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In my ACC.11 presentation I shared my work with Emile R. Mohler (U. Penn.); Tudor C. Poerner (U. H. Jena, Germany), Rafal Nizankowski (Szpital U., Poland), and others. My wife took this picture while I was giving my work to Dr. Emile Mohler and colleagues. He provided the most remarkable input:
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Valuable observations by Edwin D. Blumberg, Central N.J. Cardiol., and our Vijay Nambi, B.C.M, Houston, TX. Talked to Cristina Rolandi and mentor, U. of Amsterdam (w/"Dr. Jazz" as background); Sonia Mitra, U. Arkansas; Shoukang Zhu, U. Miami, Martin K. Reriani, Mayo Clinic, MN, and colleague. Here, thumbs-up to Martin's work!
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Presenting my work to Dr. Edwin D. Blumberg, from New Jersey: https://web.archive.org/web/20200408142024/https://www.docspot.com/user/1675684304?s=QI4xEsJCOhdxuQ1ouoZr_wTRDBb7NjdOcvEdyGkYVppyPAGBtUN77eS73phqaS-Wd_UApu87XZstF9ALjlkMoQ4IdJkERl_i776wOC5Vlma0Ndhww6vxPlLjxodl2GovKepaTNKTHEOa_GQi4T4aFg
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Tomorrow I'm presenting at the "Rayzor Lounge" at Baylor. The picture is an excerpt of my work; do you like it? Do you want to sponsor me? Do you want to hire me? I'm here, and I'm work-available (smile). This is my poster! (Size: 1.16 MB): http://fdocc.ucoz.com/fdocc-2011-baylor.pdf
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Gracias Roberto, Raymond y Hazael (foto tomada del album de Michael). Fue el amor incondicional y la limpia creencia de los cristianos Hindúes (opuesta al rigorismo religioso de mi juventud) lo que me motivó a escribir lo siguiente en la revista del Dr. Raúl: http://www.expresionespiritual.org/pdfs/102-Cartas-Vivientes-Enciclopedias-Sepulcrales.pdf
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"By the mouth of babes..." This pictures touch my heart very hard, and encourage me to do a better job for God. Here is my fast translation that includes the little one, Aaron Perdomo Lazcano, who witnessed me for salvation 24 years ago: http://fdocc.ucoz.com/living_letters.doc
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By the mouth of babes..." These pictures by Michael Lindsey touch my heart very hard, encouraging me to always do a better job for God. Here is my fast translation including that little one, Aaron, who witnessed me for salvation 24 years ago: http://fdocc.ucoz.com/living_letters.doc
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Para Rolando (las cosas de Dios nunca se olvidan, Gn 2:23): "ésta será llamada Varona [Ishshah] porque del varón [Ish] fue tomada" ["She shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man". As in Hebrew, for women to produce their hormones (estrogens), they need to produce them in their ovaries first as MALE hormones (androgens), further modifying them. Scroll a little at http://tinyurl.com/3aow7ku (Berg et al. Biochemistry. p. 753. Freeman. 2007)]
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Para mi estimado Hazael y colegas espirituales con los que platiqué este domingo (Ryan and Rob Mitchell, Justin Schindler, etc.), aquí mi representación gráfica del formato edificante original para la más famosa ecuación de Einstein, la que intenta explicar matemáticamente Gén 1:1. Comentarios?
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Mi representación del Gén. 1:2, la primera glaciación, cuando todo el Sistema Solar quedó cubierto por las aguas, congelando sus "centros de nucleación" (sol y planetas), al tiempo que su rotación y órbitas quedaron "paralizadas". Esto acabó con los dinosaurios y con sus contemporáneos.
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En el primer día del reordenamiento del universo, Dios encendió una cálida luz distinta a la del sol y las estrellas, la que derritió al hielo glacial (1era glaciación). Entonces, en Gn 1:7, en el 2ndo día, Dios "separó las aguas que estaban debajo de la expansión, de las aguas que estaban sobre la expansión", secando al vacío más allá de nuestra atmósfera. La tierra quedó toda azul, con solamente agua en su superficie.
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Parte superior de la cubierta interna del número 27, "Un Libro de Oro de Estampas de la Biblia", podemos ver a la izquierda un concepto artístico de la "Torre de Babel", la cual era más parecida a los Ziggurats del Medio Oriente, tradición del Canaán preservada en Pirámides Mesoamericanas, v.gr., las Mayas
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El traductor de mi favorito libro de la infancia fue el valiente Dr. Mauricio González de la Garza, apasionado "editorialista por México" quien usó su pluma contra aquellos que pretendieran dañar a México o a sus ciudadanos. Vivió en el exilio en Falfurrias, Tx, por su 'Última Llamada' contra José López Portillo.
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Esta es la cubierta de mi libro infantil favorito, me lo vendió Fred Sánez de Lima, Perú. Aquí vemos ilustraciones de "El Primer Arco Iris", "La Torre de Babel", "El Horno Terrible", "Curando a los Enfermos", etc., con la estampa de la parte inferior derecha que debería de decir: "Samuel, Siervo de Dios"...
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Esta es la segunda estampa para el sitio correspondiente de la página anterior. Se ven los continentes como son ahora, por lo que "la pangea" se resquebrajó por el tremendo peso de las aguas del Diluvio que vino del espacio exterior en los días de Noé, separación que se hizo más evidente en los días de Peleg...
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...v.gr., Eva consintió en dudar del mandato de Dios, cuya consecuencia era "ciertamente moriréis", cambió el sentido de una palabra, omitió otra, agregó el "ni le tocaréis" referente al árbol prohibido (Dios no había prohibido eso!) para quedar al final con algo 100% opuesto: "ciertamente no moriréis".
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El diluvio de los días de Noé: 40 días y 40 noches de incesante lluvia se pueden entender debido al agua que penetró desde el espacio exterior a través de los hoyos de ozono, congelando de inmediato a los polos y sus habitantes; antes de esto la tierra tenía un clima templado y jamás había llovido! Solamente el rocío.
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Esta figura muestra a los animales terrestres saliendo del arca de Noé; una pareja por prototipo o "Tema" genómico compatible es suficiente para dar la diversidad que encontramos hoy; mi @[1218645485:2048:Tracy Duncan] tiene un gran video en inglés relacionado con mamíferos y aves, el "perro de las praderas" 'ta lindo..!
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Esta es la narrativa sobre los animales terrestres después del diluvio. Otra evidencia de que no había llovido antes es que el arcoiris es visible solamente después del mismo; sobre animales compatibles, este es uno de mis trabajos: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3130522
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Primer arco iris y animales saliendo del arca. César: mamíferos marinos (ballenas...), invertebrados (calamar...), peces, anfibios, insectos y reptiles sobreviveron fuera; los últimos mediante huevecillos, las plantas mediante sus semillas. Video: https://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=479934107975
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Aquí vemos la dispersión de la humanidad a partir de Babel. Los descendientes de Cam, Canaán, promovieron una humanidad exaltada sin necesidad de Dios ni del salvador. Nimrod sobresalió, eliminando toda oposición, antecedente del futuro Anticristo, cuando Babilonia (Babel) será de nuevo la sede en contra de Dios.
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Este es el texto con la información correspondiente a esa estampa de Babel; aquí seguimos honrando a nuestros sufridos y valientes héroes del 11 de septiembre del 2001. Here we continue honoring our suffering and heroic responders of 9/11: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21743816
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Elías llevó a cabo una poderosa demostración del Dios verdadero en contraste con el falso dios de Jezabel y sus 450 sacerdotes de Baal. Elías incluso los satirizó al decirles: "tal vez su dios Baal está dormido", a lo que ellos le gritaron más fuerte para que Baal les ayudara, sin obtener respuesta alguna.
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Daniel, dada su fidelidad a Dios, se mantuvo en los altos mandos del poder con Nabucodonosor de Babilonia y con Darío de Persia. Tuvo la revelación divina para profetizar el futuro de la humanidad, así como eventos inmediatos en su tiempo, tales como el asesinato del rey Baltasar aununciado por el dedo de Dios.
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La última del A.T.: "Paz os sea multiplicada... El Dios de Daniel... es el Dios viviente y permanece por todos los siglos, y su reino no será jamás destruido, y su dominio perdurará hasta el fin. Él salva y libra, y hace señales y maravillas en el cielo y en la tierra; Él ha librado a Daniel del poder de los leones" Darío, Rey de Persia. Dan 6:25-27.
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Dios, en su sabiduría no pasó desapercibido el día del nacimiento de Su Hijo Jesucristo, sincronizando Su astronomía y Su ley para dejarlo claramente marcado en la cronología de la eternidad. Jesús nació un 1 de Tishri, el inicio del año Civil de Israel: 11 Sept. 3 A.C.
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No solamente los cielos y la ley dieron testimonio del nacimiento de Jesucristo, también los más exaltados seres pensantes del cielo, los ángeles, proclamaron este evento único a unos de los más humildes seres pensantes de la tierra, los pastores que cuidaban de sus ovejas en aquel día inolvidable.
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Not only heavens and law gave testimony of the birth of Jesus Christ, also the most exalted thinking beings from heaven, the angels, proclaimed this unique event to some of the most humble thinking beings on earth, the shepherds who where taking care of their sheep on that memorable day.
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La alternante estructura nos indica: Cielos, Ley; Ángeles, Pastores. Para un gran final relacionado con los testimonios indelebles del nacimiento de Jesucristo: Cielos, Sabios. Alrededor del primer año de vida de Jesús, los cielos cantaron su gloria mediante Leo y su Régulo, con Júpiter moviéndose alrededor de Régulo.
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The alternating structure tells us: Heavens, Law. Angels, Shepherds. For a grand finale related to the indelible testimonies of the birth of Jesus Christ: Heavens, Wise men. Around the first year of the birth of Jesus the heavens did sing his glory through Leo and Regulus, with Jupiter moving around Regulus (Retrograde motion).
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La multitud de sabios astrónomos de Persia que llegó a Jerusalén impresionó a sus habitantes y al malvado rey Herodes, quien consultando a sus consejeros les indicó a Belén, donde las profecías decían que el futuro rey de Israel habría de nacer, y que regrasaran a avisarle donde estaba el niño.
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The multitude of wise astronomers from Persia arriving to Jerusalem impressed its inhabitants and the evil king Herod, who consulting his advisers, told them to go to Bethlehem, where the prophecies foretold the birth of the future king of Israel, and to come back to tell him where was the child.
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Nuestro Señor Jesucristo cargó con el estigma social de la incomprensión, ya que se le consideró hijo ilegítimo por la sociedad, y aún por el liderazgo religioso de su tiempo. Los hijos legítimos eran presentados al templo en su Bar-Mitzvah a los 13 años de edad; los ilegítimos a los 12 años.
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Our Lord Jesus Christ carried the social stigma of incomprehension as he was considered illegitimate for society, and even for the religious leadership of his time. The legitimate sons were presented to the temple for their Bar-Mitzvah at their 13 years of age, the illegitimate at their 12 years.
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Uno de los más sorprendentes eventos es que Juan el Bautista estaba lleno de espíritu santo desde que estaba dentro del vientre de su madre Elisabet, en su desarrollo él crecía y se fortalecía en ese espíritu santo que tenía, que no fue el caso con Jesús, quien recibió espíritu santo casi a los 30 años.
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One of the most surprising events is that John the Baptist was filled with holy spirit since he was inside the womb of his mother Elizabeth, while he was growing, he was being strengthened in that holy spirit that he had, which was not the situation with Jesus, who received holy spirit near his 30 years.
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Jesús les indicó a unos pescadores que habían fracasado en sus previos intentos, que arrojaran sus redes en cierta dirección, lo que dudando hicieron, con la tremenda consecuencia de que sus redes casi se rompían, y los botes que las cargaban casi se hundían. Este testimonio los convenció.
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Jesus told some fishermen that previously failed in their attempts, to cast their nets in some specific direction, what they, hesitant, did, with the tremendous consequence that their nets almost got broken, and their boats carrying them almost sank. This testimony convinced them.
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Haciendo uso de todas sus 7 manifestaciones del espíritu santo, Jesús sanó a los enfermos; siendo él el mejor Maestro que el mundo ha visto, nos dijo que nosotros también podríamos hacer eso si en él creíamos. Nuestra creencia vacila, pero tiene el potencial del grano de mostaza para mover montes! Y tenemos 9.
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Jesús, muy cansado, se quedó dormido con un pesado sueño en medio de una tempestad que alarmó bastante a sus Apóstoles, al grado que lo despertaron diciéndole que si le importaba o no que se ahogaran. Jesús reprendió a la tormenta y todo volvió a la calma, después reprendió a sus Apóstoles por su poca creencia.
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Jesus, very tired, fell asleep with a very hard sleep in the middle of a storm that highly worried his Apostles, to the point that they woke him up telling him if he cared if they drowned or not. Jesus rebuked the storm and everything went back to normal, then he rebuked his Apostles for their little belief.
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Jesús multiplicó milagrosamente la comida (panes y peces) en 2 ocasiones: 1) Mt 14:13-21 "Y los que comieron fueron como cinco mil hombres, sin contar las mujeres y los niños"; Mr 8:1-10 "Eran los que comieron, como cuatro mil". En el pasado, lo mismo había sucedido: 1) con el pan que alimentó a 100: 2 Re 4:42-44,
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Jesus miraculously multiplied the food (bread y fishes) in 2 occasions: 1) Mt 14:13-21 "And they that had eaten were about five thousand men, beside women and children"; Mr 8:1-10 "And they that had eaten were about four thousand". In the past, the same had happened: 1) with the bread that did feed 100: 2 Re 4:42-44,
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Jesús nos enseña que si Dios mismo se encarga de que nada les falte a las aves y a las flores del campo, con cuanta mayor razón no hemos de preocuparnos nosotros por lo que hemos de comer o de vestir. Es 100 % seguro que Dios cuida a los suyos, especialmente a sus hijos como Padre responsable que él es. Fil. 4:6-7
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Jesus is teaching to us that if God himself takes care that no need is left unsolved for the birds and the wild flowers, with better reason we don´t need to be worried for what we are going to eat or to dress. It is 100 % sure that God takes care of his own, especially his children as a responsible Father he is. Phil. 4:6-7.
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Jesucristo es la raíz y el fundamento, él es la roca (petra), sobre la cual su Iglesia se establece, Jesús es la Palabra Viviente. Si nosotros establecemos nuestras vidas sobre Jesús, la Palabra de Dios, entonces seremos capaces de resistir cualquier presión de la vida, sea emocional, financiera, social, política, laboral, ideológica, de familia, etc.
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Jesus Christ is the root and foundation, he is the rock (petra), over which his Church is built, Jesus is the living Word. If we establish our lives over Jesus, the Word of God, we will be able to withstand any pressure of life, either emotional, financial, social, political, of labor, ideological, of the family, etc.
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Y Jesús sembró el don de espíritu santo; algunas semillas cayeron en buena tierra; Bravo! Estos lo retuvieron con honestidad y produjeron fruto espiritual! Aquellos entre las rocas gozaron por un instante, pero tan pronto como las presiones aparecieron, esas fueron más fuertes que su deseo de crecer en el uso del espíritu santo.
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And Jesus sow the gift of holy spirit, some seeds fell on good ground; Yahoo! Those keep it with honesty and produced spiritual fruit! But, those amongst the rocks had joy for a little while, but as soon as the pressures appeared, those were stronger than their will to grow in the use of holy spirit.
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And Jesus did sow the gift of holy spirit, some seeds fell on good ground; Yahoo! Those kept it with honesty producing spiritual fruit! But, those amongst the rocks had joy for a little while, but as soon as the pressures appeared, those were stronger than their will to grow in the use of holy spirit.
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Cada discípulo de Jesús quería destacarse por encima de los otros pero Jesús les dijo que si creyeran como niños pequeños, ellos serían dueños del reino de los cielos que ahora se manifiesta mediante usar el santo espíritu que llevamos por dentro al creer en el Jesús vivo; necesitamos recibir la santa educación cual niños.
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Each disciple of Jesus wanted to be above the others but Jesus told them that if they were believing like little children, they will own the kingdom of heaven which today is manifested by using the holy spirit that we have inside by believing in the living Jesus; we need to receive the holy education like little ones.
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"Amarás al Señor tu Dios con todo tu corazón, y con toda tu alma, y con toda tu mente, y con todas tus fuerzas". Éste es el primero y más importante mandamiento. Y el segundo es semejante al primero: “Amarás a tu prójimo como a ti mismo.” De estos dos mandamientos dependen toda la ley y los profetas.
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"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. This is the greatest and first commandment. And the second is like it: "Love your neighbor as yourself". On these two commandments the whole Law hangs, and also the prophets.
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La parábola que representa a nuestro Padre Celestial en la historia del "Padre que Perdona", nos muestra que ambos de sus hijos: el pecador "hijo pródigo" y el "perfecto" "fariseo" estaban totalmente equivocados en la poca comunicación y mala opinión que ambos tenían de su padre. El menor se arrepintió, pero del mayor no sabemos...
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The parable representing our Heavenly Father in the history of the "Forgiving Father," shows to us that both of his sons: the sinner "prodigal son" and the "perfect" "Pharisee" were totally wrong in the poor communication and bad opinion they had of their father. The younger repented, but of the older we are not told...
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Ésta parábola y declaraciones relacionadas para mí son una demostración sorprendente de la multiforme sabiduría de Dios, que inspirando a Jesús, reveló una pieza más: "También tengo otras ovejas, que no son de este redil; también a aquéllas debo traer, y oirán mi voz, y habrá un rebaño y un pastor" (Jn. 10:16).
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This parable, and related statements, is for me an amazing exhibit of the multiform wisdom of God, who inspiring Jesus, revealed one more of its pieces, "for we know only in part": "I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will hear my voice. And there will be one flock with one shepherd” (Jn. 10:16).
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La Primera Entrada - Para poner esta ilustración para niños me puse a estudiar durante varios días. Me impacta la grandeza de la Biblia que, siendo El Libro Viviente, nos enseña que Su Verdad es mucho mayor y más grande que todo lo que ya creemos saber. ¡Jesús entró a Jerusalén cinco días antes de dar su vida por nosotros montando una burra blanca, cual los jueces tempranos de Israel!
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The First Entry - To put this image for children I needed to study during several days. I am impacted with the greatness of the Bible which, being The Living Book, it teaches us that His Truth is way far more bigger and greater than everything else that we think that we know. Jesus entered Jerusalem five days before giving his life for us riding on a white she-ass, like the early judges of Israel!
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** La Segunda Entrada - Jesús también entró a Jerusalén cuatro días antes de dar su vida por nosotros montado en una burra y su pollino, ¡confirmando la profecía y promesa de un rey eterno para Israel! Si su primera entrada fue para juicio, esta segunda parece incluir tanto un juicio inmediato como bendiciones, ya que es cuando echa fuera del Templo (por segunda vez) a los mercaderes, para luego pasar a sanar a todos los enfermos.
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** The Second Entry - Jesus also entered Jerusalem four days before giving his life for us riding on a she-ass and her colt, confirming the prophecy and promise of an eternal king for Israel! If his first entry was for judgment, this second seems to include both and immediate judgment and blessings, because it is when he expels out of the Temple (for a second time) the moneychangers, then to proceed to heal all the sick.
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La última cena - Es sorprendente el darnos cuenta que el pan usado por Jesús para representar su cuerpo ofrecido por nuestra salvación o sanidad física es el pan de comida común de todos los días (artos) y no el pan ceremonial que se comía en la Pascua hebrea (azumos), que era el pan sin levadura o ácimo.
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The last supper - It is surprising to realize that the bread used by Jesus to represent his body offered for our salvation or physical healing is the eating bread common of every day (artos) and not the ceremonial bread that was eaten in the Hebrew Passover (azumos), which was the unleavened bread.
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*** Mañana es "Día de Acción de Gracias" en los E.U.A. (11-24-11) quisiera recordar que nuestra mayor acción de gracias es por la vida de Jesús quien se ofreció a sí mismo por nuestra salvación, tanto espiritual como biológica, ¡él sanó a los enfermos! El aspecto biológico del pan de nuestra salvación fácilmente se olvida; sin embrago, ¡su voluntad sigue siendo nuestra salud!
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*** Tomorrow is "Thanksgiving Day" in the U.S.A. (11-24-11) I wish to remember that our biggest thanksgiving is for the life of Jesus who offered himself for our salvation, both spiritual and biological: he healed the sick! The biological aspect of the bread of our salvation is easily forgotten; however, his will is still our health!
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Los dos ladrones (duo lestai) que llegaron después y que estaban crucificados a los extremos externos de Jesús se burlaban de él, pero sólo uno de los dos malhechores (duo kakourgoi) que recorrieron junto a Jesús la penosa ruta, se burló de él, ¡el otro creyó en la futura venida gloriosa de Jesucristo para establecer su magnífico reino sobre esta tierra!
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The two robbers (duo lestai) that arrived later and that were crucified at the external extremes of Jesus were mocking him, but only one of the two malefactors (duo kakourgoi) that traveled with Jesus the painful route, mocked him, the other malefactor believed in the future glorious coming of Jesus Christ to establish his magnificent Kingdom over this earth!
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Uno de los estudios de la Biblia que me convenció acerca de la necesidad de hacer una investigación lo más minuciosa posible acerca de cada aspecto que contiene, tanto histórico como espiritual, fue el estudio de la muerte de Jesús, y los detalles verdaderos que contiene, incluyendo ¡los cuatro crucificados que estaban con él!
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Lo que le da sentido a toda nuestra creencia es la resurrección de Jesucristo; sin esto, ¡no nos queda nada! Porque él fue resucitado, también nosotros vamos a vivir de nuevo cuando él venga por nosotros, ya que nosotros somos los miembros de su cuerpo de hermanos inmortales y eternos colaboradores. ¡Vamos a estar por siempre donde él esté!
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What gives sense to all our belief is the resurrection of Jesus Christ; without this, we have nothing! Because he was resurrected, we also are going to live again when he will come for us, because we are the members of his body of immortal siblings and eternal collaborators. We are going to be forever wherever he will be!
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Lo único que varía entre nuestra esperanza Cristiana única y la esperanza de los hebreos es que nosotros vamos a estar exclusivamente en el cielo, donde hoy moran Dios y su hijo Cristo Jesús, durante todas esas calamidades descritas en el libro del Apocalipsis (7 años). La esperanza de los hebreos es la de levantarse del polvo para entrar de inmediato en el Reino terrenal que les fue prometido.
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The only difference between our unique Christian hope and the hope for the Hebrews is that we are going to exclusively be in the heaven, where now God and his son Christ Jesus are living, during all those calamities described in the book of Revelation (7 years). The hope for the Hebrews is rising up from the dust to immediately enter in the earthly Kingdom promised to them.
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Una importante diferencia entre nuestra esperanza Cristiana única y la esperanza de los hebreos es que nosotros vamos a estar exclusivamente en el cielo, donde hoy moran Dios y su hijo Cristo Jesús, durante todas esas calamidades descritas en el libro del Apocalipsis (7 años). La esperanza de los hebreos es la de levantarse del polvo para entrar de inmediato en el Reino terrenal que les fue prometido.
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An important difference between our unique Christian hope and the hope for the Hebrews is that we are going to exclusively be in the heaven, where now God and his son Christ Jesus are living, during all those calamities described in the book of Revelation (7 years). The hope for the Hebrews is rising up from the dust to immediately enter in the earthly Kingdom promised to them.
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'The Virginia Company', established in America since 1607, distributed one request among prospective pilgrims, the founders of U.S.A.: "Deere Britaines, now, be You as kinde; Bring Light, and Sight, to Us yet blinde: Lead Us, by Doctrine and Behaviour, Into one Sion, to one Saviour" [1614-1615, Society of Antiquaries, London]. The official order for such printing included the words: "Commend that worthy and Christian enterprise to their care."
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Last 2 wk Bro. @[100001755213226:2048:John Anderson] helped fixing our big problem by unclogging exit tube of washer, saving us $, floods & mold; left we see rusted air exit by water leaks & him finding the right black rubber; at right we see how older owners tried fixing it by unwise poking of 2nd hole at right side of main exit that drilled a path. So, I deeply recommend him as wise & holy handyman for house problems @ Houston
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Este es el grupo de artistas que nos hicieron bailar por 3 h con sus ~40 canciones en inglés de los 50's y 60's; Ethan nos consiguió el poster firmado por ellos (en fotos de mi esposa) y su última sudadera disponible (donada por Jamie Harden!). Ellen nos recibió en su casa y nos transportó.
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The same day of our 11th wedding anniversary my wife @[1218645485:2048:Tracy Duncan] and me witnessed the wedding of Amanda Anderson and one of our own wedding witnesses, @[537035117:2048:Scott Anderson], son of Dave and @[1029960885:2048:Ellen Anderson]! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVGmdwHTP1I
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Nota: Hay personas que falsamente usan nuestra identidad para pedir dinero, ya sea por el internet o por teléfono, ¡no les crean! ¡Una de ellas se hizo pasar por un primo y tristemente le robó mil dólares a mi papá! Anexo foto de mi papá:
Note: There are people falsely using our identity to ask for money, either through the internet or by phone; do not believe them! One of them posed as my cousin and sadly stole a thousand dollars from my father! Attached picture of my Dad:
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At the moment of the birth of Jesus, unbeknownst to them, the Priests started to play their double sound of trumpets: 1) The monthly one with silver trumpets, but most specially, 2) the unique sound for the beginning of the 7th. month (Tishri 1): The sound of the Shophar, the cornet made by the horn of the Ram (prophecy of the arrival of the Lamb of God); thus, the periodicity of the Law was/is also prophecy! It's the shadow of things to come! Unawares, the Hebrews received Jesus as the King!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXw3LgmGUI8
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Gen. 49:10a "1) The sceptre shall not depart [shall not be eclipsed, covered, oculted, "ekleipsei" in the Septuagint] from Judah, nor [nor will it depart, or be covered] 2) a lawgiver [the decree to rule] from between his feet [Raglaw, Regulus], until Shiloh [he to whom it belongs, Jesus] come…"
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Fred H. Wight wrote in 1953: "The woman who had ten pieces of silver and lost one was greatly concerned over the loss, because it was doubtless a part of her marriage dowry (Lk. 15:8,9)"; his book's at: 1) F. H. Wight, 1953 http://tinyurl.com/f-h-wight ; & another good online (like our print copy) is: 2) J. M. Freeman, 1874: https://archive.org/details/handbookbiblema00freegoog , also as HTML & downloadable RTF (right side): http://tinyurl.com/j-m-freeman
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This is the necklace I gave to my @[1218645485:2048:Tracy Duncan] to refresh our Marriage; the silver coins say: "Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam", One Crown. We found that, after being at the Temple of Jerusalem, Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus returned to Nazareth (Lk. 2:39)! because they where still, by law, within their one-year-long Honeymoon!!! Here, the first "Word & Science" Studies in PDF slides: http://fdocc.ucoz.com/index/0-124
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From our presentation of today: "The Seed of the Woman (Jesus) and the Constellations", "Corona Borealis", 'The Royal Diadem' is a very tiny, golden diadem adorned with precious stones, like the many ones that our Lord will be wearing in his Second Coming! Also like our crowns, that we will be wearing at that same time!!!: http://fdocc.ucoz.com/2/07_seed_of_woman_constellations.pdf
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This is one of the slides for tomorrow's presentation; the real "walk on water" that Peter did, even if it was for few seconds... It's all about believing... Peter asked Jesus to go to him, Jesus said "COME", but the circumstances around him almost drowned Peter. "Why did you doubt?" Jesus asked him... Gabe is also going to share with us about belief!
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This is one of the slides of "Exploring Our Hope", which I´ll be presenting this Saturday. With the help of my sister-in-law, Marjorie, we reached the dimensions of the New Jerusalem descending from the Heavens as the whole State of Washington. Compared to it, the Kingdom of Jesus during the thousand years will be as big or as small as Times Square, in NY.
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Then, when asked by my wife Tracy to illustrate the difference between the time for the living and the pause in time for those that are asleep, I remembered my old tape recorder. The time for a dead person is in pause, awaiting his awakening by Jesus! The person will still remember her last thoughts, and think of it as an instant!
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The molecular accuracy of the genetics of Jesus Christ is mind boggling, the Creator of the Universe knew of the need of a Savior since the moment He designed the ovule and the sperm, with this last one being the responsible to determine the sex of the baby!
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The most repulsive idea derived from the myth of Darwinian Evolution is that humans are a product of lower organisms; in contrast, the Bible clearly shows that our Loving Creator reordered the atoms of the ground to form man, making the woman from one of man’s ribs ("cloning with removal of the Y Chromosome and insertion of a nearby X Chromosome")
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The Temple was both a representation of the City of God and of Eden! The “Wailing Wall” is NOT a wall of the Temple (which was destroyed to the ground!) but a wall of the Roman ‘Fort Antonia’, and most importantly, we by default as individual born again believers are a 'Holy Place', but we as a group still building the Body of Christ, integrate a 'Most Holy Place' with the help of Christ !!!
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God delivered to David out of His own handwriting, the architectural plans for His Temple! David wanted to build it but he could not do it because he had blood in his hands, but his son Solomon build it. God in exchange, promised David to build and to preserve for posterity, David’s grave with his belongings!
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Cherubims with long wings were represented at the top of the Ark of the Covenant; unfortunately, Israel started to worship them and in the time of Jeremiah and Ezekiel, the Ark was removed from the Temple, becoming unnecessary; the Temple of Zerubbabel - Hasmonean - Herod that Jesus knew had no Ark, neither will have one his future millennial Temple! Jesus Christ was not concerned about that missing Ark!
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Jesus Christ prophesied that not even stone upon stone will be left of the Temple in Jerusalem. The Romans executed to the letter such prophecy. The actual Temple was located 1000 ft south of the current Dome of the Rock as Dr. Ernest L Martin discovered.
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Further evidence that the Temple of Jerusalem was located 600 ft. South of the southern wall of ‘Fort Antonia’ (inside which Fort the Dome of the Rock is located, being the “Wailing Wall” in the Western wall of such Fort), is that a constant flow of water was needed to keep it all clean after the daily animal sacrifices! The 'Gihon Spring' provided continuous water for the actual place of the real Temple!
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Key for chronology is the work of Josephus, saying that the Temple was renovated by Herod starting in the 15th year of his reign, which matches with the year 19 B.C., important to date the Sacred chronology of John the Apostle. Again 'The Gihon Spring' is a reminder that the Temple was evocative of Eden (as in its 2nd river)!
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Once we realize that in the Temple of Jerusalem all the entrances to the Most Holy Place, to the Holy Place, to the Court of Israel and to the Court of the Gentiles were all looking at the East, we are able to see that Jesus Christ was crucified outside of the city, in front of all of those doors, near the Altar for the Heifer (the Miphkad).
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Based on the research started by Ernest L. Martin (1995), we can correct the maps related to the Temple that appear in the last half of an awesome pair of research manuscripts (1984) recently rediscovered: http://tinyurl.com/jcapohp [which I’ll review in my next W&S presentation!] Also, a statement in p. 70: “The Temple area (over 35 acres) was surrounded by a retaining wall built of immense stones, the largest as long as 46 feet, portions of which remain to this day” (B.A.R. May/June 1981) is now obsolete because we know that those walls, which include the “Wailing Wall”, actually correspond to the Roman ‘Fort Antonia’! But most importantly, because our Lord Jesus said that there will be left nothing, not even one stone over other stone (not only of the inner Temple and its outer walls, but of the complete Jewish city!!!
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The great discovery of our current study is the proper timing of the Sabbatical years, “the years for the Lord”, in function of the life of Jesus! From Tishri 10 of 26 A.D. to Tishri 10 of 27 A.D. was the last Sabbatical Year in the earthly life of Jesus, matching the first half of his Ministry when he was "The Apostle". Here are the slides for today's presentation: http://fdocc.ucoz.com/2/12.apostle1.pdf [The correct Sabbatical Chronology was the one rediscovered by Benedict Zuckermann, a devout Jew from Germany of the XIX Century.]
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But the greatest finding establishing a Revelation of God that we find in His Word (and that was presented last month), is that The Body of Christ is the “Holy of Holies” (a.k.a. the “Most Holy”): The full span of the duration of the ministry of Jesus Christ (70 weeks!) was revealed to Daniel by Gabriel! The same Gabriel that announced the conception of Jesus to Mary; these 70 weeks go from Jesus' Baptism to the Day of Pentecost when he poured holy spirit over his 12 apostles!
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Gabriel also revealed to Daniel the lapse of seven weeks within the seventy weeks of the full ministry of Jesus. After his baptism on Feb. 16 he went to the desert for 40 days to be tempted and to succeed, then, he returned to his cousin John the Baptist who declared that Jesus was the Lamb of God taking away the sin of the world, then Jesus transformed the water into wine at Cana’s wedding, to finally enter in Jerusalem and in the Temple exactly seven weeks after his baptism!
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Completing the amazing Revelation by the Angel Gabriel to Prophet Daniel, we have that the completion of the week number 62 from the baptism of Jesus is reached on the day 24th of April (10th of Nisan) of the 28 A.D., the day of election of the Lamb of sacrifice! And just four days after that, on the 28th of April (14th of Nisan), Jesus Christ offered his whole life for you and for me!
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El material (en PDF) de las transparencias para su estudio personal y para mañana es: http://fdocc.ucoz.com/2/01_cronos_cristos.pdf Claudia me recomienda tener los videos apagados y dejar el audio abierto para que no se corten las conecciones. Aquí abajo uno de los más importantes descubrimientos que voy a presentar, como los años Sabáticos diseñados por Dios se alinean bellamente en la vida de Jesús!
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Para la presentación que comienza en menos de 3 horas (aquí son las 4:45 PM), Claudia me recomienda que los participantes apaguen su video y silencien su sonido (desde luego, con apertura para conocerles, leer la Escritura, manifestar, etc.) pero que únicamente esté activa la recepción del audio por la mayor parte de la presentación. Las transparencias en PDF serían nuestro principal punto de estudio: http://fdocc.ucoz.com/2/01_cronos_cristos.pdf (que hoy he actualizado.) Éstos estudios en progreso se inspiran en el material que se ilustra:
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So, how the deception that the ministry of Jesus Christ lasted 3 years and a half originated? Even when it was prophesied that his full ministry will only last for 70 weeks! The problem originated by the addition of the words “The Passover” to John 6:4 (Woe unto 'them'); it even seems that the whole of the verse has been added because it makes little sense with the surrounding context, that of Jesus feeding the 5,000 men (without even counting women and children)!
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The conversation of Jesus with his disciples in the outskirts of Sychar, in Samaria, is further evidence that the first seven months of the Ministry of Jesus, when God appointment him as ‘The Apostle’, corresponded to a Sabbatical Year; that explains the freedom of the people to flock, both around John the Baptist and around Jesus!
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Yes, I believe in God’s prophecies! Of all the time that Jesus and his Dad God talked during the 70-week Ministry of Jesus, as prophesied by Daniel, it is amazing that only three times it was audibly heard the actual voice of God! The first time was when he was baptized by his older cousin John; at this time, God was Anointing Jesus to be ‘The Apostle’!
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The second Audible voice of God to His son was a the Mount of Transfiguration (Mount Hermon), on the Day of Atonement (Tishri 10) of 27 A.D., the only day in the year when the High Priest entered into the Most Holy Place of the Temple! Peter, James and John were the witnesses here, when God Elected Jesus as 'The High Priest'!
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This is the third audible voice of God written during the full Ministry of Jesus Christ, here God said, the very day that the Lamb of the Sacrifice was chosen (10th of Nisan or 24th of April, 28 A.D. in our Calendar), the next words: “I have glorified and will glorify again”, talking about His Name; with these words God was choosing Jesus Christ as His Lamb for that year, and forever! As we read in revelation (Rev. 5:6, etc…)
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For our 1st Saturday of May (6:00 P.M.) on 'Word & Science', we'll see the "Waters Above", this time including the observations done by our brother in Christ @[1405591327:2048:Jeremiah Oliver]. Each member of the body of Christ has a vital function to fulfill, my prayers are that every one in particular grows to the fullness of the measure of the Christ within! For me, every inspired observation of each of my brethren in Christ is taken with the unconditional love to build but not to destroy!!! I deeply believe in 'The Living Word of God Purified Seven Times' like that silver in this very day and time!
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@[1295941374:2048:Claudia Juárez Garbalena] dice que Skype no tiene tanta calidad como para conenctar a un grupo grande para nuestros Estudios Bíblicos de los segundos viernes del mes a las 7:30 PM. Me recomendó abrir: https://plus.google.com/+CatadoresDeLaPalabra1 y https://www.youtube.com/c/CatadoresDeLaPalabra1 Por lo que pido que me conecten a través de estas fuentes los que se interesen en estos estudios, gracias!
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Explorando tecnologías para dar a conocer 'La Palabra de Dios' en español más eficazmente, voy a hacer una breve práctica mañana viernes primero de mayo de 9:05 - 9:25 AM hora de Houston, TX. Intento usar el 'Open Broadcaster Software', transmitiendo en vivo a través de YT: https://www.youtube.com/c/CatadoresDeLaPalabra1 Agradezco la infinita ayuda de @[1295941374:2048:Claudia Juárez Garbalena] !!!
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This is the cover for our "Word & Science" of this Saturday at 6:00 PM at our house (feel free to come if you can!), its title is: "The Waters Above - Part 1", we dig deeper into the extinction of the dinosaurs and further evidence of waters outside our earth!
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La introducción a "La Cronología de la vida Jesús" que toca la profecía de Daniel dando la duración completa de su Ministerio en su más reciente versión (incluyendo la transparencia corregida que se muestra) está en: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVd7IiWlvx8
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In an effort to reach out I'll intend to do a live recording of my presentation through YouTube (if I remember how we did it yesterday with my beloved brethren!), it will be live at 6:00 PM, Houston time, it will be the uppermost video that will be located at: https://www.youtube.com/c/catadoresdelapalabra1 "The Waters Above, Part 1":
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Este viernes 8 de mayo, compartiré (en español) a través de: https://www.youtube.com/c/catadoresdelapalabra1 ~ a partir de las 7:40 PM las transparencias completas de "La Cronología de la Vida de Jesús" (el mes pasado vimos la introducción), los que deseen conectarse antes (7:30 PM) para escuchar las manifestaciones de espíritu santo pueden hacerlo a través del Skype mandando un mensaje personal, y al final, tendremos "La Sobrefiesta!", en la que escucharemos comentarios y preguntas de los participantes de nuevo por Skype. El PDF es: http://fdocc.ucoz.com/2/01_cronos_cristos.pdf (gracias Susana!)
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Mañana a las 7:50 PM por el YouTube veremos en vivo otro descubrimiento maravilloso de la exactitud de de la Palabra de Dios que me tocó hacer por la pura gracia de Dios y que comienza con el hecho de que María ya llevaba tres meses de embarazo cuando se casó con José, y por eso él pensó en dejarla; según las Costumbres Orientales, un año antes de la boda eran los esponsales, cuando el futuro marido daba a su futura esposa las 10 monedas de plata (equivalentes al anillo de compromiso). Una vez casados, la luna de miel de la Ley de Moisés duraba también durante todo un año!
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Una de esas grandes gemas que Dios me ha revelado mediante Su Palabra es el distinguir la diferencia entre: 1) el lugar santo, y 2) el lugar santísimo dentro del Cuerpo de Cristo, como Pablo dijera, esto ni lo leí, ni lo escuché de hombre alguno. Porque por gracia tú como individuo ya eres "el lugar santo" por la obra que Cristo completó por tí, en cambio, "el lugar santísimo" somos todos los creyentes renacidos juntos hasta ese glorioso día en el que Cristo nos lleve a todos juntos para estar para siempre con él !!!
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El audio con la lectura de @[1295941374:2048:Claudia Juárez Garbalena] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1PzVclocp8 ¡George Müller se propuso demostrarle al mundo que el Dios de los relatos bíblicos, es el mismo Dios y Padre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo! ¡Nuestro Todopoderoso Dios hoy!!!!!
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I love the fair use and the open resources to spread God's Word!!! I.E., for those "Hard-Core" Bible Students, now the valuable "Young's Analytical Concordance to the Bible" is fully free and accessible in its many versions, i.e., from 1917: https://books.google.com/books?id=Ahw7AQAAMAAJ , then its Appendixes: https://books.google.com/books?id=oa0GAAAAQAAJ , his Literal Translation, 1863: https://books.google.com/books?id=vicsAAAAYAAJ , its Supplement, 1864: https://books.google.com/books?id=YwI-AAAAYAAJ , his Grammatical of Scriptures (Hebrew, Chaldee, and Greek) & Psalms in Hebrew, 1885: https://books.google.com/books?id=N6gGAAAAQAAJ , his Notes and Queries, 1869:https://books.google.com/books?id=Dx4FAAAAQAAJ , his Commentary, 1865: https://books.google.com/books?id=fxsQAAAAYAAJ , his Twofold NT Concordance , 1884: https://books.google.com/books?id=f60GAAAAQAAJ
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Honest mathematicians know that the odds for a random appearance of life in the Universe are practically impossible! Here, Dr. Lennox, from Oxford U. says: “The more we get to know about our Universe, the more the hypothesis that there is a Creator gains in credibility as the best explanation of why we are here”! And, of course, for us, the believers, The Creator is no more an hypothesis but a living fact with Whom we enjoy every single day of our lives!
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One parameter for life that Eric Metaxas exemplifies is that of the importance of the Planet Jupiter as a protective shield for the earth, preventing it from being crushed by comets; imagine this: The very existence of Jupiter in function of the current earth to protect it is mind-boggling! And that apart of its powerful prophetic function displayed at the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
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Again, food for thought, for the hard-core Bible researcher, on preparation for my future study, these are thus far intriguing pieces of information related to Noah's Ark, David Allen Deal's "Noah's Ark and Naxuan" [Naxuan was the first settlement of Noah and family after they landed]. Deal debunks the wretched fantasies developed by Zecharia Sitchin about the "Anunnaki", which really means: "We of the ship of Noah"!!! http://fdocc.ucoz.com/2/the_ark_of_noah_compressed_deal.pdf
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Ronald Eldon Wyatt took seriously the Word of God and discovered Gomorrah and other Cities of the Plain in in 1989 and the brimstone that destroyed them! https://youtu.be/pZbMf4r6NoQ Later on, one of his collaborators, Bill Fry, went to the Jordanian side and found Zeboiim, as he describes it in a heart felt way at: http://anchorstone.com/1998/06/sodom-gomorrah-update-4/
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Edificando al Cuerpo de Cristo de habla hispana, recientes lecturas de nuestra amada hermana en Cristo, @[1295941374:2048:Claudia Juárez Garbalena]:
LAS DOS PARTES DE LA SEGUNDA VENIDA DE CRISTO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GS1-u8foero
¿CUÁNDO SERÁN VIVIFICADOS LOS MUERTOS?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBOyBpPZJ_M
DIOS TODOPODEROSO- "EL SHADDAI" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyDE5BhX9Rk
“JOB: DE VÍCTIMA A VENCEDOR" Pte. 1 https://youtu.be/KSWc4RZY9vc y Pte. 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7xTuxNVe0U
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While preparing my next Saturday's 6 of the 6th at 6 PM presentation of "Word & Science", the works of Josephus again were the most useful, this time to find the actual location of Noah's Ark today!!! https://books.google.com/books?id=cEY5AQAAMAAJ By the grace of God, a clever mathematician (W. Whiston) footnoted this edition of 1822.
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This Saturday at 6 PM [Houston time] I'll present live, findings on the actual location of Noah's Ark and its design! I fervently prayed with you last month for help to find its current location, and to understand its windows! By grace divine, I found that this Ark had two kinds of windows!!! 1) One ordered by God (Sohar, Episunagon, the open skylight! Running 1 cubit all along the roof of the ark) and 2) One designed by Noah (hallown, turida, the little window with a door to release and retrieve birds!) if you want to see this presentation, it will be available live (and afterwards), online at: https://www.youtube.com/catadoresdelapalabra1 [Remember to 'refresh' your page near the time. I thank God for His Unconditional Love and Mercy towards us!]
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Dear All, A reminder of my presentation tomorrow at 6:00 PM and one of its slides, done with the help of the eagle eye of my dear bro. Joseph Grady last Saturday, showing Archaeological findings around the first city after the Flood (Mesha), built around Noah's Ark, which was its centerpiece. God bless you and thank you for all your spiritual prayers for us, for me and my wife! See you here!!! In Christ, Fernando.
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today live at 6:00 PM Houston time and afterwards at: https://www.youtube.com/c/catadoresdelapalabra1 The current Mt. Ararat is NOT the proper place for Noah's ark to land, at 17K ft the air is rare in oxygen, no place horizontal enough for it to land and for animals to safely emerge and walk, no evidence of sea-shells on its slopes, indicating that Mt. Ararat originated AFTER the flood of the days of Noah!!!
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Este viernes 12 de Junio comenzamos a partir de las 7:30 PM mediante el Skype para oraciones y manifestar espíritu santo; luego, como a las 7:50 PM nos desprendemos del Skype y nos conectamos al YouTube en: https://www.youtube.com/c/catadoresdelapalabra1/feed?activity_view=3 Donde comparto el tema de La manifestación de espíritu santo: http://fdocc.ucoz.com/2/04_breve_caida_restauracion.pdf
[Copia en inglés: http://fdocc.ucoz.com/2/04_brief_fall_restoration_3.pdf] Luego, a las 8:30 PM Sangat Bains, el autor del libro que leí: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jW6ofxWPZ2w Comparte en inglés la aplicación práctica del poder de Dios; yo le traduzco al español. Un banquete dedicado a Dios y los suyos! Aquí nos vemos!
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Para los miembros del incansable, modular, y siempre creciente Cuerpo de Cristo, la doble analogía de 1 Corintios 12: http://fdocc.ucoz.com/2/doble_analogia.pdf Nos escuchamos a partir de las 7:30 PM! Orando para que Dios dirija, inspire y revele su Palabra procedente de su corazón para con nosotros!
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Gracias al Amor de Dios manifestado por los santos creyentes de habla hispana, estos son los tres más recientes frutos gracias a su labor de amor incondicional:
1. Sangat Bains nos comparte: "Renacidos para Escuchar Directamente a Dios!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wavy_Zd_M2E [Gracias a Alan Diaz por inspirarnos el título!] Nuestra amada hermana en Cristo Élida Scarano ha transcrito la primera parte, el mensaje de esta presentación: http://fdocc.ucoz.com/2/sangat_bains_12_jun_2015.pdf
2.Manifestando espíritu santo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qgIRcrKId4 [Lo maravilloso del poder espiritual que Dios nos ha dado hoy para amar y servirle a Él y a su Familia en la tierra! Gracias a @[1295941374:2048:Claudia Juárez Garbalena] por coordinar y por orar para que todo saliera bien!]
3.Doble Analogia: El Cuerpo de Cristo y el Cuerpo de la Manifestación de espíritu santo [Esta podría considerarse como la segunda parte al tema anterior sobre el gran impacto de la doble analogía que Pablo presenta con nuestro cuerpo fisico. Gracias a esos investigadores que nos han precedido tales como Walter J. Cummins, etc.]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqBiw8iO-P4
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The ever refreshing study of NT Greek Scriptures (click image to expand), among other things: Orange "to each moreover is given" matching "to each as he [the 'each'] wills)" the person decides what and how to manifest! Black: manifestation is in singular!!! Purple: "common profiting" is the word to be added as shown by the smaller purple squares (to fill the elipsis). Green: 'hetero' starts a group of a different category, God telling us that for Him these are the group divisions for us to manifest holy spirit: Group 1. word of wisdom and word of knowledge. Group 2. faith (spiritual belief), gifts of healings, workings (a plural word) of miracles, prophecy and discerning of spirits. Group 3. kinds of tongues and interpretation of tongues. Red: The evidence of the Manifestation of holy spirit known as "prophecy" does not contain the word "word", God making it of a wider range, as He can give a vision, a smell, a dream, a feeling, a theatrical performance (as per Agabus), etc... More at: http://biblehub.com/interlinear/1_corinthians/12.htm
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El siempre refrescante estudio del griego de las Escrituras del NT (expandir picando imagen), entre otras cosas: Naranja "Pero a cada uno es dada" concordando con "a cada uno, conforme le [a 'cada uno'] place)" la persona decide qué y cómo ha de manifestar! Negro: manifestación es en singular!!! Morado: "provecho común" es la palabra a ser añadida como se muestra mediante los cuadros morados pequeños (para llenar la elipsis). Verde: 'hetero' comienza un grupo de una categoría diferente, Dios nos está diciendo que para Él éstas son las divisiones de los grupos para que nosotros podamos manifestar espíritu santo: Grupo 1. palabra de sabiduría y palabra de ciencia; Grupo 2. fe (creencia espiritual), dones de sanidades, trabajos (palabra plural) de milagros, profecía y discernimiento de espíritus; Grupo 3. géneros de lenguas e interpretación de lenguas. Rojo: La evidencia de la Manifestación de espíritu santo conocida como "profecía" no contiene la palabra "palabra", haciéndola Dios de amplio rango, ya que Él puede dar una visión, un aroma, un sueño, una sensación, una obra teatral (como con Ágabo), etc... De: http://www.centrocristianopentecostal.com/biblia-int/
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Sangat Bains - Los Dos Reinos y Sus Reglas - 30-Mayo-2014 - español e inglés: https://youtu.be/TIHBCvbh_5w
Y los siguientes los lee @[1295941374:2048:Claudia Juárez Garbalena]:
EFESIOS 1 A 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PJmKGL0PSI
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Pa76-jnr5E
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHVUWN5Gaes
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBsO59hpIbQ
"PORQUE NO ES VUESTRA LA GUERRA, SINO DE DIOS". Gedeón y sus trescientos hombres: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zUIs9YrwIU
¡CONSIDERAD LOS LIRIOS DEL CAMPO! Un estudio de Mateo 6: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEe0xO6jtmA
¿Por qué hay división? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N48Ux2fcnYE
LA HISTORIA DE RUT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlO2H3Bl3bQ
Gracias a Dios por su abundancia de amor y el cuidado que tiene de nosotros. Vayamos directamente a Él ya que Él tiene la respuesta precisa para la circunstancia y momento específicu que se esté viviendo!
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Some of my audio-favorites are: 1, http://www.oocities.com/plin9k/prophecy.mp3 Where Sangat Bains gives a prophecy about our manifested spiritual power as the Body of Christ in its fullness before its departure. 2. http://www.oocities.com/plin9k/authority.mp3 Ken Petty explains how we can manifest with full belief the spiritual power that we already have, instead of hiding in a religious appearance of prayer, when action is what is needed the most!
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A petición de santos creyentes de habla hispana, he leído de corrido en aproximadamente 38 minutos el mensaje principal que Sangat Bains nos compartió a los creyentes de habla hispana el pasado viernes:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=if5ZSow9luw Dios les llene sus vidas de abundancia, y de bendiciones espirituales para esparcir por un mundo sediento! Aquí está el documento escrito: http://fdocc.ucoz.com/2/sangat_bains_12_jun_2015.pdf (también con extensión docx al final).
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Este dibujo representa uno de los más emocionantes momentos en la historia de la humanidad: ¡El Apóstol Pablo está dictando su Epístola a los Efesios a un escriba estando “en casa bajo arresto” en espera de ser procesado en Roma, siendo custodiado por un soldado Romano! El comprender este momento histórico nos sirve de fundamento sobre el cual la investigación Bíblica reposa al tener la certeza de que los manuscritos originales de las Escrituras fueron "exhalados por Dios", como el que sostiene este amanuense. [Tomado de: Waitsel Smith. The Apostle Paul. The Way Magazine. Jul.-Aug. 1984, p. 19.] Nota: Orando para ser capaz de presentar más de éstos tesoros olvidados con mis amados santos de habla hispana: http://fdocc.ucoz.com/2/cronologia_epistolas.pdf
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One of the most exciting moments of the human history! Paul The Apostle is dictating his Epistle to the Ephesians to a Scribe while "under arrest at home" waiting to be indicted at Rome, being guarded by a Roman soldier. To perceive this historical moment help us as a foundation over which all the Biblical research lies by being certain that the original manuscripts of the Scriptures were "God-breathed", such as the one held by this amanuensis [Waitsel Smith. The Apostle Paul (Painting). The Way Magazine. Jul.-Aug. 1984, p. 19.] "The soldier Paul was chained to, was a member of the Praetorian Guard, an elite group of soldiers in Rome. Different soldiers would take turns guarding Paul so that soon the entire guard knew of Paul's life and ministry! Phil. 1:13 So that my bonds in Christ are manifest in all the palace [praitorion], and in all other places" [Ken Petty. Dating the Epistles. The Way Magazine, Jul.-Aug., 1986, pp. 9-11.] "The Epistles together form the great tapestry of believing that is our standard for truth and the basis of our life-style today" [John Crouch. An Overview of the Church Epistles. ibid., pp. 12-13.] To see Bullinger's Chronology of Paul's Epistles: http://www.biblestudysite.com/180.htm
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For those of you that like me, want to learn and apply how the literature from Heaven works, the one of a kind research, still unsurpassed, by E. W. Bullinger! :
https://ia700404.us.archive.org/32/items/cu31924029277047/cu31924029277047.pdf , also at:
https://web.archive.org/web/20150627014748/http://www.charleswelch.net/figuresofspeechbullinger.pdf , and its small format at: http://liveweb.archive.org/web/20130810165710/http://www.biblicalresearchjournal.org/brj-pages_pdf/001ewb_figures_of_speech.pdf
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The day we got married (and we lasted 15 years married, being now good friends) in the Lindsey's home, with my beloved sisters surrounding us, and my ex-mother in law,and ex-sister in law, and two co-workers from Baylor, and Ronnie! Thanks Aida for the memories...!
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Santos amados, finalmente, la parte siete del estudio integrado incluye el cómo hacer un estudio de palabras en los idiomas originales, el ejemplo es el de Lucas 1:3, "anothen", con la ayuda de Young, Bullinger y Vine, con algo de la historia de la traducción en inglés, acerca de quien diera su vida para lograrla: William Tyndale! http://fdocc.ucoz.com/2/estudio_integrado_7.pdf , y las partes anteriores: http://fdocc.ucoz.com/2/cronologia_epistolas.pdf , http://fdocc.ucoz.com/2/estudio_integrado_1.pdf , http://fdocc.ucoz.com/2/estudio_integrado_2.pdf , http://fdocc.ucoz.com/2/estudio_integrado_3.pdf , http://fdocc.ucoz.com/2/estudio_integrado_4.pdf , http://fdocc.ucoz.com/2/estudio_integrado_5.pdf , http://fdocc.ucoz.com/2/estudio_integrado_6.pdf En Cristo, Fernando.
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Amados Santos, este viernes esperamos regocijarnos "Explorando Nuestra Esperanza": http://fdocc.ucoz.com/2/03_esperanza.pdf A partir de las 7:50 PM en: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGgi7H6CT_ALYhT4jHRu_8w/videos Antes (7:30 PM) y después de la presentación nos vemos por el Skype. En Cristo, Fernando.
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This Saturday, at 6:00 PM Houston time I'll be presenting live at home the actual locations until this day of the Cities of the Plain, such as Gomorrah and Sodom, if you are not around, you may still be able to see it through YouTube at this address: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGgi7H6CT_ALYhT4jHRu_8w/videos
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Preparing with my lovely wife Tracy our house, hearts, and presentation for tonight!!! At 6 PM Houston time. Seen live at: http://youtube.com/catadoresdelapalabra1 In the next slide you can see that above the specific areas that were bombarded by God with fire and brimstone there is a whitish color as a result of the transformation of the solid rock into flaky calcium sulphates that are breakable by hand!!!
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In the same trip to the "Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch", my wife spotted a wild variety of squirrel that is obscure, with a flat tail and white glasses! Here my wife tossed some pellets and the squirrel captured one. Below is the sequence, before the dark squirrel's triumphal moment!
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And here is where we all said: "Ah! A six-legged rhino!" (There were indeed two rhinos, male and female), then I shouted (the second round, were they continued in the same place): "That's just a lazy rhino"! And, immediately, he started walking to the feeder, as the sequence below shows:
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And, as I mentioned before, my favorite creature was baby ostrich! So, after me being rejected, my beautiful wife came to bail me out! So, my wife also offered pellets in her hand and, as you will see in the next sequence, that little ostrich accepted them from the hand of my wife but not from my own hands!!! [Yes, here is when the ostrich is ignoring me while approaching my wife's hand!]
