https://off-guardian.org/2016/09/30/30052/, https://archive.vn/rGRt0, http://docshare01.docshare.tips/files/22703/227037736.pdf y el Bush intentar también matar a todos aquellos opositores a sus políticas criminales y de guerra, tanto a políticos como de la prensa. Ahora con el COVID-19 estas tres cosas convergen: Un Bio-terrorismo deliberado para acabar con la economía de las Naciones y con las libertades individuales. Que el Señor los reprenda (dijo Migue)...
Updated Jul 9, 2020, 10:46 AM
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
We got the Sizzling Squid w/rice, 150 Philippine pesos is only three dollars of a delicious taste!!! THey did cut it perpendicular in round hoops of delight!!! With green coconut water with its coconut meat!!! Delicious, and very cheap!!! A local Rock band amenized the moment, and from there, to the rooftops of Makati, a surreal experience!!!
2 Years Ago
Jul 8, 2019, 7:32 PM
My dear brother in Christ Jeremiah Oliver, as a great chief himself, asked me to pay attention to the foods, these are the ones available at a food market, where there is live music daily on the night, we requested a squid, that right there they prepared for us, with coconut water flavored with mint:
These were some of the tasty things we are and sold at the big food market at Makati, Manila, Philippines. Praying every single day to be accepted every single day for the one I love from that Country, never ever taking for granted, not even for a second the time that I may be privileged to spend in person with her from now on, even in the midst of the worst of the circumstances and world situations.... due to evil men... But God is still alive forever!!!, and all of the times He is still Good with us, no matter what, and no matter anything!!!
Updated Jul 8, 2020, 7:12 AM
This one is very important footage taken by a cute lady on Chopper 4, from the WNBC station, of what could also be seen the couple of hours before the beginning of the deliberate destruction of the WTC on 9/11 by Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld (authorizers), Silverstein (leaser), ARA and Boeing (contractors), PNAC (including the previous ones and many other very nasty individuals of their same sorts, basically a full set of repugnant enemies of America, including the current evil p.e.d.o.p.h.i.l.e Democrat candidate JOE BIDEN (Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.), Wolfowitz, Perle, Kristol, Jeb Bush, Mrs. M. K. Albright, Armitage, Bauer, Bolton, Blumenthal, Brzezinski, S. Forbes, I. Lewis Libby, John McCain, Dan Quayle, R. James Woolsey, Dov S. Zakheim (the one who sacked even more the already sacked Pentagon), Zoellick, etc., etc.: https://militarist-monitor.org/list_of_pnac_signatories_and_contributing_writers/) & Mossad (mastermind), and many others, showing what has been interpreted as also a practice-run (in the same way that the white cloaked boeing helicopters practiced the fake "planes" holographic projections overnight) of the ultimate destruction of the WTC Twin Towers by a Directed Energy Weapon (DEW), most possibly controlled from a high altitude aircraft or even a satellite, you can see the trail of the current "assay" how it was aiming from the right side, like mimicking the exit of the house there and moving towards the left from there until pointing, first briefly to the left side to poke a smaller hole in the opposite rail of the avenue, and then focusing a little longer in the one at the right side to perforate a bigger hole (after she pans to leave the scene, I have added the footage that she took earlier before her report):
This one is very important footage taken by a cute lady on Chopper 4, from the WNBC station, of what could also be seen the couple of hours before the beginning of the deliberate destruction of the WTC on 9/11 by Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld (authorizers), Silverstein (leaser), ARA and Boeing (contractors), PNAC (including the previous ones and many other very nasty individuals of their same sorts, basically a full set of repugnant enemies of America, including the current evil p.e.d.o.p.h.i.l.e Democrat candidate JOE BIDEN (Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.), Wolfowitz, Perle, Kristol, Jeb Bush, Mrs. M. K. Albright, Armitage, Bauer, Bolton, Blumenthal, Brzezinski, S. Forbes, I. Lewis Libby, John McCain, Dan Quayle, R. James Woolsey, Dov S. Zakheim (the one who sacked even more the already sacked Pentagon), Zoellick, etc., etc.: https://militarist-monitor.org/list_of_pnac_signatories_and_contributing_writers/) & Mossad (mastermind), and many others, showing what has been interpreted as also a practice-run (in the same way that the white cloaked boeing helicopters practiced the fake "planes" holographic projections overnight) of the ultimate destruction of the WTC Twin Towers by a Directed Energy Weapon (DEW), most possibly controlled from a high altitude aircraft or even a satellite, you can see the trail of the current "assay" how it was aiming from the right side, like mimicking the exit of the house there and moving towards the left from there until pointing, first briefly to the left side to poke a smaller hole in the opposite rail of the avenue, and then focusing a little longer in the one at the right side to perforate a bigger hole (after she pans to leave the scene, I have added the footage that she took earlier before her report):
Fernando Castro-Chavez shared a memory.