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Jesus Christ was the substitute for all our sins! But before that, from an old fragment of Lev. 1:1-8 found near the Dead Sea (at Ein Gedi) in a charred manuscript we read: “...When any of you bring an offering of livestock to the Lord, you shall bring your offering from the herd or from the flock. If the offering is a burnt offering from the herd, you shall offer a male without blemish; you shall bring it to the entrance of the tent of meeting, for acceptance in your behalf before the Lord. You shall lay your hand on the head of the burnt offering, and it shall be acceptable in your behalf as atonement for you..." http://www.livescience.com/51610-burned-hebrew-scroll-deciphered.html
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Santos amados, esta es la Biblia en español que he subido a mi sitio: http://fdocc.ucoz.com/biblia Conforme Dios proporcione fuerzas y entendimiento, espero poder irla anotando; v.gr., mi primer línea al primer versículo de la Epístola de Judas, hermano de Jesús; en paralelo a la traducción a la que estamos acostumbrados, he puesto el orden de las palabras como se observa en el texto griego, con cada subrayado continuo representando a una sola palabra griega; esto nos muestra que es frecuente que una sola palabra griega sea traducida ¡con dos o más palabras en español! Como es el caso del nosotros ya ¡"habiendo sido guardados"! En Cristo, Fernando.
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Next Saturday at 6:00 pM at our house we'll see "and the angels below, part 2" - The Neanderthal. We'll see the significance of the earliest findings of Neanderthals in the Middle East, just as the Bible indicates and the Biblical meaning of that! In the image the circles mean humans, being the oldest findings the darkest color, and the squares mean Neanderthals, taken from the Science magazine, 2010.
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The Angels Below,part 2 will be dealing with the Neanderthal according to the Bible, Saturday at 6:00 PM (pending to re-recording the presentation due to high static): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGgi7H6CT_ALYhT4jHRu_8w/videos The cover shows in the left side a Neanderthal skull and thicker bones compared with a Human skull and bones in the right side. The set of slides of the presentation, for you to do a detailed study of the corresponding Scriptures can be seen at: http://fdocc.ucoz.com/2/2SpiritsPrison_2_2015.pdf God bless you in Christ!
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I talked with my lovely wife and we decided that today Sunday, at 4:00 PM I'll be re-transmitting live the same presentation from yesterday related to the Angels Below and the Neanderthal. Yesterday the audio did not work for the recorded version of it so, if you are around and can be here, please come: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGgi7H6CT_ALYhT4jHRu_8w In the image, the first research that showed that the Neanderthal were not human, and the six early places in Israel where their bones have been found, just as the Bible said!
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Amados, El interlineal con notas para Is. 26 se ve de la siguiente manera: http://fdocc.ucoz.com/biblia/5/23_026.htm (picarle al capítulo y/o versículos para ver las notas). Estoy usando el texto crítico de la Septuaginta de Rahlfs y notas de Bullinger y de Dake. Esperando que sea para la edificación del entendimiento de nuestros amados santos! En Cristo, Fernando. P.S. Espero poder entender como hacer el interlineal hebreo - español, el cual sería mejor, sin que se me mueva todo el orden de las letras hebreas, pero aún no sé como hacerlo en Word.
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One of the slides of our weekend's presentation: the ten pieces of silver I gave my wife last year, as token of my love (Biblical equivalent to our wedding ring). The Scripture is of Paul's statement related to Gen. 6:1-4, Jude 6-7, 2 Pe. 2-4, Rev. 9:1-12... Topic that I've been working for a long while from the scientific perspective (here in Word), as written in my old & extinct Geocities site: "My Study of 2003 on the Neanderthal = Nephilim, never aired until now. It needs a lot of updates and editing, but it will inspire some of you to do a better effort. In Christ: Fernando."
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Santísimos del mundo hispano! Para la presentación de este viernes, comenzamos a las 7:30 P.M. tiempo de Houston, con oraciones y Su manifestación, en Skype (desgraciadamente se limita a 25 personas), luego a las 7:50 PM he invitado a Claudia Juárez Garbalena quien nos comparte por YouTube (sin límite) y Skype, durante una media hora: "Olor Fragante, Sacrificio Acepto, Agradable a Dios" (Fil. 4:18), algo muy importante procedente de su corazón acerca de nuestras ofrendas vivientes a Dios! Después, por un tiempo semejante, les comparto por YouTube: "El Templo espiritual de hoy!" Y luego... la sobremesa!!! En Cristo, Fernando. P.S. Éstas son las Transparencias!: http://fdocc.ucoz.com/2/11.breve_templo_tabernaculo.pdf
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Cuando estaba en la clase de historia en una escuela religiosa de México, básicamente el profesor exaltó hasta el cielo el Código de Hammurabi diciendo que había sido la base para los Mandamientos dados a Moisés; nada podría estar más separado de la verdad que eso, aquí les presento mi traducción del Apéndice de Bullinger que lo aclara, algo bien conocido en el Siglo XIX pero de alguna forma ignorado aún por muchos incrédulos: http://fdocc.ucoz.com/biblia/ewb/015.htm Este Apéndice 15 forma parte de mi gran anhelo de poder traducir toda "La Biblia Compañera" de Bullinger para bien servir al Cuerpo de Cristo de habla hispana, mejorándola con actualizaciones e interlineales. En Cristo, Fernando! P.S. En la foto, a la izquierda vemos la más antigua copia en existencia de los Mandamientos Bíblicos, comparada con el obelisco negro de Hammurabi.
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Historiadores incrédulos también consideran que las siete "tablillas de la creación" (en honor al dios babilónico Merodac) fueron el fundamento del Génesis, pero en su Apéndice 8 Büllinger corrige ese tremendo error: http://fdocc.ucoz.com/biblia/ewb/008.htm de la misma manera que ayer vimos que lo hizo para demostrar que el Código de Hammurabi no fue el ancestro de la Ley de Dios dada a Moisés. En Cristo, Fernando. P.S. En la foto se ven las siete tablillas a Merodac comparadas con el Génesis (que aquí se muestra en un interlineal hebreo - inglés, recordando que el hebreo se lee de derecha a izquierda).
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So, Enderle starts by saying that 99.9...% of matter is "empty space"! Then, quoting Newton, he indicates that the perspective of God and Science complementing each other is a healthy one: "The most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being" (Newton, 1726). He presents next 3 cases reflecting such a Being: 1) Beyond the Laws of Conservation of Energy and of Probability, he asks: From whence the energy originates for an electron to leave an atom? If we don't know and if this is so, why are we so surprised about Miracles? This characteristic, is called by Enderle: "Probability & Omnipotence".
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This coming Saturday at Seven we are going to remember the amazing and all-wise Father we have! One that organized the Heavens and His old Laws in a way as to announce the precise hour of the birth of His precious son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
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So, if you are around and want to come, tomorrow Saturday 09/05/15 at 7:00 PM we'll study the astounding 'Astronomy of the Birth of Jesus', also possible to be seen at: https://www.youtube.com/c/CatadoresDeLaPalabra1 (live and afterwards); and its slides: http://fdocc.ucoz.com/2/03_star_bethlehem_1_2015.pdf (the same info. will be shared in Spanish next Friday 11 at 7:50 PM) See ya!
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Para los amados santos de habla hispana: La presentación en vivo de la "Astronomía del Nacimiento de Jesús" será este viernes a las 7:50 P.M., hora de Houston, TX, en: https://www.youtube.com/c/catadoresdelapalabra1 Sus transparencias: http://fdocc.ucoz.com/2/06_estrella_de_belen_2015.pdf Comenzamos a las 7:30 por Skype para oraciones y manifestar espíritu santo, y después para la sobremesa!!! En Cristo, Fernando.
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Amigos! Parte de lo que vamos a ver hoy por la noche! Aproximadamente desde las 7:50 PM, hora de Houston en vivo, desde nuestro canal: https://www.youtube.com/c/CatadoresDeLaPalabra1 Las Constelaciones y Planetas se postraron, anunciando el nacimiento de nuestro Señor Jesucristo el primero de Tishri del año tres A.C., que ese año cayó en un once de septiembre. Si Dios numera y conoce el nombre de cada estrella, con mayor razón te conoce a tí, y tus más íntimas necesidades, y Él te promete que te las va a suplir!!! En Cristo, Fernando Castro-Chavez.
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A reminder that according to the Hebrew calendar today we are in the 1 of Tishri, as when Jesus was born: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzkSJKLyOAU , the beginning of the Hebrew year! Which some sources say will start today at the evening: http://www.when-is.com/rosh-hashanah-2015.asp "Rosh HaShanah in 2015 will start on Monday, the 14th of September and will continue for 2 days until Tuesday, the 15th of September." While others say that it already started since yesterday evening: http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/rosh-hashanah-2015-when-jewish-new-year-1519421 "...this year, it will begin at sundown on Sunday 13 September... In 2015, Rosh Hashanah will end on Tuesday 15 September at sundown."
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Por la gracia divina, los estudios del poder de Dios hoy, continúan:
La Administración del Secreto Revelado, Administración de la Gracia de Dios:
Caminando en el Nuevo Nacimiento: A) Recibiendo Revelación, B) Renovando la Mente:
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Conforme avanzamos en nuestro andar con Dios, aprendemos lo que tenemos, y ¡entonces comenzamos a usarlo, siriviendo a otros que anhelan conocer y crecer en el Dios verdadero!:
Filiación: Romanos – ¡Nuestra Redención!
El Ministerio de la Reconciliación
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Hoy que tanta falsedad y dolor rondan por el mundo, ¡la luz del Cristo alumbra entendiminetos y sana corazones!:
Jesucristo Nuestro Redentor:
La Concepción de la Simiente Prometida:
Jesucristo, el Redentor – El Propósito de Jesucristo:
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Continúna el estudio de las Escrituras de la Biblia en el trabajo de nuestro amado hermano en Cristo Houk Hitchcock, aquí traducido al español:
Estudiando Las Escrituras:
¡Escudriñad las Escrituras!
Las Promesas de Dios
Primera Parte
Segunda Parte
Estudio e Investigación Bíblica
Primera Parte
Segunda Parte
Tercera Parte
Y aún hay más....!!!!
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Estos temas completan la clase de "Estudiando las Escrituras":
La Armoniosa Perfección de las Escrituras - Estudio e Investigación 4
Estudio e Investigación Bíblica - 5
Adán y Eva:
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This Saturday (10/03/15), at 7:00 PM, by the sheer grace of God, I'll be sharing at home: "The Witness of the Stars 2", it can be followed online at the site: https://www.youtube.com/c/CatadoresDeLaPalabra1 Ps. 119:89 was found in Houk's class. Our love for God is beyond anything else! Not because of ourselves, but because of Him and only Him!!! One week later, God willing, Friday night (10/09/15) will be presented in Spanish at 7:50 PM, see you here, there, or in the air!!!
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Con gusto presento este viernes (9 de oct., 2015) a las 7:50 PM de la noche mi estudio del “Testimonio de las Estrellas 2”: http://fdocc.ucoz.com/3/PC_7_02_testimonio_de_las_estrellas_2015.pdf Se verán 7 Signos del Zodiaco (de Leo a Acuario) según la Biblia. Aparecerá en el canal: https://www.youtube.com/c/catadoresdelapalabra1 (donde queda grabado), y desde antes, por el Skype desde las 7:30 PM para oraciones y manifestar espíritu santo, y después, esta vez para breve sobremesa...
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Recordando que mañana viernes 9 de octubre a las 7:50 PM voy a presentar por YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/catadoresdelapalabra1 El Testimonio de las Estrellas 2. Estamos profundamente agradecidos con el trabajo de Büllinger y de otros en los que él se basó (Dr. Seiss, Miss Frances Rolleston, etc.), pero, amados míos, no hemos de quedarnos allí, sino que hemos de ir más adelante bajo la guía divina...
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En la visita que hice a la casa-museo familiar de mis papitos, me encontré con esta foto de cuando recibí a Guillermo Cañedo de la Bárcena, quien fuera el padrino de nuestra generación de la Preparatoria de la Escuela Varonil de la Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara. Abajo pongo el resto de la larga foto para que si alguno de ustedes se reconoce, si quiere y tiene el tiempo, pueda poner su nombre y coordenadas donde se encuentra en la foto (yo estoy con mi saco azul, al mero centro de la primera fila con Guillermo, en paz descanse).
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Es gran bendición el poder anunciar que en una semana, el próximo viernes 13 de Noviembre vamos a tener, a petición de los santos de Chile, la grata compañía de nuestro amado Sangat Bains desde la India. Comenzamos a las 7:30 PM con la manifestación de espíritu santo por Skype y por YouTube a las 7:50 PM, comparto el "hablar en lenguas con interpretación" como nos lo enseñan la Biblia y el espíritu que llevamos dentro! Luego, Sangat nos comparte acerca de lo que Dios deposite en su corazón para darnos: https://www.youtube.com/c/CatadoresDeLaPalabra1 (mañana comienzo leyendo allí algo relacionado).
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Divinos Santos Amados: Es con gran satisfacción que comparto las transparencias de mi presentación de mañana a las 7:50 PM: http://fdocc.ucoz.com/3/PC_b_7_h_e_l_con_interp.pdf Por el YT: https://www.youtube.com/c/CatadoresDeLaPalabra1 Después de esto, Sangat Bains nos comparte de su corazón; los que deseen estar desde antes para oraciones especiales y manifestar, mándenme en mensaje personal su identidad para encontrarlos a través del Skype y anexarlos. En Cristo, Fernando.
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"The unique connections in your brain mean no one like you has ever existed or will ever exist again" = 'Las conexiones únicas en tu cerebro significan que nadie como tú ha existido ni existirá jamás' From: http://video.pbs.org/program/brain-david-eagleman/ [First Part - Whose free viewing expires tomorrow!]
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Estoy muy bendecido al bendecir a mis amados creyentes de Chile!!! Comparto algo acerca del cómo de la "Investigación Bíblica", manifestamos espíritu santo, Alfredo nos comparte su poderoso testimonio de la milagrosa recuperación de su hijo después de su accidente en moto en el que los doctores pensaban que ya no viviría, etc.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IR7bzRB-NxY Felicitaciones en su boda de mañana para Eduardo y Lidia!!!
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Saints, "Is that in the Bible?" is the title of my presentation for tomorrow at 7:00 PM CT: https://www.youtube.com/c/catadoresdelapalabra1 Every detail of the law was fulfilled in Christ! Even that of the goat for the sacrifice versus the scapegoat ("escape goat", Lev. 16) was consummated in Jesus Christ vs "Jesus Barabbas", the way in which that name appears in the Greek of Mt. 27:17! In Christ, Fernando.
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Here we see how Jesus himself is carrying our load today with his declaration that the "eye for an eye" statement is something that "has been said" by somebody but not by God! Jesus puts that statement in the same category of the most erroneous "hate thine enemy"! Contrasting these two with Giving and with Loving!, respectively.
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Amados santos, primeramente Dios vamos a ver el tremendo tema de la Simiente Prometida en las Constelaciones para este viernes 11 de diciembre, comenzando a las 7:50 PM: https://www.youtube.com/c/catadoresdelapalabra1 con el ir manifestando espíritu santo después del tema, y con oraciones y salutaciones comenzando desde las 7:30 PM mediante Skype; las transparencias son: http://fdocc.ucoz.com/3/08_simiente_constelaciones.pdf En Cristo, Fernando.
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Dear Saints, Here are two of my favorite studies of last year, for the glory of God!: The Bible and Genetics (2014):
Fall and Restoration (2014):
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A petición de muy amados creyentes, ésta es la presentación sobre el "Hablar en Lenguas con Interpretación" que presenté bilingüe el mes pasado pero esta vez solamente en español:
Y lo mismo con otra semejante sobre "La manifestación del espíritu":
Temas básicos tales como el ir "Estudiando las Escrituras" se indexan en:
Y otros Estudios Bíblicos (los que están en español están a la derecha) en:
http://fdocc.ucoz.com/index/0-124 En Cristo, Fernando.
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Recordando a los santos amados, como puse antes, que hoy a las 7:30 PM comenzamos nuestra reunión por Skype, que continuamos por YouTube con sobremesa después para manifestar espíritu santo y deleitarnos en Dios! En la foto, la batalla espiritual profetizada en los cielos desde la creación de Adán: Sol y Luna en Virgo (concepción virginal), en donde Venus (Cristo), en conjunción con la Spica (el Renuevo humano), está rodeado por Marte (Miguel) a la izquierda, y por Mercurio (Gabriel) a la derecha; En Aries (el Rey y Cordero de Dios), Júpiter (la Justicia de Dios), al centro del evento de la Espada que Desciende del Cielo (el "pescado" de la izquierda), se clava en el corazón de Cetus (el "hombre" de pecado). Por otro lado e intentando usurpar el poder divino, en Leo (el Rey de Reyes) Neptuno (el "espíritu" del Anticristo), en conjunción con Régulo (el Cetro del Rey), está flanqueado por Urano (el "espíritu" del Falso Profeta) a su izquierda, y Saturno (Satanás) a su derecha!
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Recordando a los santos que lo deseen el acompañarnos el viernes a las 7:50 PM: https://www.youtube.com/c/CatadoresDeLaPalabra1 El tema es "Las Aguas de Arriba", previamente anexado en PDF, una transparencia del mismo se anexa. Los que deseen, o no, estar en el Skype desde las 7:30 PM para asuntos más íntimos y personales del Cuerpo de Cristo y para la sobremesa, por favor, háganmelo saber mandándome en mensaje personal sus datos del Skype. En Cristo, Fernando!
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Amados míos, con la gran alegría de haber podido continuar los estudios acerca de las Escrituras (parte 16), en este caso comenzando con los Dones de ministerio, y de entre ellos, con el de Profecía! Sirviéndoles incondicionalmente en Cristo, Fernando. P.D: El nexo es: Estudiando las Escrituras: Dones de ministerio: Profecía!: https://www.youtube.com/c/catadoresdelapalabra1
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Otra transparencia que veremos esta noche acerca de las "Aguas de Arriba", muestra que es maravilloso que en las Escrituras, "los Cielos de los Cielos" corresponden al Espacio Exterior dentro del Universo, pero "las aguas que están por encima de esos Cielos" son las que rodean al Universo entero, formando "El Círculo sobre la Faz del Abismo"; y más allá de todo esto, es a donde nosotros vamos! Oh maravillas de la Sabiduría de Dios! Comenzamos por YT a las 7:50 PM: https://www.youtube.com/c/CatadoresDeLaPalabra1
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Estudiando las Escrituas: Dones de ministerio: Profetas! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pvhM-tKTpo Mi oración en espíritu y entendimiento es que cada coordinador de grupo de creyentes Cristianos estimule el desarrollo de los, ya dados por Cristo, Dones de ministerio para tener un grupo saludable y creciendo con el crecimiento que da Dios: Vista: Apóstoles; Oído: Profetas; Tacto: Evangelistas; Olfato: Pastores; Gusto: Maestros.
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Fertile Eggs of Axólotl on Sale! http://texasaxolotls.com/ Huevecillos fértiles del Axólotl en venta! Fue mi mascota por 15 años, regenera de forma natural; la nueva variedad fluoresce de verde en la obscuridad; en la Prepa, los colectamos de Pátzcuaro con Azouri, Baruqui, y Torres con su papá, quien nos llevó. Ganamos el segundo lugar del "Método Científico" en la Varonil de la UAG: https://web.archive.org/web/20071212130540/http://www.geocities.com/fcastrocha/regen.htm
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Santos Amados, Hoy llegó mi amigo FB # 3000: "Biblia Santa Valera"!!! A éste y a todos ustedes, santos de todos los colores y sabores, comento con toda humildad y mansedumbre que hoy investigo acerca de la consciente y deliberada activación de los 5 Dones del Ministerio de la Reconciliación por parte de los miembros de cada grupo del Cuerpo de Cristo! Herramientas que uso para capturar lo que dice la Escritura acerca de cada Don de Servicio: http://www.lcoggt.org/Wescott-Hort-Robinson-GreekNT.pdf , https://elmundobiblicodigital.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/252784253-nuevo-testamento-interlineal-griego-espanol-de-francisco-lacueva-barcelona-editorial-clie-1984-version-completa-y-optimizada-pdf.pdf , http://biblehub.com/interlinear/ephesians/4.htm Y, extra, los interlineales del A.T.: https://elmundobiblicodigital.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/a-t-interlineal-hebreo-espac3b1ol-vol-i.pdf , https://elmundobiblicodigital.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/a-t-interlineal-hebreo-espanol-vol-ii-pdf.pdf , https://elmundobiblicodigital.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/a-t-interlineal-hebreo-espanol-vol-iii-pdf.pdf , https://elmundobiblicodigital.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/a-t-interlineal-hebreo-espanol-vol-iv-pdf.pdf Amándoles mucho en Cristo con un Amor Incondicional, Fernando Castro-Chavez!
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Y, Santos muy Amados de toda denominación que aceptan a Jesucristo como su Señor y Salvador Viviente, es decir: Como ¡su único Líder Verdadero!, el descubrir que a nosotros nos toca activar, como grupos del Cuerpo de Cristo, los Cinco Dones del Ministerio de la Reconciliación ¡es algo que proviene directamente de lo Alto, y que ha estado frente a nosotros disponible desde el día de Pentecostés! La arrogancia y vanidad de líderes humanos que anhelan ser el centro y hacerlo todo a "su manera" lo tenía "atorado" hasta hoy, pero gracias al depender directo de Dios en Cristo, ustedes activarán bajo Su guía el poder más enorme que el Universo ha conocido hasta ahora, bajo el consejo de ¡Cristo Jesús, nuestra cabeza única! Fernando. P.D. N.T. Interlineal: http://tinyurl.com/nt-interlin-lacueva
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Santos Renacidos: ¿Y cómo proteger a los miembros del maravilloso Cuerpo de Cristo de sus propias debilidades humanas, y esto incluyendo desde luego a TODOS los líderes? Respuesta: ¡Mediante el deliberado uso de los Cinco Dones del Ministerio de Reconciliación!; ¡Conviene que haya grupos de profetas en cada comunidad Cristiana para que digan las cosas tal y como Dios las ve (mirando incluso a los líderes a los ojos)!; ¡Conviene que haya grupos de pastores que cuiden de las necesidades espirituales, emocionales, físicas y materiales de TODOS los creyentes de cada grupo Cristiano y no sólo de los líderes!; ¡Conviene que haya apóstoles que confronten y exhorten a los santos como Pablo en sus Epístolas, e incluso como lo hizo con Pedro, (y no que simplemente le den la espalda a otros)!; ¡Conviene que haya evangelistas que reconcilien, es decir, que conecten directamente a la gente con Dios para que Dios mismo responda a todos!; ¡Conviene que haya maestros que con toda mansedumbre y autoridad presenten las cosas de forma tal que los oyentes abran sus ojos ante la faz de Jesucristo, y no ante malos líderes amadores de sus propios vientres!
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Y Santos muy Amados, ¡Si llevan muchos años bajo un grupo cristiano carente del crecimiento directo que Cristo da, y aquí en los Estados Unidos, ¡aún la mayoría de los líderes, después de más de 30 años de servir, aún se extrañan mucho de que pueden consultar directamente con Cristo, lo que se refleja en grupos sin espíritu que ni crecen, o peor aún, que desaparecen!; por lo que, aún cuando la enseñanza de la Biblia sea correcta allí, los que enseñan, se den cuenta o no, están siendo usados por las astutas estratagemas del Adversario, por sus propias mentes y sus debilidades de vanidad, evitando siempre llegar al centro de nuestra era de gracia: ¡Que cada creyente puede comunicarse directamente con Cristo, la cabeza, de forma tal que cumpla con su función en el Cuerpo de Cristo al usar los Cinco Dones de Ministerio, y el resto de los Dones de Servicio, según Cristo mismo lo guíe, para un verdadero crecimiento conforme a Cristo, y no conforme a líderes plagados de debilidades carnales, y yo me incluyo!
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Saints, Alert! Today, some wretched soul used the identity of one of my Facebook friends to try to commit a scam against me! As soon as I exposed him (I suppose it's a "him"), he deleted that account, but he had already stolen the picture and the cover image of the person that he was mimicking, and had befriended twice several of the common friends. Be aware of such kind of scam and do not fall for these deceptions (like second accounts from the same person, better ask the person first)! In Christ, Fernando. P.S. In the image here the genuine one is above and the false one after being exposed (and the scammer deleting the account), is below it.
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La foto de abajo es evidencia adicional de que una mala traducción limita la plenitud de la verdad escrita, en este caso, es la palabra griega "tous", que se ha mal traducido como "algunos" y "otros" en relación con los Dones de Ministerio, pero que la gran mayoría de las 740 veces que aparece se traduce como "LOS", lo que indicaría que todo creyente renacido, según sea necesario, puede ejercer, si tiene en su corazón el servir y no el ser servido, los Cinco Dones de Ministerio que son los Cinco Sentidos del Cuerpo de Cristo! Ninguno de nosotros al nacer carece de ellos, verdad? Y acaso es posible el pensar que Dios ha hecho menos por nosotros, el Cuerpo de Su amado hijo sobre la tierra hoy? Imaginen que absurdo sería pensar que Dios es capaz de rechazarte y de decirte: “Lo siento mucho, tú no puedes usar los Dones de Ministerio, no sirves para ninguno de ellos”! Pues por más raro que parezca, esto es lo que un liderazgo envanecido y egoísta ha estado asumiendo hasta hoy! Malos pastores de las ovejas del Cristo, su tiempo se ha agotado, es tiempo de que el Cuerpo mismo de los creyentes se apodere de los Dones que les pertenecen, sin importar la opinión de líderes vanos!!! [Herramientas en inglés lo demuestran: http://biblehub.com/interlinear/ephesians/4.htm]
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Otros versículos mal entendidos (1 Cor. 12:29-30) han evitado la plena manifestación de los Cinco Dones de Ministerio para el grupo Cristiano, y ¡aún han evitado la plena manifestación del Don de espíritu santo para el individuo Cristiano! La respuesta es afirmativa para las últimas 4 preguntas que Pablo hace, ¡y también lo es para sus primeras 3 preguntas! El griego usa exactamente la misma forma en ambos casos. Una traducción más precisa es: "¿No son todos apóstoles?, ¿no son todos profetas?, ¿no son todos maestros?, ¿no pueden todos hacer obras de milagros?, ¿no tienen todos dones de sanaciones?, ¿no pueden todos hablar en lenguas?, ¿no pueden todos interpretar?" El caso que Pablo establece es que a pesar de que todos pueden hacerlo todo, que la forma de hacerlo ha de ser en orden, y, luego nos dice que: ¡en AMOR! ¿Acaso los santos siguen en espera erróneamente de que Cristo mismo descienda y les apunte con su dedo que es lo que ya son? ¡No, no es así como funciona! Jesús ya nos lo dio TODO a partir de Pentecostés: ¡TODA la plenitud de TODA potencia espiritual!, lo que incluye a ¡TODOS los Dones de Ministerio dentro de cada creyente! Lo curioso es que aunque el interlineal en inglés está correcto y el interlineal en español está erróneo, ni en grupos Cristianos de habla inglesa o hispana se ha desatado deliberadamente el uso los Cinco Dones de Ministerio por parte del Cuerpo de Cristo, los santos en grupo son los responsables de su activación, ¡Jesús ya se los ha dado a cada uno! De nuevo culpo a los líderes por no motivar a los santos de sus grupos a "anhelar manifestar ardientemente todo asunto espiritual", ¡que precisamente es la frase que sigue y con la que comienza el capítulo 14! ¡Ya es tiempo de que esto cambie con su creyente corazón de servicio, por favor, oh santos! ¡Yo no me quiero morir sin haber gozado de todo esto por culpa de los malsanos líderes! ¡Por favor!!! Interlineal Español: http://tinyurl.com/nt-interlin-lacueva e Inglés: http://biblehub.com/interlinear/1_corinthians/12.htm
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Es importante cuanto antes activar los Cinco Dones de Ministerio para el sano crecimiento del Cuerpo de Cristo, para evitar cosas como que los Judas, Ananías y Safiras de hoy controlen las finanzas que legalmente le corresponden a TODO el Cuerpo de Cristo, y para evitar que lobos rapaces intenten diezmar los corazones de los santos, o que personas se auto-engañen en "visiones" y "profecías" que no aprovechan. Por ejemplo, aquí presento un mensaje que le escribí a un creyente, pero si hubiera un equipo de profetas dentro del Cuerpo, en grupo se diría aún con mayor precisión y amor, ¡como plata refinada siete veces!: “Con humildad recomiendo que tú mismo te presentes con toda humildad y mansedumbre ante los demás. Cualquier luz verdadera que pudiéramos recibir es de lo alto, y ésta nos edifica y nos llena de gozo, y no de confusión. Dios Mismo es el Único que Revela Sus Secretos Divinos a los humildes, y esto está en plural, no solamente a uno sólo, ya que uno sólo pudiera fallar, sino en plural, y nos dice: ¡A Sus Santos Apóstoles y Profetas! ¡No es bueno jactarse de nada! Solamente Dios es quien nos exalta, no nosotros a nosotros mismos, eso cae de peso. En México decimos que: "Cae primero un hablador que un cojo". ¡Hemos aprendido que no importa quien cante, lo importante es que la canción se cante! Esto es como un ejercicio de humildad. Espero que no me tomes a mal lo que te digo, pero en mi espíritu confío en que es por tu bien el decirte que necesitas presentarte con una humildad genuina, y no con altivez para que tus palabras sean recibidas por los santos. Si me equivoco, por favor házmelo saber. En Cristo, Fernando.”
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Santos, en esta Escritura vemos que Dios nos da una revelación directa, según las necesidades y circunstancias particulares (es ese “heteros”), del grupo o del individuo a quien servimos de corazón (y me doy cuenta que a veces hay que ser "duros" aunque nos duela)! Los que SIRVEN, siendo ese el verdadero sentido del “Diakonos”, mal traducido: “Ministro”, palabra que propicia envanecimientos sin fin, ya que dicen: Viene el “Ministro”, o peor aún: viene el “Reverendo” (y encuéntrenme esa palabrita en la Biblia en su contexto exacto por favor), y todos le hacen caravanas y “le besan los pies”, ¡¡¡cuando en realidad, él debería de ser el que se los lavara a todos!!! Por eso, la Biblia dice que es: ¡Ya viene el SERVIDOR! Por ejemplo, mi vida hoy se está recuperando de estar en una parálisis espiritual, y en ruinas profundas debido a que en el pasado, a aquellos líderes carnales que consulté, lo que ellos me habían enseñado era acudir a ellos, y/o ir a la Biblia, sin jamás enseñarme a acudir PRIMERO y DIRECTAMENTE y con todo mi corazón: ¡A la verdadera Fuente Viviente Quien es DIOS! ¡Ellos mismos no esperan las respuestas DIRECTAS en su corazón, depositadas allí mismo por Cristo! ¿Es mi culpa el haber confiado en ellos? Pero, ¡no más! Exhorto ahora a que cada SERVIDOR vaya directamente a Cristo a preguntarle cómo puede REALMENTE bendecir al Cuerpo de Cristo, del que ellos forman parte en sus áreas de influencia. En Cristo, Fernando.
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Activating the Five Gifts of SERVICE: Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors (Shepherds) and Teachers. Like the Five Human Senses, these allow the Body of Christ to Grow Healthy with the Growth Given by God. Each Born Again Believer has them all spiritually weaved within himself! Now we just need to have the Earnest Desire to use them in love for the growth of the believers within the Body of Christ! We'll see the introduction to this practical topic highly misunderstood this Saturday, Feb., 6th, 2016, at our home.
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Like Paul could have said it: To me, the most insignificant and wretched sinner, God decided to show through His Scriptures that the Five Gifts of Service are already contained within "every spiritual blessing" that God deposited within us since the day of our new birth! Bad translations have blurred this simple reality; here, preconceived ideas translated the Greek "tous" as "some", when most of the 740 times it is translated: "THE", indicating that all born again believers, willing to serve for the equipping of his fellow saints, and for the building-up of the Body of Christ, can serve in love as needed; it says in Greek that: 'he (Christ) gave the assuredly apostles, the also prophets, the also evangelists, the also shepherds and teachers', and we see in individual committed believers here and then, all of these functions as needed! We saw them all in Jesus, in Paul, in Peter, etc. It´s even absurd to think that for so many years there is not a single group of Christians deliberately activating all of them gifts!, but crafty is the Adversary... to whom we are defeating today in the Body of Christ all over the world, raising up as a sleeping giant to destroy every work of evil!!! In Christ, Fernando.
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Saints, Further evidence that a bad translation has made the five gifts of service to look as something sporadic, occasional or rare, when in reality, as we have seen earlier, it's something fully ingrained in each born again believer from the beginning! Here the "ous" has been mistranslated as "some" when most of the times it's translated as "whom", which is a match with the previous Scriptures that we have considered (see below). We'll see this and more at my house this Saturday at Seven PM. And for the far away saints: https://www.youtube.com/c/catadoresdelapalabra1 In Christ, Fernando!
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God gave to us the natural five senses to grow healthily physically, mentally and spiritually. Will He do less for His beloved Body of Christ on earth? No! He gave to it the Five Spiritual Senses: Five Gifts of Service so He could provide the GROWTH! I ask: Is your fellowship dying? A man sits in front of you all the time and you are only warming his seats? Are all the believers with big needs, sick, dying, lonely, jobless, filled with sadness and frustration? Is your leader never telling you to go and ask directly to God? Does he deny you the right to share a Study that God inspired you to present? Has he only called you once in 16 years, and that only to condemn you but never to ask if you need something or to pray with you for something? Are the believers "second rate" when compared to your own earthly family? Does your leader pride himself that he´s serving God for more than 30 years and don´t even notice or care that there is not real growth in his group, not in numbers, or not even spiritually for the ones already “trapped by him”? Response: This is because that body of believers has not claimed what already belongs to them: The Five Gifts of Service! Given already (in past tense) by God since Pentecost!!! But you are here, asking God, how to surrender the lead of your group to Christ, the head, the legitimate owner and leader of those saints! God, I pray that every reader reading this, really wanting to do Your Will, repents of his carnally guided fellowship group and delivers to Christ the full control of the meetings and not to his feeble and biased human imagination! Really ask God how to surrender the lead of your group to Chris (his saints are not your property!). In Christ, Amen.
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Bajo la iniciativa de @[720888459:2048:Ivan Colorado], hoy (Feb. 5, 2015) nos vamos a reunir mediante el Skype a las 7:00 PM, hora de Houston (chequen sus horarios), y por el YouTube. @[784359586:2048:Tom West] vertirá su corazón, con @[100000167987663:2048:Stacy Hart] traduciéndo y también compartiendo. Si se quieren anexar por el Skype, busquen mi cuenta, es fdocc2 de Houston, TX. Soy Fernando Castro en Skype. Allá nos vemos!!! Dirección YT: https://www.youtube.com/c/catadoresdelapalabra1
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So, tonight we´ll see that using “Anatomical Mnemonics”, the inner man, which is Christ in us, which is the anointing of the gift of holy spirit within ourselves, has a perfect correspondence to the members of the outer man, and each born again believer that accepted Jesus as Living Lord has them all! And is already enabled to receive messages of wisdom, knowledge, to have the faith of Christ, to produce gifts of healing, workings of miracles, to prophecy, to have discernings (yes the original is plural) of spirits, to speak in tongues and to interpret those tongues in the Ekklesia. In Christ, Fernando.
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Muy Amados Santos, Ayer leí la tercera parte de mi estudio acerca del ir por nuestra libre voluntad, una vez renacidos: "Activando los Cinco Dones de Servicio - Parte 3"
Las dos partes anteriores se encuentran en:
Activando los Cinco Dones de Servicio - Parte 1 [En vivo con los santos]
Activando los Cinco Dones de Servicio - Parte 2
Espero les bendiga para que gozen conmigo del crecimiento que da Dios, una vez activados estos Cinco Dones de Servicio en cada grupo Cristiano de hoy, con Cristo como la cabeza que nos guía. Dejemos que Dios y Cristo nos impresionen con su trabajo una vez que nosotros decidimos activar en nuestras reuniones lo que ellos ya nos han dado, lo que le costó la vida a Jesús, y lo que él derramó desde Pentecostés! En Cristo, Fernando!
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Santos, Nuestra amada hermana en Cristo, @[1295941374:2048:Claudia Juárez Garbalena] nos comparte lo siguiente: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5DEfLeUx9w (Coherederos de la Gracia de la Vida) Otras lecturas de Claudia: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCbLi9UnKI1lZUEiVOGvFqA Cuyas recientes entradas incluyen:
Cinco palabras para vivir a través de ellas: "La batalla es del Señor".
Un hombre en quien está el espíritu de Dios.
La finalidad del Evangelio.
Jesucristo: La Palabra de Dios Encarnada.
¿Ves esta mujer? (Lucas 7:44).
Liberación de sus prisiones.
Sobre el Libro de Cantares.
Sobre el Salmo 23.
Un Reposo para el Pueblo de Dios.
Cristo en ti, la Tierra Prometida (1 y 2).
Los Beneficios de Dios. Breve estudio de Salmos 103, etc…
Gracias Claudia por tu labor incondicional de AMOR! En Cristo, Fernando.
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Santos Amados, Este viernes, con la ayuda de Dios, vamos a ver la segunda parte de las "Aguas de Arriba", acerca del diluvio de Noé y el más probable lugar en donde aún se encuentran los restos de esa arca... comenzamos a las 7:50 PM, hora de Houston, TX por el YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/catadoresdelapalabra1 (como Santa Claudia sabiamente nos sugiriera desde el principio), y desde las 7:30 PM y después por el Skype para la sobremesa (para aquellos en los que el Señor ponga en su corazón el acompañarnos), allá nos vemos!!! En Cristo, Fernando.
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La evidencia científica que demuestra que el Monte Everest estaba presente en los días del diluvio de Noé es la gran cantidad de sedimentos marinos en su cima; mientras que el Monte Ararat (en singular) no existía en ese entonces, siendo de emergencia reciente, y por tanto careciendo de sedimentos marinos. La Biblia dice que el Arca de Noé se asentó en los Montes de Ararat (en plural). Esto lo veremos este viernes en nuestro estudio (YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/CatadoresDeLaPalabra1, 7:50 PM).
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Santos Amados, Las maravillas del saber de Dios, fragmentos del Arca de Noé siguen en existencia hasta el día de hoy; es notable el ver que dos reductos del cataclismo anterior (o era glacial primera, total), que destruyó a los dinosaurios, fueron solicitados por Dios a Noé como evidencia profética: 1) Madera Petrificada y 2) Betún de Petróleo! Profética para este segundo cataclismo (o era glacial segunda, parcial) que destruyó a los grandes mamíferos. Oh riquezas de la sabiduría Divina! Esto lo veremos con mayor claridad mañana! En Cristo, Fernando.
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Hoy (2/12/16) en la noche, 7:50 PM desde Houston por YouTube comparto mi último estudio en vivo, acerca de el Arca de Noé; los que deseen estar desde las 7:30 PM, y posteriormente para la sobremesa, búsquenme en el Skype: fdocc2, Houston, TX (Fernando Castro), hay solamente 25 lugares dando preferencia a los nuevos (la regla de Iván). Tenemos la bendición de contar con la presencia de nuestro amado hermano en Cristo Tom Darragh quien va a dirigir a los santos lo que Dios deposite en su corazón! (Yo traduzco). YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/catadoresdelapalabra1
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Recordando a los nuevos santos que acaban de aceptar a Cristo a que si lo desean se conecten con nosotros hoy viernes 19 de febrero a las 7 de la tarde por el Skype (fdocc2, Houston, TX), para que con confianza comienzen a manifestar ese tremendo poder espiritual que ya llevan por dentro. Lo voy a poner dentro del grupo "El Cristo Sin Barreras", nos vemos en una hora!
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Santos Incomparables, Es con gran satisfacción para mí el anunciar que este Viernes (4 de marzo del 2016) a las 7:30 PM hora de Houston, Texas, nos vamos a reunir mediante el Skype (mi cuenta es fdocc2, desde Houston) con nuestro amado hermano que trabaja poderosamente para Cristo: Sangat Bains con Richard Small, quienes van a compartirnos lo que Dios está depositando en sus corazones. ¡Allí nos vemos! En Cristo, Fernando. P.D. Los que quieran seguir el evento fuera del aire, lo pueden escuchar en: https://www.youtube.com/c/catadoresdelapalabra1
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Amados colegas Cristo y Dios, En agradecimiento a mis santos amados de habla hispana que están orando por mí y velando por mi bien, aquí les he leído algo tremendo de lo que tuvo que pasar Casiodoro de Reina, para pder ver impresa su traducción de la Biblia al español, y verla llegando a almas hambrientas, semejantes a ese oso que puso en la portada; por lo que su primera edición de 1569 fue conocida como "La Biblia del Oso": https://youtu.be/a0BrqrPRp8k ¡Orando por la santa comunión de los santos! En Ustedes, Fernando.
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Esto escrito, en grande, lo anunciaron los Jóvenes del Ministerio IDP ("Soy Joven") hoy durante la tade hasta casi el anochecer (cada que se ponía en rojo el semáforo). Los felicité, ¡y pude percibir el poder, gozo y paz del don de espíritu santo dentro de todos ellos!
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Lo más reciente que he leído: https://youtu.be/zxMCZ_sp_Kk Acerca de: "Idolatrías Comunes entre las Ruinas de los Pueblos Mesoamericanos y las de Canaán". En la foto, prehispánicos "ángeles caídos" descendiendo ("Baales") sobre mujeres. Izq.: uno que desciende, de esculturas de Tulum, Cobá, etc. Der.: De “México a Través de los Siglos”, Vol. 1, de Riva-Palacio.
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En búsqueda de toda mi familia espiritual, ayer estuve en una reunión juvenil de los Ministerios "La Llave"; con mis palabras, el mensaje de la profeta fue: Que al confesar a Jesús como Señor, ¡recibimos todo el poder de Dios!; pero, ¡que a nosotros mismos nos toca el buscar establecer una viva y vital relación con él!; y de hecho, ¡ésto también él busca con fervor!, ¡ésto es lo que Ambos nos ruegan que les demos! (Lo que me recuerda que Dios mismo anda buscando verdaderos adoradores en espíritu; ¡es decir, Dios sigue buscando a aquellos que Le adoremos y que Le hablemos en lenguas! Y así mismo nos responde Él mediante Sus Secretos Divinos, ¡mientras nosotros mismos hablamos en lenguas!) Tuve la dicha de acompañar a @[1635109299:2048:Jazmiin Rodriguez]. [La foto es del mensaje de recibimiento que pegaron a mi camisa, y ahora recuerdo que me lo pegaron a la altura de mi corazón, del tamaño del mismo; es decir, ¡¡¡Dear Ladies, Cristo es el único que posee la llave de mi corazón!!!].
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Aquí, entrevistaba yo a Juan José Arreola, celebridad fallecida de Ciudad Guzmán, para un ensayo colectivo de mi prepa acerca de: "La Juventud"; él me decía que su obra y su vida eran críticas, con tintes de sarcasmo, como se observa en su curioso "Baby H.P." que leíamos en la escuela: http://www.ciudadseva.com/textos/cuentos/esp/arreola/baby_h_p.htm Y luego, con mi primo Chentito (@[100000099147183:2048:Vicente Castro]), subíamos a su casa para platicar con él cuando lo veíamos pasar en su Vespa, con su capa de héroe, con su cachucha, sus botitas y sus lentes (siendo él todo un excéntrico): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juan_Jos%C3%A9_Arreola
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Abriendo mi baúl de los recuerdos, me encuentro con que uno de mis más gratos es cuando tuve el privilegio de estar en el apartamento de Fede, leyendo la Biblia y alabando a Dios; todo comenzó cuando en Guadalajara leí un artículo en el que su amada hermana menciona lo que aquí yo anexo (Siglo 21, Suplemento Minerva, 21, Sept., 1996, págs. 10-11)...
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¡Nuestros muertos duermen!: https://web.archive.org/web/20091027120153/http://www.geocities.com/fdocc3/duermen.htm; recordando que Jesús mismo estuvo bien muerto durante 72 horas (del atardecer del miércoles 14 al atardecer del sábado 17 de Nisan del año 28 D.C.); y por ejemplo, vemos que el malhechor (el "Kakourgoi" en gr.) que creyó, le dice a Jesús: "Señor, acuérdate de mí cuando vengas con gloria en tu reino"; es decir, ¡él ya estaba creyendo en el futuro regreso triunfal de Jesús! Y es en ese contexto que Jesús le responde: "¡En verdad ("¡Amén!", en gr.) te digo hoy!: ¡Estarás conmigo en el Paraíso!"; Jesús enfatizó su respuesta en ese instante (el "¡hoy!"), diciéndole que a futuro, en su retorno a la tierra, ¡también el malhechor que creyó en eso volvería a vivir!, ¡y que estaría con Jesús en el Paraíso sobre esta tierra (el reino de los mil años de Jesús)! He elaborado un breve interlineal que anexo para que vean la directa equivalencia con el español del griego UNCIAL ("untado", todo en mayúsculas sin signos de puntuación ni espacios) del S. IV, el "Codex Vaticanus": http://www.csntm.org/manuscript/View/GA_03?OSIS=Luke.23.43 (Ver dos evidencias adicionales más abajo, del S. III, el Papiro Bodmer; del S. V, el Codex Washingtonianus; del S. IX, el Leccionario de Atenas...
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Otra tremenda verdad poco conocida por la cristiandad en general son los textos antiguos de Jn. 19:18, y que al juntar los cuatro Evangelios, ¡vemos sorprendidos que fueron cuatro los crucificados con Jesús! La importancia de ello es que los cuatro Evangelios son como cuatro piezas complementarias de un mural hermoso, en los que se ve el énfasis dado por cada uno: Por ejemplo en Mateo, los dos ladrones (duo lestai) que él describe, ambos blasfemaban en contra Jesús, y ambos fueron llevados a última hora, aún después de que los soldados ya se habían repartido la túnica de Jesús y habían puesto su letrero "acusatorio" en tres idiomas, mientras que antes, junto con Jesús, Lucas describe que habían llegado al Calvario dos malhechores (duo kakourgoi), de los cuales uno habló en contra de Jesús, mientras que el otro le tapó la boca a éste al decir que ellos sí merecían dicho castigo pero no Jesús, y al decirle a Jesús que se acordara de él: "cuando VINIERA en gloria en su Reino", a lo que Jesús le respondió al estilo de un Rey: En verdad te digo hoy: Estarás conmigo en el Paraíso, que por el contexto es sobre la tierra, restaurado, en los Mil Años del reinado de Jesucristo. Juan corrobora ésto al decir que había: ¡dos crucificados a cada lado de Jesús! Lo que se observa en el interlineal que he preparado para ustedes, de nuevo tomado del Codex Vaticanus del S. IV: http://www.csntm.org/manuscript/View/GA_03?OSIS=John.19.18 (más evidencia dada también por Juan y tomada de este MS UNCIAL se verá más adelante...)
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Otra gran verdad que me maravilló, es que nuestro Señor Jesús estuvo muerto en la tumba de José durante 3 días y 3 noches; es decir: ¡72 horas!, las 3 noches que fueron del 14, 15 y 16 de Nisán del año 28 D.C., que en nuestro calendario cayeron un miércoles, jueves y viernes; y los 3 días fueron el del 15, 16 y 17, correspondientes al jueves, viernes y sábado, levantándolo Dios al atardecer del Sabbat semanal. Escritura clave en este estudio es lo que dijo Jesús en Mt. 12:40, donde Cristo repite 2 veces lo de los 3 días y las 3 noches, dejándolo establecido, ¡al tiempo que valida la historia de Jonás como algo que realmente sucedió! Tan cierto fue eso como la sepultura de Jesús durante 72 horas, dejando completamente estableciendo (24 x 3) ¡que Jesús estuvo totalmente muerto!; esto aún sorprende a los cristianos que la escuchan por primera vez (como a mi amada hermana en Cristo de Tuxpan). Fragmento del Codex Vaticanus (S. IV): http://www.csntm.org/manuscript/View/GA_03?OSIS=Matt.12.40
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En blanca flor, cual Jazmín la juventud a mis 17, Chinchachoma me dedicó éstas palabras en la Biblia Nácar de mi hermana mayor; desde entonces, tal ha sido la dedicación principal de mi vida, independientemente de denominación religiosa alguna: "Que la Palabra de Dios sea tu Luz, y tu Fernando, Luz de la Palabra." Alejandro García-Durán.
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Y aquí estamos, Estéfano y yo, a la entrada de la Biblioteca del Centro Universitario (C. U.) de la Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara (U.A.G.), donde se encuentra una pareja de Mamuts excavados en Jalisco. Platicábamos el fin de semana, de cómo la segunda glaciación, que fue parcial, en tiempos del diluvio de Noé, arrasó con los grandes mamíferos de todo el mundo; para ver mi estudio Bíblico acerca de esto, favor de dirigirse a, "Las Aguas Arriba ' 2": https://youtu.be/VMzndWIMLD8
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Santos Benditos, Aquí estamos en mi viaje a Guadalajara compartiendo las maravillas de Dios con nuestro amado hermano en Cristo Estéfano y familia, Alicia y Christopher, esperábamos a dos jóvenes, ¡que llegaron hasta otro día por la gracia Divina! Con ellos compartimos todo lo que Dios nos inspiró y se fueron muy bendecidos (seguimos orando, y yo en lenguas, por Elder Uribe, de Cancún y Elder Gámez de San Luis Potosí), ¡alabado seas Dios! En ese Cristo que nos Consuela, Fernando!
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Ésta es otra de esas hermosas historias que atesoro en el corazón: Mi hermana mayor se fue a un retiro de fin de semana cuando estaba en Primero de Secundaria en el "Instituto de la Vera Cruz". Regresando, ese mismo domingo por la noche, me dijo algo así como: "Jesús dio su vida por ti, para que tú puedas ser salvo para siempre al aceptarlo como tu Señor, al aceptar el sacrificio que él hizo por ti y para ti". Y desde ese momento, a mis nueve años de edad, acepté a Jesús como el Señor de mi vida y como el substituto por mis faltas, ¡y nada ni nadie han podido, ni podrán, apartarme de él, ni de ésta profunda convicción que llevo en el corazón! Y gracias a Dios, las que fueran sus más íntimas amigas desde ese entonces, ¡son mis amigas también!, y me cuidan como cuando niño, aún deseándome lo mejor de lo mejor, ¡y la mejor mujer para mí también!; ¡Gracias de corazón doy a Dios, por las valiosas vidas de Lety y de Gaby!. ¡En Cristo, les Amo!
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Amadas Santas y Santos, Ésta es mi lectura del libro de Rut del Hebreo, libro que se leía el día de Pentecostés, dedicada a aquella que será mi mujer, sea quien esta fuere: https://youtu.be/zee-VkOV8_s [Y el que se leía en la Pascua: https://youtu.be/zee-VkOV8_s] En Cristo, Su Fer.
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Aquí está el 'Eclesiastés' del hebreo: https://youtu.be/4qCfu6l01jc (o Koheleth en hebreo, "Convocador" en español), que se leía durante los siete días de la "Fiesta de los Tabernáculos", escrito por Salomón, y conteniendo una maravillosa 'Estructura Fractal' inspirada por 'El Gran Elohim': "El Dios que con sus Huestes en Justicia Controla al Universo": En este libro, entre muchas otras cosas, se observa claramente que en realidad la palabra para referirse a Dios como "El Creador" es otra palabra hebrea bien definida (presente en Ecl. 12:1): "Bowreka" (Creador), derivada de la raíz "Bara" (Creó, Gén. 1:1). La otra fiesta que también duraba 7 días y en los cuales también se leía otro libro de Salomón, "El Cantar de los Cantares", era la "Fiesta de los Panes Sin Levadura" o "Pascua": https://youtu.be/z2oJxAGeAyM, mientras que en el "Día de Pentecostés" se leía el libro de "Rut", la Tatarabuela de Salomón: https://youtu.be/zee-VkOV8_s ¡Qué gran privilegio para el hombre más sabio que existió en el Antiguo Testamento, Salomón, el haber estado involucrado de una forma u otra en los escritos importantes de las tres fiestas obligatorias para todo varón hebreo! Y de ninguna manera fue perfecto sino que cayó en errores muy graves, pero a pesar de eso, ¡nunca perdió su conexión con Dios! ("nunca me dejó la Sabiduría", diría él). Alabado sea Dios por la Era de Gracia en la que con mayor razón tenemos el constante acceso a Dios y una mayor sabiduría de la que tuvo Salomón, ¡pues mayor que él es el Cristo que mora en nosotros! Tan sólo platiquemos con él, ¡y él mismo nos garantiza que recibiremos!
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Holy Women, In view of my current failures, and as per a recommendation, I requested my sister the "Wheat & Wheat" book (“Intended for Pleasure”, 1977); however, instead, and willing to better help me on finding and serving my still unknown upcoming wife, and mother of my future longed-for children, I received from the North these books (so, today, I’m ‘rebooting’ myself, first with God’s Help, in order to be the best I can be): 1) "Finding the Love of your Life", 1992, by Neil Clark Warren (retired founder of eHarmony & "Elevated Careers", to find ‘the matching’ profession) & 2) "Mars and Venus on a Date", 1997, by John Gray (from marsvenus.com , launched by Oprah and by some Unity Church at Dallas, TX). Some of their links are: a) Warren's Reader's Digest relationship's advice: http://www.rd.com/advice/relationships/founder-of-eharmonys-advice-on-marriage/3 , b) Warren's earlier support at the end of his book (before founding his own multi-million businesses; updated link to their numerous research PDFs): http://tinyurl.com/prepare-couples , c) Gray's (online) book that I did receive: http://english4success.ru/Upload/books/1712.pdf , d) Gray's "launching to the fame" book, both in English and Spanish, respectively: https://handwritingtech.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/mens-from-mars-and-women-from-venus.pdf and http://www.itvalledelguadiana.edu.mx/librosdigitales/John%20Gray-Los%20hombres%20son%20de%20Marte%20las%20mujeres%20de%20Venus.pdf , e) The Preface of the one that I’m still looking: http://assets.bakerpublishinggroup.com/processed/book-resources/files/Excerpt_9780800719371.pdf?1355948317 [& more related books, mainly by Gray, will be posted below, as found online…] So, help me God… Fernando.
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Dedicated to my beloved and so admired translator Pam... https://www.facebook.com/TastersOfTheWord/posts/1318170331538733:0 For this 16th class I wish to start exploring, still out of the textbook, some of the comedic references to the New Testament that J. J. Arreola does, in this case he explores for fun the erroneous, both literal translation and interpretation of one of the great sentences by Jesus the Christ (Mt. 19:23-26, Mk. 10:23-27...): ... It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man [who places his faith in wealth or status] to enter the kingdom of God”... This is the fragment by Arreola of his short story "Verily, I Say unto You" ('En Verdad os Digo', in Spanish):
"...the possibility of a failure is even more flattering. If Arpad Niklaus is a manufacturer of chimaeras and after his dead follows a whole line of impostors, his humanitarian work will only increase in greatness as a geometric progression, or as a chicken's tissue cultured by Carrel. Nothing will prevent him from passing to history as the glorious founder of the universal disintegration of stocks. And the rich, serially impoverished by the extenuating investments, will easily enter into the kingdom of heaven through the narrow gate (the eye of the needle), even if a camel couldn't pass."
And of course, as Biblical Scholars we know that "the eye of the needle" was a specific and small Architectural designed door in the Middle East put in the City Walls for men to go through, so for a camel, to pass through it, it will be needed to take away first all the load that he is carrying on its hump, in order for the camel to pass through it, almost bent on its knees! But it can pass! It can be done! (Oh you, rich of this world...) [To see more, go to my upper link.]
Notices: I wish to thank my beautiful sister in Christ Lita Cruz who this morning sent to me the reminder of taking our cross (Cruz, in Spanish) to keep on following Jesus, so I responded in an Arreola's style: "But if the cross (Cruz, in Spanish) that I wanted to take is already married I will keep on looking!!!" to which she kindly responded: "Yes, my husband has his double cross: me, Lita Cruz (cross), and Christ's". Thank you!
Links (in Spa.):
Comment: https://lecturaserrantes.blogspot.mx/2012/11/en-verdad-os-digo-de-juan-jose-arreola.html Music to accompany this class: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ti6qhk3tX2s
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For this 17th class related to Arreola: https://www.facebook.com/TastersOfTheWord/posts/1319072098115223:0, I couldn't resist the temptation to include Arreola's Short Story "From L'Osservatore"... (Before going back to the textbook). Here he speaks of 'Rome' having lost 'the keys of the kingdom of the heavens' from the very beginning, 15 Centuries (until a more real Christianity based in the Scriptures as its foundation started to emerge, independently of Rome)... Here's the translation:
From L'Osservatore,
by Juan José Arreola.
At the beginning of our Age, the keys of Saint Peter got lost in the suburbs of the Roman Empire. We beseech the person who finds them, to have the good will to return them immediately to the reigning Pope, as for more than fifteen centuries the doors of the Kingdom of Heaven have not been able to be forced with pick-locks.
The pertinent Biblical Scripture is:
Mt. 16:15-20 (KJV).
"15 He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?
16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.
17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.
18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
20 Then charged he his disciples that they should tell no man that he was Jesus the Christ."
And the research by Bullinger to explain it from its Source:
Pages 43 and 44 here a brief excerpt, for the beginning of your own research on the topic:
Mt. 16:17-20 Jesus, the Messiah Declared. witness and Evidences. Ended (Introversion).
L | e | Mt. 16:17. Divine Revelation.
f | Mt. 16:18-. The Foundation Itself: Peter's Confession.
f (italics) | Mt. 16:-18-19. The Foundation. To be Built On.
e (italics) | Mt. 16:20. Divine Injunction.
In "Simon son of Jonah (Bar-Jonah in Hebrew)" the Lord uses his human name and parentage in contrast with the divine origin of the revelation made to him.
"Heaven" is in plural with adjective, emphatic: "The Heavens!"
In "I say also" the Lord is saying "I Also say (meaning, as well as the Father is saying)"; this is, looking back to a preceding Agent (God) with Whom the Lord associates himself (as a son in an intimate communion with his Father).
"Peter" is in Greek "petros", a stone (loose and movable), as in Jn. 1:42.
"upon", is in Greek "epi".
"this" is very emphatic, as though Jesus were pointing to himself (see 'The Companion Bible' notes on Jn. 2:19 and 6:58). One of three important passages where "this" stands for the speaker.
"This rock" = Greek "petra" is a Feminine word, and therefore could not refer to Peter; but, if it refers to Peter's confession, then it would agree with the word "homologia" (which is also Feminine), and is rendered "confession" in 1 Tim. 6:13, and "profession" in 1 Tim. 6:12; Heb. 3:1, 4:14, 10:23; compare with 2 Cor. 9:13. Whether we are to understand it (even with Augustine and with Jerome) as implying "thou hast said [it]" (see Appendix 147), or "thou art Peter", most Protestants as well as these ancient "Fathers" agree that Peter's "confession" is the foundation to which Christ referred, and NOT to Peter himself.
Peter was neither the foundation nor the builder (that will be a poor builder, verse 23) - but Christ alone!, whom Peter had confessed (1 Cor. 3:11). Thus ends the great subject of this second portion of the Lord's service or ministry (See Appendix 119). "Petra" is a rock (in situ) immovable: The Messiah, as being "The son of the living God", who is the foretold "foundation-stone" (this declaration by Peter, who spoke directly inspired by God, is fulfilling the prophecy of Is. 28:16); and the rejected stone (Ps. 118:22).
"Will" is "Shall", therefore then future, as in Hos. 1:10, 2:23.
"Church" = "Assembly", defined as "Israel", and the "Remnant" (Rom. 9:25-27). Not the "Ekklesia" of the secret (translated 'mystery') revealed until Ephesians; but rather, being that referred to in Ps. 22:22,25, etc.
"The gates...". Put by Fig. "Metonymy" (of Adjunct, Ap. 6), for power.
"...of hell" = "hell" here is the Greek word "Hades" = 'The Grave' denoting the power of the grave to retain, as in Is. 38:10; Job 38:17 (Septuagint); Ps. 9:13, 107:19.
Link to this Short Story: http://tinyurl.com/losservatorearreolano
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For this 18th Class by Arreola: https://www.facebook.com/TastersOfTheWord/posts/1319947538027679:0, the fourth principle that we will see this week is that it´s very important (if we can) to be able to read out loud!
Arreola even Edited a full book with the writings that inspired him to be a writer, the ones that frequently he used to read out loud, and one of them is the next one:
1 Corinthians 13 (KJV)
13 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.
2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.
3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.
4 Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,
5 Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;
6 Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;
7 Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
8 Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.
9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.
10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.
11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
13 And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.
And again, taken from "The Companion Bible":
1 Cor. 13:1-13. Love More Excellent Than Gifts (Alternation)
E | h | 1 Cor. 13:1-3. Love the pre-eminent grace.
i | 1 Cor. 13:4-8-. Its characteristics.
h (italics) | 1 Cor. 13:-8-12. Gifts only transient.
i (italics) | 1 Cor. 13:13. Love abides and is supreme.
1 Cor. 13:1. Though = If (Ap. 118. 1. b.)
charity = love. Ap. 135. II. 1.
sounding. Greek echeo. Only here and Luke 21:25. Elsewhere, Mr. 6:8; 12:41... (money).
tinkling. Gr. alalazo. Only here and Mr. 5:38. An onomatopoeic word. Frequent in the Sept. of the battle shout: Josh. 6:20; Judges 15:14; 1 Sam. 17:20,52, etc...
cymbal. Gr. kumbalon. Only here, but frequent in the Sept.
1 Cor. 13:2. understand = know. Ap. 132. I. i.
remove. Gr. methistemi. See Acts 13:22.
nothing. Gr. oudeis.
1 Cor. 13:3. bestow = give away in doles. Gr. psomizo. Only here and Rom. 12:20, Cp. "sop", Jn. 13:26.
goods = the things belonging (huparcho, Lk. 9:48) to me.
give = deliver up. Gr. paradidomi. See Jn. 19:30.
to be = in order that (Gr. hina) it may be.
It profiteth... = I am nothing profited.
1 Cor. 13:4. is kind. Gr. chresteuomai. Only here. Cp. Ap. 184. III. Note the Fig. Asyndeton in these vv. 4-8.
envieth. Gr. zeloo. See Acts 7:9.
vaunteth. Gr. perpereuomai. Only here.
is... puffed up. See 4:6.
1 Cor. 13:5. Doth... behave... Gr. aschemoneo. Only here and 7:36.
is... easily provoked = is... roused to anger. Gr. paroxunomai. Only here and Acts 17:16. there is no word for "easily". The statement is absolute.
thinketh no evil = reckons not (Gr. ou) the evil (done to it).
1 Cor. 13:6. in = upon, or at. Ap. 104. ix. 2.
iniquity = unrighteousness. Ap. 128. VII. 1.
rejoiceth in the truth = rejoices with (as in 12:26) the truth, i.e. as it wins its way, truth being personified.
1 Cor. 13:7. Beareth. Gr. stego. See 9:12. Here it means "is forbearing in all provocations".
1 Cor. 13:8. never. Gr. oudepote.
faileth. All the texts read "falleth", falls.
whether. Gr. eite.
fail = be brought to nought. Gr. katargeo. See Rom. 3:3.
vanish away. Same as "fail".
1 Cor. 13:9. know. Ap. 132. I. ii.
in part. Gr. “ek” (Ap. 104. vii) merous.
1 Cor. 13:10. perfect. Ap. 125. 1.
done away. Same as "fail", v. 8.
1 Cor. 13:11. child. Ap. 108. vii.
thought = reasoned. gr. logizomai.
put away = did away with. Gr. katargeo, as in vv. 8, 10.
1 Cor. 13:12. glass = mirror. Gr. esoptron. Only here and James 1:23.
darkly. Lit. in (Gr. "en") a riddle. Gr. ainigma. Only here in N. T. In the Sept., Num. 12:8; 1 Kings 10:1; Prov. 1:6...
know = fully know
even as... = even as I was fully known also (note by the Scribe: so the perfect is Christ, to whom we, the born again ones, will see face to face at his return for us).
1 Cor. 13:13. abideth. Gr. meno. See p. 1511.
Here is the complete list in Spanish of the selection by Arreola for the students to read out loud (“Sepan Cuantos” 103, “Lectura en Voz Alta”, edited by Juan José Arreola): https://web.archive.org/web/20161026143928/http://biblio.upmx.mx/indices/78763.pdf
This is the brief recap of the four principles to be a good writer that the brain of a writer such as Arreola´s could teach to us:
1. To be a good writer we need to be good readers.
2. To write properly investigative articles we need to be able to go to the original language of the writing.
3. To write with impact we need to be able to discern between what is literal from what is literary.
4. To perceive the strength of what we write, we need to be good out loud readers.
I wish to thank Adri Acuña, for contacting me from La Pampa Argentina. The closest to the Hebrew of the Book of Job is by Büllinger in English: https://ia802701.us.archive.org/12/items/bookofjob00bull/bookofjob00bull.pdf and
And in the interlinear Heb. - Eng.: http://biblehub.com/interlinear/job/1.htm
Or in a Spanish interlinear Heb. - Spa.: https://elmundobiblicodigital.wordpress.com/2015/03/29/antiguo-testamento-interlineal-hebreo-espanol-vol-i-pentateuco/ (vol. 3).
God did put limits to the Adversary in order for Job not to die, God knew about the fears of Job, places where the Adversary was able to be introduced in his life, but God also knew the unbreakable belief of Job in that God was able to rescue him, even when Job was wrong in other points... The Adversary is an Archangel, and God says that his callings are irrevocable, including that, and as far as I know, only him is able to cross to the place where God organizes his meetings with His hosts, but even that is going to be forbidden to Satan in the days of the Apocalypse (narrated in the book of Revelation). We are learning that God is Love and not even to one of His rebellious creatures can He swat like a fly, leaving him with freedom of choice ...being able ourselves to know now the prophetic end of the story because of his foolishness... I remember that one of the more intense songs in those future days of the Apocalypse, is when we will sing from heaven, together with Christ, that Satan finally has been cast down from heaven in order to never again go back to accuse our brethren!!! I hope one day in the far future to be able to read the Book of Job directly from the Hebrew into Spanish, incorporating all those beautiful linguistic observations by Bullinger, in Christ, Fernando.
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For this 19th Class of the "Arreola's Chair" in English, I wish to include another of his Biblical selections for his Edited book: "Reading Out Loud", from the Gospel of Luke, "Against Greed":
Lk. 12:16-31 (KJV)
"16 And he spake a parable unto them, saying, The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully:
17 And he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits?
18 And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods.
19 And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry.
20 But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?
21 So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.
22 And he said unto his disciples, Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat; neither for the body, what ye shall put on.
23 The life is more than meat, and the body is more than raiment.
24 Consider the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor barn; and God feedeth them: how much more are ye better than the fowls?
25 And which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one cubit?
26 If ye then be not able to do that thing which is least, why take ye thought for the rest?
27 Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
28 If then God so clothe the grass, which is to day in the field, and to morrow is cast into the oven; how much more will he clothe you, O ye of little faith?
29 And seek not ye what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, neither be ye of doubtful mind.
30 For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things.
31 But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you."
And then, the Structures and Notes by Bullinger:
Lk. 12:13-21. To The People (Introversion)
L | e | Lk. 12:13-14. A Man's request. Made.
f | Lk. 12:15. Covetousness. Warning.
f (italics) | Lk. 12:16-20. Covetousness. Parable.
e (italics) | Lk. 12:21. The Man's request. Application.
Lk. 12:22-53. To The Disciples (Alternation)
K | O | Lk. 12:22-31. Solicitude. Discouraged. [Negative.]
P | Lk. 12:32. Fear of Man. Discouraged. [Negative.]
O (italics) | Lk. 12:33-34. Liberality. Encouraged. [Positive.]
P (italics) | Lk. 12:35-53. Watchfulness for the Lord. [Positive.]
Lk. 12:22-31. Solicitude. Discouraged. (Introversion and Alternation)
O | Q | Lk. 12:22-23. Solicitude. Dehortation.
R | g | Lk. 12:24-. Ravens.
h | Lk. 12:-24-26. Application.
R (italics) | g (italics) | Lk. 12:27. Lilies.
h (italics) | Lk. 12:28. Application.
Q (italics) | Lk. 12:29-31. Solicitude. Dehortation.
Lk. 12:16. ground = estate. Gr. chora.
brought forth plentifully. Gr. euphoreo. Occ. only here.
Lk. 12:17. thought = was reasoning.
within. Gr. "en". Ap. 104. viii.
no = not. Gr. "ou". Ap. 105. I.
bestow = gather together, or lay up.
Lk. 12:18. barns = granaries.
fruits = produce. Not the same word as in v. 17. Tr., WH, R, read: "the corn".
goods = good things.
Lk. 12:19. my soul. Idiom for "myself". Gr. mou psuche.. See Ap. 13. VI. 18, Ap. 110, and note on Jer. 17:21.
soul = psuche. See Ap. 110. IV. 1.
laid up = laid by.
for (Gr. "eis". Ap. 104. vi) many years. Cp. Pr. 27:1.
Lk. 12:20. this night = this very night.
thy soul = thy life. Ap. 110. III. 2.
shall be required = they demand. Only here and 6:30. Tr., A, WH, read: "is required". But both are impersonal, carry out God's judgments or Satan's will. Cp. Ps. 49:15; Job 4:19, 18:18, 19:26, 34:20. In a good sense cp. Is. 60:11.
which... In the Gr. this clause is emphatic, standing before the question "then whose"...
provided = prepared.
Lk. 12:21. toward. Gr. "eis". Ap. 104. vi.
Lk. 12:22. Therefore = On (Gr. dia. Ap. 104. v. 3) this [account].
Take no thought... This saying is repeated from Mt. 6:25, where it says: "be not careful"; i.e., full of care, or over anxious. Cp. vv. 27,28,31,34.
life. Gr. psuche. See Ap. 110. III. 1. It is what can "eat".
Lk. 12:23. The. [L], T, Tr, A, WH, R, read: "For the"...
meat = food. Cp. Mt. 6:25-34.
Lk. 12:24. Consider... See note on Mt. 7:3.
ravens. See Job 38:41. Ps. 147:9. Occ. only here in N.T.
neither sow = sow not (Gr. "ou". Ap. 105. I).
nor. Gr. "oude".
neither have = have not, as above.
storehouse. Same as "closet" in v. 3.
barn = granary.
fowls = birds.
Lk. 12:25. to. Gr. "epi". Ap. 104. ix. 3.
stature = age, as in Jn. 9:21,23; Heb. 11:11, referring to fullness of growth, hence rendered "stature" (Lk. 19:3; Eph. 4:13). A "cubit" could not be "the least" of v. 26. It must therefore be put by Fig. "Metonymy" (of Subject). Ap. 6, for "length" generally: either the least measure (as inch) to his height, or a moment to his age (or life). Gr. helikia. Occ. elsewhere in Lk. 2:52 and Mt. 6:27.
Lk. 12:26. If ye... Assuming the hypothesis as a fact. See Ap. 118. 2a.
not. Compound of "ou". Ap. 105. I.
least. This determines the meaning of "cubit" in v. 25, or it would nullify the Lord's argument.
for. Gr. peri. Ap. 104. xiii. 1.
Lk. 12:27. they grow. T, Tr., A, WH, m., omit, and read "how they toil not"...
toil not, they spin not = neither toil nor spin. T, A, WH, m., read "neither spin nor weave".
Solomon ...was not = not even Solomon was. ! Kgs. 3:13, 10:1-29; Song 3:6-11.
Lk. 12:28. grass... Cp. Is. 40:6; 1 Pe. 1:24; Jas. 1:10-11.
cast : i.e., for fuel "oven" being put by Fig. Metonymy (of Adjunct), Ap. 6, for the furnace; as we say: "the kettle boils" or "light the fire".
O ye of little faith. Gr. oligopistos. See all the five occ. in note on Mt. 6:30.
Lk. 12:29. neither = and not. Gr. me. Ap. 104. II.
of doubt of mind = excited. Occ. only here in N. T.
Lk. 12:30. world. Gr. kosmos. Ap. 129. 1.
knoweth. Gr. oida. Ap. 132. I. i.
Lk. 12:31. the kingdom of God. See Ap. 114.
I wish to thank also in English, with a little delay (I'm sorry!) the question by my dear sister in Christ @[100001395511549:2048:Patty Diaz Squindo], from Peru: What is the meaning of all those letters (referring to the ordering of lines in the Biblical Structures discovered by E. W. Bullinger). This was my response (originally in Spanish): Patty, Thanks for your question! I gladly answer, E. W. Büllinger was a researcher at the end of the 19th Century in England who did the discovery that the same God Almighty who designed the Universe, did reveal Hs Word with the same logic and symmetry, the monumental work by Ethelbert William is "The Companion Bible", and can be freely downloaded complete in PDF or other formats, from the "Archive": https://archive.org/details/CompanionBible.Bullinger.1901-Haywood.2005
Or book by book separately, through Teleios Min.:
In Christ,
P.S. Sitio del nexo original:
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Dear Saints of All the Inhabited Universe!: For the 21th Class of the "Arreola's Chair" in English that I started a month ago, I wish to present the fourth Biblical Scripture included by Arreola in his "To Read Out Loud" Anthology ('Lectura en Voz Alta'), and here, as per my search for her, and for me to have a big and a godly family, here is "The Praise to the Strong Woman", as Arreola found it, closer to the Hebrew, point corroborated by E. W. Bullinger, who even declares something like this, that the only woman called "strong" (using the same Hebrew word that is used here in Proverbs 31) in the whole Old Testament is Ruth from Moab! So, this may be a praise to her, says Bullinger, with a wish to extend her great qualities to the rest of women! And he even goes further to say that this is a wonderful acrostic poem using all the letters of the Hebrew Alphabet ('Alefato' in Spanish):
Pr. 31:10-31
10 Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.
11 The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.
12 She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.
13 She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.
14 She is like the merchants' ships; she bringeth her food from afar.
15 She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens.
16 She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.
17 She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms.
18 She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night.
19 She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff.
20 She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.
21 She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet.
22 She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple.
23 Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.
24 She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant.
25 Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.
26 She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.
27 She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.
28 Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.
29 Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.
30 Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.
31 Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.
And then, here are the ever amazing Hebrew findings by Bullinger:
Pr. 31:10-31. The Model Woman. (Extended Alternation.)
O2 | R | S | Pr. 31:10-12. Her husband (aleph - gimel).
T | Pr. 31:13-19. Her occupation (dalet - yod).
U | Pr. 31:20. Her character. Bounty (kaf).
V | Pr. 31:21. Her household (lamed).
W | Pr. 31:22. Herself. Without (mem).
R (italics) | S (italics) | Pr. 31:23. her husband (nun).
T (italics) | Pr. 31:24-25. Her occupation (sameh - ayin).
U (italics) | Pr. 31:20. Her character. Wisdom (pe).
V (italics) | Pr. 31:21. Her household (tzade - qof).
W (italics) | Pr. 31:22. Herself. Within (resh - tav).
Pr. 31:10. Who can find...? This heading is the Fig. Erotesis. Ap. 6. The twenty-two verses which follow, each begin with the twenty-two successive letters of the Hebrew alphabet. The acrostic cannot be reproduced in English, because the letters of the two alphabets vary in their number, order, and equivalents. This is to emphasize the great lesson King Solomon was to learn. Note the (multiple earlier) warnings against foreign women (A, p. 865), which, alas! Solomon failed to heed. This is why the book closes with the eulogy of the model Israelitish matron. See the evidence in Ap. 74: http://www.therain.org/appendixes/app74.html
virtuous. The English use of this word limits it to one kind of excellence. The meaning of the Hebrew is wider: hayil = strong in all moral qualities. Ruth is the only one so called in the O. T. May it not be that we have here Bathsheba's or Solomon's (and David's) commendation of Ruth?
Pr. 31:11. doth... trust in = hath confided in. Heb. batah. Ap. 69. I.
no need = no lack.
Pr. 31:12. evil = mischief. Heb. ra'a. Ap. 44. viii.
Pr. 31:13. willingly with her hands = with her hands' good will.
Pr. 31:15. meat = [live] prey. Put by Fig. Synecdoche (of Species). Ap. 6, for all kinds of food.
Pr. 31:18. candle = lamp.
Pr. 31:20. the poor = a poor one. Heb. 'ani. See note on "poverty", 6:11.
Pr. 31:21. is not = will not.
scarlet = double change of garments.
Pr. 31:23. known. Fig. Metonymy (of Cause), Ap. 6, for the result of that knowledge; viz. respect from all at the city gate, which includes high and low, rich and poor, peasants, laborers and judges.
Pr. 31:25. she shall rejoice... = she laugheth at the future.
Pr. 31:26. wisdom. Heb. chakmah. See note on 1:2.
Pr. 31:28. children = sons.
Pr. 31:30. deceitful = Heb. sheker. See note on 11:18.
the LORD. Heb. Jehovah. Ap. 4. II.
So, this could be a good place to start memorizing the Hebrew "Alefato": https://www.google.com.mx/search?q=Alefato&source=lnms&tbm=isch
Notices: I wish to than R.B.E.S. for being my Nahomi! Please, keep S.I.T. for the future and still unknown very 'Strong Woman' for me! [Link to my original: https://www.facebook.com/TastersOfTheWord/posts/1324700787552354:0]
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For this 32nd class of "Arreola's Chair", and while I await for the perfect woman, with those special characteristics and spiritual sensitivity that God will send to me (to build that family), we are going to see another of the most appreciated writers by Arreola: Paul Claudel.
In the slide shown in Spanish, we can read some accurate, I must say, inspired, fragments by Claudel, who originally wrote in French:
About James: “All the Apostles are gone but James the brother of Christ remains / alone in the Jerusalem that the real Israelite has deserted, / that city since now perfect and filled in which is gathered / a whole people over which the Blood did fall and which awaits their ruin. / The blaspheme Temple still has forty years remaining.”
About Paul: “I beg you they could hear like me, before the hour and the process have concluded, / that voice that tells to them: ‘Paul, I am the Jesus that you have persecuted!’”
About John: “John, that saw the end of things and that was at bay between the seas and the heaven / while the Seventh Veil was being torn, / John has no more but only one word for all of us: / ‘My Children, love one another’.”
Then, in the textbook that we are using by Vicente Preciado (Arreola's Notes in Zapotlan) we read:
“I (Arreola) arrived to France on November 1945. In August the Germans were still in Paris. Between Calais, France and Dover, England a storm took us in the “Liberty Ship”. There I met dread at sea. Claudel, who traveled a lot through the sea, has some verses that say: “I see around the pale cavalry of foam”.
“In “the group of the Apostles” I can be recognized from two or three fortunate passages that I accomplished in my version of Claudel”:
Excerpts from “The Group of the Apostles”
Arreola's translation of the original writing by Paul Claudel:
Saint Bartholomew
…They have taken from its pod the sable, they have stripped bare
the red man that was inside, the bloodied angel of the Lord,
…Truly naked Apostle, a completely skinned athlete!
Saint truly clean and at last from your flesh circumcised!
Saint James the Greater
In late July and in Spain, James perished by the sword.
Between the burning months, lies his severed head.
…Apostle of the heat-wave, take yourself forever the party of God.
Saint Peter
Now Peter is the sheep led to the fold. The night falls. It stops.
And as in the fishing mornings at the lakeside, to undressing he acquiesces.
…As the fruit on the branch, suspends of Jesus towards the earth the weight of himself.
But Peter is crucified at the anchor,
into the deepest depths of the vertigo and of the abyss.
Saint James the Less
The fruits of the sinful world, safe and ascending
will be worth for a long time, and in the space in which the dissidents discuss
the Apostle of eternity, James, kneeling before God, looks at him
clenching his teeth.
Saint John Evangelist
In the same way that the heart needs to be opened so that someone could be able to penetrate it.
Behold John and Jesus, behold God in the power of John, priest at the altar.
…The work of a strange old age over John reaches its end;
In this old man of white eyelashes begins to shine the Seraph.
…But the man who expects nothing is a terrible optimist.
And constantly is occupied in his own salvation
And looks at the tonalities of the sky and the clouds in procession.
Saint Matthew
…Conscientious, calm, imperturbable…
Slowly began to carve his great plain of a parchment.
Saint Paul
Lamb of God you who promised your kingdom to the furious,
receive Paul your servant who brings to you ten talents
…I beg you that they may hear as myself, before the hour and the process have been completed,
that voice that tells them: Paul, I am the Jesus whom you have pursued!
Preciado: “Why James the Greater is a heat-wave Apostle?”
Arreola: “Because the months of July and August – when he was beheaded – are the months of the heat-wave (in Spanish: of the “canicula”), because the constellation of Canis Major rises and sets in the sky, like the sun.”
“The man at the window, in “The Book of Cristobal Colon”, represents the port of Genoa in the presence of the vocation calling Colon: “Leave, leave your mother! Like Abraham to whom God called to go out of Ur” (Paul Claudel).”
“I translated the poem that Claudel dedicated to Veraline: “The good song was already sung”. In “Bestiary” (in Spanish: “Bestiario”, a literary work by Arreola), I have several approaches to texts of Claudel. “Ballad” is another of the many poems of Claudel describing the sea or the earth seen from the sea. “Ballad” starts when the gateway has been removed from the dock and the ship has already parted the dock”:
Excerpt of “Ballad”
Paul Claudel
Those to whom, in the wings of this seagull, still
joins the handkerchief when the arm that waved it has disappeared…
for all of them, behold the duty around,
with the dimensions of this circular horizon.
It is the sea that goes to them, it’s not necessary to seek the route…
Just the sea to and fro, just this that goes up and down!
Enough of this constant thorn in the heart, enough
of these days drop by drop!
The eternal sea forever, all of it at once, of a single
Gulp! Us and it are penetrated!
“The last paragraph was the shipwreck”.
Fragment of “Memento for a Saturday Night”
By Paul Claudel
…Psalm of David hidden in Adulam because of Absalom
When waters of bitterness penetrated in my heart…
Traveler riding and aspiring to the intermittent star
my heart directs its thirst towards desirable fountain.
There is the silence and is the very night
and the Time behind me, everything declines and plunges
“I have just translated this and you are the first one to hear it”.
[Preciado’s Note: Until this moment the teacher (Arreola) allowed the use of a recorder. From here, everything was taken on paper and pencil in pocket notebooks… it was only possible to capture one or two phrases from the verbal array integrated by his splendid conversation – some dialogues have been reconstructed by memory]
“The poem that Claudel writes to the death of Charles-Louis Philippe is noticeable, Philippe was the youngest friend of Claudel, who believed that he had snubbed Philippe in their last encounter:
Fragment of “Charles-Louis Philippe”
By Paul Claudel
Bye, they wait for me without delay and I’m going in haste!
I see him putting the hand on the door with painful smile
Like before after another again I feel it getting closed.
He is living us and we stay out of his knowledge…
And you were going to tell me… You left me without hearing it for infinity?
““Someone who is in myself, greater than myself”, says Claudel in the poem VII of the “Verses from Exile”… Claudel is untranslatable: needs to be translated first to French… (Arreola laughs).” [Until here my translations into English of Claudel's works as per Arreola's teachings to Preciado].
This is what Orso wrote about him: “In his (Claudel) poetry and in his theater there is ever present the religious aspect… that closed for him many doors, but did open others bigger, such as those of Heaven. He was a great religious, lyrical and dramatic poet, a great poet period. Thanks to him I knew the Japanese theater of shadows, in which he was inspired by some scenery of his works. Of his book “Apostleship” I did a translation (“El Grupo de los Apóstoles” [Aproximaciones], in Spanish) that is published, as well as his “Hundred phrases for air-fans” (“Cien frases para abanico”, in Spanish) that has not been published since I completed it, more than eight years ago (from 1998). There was a time when I was very interested in Claudel’s Theater, since the time I saw in Guadalajara his work “The Announcement Made to Mary” (“L'announce faite a Marie”, in French), presented by Louis Jouvet, that I knew thanks to the translation by Efrain Gonzalez Luna. Other works that were part of my usual readings were “The Satin Shoe” (“Le soulier de Satin” , in French) and “Christopher Columbus” (“Cristobal Colon”, in Spanish); I also read with great attention his memories, in which he narrates his life as traveler and diplomatic in IndoChina. I know about his loves and his ruptures, I even had a romantic relation with a woman through the work of Claudel. Paul Claudel is little read in the world today, he was attacked by his religiosity (an orthodox and closed Catholicism). To read him is not easy, especially in a world like the one of today, that I have already said that does not belong to me” (J. J. Arreola to his son Orso Arreola, El Último Juglar).
Fragments of the translation by Arreola of 'The Group of the Apostles' can be seen at: http://tinyurl.com/claudelapostoles
Some of Arreola's translations of the work by Paul Claudel can be seen at: http://www.revistadelauniversidad.unam.mx/ojs_rum/files/journals/1/articles/6831/public/6831-12229-1-PB.pdf
Translated into Spanish by somebody else, a work that was never published from Arreola's translations of Claudel's work (notice there the beautiful aesthetics of the presentation): https://web.archive.org/web/20161114211730/http://literaturafrancesatraducciones.blogspot.mx/2011/04/paul-claudel-diecisiete-frases-para.html
Notices: Yurkievich wrote this Note before presenting: ‘El Grupo de los Apóstoles’ [Aproximaciones]: Arreola’s version of these poems by Paul Claudel – belonging to his book ‘Corona Benignitatis Anni Dei’ – was published for the first time in ‘El Greco’, private edition of 1970, in which the poems accompany the reproductions of the paintings of ‘El Greco’ that are grouped by the denomination of ‘Apostolado’ (“Apostleship” in English), that beyond containing an introductory study about the Spaniard painter and biographical notes of Paul Claudel and Jacobo de la Voragine (a Dominican’s Monk of the XIII Century, author of the hiographic notes there included). In this edition we are limited to publish the version by Arreola. [Extra: For the classes 30th and 31st you need to seek for them directly at my original site of: https://www.facebook.com/TastersOfTheWord as their contents are highly 'steamy']. Original of this one at: https://www.facebook.com/TastersOfTheWord/posts/1339702862718813:0
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At: https://www.facebook.com/TastersOfTheWord (please, check its index), I´m reaching now Arreola's Class number 33, and very close to its end (with two more left!), it's time to start producing my own literature based on Arreola's literary principles! Don't you think? Here is my first "tenth", but free ('Decima Libre' in Spanish, the most common composition of Zapotlan, the birth place of Arreola and of my mother), dedicated to that ONE and ONLY woman (still unknown to me), that will be my wife for the rest of my days, to build our big family serving in love God and His family!:
The Promise
Such as the fruit is the fulfillment
of the promise of the button and its flower,
The butterfly is the fulfillment
of the promise of the worm and its cocoon,
The chicken is the fulfillment
of the promise of the hen and of its egg,
And the baby is the fulfillment
of the promise of the woman and her belly,
The eternity is the fulfillment
of the human promise and their anointed!
Fernando Castro.
Then, I put HERE the inspiring portions of "The Arreola's Chair" that led me to it:
First Arreola said that the most important line of poetry of all the French literature, by common agreement of the French Poets was:
“‘And the fruit improves the promise of the flower’ or ‘the fruit provides for the promise of the flower’ or ‘the fruit fulfills the promise in bloom’… Which one is best for you? The last one of the three is the most poetical. It is said that this is the best verse of the French poetry. It was written by a minor poet, François de Malherbe – Frank Weed (lit., in Spanish: ‘Francisco Maleza’); of the oldest second names in France, were nicknames –, the original verse (in French) reads as follows: “Et les fruits passeront la promesse des fleurs” (‘And the fruits provide for the promise of the flowers’)” ("Apuntes", by Preciado Zacarias, our textbook, see the end of this post and the first slides).
And then, I read in his speech for women entitled "The Implantation of the spirit" and in other two of his works:
“Imagine you that we find one of those worms falling from the tree that are on the sidewalk exposed to be squeezed by the first walker-by who is either distracted or malicious. We confront the worm and we ask: do you want to be a butterfly? The worm no doubt will laugh at us. Attached with all its body to the surface of the earth, the proposition to fly may seem to it frankly laughable and, however, through an act of profound meditation modifies apart of its cellular structure all the mass of its original matter making it to evolve from that substance almost viscous, liquid, to the perfection of the shiver, of the chip of color and light which transforms into the double eave of wings the shining glow of the butterfly” (Obras).
"I believe that the enigmatic operation that resolves a worm into a butterfly is due to a deep reflection; that which we all should undertake going into the inside of our lives. The worm crawls on the ground, being it the surface of a stem, a leave, a trunk, or simply let's say: the worm crawls on the surface of the earth. But lo and behold that it decides to fly. Then it goes into itself and he embalms itself with its own substance like a mummy that knows that it is capable of resurrection. Because it is going to emerge from its own material being, but encouraged by the spirit. As all of us. Hence its deep thought. Such as Jonah encompassed and then delivered by the whale, that mass of original nothing that returns the Everything for us, if we are capable of a good act of reflexive contrition."" (Inventario).
"Butterflies exerted on me as for ever a great fascination, that increased of course when I learnt that the Greek represented the soul, the "psique", as a butterfly. I have written elsewhere about the metamorphosis. For me, it is a phenomenon of reflection. I remember a lot those horrible worms... I think that suddenly the worm understands its condition and decides to encapsulate into a self-enclosure, it decides "to be abstracted itself", to annihilate its being and to resurrect into another, infinitely more beautiful. Life goes towards an infinitesimal bridge to death. The horrible worm is transformed into the imaginable light creature, winged, wonderfully endued of light corpuscles." (Memoria y Olvido).
All of this leads us to the Seventh principle that I take from Arreola's Class: "7. Write!"
Then, I may say that the virtual Biblical recordings and presentations that I initially started more than three years ago in Houston I decided to entitle them as: "Tasters of the Word" ('Catadores de la Palabra', in Spanish). This title was inspired to me through the Scripture that says: Psalm 34:8 "Taste and see...".
Last week, I got very impressed when I discovered that Arreola had a similar inspiration but for a different application ('poetry!'), here are his words:
“In the same way that there are tasters to see where are irradiation, there must be tasters of poetry: that we could be able pass over a poem and in a given time, when there is poetry, the needle could be able to move” (Jorge Arturo Ojeda when interviewed by Victor Manuel Pazarin about Arreola, his teacher):
Then, to conclude properly this ante-penultimate class I will add some of the beautiful and most frequent readings that Arreola used to do for us, his students:
“In “Notes of the Idle Summer” of El Espectador (a newspaper, ‘The Spectator’) you can find – with that elegantly twisted language of Ortega (y Gasset) that always amazes me – some portraits of women that are worthy of admiration. ‘In the Bar Basque’, below the Grand Hotel on the Biarritz beach, summer station in the Gulf of Gascony, describes for us a woman that is not all whole, that remains absent”:
In the Bar Basque
By Jose Ortega y Gasset
…with such a mild and restrained smile as if a spiritual rein were retaining her… The best of herself did stay there far away, attached to her loneliness, as the Hamadryads nymphs, that could not leave the tree where they lived infused.
“The real leisure in women consists for Ortega y Gasset in that “divine gesture of choosing” that retains the elegance of their person and that lies in the long hours and spaces that she keeps for herself”.
“Let’s see, let’s read another splendid essay by Ortega (y Gasset) where he paints for us the silhouette of a countrywoman garrisoning of the rain under the arch of a porterhouse”:
"Our Lady of the Sieve
By Jose Ortega y Gasset
However, in the countryside rain falls sometimes with a delightful prestige. I keep the musical memory, almost ‘Beethovenian’ (from Ludwig van Beethoven), of a storm in Castile…
It was the time of August, muggy, restless, and in that cold land they were still in the harvest. The little towns were girded by the golden belt of the wheat fields (lit., in Spanish: ‘las eras’), where the mountains of mowed wheat (lit., in Spanish: ‘parvas’) sparkled like yellow jewels. At noon I reached Romanillos, a small village capsized in a sea of wheat ears. I entered the inn to protect myself from the excess of sun. In contrast to the outer radiation, the hostel looked like a cool murk. In contrast, from within the dim, the gantry was a cinematographic screen overfilled with light and vaguely unreal. The peasants were crossing through the road, dressed with knee-breeches and bandanna Soria style (lit., ‘a la soriana’) – bodies of giblets, and gnarled, black skins, ivory teeth -. Behind them, the little mules, sounding their bells, laden with sacks of blonde barley, freshly winnowed. All the people of both sexes were working nervously in the fields, because at that time the rains are imminent and the harvest can be fermented if it is not collected soon.
Over the horizon rears its black shoulder a round cloud, baleful, malefic, magical, and with it a strange drama in the landscape. Suddenly enters the threshold a swirl of dust (lit., in Spanish: ‘tolvanera’) that lights the darkness countless little lights with the color of gold: the thin straws flying and blinding. Shortly after other burst and another. Thick drops exploding over the dust of the road are falling. The passers-by enliven their step. The drops now are thinner and a giant thunder rumbles. The cloud covers the horizon. Arriving on the run, in a triumphant gallop, as if within it a barbarian god were traveling. Rains. People passes running, the raining squalls. Another thunder seems to crush the valleys near the river (lit., in Spanish: ‘las vegas’). A thunderbolt gives its whip to the aerial horses of the cloud. The dust storm obscures everything, and suddenly enters a mouthful of men and women seeking protection in the hallway. Laughs, cries, a spontaneous rural orgy. In the door jamb, in the backlit stays a wench. The red petticoat hugs her hips, and a white female blouse swells, like a candle, under the double elastic wind of her breasts. She is blonde, like barley, and with blue eyes, like where sprigs of water are born (lit., in Spanish: ‘hontanares’). She supports herself in one leg and the other leaves a stilted rump upon which she lets to rest a sieve (lit., in Spanish: ‘harnero’) that she is holding with her arm.
Among the shouts the sibilant voice of an old woman is heard, with an obscure and thick face, with Sibyl eyes, saying indecencies, exalted by the adventure, electrified by the lightning and the agglomeration. She speaks of the lima beans of the country and her pupils see in the air the eternally presiding Priapus of the harvests. The gal at the threshold smiles on hearing her, as dissolving and annulling, by force of essential virginity, the lubricating allusion. She is so beautiful and so virgin, that I decide to adore her under the title of ‘Our Lady of the Sieve’. The storm gives up. The dust storms subside. A fresh breath arrives tasting like straw and cloud. Some people do abandon the meson. The little bells of the blunted little mules are heard again and a new ray of sun entangles itself in the hair of the virgin. To the symphonic crescendo (‘increasing’) of the meteor follows a soft diminuendo (‘decreasing’). The landscape returns to its compass. And I’m on the road again…"
https://web.archive.org/web/20161113231040/http://mercaba.org/SANLUIS/Filosofia/autores/Contempor%C3%A1nea/Ortega%20y%20Gasset/Obras%20completas/Tomo%202.pdf (pp. 412 – 414, and from there, replace the 2 with numbers from 1 to 9 to get all the volumes of the works by Ortega y Gasset).
The isolated story also at: https://web.archive.org/web/20161115150606/http://www.revistadelauniversidad.unam.mx/4808/4808/pdfs/48delacolina.pdf
Then Arreola also selected:
“…D’Annunzio‘s “The Rain in the Pinewood” is phonetic. You feel the rain falling as you read it (then he reads this poem in its original tongue, Italian. Here below is my particular translation into English)”:
"The Rain in the Pinewood
By Gabriel D’Annunzio
…Listen. Rains
among scattered clouds.
Rains over the tamarisks
brackish and burned,
rains over the pines,
flaky and rigid,
rains over the myrtles
over the broom that shines
with novel flowers,
over the thick gin
of fragrant buds,
it rains over our faces
it rains over our hands
over our clothing
over the novel thoughts
whose buds are opening
in the soul,
over the beautiful tale
that yesterday
captivated you, and today captivates me,
o Hermione, do you hear? The rain is falling
over the lonesome
with a lasting crackling
and changes in the air
according to the fronds
the thicker, the clearer.
Listen. Respond
to tears, the song
of the cicadas
as the austral cry
doesn’t scare them, neither an ashen heaven.
And the pine
provides us with a note, and the myrtle
another note,
and the gin
another sound: instruments
under numberless fingers."
Then the disciple, Vicente Preciado selected a delightful one:
"Preciado: “I brought the promised prologue. Speaks about Joyce starting with a beautiful depiction of a Rolls Royce”:
"Excerpt of the Prologue to James Joyce’s in Spanish: “A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man”
By Antonio Marichalar
“Stops raining; the last droplet falls in the “Rue de l’Odéon”. The atmosphere, freshly frozen, boils in imperceptible hum”. Suddenly, piercing the gray veiling, disembogues something clear: arrives the solemn silence of a magnificent Rolls. It carries a weightless step and muffled the look of glass of its speechless headlights. Like a continuous murmur, it slides seeping, stealthy, meek. barely causing rumor the fluffy turn of wheels that are detaching softly from the wet decorated soil (in Spanish: “entarugado”).”
“Furrowing the street, through the line of houses, advances the car until bumping with a pennant that, starting a pass from the façade, interposes itself and forces him to stop. It has stopped in front of a bookstore in whose tagline says: “Shakespeare and Company”.”
“With a dull hum the car gets quiet. A flap door yields, and, in the inner mansard, it stirs a vague scent of furs, of pearls, of woman… in short emerges the camber of a necklace and slightly waves over the abyss of the sidewalk. Grazing the biggest pearl, ventures as well, a foot – is the most elegant duchess in Paris… a schoolgirl irrupting approaches her… outstanding through the bookstore… She is the captain; in the shelves the rigid volumes, aligned, fit, obey her voice. The two women speak, and a book – fatal parcel – takes a step forward. The lady takes it like a trophy… Back to the car, clutching her treasure. The prestigious J.J. that justify in the copy the printed number of the book, themselves correspond exactly to those R.R. that flaunts on the shining frontal the abducting car. James Joyce: Rolls Royce…”
Arreola: “Antonio Marichalar (is the author)! And here you have the end of that paragraph that it is very beautiful: “Let’s Go. The “chauffeur” sinks-in the black hat… the car sets sail. And it’s leaving, suspended in the mist, displacing silence – and folding back on passing the lasting trail of its own rumor”…”
Then Arreola selected:
"Autumn Song
By Paul Verlaine
The endless lament
Of the tearful violin
Wounds the heart
With a languid song
Always dreaming,
And feverish when
The hour sounds…
My soul reflects
The senile life
And cries.
And drags a brutal
Perverse wind
To my uncertain soul
Here and there
The same as that
Dead leaf."
“Culture shouldn’t be imposed. Culture is the adoption of the legitimate; only by that measure are we universal. Culture shouldn’t be ostentatious; should ooze, should emerge from the daily living. Culture is not imminent: should be transcendent. Only God is imminent and transcendent (and should transcend from us in the measure that He prolongs His being to the region of the secrets (“mysteria”) and the revelation)… I – being pantheistic – can see the creation as a manifested God. God is transcendent: He is before and after the creation. God He is being, as Rilke says. God is yet to come constantly. According to Grillparzer”:
"Something about the Times
By Franz Grillparzser
If my time contradicts me,
I let it go quietly.
I come from other times.
Waiting to go to others."
“The last tercet of a sonnet by Alberti says”:
"Excerpt of “The Bull of Death”
By Rafael Alberti
To be a shadow armed against armed light,
mortal derision against derision,
bull without tears against the bravest."
"...let’s see it in the poetical perfection ruling the next sonnet”:
“To Rosa de Alberti, who Played, Thoughtful, the Harp”
By Rafael Alberti
Rosa de Alberti there above the baseboard
from the oriel of heaven was its opening,
throbbing the wind and cousin of mine,
to the neck a white bind of Moire.
The banister of the harp, from the foot
to the curl in the snow, she was covered.
Entangling her cords, she was greening
- something in threads – the hand that was.
Full of softness and carmine,
Lighthouse of dreams, sloven and flightful,
Flew to the highest balconies.
Look at her Cherub of cherubs,
Of the orchard of the airs pulsatrix,
Thoughtful de Alberti among the flowers!"
"Preciado: “What is a high “baseboard” (in Spanish: “rodapie”)?”
Arreola: “It is a kind of grid that, as an edging of wrought iron, did cover the bottom of the railing of the Balconies to prevent that from below, it could be seen, the feet of persons… the feet and something else…"
“The internal rhythms in poetry were originated in the biblical verse. This internal rhythm in the poem is the estrus (“estro” in Spanish) of the Greeks that is not known where did it originate. “The black luminary of the look” is a verse of one of my sonnets (Arreola laughs).”
“I suffered the terror of feeling like an ant in a concrete gully in New York. I was there, aground, two or three weeks between Broadway and the Eight Avenue feeding on Smyrna figs and milk… There a humble hit of mine – on speaking of the sonnet of the “Unfortunate” of Gerardo de Nerval – was to rhyme (in Spanish) “waste tower” with “melancholy”. Antonio Alatorre corrected my first version. He added that of: “turn me into the Posillipo”. Posillipo is a promontory of the Navy of Naples.”
"Excerpt from “Inventory”
By Juan Jose Arreola
I am murk, the widower, the disconsolate
prince of Aquitaine in his wasted tower.
My only star has died, my laud is constellated
the black sun holds of melancholy.
In the funereal night, you who have comforted me
turn me into the Posillipo, and the sea that was mine,
the flower most pleasant to the desolate chest,
the vine in which the pompano of the rose is an ally"
“Arreola now reads a fragment of a letter sent by him to his father from Mexico City in 1944”:
"Fragment of “A Letter to my Dad, 1944”
By Juan Jose Arreola
The fixing of my teeth, costs eight hundred and fifty pesos…I have two days bleeding because of a molar… The dentist is of certain Polendos (“polendas” in Spanish)… he is going to extract to me others more: “I’m going to make you a railway settlement like to the gate of Maria Rojas (explanation: She was a wealthy elderly owner of one of the estates most beautiful and stately in Zapotlan. Her avarice prevented her from changing the wood of the door of her barracks, only admitting patches of nailed planks in said gate).”
Then Arreola continues: “Nobody could say that in me a fire of straw was all that burned, Here in Zapotlan we call it: “a flare of “petate” (a “bedroll” made with dry vegetable fibers)””.
“In ‘The Fair’ someone says: ‘Every year there is among us a man who is responsible for fulfilling the word, that man is the steward, that one who died’. Its first draft had as its epigraph: ‘nous sommes la piétaille’ (lit., from the French: ‘we are the rank and file’), by Charles Péguy. This verse comes in the poem: “Presentation of the Beauce Region to Notre Dame of Chartres”. The constant recurring image that repeats itself is the cathedral of Chartres like a ship rowing on a sea of gold: the plain populated by wheat. The cathedral has two unequal towers because two different architects built them. Peguy used to walk, from Paris to Chartres via Versailles… Péguy was an infinite poet. He wrote a poem entitled Eve, it contains sixteen thousand verses joined in four thousand Alexandrian quatrains. He married a girl belonging to the Jewish community. Péguy is the Amado Nervo of France. He loved the editorial work and he had a print shop and a bookstore. ‘Les Cahiers de la Quinzaine’ (‘The Notebooks of the Fortnight’) was a magazine he founded in 1900. He died in the trenches of a bullet of Mauser at the base of the nose.”
“Father Ignacio Macias Campos – parish priest of Tamazula – is the priest who appears in ‘The Fair’”:
"Excerpt from “The Fair”
By Juan Jose Arreola
- I accuse myself Father that in the press where I work we also do the newspaper of Don Terencio.
- Well, that’s not your fault.
- Not, but in the last number go out a few verses of a military man.
- Tell them to me.
- Let’s see if I remember:
“Retro expired, cassock bandits
Spawn of Loyola and Satan”
- What atrocity!
- And when they were going to put that statement to the press, I saw that it said ‘spaun, with ‘u’, and I put the ‘w’. Is this a sin?
- No… it’s not a sin… "
“When Hosea says: “Go and take adulterous wife” (Hos. 1:2), he refers to Israel as a fornicating wife.”
“First I was a poet (Arreola said); then a prose writer. Poetic prose”
“A “pastiche” is a text made in the exact style of an author. I did one imitating even the poetic rhythm: “Tacata-ta, tacata-ta, of Berceo”. The best “pastichero” (“pasticho”) is this Argentine (Conrado) Nale Roxlo who makes perfect imitations of Unamuno, Pio Baroja, Dario. Another brilliant “pastichero” is Alphonse Allais. Listen… (then he suffocates in laughter while translating a scene of an elevator transformed into a sardine can written by Allais, imitating Proust).
“(One of Arreola’s books:) ”Varia Invencion” (“Varied Invention”) means: “Varied Imagination”, (inspired is title in a) sonnet by Don Luis de Gongora written in 1584”:
"Fragment of “Sonnet 72”
By Don Luis de Gongora y Argote
Varied imagination, that, in a thousand attempts,
through regret you are wasting your sad owner
the sweet ammunition of the soft dream,
feeding vain thoughts."
“Here, hear this (Arreola says)”:
"Excerpt of the monologue of Sigismund in the drama “Life is a Dream”
By Calderon de la Barca
Woe miserable of me, and woe so unhappy!
…for the major offence
of man is to be born.
…The bird is born, and with the galas
that provide him with great beauty,
very nearly is flower of feather
Or corsage with wings.
…the fish is born, without breathing
abortion of eggs and slippery
and just a ship of scales…
and having myself more life,
have I less freedom?"
“(Joseph) Bergamin wrote the best sonnets. He arrived to Mexico with the first group of Spanish refugees in 1939… Spaniards still do not know the poet that Bergamin is”:
“Sonnet III” (from: “Seven Unpunctual Sonnets”)
By Joseph Bergamin
Let’s go and tell to the clear down,
the sky, the sea, the rapid element
that makes quiet with its own motion
the light over the glass where it stands;
Let’s go and tell the rare bird
when it dwells with its wings on the wind;
to the submarine fish; and to the grey
mole that declares his shady desire;
to the star that focuses her sight
in the high, spacious firmament
by shiny shouts surrounded;
let’s go to tell them about the cry
of one blood that cries in prison
in a chest without light, nor sea nor wind."
“Sem Tob (ben Ishaq ibn Ardutiel) a Jew converted to Christianity – and with verse (note: there is a word game that is lost in translation, as “converted” is ‘converso’ in Spanish, and “with verse” is ‘con verso’ in Spanish) – he said: “the truth is the truth, even if a Jew is telling it’. He lived in the mid-fourteen century”:
"Excerpt from “Moral Proverbs”
By Sem Tob
Being born in thorn
the rose, I do not feel
that loses, neither the good wine
by emerging from the vine.
Neither is the goshawk less
by continuing in a vile nest,
neither the good examples
even if a Jew tells them."
“Rodrigo Cota (de Maguaque) is a Spanish Jew of the times of Don Juan II. He was a doctor. He knew de secrets of medieval pharmacy. To him has been attributed the first act of “La Celestina” (‘The Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea’), the first novel of the Spanish literature. In other words, Rodrigo (de) Cota (also written with the intermediate ‘de’ in Spanish) intervened in the body of La Celestina. “Be careful with your laughter, Melibea”… He is the author of the ‘Dialogue between Love and an Old Man’. We did present this dialog with Liliana A. in the ‘Lake House’in 1965”:
"Excerpts of the “Dialogue between Love and an Old Man”
By Rodrigo Cota
The Old Man
My door was closed
What’s the reason of you coming? From where did you enter?
Say, thief, why did you jump
the walls of my garden?
Age and reason
already from you have released me;
leave the poor heart
retracted in its corner
contemplates which thing have you raised…
In your speech you are making known
that you have known us well…
The Old Man
Come closer a little more:
you have such beautiful reasons,
that I have to suffer you to inflame me
for the glory you provide to me;
all your sayings pander me, with truth or with deception,
in the soul you insert them to me;
for the sweetness of your promise
that all year is for you waiting.
Let both of us embrace ourselves,
naked without any other purpose;
you will fell in yourself remedy,
on your doorstep new branches…
Because in you I had my hope,
you pardon my sin;
great lineage of revenge
is to forgive the guilt.
If from the price of the defeated
from hi that overcomes is the honor,
Me by you so very battled
I won’t be a weakling fallen,
not you the strongest victor."
“The best novel of Sartre is “The Postponement”. It is the best idea of simultaneity. It is a direct antecedent of “The Fair” (in Spanish: “La Feria”, an important work by Arreola). Let’s read this passage from “The Postponement””:
"Excerpt from “The Postponement”
By Jean-Paul Sartre
It was a beautiful golden afternoon, a September fruit. Looking out at the balcony, Stephen Hartley mumbled: “The wide and slow swirls of the evening crowd”..."
“From St. John of the Cross the most important is what we read the least from him; he says the next in a romance about a Psalm”:
"Excerpt from “Romance X regarding the Psalm “Super Flumina Babilonis” (‘By the Rivers of Babylon’, Ps. 137)”
By St. John of the Cross
I left the party gowns,
those for work I took
and hung up on the green willows
the music that I carried…"
“Let’s see, let’s read a portion of “The Lantern”. It is a tale by Zamyatin. Marey is a boy who has a linen hair; Kortoma, a festive storekeeper”:
"Fragment of “The Lantern”
By Yevgeny Ivanovich Zamyatin
Morn. Seed pearls at the tip of the green needles of the pines. And in the droplets green and rosy sparks. Thank God! Dawn. The sun begins to rise. The sky is blue and under the blue two green butterflies pursue themselves; flies one around the other, they coalesce they take flight… a new life!".
And Arreola was endless, and he continued in this literary feast and banquet...
All of these literary fragments, many of them poetic, where taken from the recollections by Vicente Preciado Zacarias in his book: "Apuntes de Arreola en Zapotlan", that we are using as our textbook, thanks! The original of this post, can be found at: https://www.facebook.com/TastersOfTheWord/posts/1340942335928199:0
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Éste es el mirador desde el cual Juan José Arreola nos enseñaba algunas maravillas heroicas, como la siguiente acerca de su tío, el íntegro educador y varón de Dios Don José María Arreola Mendoza y nos decía que así también nosotros habíamos de ser: http://fdocc.ucoz.com/6/chema_arreola.htm Con el fragmento de un poema dedicado a él y a Él:
A Mi Distinguido Amigo
El Sr. Pbro. José María Arreola
Tras los celajes que la nube oculta
Se pierde tú mirada,
Y en los mundos que insulta
El miserable ateo, cuando á la nada
Atribuye su máquina grandiosa,
Tú descubres á Dios en cada cosa...
Graham Bell
Zapotlán, junio 24 de 1895.
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Hello, This is my painting 4 U, "Flamingos", with my earnest desire for your best 2017!!!: In my case, this will be a beautiful family looking towards the same God, and with an increase of little "flamingos"... this, and a song, reminding us that, really, it never is "too late...": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULb_oFejouI plus, my writing again on "The Promise"
Such as the fruit is the fulfillment
of the promise of the button and its flower,
The butterfly is the fulfillment
of the promise of the worm and its cocoon,
The chicken is the fulfillment
of the promise of the hen and of its egg,
And the baby is the fulfillment
of the promise of the woman and her belly,
The eternity is the fulfillment
of the human promise and their anointed!
Fernando Castro. (Thanking God for His forgiveness in Christ, and asking in their names for your forgiveness towards me). With All My Love.
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Aquí estamos, la escritora Virginia Arreola Zúñiga, hermana de Juan José Arreola, y yo, después de haber completado el "Prefacio". Aquí está su fragmento inicial: "Primeramente diré que mi hermano comenzó siendo declamador y poeta, y éste es el poema que entre Juan José y yo, Virginia… hicimos…": Soneto: Tiempo de Zapotlán, tiempo dormido / al pie de un monte que tu sueño vela... (las líneas nones son las de Juan José, comenzando con la primera y gran línea..., y las pares que les siguen son las mías)... [Mi Nota: Amada de Dios y de mi, Virginia, ¡Muchas Gracias!]
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Dear All, These days, the nearby volcano ("The Colima"), is spitting more volcanic dust than usual. In my hand I have the collected "ash" from a small plate left outdoors overnight. If you go closer to the volcano, you find the porous light rocks shown below (the negative effect on the lower right image shows the visual similarity of the material). The rights sides are a close up of the left images. In Christ, Fernando.
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En los Estados Unidos, la costumbre es jurar decir la verdad poniendo la mano izquierda sobre la Biblia, mientras que se levanta la mano derecha extendida. En el caso de Trump, para asegurarse que se regirá por la verdad, y que hará lo mejor en su gobierno con la ayuda divina, él quiso, no solamente jurar sobre la Biblia gorda de Abraham Lincoln, sino también sobre la Biblia azul personal que le regalara su madre en la infancia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcfrbB9hpoI
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Saint, When you search for the second sentence on the Internet, that of: "The Bible is not man's word about God, but God's word about man", you see that such phrase is almost unanimously attributed to the wrong Barth (meaning to John Barth, the American writer, and not to Karl Barth, the Swiss theologian, as it should be). One of the very few that got it right, the scanned material at Google Books!: http://tinyurl.com/karlbarth2 and http://tinyurl.com/karlbarth1 , and of course, its original source: Time, 20, Dec., 1968. So, beware! In Christ, Fernando.
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Body of Christ, Fallen Asleep, Awaiting the Return of Christ, One of My Best Friends in Houston: Margaret West (We'll Certainly Miss You Very Much, My So Dear Sister in the Lord!!!): http://obits.dignitymemorial.com/dignity-memorial/obituary.aspx?n=Margaret-West&lc=2673&pid=184135849&mid=7292764 (I'll Be There!!!). Fernando (From Zapotlán el Grande, Jalisco, México).
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Estimados Alumnos y Lectores, Ésta es la introducción bilingüe al producto de mis labores durante esos meses que estuve en México: https://youtu.be/-NuO49Xgw_0, que fue cuando estuve recordando y escribiendo acerca de mi mejor profesor de la infancia y de la adolescencia: Juan José Arreola. Estoy en las bibliotecas que llevan su nombre, en su pueblo natal Zapotlán el Grande y en Guadalajara, respectivamente; luego, detrás de mi, la más bella dama que conocí en dicho lugar, pero ella ya tenía otro interés amoroso, por lo que sigo buscando a la compañera de mi vida, ¿alguien se apunta? (yo deseo tener bastantes niños y seguir sirviendo a Dios con todo el corazón junto a mi bella y tierna compañera, ¡que me llegará de Dios!). En Cristo, Fernando Castro-Chavez.