At the gigantic airport of Hong Kong, were my final "waiting room" for my departure to Manila had the number 509, and it was needed to be taken by a bus to lead us to such terminal
At the gigantic airport of Hong Kong, were my final "waiting room" for my departure to Manila had the number 509, and it was needed to be taken by a bus to lead us to such terminal
2 Years Ago
Jul 7, 2019, 8:12 AM
At the gigantic airport of Hong Kong, were my final "waiting room" for my departure to Manila had the number 509, and it was needed to be taken by a bus to lead us to such terminal
A year ago, seeking for my female companion, I went through Hong Kong, the biggest airport I have seen... current and faithful companion, I long for you girl!!!
Updated Jul 7, 2020, 8:50 AM
This segment with my explanation was also removed from YouTube, a shorter version of it is in My Story here at FB Messenger right now. It was from Chopper 4 at WNBC at 6 AM of September the 11th, 2001. It shows the white "cloaked" Boeing helicopters used to pull the Holographic image of a fake "Plane 175" hitting the WTC. The three Boeing white helicopters can be seen at the left middle side of the screen, and are flying in an aligned formation and projecting a practice-run double hologram below of them and at their right side (which means in a vertical line the original and its two projections for the point of view of the viewer), the last one seems to be lagged behind and speeds up, this one is seen at the right side of the screen as the Chopper camera has moved to the left, however, this are only three of the numerous perp helicopters that were flying since overnight of 9/11 to practice over Manhattan, because other projected reflections of another set of unseen helicopters can be seen reflected near the border of the Hudson river, at the lower part of the current scene. While flying at the distance, they can be seen with a blinking intensity like a beating heart that goes up in intensity and then down, but NOT so their holographic projections!!! As those keep the same intensity!!! For example, in the Park Foreman Holo-video of the fake and very obscure and black "Plane 175" that do NOT reflects the sun, which is another telling characteristic of an hologram, you can tell between 12 to 20 cloaked helicopters on its path at its side projecting that "plane" hologram, that, no matter how much they tried, it still displayed a missing right wing from the right position cameras.
This segment with my explanation was also removed from YouTube, a shorter version of it is in My Story here at FB Messenger right now. It was from Chopper 4 at WNBC at 6 AM of September the 11th, 2001. It shows the white "cloaked" Boeing helicopters used to pull the Holographic image of a fake "Plane 175" hitting the WTC. The three Boeing white helicopters can be seen at the left middle side of the screen, and are flying in an aligned formation and projecting a practice-run double hologram below of them and at their right side (which means in a vertical line the original and its two projections for the point of view of the viewer), the last one seems to be lagged behind and speeds up, this one is seen at the right side of the screen as the Chopper camera has moved to the left, however, this are only three of the numerous perp helicopters that were flying since overnight of 9/11 to practice over Manhattan, because other projected reflections of another set of unseen helicopters can be seen reflected near the border of the Hudson river, at the lower part of the current scene. While flying at the distance, they can be seen with a blinking intensity like a beating heart that goes up in intensity and then down, but NOT so their holographic projections!!! As those keep the same intensity!!! For example, in the Park Foreman Holo-video of the fake and very obscure and black "Plane 175" that do NOT reflects the sun, which is another telling characteristic of an hologram, you can tell between 12 to 20 cloaked helicopters on its path at its side projecting that "plane" hologram, that, no matter how much they tried, it still displayed a missing right wing from the right position cameras.
Fernando Castro-Chavez updated his status.
Amados Santos, este viernes esperamos regocijarnos "Explorando Nuestra Esperanza": http://fdocc.ucoz.com/2/03_esperanza.pdf A partir de las 7:50 PM en: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGgi7H6CT_ALYhT4jHRu_8w/videos Antes (7:30 PM) y después de la presentación nos vemos por el Skype. En Cristo, Fernando.