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When visiting my dear parents, I also found a lost memory of my adolescence, of that night when I went to see the Russian Ballet, and at the end of the event I was able to go backstage and to see, like in a dream, the amazing ballerinas, and to ask for their autographs, some of them are deceased now, some others founded ballet academies, some did work for public arts, etc... time passes by... but only one thing remains forever... God's Living Word!
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In my first workshop on writing in English (something that I wanted to do for a while: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVQroWe9tc0), in the U.S., while thinking about my students, I wrote the next to Olga... While the last day of classes with my students I recommended them to read, in Spanish: "Hizo el BIen Mientras Vivió", by my Professor Juan José Arreola (pages 532-610 of: http://assets.espapdf.com/b/Juan%20Jose%20Arreola/Confabulario%20definitivo%20(4476)/Confabulario%20definitivo%20-%20Juan%20Jose%20Arreola.pdf)
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Aquí, con mi papá Manuel, y con mi mejor amigo del norte, y hermano cristiano en Cristo, Gabriel Oliver. Y, quiero yo felicitar a mi papá, y recordar su oración que dice antes de irse a dormir:
"Dios, gracias por darme un día más.
Gracias por mi vida y por mis seres queridos:
Por mi esposa, por mis hijos y nietos;
Ayúdalos a llevar a cabo
Los proyectos de su vida,
Para que te conozcan cada día más,
Por el amor que le tienes a tu hijo Jesucristo,"
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Trabajando como obrero voluntario la maravillosa Escritura revelada por Dios, me encuentro en el Sal. 68:18 con la porción citada por Pablo en Ef. 4:8 en relación con los dones de servicio entregados por Jesucristo a los suyos desde el día de Pentecostés, dice así en el hebreo, después de hablar que su padre, Dios, desciende, se dice de Jesús que tú: "subiste a lo alto, llevaste cautiva la cautividad; trajiste dones para los hombres, y también para los rebeldes para que habite allí el Dios fiel (YAH) y el Dios justo (Elohim). Bendito sea el Dios que es fiel (Yahweh) pues día tras día lleva la carga nuestra el Dios Todopoderoso (El) de nuestro Yeshuah (Jesús, Salvador). Sélah" ¡Sorprendente y Hermoso! ¡Buscando se encuentra hasta el nombre preciso de nuestro salvador en el A. T. para aquellos que tienen ojos para ver! ¡Y que el plan salvador era que Dios encontrara Su morada en los que creyeran! ¡Y que aún los rebeldes, si tan sólo creían, serían capaces de recibir lo mismo! (Ah, y recordemos que el hebreo se lee de derecha a izquierda).
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Aquí estoy hoy, trabajando libremente para el Señor, compartiendo Sus maravillas, lo cual, en realidad, es en sí: ¡más que suficiente como para bendecir la vida! (Cualquier otra cosa que se necesite, ¡vendrá por añadidura!, es decir, sin siquiera mover un dedo): https://youtu.be/F3FCUC0M1I4 Aquí los Salmos por la victoria de Dios en tiempos de Ezequías, sin que él tuviera nada que hacer, excepto creer, orar, y proclamar la grandeza de Dios como El Libertador; así también nosotros... y, acerca del ser profetas: https://youtu.be/RYLcnzJzPfw (mi lectura de los Salmos 51 al 55, con el 14).
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Aquí mi video al Salmo 68: https://youtu.be/zIf3NJvKfpk, de casi 2.5 hs:, y su foto, en la que se observa a Fernando (yo), rodeado de los maravillosos tópicos del extraordinario Salmo 68: Ejércitos de Mujeres, Palomas cautivas de alas plateadas y dorado plumaje, y la profecía del Cristo quien: "Subiendo a lo alto llevó cautiva la cautividad y dio dones a los hombres", los cuales en Efesios se nos dice que corresponden a los dones de servicio por excelencia, los cinco sentidos espirituales del Cuerpo de Cristo sobre la tierra, que según la foto corresponden a los: Apóstoles, Pastores, Profetas, Evangelistas, y Maestros, ¡los artífices del crecimiento genuino del Lugar Santísimo para morada espiritual permanente de Dios!
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Mi lectura de los Salmos del 69 al 72: https://youtu.be/-N8CM_wGWp0, lo que completa el Segundo Libro de Salmos que corresponde al Éxodo, y la ilustración es un ejemplo visual del tema del Sal. 69: David, like any of us, is drowning in his sins and errors, and he claims to God, asking Him to send his SALVATION: His YESHUAH, His SAVIOR, His JESUS to rescue us from the mire in which we are now for whatever reasons (thanks to @[100000464401220:2048:Doug Gent] and @[690447370:2048:Ashley Oldmixon] for picking this image!).
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Aquí estoy, disfrutando abundantemente de mis tres horas de estudio de la Epístola a los Efesios del Griego: https://youtu.be/nBG0UxcM-wQ Es maravilloso el observar en ella las claves para tener familias llenas del poder espiritual de Dios, poseedoras de los cinco dones de servicio activos, usando además la plenitud de la armadura del espíritu para poder derrotar siempre, si usamos esta armadura, al Adversario causante de divisiones y muchos otros daños: el cinturón de la verdad, el calzado militar de las buenas noticias de paz, la coraza de justicia, amor y fe o confianza, el escudo de la fe, el yelmo de la salvación, que incluye a nuestra liberación diaria, y la espada del espíritu, que es la Palabra del Dios viviente, la "Rhema" específica que por revelación se recibe en cada momento y situación según consultamos con Dios, y se le pide al soldado espiritual el constantemente orar en lenguas, tanto por los santos todos, como por los Apóstoles, para que cuando abran su boca, puedan difundir precisa y poderosamente las buenas noticias del Gran Secreto Divino: Que ya no existe división entre judíos y gentiles si éstos aceptan a Jesucristo como su Señor, de inmediato pasan a formar un sólo Cuerpo: ¡El Poderoso Cuerpo de Cristo!
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Mi lectura en amor de los Filipenses del griego, vuelve a la vida la Palabra Viva: https://youtu.be/CoFZpNgzQ90 La unidad entre creyentes nos trae la paz de Dios; siendo este el hermoso ejemplo de reprensión en amor de Pablo ante sus proveedores financieros, que tengamos la misma manera de pensar que Cristo tiene ahora, quien en humildad, a pesar de haber sido el único engendrado en su morfología física de manera divina, no se envaneció, sino todo lo contrario, se puso el mandil del esclavo para servir a los suyos hasta lo más humilde del servicio. [Gracias a mi papá Manuel, quien me toma estas fotos, ya que él tiene prisa, dice, de "que yo salga", para que a sus 87 añitos sea capaz de ver a sus nietecitos de mí, :) ]
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Then, after my escape, and farther away, near the end of the road (a 3 Km awesome trip!), we found the "gold bug", so, all our financial needs were finally covered! ('figures'), thanks to Monica for her kind company: https://youtu.be/6aebUrI-WYQ! (and to Tere & Mao, for the delicious sandwich and yellow apple!!!)
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Luego, a la una con cinco minutos de la tarde del 21 de agosto del 2017 así es como se veía el sol, su reflejo en mi frente tomó un tono un poco más pálido o amarillento, como con una fuerza ligeramente disminuida, comparado con la toma cinco minutos antes, desde Jalisco, MX.
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En la Segunda Epístola a los Tesalonicenses descubrimos que la “Hé Apostasía” se corresponde con “La Partida”, es decir: con “El Rapto” (el “Harpazo”), y con nuestra reunión con Cristo: https://youtu.be/SpXO9jAjQdo Y aquí en la foto está lo que estos creyentes en el Señor han producido, lo que me ha ayudado en mi lectura del griego de la tremenda 2 Tes., algunos de los libros de estudio Bíblico textual (porque ellos estudian las escrituras en detalle, del texto griego original, versículo por versículo); sus autores correspondientes se muestran abajo. Esta ensalada de estudiosos Bíblicos me recuerda a la serie clásica de los 80´s: https://youtu.be/P7PRGiQjbqk, https://youtu.be/Ecmps6Mh5Yg, https://youtu.be/r29QauFlimw. ¡Gracias! En Cristo, Fernando.
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Contento por estar vivo, y por amar a Dios con todo mi corazón, y por lo majestuoso de Sus Escrituras, y de Su constante comunicación con los que le aman, así como por Su creación, y por Su protección, y por Su Amor incondicional para con los Suyos, ya que Su respuesta, cuando realmente se necesita, jamás llega demasiado tarde!!!
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Here, I present in English "Arreola's Class", remembering all those things that the best teacher of my childhood/adolescence taught me, Juan Jose Arreola, a Mexican educator and writer: https://youtu.be/0bJ3TX3RKlM His 12 principles followed in his life were: 1. Read, 2. Originals, 3. Compare, 4. Discern, 5. Vocalize, 6. Select, 7. Remember, 8. Imitate, 9. Inspire, 10. Live, 11. Write, and 12. Teach.
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Somos transformados a la renovación del entendimiento, que es obra del don del santo espíritu dentro nuestro, por medio de nuestro evaluar y aprobar cual la voluntad de Dios es... la cual se delinea bellamente en Rom. del 12 al 15, al hacer nosotros esto, Dios hace la milagrosa transformación de nuestra mente: https://youtu.be/m80pS_Z51WU
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I can tell you that "I prefer sunrises announcing a new day, looking at the ocean vast and immense, asking God the owner of it all, and sending He for me, His beautiful one to me, walking by my side!" Fernando Castro-Chavez. (P.D. Puerto Vallarta's sand, wait, wait, I'm coming too! https://youtu.be/dwkwjOd7MCU)
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Yesterday in the evening the sky was all like this (the camera was unable to capture the faint purple and green colors of the clouds at the upper right, towards whose the sun ray pointed), but today at this time (8:00 AM) is completely foggy and clouded! There with you, at your 10:00 PM, it may be clouded too! With LOVE from here! Yours, Fer.
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Recordando a mi infancia, hoy que visito a mis papás, mi papá me inscribió al "Club Guadalajara", y en vez de hacer ejercicio, me puse a dibujar; mi "literatura" favorita de aquel entonces eran los cuentos de "Chivas Chivas Ra Ra Ra", y tenía la colección de los grandes, y de los de tamaño menor; ¡pero los perdí por culpa de un pelón y mal vecino!, pero me quedó, gracias a Dios, lo siguiente, que dibujaba yo cada caricatura, ¡e iba a pedirle su autógrafo a cada uno de los jugadores a los que ese mono representaba (los jugadores se reían, y me firmaban)!; aquí está la del jugador de base: el guardameta o portero, Ignacio "el Pulpito" Calderón (poco a poco iré poniendo a los otros, ya que como el buen Forrest, ¡me parece que yo andaba por todos lados con mi cajita de chocolates, y sigo así!):
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Algunas de las portadas sugeridas por la excelente editorial EEL (aún no la final), para el libro de mi "Clase de Arreola", que me parece que primero Dios y lo presento el dos de marzo a las ocho de la noche en la "Casa de la Cultura" del Grande Zapotlan Jal (si andan por acá, ¡¡¡aquí les espero!!!), gracias a mi distribuidora local "Librería Alfa y Omega", al lado del gran cantante especializado en las melodías del sobrino de Arreola (Juan Octavio Espinoza Arreola), con prefacio de Virginia Arreola Zúñiga, hermana del escritor y mamá del fallecido Juan Octavio; en mi libro incluyo un fragmento de una de las obras favoritas de Arreola, el profético poema "Corimbo de Otoño" de Francis Thompson: https://www.poemhunter.com/best-poems/francis-thompson/a-corymbus-for-autumn/ He pedido que a ver si el cantante se sabe el bello "Soneto a Sara", ese que termina diciendo: "Amor dime quien soy, ¡tú me conoces!" y que musicalizara Hermilio Hernández para Juan José Arreola. ¡Esperamos que sea una bella velada literario musical para ustedes, gracias! Ah, ¡me olvidaba! Aquí está una breve reseña al mismo que puse el año pasado: https://es.linkedin.com/pulse/la-clase-de-arreola-fernando-castro-chavez
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Otro de mis dibujos de infancia, de dos más del Campeonísimo de "las Chivas" del Guadalajara, en el prototipo de su jugador "Chivito", el héroe de los desaparecidos cuentos "Chivas Chivas Ra Ra Ra", que eran mis favoritos: Sabás Ponce Labastida y Salvador “Chava” Reyes Monteón (Q.E.P.D.):
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Y, éstas son las dos fotos para las solapas de mi libro: "Foto de la solapa posterior: La foto a Juan José Arreola la tomó Fernando Castro en 1983, en la inauguración de trabajos para el “Foro de Consulta Popular”, en el “Instituto Cultural Cabañas” (Antiguo Hospicio), de Guadalajara, Jalisco."
"Foto de la solapa anterior: La pintura que está detrás de Fernando Castro representa el amanecer en uno de los lugares en los que él ha sido más feliz viviendo: ¡Puerto Vallarta!, producto del gran pintor vallartense de fantasías con corazón de niño, don @[1019127785:2048:Javier Niño], quien fuera su maestro de pintura, y quien es esposo de @[100001769223678:2048:Rosa de Niño], una escritora infantil. La foto la tomó el papá de Fernando, el Sr. Manuel Castro Dávila (mi papito)."
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Estoy contento de poder compartir nuestro estudio acerca del "Servicio de Reconciliación, tanto para el cristiano caído como para el incrédulo", mi lectura de 2 Cor. del 1 al 6:13 del griego:
https://youtu.be/YHmIvSXkwSg En él se observa que una vez renacidos al aceptar a Cristo como el Señor de nuestra vida, hemos de tener una comunicación diaria con él, recordarlo y reconocerlo en nuestro andar; cada que usamos el don (doma) de espíritu santo, ¡estamos dando un vivo testimonio de que nuestro Cristo está vivo a la diestra de Dios! ya sea para producir su siempre fresco y deleitante Fruto (amor, gozo, paz, longanimidad (que incluye a la paciencia), benignidad, bondad, fe, mansedumbre (que incluye a la humildad), templanza), o para evidenciar una de las nueve operaciones de la gracia de Dios (nueve "charismas": mensaje de sabiduría, mensaje de ciencia; fe, dones de sanidades, obras de milagros, profecía, discernimientos de espíritus; géneros de lenguas, interpretación de lenguas), o para producir los dones (doma) de servicio (apóstoles, profetas, evangelistas, pastores y maestros), así como para llevar a otros a aceptar a Cristo como Señor bajo su certera guía...
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Aquí está el programa: Yo presento mi libro "Arreolanza o la clase de Arreola" en una semana, el viernes dos de marzo desde las ocho de la noche; Didí Sedano presenta su charla en torno a Refugio Barragán de Toscano el miércoles 28 de feb. a las 8:00 PM (¡gracias a @[100000550798344:2048:Jud Rodríguez] por el programa!).
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Transparencias que se presentaron: http://fdocc.ucoz.com/7/fernando_castro_clase_zapotlan_a.pdf y http://fdocc.ucoz.com/7/fernando_castro_clase_zapotlan_b.pdf ¡Hoy! E invitando a más de mis amigos Zapotlenses ilustres que ayer el FB no me dejó: @[100000550798344:2048:Jud Rodríguez] Didí Sedano @[1283895953:2048:Anna Chenal] @[100000996726817:2048:Lili Casillas], @[100001065468386:2048:Armando Casillas Sánchez], @[100001152197699:2048:Marijo Melo Martinez], @[100001193263090:2048:Carlos Antillon], @[100001494716443:2048:Alejandro Espinoza], @[100001628582842:2048:Martin Hernandez Torres], @[100001719601354:2048:Ariana Licea], @[100001868217633:2048:Alondra Hernandez] @[100002119656327:2048:Bernardo Baltazar Gonzales], @[100002151650853:2048:Hilda Angelica Zepeda], @[100002202085077:2048:Emmanuel Romero], Samantha Divella, Mago Liz Perez, @[100003263076517:2048:Iroel Perez], @[100003268602607:2048:Silvia Gabriela Becerra Bautista], @[100003341293774:2048:Gabriela Isordia Alvarado], @[100003595967697:2048:Jazmin Velasco], @[100003680330285:2048:Rorro Pirrorro], @[100003787097117:2048:Claudia Benito Abrica], @[100004438531306:2048:Gina Varela Meza], @[100005265459703:2048:Adrian Figueroa], @[1044520597:2048:Victor Ricardo Cabeza], @[100005479091662:2048:Daniela Yazmín], Aaron Hernandez, @[100005980007049:2048:Ma Lidia Chavoya], @[100006237182571:2048:Ana Delacruz], @[100007406616364:2048:Arturo Ramirez], @[100008333502909:2048:Monsee de la Cruz], @[100008767784888:2048:Meldami Ar], @[100009103514984:2048:Abril Cortes Mejia], @[100009171681519:2048:Zandrah Rodriguez], @[100009420566805:2048:Viridiana Romero], @[100010665156382:2048:Cristy Vega], @[100014616168790:2048:Elizabeth Belmares], @[100017325180584:2048:Martha Leticia Garcia Villegas], @[100000234375216:2048:Karina Tortoledo Ceja], @[100000289292721:2048:Suhall Martinez], @[100000318264338:2048:Tere Avendaño-Calvo], Diianiitha Melo, @[100000821527819:2048:Arizbe Garcia Avalos], @[100000831481190:2048:Bertha Acosta], @[100008302381768:2048:Rogelio Alejandro Vargas Alzaga], @[1259733527:2048:Randall Emmanuel Villa Gomez], @[534980822:2048:Horacio Contreras], @[507611194:2048:Felipe Angulo], Libros Ciudad Guzmán... y a todo aquel que le puedan recomendar ir, muchas gracias a mi amada hermana en Cristo @[1635109299:2048:Jazmiin Rodriguez] por su apoyo moral y espiritual y logístico!!!
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Aquí estamos tomando el taller acerca del escribir textos con suspenso, impartida por mi tocayo Fernando de León; en: https://www.facebook.com/Casa-Taller-Literario-Juan-Jos%C3%A9-Arreola-Oficial-379458532405366/?ref=br_rs Fernando de León (Guadalajara, Jalisco, 1971). Narrador y ensayista, autor de los libros de cuentos: La estatua sensible (Premio Nacional de Cuento de los XX Juegos Florales de San Román, Campeche, 1995), La oscuridad terrenal, Cárceles de invención, La sana teoría, Apuntes para una novísima arquitectura (Premio Nacional de Cuento Agustín Yáñez, 2004), Mudo espío e Historia de lo fijo y lo volátil. Es fundador de Arqueología del Recuerdo, espacio dedicado a talleres y asesoría en la escritura de biografías y memorias, y miembro del Sistema Nacional de Creadores de Arte.
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Buscando redondear mi propia obra de "Arreolanza", para poder entregársela a Iliana Hijuelos a más tardar el martes por la mañana, me encuentro con esta gran obra de otra alumna de Arreola, de la que extraigo los siguientes y excelentes fragmentos, espero que les guste tanto como a mí, para también promover las obras poco conocidas de nuestras queridas paisanas: "Quien en bello libro, con una prosa y nueve poemas, nos recuerda también a su maestro Arreola, al decir entrañablemente en su ensayo “De Ofelia y el agua”: “…bajo la refracción de una canica – aquellas que llamábamos aquamarinas -; o a la luz de otros "prodigiosos miligramos", como aquel remiendo de celosía amarilla… que a ciertas horas de la ducha transfiguraba los cuerpos bajo el oro y la ambrosía que los ungían.” Así como la infinidad de referencias gratas procedentes del “ordo amoris” del maestro: “…el agua de pronto calla: al verla en la fronda estremecida de una cabellera “se la escucha temblar” (citando a Bachelard)”, “…Aquél cuyo primer milagro – según el Evangelio de San Juan – fue la conversión del agua en vino”, “El parentesco entre el agua y el cielo se remonta al segundo día de la creación del universo cuando Dios dijo: “Haya firmamento en medio de las aguas…”” (Gén. 1:6) “…Y seguramente pronunciaremos los milagros revelados en el Origen de todos los días que “la tierra estaba confusa… pero el espíritu de Dios se cernía sobre la superficie de las aguas”” (Gén. 1:2); “Edith y los girasoles: Para llegar ahí, Para llegar adonde estás, Para salir desde donde no estás…” (T. S. Eliot)... te estaré mirando en las rojeces que en férvido amor resucitas / ahí, donde henchida y madura en las estaciones periféricas / las flores se completan en sus giros”; “Dríades: Ineluctable modalidad de lo visible. / Cierra los ojos y ve... (James Joyce)… me alejaré como una duda que no necesitaba respuesta / Dejando tras de mí la ráfaga súbita / De todos los mundos momentáneos / Contenidos en la fuga de las gotas”; “Egon en Edith: “…Ella iba… suelta como larga cabellera / y entregada como lluvia que cae, / y repartida…” (Rilke)… no hay tiempo robado / A mi espalda, sí, la vida reiterada en el eco que te nombra / Egon, date cuenta, las cosas habitadas se desbordan / De tarde en tarde…”; “Voluntad de psiquis: “…Si relámpago fuiste en algún sueño, / relámpagos se olvidan, apagados” (Alberti)… no hay Color, Amor, Ciego De ti / que siempre me esperabas llegar venir Y yo / entonces me senté a tu lado (y yo te amaba) para Verte esperarme llegar venir / Y yo, que nunca llegaba”; “Ío: “Lentamente, con los ojos cerrados y las pestañas temblorosas / las comisuras de los labios agitadas por una sonrisa nerviosa, / la niña ofreció voluptuosamente el vello de su nuca, su cuello / y sus hombros…” (Schwob)… Dónde comienzas, Ah Mar / Que no cesas Las dunas de mi cuerpo / Vastas y estremecidas inminencias de mi espalda / Que no he visto y eso Basta”…" (Preciado, M. C. Dríades. Zapotlán el Grande: Centro Universitario del Sur, 2007:71 p. URL: https://ia801302.us.archive.org/19/items/DriadesVersionDefinitivaYUltima/dr%C3%ADades-versi%C3%B3n%20definitiva%20y%20%C3%BAltima.pdf y https://www.scribd.com/document/362938073/DRIADes-Maria-Cristina-Preciado)
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Y, mi agregado de hoy para mi versión final de "Arreolanza" es (y de nuevo, espero que les guste): "Éste “Charly” es mi colega de adolescencia, escritor, escultor, pintor e ingeniero, columnista editorial para el "Mural", quien escribió el bello aforismo del “Recorrido: Recorrí tu distancia y me acerqué a nosotros.” Así como su magnífico “Destellos: Escasas asoman / las verdes miradas / en el otoño de los cerros // Las hojas son pupilas de bosque / coquetas miradas al sol / destellos de clorofila / con la luz tatuada / en el parpadeo”, y las memorables líneas de “Descalza: Recorre descalza mis palabras. / Siéntelas arder bajo tus plantas. / Písalas, hazlas polvo: / que ni así impedirás que broten / raudas, silvestres y ciertas” (además de: "Oculta: Nunca lo dijiste, pero ahí estabas, sarcástica, viéndome buscarte, vida"; y “Un día el amor callejero" (fragm.): Un día, el amor callejero / caerá homogéneo / entre fracasos y medallas / en quienes ganan y en quienes nunca; / en los rotos y en los sobrados / en la pericia, en la ignorancia y sobre la apatía. / Abrazará a los que arriban / a los andantes / y a los que aún no parten”; éstas dos, elegidas por él); Carlos aún recuerda cuando Arreola, al estilo de Simmel con “El asa”, dedicó toda una sesión para nuestro grupo de “Los Escribiados”, coordinados por @[1013364574:2048:Eduardo Azuri Miranda] (Azouri), hablando de “El lápiz” desde todos los puntos de vista que se le pudieron ocurrir, desde el fondo de la tierra para su carbón, hasta los bosques en neblina para su envoltura; ¡y luego para el borrador!: “un borrador que muy frecuentemente nos falla, manchando nuestras obras con un triste remordimiento...” (Arreola)". [En la foto, @[566673209:2048:Charly Carlos Vzqz] lee de su libro "Soplos...": http://www.dialogomu.com/carlos-vasquez-segura/]
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En mis, de hoy, agregados tempranos a mi libro "Arreolanza", hago una evocación y traducción de uno de los textos más queridos que Arreola nos leía y que nos traducía de su idioma original... espero que esto sea de su apreciación y entender (pero nomás no puedo terminar con el libro, memorias llueven a diario sin saber cuándo van a parar... así como de mis ojos...)
[Mi traducción del mismo es:
"El recuerdo de un libro
Por Marcel Schwob
El recuerdo de la primera vez que leímos un libro amado se mezcla con el recuerdo del lugar y con el recuerdo de la hora y de la iluminación. Hoy como entonces, la página se me presenta a través de una bruma reverdecida de diciembre, o resplandeciente bajo el sol de junio, y, cerca de ella, las figuras de queridos objetos y muebles que ya no están. Es como si, después de haber mirado durante largo tiempo una ventana, recordamos, al cerrar los ojos, su espectro transparente con mosqueteros negros, así la hoja traspasada por sus líneas se ilumina, en la memoria, con su arcana claridad. El olor también es evocador. El primer libro del que tengo memoria me lo trajo de Inglaterra mi ama de llaves. Tenía yo cuatro años. Recuerdo nítidamente su actitud y los pliegues de su vestido, a una mesa de trabajo colocada frente a la ventana, el libro tenía un forro rojo, nuevo, brillante, y el penetrante olor que exhalaban sus páginas: un olor acre de creosota y de tinta fresca que los libros en inglés recientemente impresos preservan durante mucho tiempo. De ese libro hablaré más adelante: con él aprendí a leer. Pero su olor me provoca aún hoy la emoción de un mundo nuevo vislumbrado, y el hambre de la inteligencia. Aún ahora no recibo de Inglaterra un libro nuevo sin sumergir mi figura entre sus páginas hasta el hilo que lo encuaderna, para inhalar su bruma y sus vapores, y aspirar todo aquello que pueda quedar de la alegría de mi infancia."]
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Lector, uno de mis últimos agregados al libro que ya está por entrar en las impresoras, gracias a la infinita paciencia de @[100007097824037:2048:Iliana Hijuelos], de la "Guía espiritual" (1675), fragmentos que me impactaron por completo en mi adolescencia, haciéndome un cristiano comprometido primeramente en amar a Dios, y segundo en escucharlo directamente a él ¡y a nadie más! Arreola nos enseñó esto: “…el padre del molinosismo (también llamado en español: ‘quietismo’), Miguel de Molinos (era un clérigo que,) sostenía que la gracia era suficiente para llegar a Dios. Naturalmente, fue procesado por la Inquisición” (‘Apuntes’ de Preciado: 2014:59, 62, oct. 1983 – feb. 1984; 30, may. – jun. 1983; su “Guía espiritual” en “El converso”). En base a ello escribió su texto que incluyo en mi obra: "Mi sola capacidad era el pensamiento, siempre más desbordado y potente. En la soledad tuve tiempo de andar y desandar numerosos caminos; reconstruí pieza por pieza edificios imaginarios; me extravié en mi propio laberinto, y sólo hallé la salida cuando la voz de Dios vino a buscarme. Millones de ideas se pusieron en fuga, y sentí que mi cabeza era la cuenca de un océano que de pronto se vaciaba" (Arreola, J. J. “El converso”. (En: Obras). D.F.: FCE, 2014:135-136). Y señalo: "la historia de los verdaderos “Alonso de Cedillo”, explorado en “El Converso” y del ya nombrado “Francisco de Sayavedra...” Quien era un tipazo: Simpatizante de Erasmo de Rotterdam, ajeno a determinadas oraciones, “hombre más amigo de rogar a Dios que a sus santos, incrédulo en materia de indulgencias… mal cumplidor de los preceptos de oír misa” (esto último dicho por un testigo), etc. [Bataillon, M. Erasmo y España. D.F.: FCE, 1950. pp. 811-813]." Arreola nos leía en el mirador de su casa el capítulo tres de esa "Guía espiritual" de M. de Molinos, de la que extraigo los dos fragmentos que me hicieron un buen cristiano (a pesar de todas las imperfecciones de dicho texto y de las mías), hombre salvo por pura gracia divina y no por obras, pues eso sería un desastre: 1) "El verdadero celo de las almas que has de procurar ha de ser el amor puro a tu Dios" y 2) "No te adelantes con fatiga, que cuando sea el tiempo oportuno y puedas ser de algún provecho para tu prójimo, Dios te sacará y pondrá en el empleo que más te convenga; a él sólo toca el cuidado y a ti estarte en tu quietud"; y me percato que la verdad de Cristo ya estaba también allí: "envió el Padre Eterno a su hijo Jesucristo al mundo" para que nosotros podamos servirle mejor!!! Amén. Fernand.
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"Lo que le gustaba a Arreola de Kant eran sus metáforas animales: 1) Los racionalistas son como las arañas que tejen su tela a partir de lo que llevan dentro, y quedan atrapados en sus propios razonamientos; 2) Los empiristas son como las hormigas que solamente valoran lo que pueden cargar externo a ellas, hasta quedarse bajo tierra sin poder remontarse a las alturas; 3a) El conocimiento verdadero se asemeja: tanto a la abeja, que toma el néctar de las flores (algo externo, como hormiga: experiencia), pero que luego lo procesa en su interior para producir miel (algo interno, como araña: razón), y a 3b) La paloma que para remontarse en su vuelo (razón) depende de la resistencia del aire (experiencia), y si no la tuviera, caería de inmediato por encontrarse al vacío (y Kant afirmaba que eso le sucedió a Platón; notas para "Arreolanza", 2da. Ed.)." Su Fernand.
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En este sábado de resurrección hay que recordar que lo más importante es que: ¡tenemos y tendremos por siempre a Cristo! Y aún cuando no tenga yo una compañera (y en realidad no tengo a nadie real, sino una ilusión en la que tan sólo yo estoy creyendo), ni casi nada en la vida: ¡Tengo a Cristo por siempre! (La eclosión: "¡Es la metáfora de nuestra salvación y resurrección!", decía Arreola, lo que pongo en "Arreolanza", que escribo para poder comer). Dios levantó a Jesús en un sábado al atardecer: http://cgi.org/three-days/
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And, today I am celebrating the beginning of Spring, and the Salvation/Resurrection day for Christ! (compared by my dearly beloved professor Arreola as "the transformation from an ugly caterpillar (me) to a gorgeous golden butterfly (me in 'That Day')) That started from Saturday evening, all day long to Sunday evening, and I dedicate this to my girl: https://youtu.be/QPotJTiKS28 as well as the statement, from my "Arreolanza" book, coming soon: “The triumph of the spirit... to be compared to one born to life out of the center of death, being thus equivalent to the resurrection from the death!” Jakob Böhme (shown in the photo).
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Y, conforme el primer día de la Resurrección de Cristo termina, quiero aquí recordar lo que decía el mejor escritor del "Siglo de Oro Español", al refinado gusto de Arreola, frases que incluyo en "Arreolanza": “Morimos para nacer á segunda vida. Mejor séquito tiene el morir que el nacer: á la vida sigue la muerte; á la muerte la resurrección…“…El compuesto… falleció, que es el hombre, se suspende hasta la cierta resurrección. Es depósito breve, no divorcio perpetuo… Obras de siembra tiene el entierro”. Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas. (En la foto se observa nuestra mariposa Monarca, ya que la metamorfosis es una metáfora de la resurrección).
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Dedico el siguiente escrito a @[1438779603:2048:Lidia Ruiz Gomez] y famila, por ser mis bienhechores junto a mis padres, de mi próximo libro "Arreolanza": "...retomando la misma escena del gusano que se transforma en mariposa, Arreola nos dice:
“Estoy de acuerdo con la crisálida que resuelve dentro del capullo la aspiración del gusano. ¡Bendita sea la metamorfosis, esa profunda meditación que nos levanta del suelo en las alas efímeras pero resplandecientes de una mariposa!”.
"Creo que la operación enigmática que resuelve un gusano en mariposa, se debe a una reflexión profunda. Esa que todos deberíamos emprender, ensimismándonos. El gusano se arrastra por el suelo, ya sea la superficie de un tallo, de una hoja, de un tronco, o simplemente digamos: el gusano se arrastra a ras de tierra. Pero he aquí que se le ocurre volar. Entonces se ensimisma y se embalsama con su propia sustancia como una momia que se sabe capaz de resurrección. Porque va a brotar de su propio ser material, pero alentado por el espíritu. Como todos nosotros. De allí la meditación profunda. La de Jonás envuelto y luego dado a luz por la ballena, esa masa de nada original que nos devuelve al Todo..."" (Arreola, J. J. Inventario. D.F.: Conaculta, 2002:22, 173)."
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En otra ocasión, retomando esta escena de la transformación, Arreola señaló ante un evento de puras mujeres: "“Imagínense ustedes que nos encontramos a uno de esos gusanos que se caen del árbol, se quedan en la banqueta expuestos a ser aplastados por el primer transeúnte distraído o malévolo.” “Nos enfrentamos al gusano y le decimos: ¿quieres ser mariposa? El gusano se reirá de nosotros indudablemente. Apegado con todo el cuerpo a la superficie de la tierra, la proposición de volar le ha de parecer francamente irrisoria y, sin embargo, mediante un acto de meditación profunda modifica además de su estructura celular toda la masa de su materia original y la hace ‘evolucionar’ de esa sustancia casi viscosa, líquida, hasta la perfección del tejuelo, de la astilla de color y de luz que se vuelve en el doble alero de las alas el resplandor de la mariposa” (Arreola, J. J. La implantación del espíritu. (En: Obras). D.F.: FCE, 2014:656-657)", lo que también incluyo en el libro de mi "Arreolanza".
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In English: "The important thing of a writing is the butterfly of inspiration that comes out of the cocoon of your heart, so that you can say things that, although inspired by your life and by your readings, you are able to say them in an original, unique, impossible way to imitate, something that only you can say in such way" (Juan José Arreola when talking to me).
"Bisaya Cebuano: "Ngadto sa akong asawa nga si Mary Cris: "Ang importante nga butang sa usa ka pagsulat mao ang alibangbang sa inspirasyon nga nga mogawas gikan sa cocoon sa kasingkasing, aron makasulti ka sa mga butang nga, bisan tuod dinasig sa imong kinabuhi ug pinaagi sa imong pagbasa, mahimo nimo kini isulti sa orihinal nga paagi talagsaon, imposible nga paagi sa pagsundog, nga ikaw lamang ang makasulti imong..." Arreola. Ang imong Fernando nga tinuod nga nahigugma kanimo, ang Dios ang akong saksi!"
Filipino: "Sa aking asawa, si Mary Cris:
"Ang mahalagang bagay sa pamamagitan ng pagsulat ay ang pagtaas ng inspirasyon na nagmumula sa cocoon ng puso, upang masabi mo ang mga bagay na, bagaman inspirasyon ng iyong buhay at ng iyong pagbabasa, maaari mong sabihin ang mga ito sa isang orihinal na paraan, isang natatanging at imposibleng paraan upang tularan, na tanging maaari mong sabihin ito na paraan..." (Arreola).
Ang iyong Fernando na talagang nagmamahal sa iyo, ang Diyos ang aking saksi!"
And the way I put it in my "Tasters of the Word": https://www.facebook.com/TastersOfTheWord/photos/a.1295006403855126.1073741828.1294972103858556/1871677812854646/?type=3&theater
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Pedro Mariscal, Jorge Souza y @[100001280559168:2048:Fernando Castro-Chavez]. Mariscal comienza con un bello epígrafe de Arreola para su “Primer destino", y dice así: “Jóvenes y maestras: sálganse del programa y den un poco de lección de humanidad” (en “La palabra educación”, de Juan José Arreola), y luego comienza diciendo: "Tu mirada se dirige a un cielo lleno de estrellas en esa madrugada… hasta tu rostro llega la brisa de la última lluvia. La luna se asoma por entre las ramas de los altos mezquitales que bordean la sorpresiva brecha…” ("Un sol que llena tus pupilas", 2017); Souza luego dice: "Lo que ocurría en la clase de Arreola... tomaba la palabra para hilar interminables textos que a todos nos dejaban boquiabiertos... Nos convertíamos, entonces, en espectadores insólitos de un mundo que se abría y se desplegaba con nuevas y múltiples formas..." ("Arreola a La Rotonda", 2014); y @[100001280559168:2048:Fernando Castro-Chavez] finalmente dice: "Arreola me enseñó que: “Lo importante de un escrito es la mariposa de la inspiración que sale del capullo del corazón, para que puedas tu decir cosas que, aunque inspiradas por tu vida y por tus lecturas, que seas capaz de decirlas de una manera original, única, imposible de imitar, que solamente tú las puedas decir de esa forma" ("Arreolanza", 2018)". Foto cortesía de Sofía Gutiérrez Arias.
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Para mi nuevo libro, aplicando los principios de mi "Arreolanza": "...“Depende de los elegidos de Dios el encontrar un método para aplastar a la serpiente”, y yo agregaría: “…bajo Su dirección”; pero la mejor respuesta, creo que es la que George Sand nos presenta en aquel libro que Arreola me regaló, ya que ella nos dice:
“En el silencio de las cosas inertes, en el mutismo de lo que nunca miente…nos encontramos como suspendidos entre cielo y tierra, en una región de ideas en la que no pueden existir más que Dios o nada; sentimos que no somos nada, que ni siquiera existimos, porque nada puede prescindir de su razón de ser. El misterio es impenetrable cuando se pretende someterle a los cálculos de la experiencia. Escapa a la más sabia lógica; pero la existencia de Dios se prueba precisamente en la falta de pruebas a nuestro alcance. No sería nada superior a nosotros si cayera bajo el criterio de nuestras demostraciones. La noción que tenemos de él reside en una esfera a la que no tenemos acceso más que a condición de sentirnos superiores a nosotros mismos, donde la fe es una valentía del corazón, una sobreexcitación del espíritu, una hipótesis del genio; es el ideal del sentimiento y allí todo razonamiento se resume en dos palabras: Dios existe porque yo le percibo.” (p. 41, Jorge Sand, “Último Amor”, Leyenda, México, 1945: 201 p.; traduce Federico Melchor, (excepto la última palabra, que es mía: “percibo”, ya que él la traduce como “concibo” (que se prestaría a cierta confusión como para pensar que es un producto de nuestra imaginación), mientras que el final de este C. XII, tr. por J.A.R., para Salvatella, Barcelona, 348 p. (sin fecha) lo traduce como “siento” (que también se prestaría a confusión como para pensar que es un simple sentimiento)),)"
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Celebrando pura madre!!! En "Ilustre", donde la dueña Esmeraldita nos acompañó, brindando con tres deliciosas cortesías de mezcal!!! ¡En la madre recayó el salmón, y pulpo para el papi y yo con un tiramisú final y las Pacífico que no faltaron!, y aqui, el papi y yo vamos por el camino de las bugambilias en flor (diría ese tal de Proust).
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Metro: With all the universe around me, but still lonely without you: my love! (Note: ...just the distances in time and space seem to be insurmountable, but as she advised to me: Claim with all your voice to God and to His Kingdom, they are the real ones that know and rejoice about our hearts for each other!!!)
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Two Mexican fruits: The pitaya and the yellow plum (Hoy, le mostré a mi alma dos frutas mexicanas: pitaya y ciruela amarilla; quiero acompañar esto con el mejor album de folk tapatío de "Tierra Mojada", espero que les guste como a mí: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VeNA74mv9w&list=PLVwy9GH5FdJTlmScirnmsEAH6ido47NGR&index=4, aquí tocaban nuestros viejos amigos @[716908166:2048:Paco Padilla], Escobar y Rodríguez, entre otros)
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Es con gran alegría que aquí les presento mi lectura del griego de 1 Cor. 1 - 4: https://youtu.be/rJpC_EPreVU (c 1-3)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ksmsirxJP0 (c 4: Debido a que se me saturó la Laptop, gracias a Dios de nuevo se puede hacer transmisión directa): Aquí se ve que el centro del mensaje actual de Dios es que Cristo dio su vida en la cruz para pagar por todos tus pecados, y que cuando lo aceptas como tu Señor viviente tienes la conexión directa para que él te guíe y te consuele en TODO, por lo tanto esto nos enseña que: ¡Nosotros servimos a Cristo y NO a los hombres! (Además él es el único que nos puede consolar de todas las cosas que el hombre, o la mujercita, nos puedan hacer, en el caso de Pablo lo menospreciaban...) Las fotos son de el Lago de Chapultepec y de un costado de La Casa del Lago que fundara mi profesor favorito: Arreola, en la CD. de MX. De hecho, esto es lo único que en realidad me mantiene vivo, a flote y motivado a seguir adelante (lo demás es tan sólo un volantín para volverse locos): Mi trabajo en Cristo con Dios y para Dios. ¡Amén!
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Con el gran gozo de ser un hijo amado de Dios, es con una incomparable alegría el completar con esto mi incursión en las Epístolas a la Iglesia, de Pablo: Aquí está la introducción: https://youtu.be/sYzdpsYAAYY y el resto: https://youtu.be/nLgwXBLYDak (al que tuve que editar removiendo algunas cosas personales por petición de parte)... Vemos cómo las listas iniciales se aplican también a creyentes renacidos (las llamadas "listas de infamia") ya que en ellos sí hace la diferencia el actuar bien para recompensas; en cambio, para el no renacido, mientras que éste rechace a Cristo, está tan muerto, ya sea que haga poco o mucho mal. Luego vemos el glorioso final con la alabanza a Dios por habernos revelado un Gran Secreto Divino, así como diversos aspectos del mismo.
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Yesterday with my only uncle left by the side of my grandmother Eva, Mr. Jose Luis Arroyo Acosta, from Mexicali, B.C. Nte., MX. Learning and Teaching About God, Life, and Those Days Ahead!!! Thanks to @[618264681:2048:Juan P. Chávez] for taking such an excellent photo (cropped from a video clip that he took, with better color and quality that a simple photo!)
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Mary Cris, This is to the girl that I love with all my heart, future mother of my own, now that we are starting our tenth solid month of overcoming every and any single obstacle that has been thrown at us from day one by the adversary and by his willing or unwilling servants (Ah! And sometimes being ourselves those ones, but coming out from there as soon as we together realize that we have been wrong!!!): "Me and you: The brick and the flower: The strength and the tenderness, the solid resolve and the scent of your biological life! Ours will be a marriage fusing the work of the man plus the work of God!!!: Me, as you have said, I am: Godliness, responsibility, authenticity and consistency... You, as I say every single day: You are the love for God, you are intelligence, you are a beauty, and your song and your guitar are the symphony of it all!..." Fernando!
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Dear Faithful Saints in Christ!: In 1 Tim. 3:16 Both: The Head and the Body of Christ are proclaimed!:
"And confessedly great is the, of the, of godliness revealed secret: Which: 1] Was revealed in flesh; 2] Was justified in spirit; 3] Was seen by angels; 4] Was proclaimed among gentiles; 5] Was believed on in cosmos; 6] Was taken up in glory (to the heavens of heavens)".
E. W. Búllinger saw here what almost nobody else has seen:
We have what is true of Christ personally, of course; but we have more; we include what is true of the members as well, if we take it as referring to the Body of Christ – the Head and the members.
What is it?
1. "MANIFESTED IN FLESH.” True of the members, and true of the Head (Rom. 1:3).
2. "JUSTIFIED IN SPIRIT.” True of Head, and members as set forth in Rom. 5:12-8:39.
3. "APPEARED TO ANGELS.” This is explained by Eph. 3:10, where we are told that now unto principalities and powers in the heavenlies, God is making known His manifold wisdom by means of the Church.
4. "PROCLAIMED AMONG THE GENTILES,” not merely Christ personal, but the Body of Christ, is now proclaimed, "made known to all nations” (Rom. 16:26), "made known among the Gentiles” (Col. 1:27), preached "among the Gentiles” (Eph. 3:8).
5. "BELIEVED IN THE WORLD.” It is made known "for the obedience of faith” (Rom. 16:26) [i.e., faith-obedience].
6. "RECEIVED UP IN GLORY.” If so be that we suffer with Him, that we may be glorified together, also with Him” (Rom. 8:17). "For whom He justified, them HE also glorified” (Rom. 8:30).
This then is the end of the Body of Christ, as it was of Christ personal. The members are waiting to be "Received up in Glory,” as the Head was. This is our hope, our "blessed hope.”
(Büllinger, E. W. The Mystery. 5th Paper, Things to Come, Dec. 1896, 2(6):104-105)
And in the original: https://archive.org/stream/ThingsToComeVol1-2/Things%20to%20Come%20Vol%201-2%20--#page/n351/mode/2up/search/116
This is in preparation of my upcoming reading, research, study on First of Timothy, pray in the spirit for the light to fly through the universe of our good God!!! Your Fernando.
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This was the End of the English Class, the last song was: "Don't Be Cruel", by The Elvis: "...The future looks bright ahead / Don't be cruel to a heart that's true / I don't want no other love / Baby it's just you I'm thinking of / Don't stop thinking of me... / ...Why should we be apart? / ...And let us say I do / Then you'll know you'll have me / And I'll know that I'll have you...": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ebEIzcf0Dk
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Es con un muy tremendo gozo el poder presentar para ustedes mi estudio de 1 Timoteo del griego: https://youtu.be/PtYYfehuVDE en el que Pablo inspirado por Dios lo exhorta "a enderezar el barco" de los creyentes de Éfeso que se les estaba hundiendo (como tantas veces nuestras propias vidas), y la solución es muy fácil: acudir directamente al Dios, que es presentado como nuestro Salvador varias veces en esta Epístola dirigida a nosotros los servidores: ¡Oh Gran Dios, conforta nuestros corazones para confiar única y completamente en Ti, y seguirte sirviendo como te lo mereces, pero en ningún ser humano, sea éste hombre o mujercita!
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Tito, Tito...!: https://youtu.be/GGovSn7NJh0 Aquí Pablo le indica cómo poner orden en Creta (del trabajo de Pablo después de su primera encarcelación, después de Hch. 28, y antes de la segunda y su sacrificio póstumo), estableciendo "Presbíteros" (Ancianos, "Elders", lo que incluía a las mujeres y los esclavos) en las Iglesias de todas sus ciudades, y "Obispos" (mujeres incluidas, así como esclavos), dice que los de ese país eran, como Epiménides lo dijo: unos mentirosos, maliciosos, glotones y holgazanes, pero que al aceptar a Cristo, ya eran salvos y que era posible que enderezaran su andar para recibir sus recompensas (de allí el énfasis en que hicieran el bien). Pablo se iba a encontrar con Tito en la cercana Nicópolis (una "Ciudad Victoria", de varias que había por allá), y como que a Tito le gustó más aquel lugar que Creta (que significa "La Carnal"), porque lo vemos (en 2 Tim.) "escaparse" a "Dalmacia" (que es en "Ilírico" cerca de Nicópolis, pero bueno, eso lo veremos después).... Fernando.
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Pues, aquí trabajando duro en las "clínicas divinas" para mis amados hermanos de habla hispana, en la siguiente excelente escritura en su contexto: "2 Tim. 3:16 Toda Escritura exhalada por Dios (Theopneustos) es útil para enseñar, para redargüir, para corregir, para instruir en justicia, 17 a fin de que el hombre de Dios sea perfecto (artios), enteramente perfeccionado (exertismenos) para toda buena obra." [Pidiéndole a mi Dios ¡el poder tener esto listo y completo dentro de la siguiente semana! (Entre tanto, me acabo de dar cuenta que a mis espaldas, un "Quijote" intenta "estocar" a un ventilador casero!!! Jejee)]
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Ya completando mi estudio doctoral próximo, veo que cuando se habla ¡ocho veces! de las 'palabras sanas' en las Epístolas Pastorales (1 y 2 Tim. y Tito), ¡una mejor traducción ha de ser: "Palabras Sanadoras", es decir: Las que son literalmente capaces de impartir sanidad tanto mental como física al estarlas creyendo, ya sea por escucharlas o por leerlas!!! Esto resuena con las ¡ocho veces! también que en Proverbios leemos de la salud (MARPE en heb., y eso aparte de las otras dos palabras relacionadas en Pr. que se ven en la foto): una salud literal que imparte la buena palabra!!! Va un ejemplo de cada caso: De 2 Tim. 1:13: "Retén la forma de las sanas palabras (es: DE LAS PALABRAS SANADORAS: "hugiainonton") que de mí oíste, en la fe y amor que es en Cristo Jesús" y Pr. 16:24 "Panal de miel son los dichos suaves, suavidad para el alma y MEDICINA ("marpe": SALUD) para los huesos." WOW!!! Oh maravilla de maravillas el diseño divino y perfecto de la Palabra SANADORA de Dios!!!
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One dear sister in Christ: https://rocioanker.com/ did sent me a sweet reminder of the practical power of prayer here and now: from within and from without!!! https://web.archive.org/web/20180720101926/https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-44791998 Thank you!!!
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Aquí les presento con un gran gusto mi lectura del griego de 2 Tim.: P1: https://youtu.be/pMMi6YNxLXs y P2: https://youtu.be/Zx-f86SL-UU, en él vemos el último escrito de Pablo, escrito a su más fiel colaborador, quien participara en toda la trayectoria epistolar de Pablo, también vemos a Lucas y a Marcos, colaboradores de Pablo, quienes fueran los primeros en escribir sus registros inspirados de la vida de Jesús a instancias de él, quien dice que incorporó a su propio Buen Mensaje (Evangelio) escenas de la vida de Jesús desde su nacimiento del linaje de David hasta su resurrección por parte de Dios. Vemos también los nombres de los que traicionaron a Cristo y a Pablo, tales como Demas, Figelo y Hermógenes, Fileto e Himeneo, y Alejandro (éstos dos fueron de mal en peor y entre todos éstos habían seducido a las iglesias de Asia en contra de Pablo y de Cristo), Pablo, inspirado, desecha la idea para Asia Menor de obispos, presbíteros y diáconos especiales, que tan sólo sirvió para el envanecimiento de los así designados, y dice él que es suficiente con encontrar "Doulos": servidores voluntarios de Cristo y de su Padre, que sean creyentes y fieles para enseñar a otros en la práctica cómo vivir la "Palabra sanadora" de cuerpos y mentes, para realmente preservar la "Eusebeia": que es la relación viva, vital y verdadera constante con Dios y con Su hijo entre los creyentes, cosa que se habían olvidado por completo de practicar los líderes corruptos (en el cristianismo contemporáneo se da lo mismo, se ha perdido esa “Eusebeia” y por ende ese poder práctico que existió como la norma de la Iglesia temprana, el cual aún en vida, Pablo tristemente vio desvanecerse bajo las garras: ¡de lobos disfrazados de pastores!…: ¡pero, que es posible recuperar de nuevo siguiendo lo que Pablo aquí nos indica inspirado por Dios!)
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Hablando de trenes, del "Guardagujas" (el que cambia los rieles del tren) de Juan José Arreola, y de la venida de don Porfirio, del porfiriato en México, tenemos que este letrero dice lo siguiente: "Antigua Estación del Ferrocarril: Inmueble que fue inaugurado por el presidente Porfirio Díaz en el año de 1908, que conserva un diseño arquitectónico a partir de módulos de iguales dimensiones. Su principal peculiaridad radica en su techumbre, en cuya estructura se observa un diseño entramado. El edificio albergaba la oficina de ventas de boletos, del telégrafo, un par de grandes bodegas y una sala de espera. Dejó de funcionar como tal en la épica de los 80's del pasado siglo XX.""
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Tengo gran gozo de presentarles mi estudio del griego de Filemón: https://youtu.be/YK5Z8gXqXSw, que consiste en tan sólo 25 versículos que tratan de manera práctica del amor (Agape) cristiano: Pablo ruega el buen trato para un esclavo: Onésimo (Provechoso), que huyó de Filemón (Lleno de Fileo), su dueño, y que se hizo cristiano en Roma, el cual ahora desea regresar a servir de corazón. El trato como hermanos entre el más alto y el más bajo estrato de la sociedad romana era y es algo totalmente revolucionario, sobrenatural y contrario a la condición natural humana tendiente al egoísmo!
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Comenzando mi próxima lectura de la maravillosa y majestuosa Biblia, me encuentro con la palabra "automate", que llegó a nosotros como "automatos", "autómata", "automáticamente" y todo lo que tiene movimiento autónomo, dice el verso en cuestión: "...llegaron a la puerta la de hierro, la que lleva a la ciudad, la cual automáticamente se les abrió..." Hch. 12:10b; nosotros que nos consideramos tan tecnológicamente avanzados, vemos que hay un poder espiritual sobrenatural capaz de controlar por completo a la materia, aquí hablando de cuando el ángel libertó a Pedro de la cárcel, ¡justo cuando estaba a punto de ser decapitado! Y esto debido a las fervientes oraciones de los creyentes que moraban en Jerusalén, reunidos en casa del futuro Evangelista Marcos.
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Santos Amados: Aquí les presento mi lectura de hoy de Hechos del 1 al 4 del griego: https://youtu.be/kzd4w8f1f6I, en donde se aprecia que es la continuación de las labores de Cristo Jesús, pero ahora él desde el cielo, instruyendo a los suyos, quienes al ser su Cuerpo continúan con su obra. Se observa la gran ventaja espiritual y el poder edificador que nos es el hablar en lenguas, así como el poder que tenemos para salvar y para sanar con el poder de Dios como si nosotros mismos fuéramos Cristo, ¡y eso precisamente significa hacer las cosas en el nombre de Jesucristo: cómo si él mismo las estuviera haciendo, nosotros actuando con su autoridad y poder! También se observa que la vida comunitaria fue algo temporal específico de los judíos cristianos que aprovecharon la reunión internacional de Pentecostés, para continuar aprendiendo al pie de los Apóstoles por unos días más, y eso fue todo (una probadita de la armonía del Milenio con Cristo como el Rey de reyes y Señor de señores). En Cristo, Fernando.
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¡ARREOLANZA! ¡Finalmente pude darme tiempo para compartir esto https://youtu.be/6JAMa5IJHNc con ustedes!, ahora, a un mes del centenario de mi profesor favorito, es la conferencia que presenté en la Casa de la Cultura que él mismo fundara aquí: ¡en su querido Zapotlán el G.! Esto no hubiera sido posible sin la ayuda de personas tan distinguidas en este lugar como @[100000866631160:2048:Mariana Pineda] e hija, @[100000550798344:2048:Jud Rodríguez], @[728808474:2048:Didí Sedano] y @[552591401:2048:Ricardo Sigala] (quienes me entrevistaron), @[753715328:2048:Carlos Axel Flores Valdovinos] (quien cantó composiciones de Juan Octavio Espinoza Arreola, "El Pato"), @[100003816834865:2048:Arcano Onart de la Rosa] y esposa, mi prima materna @[100000186697386:2048:Adriana Cecilia Vargas Alzaga] y fam., mi sobrina paterna @[100001437283472:2048:Marisely Castro] y esposo, @[1635109299:2048:Jazmiin Rodriguez] y sus amigos así como @[100004946583629:2048:Fausto Avila] (quienes grabaron el evento), @[1044520597:2048:Victor Ricardo Cabeza] (quien nos acompañó como de ráfaga y me invitó a dar clases de inglés en EDUCEM: ¡gracias!), mis papás, Vania Damián Rodríguez y su mamá, el charal Eduardo Moreno y colaboradores, tales como @[1044462368:2048:César Octavio Andrade Orozco], José Luis Zaragoza Hernández distribuidor exclusivo local de mi futuro libro con su familia, Sor Josefina del Hospital San Vicente, Luchita la que nos ayuda, etc., etc., (¡si es que sale! Pues esos del ISBN ya me lo han retenido, creo yo de manera innecesaria e inexplicable, durante tres meses según mis editores, ¿será posible semejante retraso? Por lo pronto, espero meter a concurso al Amazon alguna de sus ediciones que reposan en mi Laptop así como algunas otras cosas... ¡Dios mediante!, y luego @[100001113782301:2048:Héctor Ag] me ha pedido un reporte para su edición periodística especial de Arreola en el que trabajo ahora... y mi estimado @[1792443196:2048:Orso Arreola Sanchez] quien tuvo a bien promover mi presentación en la "Casa-Taller Literario Juan José Arreola": ¡Muchas Gracias! Última nota: favor de usar audífonos pues el sonido, aunque completo, está malísimo... una sentida disculpa).
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Esta es la cubierta de mi primera novela, la foto corresponde a una de las erupciones del volcán de fuego "de Colima", es algo grato que al menos a su autor mismo le agrada leer y releer (para no olvidarse de lo que ya escribió antes y evitar repetirlo, jejee); la foto del autor corresponde al amanecer en la Ciudad de MX, a la entrada del Bosque de Chapultepec (detrás de mi estaba el promocional a una exposición pictórica a Leonora Carrington).
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Éstas son algunas de las entradas de mi primera novela: "Ecos de nuestras cenizas", texto importante, especialmente en estos días en los que a lo prehispánico se le trata de menospreciar... mi entrada central nos dice: "Las quenas suspiraban en el viento. Los sonidos llegaban desde lejos y esparcían sus notas por los campos, la calma de la tarde los mecía...", me gusta, me gusta... ¿y qué más sigue?
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Aquí está la portada de mi libro imprimible (del tamaño grande como los artículos originales en sus "Journals") en español, mi foto es cortesía de @[601357307:2048:Julio César Aguilar], cuando tuvimos el honor de que nos viniera a visitar acá al pueblo del Zapotlán de Arreola: ¡muy buena foto!, gracias!!! pongo aquí para ustedes la dedicatoria que le puse al mismo: Dedicado a Aquel que nos ve:
“(Dios Creador:) en Tu libro (SP-RK: ¡el Código Genético!) estaban escritas todas aquellas cosas que fueron luego formadas, sin faltar ni una de ellas” (Sal. 139:16b). [Última actualización: 22 de agosto del 2018: se agregó el índice, un epígrafe y se hizo una revisión ortográfica, F.C.-C.]
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Como el gran @[566673209:2048:Charly Carlos Vzqz] me preguntara, y como su hermosa mujer @[100007097824037:2048:Iliana Hijuelos] es la que va a publicar mi libro de "Arreolanza", aquí les adelanto el índice de esta mi obra, en el cual exploro yo algo original al alternar un capítulo científico publicado, con el entorno personal y psicológico de mi vida al momento de hacer estas investigaciones científicas por allá en el "Colegio Baylor de Medicina" (BCM), del 2000 al 2016 (pero como les digo, me falta la otra mitad por traducir al español para mis lectores hispanos, y poder publicar en forma de libro): ÍNDICE:
00a. Dedicado a Aquel que nos ve, 2
00b. ÍNDICE, 3
00c. Introducción, 4
01. Capítulo 1
Desentrañando los secretos del Código Genético, 6
02. Capítulo 2
El diseño del código genético
Alta variación, pocas mutaciones, 10
03. Capítulo 3
Encontrando las reglas de la variación biológica, 33
04. Capítulo 4
Codones más usados por aminoácido y por genoma en el código del hombre comparado, 35
05. Capítulo 5
Extrayendo arte y ciencia del código genético, 69
06. Capítulo 6
El funcionamiento cuántico del código genético rotante de 64 celdillas, 71
07. Capítulo 7
La niña que sanó mi ceguera en el 2012
Angelina G. Castelli, 101
08. Capítulo 8
Representación tetraédrica del código genético enfatizando simetría, 104
09. Capítulo 9
Simulacros moleculares y de los presuntos colaboradores, 119
10. Capítulo 10
Cromosomas desfragmentados del código genético binario del I Ching", 120
11. Capítulo 11
Mi interés en secuencias palíndromas, 184
12. Capítulo 12
Palindromati de Fernando Castro-Chavez, 179
13. Capítulo 13
Traiciones y perspectivas, 192
14. Epílogo, 200
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Este es otro libro conciso que he publicado con mis estudios e interlineal directamente del griego al español del Libro de Filemón, el cual nos muestra en la práctica lo que es el andar en amor entre cristianos que se comunican las cosas espirituales, primeramente para bendecir los unos a los otros, como Pablo le dijo a Filemón: Acepta a Onésimo, ya no como tu esclavo sino ahora como tu hermano; esto era totalmente revolucionario en una sociedad en la que 1/3 de toda la población eran esclavos; Pablo incluso se ofrece a pagar cualquier cantidad que Onésimo le hubiese tomado a Filemón, a quien le pide que refresque sus entrañas, que era, tanto la acción más humilde que un esclavo "doulos" pudiera ofrecer, como el figurativamente consolar y el confortar emocionalmente al hermano, en este caso mediante la aceptación incondicional, primero de Onésimo, y luego de Pablo de vuelta en Colosas, ya que éste estaba convencido de su próxima liberación de su primer encarcelamiento en Roma, lo que sí sucedió... Termino mi libro recordando a la bella canción de "Gracia sublime". Aquí están los libros que he publicado hasta el momento, esperando sacar pronto el de uno de mis estudios favoritos, el de: "Las aguas de arriba", en Cristo: https://www.amazon.com/Fernando-Castro-Chavez/e/B07GL44ZYN
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"...Era una mañana sabatina con un sol radiante.
Acabábamos de llegar de Guadalajara a la casa de Mireya Cabeza de Vaca.
El imitador enjaulado hablaba con la misma voz del fallecido padre de la pianista, diciendo: “Señora”.
Mi primo y su hermana se encontraban entonces en visita con ellas, madre e hija.
Salimos corriendo al escuchar una moto que pasaba.
Gritamos: - ¡Maestro, maestro!
Entonces, se detuvo brevemente y nos dijo: - Voy de prisa pero los espero en mi casa en media hora.
Se siguió derecho, pero nosotros de todos modos nos encaminamos a esperarlo a su casa de altura.
Del puro gusto de que nos recibiría corríamos sin importarnos el tiempo y ya llegábamos al empedrado.
Al poco rato llegó él, traía su capa negra, amablemente nos pasó y nos sentó frente al pueblo, y se fue...
Después de un buen rato, regresó con una bebida rosada y con un par de vasos con agua en una charola.
Luego, se envolvió con su capa negra que le quedó por detrás del respaldo, todo parecía como un sueño.
Nosotros estábamos boquiabiertos, así se nos figuraba como un gran cuervo o aún como un murciélago.
Inclinado él mirando hacia el suelo, observábamos su grata boina de la cual brotaba su blanco cauce.
Dijo estar deprimido…; le presenté a mi..."
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Dice así esta porción: Director: Héctor Alfonso Rodríguez Aguilar. Publicación mensual de información general. "Cruz del Sur" Periodismo Diferente. Año 0, Núm.2, Ciudad Guzmán, Jal. Julio-Septiembre 2018. Valor $5.00 "De cuando subí con mi primo al mirador de Arreola" Por Fernando Castro-Chávez. Mi incansable paisano Héctor Alfonso Rodríguez Aguilar, me ha pedido escribir una cuartilla sobre algo curioso e inédito que yo recuerde de Arreola, para uno de sus múltiples periódicos; esto es algo que viví con mi próspero y trabajador primo Vicente Castro en Zapotlán cuando éramos niños, hoy él viviendo en el norte.
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"...primo, él le preguntó que de dónde era: - ¡de la sierra!, escuchó.
Mientras apuraba su copa le preguntó su nombre, mi primo sorprendido respondió: - ¡Atemajac!
Arreola se sonrió con gusto, y luego con voz reposada le dijo que se refería a su nombre personal.
- ¡Vicente! - Respondió mi primo, y dijo: - ¡mi papá, que en paz descanse, fue su presidente municipal!
Arreola se sonrió de nuevo, mientras le daba otro sorbo a su bebida, resultó que él lo había conocido.
Después de unos intercambios divertidos y espontáneos, Arreola salió contento golpeteando la charola.
Nosotros, exploramos un poco el lugar y miramos desde allá al pueblo y sus volcanes, y decidimos salir…
Sobre la mesa y sus sillas de metal que usamos, posaba una copa vacía con dos vasos llenos de agua."
Luego dice: Directorio: Director Héctor Alonso Rodríguez Aguilar. Capturista: Miriam Berenice Vázquez Téllez. Colaboradores de Edición: Pedro Mariscal, David Acevedo, José Luis Vivar, Fernando Castro Chávez, Carlos Estrada Sandoval, Leonardo Ortega. Diseño de edición: Oficina de diseño de la fundación. (Y al lado dice: "Editorial Sotavento, LTD"); Oficinas: Independencia No. 96, Centro Histórico, Ciudad Guzmán - Zapotlán el Grande, Jal. Teléfono: 412 01 68. E mail: auinatenses@gmail.com. Puedes consultarnos en digital: http://issuu.com/hectoralfonsorodriguezaguilar ."
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El profesor señalaba la versatilidad verbal en la obra de Arreola mientras que yo observaba los dibujitos de "La feria" de Arreola, llamados "viñetas" (elaborados por Vicente Rojo Almazán), los que desgraciadamente ya habían sido alterados en veinte instancias en la edición de sus "Obras" del F.C.E. editado por el argentino Saúl Yurkievich (obra que yo sostenía entre mis manos), quien fue de los primeros en traicionar a Arreola al comenzar a adulterar su obra alejándose de la forma en la que Arreola la pensó y la diseñó, ya que Arreola era, no sólo riqueza verbal, sino también riqueza artística, lo que incluye a la íntima relación entre los dibujos que él cuidadosamente seleccionó y sus textos acompañantes para su obra, hoy pisoteada también por la "Editorial Planeta Mexicana", la que ha reemplazado todas las viñetas originales de "La feria" para poner siete viñetas absurdas que nada tienen que ver con el texto de Arreola (incluyendo a unas "maracas", totalmente ajenas a la obra o a la región). Insistamos, por favor, en que esta obra de Arreola sea restaurada a la forma en la que él la integró en 1963 (insistamos junto con @[1792443196:2048:Orso Arreola Sanchez] (quien conservó la petición a la editorial para que restaure esas viñetas de "La feria", incluyendo las de la portada, aunque fuera en alguna hoja interior), @[379458532405366:274:Casa Taller Literario Juan José Arreola Oficial] (en donde presentara yo el tema de manera más extensa bajo el título: "Otra lectura de "La feria" de Arreola: Las viñetas de Vicente Rojo" el 5 de octubre pasado, por la noche) y la @[100009212884290:2048:Biblioteca Juan Jose Arreola] (de la que su director @[100006592238769:2048:Jose Cortes] me regalara la tercera edición de 1966 que me ayudó a descubrir el estándar inicial para el orden real de dichas viñetas como Arreola lo integró)).
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Aquí el profesor señalaba cómo es que Saúl Yurkievich traicionó a Arreola en otra instancia en la que trastocó por completo la interpretación del texto de Arreola "Epitalamio", invirtiendo una vez más a los personajes principales (como lo hizo con esas veinte viñetas de "La feria" que él mismo adulteró en su orden y orientación) según sus propios intereses y tendencias. Yo escuchaba atentamente a todo esto esperando mi turno para decir que el mismo Arreola se opuso de manera discreta a las acciones de este argentino Saúl Yurkievich (pero según me parece Arreola no se puso a comparar sus viñetas originales con las que Saúl había adulterado, asumiendo que las había dejado iguales, hasta ahora que yo me puse a hacer la comparación de las mismas; de haber descubierto esto en vida Arreola mismo, creo yo que lo habría encolerizado aún más al punto de pedir que le fueran restauradas como él originalmente las había acomodado en su versión de "La feria" de 1963). En la foto estoy con mi nueva amiga Beatriz Moreno.
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Uno de los textos que más le agradan a Axel, "El lay de Aristóteles", fue cubierto por el profesor Sánchez Ocampo, señalando que es un estilo olvidado que Arreola revivió, siendo esta tan sólo una de sus poligrafías, que según he encontrado, suman ya casi 120 en sus obras. Este "lay" escrito por Arreola describe el imposible romance entre Armonía y Aristóteles, quien aunque fue arrasado por la "ineludibilidad" (palabra que erróneamente Word me marca como errónea) de la poesía, al final intentó, ficticiamente, desde luego, desmenuzar en todos sus detalles a todo esto en su "Tratado sobre Armonía" (la cual cabalga literalmente sobre él en los altorrelieves medievales, y sobre su prosa torpe y burda en el texto de Arreola), uno más de los miles de libros que fueran quemados por los musulmanes de la desaparecida "Biblioteca de Alejandría"; fue precisamente en estas conferencias que tuve el honor de conocer a mi amigo @[100028244536186:2048:Rilj Herschel], y luego a su hermana en nuestro evento del 20 en @[100027406571808:2048:Educem Ciudad Guzman]
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Aquí se aprecia el taller que duró tres días, impartido por el prof. Sánchez Ocampo en la parte de atrás de la @[595341330535050:274:Casa del Arte CUSUR], el primer día, entre otras cosas se cubrió el hecho de que (según me contaron algunos asistentes, Arreola tradujo un texto de "El sapo" de Jules Renard, así como se vio inspirado por ese mismo texto para escribir su propio texto de "El sapo", que si algún alumno intentara hacer una tesis sobre este tema, como ya fue el caso, que era necesario que cubriera a ambos textos, y no como el alumno pretendía, de enfocarse en uno solo de ellos, el segundo); el segundo día vimos eso de "El lay de Aristóteles", y pude comentar que en los altorrelieves en marfil y madera que se han hecho sobre ese tema desde "La Edad Media", se observa al rey que incitó la situación asomándose por una ventana; luego el tercer día se habló de "El rey negro" (uno de los textos favoritos del prof. Sánchez Ocampo) en donde se combina una decepción amorosa de Arreola con su derrota en una partida de Ajedrez; ésta es una frase que el prof. rescató de la voz de Arreola: "Sí, efectivamente, yo tengo un pequeño texto que se llama "El rey negro", quees un drama de amor pavoroso. Está basado en uno de los mates más difíciles y notables del ajedrez, se llama el mate de alfil y caballo... esto es una historia de amor que me ocurrió en la vida. Transformé el dolor, lo elaboré literariamente y esto me dio un bálsamo y logré algunas de las mejores frases que he escrito en mi vida con ese cuento de "El rey negro"" (Entrevista de Arreola con Yolanda Zamora, "Tierra Dentro", núm. 93, 1998. [Arreola también le dijo a Eduardo Lizalde que consideraba a este texto como uno de sus mejores].
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El diálogo aquí era el siguiente:
Orso: "...las viñetas que hilan, yo diría hilan, unen, entrelazan los textos de Juan José Arreola en “La feria”, pues van haciendo una unidad, van formando una unidad total, y sobre eso nos va a hablar ahora Fernando Castro Chávez, que está residente aquí en un año sabático, de trabajos universitarios en los Estados Unidos, además relacionados con otras industrias que no tienen mucho que ver con la literatura."
Fernando: "Así es."
Orso: "Pero lo interesante es que aquí hay, tenemos en el público químicos, matemáticos poetas que no tienen mucho que ver con la literatura pero hablan de literatura, por eso le cedo la palabra a Fernando Castro Chávez; además autor de un libro..."
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Aquí, lo que yo decía es lo siguiente: "Gilberto Moreno (nota: quien se encontraba presente en primera fila, del lado derecho) fue muy importante para mí, está aquí presente, mero adelante, un químico. Cuando le conté que había descubierto, por allá por marzo, que las viñetas, cuando se organizan todos los fragmentos en base a sus dibujitos, dan una lectura alterna de “La feria”, y es una lectura temática; de inmediato Gilberto quiso comparar con un dibujito, y recuerdo que escogió: “La rata”, y ¿saben quiénes están (entre otros) bajo esa viñeta? (Están:) Abigail, que es la peor rata de la obra de “La feria”, (es) el hacendado que despojó a los Tlayacanques; está también Alejandrina, la mujer que vendía poesía barata y cremas y otras cosas para mujeres aprovechándose de los literatos para que gratuitamente le ayudaran a vender sus productos; y la otra rata que vemos es el que falleció, que era el prestamista, el licenciado; entonces, como en ese caso, aquí están las hermosas viñetas de Vicente Rojo, y vamos a ver como el contexto es muy importante en base a las viñetas y los fragmentos; entonces, ésta es la lectura…"
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@[1792443196:2048:Orso Arreola Sanchez] y yo estamos platicando aquí acerca de la importancia de la intervención de Vicente Rojo Almazán, entonces dibujante para "Joaquín Mortiz" en el dibujo de las viñetas de "La feria" de Arreola, estamos en la @[379458532405366:274:Casa Taller Literario Juan José Arreola Oficial], el mismísimo lugar en el que Arreola me enseñara cosas muy entrañables, sobre Dios, y sobre la apreciación de la belleza. Atrás se asoma la foto de Arreola, tomada por Conchita Torres, luego a la izquierda se ve entre el público el perfil de Efrén Rodríguez, de camisa amarilla, y la silueta posterior de Gilberto Moreno. Foto cosechada del video capturado amablemente por @[100028244536186:2048:Rilj Herschel]: ¡Amigo, muchas gracias!
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Esta es la Transparencia # 5: (A continuación se ponen las 80 viñetas de “La feria” en el orden en el que éstas aparecen, con sus tres formas alternas al lado de las que se observan primero; y el diálogo, conforme lo voy transcribiendo, dice:)
Fernando: "Un diseño a tinta, parece."
Orso: "Déjalas allí un rato, son hermosas."
Fernando: "Sí, son muy bellas éstas viñetas, y si se dan cuenta…"
Orso: "¿Me permites una apostilla?"
Fernando: "Sí cómo no, ¡con todo gusto!"
Orso: "Una apostilla quiere decir un comentario lateral: “La feria” no sería la novela que es sin las viñetas de éste personaje notable; o sea, dense cuenta cómo las viñetas llegaron en un momento dado a ser parte de la novela; éstas viñetas de Vicente Rojo; él (aunque) siempre se mantuvo distante de la novela: ¡Hizo la novela también!"
Fernando: "¡Así es! Y las viñetas originales son 80, y se descubre que de esas 80, tres han sido reproducidas de manera inversa o alterna..."
Y, de nuevo, ésta bella foto ha sido cosechada del video capturado amablemente por @[100028244536186:2048:Rilj Herschel].
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Aquí está mi más reciente publicación bíblica, dice en la contraportada: "Alguien dijo erróneamente que los ángeles caídos habían quedado atrapados en las aguas que rodean el universo en el que nos encontramos; al explorar cuidadosamente el tema se observa que eso no es cierto, que esos ángeles desobedientes y espíritus encarcelados, lo están bajo las plantas de nuestros pies. ¡Y de allí van a salir en los días del Apocalipsis nueve para infligir juicio sobre la tierra! Éstos se componen de dos grupos: Aquellos que intentaron corromper el genoma humano y aquellos que bajo posesión diabólica intentaron destruir a Noé y a sus hijos. Este libro es un esfuerzo por entender bíblicamente esos hallazgos de calaveras que parecen intermedias entre animales y humanos de los neandertales, H. erectus, australopitecus, etc., pero también nos muestra la realidad de los restos aún visibles de Sodoma y Gomorra en las inmediaciones del "Mar Muerto". Esperamos que esto sea tan sólo el inicio de una búsqueda de la mano de Dios, con el fin de descartar toda esa especulación inútil que es rampante tanto en el mundo religioso como en el científico con respecto a estos temas tan profundos y reales que solamente encuentran su respuesta en las escrituras de la Biblia, y en la consulta directa con Dios. Entonces, no tomen esto como la última palabra, sino solamente como la primera en el tema, por favor, y sigan explorando directamente las maravillas de Dios." En Libro: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1729118631 En Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07JM3QGGX El resto de mis libros: https://www.amazon.com/Fernando-Castro-Chavez/e/B07GL44ZYN
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Amable lector: Realidad ¿o mito?, eso de que Arreola "En alguna ocasión invitó a Guadalajara al adolescente Bobby Fischer" (http://www.wikimexico.com/articulo/el-otro-arreola) ¿por dónde comenzar?... (he pedido ayuda a algunos como @[637658944:2048:Juan Manuel Sánchez Ocampo], @[100009212884290:2048:Biblioteca Juan Jose Arreola], @[1792443196:2048:Orso Arreola Sanchez], etc.; para aproximarnos a resolver este enigma, del que no se dan ni las fechas precisas ni las referencias...), lo que tenemos en la red es lo siguiente, todo anecdótico, sin una referencia periodística o una crónica para Guadalajara: 1) De la UNAM nos dicen: "En sus tiempos como promotor del deporte-ciencia organizó encuentros de trascendencia internacional. Incluso, en los sesenta, trajo a nuestro país a Bobby Fischer, hasta ese momento campeón de Estados Unidos": http://www.dgcs.unam.mx/boletin/bdboletin/2010_722.html 2) Luego una cubana señala, con respecto a Cuba: "Organizó Torneos e invitó a destacados ajedrecistas nacionales y extranjeros, entre ellos, el campeón mundial de ajedrez Tigran Petrosian, el subcampeón Pauel Kerez y Bobby Fischer, entonces campeón de ajedrez de Estados Unidos": http://adligmary.blogspot.com/2013/09/juan-jose-arreoladestacado-escritor-y.html 3) Incluso el Congreso del Estado de Jalisco, como muchos otros sitios, transmite esa información así: "Fue muy aficionado al ajedrez. Esta afición lo llevó a invitar a Guadalajara al adolescente Bobby Fischer, entonces campeón de ajedrez de los Estados Unidos y que después sería campeón mundial", en su serie de Beneméritos, donde dice: Juan José Arreola Zúñiga. Condecoración José María Vigil. Decreto 7051, (al buscar su nombre se viene de golpe un documento en Word): http://congresoweb.congresojal.gob.mx/bibliotecavirtual/legislacion/Benemeritos/Benemeritos.cfm 4) De esos tiempos tenemos el siguiente testimonio: "...cuenta el maestro mexicano Filiberto Terrazas en un artículo publicado en la revista “Jaque Mate”, La Habana, 1966, todo comenzó cuando Fidel y él jugaban tablero por medio. Minutos más tardes a Fidel se unió Tigrán Petrosián de la Unión Soviética, entonces Terrazas pidió ayuda a Fischer que se encontraba cerca. Así se estableció un juego entre 4, por un lado Fidel-Petrosián con blancas y por el otro Terrazas-Bobby. Al final las blancas resultaron las vencedoras": http://www.columnadeportiva.com/2008/11/11/bobby-fischer-en-la-habana/ Por lo pronto, y finalmente, una clave que nos podría aproximar a mi objetivo se encuentra aquí pero no se le pone fecha, uno de mis propósitos investigativos de este viaje que voy a hacer a Guadalajara: 5) Armando Acevedo (¡Y es el único en la red que menciona esto!) dice: “Su presencia era elegante y agradable (en Siegen, Alemania, 1970). Muy diferente a aquella imagen que teníamos de Bobby Fischer cuando vino adolescente a México y que nos fue contada por Raúl Solórzano en una entrevista que le hizo Yolanda Zamora en el Informador de Guadalajara” (¡¡¡pero no nos dice la fecha ni se menciona a Arreola!!!): https://web.archive.org/web/20081012205331/http://aacevedo.galeon.com/AAcevedo/Varios/fischer-70a.htm Es que, como le dije a Orso desde principios del año, yo quisiera que mi último proyecto sabático para celebrar a Arreola, su padre, fuera este de escribir un libro acerca de "Arreola y Fischer", le digo yo: "mi cuarta obra es aún un sueño ajedrecístico acerca de: "Arreola y Fischer"", a lo que Orso nos respondió, e iba yo junto con @[100001113782301:2048:Héctor Ag] a su casa: ¡Que su papá Juan José Arreola estuvo aún en los ochentas en Taxco, Guerrero, entrevistándose y conviviendo con Bobby Fischer, junto con otros comensales en evento privado, durante unos cinco días! ¡WOW! Por mi parte, hasta ahora me he enfocado en preservar los últimos archivos de Bobby Fischer, que he de clasificar y traducir, como parte de mi obra: https://web.archive.org/web/20181111151102/http://fdocc.ucoz.com/index/los_ultimos_archivos_de_bobby_fischer_primer_ajedrecista_mundial/0-143 Así de que Bobby Fischer estuvo cual un chamagoso y grosero adolescente en Guadalajara ¡sí!, ¿pero exactamente cuándo?, ¿y fue a instancias de Arreola?... Atte., Fernando Castro Chávez, post-PhD, escritor, enamorado de MCVR e investigador.
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@[100001280559168:2048:Fernando Castro-Chavez] sonríe en compañía de @[1034762367:2048:Víctor Manuel Pazarín], quien señaló que fue Arreola quien motivó sus esfuerzos por escribir cosas bellas, pero también cosas fuertes, ¡cosas de remansos y cosas de grandes tormentas! Además de unas picarescas frases cuajadas de humor...
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@[100002661245981:2048:Pedro Mariscal] escribió y leyó su "Decimario Arreolino", lleno de pan y de un suave vino, mientras que @[100001285408353:2048:Martín Adalberto Sánchez Huerta] dibujaba interminables bocetos de las diversas facetas de esa lectura agradable, incluyendo el de ambas portadas, la obra grande y aquella portátil...
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Después de un año de andarla buscando, finalmente gracias a @[685364361:2048:Sergio Fong], me fue posible el encontrar la partitura del bello Soneto de 1943 de Arreola (también conocido como el "Soneto a Sara") que le musicalizara Hermilio Hernández López; en caso de que alguien lo pueda interpretar y grabármelo... (¡Sí, milagrosamente hoy, en nuestra presentación de @[100001113782301:2048:Héctor Ag], de @[1124336937:2048:Cayetano Chavez Villalvazo] y de un seguro servidor @[100001280559168:2048:Fernando Castro-Chavez] (y sí, en cuanto la tenga en el YT la pongo aquí abajo como comentario para todos ustedes), nuestra admirable y nueva amiga @[1586841892:2048:Say Renrod] nos dijo que podía interpretarla junto con otro amigo al piano, ¡alabado sea Dios!, por lo que si desean escuchar la primicia universal de este "Soneto" arreolísimo musicalizado y ejecutado, supongo yo que por primera vez en la historia, los esperamos el 27 de este noviembre desde las 7:30 PM en el mismo lugar!!!: @[379458532405366:274:Casa Taller Literario Juan José Arreola Oficial], en donde también daremos lanzamiento a nuestra "Cátedra Guillermo Jiménez", con la presentación formal de mi librote "Arreolanza o La Clase de Arreola", con los atinados comentarios críticos y edificantes de @[753715328:2048:Carlos Axel Flores Valdovinos] y del honorable educador @[100002661245981:2048:Pedro Mariscal]), para ¡que más alumnos de Arreola seamos capaces de escucharlo...!: https://www.facebook.com/TastersOfTheWord/posts/2169727916382966
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Gracias a @[601357307:2048:Julio César Aguilar], a quien también honramos en nuestro video: https://youtu.be/1RwH_U-whBg, por habernos enviado su bello escrito en el que menciona a la revista que él coordinaba en la que le manda una carta abierta a Arreola (lo que menciono en mi presentación en la Casa Taller Lit. J. J. Arreola); eso mismo he hecho yo con Vicente Rojo Almazán en la más reciente versión que le he enviado a mi es
timado prof. @[637658944:2048:Juan Manuel Sánchez Ocampo], para "Sincronía", aquí vemos también al organizador @[100001113782301:2048:Héctor Ag] y al presentador de "La Gaceta Literaria" @[1124336937:2048:Cayetano Chavez Villalvazo], otros de los dilectos asistentes fueron @[100001285408353:2048:Martín Adalberto Sánchez Huerta] y Ramirito Solórzano, a.k.a. @[100004946583629:2048:Fausto Avila], @[100000576283656:2048:Jesús Juárez], y conocí a @[1586841892:2048:Say Renrod], gran artista que lleva a cabo mi sueño de escuchar por vez primera con todos ustedes el gran "Soneto", de 1943, de Arreola, musicalizado en el 87 por Hermilio Hernández López!!!
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Otra reseña, cinco días después de la anterior, que ante los comentarios de los asistentes se menciona como una: "Destacada Muestra de Pintura del grupo "Los Escribiados"" (escrito por "Ana Delia Sarrazín", con las fotos de mi amiga de la autónoma Gema Álvarez; en ese entonces @[100004766445889:2048:Carlos Guerrero Diéguez] nos instruía en el periodismo, incluyendo nuestras contribuciones para el "Nexo Univ."), aparecida en el desaparecido periódico "Ocho Columnas" de la U.A.G., se ven aquí pinturas de @[566673209:2048:Charly Carlos Vzqz], y se menciona a los otros miembros, incluyendo al músico Bernardo Colunga, uno de nuestros mentores y amigos, siendo otros que recuerdo el pintor Armando Anguiano (que en paz descanse, quien era hermano de Raúl y quien tuviera el valor de hablarnos acerca del hablar en lenguas gracias a estar llenos de espíritu santo, en una época en la que yo aún no entendía o dudaba de ello, ¡y que ahora lo hago lo más frecuente que puedo, y eso sí, ¡al menos al acostarme y al levantarme!!: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTx2kUqMWGUw7ARagZ06ZZQSYpogk6gkg8CThQ84nwBewXcmaGq, esta fue una de las razones de fondo por las que cuando @[1013364574:2048:Eduardo Azuri Miranda] me dijo en Veracruz que ya había fallecido, lloré desconsolado como un niño), y como escritores, J. J. Arreola y Arriola H. (quien un día llegó en silla de ruedas), entre otros (en mi caso de "Ecocidio" recuerdo a @[716908166:2048:Paco Padilla], a miembros del Grupo de los 100, al mismísimo Ing. Flores Trischtler (cuando dirigía el Observatorio y al que yo decía en broma, pues era él mismo muy bromista: "Flores tristes"), la Mtra. Luz María Villarreal de Puga (Q.E.P.D.), etc., etc...(cuando yo ere el director del programa "Ecocidio" en Promomedios de Occ., gracias a C. Flores M., a R. Frías L. y al lado del paisa zapotlense con aquel vocerrón Guillermo Lares Lazarit: Justo Preciso); la reseña también menciona a @[1183464292:2048:Victor Velasco Neri], @[100004963115072:2048:PufleaCorrea Francisco José Zenón] y al Lic. Rogelio Garrido (que por decirle Roge le pusieron Rojo en la otra reseña anterior de "El Informador", me parece).
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Foto del gran profesor y poeta @[100002661245981:2048:Pedro Mariscal], cuyo video se ha actualizado aquí: https://youtu.be/TPZ5WPkAZio, y quien nos deleitó con una excelente presentación, con la escritura y dedicatoria de dos poemas (con fecha del 27 de nov., 2018), a la obra de "Arreolanza", y a su autor, su servidor, @[100001280559168:2048:Fernando Castro-Chavez], los que a saber son los siguientes (una bella décima):
Por @[100002661245981:2048:Pedro Mariscal]
Es Fernando Castro Chávez
Un hombre propositivo
Que piensa en aumentativo
Las lecciones que una vez
Aprendiera como un pez.
Arreola, arreolar y lanza,
Que se escucha en lontananza
Una tremenda arreolina,
Es la lengua parlanchina...
¡Las lecciones de Arreolanza!
Y un "Soneto a un alumno de Arreola"
Por @[100002661245981:2048:Pedro Mariscal]
Juan José nunca hubiese imaginado
Que un alumno brillante escribiera
Un libro que sus clases reuniera
Para quienes su obra han admirado.
A la distancia del tiempo, hoy aquí,
En esta casa de recuerdos gratos,
Donde recopilo todos los datos
Que pongo en mi Arreolanza para tí.
Este fiel homenaje al centenario
De un natalicio al que brotaran alas
Por la magia de tu verbo literario
Es la múltiple voz...
[Desgraciadamente aquí la tinta de la impresora se acaba y no se ve el resto del último terceto de nuestro estimado @[100002661245981:2048:Pedro Mariscal]; me dijo Pedro, en un correo reciente, que más bien está en proceso; entonces, en cuanto esté completo, aquí lo pongo: ¡Gracias!]
Además de esto, en su análisis, algo que ya no leyó es su propia décima que aparece en su "Decimario Arreolino", la cual dice así:
Juan José Arreola
Por @[100002661245981:2048:Pedro Mariscal]
Publicó “Confabulario”,
“La Palabra Educación”,
Redactó “Varia Invención”,
Y con su libro “Bestiario”
Fue tejiendo su “Inventario”.
Escribir es cosa seria
Y no andar en periferia…
Arreola con “Palíndroma”
No estaba en osas de broma,
Pero a mí… ¡dénme “La feria”!
Y me impresiona tremendamente que, en la selección de @[100002661245981:2048:Pedro Mariscal], el poeta, éste elige un poema del gran Pellicer, de los varios que éste le dedicara a Arreola, y que incluyo en mi "Arreolanza" y que @[1792443196:2048:Orso Arreola Sanchez] pusiera en "El último juglar"; humildemente, el ya para entonces consagrado Carlos Pellicer, le dice a Arreola, como todos nosotros, alumnos suyos, le diríamos: "Estoy atento a lo que tú señalas", y luego Pellicer reconoce la belleza del hablar de Arreola, al terminar ese último terceto de ésta, tan bella manera: "...si en un instante la belleza instalas", wow, wow, wow, que un gigante como Pellicer para la poesía reconociera todo esto en Arreola, me maravilla gratamente y me motiva a seguir en un futuro, adelante con mis infinitos estudios y observaciones a la obra interminable de Arreola, en su hablar y en su escribir... Y también, ¡se destaca la tremenda humildad de Arreola!, quien, aunque los grandes le escribieran grandes cosas como éstas, él seguía tan humilde como cualquiera de nosotros!!! ¡Ah-"men"...! (Así hemos de seguirlo siendo todos, sin esas vanidades tontas de aquellos que se creen ser los alumnos únicos del gran Arreola (aquellos de sus alumnos que aprovechándose de algún puesto público, "engrandecieron" por sí mismos su propio nombre y su propia obra, ¡abusando del buen nombre de Arreola!), jejeee).
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Luego, @[753715328:2048:Carlos Axel Flores Valdovinos] hace un maravilloso y conmovedor ensayo filosófico literario de 17 grandes hojas en las que analiza capítulo por capítulo de manera clara y penetrante, con frases hermosas como las siguientes (aparte de las innumerables y nuevas palabras que él acuña a partir de Arreola, tales como las siguientes: "Arreolerías", "De arreolística", "arreolecto", "arreolante", "arreolización", etc.): ""La Clase de Arreola" parte desde un método valorativo e interpretativo que permite lograr una:
1) Sistematización científica,
2) Belleza estética literaria, y
3) Preocupación espiritual.
Libro con formato de clase, esto es, con carácter pedagógico... es un estudio pedagógico, moral y religioso dedicado a la investigación literaria para descubrir valores altamente humanos y espirituales a partir de la Biblia como Libro Universal que nos da la llave de entrada al paraíso y al infierno terrenal de Arreola. Por su variedad de géneros, la lectura y exégesis bíblica nos permite contrastar las diferentes fuentes a las que acudió Arreola en busca de salvación y sofrosine: "Arreolanza rima con Bienaventuranza"... Leer para llegar a ser buenas personas. Instruirse moralmente. Leer la Biblia para imitar a los prodigios humanos de esa fauna celestial: santos, ángeles, arcángeles, serafines, hasta llegar a la auténtica imitación de Cristo. La lectura se vuelve lectiofanía o revelación que lleva a la conversión espiritual... Arreola recomendaba leer los mejores libros: La Biblia como miscelánea de géneros literarios nos enseña a descubrir la "varia invención". "El cantar de los cantares" inspiró a muchos hacia una vida espiritual, conversión estética... El palíndroma es una filosofía del quiasma..." (Luego nos entrega Axel siete asombrosos palíndromas como los siguientes (¡y me sorprende, cómo la más frecuente “invertiva” de los siete palíndromas de Axel es la de ARREOLAR “palindromizada” como RALOERRA en alguna de sus variantes!), pongo un ejemplo, el más largo de Axel, de su "Palindromario" (pero omito yo los acentos, al estilo gramatical antiguo, como para extremar la “palindromía” dada):
Axel incluso mejora una expresión que yo recordé de Arreola, dándole él una propia extensión artística, al suave decir filosófico de Axel:
"Lo "útil" es una categoría que en el caso del arte no tiene cabida, habría que decir mejor que seleccionar es distinguir y reconocer aquello valioso o afectivo"
¡Excelente!, digo yo con toda humildad, y como Arreola habría aceptado esa corrección, ahora también la acepto yo... (lo mismo señalé y sabiamente Axel notó cuando me esforcé en mi libro por profundizar en el entender del espíritu divino en el hombre de manera bíblica: ¡siendo éste una implantación (para usar una palabra arreolina) sobrenatural dada por Dios al tú recibir a Cristo como tu señor (es el recibir "los genes espirituales")!, colocándolo así por encima de esa idea solamente natural del pensar en ello cómo si fuera tan spolo un talento superior más propio de los varones que de las mujeres, que es lo que a mi parecer parecen concluir tanto Arreola como su discípulo primado de Zapotlán…) Y Axel prosigue diciendo: El "Manual del Caballero Cristiano" es el libro de Erasmo que trajo consigo bajo el hábito franciscano evangelizador de Zapotlán: ¡Francisco de Sayavedra! Luego, sabiamente nos dice Axel: "El valor educativo de la Arreolanza consiste en: Aprender a desaprender para reaprender"... Arreola, nos dice bellamente Axel, fue: "siempre fiel a sus convicciones, creencias y valores, espíritu inquieto por saber, reconoce su ignorancia, es una ignorancia docta... Arreola es uno de los hombres más imprescindibles de la literatura mexicana. Luego cita los dos textos inéditos que me encontré al momento de publicar mi libro, el de "La voz" que en el centro bellamente dice:
"...indecible poesía / ¡Suma de tanta energía! / La palara limpia y suave / En que todo sueño cabe..."
- "Aw", y con un gestito de gatuna bebé diría alguna amiguita americana que ya perdí, ¡al escuchar algo así de bello en inglés!; y del otro de "La luz del sol", que termina tan bellamente como yo deseo terminar este hermoso texto de Axel, ¿y he repetido lo suficiente qué es muy bello y expansible, sus 17 grandes hojas son tan sólo cómo ¡esbozos de cosas más grandes y largas y más profundas!? (y Arreola conocía y se sabía de memoria, nos decía, algo que podía reproducir al estar acostado a punto de dormirse: ¡¡¡cada piedra de la calle que daba a su casa!!!, ¡antes de que "mataran" las piedras del camino que recordaba Arreola, al cubrirlas con cemento!!!):
"...Sobre las oscuras piedras de la calle / Pasa ondulante y turbia la corriente / Sugiriendo rumorosa la pendiente / ¡Que marcan los declives de mi valle!""
¡Muchas Gracias, Axel, por el tan bello y reflexivo texto! Fernando Castro Chávez.
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Recordándoles de nuevo a todos aquellos amigos que nos deseen acompañar mañana al último evento del Centenario de aquel gran profesor y educador e instructor que tuviera yo y del que sigo aprendiendo, de sus escritos, de sus palabras: ¡Arreola! Allí van a estar todos esos seres estimados y admirados de esta mi estancia de honra sabática: @[100001113782301:2048:Héctor Ag], el organizador; @[1124336937:2048:Cayetano Chavez Villalvazo], el que inaugurará la Cátedra G. Jiménez; @[100002661245981:2048:Pedro Mariscal] y @[753715328:2048:Carlos Axel Flores Valdovinos] que harán comentarios pertinentes a esta obra de "Arreolanza" que como toda clase se perfecciona día tras día (y por mi parte espero más bien hablar poco...); luego viene como que el deleite más grande para mí: ¡El escuchar por primera vez ese "Soneto a Sara" de Arreola musicalizado por H. Hernández y que yo anduviera buscando por todos lados durante casi todo el año!, gracias a la gentileza artística de la gran Sahily Rentería y su colega al piano M. A. Navarro (no, ese... se rajó (después de que imprimimos 500 volantes con su... nombre), ya lo acabo de reemplazar de mis copias electrónicas hoy 1ero de dic., el que salió al frente con todo el valor fue el tenor Héctor Miguel Ocampo Guisa, bendiciones a éste), como el dueño del lugar en el que el músico nació, quien señaló en su video, anexado abajo, que ¡tiene su homenaje al lado del de Santana! Agradezco a @[100001159919230:2048:Oscar Fajardo Velasco] y a @[100002561415109:2048:Gabriela Rodriguez] junto con @[1792443196:2048:Orso Arreola Sanchez], por hacer posible éste mi sueño de culminar mis labores sabáticas con este bello homenaje: ¡No nos falten, por favor! Y ahorita que está el Héctor aquí conmigo, me acaba de decir que el maestro de ceremonias de nuestro evento, accedió a ser @[100001285408353:2048:Martín Adalberto Sánchez Huerta]: ¡Muchas gracias estimado escritor y artista!
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Rediseñando mi presentación para meterle colores a "Mi Historia", con ese programa de animación a las fotos: Vemos a @[100002661245981:2048:Pedro Mariscal], a @[753715328:2048:Carlos Axel Flores Valdovinos], a un servidor @[100001280559168:2048:Fernando Castro-Chavez], a @[1124336937:2048:Cayetano Chavez Villalvazo] y Héctor Alfonso Rodríguez Aguilar (@[100001113782301:2048:Héctor Ag]), Sahily Rentería (@[1586841892:2048:Say Renrod] en la voz y a su excelente colaborador: Héctor Miguel Ocampo Guisa, al piano).
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Otra recuperación extraordinaria fue aquella en la que convergieron en mi casa: ¡Bernardo Colunga, compositor de Guadalajara, y @[100009658908980:2048:Josep-Maria Balanyà], su contraparte de Barcelona!; y aquí están, improvisando a cuatro manos (de cuando juntos tocaron en el mismo piano)!!!: https://youtu.be/8Z-ZUAEyems
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Y, ¡gracias muchas a nuestra admirable pianista y cantante @[1586841892:2048:Say Renrod] (y: ¿cómo olvidar al también gran pianista (y tenor) Ocampo Guisa?), me he enterado de que acaba de salir la reseña de nuestro último proyecto "Arreolanzante" de este bello centenario de Arreola que nos fue el memorable 2018 en Zapotlán!: http://www.periodicoelsur.com/noticias_guzman.aspx?idnoticia=110975: ¡Muchas gracias a todos esos buenos amigos que de buen gusto participaron, incluyendo al señor Guillermo Gómez Vázquez quien nos recitó cosas de Arreola y de Jiménez, así como a nuestros notables asistentes, entre otros: @[100001926540317:2048:Javier Silva Sánchez], Oscar Aguiar, @[616726360:2048:Alex Barragán Sánchez], mis honorables padres Manolo y Cris, @[100000186697386:2048:Adriana Cecilia Vargas Alzaga], ah! Y me acabo de acordar de @[100004946583629:2048:Fausto Avila], etc.!
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Aquí estoy yo aplaudiendo mientras mi hermana la Ady le pone todas sus ganas para recitar con su estilo vivo y entregado, alguna tremenda pieza de Sor Juana, musicalizada (musicalización perdida) por dos grandes internacionales de la interpretación clásica radicados en aquel entonces en Guadalajara, evento llevado a cabo en "Las Piedrotas" de Tapalpa...
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Aquí estamos, a la izquierda: @[100001280559168:2048:Fernando Castro-Chavez] (todo de blanco), al lado de @[100000998845064:2048:Cesar Cosio II] (de chamarra negra y jeans); los demás son logísticos del César y políticos de Tapalpa que nos iban a extendernos el permiso para organizar días después un macro evento al lado de "Las Piedrotas", en aquella bella sierra...
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Las obras que se le acreditan a Juan José Arreola mismo, según Joaquín Mortiz, dado su propósito de hacerlas son: aparte de las que sí se publicaron: 1) Confabulario, 2) Palíndroma, 3) Varia invención, 4) Bestiario y 5) La feria; ¡también las siguientes!: 6) ARTE DE LETRAS MENORES (publicado después como “Antiguas primicias”, en Guadalajara), 7) MEMORIA Y OLVIDO (Autor: Arreola, Editor: Fernando del Paso, según la confesión del mismo Del Paso en el video asociado con éstas fotos: https://www.facebook.com/fernando.castrochavez.90/videos/2253069838079013, es decir, que en su edición de "Memoria y olvido" Del Paso va de paso, y el que permanece como su legítimo autor es Arreola mismo, ¿qué opinan?), 8) HOMBRE, MUJER Y MUNDO, 9) POEMAS Y DIBUJOS (publicado en este año 2018 de su Centenario gracias a las diligentes labores de su hijo Orso Arreola Sánchez y Felipe Vázquez, en el FCE con el título de: “Perdido voy en busca de mí mismo”: https://elfondoenlinea.com/Detalle.aspx?ctit=018388R obra tremenda que yo aún no tengo, junto con otra pictórica: http://www.eluniversal.com.mx/cultura/letras/100-anos-de-arreola-poemas-y-fotos-ineditas)...
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Los "Apuntes de Arreola en Zapotlán" así cómo el libro "Memoria y Olvido", llevan como legítimo y genuino autor, en las palabras de Fernando del Paso mismo, según el video que se presenta asociado a éstas fotos: https://www.facebook.com/fernando.castrochavez.90/videos/2253069838079013/, a Juan José Arreola mismo, contando como genuinos editores, pero no más, respectivamente: A Vicente Preciado Zacarías, para este caso que se ilustra y primero que se menciona, y a Fernando del Paso para el segundo libro en ser mencionado aquí. Entonces, Preciado nos dejaría lo más preciado que son las palabras mismas de Arreola como Autor genuino de las mismas, y tu sacarías su nombre que lo pone como autor y en su lugar pondrías el de: Juan José Arreola, dejando si se desea más abajo la nota de: Editor: Vicente Preciado Zacarías. Que es el mismo caso que el de J. E. P. como amanuense del "Bestiario" de Arreola, y del de Fernando del Paso como editor, y así lo reconoce él, de la "Memoria y Olvido" de Arreola mismo.
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Aquí vemos a @[616726360:2048:Alex Barragán Sánchez] entregando el merecido reconocimiento a la tan destacada participación de Sahily Rentería @[1586841892:2048:Say Renrod]) cantando, integrando un concierto musical excelso, que incluyó a la premier mundial del dodecafónico y muy difícil "Soneto a Sara" de Arreola, musicalizado por Hermilio Hernández, más una obra de Blas Galindo, más otra de otro compositor mexicano: ¡Un villancico en música clásica!, y su "encore" de la "Estrellita de lejano cielo", al lado del notable pianista y tenor Miguel Ocampo Guisa.
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Luego por acá tenemos al barbón y bigotón de @[753715328:2048:Carlos Axel Flores Valdovinos], y luego vemos al que en la caricatura pareciera tener antifaz de mapache: @[100001280559168:2048:Fernando Castro-Chavez], un servidor, quien firma un autógrafo sobre uno de sus librototes de "Arreolanza o La Clase de Arreola", para finalmente ver al tan robusto como dos Axeles o 1.5 de Fernandos, el de apariencia de superhéroe en esta animación: @[100002661245981:2048:Pedro Mariscal], a nuestras espaldas está el cartel que hiciera @[100001113782301:2048:Héctor Ag] en el que se leen las siguientes palabras: "Cátedra de litera(tura y ar)tes "Guillerm(o Jimé)nez"", mientras que a las espaldas de Pedro se encuentra la tan bella foto que Concepción Torres Ruiz le tomara en vida a un Arreola con pelo rebelde, y de hecho se ve el nombre de la firma de ella a un lado de Pedro: "Concepción...".
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Foto en blanco y negro de un momento clave del evento, ...y dice la leyenda. "Regidor Alejandro @[616726360:2048:Alex Barragán Sánchez] entregando constancia a Sahily Rentería; en el presidium: Carlos Axel Flores, Fernando Castro y @[100002661245981:2048:Pedro Mariscal] " Aquí se aprecia mejor la bella foto que @[100001007663181:2048:Concepción Torres Ruiz] le tomara a Arreola.
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Juan Luis Guerra, el pez dominicano, nuestro cristiano hermano, se añade al evento por el que estamos orando (y más se van agregando a cada día que pasa): https://web.archive.org/web/20190216142559/https://www.elheraldo.co/mundo/el-22-de-febrero-sera-el-concierto-por-la-libertad-de-venezuela-en-cucuta-597907 Para que salga en paz, pues Dios quiere que se arrepienta el pecador y no que muera, a no ser que el pecador mismo no lo desee y prefiera morir en su mentira (refiriéndonos aquí, a la vida eterna, pues la otra: de cualquier forma tal vez ya esté perdida), ya que como antes se veía: https://web.archive.org/web/20190203010750/https://www.infobae.com/opinion/2019/01/10/la-ilegitimidad-de-maduro/ No se trata, como dicen algunos (incluyendo al farsante mismo)..., de un deseo imperialista por echarlo fuera, sino de un deseo de todos los seres de bien del planeta para que se salga aquello que está podrido y para que quede lo bueno (si no, pregúntenles a los mismos ciudadanos de aquel país de entre aquellos millones que lo han abandonado y que son nuestros hermanos en Cristo, incluyendo a aquellas que se han prostituido para poder sobrevivir en el extranjero 🙁). ¡Ah! Y para que a continuación caiga también "el liderazgo", largo tiempo corrupto, de aquel país malsano que lo está ayudando, y a quien ese cerdo sobrealimentado (me refiero al "nicolaitano" de moros, aquel que le muestra al mundo su total inmadurez con cada palabra, con cada berrinche, y con cada dancilla que él hace) está ayudando también ¡a pura costa de su propio pueblo!
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And now (Y ahora), that I am recovering old files and memories (que estoy recuperando viejos archivos y memorias), me encuentro con este que me motivó a estudiar las Ciencias Naturales (I found this one that motivated me to study the Natural Sciences) a una edad temprana (at an early age), these are my fragments of a longer very good, but old and somehow deceptive, documentary (éstos son mis fragments de uno más largo, muy bueno, aunque antiguo y algo engañoso, documental), pero espero les impresione como a mí me impresionó cuando era niño (but I hope this impresses you as it did to me when I was a child): https://youtu.be/0AU2WPJgGp0
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Y aquí también, con gran gusto promoviendo el trabajo de mi estimado "Cirilo Cuervo" (pseudónimo), para que lo descarguen gratis: https://web.archive.org/web/20190318141059/https://fdocc.yolasite.com/resources/el%20dia%20cien.pdf (A veces regalar las cosas es mejor que pasar por las pesadillas de la corrupción mexicana al obtener un ISBN, y de esas ratas que jinetean tu dinero, esforzándose por gastárselo en lujos y frivolidades sin devolvértelo a tiempo para tu propia subsistencia, y que no mueven un dedo por ayudar al otro sin que haya lana de por medio, y mucha lana, o de aquellas que incluso te amenazan con meterte "al bote" si publicas cosas basadas en las vidas reales de ellos, etc., cómo en este caso, ¿verdad?; pero lo que es, es, y aquí no es así. Por esto, allí les va esta obra gratis, que es en realidad una de aguda crítica al narco mexicano, de las peores ratas con las que alguien caería: ¡Aaay!). Y aquí, cómo se ven, están mis otras ofertas gratuitas para promover a nuevos valores, lo que en mi propio caso, me ha costado un ojo de la cara, y casi pura gente tranza, ambiciosa, ególatra o convenenciera: https://fdocc.neocities.org/nuevas-voces.htm
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Por Manuel Castro Dávila
Invierno de 1998
Agradezco a las personas
Que disculpan mis
Limitaciones al hablar
Y mi debilidad al caminar.
Agradezco a quienes con una sonrisa
Se detienen a escucharme y platicar
Conmigo deteniendo su prisa.
Agradezco a quienes me permiten
Recordar el pasado para hacerme feliz
Al no sentirme tan solo ni abandonado.
Agradezco a quienes saben
Lo difícil que es para mí encontrar fuerzas
Y sobrellevar mi vida.
Agradezco a quienes con amor me ayudan
Y me alientan a esperar
El final de mi camino.
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Según los expertos, esta luna llena de hoy (20 de marzo), será la más grande y bella de este año del 2019 (Auuu!!!); dedicado a ella (quien a partir del 30 de Abril del 2019, solamente Dios sabe quien será... pero ha de ser de Él, fuerte y la mejor al cubo para mí, no más, no menos...): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJUGp2cCuu8
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Before I had here a re-posted message from the one girl that was and is not, which said: "Lord, You blessed me more than I deserved" (and it was seen the right hand of a male touching with his bent index finger one of those sweet nectar put for the hummingbirds to take, and with a wedding ring in his pinkie) but I decided to replace it with this one that was my last exclusive photo to the woman that decided that to buy a house and to support financially to her parents is more important than her man right now, this is line the 9 of her lines, or so she says, of her termination message given to me on the 30th of April of 2019 in 13 lines: "They are my first priority"; this is what I put on this exclusive photo for her (but no more) this last Sunday 28th of March together with other 7 messages and things: "Sending you and to you only a heartfelt kiss with all that I am for you my Girl!!!", no response was posted by her anymore until her termination letter of the 30th as mentioned (But God has a better one for me, willing to do His will and not the will of men, as God says that the first priority of the couple is her or his partner and NOT her or his earthly parents; so, as I said, I seek for some good christian woman willing to do His will, and He will do!!! So, I am calling on God):📞
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Y sí, seguimos poniendo en nuestra historia nuestras oraciones espirituales y con entendimiento para la pronta liberación de Venezuela, al tiempo que recordamos esas tomas de diferentes ángulos del excelente mensaje profético de Daniel Habif (para que al verlas ustedes, también eleven conmigo una oración por las buenas gentes de aquel país):
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Aquí les dejo un avance de mi próximo estudio a presentar de Hechos; aquí me sorprende el darme cuenta hasta ahora que la Biblia menciona a cuatro Herodes directamente implicados o con Cristo o con sus discípulos: 1) "El Grande", 2) El Antipas I, 3) El Agripa I y 4) El Agripa II, además de que en total se menciona: ¡A 11 miembros de esta familia infame!, de los cuales 4 son mujeres: Berenice, Drusila, Herodías y Salomé (de la que no se da el nombre), tres de ellas se casaron con sus tíos, excepto Drusila que se casó con el corrupto de Félix (es decir que la maravillosa Escritura está siempre llena de grandes sorpresas, unas buenas y otras malas, como el linaje de esta gente que provenía del pelirrojo Edom, quien fue Esaú):
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Comenzando con mi estudio de Hch. del 13 al 16 del griego, me encuentro con éstas monedas del 43 DC de Chipre, en donde se ve la palabra "Procónsul" ("Anthupatou"), que es lo que era Sergio Paulo, aquí las he preservado, pues son de reciente hallazgo, "Claudio" (que significa "El Cojo"), era el César de esa época; oh maravillas arqueológicas que una y otra vez encuentran su inefable sustento en las Escrituras!: https://web.archive.org/web/20190516204944/http://www.wildwinds.com/coins/greece/cyprus/t.html
Taken | May 16, 2019, 3:47 PM |
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Hoy me pregunta Luis (del Perú), para mi presentación de "El Testimonio de las Estrellas - Parte 1 - "Astronomía del Nacimiento de Jesucristo" ": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-EcBMbt9bc lo siguiente: "Una pregunta: ¿Quien le puso esos nombres a las estrellas, es cierto que fue Dios, y como se los comunió a los hombres para que las llamen así?, es increible esto, es la prueba de Dios, solo que Satanás distorsionó estre grandioso evangelio dibujado en las estrellas." A lo que yo le respondo: "Excelente pregunta!!!, durante muchos años, unos más de dos mil, no existió la palabra escrita de lo que conocemos como los más tempranos libros de la Biblia: Job primero, luego el Pentateuco, Josué, Jueces, etc..., por lo que el único "libro" disponible entonces era el mensaje escrito en los cielos, por lo que la más simple respuesta es que ellos le preguntaban a Dios y Él les revelaba los nombres, igual que sucedió al principio con Adán para nombrar a los animales: Oh sabiduría altísima de nuestro gran Dios!!!, aquí traduje para la gente hermosa que ama a Dios de corazón, como tú, la tremenda introducción de E. W. Büllinger a su antiguo libro elemental de "El Testimonio de las Estrellas" (basado a su vez en otros anteriores a él: del Dr. Seiss y de la dama Rolleston): https://web.archive.org/web/20091027125626/http://www.geocities.com/fdocc/bull.htm, y de aquí me gustaría citar su contexto histórico: "... los zodiacos de los templos de Denderah, en Egipto son sin duda copias de zodiacos aún más antiguos que, por evidencia interna, deben de ser colocados hacia 4,000 AC, cuando el solsticio de verano estaba en Leo. Josefo nos transmite lo que dice ser las tradiciones de su propia nación, corroborada por su referencia a ocho autoridades antiguas gentiles, cuyas obras se hallan perdidas. Dice que todas ellas afirman que: "Dios dio a los hombres anteriores al diluvio una tan larga vida, para que pudieran perfeccionar aquellas cosas que habían aprendido e inventado en la astronomía"." " Y aquí para ustedes yo añado: Podrán sacudirse los cielos y la tierra, pero nuestra inquebrantable fidelidad a DIOS y primera y únicamente a DIOS, permanece y permanecerá con SU ayuda inquebrantable hasta el día de mi último suspiro!!! Fernando.
Taken | May 18, 2019, 9:27 AM |
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Rescatando viejos archivos, me encuentro con que uno de ellos fue citado en el 2009, justo antes de desaparecer, en la página 190 del trabajo sexenal: https://web.archive.org/web/20190522123309/http://www.cdi.salud.gob.mx:8080/BasesCDI/Archivos/Vigilanciaepidemiologica/ENFERM_de_NOTI_SEM.pdf nuestra obra: http://web.archive.org/web/20010411002458/http://www.geocities.com/fdocc/2.htm (también citaron otros en obra semejante, este sitio nuestro, en relación con el "axólotl", pero esa referencia no la alcancé a salvar en su nexo, y se ha ido como se van los sexenios..., pero al menos el anterior lo dejaron durante todos estos diez años, aunque apenas hoy me lo cachó el buscador...)