Fernando's most commented photo on Facebook of 2015
Sin importar lo que está pasando hoy en nuestra querida tierra, sin importar lo que ha pasado o lo que pasará, gracias a nuestro buen Dios, de una cosa estamos seguros:
You tagged Karen Wierwille Martin
My letter to my old Acquaintance, as posted today at ResearchGate: "To the current director of the NIH: As a Postdoctoral of Molecular Biology, my focus has been on analyzing the sequence of the current COVID-19, it is so alarming the finding of artificiality within it, that I have written to Francis S. Collins, entitled “A Vital Letter For The Preservation Of Humanity As We Know It”: Dr. Collins, As I have had the blessed confidence to write to a brother in Christ since day one, I am sending you this important message. With my best regards, Fernando Castro-Chavez, PhD. P.S: I could not fit in the Letter this vital link that independently exposes the hoax imposed on humanity 19 years ago, let us do all we can to prevent this time to happen the same but in a wider scale (Most specially the roots, that are the last three chapters: 6, 7 and 8, for you that like music... good beats but disturbing lyrics): https://lbry.tv/@fdocc:b/AceBakerFinalVersionPart1:4, https://lbry.tv/@fdocc:b/AceBakerFinalVersionPart2:4 AT LEAST SIX RESEARCH GROUPS HAVE FOUND HIV INSERTS IN SARS-CoV-2 A Letter to Dr. Francis S. Collins, Sir, Prompted by this article: Jun 25, 2020 – Health: The NIH claims joint ownership of Moderna's coronavirus vaccine: https://www.axios.com/moderna-nih-coronavirus-vaccine-ownership-agreements-22051c42-2dee-4b19-938d-099afd71f6a0.html (https://archive.vn/TArE3), I write to you, saying that we had a deep respect for you (my sister, my girl companion and my peers). The first letter I wrote to you was about Creation, in 2000, just having arrived from my country, and I wrote it in a bad English still, willing to live the American dream!!! Then, we saw you in person, and introduced ourselves, when you went to the BMC to give a speech about the Human Genome Project, I remember that you said something like: "Mendel is also there, in this slide, right there at the corner..."; then I wrote about our dreams to pursue, not only these Postdoctoral couple of jobs in Medicine, but also an MD Career, we two starting again from the scratch. Dreaming to be truthful and to really help humanity... However, now, I dedicate to you my current findings, humble, but nonetheless, they are still findings: 1) "COVID-19: AATGGTACTAAGAGG (NGTKR) = HIV-1 isolate 19663.24H9 from Netherlands envelope glycoprotein (env) gene (GU455503)". Finding also done by: 2) Shi Zheng-Li, from the WIV at Wuhan and co-author of Ralph Baric, and she distinctively calls it an "INSERTION" (she puts it as: GTNGTKR, GGGACCAATGGTACTAAGAGG, adding other two more, but skipping the key one: The Furin Site!), whose putative function is immunosuppressant, as she says that those INSERTIONS have: "sialic-acid-binding activity", at: Zhou, P., plus 27 et als & Zheng-Li Shi. A pneumonia outbreak associated with a new coronavirus of probable bat origin. Nature 2020:579:270-73, & 16pp: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2012-7.pdf; a third group that found these unique INSERTS is that of: 3) Sørensen (identical to the previous one: GTNGTKR, but also studying, to leave no doubts, its functional span by performing 6 by 6 NT iterations containing our sequence of interest (and of many others), such as: VSGTNG, SGTNGT, TNGTKR, NGTKRF, etc.), who says in an interview, as he found many more INSERTS (saved at: https://archive.vn/7TPTc): "The INSERTED sequences have a functionality that we describe. We explain why they are essential: ...accumulated charge from inserts and salt bridges are in surface positions capable of binding with cell membrane components other than the ACE2 receptor." This statement is very important and indicates that if we realize that this virus is NOT natural we could be and have been better prepared since the start to fight against it in a more logical, rational and prepared way, which did not happen. The artificiality of the virus also makes it unsuitable for vaccination, instead of the opposite, because that is the way the human tampering of nature works, the attempted purpose of its design is to do one thing, and it happens to result just the opposite thing than what was wanted: "...the naked coronavirus spike protein as a concept for the basis of a vaccine, which we have rejected because of high risk of contamination with human-like epitopes. Analysis of the Spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 shows 78.4% similarity with human-like (HL) epitopes..." and "... A search so tailored to match against all human known proteins will give a 78.4% human similarity to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein, i.e if all epitopes on the 1255 amino acid long SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein can be used by antibodies then there will be 983 antibody binding sites which also could bind to epitopes on human proteins..." The original article delving in all of those technicisms is: Sørensen, B., Susrud, A. and Dalgleish, A.G. Biovacc-19: A Candidate Vaccine for Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) Developed