Taken | May 22, 2019, 7:51 AM |
Upload IP Address | 2806:102e:9:54cc:497d:e7bf:5245:85e0 |
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Otro hallazgo arqueológico basado en la Biblia, según avanzo en mi estudio e investigación de Hechos, es aquel en el que se menciona en Hch. 16:14 a Lidia, la comerciante en el colorante púrpura de Tiatira: Se han encontrado múltiples inscripciones en piedra en esa ciudad, hechas por los famosos comerciantes en colorantes locales, aquí está una de las más tempranas, del año 50 D.C., tiempo cercano a cuando Pablo anduvo por aquellos lugares, el nexo es: http://philipharland.com/greco-roman-associations/honors-by-dyers-for-a-priestess-of-the-augusti/, y su texto comienza diciendo: "Usando sus propios recursos, los tintoreros honraron..." (Siendo la palabra "tintoreros" la traducción del griego "bapheis" (¡que son las primeras letras, de la tercera a la octava de la inscripción que se anexa!) y del inglés "dyers"; es decir, que originalmente una "tintorería" era el lugar en el que pintaban del color que el cliente quería sus prendas que originalmente eran del color del lino blanco!!!)
Upload IP Address | 2806:102e:9:54cc:11a6:2068:3c1b:9796 |
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Éste es otro de los videos que he puesto que ha llamado la atención a mis amados hermanos venezolanos, y es lo que el general Faller dijo antier en Florida, en relación con ya estar listos para el llamado de Guaidó (que primeramente implicaría, desde luego ayuda humanitaria): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oEhIKxg5Oo,pero más que nada nuestras fervientes oraciones espirituales para que nada les falte donde quiera que estén los miembros de nuestra familia espiritual de Venezuela:
Taken | May 24, 2019, 9:14 AM |
Upload IP Address | 2806:102e:9:54cc:204a:9420:18d7:a16a |
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Me preparaba a poner "mi historia" temporal, que es la continuación del discurso en Colombia de Daniel Habif para Venezuela, cuando me encontré con este excelente mensaje: "Billonario dice que conocer a Jesús es más importante que tener mucho dinero": https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2313475372025283&id=201549889884519 ¡Ciertísimo!
Taken | May 26, 2019, 9:27 AM |
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Continuando con las investigaciones actuales, Constable cita a Ramsay, quien descubrió otra evidencia sobre la roca del L. Sergius Paullus que vemos en Hch. 13:7, la cual él pone en la pág. 151 de su interesante libro: “The bearing of recent discovery on the trustworthiness of the New Testament” (1915), siendo en este caso el texto en latín: https://archive.org/details/bearingofrecentd00ramsuoft, la nota dice: "L Sergio L F Paullo filio...": "L. Sergio L. F. Paulo hijo..."
Taken | May 27, 2019, 9:22 AM |
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Y conforme investigo mi estudio de Hch. 13-16, veo lo costoso en tiempo y esfuerzo que ha sido el ir descubriendo cada una de las ciudades desaparecidas hoy, pero claramente descritas en la Biblia, como cuando se descubrió a Derbe, de la que incluso se dudaba su existencia, como de muchas de ellas, en base a una inscripción que la menciona por parte de su concejalía y sus ciudadanos, dice que uno prominente es de Derbe en la parte superior derecha, usando a la siguiente palabra griega que ustedes pueden ver: "derbeton" (es fascinante el descubrir arqueológicamente todo aquello que la Biblia describe, en su tiempo, con tanta naturalidad!!! Actualizo esto para decir que encontré la fuente con libre acceso para el artículo original, dentro de excelentes descubrimientos de aquella región: https://www.era.lib.ed.ac.uk/handle/1842/29076 con dos diferentes PDF, el primero con su tesis (con un breve paso por Derbe en las págs. 245-248 del PDF, que son las 238-241 numeradas por él), y el segundo incluyendo al artículo que nos concierne, más otras cosas que complementaron su disertación):
Taken | May 28, 2019, 2:46 PM |
Upload IP Address | 2806:102e:9:54cc:fdea:aaa4:20c3:b52b |
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Here, we can see the older trapping device of my carnivorous plant, it took a year for it to develop such structure, until there were small insects around to eat them, the plant is original of the top of "Los Ocotillos Ecological Park", Zapotlán,Jalisco, MX.
Taken | May 29, 2019, 11:54 AM |
Modified | May 29, 2019, 11:54 AM |
Camera Make | Apple |
Camera Model | iPad mini |
Orientation | 1 |
Exposure | 1/24 |
F-Stop | 12/5 |
ISO Speed | 160 |
Focal Length | 33/10 |
Upload IP Address | 2806:102e:9:54cc:cc81:3e5c:e618:4c28 |
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These are the two trapping devices of my carnivorous plant, the older one above and the newer one at the center, both with captured insects of different sorts...
Taken | May 30, 2019, 8:11 AM |
Modified | May 30, 2019, 8:11 AM |
Camera Make | TCT |
Camera Model | ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 7047A |
Orientation | 1 |
Exposure | 39998/1000000 |
F-Stop | 22/10 |
ISO Speed | 112 |
Focal Length | 350/100 |
Upload IP Address | 2806:102e:9:54cc:e4d8:f30:1152:21b |
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This is how the complete carnivorous plant looks after a year of collected, with seven strong leaves plus two older ones below, and two structures to capture insects that were not visible during the whole year but just the original ones upon arrival that soon dried...
Taken | May 30, 2019, 8:11 AM |
Modified | May 30, 2019, 8:11 AM |
Camera Make | TCT |
Camera Model | ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 7047A |
Orientation | 1 |
Exposure | 30002/1000000 |
F-Stop | 22/10 |
ISO Speed | 106 |
Focal Length | 350/100 |
Upload IP Address | 2806:102e:9:54cc:e4d8:f30:1152:21b |
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Otra joya arqueológica es aquella de los "Politarcas" (que es la primera palabra del bloque: π̣ολειταρχούντων: "POLEITARXOUNTON") de Tesalónica, descritos en la Biblia (en Hch. 17:6 y 8 solamente), ahora presente en el Museo Británico, pero en tiempos de E. W. Büllinger aún adornaban muchos de éstos bloques a los arcos de Tesalónica y de la Macedonia (y así lo meniona él con gran emoción en su pág. 1622 de "The Companion Bible": "¡5 de ellas en Tesalónica!): https://www.britishmuseum.org/research/collection_online/collection_object_details.aspx?objectId=398975&partId=1 , diciendo él que aún se podían observar nombres bíblicos semejantes a los mencionados por Lucas, que llegaron a ser discípulos de Pablo, tales como (en esta piedra inscrita): Sosipatros (Sosípater), Demetrios (Demetrio), Gaios (Gayo), etc...
Upload IP Address | 2806:102e:9:54cc:8d52:d570:2e3d:30c6 |
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Y aquí, estamos en esa tradición de disponernos a alimentar a las palomas con Cris, @[876355292:2048:Stefano Macedo Reyes], hijo ilustre de Brisette Reyes y del Lic. Macedo, y con Alicia Saldaña, en el jardín principal de Zapotlán el Grande (también conocido como Ciudad Guzmán):
Taken | Jun 8, 2019, 7:01 AM |
Modified | Jun 8, 2019, 7:01 AM |
Camera Make | TCT |
Camera Model | ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 7047A |
Orientation | 1 |
Exposure | 0/0 |
F-Stop | 28/10 |
Focal Length | 350/100 |
Upload IP Address | 2806:102e:9:54cc:996b:2b42:9330:63c6 |
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Éste fue nuestro tremendo lapso en "Lapso", lugar en el que se habló de cosas muy profundas, tanto como de los anhelos más profundos...
Taken | Jun 8, 2019, 11:36 AM |
Modified | Jun 8, 2019, 11:36 AM |
Camera Make | TCT |
Camera Model | ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 7047A |
Orientation | 1 |
Exposure | 60004/1000000 |
F-Stop | 22/10 |
ISO Speed | 242 |
Focal Length | 350/100 |
Upload IP Address | 2806:102e:9:54cc:996b:2b42:9330:63c6 |
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Y, entonces, de remate, nos estuvimos (hasta que nos pidieron salir a las dos de la tarde, para su tiempo - fuera de comida y siesta que aún se acostumbra de dos a cuatro, como en antaño), en el café "Confabulario", palabra que Arreola mismo inventara para su libro más popular, y con al menos cuatro connotaciones, y contando..., como todo aquello que salía de su variada imaginaria, al decir de su estudiosa Rosa Pellicer, siendo el primer punto para mí el más significativo desde el punto de vista inventivo: 1) El lector entra en acuerdo con el escritor para interconectar y expandir su propia obra, 2) Conversar, 3) Tratar una cosa entre dos personas y 4) Colección de fábulas..., talentos de los que mis amigas, su nietecita @[1585143934:2048:Sara Fernanda AC] y su bella sobrina @[616884808:2048:E-Virgis Espinoza] también comparten!:
Taken | Jun 8, 2019, 7:57 AM |
Modified | Jun 8, 2019, 7:57 AM |
Camera Make | TCT |
Camera Model | ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 7047A |
Orientation | 1 |
Exposure | 20006/1000000 |
F-Stop | 22/10 |
ISO Speed | 105 |
Focal Length | 350/100 |
Upload IP Address | 2806:102e:9:54cc:996b:2b42:9330:63c6 |
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Luego, me encuentro con la grata noticia de que la reseña a mi "Arreolanza" por parte del talentoso poeta, difusor, conductor, educador y político, entre otras muchas cualidades, dn. @[100002661245981:2048:Pedro Mariscal], proferida en la Casa Taller Literario Juan José Arreola que dirige @[1792443196:2048:Orso Arreola Sanchez], ya ha aparecido impresa por parte de la editorial del organizador de la misma @[100001113782301:2048:Héctor Ag], con la ayuda de Chávez Brambila, otro autor... Aquí les va la parte uno:
Modified | Jun 10, 2019, 1:25 PM |
Camera Make | TCT |
Camera Model | ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 7047A |
Orientation | 1 |
Original Width | 2560 |
Exposure | 25/10000 |
F-Stop | 22/10 |
ISO Speed | 96 |
Upload IP Address | 2806:102e:9:54cc:996b:2b42:9330:63c6 |
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Siguiendo mi estudio de Hechos, ya en el 17:23, nos encontramos con el discurso de Pablo en Atenas, Grecia, que incluye el pedestal al "Dios Desconocido", al "Agnosto Theo", teniendo en la historia rescatada semejantes estructuras, como la más famosa preservada y encontrada en Roma (en la colina Palatina en 1820), la que comienza diciendo en latín: "SEI•DEO•SEI•DEIVAE...", que es: “Ya sea a Dios o a Diosa...", y termina diciendo: ",,,DE•SENATI•SENTENTIA RESTITVIT", que significa: "…por orden del senado lo ha restaurado”.
Upload IP Address | 2806:102e:9:54cc:e064:d1b7:57ef:c993 |
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Luego tenemos el texto griego original que Pablo memorizara y citara en Hch. 17:28: "De Él Ciertamente También Linaje Somos": "Tou Gar Kai Genos Esmen", tomado del "Phaenomena" astronómico en griego de su paisano Arato, que gracias al internet ahora todos podemos leer en su original (con esta frase siendo única de la hoja, en mayúsculas): https://ia800603.us.archive.org/18/items/phenomenadioseme00arat/phenomenadioseme00arat.pdf (en la página siete, abajo, Tufts también lo tiene a este texto, electrónico: https://web.archive.org/web/20180912103801/http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A2008.01.0483):
Taken | Jun 12, 2019, 2:29 PM |
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En Hch. 18:4 se menciona a una Sinagoga en Corinto, y la evidencia arqueológica era conocida desde los días de E. W. Büllinger, ya que él así nos lo dice, y que en el "Museo de Corinto" existe esa evidencia con una antiguedad de entre el 100 A.C. y el 200 D.C.:
Taken | Jun 14, 2018, 10:22 AM |
Modified | Jun 14, 2018, 10:22 AM |
Camera Make | samsung |
Camera Model | SM-G955W |
Orientation | 1 |
Original Width | 4032 |
Exposure | 1/376 |
F-Stop | 170/100 |
ISO Speed | 50 |
Focal Length | 425/100 |
Latitude | 37.905186722222 |
Longitude | 22.878244666667 |
Upload IP Address | 2806:102e:9:54cc:71d4:6ddb:8b04:fc5a |
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Lo curioso es que E. W. Büllinger (en su p. 1630: "Comp. Bibl."), a finales del S. XIX se sorprende de la existencia de una monedita en el Museo Británico mostrando en el reverso a Artemisa (que es Diana) de los Efesios en su templo, como evidencia histórica de lo que leemos en Hch. 19:23-41, cuando los plateros vieron su negocio a los idólatras mermado tras la predicación de Pablo; pero ahora, si ponemos en el buscador esas palabras: Artemis Diana Coin Temple Ephesus, cientos de esas monedas aparecen (aquí resumí 456 letras en solamente 32; y agrego una de esas monedas de los tiempos de Pablo, con Claudio al frente y esa O-"diosa" al reverso), https://tinyurl.com/artemiscoins
Upload IP Address | 2806:102e:9:54cc:941d:313b:2ab4:8403 |
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"Them Old Cotton Fields Back Home" (Excerpts)
by Glen Riddle
"The toughest weeds to cut down were the tumbleweeds 3-4 feet in diameter, and the "careless weeds" which grew to six feet tall."
"...Right now I am in another country almost exactly halfway around the world from that little Texas hometown. Once again I am meeting with a group who have meetings in a building with a small walled courtyard containing a garden. At lunchtime on the first day, I was observing four of the biggest vegetable plants; you guessed it, they were careless weeds about seven feet tall. I asked the students what they did with them. They proudly showed me the big leaves they used for delicious greens on the dinner table.
I've had many thoughts about these two incidents. One is the saying, "One man's trash is another man's treasure." I've also thought about Christ's words, when He said where our treasure is, there is our heart also. It makes me ask, "What do I really value? Do I put too much value on weeds? Do I put too little value on some things that could have great use?..."
Taken from: http://media1.razorplanet.com/share/511568-2652/resources/807217_BEEInformed.pdf
The "Careless Weed" is also known in Mexico as the Amaranth, from which very small seeds, toasted (as you do with corn), one of the most delicious and nutritious meals are prepared, such as its crackers and bars!!! Happy Father's Day!!! Dreaming to be one myself very soon as per my Heavenly Dad's Will!:
Taken | Jun 16, 2019, 10:27 AM |
Upload IP Address | 2806:102e:9:9e8e:592f:10b2:b3c2:8d13 |
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Del Templo de Artemisa (Diana) en Éfeso, una de las 7 Maravillas del Mundo Antiguo que se menciona en Hch. 19, sólo han quedado ruinas, o algunas de sus porciones en los museos; como también se profetiza, que sitios como esos serían convertidos en refugios de aves de rapiña (en la cima de la columna única que queda, se puede observar a un nido), y así sucederá con la adoración idolátrica de todas esas Artemisas del planeta en el futuro: https://turkisharchaeonews.net/object/temple-artemis-ephesus, https://www.ancient.eu/Temple_of_Artemis_at_Ephesus/, y con esto prosigo mis investigaciones bíblicas, ya que sí, soy muy enamorado de aquella que será la madre de mis hijos, pero más enamorado soy de Dios y de Sus maravillosas revelaciones:
Taken | Jun 22, 2019, 5:29 PM |
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We got the Sizzling Squid w/rice, 150 Philippine pesos is only three dollars of a delicious taste!!! THey did cut it perpendicular in round hoops of delight!!! With green coconut water with its coconut meat!!! Delicious, and very cheap!!! A local Rock band amenized the moment, and from there, to the rooftops of Makati, a surreal experience!!!
Taken | Jul 8, 2019, 6:26 AM |
Modified | Jul 8, 2019, 6:26 AM |
Camera Make | Apple |
Camera Model | iPad mini |
Orientation | 1 |
Exposure | 1/24 |
F-Stop | 12/5 |
ISO Speed | 160 |
Focal Length | 33/10 |
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But the best moment thus far has been when we were at the C.C.F. up in the uptown of Glorieta Number Five, where I talked with Ivan and Leslie that as per my most recent biblical research, Rom. 10:9 is an invocation! Fully in line with Rom. 10:13: Every one calling upon the name of the Lord: "Lord Jesus!" shall be saved!!! And this is the true meaning in the Greek of these verses, so salvation is to talk to Jesus because he is alive!!! This is the salvation!!!, on the other hand, to make him Lord (as all of the versions twist this verse): that then will be works!!!, and doing that is for our recompenses but NOT for our salvation by grace!!!; so, as it is commonly translated, that is not what Rom. 10:9 says in the original Greek, it says nothing about making him Lord as a condition to be saved at all (because again, that will be a legalism by works, towards our obeying him)!!! THIS FOR ME IS AMAZING!!! And this just shows how much the adversary has blurred and blinded the understanding even of our most basic verse of salvation!!!
Taken | Jul 8, 2019, 5:27 AM |
Modified | Jul 8, 2019, 5:27 AM |
Camera Make | Apple |
Camera Model | iPad mini |
Orientation | 1 |
Exposure | 1/24 |
F-Stop | 12/5 |
ISO Speed | 64 |
Focal Length | 33/10 |
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Regresando a mi estudio bíblico frente al Nevado, en donde soy más feliz que en ningún otro lado (aún más que si tuviera mujer e hijos, aunque los quisiera tener, pero bueno:), tenemos esto de Hch. 20:28: A la izquierda el error en rojo de la traducción de 1569 de la Biblia del Oso de Casiodoro de Reina, luego abajo el error en la de KJV (aún cuando mi admirada Hannah enfatiza esta versión como la mejor, pero no hay como el texto original), y luego el comentario erróneo en "The Companion Bible" de E.W.B.; a la derecha tenemos lo correcto en azul, en la versión corregida Reina Valera, por ejemplo la de 1960 y en un texto de Patmos del S. IX D. C., base de una tesis, que contiene lo correcto: http://images.csntm.org/Manuscripts/GA_2464/Codex2464-BackgroundCollationandTextualAnalysis.pdf, donde lo correcto es "Señor" referente a Jesús, y no "Dios", ya que a continuación se refiere a su sangre derramada, la cual fue la de Jesús!!! Belleza de bellezas el ver a la Escritura antigua embonando con los detalles más pequeños de su integridad!!!:
Taken | Jul 18, 2019, 2:13 PM |
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As per my research on Acts 17:18, with obvious exceptions: The Stoics, such as Zeno and Henley versus Epicureans, such as Swinburne and Epicurus, are still represented today and yesterday by Republicans and Pharisees versus Democrats and Sadducees; the Stoics are the conservative and suffering ones who think that their self-sacrifice will make them better, while the Epicureans are the liberal ones who think that as long as you are happy, you can have as many pleasures as you like with no restraint! So, the two opposite views are still today represented in the good planet earth, and for both of them, as Paul in Athens, Jesus himself offered salvation if they just consider him as their real Messiah and Savior!!! Another point of vital importance in my current biblical studies, consists in seeing the multiform wisdom of God on revealing to Paul different formulas of salvation according to the crew listening to his message, something that is raising the eyebrows, but that is real in the heart of God, here the way that he was inspired to present the Gospel was to tell these two groups that Jesus is the living judge! In Acts 17:31 we read: "He (God) has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man (Jesus) whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead"!!!
Taken | Jul 23, 2019, 7:03 PM |
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Otro gran descubrimiento arqueológico en Delphi es la inscripción de Galión, el procónsul de Acaya nombrado en Hch. 18:12 (que duró 2.5 meses en su cargo, recibiéndolo el 1ero de julio del año 51 D.C.), hermano de Séneca (ambos distinguidos españoles sirviendo a Roma), el famoso filósofo estoico y tutor de Nerón, quien se refirió a Galión en los términos de: "Ningún mortal es tan agradable a cualquier persona como lo es Galión para todos" (Naturales Quaestiones 4a, Prefacio 11); otro escritor también habló del gran ingenio de Galión (Dio Cassius, History of Rome 61.35), reflejado en dicha escritura de Hch. 18:12-16; algunos sitios que hablan de este hallazgo monumental son: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delphi_Inscription, https://www.kairos2.com/BL_Gallio.htm y https://www.bibleplaces.com/acts18/, entre otros...
Taken | Oct 14, 2018, 10:08 AM |
Modified | Oct 23, 2018, 9:09 AM |
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Revisiting the places of the book of Acts, here we have the Great Theater at Ephesus (capable to seat 50,000 persons!), where the silversmith Demetrius did his massive riot against Paul and his friends (Acts 19:23-41) because of their teaching that idols (such as Artemis = Diana) were not real "gods", but that there is only one God to pray to, and only one Lord to call upon to!!!; we also see the road called the "Arcadian Way", leading to that theater, where the rioter had a chance to gather as much gullible people as possible to be then shouting for hours their foolish litany (and most of them, says the Scripture, had no idea about the reason for such fuss...); noticeably, quoting Paul, Demetrius said the truth: "they are not gods which are made with hands"!!!, and his lips even "prophesied" what indeed happened afterwards: "the temple of the great goddess Diana may be despised and her magnificence destroyed"!!! (Acts 19:26-27). Indeed, that certainly happened (and it will happen again and again and again with every single religious image, no matter the name or the "denomination", every icon that is not God itself for our Adoration and our Prayers, will fall into the ground, being transformed into absolutely nothing!!!, as it indeed is since right now, because as Isaiah said: 'Those wretched objects have ears but can not hear, and have mouths but can not speak...')":
Taken | Aug 5, 2019, 10:30 PM |
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So, I am happy that my most recent research article on the wonders of the Genetic Code created by God: https://web.archive.org/web/20190817211325/https://biomedres.us/pdfs/BJSTR.MS.ID.003413.pdf and its updated Appendixes: https://web.archive.org/web/20190806211133/https://fdocc.yolasite.com/resources/fdocc-appendixes-2019.pdf; present with a brief review also in HTML at: https://tinyurl.com/fdocc3413, has finally being published! (Here the link for the whole volume that includes my article: https://web.archive.org/web/20190817211219/https://biomedres.us/volume20-issue2.php), this is what I say in the Acknowledgments about Him and Him first (I was even allowed to put my strong criticism to the bullies in science, which can be seen before of my thanking GOD first in the Acknowledgments: thank you Jesus too!!!):
Taken | Aug 7, 2019, 7:43 AM |
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"Family of Birds", by Octavio Ocampo. With one of my favorites: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtQoWZSRIHE, wishing to have mine too! Not an ephemeral and vanishing illusion... but one able to provide those little ones in the nest and beyond!!!
Taken | Aug 18, 2019, 11:24 PM |
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Here, Garfield (Garfinkel) speaks from the heart about why did he asked to portray Desmond Doss, with also nice comments about Mel Gibson and that all the criticism against Mel is just a bad heart's smoke and mirrors: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAGBGfvFg6g, and he says it from his point of view as a conscientious cooperator Jewish man.
Taken | Sep 1, 2019, 9:27 AM |
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The earliest name of the "New York Medical College" (NYMC), where I am now, was the "New York Homeopathic College" (NYHC), and the seventh dean of it was an MD, a politician and an Homeopath: Royal S. Copeland, who: "Fought a good fight and finished his course and he kept his faith", and: "He was never so happy as in the midst of his own kin; and he was never more generous than in serving their pleasure and their needs. To him, 'home' was the sweetest word in the lexicon of worth wile things", and who appears here with his last wife Frances Copeland, portraits that in their originals are in the H. R. glass building also called the one of the School of Dentistry, where I started to go, in its basement, to the free gym of the college!!!: https://www.google.com/search?biw=1242&bih=568&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNQ753Dy3bPoouelrottN41y75A6lg%3A1570904040985&sa=1&ei=6BeiXc_fO4T5rQHQySM&q=%22Royal+Samuel+Copeland%22+%22New+York+Medical+College%22&oq=%22Royal+Samuel+Copeland%22+%22New+York+Medical+College%22&gs_l=img.3...6116.6974..7581...0.0..0.317.2006.2-6j1......0....1..gws-wiz-img.sg_CDuB_Dlw&ved=0ahUKEwjP89rKqZflAhWEfCsKHdDkCAAQ4dUDCAc&uact=5
Taken | Oct 12, 2019, 12:24 PM |
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Then, once at home and going through a South American store, I found a snack from Peru: "Chulpe (or "Chulpi") Corn", a nicely hollow and crunchy, with a little saltiness to it, an elongated variety of corn from those Peruvian lands:
Taken | Oct 16, 2019, 7:34 PM |
Modified | Oct 16, 2019, 7:34 PM |
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I am very thankful that my previous research, when I had no lab or financing, or anything but only a brain and a trust in the Plan of God and in His Designs, is being valued and taken seriously, from all places, in Israel!!!, by the most progressive and free thinking individuals and researchers. So, I acknowledge עדי גולדנברג as one of the first ones to realize the importance of such findings; and this year, another researcher took it as a primary way to support his Discussion (And I used to tell my sisters: "I believe in what I am doing, even if nobody else does!"... However, some of the others and ridiculously vain evolutionists mocked this my work when it was just on its beginnings!!!):
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James William Ward is another great Homeopath, former student of the NYHC (now the NYMC), and then Honorary Member of its Board of Trustees, and whose painting can be seen also at the main entrance of the glass building of its College of Dental Medicine, H.R. and Gym (here shown at the left), he gave a speech to new graduates of the College in 1908 and said some very strong words there: "...it is a noticeable fact that when a man has been twenty years or so in a given community and seeks to gain entrance to some organization he generally meets his Waterloo for the first time; For no man in the right doing of his daily work, and certainly no man in the wrong doing of his daily work can do other than make enemies; the enemies may be those you least expect to find, and where it is impossible to avoid then, but it is most unpleasant to have them express themselves in that way. Enemies are important factors in stimulating things. Give me a man who has no enemies and I will show you a man who is accomplishing nothing for the world's progress. Nevertheless, avoid them when you can. It is important that you should do your life work without regard to friend of enemy - simply because it is right to do it...": https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015076950172&view=1up&seq=543, published in the Magazine of the college that is still being published: https://issuu.com/newyorkmedicalcollege/docs/chironian2019?e=1841582/70560701, having been founded by the students in the 1880's: https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=hvd.hc4hnh (J. W. W. wife has been added, Florence Nigthingale Ward, su estrecha colaboradora en todos sus proyectos):
Taken | Oct 26, 2019, 7:55 PM |
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Drones at Work!: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Window+Cleaning+Drones, https://www.forbes.com/sites/theodorecasey/2019/11/08/lucid-will-change-the-way-you-look-at-window-washers-forever, https://www.luciddronetech.com/, etc...
Taken | Nov 9, 2019, 2:53 PM |
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Heavenly Father, I am like this tree still providing its shade while dressed in its Autumn leaves, leaves that when they are close to the end (cerca "Del fin"), are still able to shake our hearts by producing their full spectrum of colors leading us to that great day of our being Thanksgiving with You, oh our dear God..., because You are my real LOVE and no one else can fill Your unique space in my heart!!! Fernando.
Taken | Nov 19, 2019, 3:00 PM |
Modified | Nov 19, 2019, 3:00 PM |
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Camera Model | iPhone 5c |
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Exposure | 1/570 |
F-Stop | 12/5 |
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Latitude | 29.772394444444 |
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And a Christian Rock song by the best rocker of all times!!!: Robert Plant, singer from Led Zeppelin, who became Christian after the bold testimony of the Bluegrass singer and composer Alison Krauss (thanks to my brother Caleb O. for showing to me this great song!!!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnqfnPkirwA, Amazing!!!, here at Austin, TX:
Taken | Dec 4, 2019, 11:00 AM |
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This photo completes my 12th happiest days of my life by the side of the woman that I like, my friend, keeping going from now on to the heart of God... so much needed the spiritual prayers of our family in the living Christ!!! Thank you!!!
Taken | Dec 10, 2019, 11:49 AM |
Modified | Dec 10, 2019, 11:49 AM |
Camera Make | Apple |
Camera Model | iPhone 5c |
Orientation | 6 |
Exposure | 1/20 |
F-Stop | 12/5 |
ISO Speed | 160 |
Focal Length | 103/25 |
Latitude | 29.953672222222 |
Longitude | -95.671219444444 |
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Current writings in blood: Ethereal Cetacean: "My red heart and the tip of my red rose touched your red toenails and brought you that red dress... oh dearest spring of my life!; ...but you did not dance with me, and I was unable to kiss them all! (and I have not spoken of the yet to get Red Lipstick, and of the Blush, the Foundation and the Eye-shadow...); ...maybe other men did... stealing from you, from us, your sacred blood... while my being still bleeds here at home, with its red tears of love, in the current sunset of my life! But, I hope tomorrow, together, with the help of God, we could be able to do better and better...!!!" Entrenched Keys.
Taken | Dec 12, 2019, 10:08 AM |
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I am going to celebrate right now at Houk's what it was of the life of one of my dear sisters in Christ, now asleep awaiting the return of Christ, and who also was student with me of "The Word and Science" by the side of Margaret West (also gone two years ago), and I am going to celebrate her life with her three awesome sons, here in the photo, and the rest of her spiritual family!!! See you there saints from Houston!!!:
Taken | Jan 4, 2020, 12:43 PM |
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Inspired by the girl that I like for a lifetime with me (like those birds that expand their wings and start singing for the one), and thanks to my favorite Headhunter, I presented this topic: https://youtu.be/itC73P-653A, and its slides: https://fdocc.yolasite.com/resources/fdocc-5thIndRev.pdf; so, glory for ever and ever to God!!! (Putting it all in the hands of God!!!)
Taken | Jan 7, 2020, 7:27 PM |
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This is the best corner ever with the woman that I love with all of my heart!!! (our dear table was the one in the very corner, in the angle of it all!!!), enjoying of God's creation, of her prayer to bless the food and our lives!!!, of a clever conversation about the constructive or edifying way in which Einstein presented originally his classic formula: m = E/c^2, the great compression of energy, by pressing down in all its spherical points with the squared speed of light to obtain matter as per in Gen. 1:1!!!!, and also the best and healthy and natural meal possible, with drinks such as Hibiscus tea and "The Grinch" juice plus an awesome dessert of a big hot cookie with all inside!!!, very recommended: https://www.facebook.com/SeasonsHarvestCafe
Upload IP Address | 2600:1700:e880:4380:8580:e895:8b4:581c |
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The funny way in which sometimes "Your History" matches your icon, here my musical friend @[100000998845064:2048:Cesar Cosio II] (@[1028804856:2048:Cesar Cosio]) is dancing non stop, ...while I am in my crazy cloud as usual, just floating in there... Heheee!!!:
Taken | Jan 13, 2020, 10:46 AM |
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The book that she gave me before her departure (one day earlier we went to listen Joel Osteen who talked about the windows of opportunity of God, that for the Israelites were 11 days to enter the Promised Land but they did not believe and it took them 40 years to do so; but in the case of Felix, he apparently just refused to believe; then he shared two examples, the two week only window of opportunity of DeVon Franklin, producer, to have his own company (Franklin Entertainment) under the sponsorship of Sony Pictures, and the one day only window of opportunity for Joel himself to Preach for the first time the very same Sunday that his father passed away, after putting away during 17 years even the idea that he was able to do it!!! In my case, God gave me a window of opportunity to treat basically full time a Princess, that today when she left, miraculously God allowed me to figure out the three number combination that had been forgotten, to open her carry-on luggage, but that were needed to balance the weight of her luggage, thus saving her to pay extra weight charges!!! Thank You Dear Heavenly Father for allowing us to live a life of daily miracles!!! And for the big windows that You and only You are opening for the future!!!)
Taken | Feb 18, 2020, 12:15 AM |
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This is the Fernando of today at the early morning, saying goodbye to the past and putting his eyes into the present, asking God for the best of the best as his female companion (but I keep on asking God stubbornly for the one I like), receiving for God a compassionate woman, that he is still awaiting for, a female willing to really care for him, with feelings and love, just as he cares, feels and loves for the one that God will send to him. And my Instagram with memories long gone: https://www.instagram.com/fdocc2/.
Upload IP Address | 2600:1700:3c20:f850:488b:245c:de9e:ed90 |
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This is the card that expresses my genuine heart towards her, obtained for the both of us at that nice little store nearby to, basically to our last dessert at that excellent and saturated "Common Bond" place at Montrose: "It's You And Me To The End":
Taken | Feb 26, 2020, 4:57 PM |
Upload IP Address | 2600:1700:3c20:f850:9db5:5110:91a7:6e1f |
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Coronavirus Disease 19 (COVID-19) research: https://www.thelancet.com/coronavirus (but once I realized that the "official" medicine was mostly sold to the Devil, I undertook my own and ongoing research: https://www.researchgate.net/post/Third_Sequence_COVID-19_AATGGTACTAAGAGG_HIV-1_isolate_1966324H9_from_Netherlands_envelope_glycoprotein_env_gene_sequence_ID_GU4555031, of which one publication has been peer-reviewed and published: https://zenodo.org/record/3988139#.Xz_ogchKi00), and a free training and certificate: https://alison.com/course/coronavirus-what-you-need-to-know, its impact in the Stock Exchange at the Wall Street of New York: https://www.businessinsider.com/stock-market-crash-coronavirus-could-cause-major-selloff-raoul-pal-2020-2, and the efforts of the USA to minimize its effects in its Citizens: https://nypost.com/2020/02/26/trump-outlines-us-response-to-coronavirus-threat-calls-risk-very-low/; update for the 20th of March, 2020, the use of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin to reduce the effects of this virus: https://web.archive.org/web/20200320000008/https://www.mediterranee-infection.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Hydroxychloroquine_final_DOI_IJAA.pdf
Modified | Feb 26, 2020, 6:51 PM |
Orientation | 1 |
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Dear parents of her, I just wanted to go there and ask for her hand in person (and will, God willing!), as she had mentioned that on the first day and yesterday... I am a believer who every single day renews his strength in the Lord. ...Thank you for being the parents of such an awesome lady!!! With my best regards for her and for you, the free spirit of myself. Is. 40:29 "He gives strength to the weary / and increases the power of the weak. / 30 Even youths grow tired and weary, / and young men stumble and fall; / 31 but those who hope in the Lord / will renew their strength. / They will soar on wings like eagles; / they will run and not grow weary, / they will walk and not be faint."
Taken | Feb 27, 2020, 8:05 AM |
Upload IP Address | 2600:1700:3c20:f850:7920:44ac:ef23:9269 |
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From her preferences: "You Only Live Once!": She made me the happiest man on earth while with her... Here at Galveston, TX, closing the full circle from beginning to end at the same place, committed myself to fulfill any request that she allowed me to fulfill, crustless Gaido's Pecan Pie at the start and at the end of our times in the USA then at "Season's Harvest", Cypress, TX, on the 14th that we spent together from start to finish, which should also speak for itself, then at Louisiana and its endless swamps... the beginning of our far away traveling, then at Luling where we enjoyed their classic BBQ or at least part of it, sausage at seven, whatever tender meat at eight, ribs at nine, God we missed them!!! Then from there to Gruene, TX, to be the total and sole users of the amazing restaurant in the middle or within nature itself! Then time will be needed to put also something from N.Y... as she said, but in my case rendering the first line as, Hehee!: "God, You gleam and glow...": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGa-j8KFMEc, is that better? Needed to sever any indication of her presence as per her request, but she lives in my heart, what can I do but cry?
Taken | Feb 28, 2020, 9:42 AM |
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"It’s those that are there when you hit rock bottom that truly matter. And it’s on these foundations that you build on again. It’s on this love that you build on again. There’s something about having your heart cracked open that just leaves you completely… real. Real and open. Broken open. When you’re open, life begins to flow 'through' you...." Noelle Aquila. (Thanks to the girl that I like with all my soul for showing me these encouraging links to keep on going even through those roughest times of life... the very few that keep in touch without giving their backs when you are down, are the real ones that care for you, not all those that just say from their lips out without any love whatsoever: "Lord, Lord...", if others ask me to apologize, I respond by saying that rather, even when I already apologized as much as they wanted me to do it just for my sin of admiring them and of attempting to communicate with them, I must say now that a brief window of opportunity, however insignificant or undesirable that it was, temporarily opened upon them, but out of a sudden that kairos of grace has been closed! To fully focus myself now on shining the light of my whole existence into only The One, who happens to be the same that I have ever liked from the start, but I was unaware of her existence until now!). And of course, I want to illustrate this one, with a song I sent to the One I Love: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UUGt2p_hwY, with my full Love!!!
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Few moments of real fun a happiness are worth a lifetime... but what better than to aim at their endurance a little more? From One Day to some years together, with the intention of a little more of the other every single day, with never ever taking for granted that unique presence that can be near to you, at least maybe for the rest of your lifetime, God willing...
Taken | Mar 7, 2020, 9:18 AM |
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The very first time ever that, once questioning the COVID-19, and presenting it as a real artificial genome, I got detained, delayed by the FB (just missing the last "I", :) ), has it ever happened to you??????? (Thus far in my preliminary review of its genome it is a backbone from a bat virus with a ten percent of a virus from pangolin with a one percent of those HIV/SIV meaningful sequences (RT, Pol, Env, Int), with a point one percent of unknown origin such as those key ones engineered in the labs, and all of that taken primarily from a mainstream article from last month: https://web.archive.org/web/20200404021306/https://fdocc.ucoz.com/red-s41591-020-0820-9.pdf, my questioning it all in red, Heheee!!! Almost all of it!!!, plus the independent research of a programmer at Bordeaux, jean-claude perez: https://www.facebook.com/jeanclaude.perez.58, who is also friend of another great Christian: @[569880187:2048:Lambert Dolphin], to whom, both of them, I say hello and say: keep the deep waters flowing!!!: https://web.archive.org/web/20200404010144/https://fdocc.ucoz.com/Perez-COVID-19-Synthetic.pdf): And this is my further research on it: https://www.researchgate.net/post/COVID-19_CCTCGGCGGGCACGT_PRRAR_AA_Furin_cleavage_site_at_23603-23617_of_the_MN908947_Genbank_Genome_Matches_Mostly_Bacteria_COVID-19_in_BLAST (With a detailed expansion and snapshot on how it looks now, after three days of posting it and 67 persons that had already read it until now):
Taken | Apr 4, 2020, 9:01 AM |
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COVID-19: CCTCGGCGGGCACGT = PRRAR = AA Furin cleavage site at 23603-23617 of the MN908947 Genbank Genome Matches Mostly Bacteria and COVID-19 in BLAST!: [This for Me as Researcher and Scientist Specialized in Artifacts in Engineered Sequences, is Evidence of it Being a Methodological Insert in the Laboratory of Wuhan in China, and I am talking about it with "the experts", do you think some of them will have real "guts", or "ass" protectors?: https://www.researchgate.net/post/COVID-19_CCTCGGCGGGCACGT_PRRAR_AA_Furin_cleavage_site_at_23603-23617_of_the_MN908947_Genbank_Genome_Matches_Only_Bacteria_and_COVID-19_in_BLAST; next, my previous work discovering and exposing the 12-bases artifact contaminating thousands of sequences in the Genbank: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3272245/; so, this case with the COVID-19 is something similar, and shows the human hand inserting another and unprecedented in nature in a normal way, until the artificiality of COVID-19, inserting by hand, I was saying, a 12-bases sequence to complete with 3-bases from the host the 15 bases that make the cleavage site when translated into its amino acids (nucleotide sequence which is furthermore completely unusual for the rest of the virus, as it is a sequence 80% rich in GC, an out-of-place bias not seen in the rest of this virus, but seen in bacteria, where it uniformly can reach even a 75%); so, in such an easy BLAST comparison, I am filling the blank deliberately left by the next biased paper that I critically read in my presentations of yesterday and of its day before: https://web.archive.org/web/20200404021306/https://fdocc.ucoz.com/red-s41591-020-0820-9.pdf, a short sequence that signatures the human hand within the COVID-19 virus. Disclaimer: And of course that I am on hiding, and of course that I will not reveal my location to strangers that I have just met here at the FB that keep on asking for my location!!! Christ protect me and all of the rest of your brethren! AMEN]:
Taken | Apr 5, 2020, 5:21 PM |
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A blessing conversation (Only God First can heal over and over a broken heart!!! And a broken (as in Jesus, broken to death) body and a broken mind (broken to the point of a temporary oblivion)...):
The girl that I like asked me: "May I ask at what time..."
I responded: "Jesus our Lord died on a Wednesday before the sun went down and was raised by God on a Saturday evening, before the sun went down, just like the prophecy said: Three days and three nights in the grave: 24x3 : 72 hours, the medical time for the ancient world to determine somebody was completely dead."
She then put an emoji of surprise, then I quoted the documenting Scripture: ""For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth." Matthew 12:40"
Then she responded beautifully, after putting "thumbs up": "Oh wow. Thank you for sharing it!!!! ...I'll share it to them..."
And I continued: "Yes, it is amazing to learn the oriental style. Even their "tables" for the last supper were different, at the floor they ate, very similar to many Oriental cultures including yours, like in a lotus flower sitting position"
She again did put "thumbs up" and responded: "Yes that's how our ancestors eat. There's a lot to learn..."
Then I posted, after she had already said goodbye and gone already to sleep, ahead because of the 13 hours of difference in our times: "Yes... It is an amazing detective work, such as this one that I did time ago:
"Issue on Spices
There was an intervening day between two "Sabbaths."
The Special ceremonial Sabbath (the first day of the Passover, a Special Sabbath, being that year on Thursday), and the weekly Sabbath (always on Saturday).
When Jesus was laid in the tomb late Wednesday afternoon Mary Magdalene and the other women were there (Matt. 27:61; Mark 15:47; Luke 23:55).
They then rested on the Passover Sabbath, Thursday.
And "when the (Passover) Sabbath (on Thursday) was over, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, bought spices, that they might come and anoint Him." (Mark 16:1).
Then, "they returned and prepared spices and perfumes," (Luke 23:56a) which they had just purchased. The guards of the Tomb were still there. "And on the (Saturday) Sabbath they rested according to the commandment." (Luke 23:56b)
Jesus arose just before sunset Saturday (he, the teacher of the truth that the Man is the owner and Lord of the Sabbath).
The women actually came to anoint the body of Jesus on early Sunday morning, since they did not know that He had already arisen (they did not knew that Nicodemus and his servants had already anointed and covered the body).
The owner of the Tomb himself did not anoint the body, because he understood and believed in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ after three days and three nights." [Note for the current times: While the loud speakers are shouting through moving vehicles, today on Saturday for the first time things such as: "Stay home... do not go out of your house... prevent the pandemic... you will be fined if you break with no necessity the quarantine... you will be put in jail if you go out of your dwelling place with no need...", I respond: Time to keep on focused on the meaningful things of life... the amazing Scriptures of God that heal our hearts, most specially when shared with the loved ones and with anybody willing to hear, like right now are you doing it by reading this... the only thing that will heal my heart is to keep on sharing the wonders of God I know, and for the beloved one to be attentive to receive from the hand of God with belief all HIs abundance that He has in store for her, and if she is willing, for us as One!]
Taken | Apr 11, 2020, 9:43 AM |
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From my ResearchGate study into the artificial origins of the COVID-19, Dr. Andrew Paul McKenzie Pegman, 8 hours ago said: "We need to see the sequence of coronavirus directly from bats or research facilities, because pangolin may not even be involved" To whom I responded as follows: "Yes!, however, the closest one, the Bat RaTG13, had been in the power of the Chinese researchers since 2013 and was just released recently (in Jan. 23, 2020, "fished out of a bat fecal sample they collected in 2013 from a cave in Moglang in Yunnan province", said Daszak, their then collaborator) by the Wuhan Lab. So, how many other sequences are they hiding or even destroyed depicting their steps on modifying the sequences until their final version for COVID-19. Also the supposed samples (most certainly non-existent) of the market animals have been withdrawn by the Chinese government and most surely they had no idea what to do or how to "doctor" the evidence ("up to 45%, including the earliest handful, were not (from that supposed source from the market). This raises the possibility that the initial jump into people happened elsewhere."). As Science reports, even using two critical voices: "It’s not just a “curious interest” to figure out what sparked the current outbreak", Daszak says. “If we don't find the origin, it could still be a raging infection at a farm somewhere, and once this outbreak dies, there could be a continued spillover that’s really hard to stop. But the jury IS STILL OUT on what the real origins of this are.” (My emphasis). https://web.archive.org/web/20200202131556/https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/01/mining-coronavirus-genomes-clues-outbreak-s-origins, and then there is the virus from the Pangolin that is also as close as a match as that of the Bat "RaT" and nobody in the Mass Media cares to signal that out. “Until you consistently isolate the virus out of a single species, it’s really, really difficult to try and determine what the natural host is,” says Kristian G. Andersen, an evolutionary biologist at Scripps Research (But I ask to Mr. Andersen: What if there is not an intermediary beast??? But what if instead the "beast" that you need exposed for a long time and with a big number of individuals instead is just a small little Chinese hand that did the modifications for you??? After all, only Spike of Sars-CoV-2 seems to be so dramatically modified as to be only 44% and 20% similar to its BatG13 comparative in those two algid sequences for the infection: RBD and Furin cleavage site!!!). And we need to remember that it is precisely Andersen's article the one that has been used as the "final" proof of a "natural" origin, against all evidence and based solely in "likely" speculations by their authors, even when Daszak himself says that "the jury IS STILL OUT on what the real origins of this are"!!! Some articles and sequences of what was already known that may give some clues to your important query as per its Wuhan Lab. origin: https://www.nature.com/articles/nm.3985 and its disturbing supplementary material (two researchers were from the Wuhan lab and they were the ones that brought the lethal spike sequence to do the experiments there reported with mice, they had already discovered how to kill, as an eugenics model, either voluntary or involuntary by the authors, how to kill since 2015 the weakest mice, the elderly mice!!! (exactly as things are happening with humans!, something that for me needs to be further investigated, do not you think???), as the attached graphic shows): https://static-content.springer.com/esm/art%3A10.1038%2Fnm.3985/MediaObjects/41591_2015_BFnm3985_MOESM18_ESM.pdf , https://jvi.asm.org/content/82/9/4471,
Article Structure of SARS Coronavirus Spike Receptor-Binding Domain ...
, http://files.rcsb.org/view/2AJF.cif, https://www.jbc.org/content/279/5/3197.full, http://le.cnki.net/kmobile/Master/detail/SYJT_PHAM/1017235765.nh, http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/detail.aspx?filename=JSCY201901004&dbcode=CJFQ&dbname=CJFDTEMP&v=, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6135831, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6357155..."; at my posting: https://www.researchgate.net/post/Fourth_Sequence_COVID-19_TTG_90_TTT_18_CAATCA_18_AAT_9_TAC_L_F_QS_N_Y_Viral_Pangolin_Insert_with_Receptor_Binding_Domain_RBD_in_a_Virus_of_Bat
Taken | Apr 4, 2020, 8:19 PM |
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Basically, behavior says a lot: If all of those virus laboratories at Wuhan, China were with no guilt, those were the first ones at the forefront of the attempt on solving the pandemic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhYpt69XTWE; but, on the other hand, if they are the guilty ones, their behaviour will be as it has been until now: silence, as when a dog has its tail under its rear legs, this great documentary is the first one attempting to put together some of the pieces, especially in regards to the researchers behind the design of COVID-19, first and foremost, Shi Zheng-Li, the co-author of Baric of that damning 2015 article with that modified Spike protein that she brought from Wuhan, China to do the experiments producing symptoms in mice exactly as the ones we see now in humans, and were she describes her success to already start infecting human cells! In the photo, Shi Zheng-Li is giving a cynical conference in China about her "Studies on Bat Coronavirus and its Cross Species Infection" (Notice her mistake on putting it's as in "it is", when it should have been only: "its", oh well, who cares about her as a responsible criminal, right? Wrong!: http://chng.it/bQjkbTcnb2).
Taken | Apr 20, 2020, 2:44 PM |
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Update: And as the virus is a RNA virus, it is constantly changing, so the test kits are as unreliable as any possible "vaccine" (How do yo know if you got it without the need of a "stupid" kit. You lose your sense of smell... and if the kit and the evil vaccine ever gets "mandatory", well, you speak in tongues, you ask for the protection of God, ...and (grrrr....) comply, what else can you do (unless God inspires something different)? Jesus said that "no venom will prevail against us", and our Dad God said earlier that: "no weapon will prevail against us", sooo?): From an actual kit to detect "Coronavirus 19" instructive approved by the FDA, provided by the CDC (and remember that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Principal Deputy Director Anne Schuchat, a Jew), regarding the unreliability of those deceptive tests: "This tests can not rule out diseases caused by other bacteria or viral pathogens". Which basically means that this year, by decree, any kind of infection is going to be attributed to Coronavirus 19 (I mean, Johns Hopkins is the one controlling the worldwide "numbers" of the supposed victims, and controversial methods are being used to inflate the numbers, and that is the same one that organized the drills of a pandemic, promoting the very same scenario that we are living right now, since August 21, 2019, together with Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum (and basically they are the sames that are controlling the "discourse" over all this situation): https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/media, starting to enact all of this deliberately since October 15, 2019, does that ring a bell?): https://web.archive.org/web/20200418065800/https://www.fda.gov/media/134922/download, only God can inspire His own how to deal with the full pack of deception going on. An honest doctor can say: RNA viruses, such as COVID-19 and Hepatitis-C, have no possibility to have a vaccine because they are constantly changing, and the vaccine of this day is completely useless for the changed strain of the next day (even if Dr, Sangay Gupta flat-faced or laughing in CNN says that this virus "does not" change (that is a lie) and that "very soon" we will have a "vaccine" against COVID-19, we will have? No, I do not need and I do not want a vaccine against my will, just keep, just in case you have some concerns, just keep your nose rubbed with some "trapping microorganisms" substance like a vick vaporub when you are in a "multitude-environment", which does not exist for now anymore, and keep your mouth closed in the public places, or, even better eat in those moments something that makes you to produce saliva, hence, enzymes, for me a bittersweet candy or an awesome Kiamoy does that task (and put some saliva of yourself within your nostrils, if you can endure its smell, Hehee, but that is the strongest antiseptic given by GOD to us)!!! The scientific evidence that saliva kills any kind of virus with its powerful enzymes is that it destroys the HIV: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9989543, and we know that COVID-19 has the four entry epitopes that are the same ones that HIV has).
Taken | Apr 22, 2020, 3:50 PM |
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And one more researcher with boldness to realize that such COVID-19 is a fabrication of a human laboratory, he searched exclusively under "patented" sequences and he realized that more than 2319 sequences of those contain the added sequence to the virus: CCTCGGCGGGCACGT = PRRAR : Furin Cleavage necessary to penetrate the human cells. So, when the "Damage Control" liars say that it was not possibly made by humans, we have the proof that very easily it could have been made by humans, profit of finding out this: For this not to be repeated again, as everybody could be tracking the falsehood of the sequences, and to expose the ones that did it this time... The name of many of those sequences?: "MODIFIED POLYNUCLEOTIDES FOR THE PRODUCTION OF PROTEINS" Ah!, and also this one that was also significant to him because that is exactly what it seems to be doing the current pandemic virus over the immune system, which means that it inhibits the immune system of the victims: "METHODS FOR ENHANCING IMMUNE CHECKPOINT BLOCKADE THERAPY BY MODULATING THE MICROBIOME"... @ https://www.researchgate.net/post/COVID-19_CCTCGGCGGGCACGT_PRRAR_AA_Furin_cleavage_site_at_23603-23617_of_the_MN908947_Genbank_Genome_Matches_Mostly_Bacteria_COVID-19_in_BLAST, and this is one of the other multiple sequences artificially inserted in the backbone of a virus from a bat, such as the virus from pangolin ones for the Receptor Binding Domain, and the multiple short epitopes from the HIV to fuse to the cells, even to the immune cells!!! Oh Criminals!!!
Taken | Apr 23, 2020, 3:28 PM |
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As per my research of today: https://www.researchgate.net/post/Third_Sequence_COVID-19_AATGGTACTAAGAGG_HIV-1_isolate_1966324H9_from_Netherlands_envelope_glycoprotein_env_gene_sequence_ID_GU4555031, COVID-19 in its first version, had been already designed by Shi Zhengli at Wuhan since 2008: "Basically, the COVID-19 in its previous version, before of the insertion, also done in the lab of Zhengli of the Furin Cleavage site: CCTCGGCGGGCACGT = PRRAR, according to one article by Zhengli that was a 2015 reference explaining the contents of the plasmids with the modified genes of the Spike protein, reference removed by Baric in the final version of their pervert 2015 Nature Medicine article, the preprint of Baric:
The "POSE THREAT" version (the manuscript of Baric at the UNC): https://web.archive.org/web/20200221233549/https://www.med.unc.edu/orfeome/files/2018/03/a-sars-like-cluster-of-circulating-bat-coronaviruses-shows-potential-for-human-emergence.pdf
Removed reference that links HIV to COVID-19
24. Ren W, et al. Difference in receptor usage between severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus and SARS-like coronavirus of bat origin. Journal of virology. 2008; 82:1899–1907.10.1128/JVI.01085-07 [PubMed: 18077725]: https://jvi.asm.org/content/82/4/1899
(And, remember that this article of 2008 is before the 2018 submission of two sequences by Chinese virologists already containing supposed traces of HIV-like smaill epitopes presented above: MG772933 and MG772934, and before the 2020 submission of the RaTG13: MN996532).
1) Backbone of a Bat: Rp3-S.
2) Modified codons for the RBD (Receptor Binding Domain) of Spike: BJ01-S.
3) HIV pseudovirus with the modified gene for Spike: CS14-608.
4) Human Cells with ACE2 Receptor: HeLa, and 293T.
The twisted "SHOWS POTENTIAL" final version lacks of this crucial article by Shi Zhengli, manufacturer of the COVID-19 at the Wuhan lab, but the article as appeared at "Nature" ("Antinature" in this case of COVID-19 I may say), lacks of this reference, even when it still credits at the end the Spike protein and the plasmids to the Wuhan of Zhengli: https://www.nature.com/articles/nm.3985
You can further explore, for the impending indictment of Shi Zhengli, the link of her words HIV and SARS within her publications: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=Zhengli+HIV+SARS&btnG="
Taken | Apr 24, 2020, 10:50 AM |
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My posting of today at the ResearchGate is this one (I keep on updating it as "I see" (Christ in me) more things, so I added there right now: "Update: Showing that the real deal here is what is not said or emphasized in the paper itself (here in the red rectangle), and this is that the beginning of the real infectivity, which means the proper fusion of the virion to the human cells, is located precisely at the left side of the RBD of the Spike protein (also modified by hand by Shi Zhengli: https://www.researchgate.net/post/Fourth_Sequence_COVID-19_TTG_90_TTT_18_CAATCA_18_AAT_9_TAC_L_F_QS_N_Y_Viral_Pangolin_Insert_with_Receptor_Binding_Domain_RBD_in_a_Virus_of_Bat, and that will take away the "paradox" of the viral pangolin, that at this height of this globalistic "game", seems to be just a distraction), exactly in the position that we have found the HIV-1 (call it if you feel more comfortable: HIV-1-Like, Hehee) epitope traces of the HIV Env protein: NGTKR, and some researchers say that those motifs are even longer, such as Jean-Claude Perez, acquaintance of Luc Montagnier, who told us (Luc) in 1996 that the smallest functional epitopes of the HIV-1 were at that time not yet know, but this article is from the 2008!, and at the right side (in blue, is where the Furin cleavage site, an outlier 80% GC rich of "unknown" procedance in the COVID-19, other than it being really synthetic, which will end with the "fabricated mystery", of which nobody wants to talk about, is located as such: CCTCGGCGGGCACGT = PRRAR: https://www.researchgate.net/post/COVID-19_CCTCGGCGGGCACGT_PRRAR_AA_Furin_cleavage_site_at_23603-23617_of_the_MN908947_Genbank_Genome_Matches_Mostly_Bacteria_COVID-19_in_BLAST)): "Another image that sows clearly that since 2008 ( https://jvi.asm.org/content/82/4/1899) there was the knowledge to insert a RBD (receptor Binding Domain) including its RBM (receptor Binding Motif) to allow the Spike protein of COVID-19 to tightly bind to the human ACE2, as a matter of fact, as we see in the Spike of COVID-19, in that year Shi Zhengli had already replaced with an optimal RBD from a human Sars virus, in their own words: "Both the BJ01-S and Rp3-S genes were efficiently expressed in transfected 293T cells, and the expressed S proteins were incorporated into the respective pseudoviruses as expected... the pseudovirus packaged with a CS (chimeric S ) protein, HIV/CS14-608, displayed a level of luciferase activity similar to that of HIV/BJ01-S... the coding region from aa 424 to 494 of BJ01-S was used to replace the corresponding regions of Rp3-S, resulting in a chimeric S (CS) gene... BJ01-S: a codon-optimized spike (S) protein gene of SARS-CoV BJ01 in pcDNA3.1... A 193-residue fragment (amino acids [aa] 318 to 510) in the SARS-CoV S protein was demonstrated to be the minimal receptor-binding domain (RBD) which alone was able to efficiently bind to ACE2 (references 1, 42a, 45). Furthermore, it was shown that minor changes in amino acid residues of the receptor-binding motif (RBM) of SARS-CoV S (my note: obviously those changes can improve or made worse the binding ability, not only the last, which was the written option of Shi, just because, as to deceive...)... when the RBD of SL-CoV S was replaced with that from the SARS-CoV... S, the hybrid S protein was able to use the huACE2 for cell entry". So, since 2008 and earlier at Wuhan, Shi Zhengli was tweaking the nucleotides of the key amino acids of the RBD within Spike, and then the best tweaked sequence of the moment, the BJ01-S (also written as BJ-01-S), was the one that was inserted (in every possible length to see which one was the one working the best) INTO the backbone of a bat virus, exactly as we see it in COVID-19. Now the habitual "damage control" deceivers say that "we did not have the knowledge to have done the COVID-19 in a lab" is full and sheer bullshit, an oxen dung courtesy of Osterholm, Daszak, Baric, Zhengli herself, and even, sadly for me, Francis Collins, among many others that do not even care to track the origin because of their particular interests such as the WHO and Bill Gates, who keeps on buying actions within the pharmaceutical companies; so, it seems that his foundation gives some for free, with the tail to expect profit even more than what he gives for free, with his personal, and the personal interests of his handlers... The figure is Figure 7 of the linked article, for you to dig deeper into it and keep on searching to bring the masterminds, or at least their scapegoats, down, so as to stop once and for all this planetary madness under the control of a set of a few perverts from humanity..." Ah!, their "monster" includes: TPA, signal peptide from tissue plasminogen activator; TM, transmembrane domain derived from the fusion protein of Sendai virus; bat SL-CoV S (Rp3-S) and (RBD already modified) human SARS-CoV S protein (BJ01-S). The open box indicates the location of the RBM (also already modified by the human hands in the lab, Receptor Binding Motif; remembering that such RBM is not the one that infects but the one that properly attaches the virus to the human receptor ACE2, reason why the infectivity starts only with longer sequences, the ones that allow the fusion of the virus with the cells of the human lungs).
Taken | Apr 25, 2020, 9:42 AM |
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Today ResearchGate says that I have broken all the current personal records, but that means absolutely nothing until the real culprits of this COVID-19 pandemic are taken to the international courts of law, my postings of today are as follows at: https://www.researchgate.net/post/Third_Sequence_COVID-19_AATGGTACTAAGAGG_HIV-1_isolate_1966324H9_from_Netherlands_envelope_glycoprotein_env_gene_sequence_ID_GU4555031: So, Baric removed six key articles about the methodologies used to design his killer virus from his maligned 2015 article of Nature Medicine with the "bat woman", killer of worldwide populations, Shi Zhengli, and inserted two new articles related with vaccination, one of them being a chapter of a textbook (possible at the suggestion of somebody influential at the WHO, as now it is precisely the WHO who presents for free this full chapter, remember that Bill Gates said, after donating like ten million dollars to the WHO that he wanted that to be the decade of vaccination, then the same year that Gates "predicts" a future pandemic is the year when this article of 2015 appears, then Gates sponsors the "Event 201" and the Netflix boring documentary of "Pandemia", just before the onset of "COVID-19", remembering that he has a Microsoft factory in China with more than 6,000 employees, so it will not be strange that "victim zero" is well and kicking under the protective shelter of Bill Gates), so the changed articles of that 2015 disgrace for humanity are as follows:
16. Siegrist, C.-A. in Vaccines 6th edn. (eds. Plotkin, S.A., Orenstein, W.A. & Offit, P.A.) 14–32 (W.B. Saunders, 2013) [It belongs to Chapter 2: Vaccine immunology, written by Claire-Anne Siegrist]: https://www.who.int/immunization/documents/Elsevier_Vaccine_immunology.pdf
17. Deming, D. et al. Vaccine efficacy in senescent mice challenged with recombinant SARS-CoV bearing epidemic and zoonotic spike variants. PLoS Med. 3, e525 (2006): https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17194199/
While the next six ones have been removed from the final version:
22. Sheahan T, Rockx B, Donaldson E, Corti D, Baric R. Pathways of cross-species transmission of synthetically reconstructed zoonotic severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus. Journal of virology. 2008; 82:8721–8732.10.1128/JVI.00818-08 [PubMed: 18579604]: https://jvi.asm.org/content/82/17/8721
23. Qu XX, et al. Identification of two critical amino acid residues of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus spike protein for its variation in zoonotic tropism transition via a double substitution strategy. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2005; 280:29588–29595.10.1074/jbc.M500662200 [PubMed: 15980414]: https://www.jbc.org/content/280/33/29588.full.pdf
24. Ren W, et al. Difference in receptor usage between severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus and SARS-like coronavirus of bat origin. Journal of virology. 2008; 82:1899–1907.10.1128/JVI.01085-07 [PubMed: 18077725]: https://jvi.asm.org/content/82/4/1899
25. Sims AC, et al. Release of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus nuclear import block enhances host transcription in human lung cells. Journal of virology. 2013; 87:3885–3902.10.1128/JVI.02520-12 [PubMed: 23365422]: https://jvi.asm.org/content/87/7/3885
26. Fulcher ML, Gabriel S, Burns KA, Yankaskas JR, Randell SH. Well-differentiated human airway epithelial cell cultures. Methods in molecular medicine. 2005; 107:183–206. [PubMed: 15492373]: https://www.med.unc.edu/marsicolunginstitute/files/2017/12/Book-Chapter.pdf
27. Roberts A, et al. A mouse-adapted SARS-coronavirus causes disease and mortality in BALB/c mice. PLoS pathogens. 2007; 3:e5.10.1371/journal.ppat.0030005 [PubMed: 17222058]: https://journals.plos.org/plospathogens/article?id=10.1371/journal.ppat.0030005
The Pathetic Patent of Baric on how to tweak the gene for the Spike protein of Coronavirus: https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2002086068A2
In the image we see that Baric lied to the media in 2020 saying that he had "FOUND" a deadly Coronavirus in 2015, and you can still see as for today that video of the interview of Baric, when he also deceptively hinted, because of all interviewed, he was the one that knew better, saying faking himself some "idiocy", that a flu was worst than the current COVID-19. So, he told the media that he had "FOUND" a deadly Coronavirus in 2015, when we all clearly know that he not did that, but he "DESIGNED" such deadly virus with similar effects than the COVID-19 of today, to the point that the headlines of the scientific journals of those times, were raising very serious ethical concerns, as can be seen in the other attached image, so that S.O.B. of Baric did not "FOUND" but "DESIGNED" a lethal virus in the company of the Wuhan Lab with Shi Zhengli-Li, as they put her there, dobling by mistake the "Li", and some other fella from China as well. I also attach here the clip of Bill Gates, ever present sponsor of this 2020 Pandemic, who, as per the three accounts that establish his guilt also presented here, he holds the Anti-Christic patent 060606 to insert a chip under the skin of humans (I do not care what "snopes" says, as it is just a counterfeit "debunker"): https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=WO2020060606, then as Robert Kennedy Jr., nephew of JFK, demonstrates in his Instagram account, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation sponsored a research published in "Science", precisely regarding the implant of a chip inside the skin: https://stm.sciencemag.org/content/11/523/eaay7162?rss=1&fbclid=IwAR2CJ1hlWlM61ZsnXe3glwJynOvqJD9fgf-EX6Q8LDybCoxZ0Czs2L5PVYI, in pursuit of his so loved "Digital Certificate" of vaccination, which video proof I am also annexing here, so as for Science to have the three minimal proofs to demonstrate the criminality of Bill Gates, who is faking that he is an MD, not being himself an MD, pushing down the throats of humanity a completely useless RNA vaccine, as I demonstrate in my postings here, from the fifth to the eight: https://www.researchgate.net/post/Fifth_Sequence_COVID-19_2_variants_ATG-246-TT_CA-111-TAA_TTA_L_L-Type_70_TCA_S_S-Type_30_in_position_28144_of_MN908947_for_ORF8_NifB And also: "One of the references removed by Baric clearly indicates that there was the technology to move by hand nucleotides to replace amino acids since the 2005, without any need of a spurious "Pangolin", so Andersen was playing the "idiot" when he ignored also that the technology to tweak particular nucleotides and amino acids in a laboratory was already there for a long time ago, so the "coverupers" of this COVID-19 having been designed in a Wuhan Laboratory are being very disingenuous about the whole Pandemic of 2020 because basically, they prefer to put some money in their tables to eat the green dollars like calf, in disregard of the millions of humans dying, if we are going to give any credit to the other subordinates of Bill Gates, that are the Johns Hopkins hospitals, also participant with the same software to count the worldwide victims, at "Event 201" of October 2019; so, their inflating the numbers of today, will be their indictment rigour of tomorrow. Here the two images that are crucial from the removed article by Baric:
23. Qu XX, et al. Identification of two critical amino acid residues of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus spike protein for its variation in zoonotic tropism transition via a double substitution strategy. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2005; 280:29588–29595.10.1074/jbc.M500662200 [PubMed: 15980414]: https://www.jbc.org/content/280/33/29588.full.pdf
These images show the tireless efforts to tweak the amino acids of the RBD (Receptor Binding Domain) of the Spike protein undertaken since 2005 in the laboratories: The positions of the paper 472, 479, 480, 487, correspond to the actual key places in the COVID-19 virus, as per the Andersen charade: 486, 493, 494 and 501, giving the final working version after 15 years of a daily tweaking of nucleotides to reach the best combination (and remember that Chinese work seven days a week): F-QS-N, for that particular region... you read the rest of the nuances and let me now, but this is good enough to give us the idea of the state-of-the-art of the molecular research since 2005 to be able by hand to modify specific amino acids in a discontinuous or discrete way without of the need of inserting codons from the viruses of Pangolins, as Andersen disingenuously wanted us to believe... making harder the puzzle of the engineering of the COVID-19 virus in a Laboratory at Wuhan, harder of what it really was to make it and to release it... but sooner or later these pieces of evidence will be presented in an international court of law to indict at the responsibles behind this deliberate pandemic caused by the release, accidental or on purpose, and one day soon this also will be known, of an artificial virus "DESIGNED" rather than "FOUND" in a Laboratory at Wuhan (with the NIH money of some of the ones that will also need be held accountable at that good day of indicting them all!!!)." So, ten thousand scientists very soon are going to be looking at my research to indict the responsible people that designed and released the COVID-19, but hen, so what? Is that really going to make a difference from the current situation? Is it going to stop, at least for now, while we are still here, the madness of Bill Gates of marking the whole of humanity with "The Mark of the Beast", are the sissy scientists reading my research going to do something at all??? I prefer a serious and knowledgeable man of law to take to the courts the responsible people of this planetary deliberately "engineered" tragedy...
Taken | Apr 27, 2020, 8:03 AM |
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Las cartas que le mandé a CNN en contra de Gates y de Soros (por favor, si pueden manden la suya, hoy a las 7:00 PM Bill Gates, el asesino, va a ser de nuevo el centro de la atención de los vendidos Anderson Cooper y Sanjay Gupta; su hoja de contacto: https://cnnespanol.cnn.com/contactanos/): "CNN,
Detestamos que pongan a Bill Gates una y otra vez como "el experto" para hablar de COVID-19, es un hecho que él desea una vacunación universal para poder implantar su "Certificado Digital de Vacunación", su "Pasaporte Inmunológico". Sabemos que intentó promover a la mujer mas diabólica del planeta Marina Abramovic y que su padre fue el director de "Planned Parenthood", distribuidor de anticonceptivos y consejero del aborto. Gates señaló cínicamente que con vacunación, servicios de salud y servicios de salud reproductiva la población mundial podría reducirse un 15% para reducir la contaminación ambiental.
Todas nuestras investigaciones indican que el virus del COVID-19 ha sido diseñado por humanos y liberado oportunamente para intentar llevar a cabo los planes de Bill Gates, quien tiene una fábrica en China con más de seis mil empleados chinos.
Por favor, remuevan a ese asesino de Bill Gates y pongan en su lugar a un verdadero inmunólogo, infectólogo y epidemiólogo, en vez de a un criminal con infinidad de conflictos de intereses, a no ser que esté comprando a todos ustedes con dinero lo que es lo más probable.
CNN es una estación vendida a intereses que van en contra de la humanidad.
Con todo mi desprecio por su estación, por Anderson Cooper, hijo de la corrupta Gloria Vanderbilt, y del vendido de Sanjay Gupta, quien falsamente señaló antes en su programa que el virus del COVID-19 no cambiaba, lo cual es absolutamente falso, pero que se dice para empujar una campaña inhumana de vacunación con vacunas de RNA que se sabe son inútiles, ya que el virus de la vacuna ya no es el que anda en el ambiente a la hora de inyectarla, pues ya ha cambiado en su base o bases de nucleótido.
Pongo uno de infinidad de nexos que denuncian la artificialidad del virus de COVID-19: https://medium.com/@yurideigin/lab-made-cov2-genealogy-through-the-lens-of-gain-of-function-research-f96dd7413748, el cual tiene el armazón de virus de murciélago, el dominio del sitio de receptor de virus de pangolín, y el sitio de ruptura S1-S2 compuesto por 12-bases de procedencia aún desconocida (pero que colegas investigadores han descubierto que coincide, ya sea con un virus de cerdo u otro de ungulados domésticos, o de una secuencia patentada por "Moderna", beneficiaria de Bill Gates), lo que implicaría, si fuera "natural" que en un mismo animal, se entrecruzaran al menos tres viruses: de murciélago, de pangolín (sin dejar más rastro más que en los sitios clave), y de cerdo (sin dejar otro rastro más que en este sitio clave). Todas las tecnologías moleculares para hacer todo esto de manera sintética sin dejar rastro, incluyendo un pasaje final de laboratorio en un hurón para darle la apariencia de ser aún más natural, ya se encontraba lo suficientemente avanzado como para haber diseñado este virus en un laboratorio.
Con todo mi desprecio por una estación unilateral y vendida,
Fernando Castro-Chavez, PhD.
También me parece despreciable que cada media hora presenten esos videos de la multitud de hondureños amontonados en un puente. Todos ya sabemos a estas alturas que Soros les pagó y los trajo en camiones para montar un teatrillo que ustedes de la manera más baja informativamente hablando, siguen promoviendo como si hubiera sido algo real: https://www.foxnews.com/transcript/new-video-shows-migrant-caravan-is-organized-and-well-funded
Eso confirma de nuevo que ustedes parecieran ser unas prostitutas informativas pagaderas al mejor postor.
Algún día aquí o en la eternidad tendrán que pagar por las mentiras que con la ayuda de Soros en este caso y de Bill Gates en el caso anterior, ustedes promueven.
El mismo del anterior,
Fernando Castro-Chavez, PhD.
Taken | Apr 30, 2020, 2:44 PM |
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My contribution of today at the ResearchGate that is going to help stop Gates and his sinister plans against the whole of humanity: "An excellent article, also from Wuhan, indicates a set of 46 substances able to potentially tacke the Furin and other proteases, so as to be able to prevent the viral multiplication (my favorites of that list are shown graphically), put here in the order in which they appear in the article, but it is not the order of efficacy (I think); I add an empty line to differentiate the tables in which those names appear: http://chinaxiv.org/user/download.htm?id=30223:
Folic acid
Fludarabine phosphate
Folinic acid
Glycerol 3-phosphate
Chenodeoxycholic acid
(-)-Epigallocatechin gallate
Theaflavin 3,3'-di-O-gallate
"(1S,2R,4aS,5R,8aS)-1-formamido-1,4a-dimethyl-6-methylene-5-((E)-2-(2-oxo-2,5-dihydrofuran- 3-yl)ethenyl) decahydronaphthalen-2-yl5-((R)-1,2-dithiolan-3-yl) pentanoate"
Phyllaemblicin G7
dihydrofuran-3-yl)ethenyl) decahydronaphthalen-2-yl2-aminoacetate"
Kouitchenside J
Kouitchenside F
Acycloguanosine triphosphate
Stavudine triphosphate
Just to be alternate to the absurd and obtuse recommendations of the WHO and of Bill Gates and his evil vaccination project, try it all of it that could be handy (And remember to use your own saliva to rub your inner nostrils as its powerful enzymes are destructive, not only of the HIV, but, I believe also of this COVID-19 virus made into a laboratory, a good nebulized or sprayed to be aspired by your lungs of your own saliva may be able also to take away this pest, I think, at least in its early stages... think about those treatments and alternatives). Comment on the efficacy of these ones or of other easy treatments that you have found to fix this manufactured Pandemic by the "Gates Foundation"."
Taken | May 1, 2020, 4:23 PM |
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I have reviewed it and as a volunteer peer-reviewer, I said it must stay.
Furthermore, I am using it as my reference for my own work and it needs to stay visible as for the reader to be able to track its conclusions, otherwise: How it will be reached if it is censored by you? But, who are you to censor anything at all?
I recommend this article to stay, and to be taken seriously.
It is not irresponsible at all, in what way could it be?, other than to taint the unfounded narrative of a "natural" origin?
This is the opportune time to make this information to be known, as Yuri Deigin is teaching as well: https://medium.com/@yurideigin/lab-made-cov2-genealogy-through-the-lens-of-gain-of-function-research-f96dd7413748, as the article asks, I ask you:
What is your reason to censor the evident information that COVID-19 is an artificial strain?, because, it has:
1) A backbone of a virus from a bat,
2) An optimized RBM that looks like from a virus of a pangolin,
3) A portion of Orf1b that is closer to a different virus from a different pangolin,
4) An optimized 12-bases protease cleavage of unknown procedance, that looks more to a portion of a virus from a pig, but also to an artificial sequence to make proteins patented by "Moderna Inc", funded by Bill Gates,
5) An HIV-like optimized region at the left side of the RBM (and we all need to know that even Sars has a cloaked identity to HIV), known by Zhengli since 2008 as the determining and necessary portion for the infectivity.
6) Furthermore, Zhengli did in 2018 a study on people from Wuhan and did not found any zoonotic event at that time.
7) For a virus such as Sars-CoV-2 to have appeared out of a sudden already mature and with no history of previous traces of it in humans indicates that it was released from a Laboratory after being optimized for those three sites that I mention above in points 2, 4 and 5. And that is just the beginning of the comparisons, as many other of its proteins also seem to be optimized in a laboratory.
With all due respect and education for the freedom of the research and the tearing down of censorship,
Fernando Castro-Chavez, PhD.
Who is advising you to censor the evidence for the obvious lab origins of COVID-19? (This regarding my review of: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/340924249_Is_considering_a_genetic-manipulation_origin_for_SARS-CoV-2_a_conspiracy_theory_that_must_be_censored)
Taken | May 4, 2020, 3:40 PM |
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Remember: The "Falling Away" is indeed Our "Departure" from this Earth, it is the "Rapture" (the "Harpazo", that will rather start with the sound of a Trumpet): https://www.pre-trib.org/pretribfiles/pdfs/Woods-SecondThessalonians2-3_Pt1.pdf
Taken | May 15, 2020, 2:07 PM |
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https://waterbrookmultnomah.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Sneak-Peak-CALLED-FOR-LIFE-TP-BRANTLY.pdf, saved at: https://archive.vn/cA7Db, a good read, recommended by Judy Mikovits, a bold, from Hungarian descent, hero of our times (https://books.google.com.mx/books/about/Plague.html?id=kFyCDwAAQBAJ), for whom we are fervently praying:
Taken | May 23, 2020, 2:19 PM |
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God, I want to reap what I have sown, I want to win over and over and over every single day of my life the heart of the one that sent me this message. But I also want the ones that are sowing this devastation over the planet, to reap what they are doing here with us, including those heartless censors, in the just name of Jesus, Amen.
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Real Science Defenders! TRUTH! Cartoonist Ben Garrison came back with another cartoon when he heard about our (Judy Mikovits and Ken Heckenlively) new book. I respect people who don't get scared by bullies!!! (Sadly, inside the monster face, is no other that FRANCIS COLLINS!!!, a really bad and hypocrite guy!!!) From the page 107 of the book that I really want you to read to be acquainted with the current corrupt science of today: http://old.autismone.org/documents/Plague%20of%20Corruption-eARC.pdf, you will be informed and enjoy the ride a lot, as we are here to make the TRUTH (in ANY avenue of life) to shine!!!
Taken | May 31, 2020, 9:40 PM |
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My recent posting (hoping the "#$%!%&@ let it stand) at my ResearchGate COVID-19 inquiry, witn more than 12,400 readers, but never with as many as what intense videos get: https://www.facebook.com/KardagarCoaching/videos/713879892781432/ "Describing the Sorensen key article: https://archive.vn/7TPTc
And, thanks again to Biol. Rubio, here we have the bold statements of Sorensen, way far better than anything that I could be able to say on the issue:
"In a new peer-reviewed paper published together with Professor Angus Dalgleish of St George’s Hospital at the University of London, Sorensen claimed the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is not natural in origin."
"...published (https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/DBBC0FA6E3763B0067CAAD8F3363E527/S2633289220000083a.pdf/biovacc19_a_candidate_vaccine_for_covid19_sarscov2_developed_from_analysis_of_its_general_method_of_action_for_infectivity.pdf) in the Quarterly Review of Biophysics, the authors found that the coronavirus’s spike protein contains sequences that appear to be artificially inserted. “The inserted sequences should never have been published. Had it been today, it would never have happened. It was a big mistake the Chinese made. The inserted sequences have a functionality that we describe. We explain why they are essential. But the Chinese pointed to them first,” Sørensen told the NRK (https://www.nrk.no/norge/norsk-forsker-skaper-strid-om-virusets-opphav_-_-dette-viruset-har-ikke-en-naturlig-opprinnelse-1.15043634, he is talking about the original paper from January (see few links above) of Zheng-Li Shi where she "whistle-blows", and that may... just may save her..., that COVID-19 contained INSERTS with a specific function of camouflage, hence, immunosuppressive, but she, seemingly on purpose, "fails" to mention the most important feature that the PRRA was also artificially inserted..., similar to her "failure" to say that RaTG13, another artificially modified sequence, "ancestor" of Sars-CoV-2, had been quoted by her two previous times with different names including the 4991 numeral...)".
"INSERTS: These are the sequences Sorensen thinks point to that the virus has no natural origin. The sequences were first described by Chinese scientists (which means Zheng-Li Shi, the main suspect, herself!!!: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2012-7.pdf )"
"The eye opening claims also found that the virus had been doctored to bind to humans: “We are aware that these findings could have political significance and raise troubling questions... it was already fully adapted to humans. According to Sørensen, this is quite unusual for viruses that cross species barriers... the virus has properties that differ greatly from SARS, and which have never been detected in nature.”
"The specific receptor binding motif (RBM) is located on the sequence (437-508), while the receptor binding domain (RBD) has a broader location (319-541) ref. https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P0DTC2. The charged cysteine associated domains are Cys131-Cys166, Cys336- Cys361, Cys391-Cys525…Cys538-Cys590. As can be seen, there is a high concentration of positive charged surface exposed amino acids within the receptor domain next to the receptor binding motif."
"Sørensen said, “When we technically describe the virus, we see that it has not come about in a natural development. It’s done by Americans and Chinese, as part of what’s called “gain of function” studies. It is done all over the world. You say you don’t (my note here is that here is making reference to all those pregnant of conflict of interests beings that have denied that it is possible to obtain in a Lab a virus such as COVID-19, such as "idiots" (deliberately) Fauci, Gates, Osterholm, Andersen et al., Baric, Holmes, Gisaid (Gis-NO-aid), the CCP, etc.), but it happens all the time in advanced labs.”
"These data reveal the biological structure of SARS-CoV-2 Spike and confirm that accumulated charge from inserts and salt bridges are in surface positions capable of binding with cell membrane components other than the ACE2 receptor."
Being the previous one a very profound note to really tackle and defeat COVID-19.
"...the naked coronavirus spike protein as a concept for the basis of a vaccine, which we have rejected because of high risk of contamination with human-like epitopes. Analysis of the Spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 shows 78.4% similarity with human-like (HL) epitopes..." and "... A search so tailored to match against all human known proteins will give a 78.4% human similarity to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein, i.e if all epitopes on the 1255 amino acid long SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein can be used by antibodies then there will be 983 antibody binding sites which also could bind to epitopes on human proteins..." (Which is like promoting Auto-immunity, which is what thousands of carelessly designed vaccines are causing in a stupid and naïve humanity that allows their little ones and even themselves to be pinched by THEIR deadly potions!!!)
Another key finding to beware of the scum scam of Gates and Fauci killer "vaccines".
"...antibodies can only recognize 5-6 amino acids..."
Another key point that redeems 5 amino acid peptides or "epitopes" from being dismissed by sold-out to the "killers" trolls (paid by the perps).
"The initial paper was rejected by well-known journals such as Nature and the Journal of Virology back in April before the manuscript of the paper was later accepted and published on Cambridge University Press website... The conclusions of the study were also dismissed by Imperial College London and the Francis Crick Institute."
Another very important note, because here you can see who are the ones sold-out for money and "aligned" with Gates and with the CCP!!!! (And who is not-yet bought by Gates...).
So, because even if "a good intention" by researchers of "vaccines" is there, they will never know what will be added to them by the criminal cabal of the "Big Pharma" now owned by the CCP (yes, it all started by the allures of the "cheap labor", and now is killing the morals of the whole humanity, something as bad or een worst, as it persists, than the real deaths of the elderly and the sick by this artificial COVID-19 virus), here is an "antidote" against vaccination (the other is the sheer belief in miracles, as per nothing that is injected into you, Christian, will poison your body...): https://www.wellnessdoc.com/1200studies/, and its momentous links: https://www.wellnessdoc.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/1200-studies-The-Truth-Will-Prevail-v2.6_05-05-20.pdf and https://www.wellnessdoc.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/The-measles-vaccine-narrative-is-collapsing-Updated-10-09-19.pdf
Ah, and an "extra", regarding how Gates is fully involved in this artificial Pandemic from the start, we talked earlier about his desire to "Reboot" humanity with the "pretext" of COVID-19, "implementing" a one world (his, THEIR "New World Order" agenda, NWO), "attempting" (and I say that because as long as born-again Christians are still on earth, we will keep on annoying their plans and frustrating their devices as best as we can!!!) to establish: A one world religion, a one world economy and a one world government... so, the sold-out to gates Johns Hopkins University and now the WEF, are into, the first, into lying and increasing the numbers, and the second into, the "reboot" desire of Gates, they call it "The Great Reset", figure that out!!! But we are here to stop that from happening in full (once we are gone, they for sure will go ahead and fulfill all of their darkest dreams, including that dream of Soros (also contemplated with "salivation" by "its" (because he rather toss himself into the abyss, indicated Jesus) accomplices of the most corrupt, deceiving, and perverse Catholic Priesthood), the pedophiliac, which I vomit in the face!!!).
Ah!, in the spirit of the great crippled detective of fiction Columbo, "one more thing...": https://archive.vn/59lW7 "
Taken | Jun 22, 2020, 10:51 AM |
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My posting of today at RG goes as follows: Recently, bold Meryl Nass declared to Dr. Mercola: "...I do have an extensive background in biological warfare and I know what kinds of things have been created in the past, what it takes, where they may be made and how it has been done. So, I remained curious. And then in the end of February, the later part of February, a group of scientists wrote a piece that was published in The Lancet and it was a very curious piece to me... It didn't make sense. Yeah. And these were very prominent people, including the former head of the National Science Foundation, one of the former top people at CDC and other very prominent people. What they said is, "We need to quash the rumors of the fact that this came from a lab. That is conspiracy theory and we need to get rid of it. We have to stand with our colleagues in China. We all need to work together. We can't start problems with the Chinese basically." And so what this group was doing in a
very short, less than a page, brief letter, was conflating the idea that this might've come from a lab with the fact that that would interfere with the US-China relationship. And we couldn't interfere with that because we needed China's information and maybe China's products to fight the coronavirus. / So we had to put this idea aside. Well, I scratched my head and said, "That doesn't really make sense, but okay, these are political people." Then a couple of weeks later, an article came out in Nature Medicine, which said, "Here we have the scientific proof that this did not come from a lab. That there are certain things about this virus." And they talked about the two things that have been identified by others as the most problematic. These two sites on the spike genome, which seemed to enhance the tropism and the binding. So it just makes it easier for the virus to get into human cells. And they took these two areas and said, "Look, these mutations that are found in the new CoV-2 virus, which are not seen in any of the other bat viruses anywhere near it must have come from the wild because these weren't created in the ways that we virologists would have created it."
To read the full interview: https://mercola.fileburst.com/PDF/ExpertInterviewTranscripts/Interview-MerylNass-WhyAreInfluentialVirologistsInsistingontheNaturalOriginofSARSCoV2.pdf, and she continues:
"We already have ways to create these things, and it wasn't done that way. And two, we did some computer imaging and designing and we decided that based on the computer model, this was not the ideal spike formulation. And so if a geneticist, a virologists was doing this, they would have used the computer model and they didn't and therefore this must have come from the wild. Well, that was a really crazy argument because it didn't make any scientific sense, it was a lot of hand-waving assertions, but the evidence was not there because clearly if you understand that those were two highly virulent mutations that could well have been added to a preexisting coronavirus, you would know that in fact each of those could well have been added in a lab by a variety of techniques including the old passage technique, which is what Pasteur used to make vaccines in 1880.
So, passage has been around for a long time, but it is still used and there's a good possibility that it was used in this case. Because if you take cells that are not – if you take, sorry, viruses that are not particularly adapted to the human ACE-2 inhibitor but are adapted to another animals is ACE-2 inhibitor and passage them in human tissue culture with the ACE-2 receptor. Over time, they will develop improved, receptor binding. So it's actually a likely way that this coronavirus might've been produced. So anyway, I read that article and I said, "This is complete nonsense. I can't believe Nature Medicine published it"!!! And the two groups of authors, the one from The Lancet and the one from Nature
Medicine have consistently referred to each other as they've been interviewed."
To see her bold interview: https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/06/14/how-did-coronavirus-originate.aspx, and she pursues her clear and keen observations:
"Science Magazine did a short piece on The Lancet article. USA Today did a piece on the Nature Medicine article. And then the actual head of the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Francis Collins wrote a blog post or somebody wrote it for him saying, "Now we have the scientific answer. This piece in Nature Medicine has put to rest any thoughts that this could be a lab construct. That's a conspiracy theory. We have no room for conspiracy theories. This is the end of discussion.""
It was just the beginning of the research and the shitty, bloodless politicians were already closing the book!!! And she continues very interestingly:
"So I wrote a couple of blog posts about that and I said, "Well, this is really curious." Now the first thing I thought about the Nature Medicine article was, "Did these people actually write it?" Because it's such a piece of scientific nonsense that any real scientist reading it, if you can read the language, would not accept it, would dismiss it out of hand. So were they asked to place their names on those piece of junk?, in order to get it into a journal and create this smokescreen around the fact that this is "a naturally occurring coronavirus"?"
"If you look at the names, there were five authors, I knew of a couple of them. One was a fellow named Robert Garry, who I have had some interactions with over the last 22 years, another one was Ian Lipkin. And I happened to show this piece to a friend of mine, Ed Hooper, who wrote a well-known book called, “The River: A Journey to the Source of HIV and AIDS.” And he noted that the three other authors had all challenged – This book, The River, (which) is about the origin of AIDS. How did AIDS jump into the human population... Ed makes a very strong case and has put out additional evidence in the intervening 20-plus years since he wrote it, that it's much more likely that the jump into humans was because an oral polio vaccine was grown on monkey kidneys in the Belgian Congo. And that those monkey kidneys probably had the precursor to HIV"!!!
So it is interesting that three of these authors had actually challenged him on his AIDS origin theory and now they're challenging the coronavirus origin theory, which made me wonder, "Are these people who have PhDs but can be pulled out by the political medical establishment to try to push theories or ideas that are politically desirable"???
WOOOW, I want to have the guts that Nass has!!! Then, Mercola, after saying that the Andersen et al. Nature Medicine, 2020 piece of crap is "just a bunch of hogwash" asks her about the work of Deigin, "because it's an incredible article", "It's deep science for sure", "pretty strong compelling evidence and research that suggests that this was manipulated in some way and not of natural origin" and she said:
"Yeah, a little detail. So an author named Yuri Deigin, D-E-I-G-I-N, did his own research and published a massive discussion of all the coronavirus research that has gone on since 1999 that is relevant to that SARS-CoV-2, and he particularly discusses these two mutations. One, the furin cleavage site and the other is the receptor binding area. And he talks about all the research that's been done on that and the different ways you can make changes and how changes like what we're seeing now have in fact been done by corona researchers over the past 20 years. / And he analyzes everything very, very finely. It's like Ed Hooper's book. He sort of goes in and out and around and discusses every aspect. And when you finish reading that article, you are convinced that it's almost certain that, well in my mind, maybe not in yours, that these two mutations were put there deliberately. Whether they were done by passage, whether they were done by CRISPR or whether another method was used, scientists did know the implications in terms of increasing virulence of both of these mutations. So, I invite you to read that piece": https://medium.com/@yurideigin/lab-made-cov2-genealogy-through-the-lens-of-gain-of-function-research-f96dd7413748, Yri Deigin Interviewed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5SRrsr-Iug, and she continues, after Mercola asks to her: "do you have any other thoughts on its origin and how it might have entered the population? Because it seems somewhat odd that it could spread so quickly if it was just zoonotically transmitted. It almost instantaneously traveled throughout the entire world... epidemiologically doesn't seem to make sense"!!!:
"...you're right. It came on us suddenly. / Last month, ABC News said that back in November, the intelligence community was noting a lot of things that were different about Hubei and Wuhan. Whatever signals they were looking at, cell phone messages, people going to work, whatever, that they had a warning that something was going on there. So I think that's interesting, if that is true, that ABC News said they had four sources for the story and then someone in the administration the next day denied that they had been given this intelligence. So I don't know. So if we have to push back the date of when this started, there are more possibilities. I don't want to say any more about the Wuhan World [sic: War Military of the World] Games except that they occurred in October and ended at the end of October. / And there were military members competing in military Olympics from at least 40 or 50 countries in the world in Wuhan. The other thing I want to say is, just because an epidemic appears to have started in Wuhan, doesn't mean that it came from a lab in Wuhan. And let me give you a couple of other examples. There was a sudden amazing instantaneous outbreak of cholera in Peru in January of 1991. / There had not been cholera in the Western hemisphere for almost 100 years at that point. And it started just about simultaneously in three coastal towns in Peru. There was a Navy medical research center in Lima, Peru at that time. Those particular NAMRU research centers have been accused of having a biological warfare as well as a biological defense purpose, I don't know. / But just to say, there was a U.S. biological lab, military biological lab in Peru when this outbreak started. Nobody pointed to that U.S. lab and said, "The cholera came from that lab." When there was the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, again, more than 1000 miles from where any Ebola cases had ever been reported in 2014, maybe '13, guess who had a lab in Kenema, Sierra Leone, right where the outbreak started? Robert Garry. The same Garry who was a co-author of the Nature Medicine paper, who also had sort of fought with me back 20 years ago regarding the nature of the problems with anthrax vaccine."
"He and another person – even though he's a virologist, suddenly he got into the bacterial antibody and vaccine issue. And he did an experiment and said that the problem with anthrax vaccine was there was squalene in it. Squalene is a natural product, but it can cause autoimmune effects. It is one of the precursors to making cholesterol. So we all have squalene in our bodies, but where it is, is controlled. He said, "Look, there was some-" and squalene can be added to vaccines as an adjuvant to make them stronger so that you need to lose less antigen in the vaccine. He said, "Look, the problem with the anthrax vaccine, both in 1998 and back in the Gulf War was that they had added squalene to it and that's what made everybody sick." / And a book called “Vaccine A,” was written about that. And I was harassed by the author of the book who wanted me to accept this hypothesis. That the whole problem with anthrax vaccine was that squalene had been added. Now, thing is, I'm no fan of squalene in vaccines, adjuvants have side effects in some people. And so I have nothing against that theory, it's just that there was other evidence that showed it was wrong. For example, people who actually got anthrax from the anthrax letters had a complicated group of symptoms in a way similar to this complicated group of symptoms the coronavirus sufferers have now. / And their symptoms resembled in many ways the symptoms that people have from anthrax vaccine. Okay? The people who got anthrax from the anthrax letters, there was no squalene in it, they just got anthrax spores. The vaccine contained many different anthrax products. Products made – it's a very dirty vaccine. Anthrax vaccine is not processed extensively. So basically RNA, DNA and proteins, all sorts of molecules were in the vaccine and each batch was different than every other batch. And I believe that some of those products were what were making the soldiers ill."
"I think Garry came up with this theory because the idea was, if that theory was accepted that squalene was the whole problem, well then the government could just say, "Okay, we're not going to make any anthrax vaccine with squalene and now you'll have to be happy. We've taken out the bad ingredient and now, roll up your sleeves." And, so that was my experience with him. Ed Hooper had a different experience. He actually made an arrangement to meet with Ed Hooper talking about original AIDS cases. And then he didn't show up for the appointment. And when Ed went back to his hotel room, Garry shows up at the hotel room saying, "This is a cloak-and-dagger thing and I had to test you and that's why I'm here now." / So, Garry is an unusual individual, like I said, Ebola, AIDS, anthrax, he’s somehow, he's a virologist, but he's somehow into all these highly controversial organisms. And seems to want to push the government line on whatever it is he's doing. Like, "My lab had nothing to do with the Ebola outbreak in Kenema, Sierra Leone.""
Yeah riiiight...... NOOOO, it has everything to do with that!!!!
"...coronavirus research over the last 20 years has been done in many countries in Europe, in many labs in the U.S. in Japan, Singapore, China, and probably other places. And it has often been funded by multiple funders. So funders have included the Australian Government, different branches of NIH, but primarily Fauci's NIAID, the National Science Foundation and USAID, surprisingly because you would think USAID is an aid agency. There have also been organizations like the EcoHealth Alliance, which have served as pass-throughs for the funding so that NIAID or USAID would give money to EcoHealth Alliance and then EcoHealth Alliance would dole it out to the BSL-4 lab in Wuhan and other places and would participate with them in research. / And most of the most prominent researchers have gone back and forth. It's very complicated. There's a lot of back and forth. And Europe has funded this research too. So, Dr... – I don't know how to pronounce her name exactly, Zhengli Shi, has worked in the United States and our researchers have worked in China, Ian Lipkin has a post in China. And he was an expert who advise the Saudis on MERS, which is another cousin of SARS and advised the Chinese on SARS. And he was over in China at the beginning of this epidemic doing something regarding SARS too. So Ed Holmes works with them. So these people work together, they're funded... The Chinese, the Australians, the Europeans and the Americans fund all this work. / I can't explain to you why that happens and what are the underlying goals. What I can say is that there may be interest on the part of all these countries to be able to keep an eye on what everyone else is doing. So that by encouraging scientists to work in these different labs, they think and develop friendships, personal relationships and all of this joint funding. Some of this research is funded by five different institutes from three or four different countries. I assume that that may be part of it. So getting back to what you said about the research funding and then being cut off, gain-of-function research has been controversial since it began being discussed. In 2014 in the United States only and for NIH only, there was a pause on gain-of-function research for three organisms only. And those were MERS, SARS and avian flu. Probably because they were getting to a point where these things had been developed to be aerosolized and more virulent. And there was a lot of controversy in the scientific literature. / However, even though, I don't know, about 20 research projects were stopped, a number of them, maybe half, were then given permission to continue. And Ralph Baric's work with the Chinese researchers was one of those that was given permission to continue during this three-year slowdown. And back at the end of 2017, the slowdown was taken away and everybody was allowed to go back and do whatever gain-of-function research they wanted..."
"...some people are saying there are two or three or four small, six to 10 amino acid segments that look like bits of HIV and that they're inserted in different places, they may have effects on the immune response. I don't know. I think that information will gradually appear."
"...in my own research I have found, Anthony Fauci to be a hypocritical fraud, who pretends he knows nothing about coronaviruses and he's funded over 100 million dollars of coronavirus research out of NIAID. So, there he is, he looks so gentle and he doesn't give you any details about anything, but he knows a lot of details."
"...having dealt with many people who've died or developed tissue disorders, all sorts of terrible complications from anthrax vaccine and smallpox vaccine and sometimes other vaccines, ...I don't think vaccines should be looked on as risk-free. They're clearly not risk-free. Medical interventions should be done thoughtfully. Oh, let me also point out that talking about these characters that I discussed earlier, Ian Lipkin, one of the authors of the Nature Med piece, has been used to publish about chronic fatigue syndrome and autism. And he spent 10 or more years looking for an infectious cause of autism, excess weight in the mother or maybe in the father, all sorts of things but not vaccines."
Note: This other tenebrous character, a sidekick of Fauci, like the other Ebola-causing pest mentioned before, all of them alike Robert Gallo, just tools to enforce the "official" narrative of the Deep State of Fauci et al. Well, that beast was the advisor of the 2011 movie "Contagion", so they basically were in bed with the Anthrax scare of 2001, in concoction with the abominable Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rove... with spreading the Ebola and the HIV in Africa, (plus the release of Sars 1, H1N1, etc...) and with the current enactment of this "Plandemic", just as Gates and the WHO, Hopkins and WEF of his property are: Useful idiots!!!, useful pieces of crap!!!, useful disposable tools to enforce the hard lines of the pervert Deep State!!!: https://archive.vn/FeTCi
"So, again, I think he is likely – When you look at what these folks investigate, Lipkin or Bob Garry in particular, you'll see that they just jump from one thing like vaccines to Ebola, to SARS, to Gulf War syndrome. I mean, they're jumping from one highly controversial subject to the next and always pushing the government line on what that is and usually, the line that there is no treatment. So, yeah, I totally agree with you. Vaccines are – once you inject a vaccine, you can't take it out. At least with drugs, for most of them, the effect wears off in a short time."
Then, Mercola adds, about that imbecile serving "alien" interests that sooner or later will kill him!: "Lipkin ...was used to discredit Mikovits... He got a $30 million grant after publishing the paper that discredited Mikovits." And she continues:
"Yes. And Lipkin also has been involved with Peter Daszak. Lipkin has given Daszak a position in his little organization at Columbia. And Daszak is transferring funds, but Lipkin is also getting lots of funds from NIAID but Daszak is transferring funds to do all of this corona research around the world as well as NIH directly funding and others."
"...30 years ago when I was writing papers about the potential risks of biological defense research, we had a lot less biological defense research going on. And the risks were significant. Everybody agrees that these labs leak. I told you there were maybe 600 or more BSL-3s in the United States and hundreds others around the world. So, let me actually give you a few examples from a paper by Dr. Martin Furmansky who is a physician who looked at lab escapes. He pointed out that there was a lab in England and there were several smallpox escapes from that lab to a room below. And that two people died. And after the second one happened, I think it was around 1980, the lab director killed himself. / That there were huge outbreaks of Venezuelan equine encephalitis, thousands and thousands of people in Latin America. And it turned out all to be due to improperly inactivated vaccines. So the disease they were vaccinating all these livestock for was actually giving them the disease and giving it to humans also, thousands and thousands. You don't hear about that. He points out that the 1977 H1N1 outbreak, every year there's a flu pandemic. And in 1977 the pandemic started in China or Russia, probably from vaccine that had been defrosted because that particular strain, H1N1 had not been around in the world for 21 years. And genetically it looked almost identical to the strains that were around in the late '40s and 1950s, early '50s. So that whole pandemic was a lab escape... it started in the borderland of Russia and China. We made our own, but it was probably done in the expectation that we were going to have an outbreak. And so they were trying to, whoever took it out of the freezer was probably, that's the implication, trying to make a vaccine for 1977. Our swine flu was 1977. It was I think '76 where the recruit died at Fort Dix and then
all the machinery of the United States government and the manufacturers got together to create very rapidly, a swine flu vaccine to save the United States. / Abysmal failure. First of all, there was no outbreak. So had the people at the CDC and HHS been honest with the American public, they would have told them, "Hey, there's no outbreak. We're just going to cancel the vaccine program. You don't need it." But it had developed a life of its own. Harvey Fineberg, I believe, co-authored this fabulous book about it for the National Academy of Sciences, that the next DHHS secretary had requested. And I recommend, I mean it's a fabulous read because he was working under the Secretary of Health and Human Services, he was able to interview everybody in government. And he tells you the inside story of what went on during that year. All the infighting, all the different reasons why a vaccine was made for disease that didn't exist. And then given and then found to cause Guillain-Barre and 4,000 people applied for money back from the government / This was the first time the government gave a liability waiver to vaccine manufacturers. And I think it was what gave them the idea that in the future they could get liability waivers for all their vaccines... eventually got passed in 1986 and it serves as the foundation for their insulation from any liability for damages with the product that they're providing. / So if your vaccine is on the childhood schedule, according to CDC, you have your liability waived. But as of the 2016, 21st Century Cures Act, if the CDC recommends any vaccine for a pregnant woman, liability is waived for that vaccine. And you can license a vaccine using real-world evidence and you don't necessarily have to do clinical trials to license vaccines according to that act, which was passed and signed by Obama in December 2016. And as soon as every new vaccine is licensed, the CDC is required to put it in front of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices at their next meeting, for consideration to be added to the childhood schedule. / So we can look forward perhaps to many more vaccines being waived. And also there's a special waiver program for pandemic and emergency vaccines and drugs. So all the vaccines, all the drugs that are designated for use during this pandemic will have a waiver of liability. And as far as I know, this hasn't changed. The maximum a person can get is $250,000 for the government, even for a death or permanent total disability. / You don't go to vaccine court for this, you actually have to apply to HHS. So HHS pays you, HHS is a judge and the jury, and there is no appeal. I know it boggles the mind."
"...There needs to be an end of gain-of- function research. I think maybe if this is better – if the people realize, if the population understands that this is what your Congress and your scientists have given us, just because everyone was trying to do a CYA. The Congress was trying to throw money at a problem. Nobody was doing oversight. And all these agencies, agencies at the level of secretaries like the VA, HHS, Homeland security, FEMA, there's eight different agencies that are responsible for doing some pandemic preparedness. And 15 other organizations within the Federal Government. / ...much of this was spent just buying things like anthrax and smallpox vaccine that are probably unnecessary, very expensive, would never be used and not buying personal protective equipment and things that should be used. There's about $200 million or $300 million a year designated for hospital preparedness in these funds but it doesn't get spent on the things we would normally consider it should be spent on. So, I think that if all the countries of the world got together because all their populations are so angry about what has happened, and said, "We don't want any more of this." And everybody can inspect everybody else's labs, we can all make sure that what you're doing is actually going to be pro-life instead of anti-life, we would be a lot better off."
"...as far as the anthrax attacks go, the person who was ultimately accused after he died, after he was driven to his death by the FBI was Bruce Ivins who was a friend of mine. And the FBI actually never had any proof that Ivins had done it, nor that the anthrax actually even came from the flask that they said it came from, that was in Ivins’ possession, but was available to over 100 other people. So when the National Academy of Sciences report came out a year after the FBI decided to close the case, and they did that because they knew they didn't want to deal with what was going to be in that report, the National Academy of Sciences group said, "We can't say where this anthrax came from." / So who was the perpetrator or what group was the perpetrator? And the United States Government did have stores of anthrax. It probably had a store that it had retained in 1975 after it had a hidden in
Becton Dickinson. After the biological weapons program was shut down, they selectively saved some toxins and bad things and put them in private hands. That's been documented in a congressional hearing. And I cited that in a congressional testimony I gave in 2001. / And we also had anthrax that had been made during a probably illegal program during the Clinton Administration. And certainly there could have been other anthrax made here or in other countries. And a cabal got it and used it to perpetrate the anthrax letters. So, it's easy to blame – I mean the FBI needed somebody to blame. Bruce Ivins was the third or fourth different person that they had decided to focus on because they kept losing their earlier people. They tried to set up a number of people to take the blame for that case. So I don't know about Wuhan, I tend to think that these big things are probably done by big organizations rather than individual lone nuts...."
"Good God!!!"! (Said Hastings to Hercule Poirot)... my head is spinning...: https://www.researchgate.net/post/Third_Sequence_COVID-19_AATGGTACTAAGAGG_HIV-1_isolate_1966324H9_from_Netherlands_envelope_glycoprotein_env_gene_sequence_ID_GU4555031 Added, as per Biol. Rubio's request: The Daszak attempt to darken the scene (mentioned by Nass at the start of her exposition):
https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)30418-9/fulltext, and its repeaters: https://www.genomeweb.com/letter-condemns-virus-conspiracy-theories (This appeared some weeks before the other political piece of crap, also mentioned by her, this one by young dupe Andersen et al. Nat. Med. 2020: (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-020-0820-9).
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Basically, we are living today at once, all the worst things that were done during the dark and perverted administration of earthly demons Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld, from a 9/11 (that they themselves DID with the help of Mossad) in slow motion and in steroids, to the 2008 financial crisis..., their aim is to gain control of every living human being on earth, using the necessary tactics to scare as many humans as they can, by using a completely sold-out to the devil mainstream media, as we read within the pages of one of their many footprints, their awful PNAC membership document:
Taken | Jun 27, 2020, 7:23 PM |
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On 9/11, real Airplanes do not perforate both sides of an Iron structure, but nano-nuclear explosives do...., plus special effects of sound and imaging input on the videos to make the pre planted explosive charges look like "planes": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_ssENU8OAw (In this movie, the aspects that I investigated in due time appear in minutes 2:06:22 to 2:17:44, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21743816/, Figs. 2 and 4, always seeking the truth to be known, NOT at all a personal recognition): so, exposing the lie from 2001 help us understand the current lie of 2020, interlaced with real tragedy...
Taken | Jun 28, 2020, 9:40 PM |
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Two Big Excerpts:
June 7, 2020
Mr. President,
In recent months we have been witnessing the formation of two opposing sides that I would call Biblical: the children of light and the children of darkness. The children of light constitute the most conspicuous part of humanity, while the children of darkness represent an absolute minority. And yet the former are the object of a sort of discrimination which places them in a situation of moral inferiority with respect to their adversaries, who often hold strategic positions in government, in politics, in the economy and in the media. In an apparently inexplicable way, the good are held hostage by the wicked and by those who help them either out of self-interest or fearfulness.
These two sides, which have a Biblical nature, follow the clear separation between the offspring of the Woman and the offspring of the Serpent. On the one hand, there are those who, although they have a thousand defects and weaknesses, are motivated by the desire to do good, to be honest, to raise a family, to engage in work, to give prosperity to their homeland, to help the needy, and, in obedience to the Law of God, to merit the Kingdom of Heaven. On the other hand, there are those who serve themselves, who do not hold any moral principles, who want to demolish the family and the nation, exploit workers to make themselves unduly wealthy, foment internal divisions and wars, and accumulate power and money: for them the fallacious illusion of temporal well-being will one day – if they do not repent – yield to the terrible fate that awaits them, far from God, in eternal damnation.
We will also discover that the riots in these days were provoked by those who, seeing that the virus is inevitably fading and that the social alarm of the pandemic is waning, necessarily have had to provoke civil disturbances, because they would be followed by repression which, although legitimate, could be condemned as an unjustified aggression against the population. The same thing is also happening in Europe, in perfect synchrony. It is quite clear that the use of street protests is instrumental to the purposes of those who would like to see someone elected in the upcoming presidential elections who embodies the goals of the deep state and who expresses those goals faithfully and with conviction. It will not be surprising if, in a few months, we learn once again that hidden behind these acts of vandalism and violence there are those who hope to profit from the dissolution of the social order so as to build a world without freedom: Solve et Coagula, as the Masonic adage teaches.
Although it may seem disconcerting, the opposing alignments I have described are also found in religious circles. There are faithful Shepherds who care for the flock of Christ, but there are also mercenary infidels who seek to scatter the flock and hand the sheep over to be devoured by ravenous wolves. It is not surprising that these mercenaries are allies of the children of darkness and hate the children of light: just as there is a deep state, there is also a deep church that betrays its duties and forswears its proper commitments before God. Thus the Invisible Enemy, whom good rulers fight against in public affairs, is also fought against by good shepherds in the ecclesiastical sphere. It is a spiritual battle, which I spoke about in my recent Appeal which was published on May 8.In society, Mr. President, these two opposing realities co-exist as eternal enemies, just as God and Satan are eternal enemies. And it appears that the children of darkness – whom we may easily identify with the deep state which you wisely oppose and which is fiercely waging war against you in these days – have decided to show their cards, so to speak, by now revealing their plans. They seem to be so certain of already having everything under control that they have laid aside that circumspection that until now had at least partially concealed their true intentions. The investigations already under way will reveal the true responsibility of those who managed the COVID emergency not only in the area of health care but also in politics, the economy, and the media. We will probably find that in this colossal operation of social engineering there are people who have decided the fate of humanity, arrogating to themselves the right to act against the will of citizens and their representatives in the governments of nations.
For the first time, the United States has in you a President who courageously defends the right to life, who is not ashamed to denounce the persecution of Christians throughout the world, who speaks of Jesus Christ and the right of citizens to freedom of worship. Your participation in the March for Life, and more recently your proclamation of the month of April as National Child Abuse Prevention Month, are actions that confirm which side you wish to fight on. And I dare to believe that both of us are on the same side in this battle, albeit with different weapons.
For this reason, I believe that the attack to which you were subjected after your visit to the National Shrine of Saint John Paul II is part of the orchestrated media narrative which seeks not to fight racism and bring social order, but to aggravate dispositions; not to bring justice, but to legitimize violence and crime; not to serve the truth, but to favor one political faction. And it is disconcerting that there are Bishops – such as those whom I recently denounced – who, by their words, prove that they are aligned on the opposing side. They are subservient to the deep state, to globalism, to aligned thought, to the New World Order which they invoke ever more frequently in the name of a universal brotherhood which has nothing Christian about it, but which evokes the Masonic ideals of those who want to dominate the world by driving God out of the courts, out of schools, out of families, and perhaps even out of churches.
The American people are mature and have now understood how much the mainstream media does not want to spread the truth but seeks to silence and distort it, spreading the lie that is useful for the purposes of their masters. However, it is important that the good – who are the majority – wake up from their sluggishness and do not accept being deceived by a minority of dishonest people with unavowable purposes. It is necessary that the good, the children of light, come together and make their voices heard. What more effective way is there to do this, Mr. President, than by prayer, asking the Lord to protect you, the United States, and all of humanity from this enormous attack of the Enemy? Before the power of prayer, the deceptions of the children of darkness will collapse, their plots will be revealed, their betrayal will be shown, their frightening power will end in nothing, brought to light and exposed for what it is: an infernal deception.
Mr. President, my prayer is constantly turned to the beloved American nation, where I had the privilege and honor of being sent by Pope Benedict XVI as Apostolic Nuncio. In this dramatic and decisive hour for all of humanity, I am praying for you and also for all those who are at your side in the government of the United States. I trust that the American people are united with me and you in prayer to Almighty God.
United against the Invisible Enemy of all humanity, I bless you and the First Lady, the beloved American nation, and all men and women of good will.
+ Carlo Maria Viganò
Titular Archbishop of Ulpiana
Former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America."
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My letter to my old Acquaintance, as posted today at ResearchGate: "To the current director of the NIH: As a Postdoctoral of Molecular Biology, my focus has been on analyzing the sequence of the current COVID-19, it is so alarming the finding of artificiality within it, that I have written to Francis S. Collins, entitled “A Vital Letter For The Preservation Of Humanity As We Know It”:
Dr. Collins,
As I have had the blessed confidence to write to a brother in Christ since day one, I am sending you this important message.
With my best regards,
Fernando Castro-Chavez, PhD.