from Analysis of its General Method of Action for Infectivity. QRB Discovery (by Cambridge University Press) 2020:17 pp [Accepted Manuscript]: https://doi.org/10.1017/qrd.2020.8, so, this important article clearly indicates that if we do NOT realize the real origin and the real nature of this virus, we will continue deceived as per its treatment and its strategies of attack, and will be responsible for having on purpose dimmed the light of its artificial origin. Especially when we all are aware that the authors of "The Proximal…", Andersen et al. Nat. Med. 2020 article has been written by reefers that have ever been used for political purposes rather than scientific ones. So, apart as these three independent findings of that and many more related HIV sequences, we have another two sets of witnesses, totaling FIVE independent groups finding this: Mine, Zheng-Li's, and Sørensen's, but also: 4) Pradhan, from the Indian group that was forced to withdraw its article, who calls the contained sequence under consideration as the previous ones: "INSERT 1": TNGTKR, elongating the set of meaningful nucleotides as: TCTGGGACCAATGGTACTAAGAGG (SGTNGTKR): Pradhan, P. et al. Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag. Biorxiv 2020: 14 pp. (Withdrawn, 128 comments): https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.01.30.927871v1, they start describing their findings as follows: "We found four new insertions in the protein of 2019-nCoV- “GTNGTKR” (IS1)...", but this is not all, but also a fifth group, being this the one integrated by: 5) Perez and Montagnier (2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine, precisely for his discovery of the HIV virus), and they describe our found sequence within, together with a couple of tens more: TCTGGGACCAATGGTACTAAGAGGTTTGATAACCCTG (SGTNGTKRFDNP..., finding them in here, fragments of SIV joined to the HIV-1A that I found, and sown in point "1"), from these sequences found by them, they start and end their meaningful conclusions, coming from the wisest of men, as follows: "1) 18 RNA fragments of homology equal or more than 80% with human or simian retroviruses have been found in the COVID_19 genome; 2) These fragments are 18 to 30 nucleotides long and therefore have the potential to modify the gene expression of Covid19. We have named them external Informative Elements or EIE; 3) These EIE are not dispersed randomly, but are concentrated in a small part of the COVID_19 genome... ...everything converges towards possible laboratory manipulations which contributed to modifications of the genome of COVID_19, but also, very probably much older SARS, with perhaps this double objective of vaccine design and of "gain of function" in terms of penetration of this virus into the cell. This analysis, made in silico, is dedicated to the real authors of Coronavirus COVID_19. It belongs only to them to describe their own experiments and why it turned into a world disaster: 400 000 lives, more than those taken by the two atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We, the survivors, should take lessons from this serious alert for the future of humanity. We urge our colleagues scientists and medical doctors to respect ethical rules as expressed by Hippocrates oath: do not harm, never and never!"; an earlier manuscript of them can be found at: Perez, J.-C., and Montagnier, L. COVID-19, SARS and Bats Coronaviruses Genomes Unexpected Exogenous RNA Sequences. ResearchGate & OSF 2020:43 pp. [Older Manuscript]: https://osf.io/d9e5g/download/?format=pdf. I started my letter saying that I used to have respect for you. However, the standing taken as to ignore the real origins documented by these five research groups and by countless others, of the whole pre-planning of the current Pandemic by COVID-19, has made me to change my current opinion about you. 6) Arumugham also discusses such “Artificial selection at work… via recombination with HIV-1 derived inserts and selecting the viruses for efficient human kidney cell infection”, and my comment is again that to notice this artificial origin of COVID-19 is very important to do the proper treatment to patients, and to prevent another thing like this from emerging out of a Gain of Function “research”: Arumugham, V. Root cause of COVID-19? Biotechnology’s dirty secret: Contamination. Bioinformatics evidence demonstrates that SARS-CoV-2 was created in a laboratory, unlikely to be a bioweapon but most likely a result of sloppy experiments. Zenodo 2020:9 pp. (Manuscript saved at: https://archive.vn/N79Ci): https://zenodo.org/record/3766463#.Xuu9RTpKjIW My experience on finding human artifacts on genomes dates back to the EcoRI palindromic linker that is contaminating thousands of sequences in the Genbank: Castro-Chavez, F. Escaping the cut by restriction enzymes through single-strand self-annealing of host-edited 12-bp and longer synthetic palindromes. DNA Cell Biol. 2012, 31(2):151-63: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3272245/ The freedoms of the whole humanity are at stake and the good God The Creator that you deeply respect, has put you in a key position as to be able to revert as soon as possible the current decline of the human values, and of the human nature in general, and this all because of a deliberate release of the current Sars-CoV-2. 9/11 was the first False Flag Operation aimed at stealing as much freedoms as possible from the human race, and the Fake Anthrax Attack of 2001 had the same purpose, releasing a pre-planned and very anti-patriotic document called the "Patriot" Act, which also included an immunity clause preventing the Pharmaceutical Industry of even more liabilities, but it was contested by the population, and it was removed. So, I wish to stop the GoF initiatives. Here we are today, contesting the "official" narrative of the current Plandemic as we did in the past with the “official” narratives of 9/11 when we discovered nano-bombs and fake planes injected into the TV screens. I expect to publish this letter on the open after you have read it. Only history will tell if TRUTH was able to win on this time over darkness, or if the criminals will get away once more... With my same thinking as at the beginning of the current letter (but praying that this could very soon change), Fernando Castro-Chavez, PhD. P. S. My ongoing work can be found at the ResearchGate, while many pieces of it have been removed from the Facebook and from the YouTube by some heartless and brainless censors appointed by the WHO and by their owner, Bill Gates, apparently the mastermind chosen by the globalists to pull this event of an artificially manufactured viral harm for the whole of humanity. But as Mordechai told to Esther: "If you do nothing about it, God will raise somebody else to redeem us of this plague, because our clamors for freedom and for justice have already reached the Heavens". Jesus said that it will not be so easy for the believers to overcome evil in the current times, but that it could be possible. As Christian believers, we believe that as long as we continue over the earth, the total fruition of the plans of darkness can NOT prosper, and you may be a key member of the Body of Christ in order to fulfill such restraining against the forces of evil of this world. Thus far, the next are some of the sequences that seem to be inserts (some of them seem to have been started to be tampered since the RaTG13 "experiment" of Shi Zheng-Li, a genome she had since 2013 but that she did not publish until 2020 after the first Sars-CoV-2 had been published in China, genome that of the RaTG13 (previously published in part twice with different names that included the number 4991, which is dishonesty in science to change the names of the sequences, and that is what Shi just did!) which has been used, ironically, even with all its methodological anomalies to, precisely attempt to undermine the artificiality of the inserts, even two sequences published earlier by the Military of China seem to have been already tampered to make them more infectious, this is what happens when you only have the sequences provided by them with nobody else corroborating their authenticity), so, I may use the "probable" inserts clause, mostly from HIV-1, some few from HIV-2 and one from SIV (as explained by Perez & Montagnier, 2020). So, the number of artificial sequences is growing as research progresses, that is why, when people tries to discredit some of these from being artificially made, the burden is over them to explain how all of them got INSERTED into one same viral genome, which may have required a same animal cell with multiple different viruses and even bacteria exchanging only the specific required portions and no more, which is something naturally implausible but completely possible within a lab setting (then I add here the list from my previous posting in response to Jennifer Clarkson, adding that there, (most of those sequences are concatenated sequences)." I have also added here my last comparison of the sequences found in Nsp3 by A. V., highly specific both to COVID-19 and to HIV-1. The link by hero Robert F. Kennedy Jr. denouncing the big conflict of interests in which the NIH is involved: https://www.instagram.com/p/CCAcwVkHCec And this Fourth of July, I present here some of the current sounds of my dear nation: https://archive.vn/THJ2h, https://ourrescue.org/, https://qmap.pub (saved at, as per today: https://archive.vn/Us7O8)...": https://www.researchgate.net/post/Third_Sequence_COVID-19_AATGGTACTAAGAGG_HIV-1_isolate_1966324H9_from_Netherlands_envelope_glycoprotein_env_gene_sequence_ID_GU4555031
My letter to my old Acquaintance, as posted today at ResearchGate: "To the current director of the NIH: As a Postdoctoral of Molecular Biology, my focus has been on analyzing the sequence of the current COVID-19, it is so alarming the finding of artificiality within it, that I have written to Francis S. Collins, entitled “A Vital Letter For The Preservation Of Humanity As We Know It”:
Dr. Collins,
As I have had the blessed confidence to write to a brother in Christ since day one, I am sending you this important message.
With my best regards,
Fernando Castro-Chavez, PhD.
I could not fit in the Letter this vital link that independently exposes the hoax imposed on humanity 19 years ago, let us do all we can to prevent this time to happen the same but in a wider scale (Most specially the roots, that are the last three chapters: 6, 7 and 8, for you that like music... good beats