I could not fit in the Letter this vital link that independently exposes the hoax imposed on humanity 19 years ago, let us do all we can to prevent this time to happen the same but in a wider scale (Most specially the roots, that are the last three chapters: 6, 7 and 8, for you that like music... good beats but disturbing lyrics): https://lbry.tv/@fdocc:b/AceBakerFinalVersionPart1:4, https://lbry.tv/@fdocc:b/AceBakerFinalVersionPart2:4
A Letter to Dr. Francis S. Collins,
Sir, Prompted by this article: Jun 25, 2020 – Health: The NIH claims joint ownership of Moderna's coronavirus vaccine: https://www.axios.com/moderna-nih-coronavirus-vaccine-ownership-agreements-22051c42-2dee-4b19-938d-099afd71f6a0.html (https://archive.vn/TArE3), I write to you, saying that we had a deep respect for you (my sister, my girl companion and my peers). The first letter I wrote to you was about Creation, in 2000, just having arrived from my country, and I wrote it in a bad English still, willing to live the American dream!!! Then, we saw you in person, and introduced ourselves, when you went to the BMC to give a speech about the Human Genome Project, I remember that you said something like: "Mendel is also there, in this slide, right there at the corner..."; then I wrote about our dreams to pursue, not only these Postdoctoral couple of jobs in Medicine, but also an MD Career, we two starting again from the scratch. Dreaming to be truthful and to really help humanity... However, now, I dedicate to you my current findings, humble, but nonetheless, they are still findings:
1) "COVID-19: AATGGTACTAAGAGG (NGTKR) = HIV-1 isolate 19663.24H9 from Netherlands envelope glycoprotein (env) gene (GU455503)". Finding also done by:
2) Shi Zheng-Li, from the WIV at Wuhan and co-author of Ralph Baric, and she distinctively calls it an "INSERTION" (she puts it as: GTNGTKR, GGGACCAATGGTACTAAGAGG, adding other two more, but skipping the key one: The Furin Site!), whose putative function is immunosuppressant, as she says that those INSERTIONS have: "sialic-acid-binding activity", at: Zhou, P., plus 27 et als & Zheng-Li Shi. A pneumonia outbreak associated with a new coronavirus of probable bat origin. Nature 2020:579:270-73, & 16pp: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2012-7.pdf; a third group that found these unique INSERTS is that of:
3) Sørensen (identical to the previous one: GTNGTKR, but also studying, to leave no doubts, its functional span by performing 6 by 6 NT iterations containing our sequence of interest (and of many others), such as: VSGTNG, SGTNGT, TNGTKR, NGTKRF, etc.), who says in an interview, as he found many more INSERTS (saved at: https://archive.vn/7TPTc): "The INSERTED sequences have a functionality that we describe. We explain why they are essential: ...accumulated charge from inserts and salt bridges are in surface positions capable of binding with cell membrane components other than the ACE2 receptor." This statement is very important and indicates that if we realize that this virus is NOT natural we could be and have been better prepared since the start to fight against it in a more logical, rational and prepared way, which did not happen. The artificiality of the virus also makes it unsuitable for vaccination, instead of the opposite, because that is the way the human tampering of nature works, the attempted purpose of its design is to do one thing, and it happens to result just the opposite thing than what was wanted: "...the naked coronavirus spike protein as a concept for the basis of a vaccine, which we have rejected because of high risk of contamination with human-like epitopes. Analysis of the Spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 shows 78.4% similarity with human-like (HL) epitopes..." and "... A search so tailored to match against all human known proteins will give a 78.4% human similarity to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein, i.e if all epitopes on the 1255 amino acid long SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein can be used by antibodies then there will be 983 antibody binding sites which also could bind to epitopes on human proteins..." The original article delving in all of those technicisms is: Sørensen, B., Susrud, A. and Dalgleish, A.G. Biovacc-19: A Candidate Vaccine for Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) Developed from Analysis of its General Method of Action for Infectivity. QRB Discovery (by Cambridge University Press) 2020:17 pp [Accepted Manuscript]: https://doi.org/10.1017/qrd.2020.8, so, this important article clearly indicates that if we do NOT realize the real origin and the real nature of this virus, we will continue deceived as per its treatment and its strategies of attack, and will be responsible for having on purpose dimmed the light of its artificial origin. Especially when we all are aware that the authors of "The Proximal…", Andersen et al. Nat. Med. 2020 article has been written by reefers that have ever been used for political purposes rather than scientific ones. So, apart as these three independent findings of that and many more related HIV sequences, we have another two sets of witnesses, totaling FIVE independent groups finding this: Mine, Zheng-Li's, and Sørensen's, but also:
4) Pradhan, from the Indian group that was forced to withdraw its article, who calls the contained sequence under consideration as the previous ones: "INSERT 1": TNGTKR, elongating the set of meaningful nucleotides as: TCTGGGACCAATGGTACTAAGAGG (SGTNGTKR): Pradhan, P. et al. Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag. Biorxiv 2020: 14 pp. (Withdrawn, 128 comments): https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.01.30.927871v1, they start describing their findings as follows: "We found four new insertions in the protein of 2019-nCoV- “GTNGTKR” (IS1)...", but this is not all, but also a fifth group, being this the one integrated by:
5) Perez and Montagnier (2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine, precisely for his discovery of the HIV virus), and they describe our found sequence within, together with a couple of tens more: TCTGGGACCAATGGTACTAAGAGGTTTGATAACCCTG (SGTNGTKRFDNP..., finding them in here, fragments of SIV joined to the HIV-1A that I found, and sown in point "1"), from these sequences found by them, they start and end their meaningful conclusions, coming from the wisest of men, as follows: "1) 18 RNA fragments of homology equal or more than 80% with human or simian retroviruses have been found in the COVID_19 genome; 2) These fragments are 18 to 30 nucleotides long and therefore have the potential to modify the gene expression of Covid19. We have named them external Informative Elements or EIE; 3) These EIE are not dispersed randomly, but are concentrated in a small part of the COVID_19 genome... ...everything converges towards possible laboratory manipulations which contributed to modifications of the genome of COVID_19, but also, very probably much older SARS, with perhaps this double objective of vaccine design and of "gain of function" in terms of penetration of this virus into the cell. This analysis, made in silico, is dedicated to the real authors of Coronavirus COVID_19. It belongs only to them to describe their own experiments and why it turned into a world disaster: 400 000 lives, more than those taken by the two atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We, the survivors, should take lessons from this serious alert for the future of humanity. We urge our colleagues scientists and medical doctors to respect ethical rules as expressed by Hippocrates oath: do not harm, never and never!"; an earlier manuscript of them can be found at: Perez, J.-C., and Montagnier, L. COVID-19, SARS and Bats Coronaviruses Genomes Unexpected Exogenous RNA Sequences. ResearchGate & OSF 2020:43 pp. [Older Manuscript]: https://osf.io/d9e5g/download/?format=pdf. I started my letter saying that I used to have respect for you. However, the standing taken as to ignore the real origins documented by these five research groups and by countless others, of the whole pre-planning of the current Pandemic by COVID-19, has made me to change my current opinion about you.
6) Arumugham also discusses such “Artificial selection at work… via recombination with HIV-1 derived inserts and selecting the viruses for efficient human kidney cell infection”, and my comment is again that to notice this artificial origin of COVID-19 is very important to do the proper treatment to patients, and to prevent another thing like this from emerging out of a Gain of Function “research”: Arumugham, V. Root cause of COVID-19? Biotechnology’s dirty secret: Contamination. Bioinformatics evidence demonstrates that SARS-CoV-2 was created in a laboratory, unlikely to be a bioweapon but most likely a result of sloppy experiments. Zenodo 2020:9 pp. (Manuscript saved at: https://archive.vn/N79Ci): https://zenodo.org/record/3766463#.Xuu9RTpKjIW
My experience on finding human artifacts on genomes dates back to the EcoRI palindromic linker that is contaminating thousands of sequences in the Genbank: Castro-Chavez, F. Escaping the cut by restriction enzymes through single-strand self-annealing of host-edited 12-bp and longer synthetic palindromes. DNA Cell Biol. 2012, 31(2):151-63: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3272245/
The freedoms of the whole humanity are at stake and the good God The Creator that you deeply respect, has put you in a key position as to be able to revert as soon as possible the current decline of the human values, and of the human nature in general, and this all because of a deliberate release of the current Sars-CoV-2. 9/11 was the first False Flag Operation aimed at stealing as much freedoms as possible from the human race, and the Fake Anthrax Attack of 2001 had the same purpose, releasing a pre-planned and very anti-patriotic document called the "Patriot" Act, which also included an immunity clause preventing the Pharmaceutical Industry of even more liabilities, but it was contested by the population, and it was removed. So, I wish to stop the GoF initiatives. Here we are today, contesting the "official" narrative of the current Plandemic as we did in the past with the “official” narratives of 9/11 when we discovered nano-bombs and fake planes injected into the TV screens. I expect to publish this letter on the open after you have read it. Only history will tell if TRUTH was able to win on this time over darkness, or if the criminals will get away once more... With my same thinking as at the beginning of the current letter (but praying that this could very soon change),
Fernando Castro-Chavez, PhD.
P. S.
My ongoing work can be found at the ResearchGate, while many pieces of it have been removed from the Facebook and from the YouTube by some heartless and brainless censors appointed by the WHO and by their owner, Bill Gates, apparently the mastermind chosen by the globalists to pull this event of an artificially manufactured viral harm for the whole of humanity. But as Mordechai told to Esther: "If you do nothing about it, God will raise somebody else to redeem us of this plague, because our clamors for freedom and for justice have already reached the Heavens". Jesus said that it will not be so easy for the believers to overcome evil in the current times, but that it could be possible. As Christian believers, we believe that as long as we continue over the earth, the total fruition of the plans of darkness can NOT prosper, and you may be a key member of the Body of Christ in order to fulfill such restraining against the forces of evil of this world. Thus far, the next are some of the sequences that seem to be inserts (some of them seem to have been started to be tampered since the RaTG13 "experiment" of Shi Zheng-Li, a genome she had since 2013 but that she did not publish until 2020 after the first Sars-CoV-2 had been published in China, genome that of the RaTG13 (previously published in part twice with different names that included the number 4991, which is dishonesty in science to change the names of the sequences, and that is what Shi just did!) which has been used, ironically, even with all its methodological anomalies to, precisely attempt to undermine the artificiality of the inserts, even two sequences published earlier by the Military of China seem to have been already tampered to make them more infectious, this is what happens when you only have the sequences provided by them with nobody else corroborating their authenticity), so, I may use the "probable" inserts clause, mostly from HIV-1, some few from HIV-2 and one from SIV (as explained by Perez & Montagnier, 2020). So, the number of artificial sequences is growing as research progresses, that is why, when people tries to discredit some of these from being artificially made, the burden is over them to explain how all of them got INSERTED into one same viral genome, which may have required a same animal cell with multiple different viruses and even bacteria exchanging only the specific required portions and no more, which is something naturally implausible but completely possible within a lab setting (then I add here the list from my previous posting in response to Jennifer Clarkson, adding that there, (most of those sequences are concatenated sequences)."
I have also added here my last comparison of the sequences found in Nsp3 by A. V., highly specific both to COVID-19 and to HIV-1.
The link by hero Robert F. Kennedy Jr. denouncing the big conflict of interests in which the NIH is involved: https://www.instagram.com/p/CCAcwVkHCec
And this Fourth of July, I present here some of the current sounds of my dear nation: https://archive.vn/THJ2h, https://ourrescue.org/, https://qmap.pub (saved at, as per today: https://archive.vn/Us7O8)...": https://www.researchgate.net/post/Third_Sequence_COVID-19_AATGGTACTAAGAGG_HIV-1_isolate_1966324H9_from_Netherlands_envelope_glycoprotein_env_gene_sequence_ID_GU4555031
Taken | Jul 4, 2020, 7:07 PM |
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These are the great comments of our dear Nobel Prize of 2008 for discovering the AIDS virus HIV: "Our dear Luc Montagnier made the next comments to my last posting at the ResearchGate, and sent them to our common and talented acquaintance @[1265686482:2048:Jean-claude Perez]: "Sequence alignment show differences between RaTG13 (Sequence of 2020) and Covid 19. Analysis of the samples taken from the dead miners (my note: The six that got infected by a ferocious virus on 2013, very similar to COVID-19) should reveal whether or not they died from a RaTG13 manipulated into Covid-19." LM" " Regarding my last posting at the ResearchGate: "The most recent publications by two PhDs a virologist and a geneticist: Jonathan Latham, & Allison Wilson: "A Proposed Origin for SARS-CoV-2 and the COVID-19 Pandemic": https://www.independentsciencenews.org/commentaries/a-proposed-origin-for-sars-cov-2-and-the-covid-19-pandemic/?fbclid=IwAR22IfkFMlcTUbjefm3GENnmpVeHg29c9oMiCdwh8Ds18zcmdEqhvoJj894 and https://www.independentsciencenews.org/health/the-case-is-building-that-covid-19-had-a-lab-origin/, thanks to biol A.R.C.
Furthermore the full original MSc Thesis of the first 2013 COVID-19-likes is available there for download: https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/6981198/Analysis-of-Six-Patients-With-Unknown-Viruses.pdf
As they describe the 2013 symptoms of that COVID-19-like scenario (that Shi Zheng-Li has tried to keep on hidden with every single trick in her book: changing names of the strain, omitting that it was a virus then the cause, etc.): "a) dry cough, b) sputum, c) high fevers, especially shortly before death d) difficulty breathing, e) myalgia (sore limbs). Some patients had hiccoughs and headaches... Clinical work established that patients 1-4 had low blood oxygen “for sure it was ARDS” (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) and immune damage considered indicative of viral infection. Additionally, a tendency for thrombosis was noted in patients 2 and 4. Symptom severity and mortality were age-related... Treatment of the six patients included ventilation (patients 2-4), steroids (all patients), antivirals (all except patient 5), and blood thinners (patients 2 and 4). Antibiotics and antifungal medications were administered to counter what were considered secondary (but significant) co-infections... Judging by their clinical symptoms such as the CT scans, all the miner’s infections were primarily of the lungs... the hospitalised miners had very long-term bouts of disease characterised by a continuous high load of virus. In the cases of patients 3 and 4 their illnesses lasted over 4 months..." and most importantly, as per our HIV INSERTIONS (in the word used by Zheng-Li herself!!!): "Furthermore, according to the Master’s thesis, the immune systems of the miners were compromised and remained so even for those discharged"!!! Whoaaaa!!! And also: "Coronaviruses are well known to recombine at very high rates: 10% of all progeny in a cell can be recombinants" Now my question is: Can a coronavirus even pick up in a host a favorable sequence from bacteria????
Regarding multiple "passages" within the lungs of these miners, this is what they say: "...movement around the lungs would likely have resulted in what amounted to a passaging effect without the need for a researcher to infect new tissues. Indeed, in the Master’s thesis the observation is several times made that areas of the lungs of a specific patient would appear to heal even while other parts of the lungs would become infected." Just like today!!!
This is their straightforward conclusion: "We suggest, first, that inside the miners RaTG13 (or a very similar virus) evolved into SARS-CoV-2, an unusually pathogenic coronavirus highly adapted to humans. Second, that the Shi lab used medical samples taken from the miners and sent to them by Kunming University Hospital for their research. It was this human-adapted virus, now known as SARS-CoV-2, that escaped from the WIV in 2019. / We refer to this COVID-19 origin hypothesis as the Mojiang Miners Passage (MMP) hypothesis."
Plus the classic statement by, RIP, Mullis, about the uselessness of PCR for estimating viral load: "With regard to the viral-load tests, which attempt to use PCR for counting viruses, Mullis has stated: “Quantitative PCR is an oxymoron.” PCR is intended to identify substances qualitatively, but by its very nature is unsuited for estimating numbers. Although there is a common misimpression that the viral-load tests actually count the number of viruses in the blood, these tests cannot detect free, infectious viruses at all; they can only detect proteins that are believed, in some cases wrongly, to be unique to HIV. The tests can detect genetic sequences of viruses, but not viruses themselves." From: Lauritsen J. Has Provincetown Become Protease Town? [Internet]. Available from: http://www.virusmyth.com/aids/hiv/jlprotease.html
Here is the preprint also mentioned in that article of the Preprint of Segreto and now Deigin!!!!:
Preprint Is considering a genetic-manipulation origin for SARS-CoV-2 ...
Finally this is the link, posted elsewhere, that was removed from ResearchGate, just because it insinuated an ill-hearted trend in those researchers, that like Zheng-Li, were deliberately twisting the evidence to fit their preconceived cover-up ideas!, while Petrovsky was straight as a man since the beginning!!! Kudos to him, and shame on the rest that twist, hide (through the Gis-NO-aid), or even "doctor" the evidence, like Shi and Holmes; so if speaking the truth gets me banned from here, feel free to seek my results of these inquires in the next root page as well, hoping there to find more peace than in FB, YT, RG, etc.: https://fdocc.neocities.org/Petrovsky--Holmes.htm
A clear-cut criticism to "cover-upper" Holmes is even raised in the main article at the top of this message, as follows:
"At first glance RaTG13 is unlikely to have evolved into SARS-CoV-2 since RaTG13 is approximately 1,200 nucleotides (3.8%) different from SARS-CoV-2. Although RaTG13 is the most closely related virus to SARS-CoV-2, this sequence difference still represents a considerable gap. In a media statement evolutionary virologist Edward Holmes has suggested this gap represents 20-50 years of evolution and others have suggested similar figures. / We agree that ordinary rates of evolution would not allow RaTG13 to evolve into SARS-CoV-2 but we also believe that conditions inside the lungs of the miners were far from ordinary."
Will Holmes cry again like a little girl to have that information also removed????"
Taken | Jul 17, 2020, 12:05 AM |
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My posting of today at the Research Gate: "By Sørensen, Dalgleish & Susrud: The Evidence which Suggests that This Is No Naturally Evolved Virus: A Reconstructed Historical Aetiology of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike https://www.minervanett.no/files/2020/07/13/TheEvidenceNoNaturalEvol.pdf, this is their second amazing article on the subject. Hopefully somebody really important and not only us insignificant researchers could do something about the restraint of the current deliberate madness of the satanic globalists that want a full control of the individual using COVID-19 as their pre-planned "pretext".
"The SARS-CoV-2 general mode of action is as a co-receptor dependent phagocyte"
"SARS-CoV-2 is possessed of dual action capability"
"simultaneously it is capable of binding to ACE2 receptors"
"the likelihood of this being the result of natural processes is very small"
"The spike has six inserts which are unique fingerprints with five salient features indicative of purposive manipulation."
"a diachronic dimension by analysing a sequence of four linked published research projects which, we suggest, show by deduction how, where, when and by whom the SARS-CoV-2 Spike acquired its special characteristics... the criteria of means, timing, agent and place..."
"Why does this matter?"
"...a salutary review of failed vaccine programmes... (while our proposal is) not included in the Nature review..."
"the eight methodologies reviewed in Nature are unlikely to prove immunogenic... especially RNA vectored models, may carry significant risk of Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE)... we have seen such a story before over thirty years in the failure of all three mainstream vaccine approaches to HIV, which we predicted but were disbelieved"
"the SARS-CoV-2 Spike ...is highly singular, possessed of features that we have not seen before and which are not present in other SARS viruses of that clade."
"inserts placed on the surface of the Spike receptor binding domain... That SARS-CoV-2 has charged inserts is not in dispute (Zhou (with the man suspect Zheng-Li Shi) et al., 2020)"
"the SARS-CoV-2 Spike carries significant additional charge (isoelectric point (pI) pI=8.2)"!!!, compared to human SARS-CoV-1 Spike "(pI = 5.67)"
"Basic domains - partly inserted, partly substituted amino acids and partly redistributed from outside the receptor binding domain - explain the salt bridges formed between the SARS-CoV-2 Spike and its co-receptors on the cell membrane"
"they suggested, therefore sustain an hypothesis of natural evolution (Andersen et al., 2020). We do not agree... in a forthcoming companion article to this one, about three other viruses of interest, we will discuss further"
"Andersen et al cite two authorities which actually say the reverse of what they say that they say... Wan et al say that the SARS-CoV-2 binding to the ACE2 receptor confirms the accuracy of the structural predictions... Wan et al contradicts Andersen et al's opinion that it is improbable that the virus could have emerged through laboratory manipulation"
"Sheahan et al go on to explain that by in vitro evolution of the chimeric virus icSZ16-S on human airway epithelial (HAE) cells in the lab, they have been able to produce two new viruses binding to such HAE cells. Therefore this reference supports the very opposite of the Andersen et al hypothesis. We are immediately wary of any paper containing such egregious errors"
"make natural evolution a less likely explanation than purposive manipulation, specifically for Gain of Function"
"a designed mutated strain (initially) lacking the furin cleavage site residues was used"
"there are 6 inserts which make the SARS-CoV-2 Spike structurally special"
"and there are five salient features that strengthen the case for purposive manipulation in the laboratory":
1. A major part of the spike protein has human-like domains with matured transmission adaption... 78.4% of 6 amino acid windows are human like...a built-in stealth property... remarkably well-adapted virus for human co-existence"!!!
"Such high human similarity also implies a high risk for the ("vaccine") development of severe adverse events/toxicity and even Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE)"
"surprisingly, this characteristic is present from the very first isolate (Zhan et al, 2020). This is something that does not sit well with an hypothesis of natural evolution"
"2. The Spike displays new amino acid inserts with condensed cumulative charge, all of which are surface exposed"
"Being physically located on the surface of the Spike protein greatly increases the infectivity and pathogenicity of the virus, enabling these inserts to participate in binding to co-receptors/negatively charged... even...to the negatively charged phospholipid heads on the cell membrane" With not even a need for a receptor!!!
"typically the objective of gain of function experiments... a strong indicator of manipulation"
"3. The concentration of positive charge is on the receptor binding domain near the receptor binding motif at the top of the Spike protein... explained by an hypothesis of purposive manipulation"
"of the Spike trimer, the majority of the positive charged amino acids are located near or on the top of the spike protein giving the receptor binding domain a pI=8.906, while the Cov-2 specific Cys538-Cys590 bridge brings in additional charge from 526-560 (with even higher pI=10.03) via the Cys391-Cys525 to positions right next to the receptor binding motif (where the ACE2 receptor is located)... this ...facilitates the dual mode capability, allowing binding to ACE2 and/or to co-receptors/attachments receptors... such ACE2 independent attachment and infectivity is happening and is evidenced clinically by the Covid-19 disease pattern... also reported by Zhou et al" (since "2018")!!!
Other "receptors ...most likely to be involved are CLEC4M/DC-SIGN (CD209)"
"charged amino acids belong to the hydrophilic group of amino acids and are most likely surface exposed"
"4. The Spike is so configured that it can bind to cell tissue without use of the ACE2 receptor... Covid-19 ...compromises the functions of olfaction and bitter/sweet (taste) receptors, erythrocytes, t-cells, neurons and various tissues such as intestine epithelia", etc.
"5. Location and concentration of charge on the attachment receptor CLEC4M/DC-SIGN (C-type Lectin domain family 4 member M (CLEC4M)/ Dendritic Cell-Specific Intercellular adhesion molecule-3-Grabbing Non-integrin(DC-SIGNR) also known as CD209) (Marzi et al., 2004)... the CLEC4M attachment receptor shows an overall pI=5.23 where the C-type lectin tail 274-390 has a pI=4.4. However, due to the two disulfide bonds Cys296-Cys389 and Cys368-Cys381 the C-terminal part of the tail is pulled back to a domain around position 296. This condensed negatively charged domain is ready for formation of salt-bridges with similar condensed opposite charged amino acids structures on the S1 RBD of SARS-CoV-2... these capabilities were developed between 2008 - 2015... a trial to demonstrate a newly discovered attachment/co-receptor by field testing and verification"!!!!!, this gets harder to reason for normal, not CCP pawns of China, as it may indicate that the six miners of the MMP study were humans used deliberately as guinea-pigs for the "greater good" of spreading communism world-wide, the ultimate "goal" of the WHO, Gates, Fauci, NIAID, Eco"Hell", etc...
"the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) team had discovered the functionalities of CLEC4M/DC-SIGN/CD209 receptors in the new SADS-CoV isolate and the fact that it could bind to positive charge (Ref: https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q9NNX6 (CD209) and https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q9H2X3)... they wanted to do a field test of the described functionalities, the best conditions for doing so would be in connection with an ongoing viral infection"!!!
"...there are 2 charged domains on SADS that are likely to contribute to attachment receptor binding located in domains 330-360 and 540-560 respectively. Recollect that we have identified a similar highly charged structure on SARS-CoV-2 within the edge of the RBD domain (526-560) with pI=10.03 which is brought right into the core of the RBD (to approximately position 400) by Cys-Cys bridging of the domain (538-590)... similar to that which can be observed for SADS. This new Cys-Cys property inserted into the SARS-CoV-2 Spike does not exist in SARS-CoV... not... by ""natural" evolution""!!!!!!!
"we now add here a forensic analysis"!!!!
Then, about the Piece O.S that the CCP indeed is, as it is acknowledged by everybody, except by its partners in crime (such as the criminal Gates that even supports and protects them!!!, or the cover-upers of the CCP, the prostituted WHO, NIH, CDC, FDA, FAO, etc...) they say: "...international access has not been allowed to the relevant laboratories or materials, since Chinese scientists who wished to share their knowledge have not been able to do so and indeed since it appears that preserved virus material and related information have been destroyed, we are compelled to apply deduction... the evidence below attains a high level of confidence":
"1. In 2008, Dr Shi ...linked gain-of-function projects which lead to SARS-CoV-2's exact functionalities... discovered via SADS ...field-tested..."
"Ren et al (2008, including Shi) ...successfully demonstrated technical capabilities to interchange RBD’s between bat SARS-like and human SARS viruses (they state): “... a minimal insert region (amino acids 310 to 518) was found to be sufficient to convert the SL-CoV S from non-ACE2 binding to human ACE2 binding"
"2. In 2010 scientists from the 'Special Viruses' section of the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) were engaged in 'gain of function' experiments, jointly with international collaborators, to increase SARS-CoV infectiousness for humans."
Note: So, their research is in the good company of the Nobel Price of 2008, Luc Montagnier, for discovering the HIV (defeating in the process to one of the most corrupt individuals, as his repugnant pal, director of NIAID for some 30 years is today), whose key clip is also added here, for the history of this awful, pre-planed situation, to look in retrospect, once this one is completely defeated at its roots!!! But the fight continues as follows:
"They used an HIV pseudo virus to express seven bat ACE2 receptors and compared their binding properties to human ACE2 receptors in order to pick the best for further optimizing a SARS-like coronavirus’s ability to bind to human cells. They also found that some bat ACE2 receptors are very close to human ACE2 receptors. This study provided a model system for testing the most infectious of SARS-CoV-like viruses which already had been selected in a vast survey of Chinese bat populations between 2005 – 2013 (Xu L et al., 2016)... Further new viruses were identified between 2012-2015 (Lin et al., 2017)."
And the next one is a "classic" of infamy:
"3. In 2015 scientists from the 'Special Viruses' section of the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) were engaged in 'gain of function' experiments jointly with a majority team from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill... a mouse adapted chimeric virus SHC014-MA15 which binds to and can proliferate on human upper airway cells (2B4 Calu-3 - a cell line contributed by Chapel Hill):"
"...and achieve in vitro titers equivalent to epidemic strains of SARS-CoV", say there the cynical Baric and Zheng-Li.
"...it is a high priority in further investigations to ascertain precisely from Chapel Hill lab records the exact donor provenance of 2B4 Calu-3. The lead Wuhan scientist, who provided the CoV material, was Dr Zheng-Li Shi ("provided SHC014 spike sequences and plasmids"). We note that what is described here are, in fact, precisely SARS-CoV-2 properties."
"Menachery et al reported that it may be hard to develop a vaccine against SHC014-MA15"
"the 2015 experiment advanced the 2010 work by perfecting in animal trials a virus optimised to infect the human upper respiratory tract"
"a surprising observation is that the paper states that this research consortium has permission to continue this research. It appears that optimisation gain of function work on this chimeric virus did continue... (both with Baric and) ...in the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV)".
"4. In 2018, as discussed earlier, Dr Shi's close colleague Peng Zhou, with others, investigated a coronavirus outbreak associated with a fatal Swine Acute Diarrhoea Syndrome (SADS) in Guangdong... 25,000 piglets died... SADS is a CoV infection utilising new tissue-specific binding domains... Pigs ...have immune systems very similar to humans."
"in the Covid-19 pandemic, a well-reported symptom in the early phase of the infection is loss of taste, headache and a sore throat": "Over the past several years, taste receptors have emerged as key players in the regulation of innate immune defenses in the mammalian respiratory tract. Several cell types in the airway, including ciliated epithelial cells, solitary chemosensory cells, and bronchial smooth muscle cells, all display chemoresponsive properties that utilize taste receptors." (Workman et al., 2015)".
So, "the reconstructed historical aetiology of the Spike (is) as follows:"
"1) In 2008, Dr Zheng-Li Si and WIV colleagues successfully demonstrated technical capabilities to interchange RBD’s between bat SARS-like and human SARS viruses. Building upon this, 2) the 2010 work (Hou et al., 2010) perfected the ability to express receptors on human cells. On these foundations, 3) (In 2015) the central Gain of Function work that underpins the functionalities of SARS-CoV-2 took place, carrying the WIV spike and plasmid materials to bond successfully to a UNC Chapel Hill human epithelial cell-line. This work (Menachery et al., 2015) produced a highly infectious chimeric virus optimised to the human upper respiratory tract. In convergent support of this hypothesis, both Lu (Lu et al., 2020) and Jia (Jia et al., 2020) have now, in January and April 2020, shown that SARS-CoV-2 has a bat SARS-like backbone but is carrying an RBD from a human SARS and Zhan et al. (2020), have, like us, noted unusual adaption to humans from the first isolate. In the 2015 Chapel Hill work it was only ACE2 receptors that were discussed. However, 4) in 2018 Zhou P. et al., demonstrated capabilities to clone other receptors like APN and DPP4 and to test and compare these against the (intestine) tissue specific SADS-CoV identified. Then, in the 2019-20 Covid-19 pandemic, profuse symptoms indicating compromise of the bitter/sweet receptors are reported. Taken all together, this implies that by employing insights gained after 2015, as just deduced, a further optimization of the 2015 chimeric virus for additional binding to receptors/co-receptors such as bitter/sweet specific upper airway epithelia receptors occurred (in 2018). That would help to explain the otherwise puzzling high infectivity and pathology associated with SARS-CoV-2 and hence also help to explain the social epidemiology of its spread."
We have deduced the internal logic of published research which resulted in the exact functionalities of SARS-CoV-2..."
Additionally, in this wretched document: https://apps.who.int/gpmb/assets/annual_report/GPMB_annualreport_2019.pdf (saved at: https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://apps.who.int/gpmb/assets/annual_report/GPMB_annualreport_2019.pdf ), we have in plain sight the plan to take over humanity with the pretext of a "Pandemic", the globalists are already in their non-conventional "Third World War" against humanity and most of humans are still unawares. In the photos of that perverted double-talk document, we have the four main suspects of having organized this "Plandemic" aligned, in the photos of page 42: 1) The "Gates Foundation", 2) Fauci, king of NIAID for 30 years and five presidencies, 3) Gao, from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), 4) The corrupt and perverted WHO; the first and the third were deeply involved in the "Event 201" in complicity with the WEF and the Johns Hopkins. I think that all that we can do to revert the current trend of annihilation of the individual will be deeply helpful before it is to late."
Taken | Jul 22, 2020, 10:54 PM |
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I never send unrequested "funny" videos or photos of any sort with anybody, I never recommend either any pharmaceutical or "vaccine"; so, hackers do!!!, beware and discern in these perilous times those horrible impersonators that are taking even the "identities" of the "beloved" ones:
Taken | Jul 27, 2020, 9:47 AM |
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What I responded to the intelligent Dr. Pascal, one of the 15,577 researchers and MDs that have seen my ongoing research on the artificiality of the current and wretched calamity (his question as an image, in order to prevent the stupid "AI" robots by the obtuse maker of Windows and collaborators, to also maliciously remove this posting, use yourself every single strategy that occurs to you, that is inspired by God, to tackle and defeat the current "Plandemic" and to their "engineers"): "Dr. Pascal, Yes, it is very clear that there are inserts in the genome of Sars-CoV-2, cause of COVID-19, at least six independent groups have confirmed these HIV inserts, and the number keeps on growing daily, this is my current documentation of some 22 of them, but there are more. For you to be fully confident on this, you can see, both the advance that I have integrated about this: https://osf.io/ugpkj/?view_only=65022277577644869f605d0ee12e8ae5, also in here: https://tinyurl.com/Anticovidian2, as well as the work of Perez and Nobel Prize Montagnier, with whom we interacted to verify the results: https://www.granthaalayahpublication.org/journals/index.php/granthaalayah/article/view/IJRG20_B07_3568/691?fbclid=IwAR0evsIgntbVPA7okBeSz7BCRAk0kZrOWybJYowGDeuFlb2O1Y5Iz-sDHlk, you can do a verification of the longest of these inserts: ACTGTTGGTCAACAAGACGGCAGTGAGGACAATCAGACAACTACTATTCAAACAATTGTT, (in Nsp3, found by Arumugham) using: https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi?PAGE=Nucleotides, with my best regards to those doctors in the middle of this diabolical and preplanned Pandemic by the likes of WHO, CCP, Fauci, Gates, etc..., with my best, Fernando Castro-Chavez."
Taken | Aug 5, 2020, 2:55 PM |
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Un libro revolucionario de la medicina y nutrición: "La Dieta del ADN", por mi ex-alumno @[876355292:2048:Stefano Macedo Reyes]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIcTUB7Dxtw, https://www.amazon.es/Dieta-del-ADN-Aprende-Hackear-ebook/dp/B07ZPTF3PW (abreviado: https://bit.ly/LaDietadelADN), https://www.centrogenica.com/
Taken | Aug 5, 2020, 8:47 PM |
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I love this photo of our hard-working friends of the truth, as also is our friend @[100001604190174:2048:Kent Heckenlively] (who injects the humorous notes on it all!!!), here we can see the joyful professional relation of a mentor, Francis W. Ruscetti, PhD, and his outstanding disciple and research associate, Dr. Judy A. Mikovits, PhD. They are bent to publish on the next year the seminal book entitled: "Ending Plague", again with the prestigious, hard fact-checking "Simon & Schuster" brand, so, all that they may had to say about the corruption of Tony Fauci, of Francis S. Collins, of Harold Varmus and of many other Vermins (pun intended), such as Redfield and Birx, but also Gates and the WHO, in a blend of concoctions with the CCP... are absolutely real, solid and fully documented, and such precisely are the felons in charge of our response to the current pre-planned "Plandemic" that has all the planet at stake under the perverted interested of those few pests of humanity!!!: https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Ending-Plague/Francis-W-Ruscetti/Children-s-Health-Defense/9781510764682 This is what we read of the solid science of Ruscetti, a top-notch scientist, more praised by his human quality than any other self-serving glory-seeking scientist as is/was the very corrupt colleague of, and identical to, Fauci, Robert Gallo, disgraced on his own, by his corrupted being, just a reflection of all the other ones already mentioned, but here we read of an honorable one: "Francis W. Ruscetti, PhD has had a lifelong love affair with scientific discovery and participated in several seminal discoveries. In 1975, while a fellow at University of Pittsburgh, he discovered Interleukin-5. In 1978 at National Cancer Institute (NCI), Dr. Ruscetti's team discovered interleukin 2 (T-Cell Growth factor), for which they won a team award from the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer. In 1980, the team he directed at the NCI isolated the first known disease-causing human retrovirus, HTLV-1, opening the field of human retrovirology, which would rise to critical importance during the HIV-AIDS epidemic. During the 1980s, his team identified IL-15, an additional immune response regulator. In hematology, his team demonstrated that human cord blood cells proliferate continuously in vitro and TGF Beta functions as a bidirectional regulator of the hematopoietic stem cell. These discoveries have all been the basis for the development of useful therapeutics. / In 2013, the IL-2 manuscript was recognized by the American Association of Immunologists as the second most important paper published in their Journal in the past hundred years. Similarly, the HTLV-1 manuscript was cited as one of the thirty most important papers in the hundred years of the publication in Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. Dr. Ruscetti received the "Distinguished Service Award" from the National Institutes of Health. In order to develop new antiviral drugs, Ruscetti and Dr. Mikovits work on understanding the contribution of inflammatory pathways in disease, specifically how retroviruses dysregulate DNA methylation. In 2009, they identified a new family of retroviruses, the XMRVs from patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). After thirty-nine years at the National Cancer Institute, Dr. Ruscetti retired in 2014, with more than 325 publications. Since his retirement, he has been consulting with patients and their families, continuing his lifelong effort to understand the process of chronic disease development and develop therapeutic treatment strategies." So, his is solid science impossible to refute by the alluded said corrupted beings, and not even one of them has been really able, in a legal setting, to counter-claim the written statements of these three good luminaries of science!!! No matter how much the planners of the current pest try to silence them, that just increases the desire of the planet to know about the truth!!!
Taken | May 28, 2020, 7:25 PM |
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My current posting at the RG: "Engineered COVID-19... by Latham: https://archive.vn/NArOS
Depicts a grim reality, because if not stopped on time, the globalists behind this Pandemic are gladly realizing that the current hands-on criminals like Baric and Zheng-Li are getting away with designing and releasing COVID-19, they all now feel "empowered" to keep on breaking the laws and to keep on harming humanity, hence the medular importance to make it widely known that the current Sars-CoV-2 was originated in a lab and deliberately released to pursue an agenda of global control of human beings, of economies, of governments and even of religions, aiming at all of them being controlled by only one world government, that has been the sinister aim of the UN and of the WHO since the start... and now they are supported by the CCP, by Fauci and by Gates and company on that pursuit.
Ralph Baric is a very dishonest person, which makes him repugnant to all that is human, as in the recent past, he reported of having "found" in 2015 a killer virus to a TV station, when in reality he did not "found" it but "designed" it in the company of the main suspect of the release of the current Pandemic, CCP criminal: Shi Zheng-Li, who even brought from the WIV at Wuhan the killer Spike sequences previously tampered with by her, we read in that article "the lack of transparency represented by the sparse minutes and especially the redactions represent a violation of science’s social contract... The redaction of the researchers’ identities from IBC meeting minutes, in order to hide the activities of researchers and avoid accountability for accidents, fundamentally contradicts the core principles of the US oversight system and violates the commitments that science made"!!! So, yeah Baric is again at it, and their plan to keep on infecting humanity seems to be now based in more "accidental" releases with further cover-ups and layers of deception, just as this COVID-19 is, the good guys of the story are mostly Latham and Ebright, but also the others that are demanding the UNC to be transparent, Hammond, Racaniello and others. Ebright goes further: “There is no justification for UNC’s redaction of the names of the laboratory heads and the identities of pathogens. UNC’s redactions violate conditions UNC agreed to in exchange for NIH funding of UNC’s research and, if not corrected, should result in the termination of current NIH funding, and the loss of eligibility for future NIH funding, of UNC’s research.”
"SARS-CoV-2 could infect researchers, especially inexperienced researchers, with unpredictable and potentially quite dangerous results. The biggest risk is the creation and accidental release of a novel form of SARS-CoV-2 — a variant whose altered characteristics... continues Hammond: “Each additional lab that experiments with CoV-2 amplifies the risk”... They do not provide any details of the fate of the bitten researcher. Nor do they state, for example, whether the researcher developed an active infection, nor whether they developed symptoms, nor if they transmitted the recombinant virus to anyone else. Neither do they reveal what kind of recombinant virus was being used or the purpose of the experiment... "...involved a mouse-adapted SARS-CoV-2 strain used in the development of a mouse model system.” Ralph Baric... UNC media relations also told Independent Science News that: “The researcher did not develop any symptoms and no infection occurred as a result of the incident.” ...the UNC redacted the names of Principal Investigators (PIs) whose research required biosafety scrutiny, along with many of the experimental specifics... (“a full-length infectious clone” refers to a viable DNA copy of the coronavirus, which is ordinarily an RNA virus)... any one of eight sets of different experiments approved by the UNC Chapel Hill IBC in 2020 proposed infecting mice with live infectious and mutant SARS-CoV-2-like coronaviruses under BSL-3 conditions and therefore could have led to the accident ...Hammond. Using FOIA again he has further discovered that researchers at the University of Pittsburgh (whose identity is redacted) plan to make what Hammond calls Corona-thrax... Pittsburgh researchers intend put the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 (which allows the virus to gain entry into human cells) into Bacillus anthracis which is the causative agent of anthrax (U Pittsburgh Inst Biosafety Committee minutes June 2020)... the Institutional Biosafety Committee of the University of Pittsburgh... (did a) redacting the name of the laboratory from the minutes and also every name of the members of the committee which approved it... (so) who will take responsibility for risky coronavirus research?"
Make your comments there, I did mine, the previous of mine are:
"FOE had hoped to pursue litigation but could not find scientists willing to be expert witnesses. There were too many conflicts of interest. Scientists who strongly favored following the law were almost nonexistent. One of these was the late Marc Lappe, who was physically pushed against a wall by another scientists for questioning the refusal of scientists to accept regulation and follow the law regarding an EIS. / FOE”s president, Dave Brower, was himself besieged by “friends” to drop the lawsuit but refused. In our NY office Francine Simring established the Committee for Responsible Genetics, with globally notable credible scientists such as Erwin Chargaff and many others, urging a slow down in research and a commitment to preparing a comprehensive EIS, etc.
But it was an uphill battle and FOE was not able to raise enough money to continue the lawsuit." Lorna Salzman.
"The social contract that science is supposed to have had with society was dissolved long back." Vivek Cariappa.
Mine, awaiting "moderation" says:
"Dear Jonathan, I reported an artificial artifact in 2003 and was silently fired by my then PI from Hong Kong at the BCM of Houston, TX; then, 5 years later, back to the BCM I developed during 2-3 years a 3-D model of atherosclerosis and its attenuation and my methodology was stolen and reported first by a crooked team of Chinese, Korean and American men, from "The Methodist Hospital" and again from the BCM. To denounce 9/11 I needed to hide my results unseemly within my articles. Now, in reparation, we want to start for free, with a scholarship or with a grant, anywhere in this world, the career of MD or a related MSc in the company of my female study companion, but I found no support by anybody. So, we are in the mean time studying the NMAT to pay some $400.00 each just to have the right to do the test, and then (one of the cheap options that we have found, but we really, rather do it in the currently very beaten, but still the best place on earth, USA!!!), some more than $3,000.00 each per semester during eight semesters... So as Vivek and Lorna before me, we are talking about real life issues here that are going thus far into deaf ears. P.S. Here is my current effort done, as I am fighting for life against the current situation, to counter the deliberate release of COVID-19: 1) My peer-reviewed article that took four months of back and forths until accepted: https://globaljournals.org/GJSFR_Volume20/2-Anticovidian-v-2-COVID-19.pdf, 2) My ongoing discussion aimed at expert researchers: https://www.researchgate.net/post/Third_Sequence_COVID-19_AATGGTACTAAGAGG_HIV-1_isolate_1966324H9_from_Netherlands_envelope_glycoprotein_env_gene_sequence_ID_GU4555031 (reaching the 16,000 reads), and brief excerpts of my several interviews where I report the current plots of the heartless globalists (in Spanish): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvUjvukmJ-o, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0g0Z9AGO98, and one of the full episodes: https://www.facebook.com/KardagarCoaching/videos/713879892781432, already reaching the 59,000 viewers. Any advice, help or suggestion will be very well accepted (@@ my paper). For further personal contacting or to answer questions, I can gladly be reached. In Christ, Fernando Castro-Chavez, PhD, Postdoctoral at the BCM and at the NYMC."
Thanks to @[1549449314:2048:Lisa K Townsend] for the link." Posted at the: https://www.researchgate.net/post/Third_Sequence_COVID-19_AATGGTACTAAGAGG_HIV-1_isolate_1966324H9_from_Netherlands_envelope_glycoprotein_env_gene_sequence_ID_GU4555031
Taken | Aug 14, 2020, 10:19 AM |
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The truth keeps on advancing, kicking the rear of the Adversary hard, no matter how the forces of darkness attempt to suppress it: https://www.researchgate.net/post/Third_Sequence_COVID-19_AATGGTACTAAGAGG_HIV-1_isolate_1966324H9_from_Netherlands_envelope_glycoprotein_env_gene_sequence_ID_GU4555031
Taken | Aug 15, 2020, 4:20 AM |
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During the week, I was studying genetics with the One I want (wishing it to one day soon that to be reciprocal), and we discovered this amazing thing: The "Template" (for the mRNA) strand is the "Lagged" strand, also called the minus (-) strand or the feminine, discontinuous, strand: The "life giving one", as women are, as it is the one that produces all the mRNA!!! As God created the DNA and the RNA, He also has also hidden messages there and within all of His molecular designs!!! The sky through His constellations narrates His plan of Salvation, also the molecules and atoms within our bodies!!! The fingerprints of the Creation and of the Salvation from God to men!!!
Taken | Aug 16, 2020, 1:22 PM |
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My posting of today at that LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6702017889446215680, while teaming up during some 8 hs daily of NMAT, while the last daily is for exercise, I am open to every good option According to Our Great Good Wonderful God!!! Doing our best we can, While Granting the Defining Piece to God!!! (As in this only one word!, but having a lot of fun while doing it!!! (Hehee): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uihYHuvtfKA), Bye for now:
Taken | Aug 19, 2020, 10:01 PM |
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My posting of today at the RG: "Baofu Qiao & Monica Olvera de la Cruz made a great experiment entitled: "Enhanced Binding of SARS-CoV‑2 Spike Protein to Receptor by Distal Polybasic Cleavage Sites": Comment: https://archive.vn/Mzyhh and
https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/acsnano.0c04798 .
Here, they remove the NSPRRA and discover a reduction of binding affinity between COVID-19 and ACE2 of 36%, then they just replace the Rs with Es, to get a NSPEEA mutant, and this one was able to reduce its affinity bt 20%.
This is, as they put it, an additional evidence that such polibasic, positively charged and distant region from the RBD is unusual biologically, which for us means that has been INSERTED artificially as the other many fragments that keep on being discovered, on a daily basis, as shown above. Their own expressions are as follows:
"We didn't expect to see electrostatic interactions at 10 nanometers," Qiao said. "In physiological conditions, all electrostatic interactions no longer occur at distances longer than 1 nanometer."
Which is further evidence that the COVID-19 virus has been carefully designed in a laboratory to increase its damages in the vulnerable populations.
Furthermore they found a therapeutic alternative by producing a tetrapeptide that attaches to that PRRA polybasic site and inhibits its attachment to the target host cells, it is the GluGluLeuGlu or EELE, which means that by producing this short peptide and nebulizing it to COVID-19 patients, the resulting loads virus will be unable to keep on attacking the cells of the lungs.
Their work as presented in Spanish: https://archive.vn/udojB, translated into Spanish the words of Qiao are:
“No esperábamos ver interacciones electrostáticas a 10 nanómetros. En condiciones fisiológicas, todas las interacciones electrostáticas ya no ocurren a distancias superiores a 1 nanómetro”, refirió el profesor Baofu Qiao.
This study develops experimentally the previous theoretical observations done by the European team of:
Sørensen, B., Dagleish, A. and Susrud, A.The Evidence which Suggests that This Is No Naturally Evolved Virus. A Reconstructed Historical Aetiology of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike. Minervanett 2020:8 pp.: https://www.minervanett.no/files/2020/07/13/TheEvidenceNoNaturalEvol.pdf
Thanks to Alberto Rubio-Casillas for showing me the article of the successful Mexican-Asian team": https://www.researchgate.net/post/Third_Sequence_COVID-19_AATGGTACTAAGAGG_HIV-1_isolate_1966324H9_from_Netherlands_envelope_glycoprotein_env_gene_sequence_ID_GU4555031
Taken | Aug 22, 2020, 8:37 AM |
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Her channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOVus4q3qrOyKV_cxyfwfhw
Her own references to her very important: "Human 2.0"? A Wake-Up Call To The World:
https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2020/05/moderna-coronavirus-vaccine-how-it-works-cvd/ (https://archive.vn/G6dve)
https://www.bitchute.com/video/LDfqN0W8Iv8B/ (https://youtu.be/ywuCRVJVDqs)
Taken | Aug 22, 2020, 1:01 PM |
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Uno de los héroes originales de los Derechos Civiles en EE UU habla: https://youtu.be/1L7JuIEtL7A (the image for this video kept on coming blank over and over, so I just cropped a scene of it and put it here), como otros han hablado durante estos cuatro días. Estelita me pregunta:"Murió mucha gente en Estados Unidos de Covid según las noticias, por culpa de Trump... ¿Podemos confiar en El ?" Ésta es mi respuesta parcial: "El único realmente 100% confiable es Jesús, pero de las dos opciones que se tienen, Trump es el que se está oponiendo a los deseos globalistas que soltaron a la Pandemia con el propósito de una ganancia política internacional. Los mismos Medios Masivos corruptos que bloquean la difusión de la verdad del origen artificial del virus del COVID-19 (y del 9/11, etc.), son los que han estado criticando a Trump desde hace cuatro años por todo el mundo para desvirtuar su imagen, él fue el que decidió cerrar las llegadas de vuelos desde China a un tiempo temprano para evitar un aún mayor esparcimiento del virus en los EE UU, que es lo que los que Planearon esta pandemia querían, por lo tanto ellos ahora quieren negar que eso haya sido importante o bueno hace SEIS meses, simplemente con eso se comprueba que los que supuestamente checan los hechos están vendidos a los globalistas, aquí los mismos Chinos reconocen con quejas que Trump hizo eso tempranamente (y en ese entonces lo criticaban también falsamente de "racista" por cerrar las fronteras): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KJkgaK2NNA, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmXJcBIcuYg, más en https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Early+Closing+of+flights+from+China+to+the+USA. Se puede ver en la convención republicana que negros de calidad que se han querido superar son buenos líderes, y no como aquellos causando destrozos (BLM, Antifa, Black Bloc (esos ni Americanos son, son "porros" importados para causar caos), etc...) por ser directamente pagados por Soros y por los políticos Demócratas de carrera (también usando del dinero que Soros y que la campaña BLM les proporciona, y espero que muy pronto se detenga a los financiadores de esos desórdenes pre-planeados y fabricados contra los Estados Unidos). Recordemos que Trump es el único que ha sido anti-guerra hasta ahora, el único con valor para ir, arriesgando su vida a hablar con el loco de Corea del Norte para aplacarlo, y el único que fue a la ONU y al WEF a decirles sus verdades de que el globalismo va a ser aplastado por su gobierno, por eso los globalistas de Biden (político de carrera demócrata que vive del "sistema" como los Clinton, Pelosi, etc., porque hay otros demócratas a los que yo admiro porque NO se corrompen con los intereses ajenos de los globalistas como Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Vernon Jones, y otros pocos), y otras basuras globalistas reales a las que Trump se opone lo son Soros, Gates, la OMS (a la que él sabiamente ha dejado de financiar), Fauci, Redfield, Birx, Daszak, Baric, etc,, etc..."
Taken | Aug 27, 2020, 5:41 PM |
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My last posting at the RG: "One of the references for my article: Karl Sirotkin (former NIH Data expert):
Article https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7435492/,
with Dan Sirotkin, father and son, in an out-of-the-ordinary and thorough article (where they basically update their amazing blog posts), fully ignored, as well as most of the methodologies described there by the deceivers-that-be, called "Might SARS‐CoV‐2 Have Arisen via Serial Passage through an Animal Host or Cell Culture? A potential explanation for much of the novel coronavirus’ distinctive genome", published on the 12 of Aug., 2020, provide the details of how even cell passage, and not only a zoonotic event is sufficient for a deliberate design and release of Sars-CoV-2, excerpts of this informative article are (but before I want to say that here we have in Acknowledgements another whistleblower that works directly at the NIAID of Fauci (https://archive.vn/8JhJE), being that pesky Fauci one of the prime suspects on deliberately orchestrating this whole Plandemic in company of Gates, the CCP, WEF. J. Hopkins, CDC, and the WHO amongst several others):
"Without knowing the true nature of a disease, it is impossible for clinicians to appropriately shape their care, for policy‐makers to correctly gauge the nature and extent of the threat, and for the public to appropriately modify their behavior."
"...the dual‐use gain‐of‐function research practice of viral serial passage should be considered a viable route by which the novel coronavirus arose"
"...molecular clues raise further questions, all of which warrant full investigation into the novel coronavirus's origins and a re‐examination of the risks and rewards of dual‐use gain‐of‐function research."
"SARS‐CoV‐2 ...has been reported that “the virus acts like no microbe humanity has ever seen.”"
"The long‐standing practice of serial passage is a form of gain‐of‐function research that forces zoonosis between species, and requires the same molecular adaptations necessary for a natural zoonotic jump to occur within a laboratory, leaving the same genetic signatures behind as a natural jump but occurring in a much shorter period of time."
"...every highly pathogenic avian influenza virus, defined by having a furin cleavage site, has either been found on commercial poultry farms that create the pseudo‐natural conditions necessary for serial passage, or created in laboratories with gain‐of‐function serial passage experiments...they only emerge under artificial conditions in influenza viruses..."
"...SARS‐CoV‐2 is the only lineage B coronavirus found with one, and the only other coronaviruses known to have them are only at most 60% identical to this novel coronavirus."
"...It is possible that this novel coronavirus gained its furin cleavage site through recombination in an intermediate host species, however there are also two laboratory processes that may have imbued SARS‐CoV‐2 with its furin cleavage site..."
"...serial passage through a live animal host simply forces the same molecular processes that occur in nature to happen during a zoonotic jump, and in vitro passage through cell culture mimics many elements of this process—and neither necessarily leaves any distinguishing genetic traces..."
"The dual‐use gain‐of‐function research tool of serial passage was first applied to a strain of H1N1 Swine Flu, a variant of the pandemic influenza virus that was genetically modified before it either leaked out of a Soviet lab or was introduced as part of an attenuated vaccine trial in 1977."
"Then in 1979, just 2 years after the introduction of this modified H1N1 Swine Flu, a different Soviet lab leaked weaponized anthrax... Soviet authorities convincingly blamed the deaths on contaminated local meat...was not revealed to be a fabrication until 1992, when an analysis of dispersion patterns revealed that the victims were not those working with the supposedly contaminated meat, but instead all lived downwind from the Sverdlovsk weapons lab..."
"The Soviet strain of serially passaged H1N1 Swine Flu was likely being developed as part of a vaccine program, one of the humane goals of gain‐of‐function research that exist alongside riskier and more troublesome ones like developing bioweapons... ignited the debate between the risks and rewards of dual‐use gain‐of‐function research—causing it to became the poster virus for the dangers this protocol posed."
"...two separate teams used genetic manipulation followed by serial passage between ferrets to create mammal‐transmissible H5N1 Bird Flu strains of influenza virus in 2011 (which contributed to the NIH imposing a moratorium on dual‐use gain‐of‐function research from 2014 until 2017) that had the gain‐of‐function of being transmissible by aerosol. The first team was led by Dr. Ron Fouchier and conducted at the Erasmus Medical Center in the Netherlands..."
"...Yoshihiro Kawaoka of the Universities of Tokyo and Wisconsin used genetic engineering to combine genes from the H1N1 Swine Flu as well as the H5N1 Bird Flu", producing artificially: "a chimeric virus that was then serially passed through ferrets, creating another airborne virus with potentially pandemic properties"!!!
Both, Fouchier and Kawaoka produced "...a modified genome that appeared to be the result of natural, albeit accelerated, selection..." (This of course was deliberately ignored by the reefer authors of "The Proximal origin..."), and "were viewed by many as being sufficiently dangerous that they should not be published... however they were both eventually released with certain methodological and sequence details left out"
"In the years that followed, gain‐of‐function serial passage through ferrets was used to increase the virulence of the H7N1 Bird Flu as well as allowing for its aerosol transmission without first introducing any mutations."
"...the H1N1 Bird Flu was also found to become airborne and increase in virulence after in vivo passage through swine..."
"...highly pathogenic influenza viruses all contain furin cleavage sites... which only emerge after serial passage in laboratories or pseudo‐naturally on commercial animal farms"!!!
"The process of sequential passage through animal hosts or cell cultures leaves a genome that appears natural and not purposefully manipulated since it effectively mimics the natural process of zoonosis..."
"...the artificial generations added by forced serial passage creates the artificial appearance of evolutionary distance, which was the characteristic of the H1N1 Swine Flu Soviet leak in the 1970s... exactly what is found with SARS‐CoV‐2, which is distant enough from any other virus that it has been placed in its own clade"!!!
"...other viruses have been observed to acquire furin cleavage sites by passage under experimental laboratory conditions, then such a mechanism is theoretically possible for SARS‐CoV‐2 as well":
1) "...either nucleotide insertions or substitutions... able to be rescued and then eventually selected for, due to the high multiplicity of infection found in serial passage protocols."
2) "...the recombination of multiple viral RNAs inside a host cell..."
"...a molecular pathway for their emergence (of a furin site, also called polybasic) must exist..."
"...the infectious bronchitis coronavirus (IBV) is serially passed through chickens it developed notable mutations along its spike‐protein genes..."
"...when a lineage A (of a) bovine coronavirus was subject to in vitro serial passage through cell lines, a 12‐nucleotide insert found within only a small minority of the pooled viruses spike‐protein region was strongly selected for and quickly emerged as the dominate strain..."!!!
"...just like influenza viruses are only able to preserve their furin cleavages in artificial environments since the heightened virulence they impart kills their hosts... lineage B coronaviruses do not appear to be able to support furin cleavages in nature"!!!
"...(also the furin site) could have been spliced directly into the novel coronavirus's backbone in a laboratory using classic recombinant DNA technology that has been available for nearly 20 years..."
"...the removal of the restriction site junctions (is achieved by)... using the aptly named “No See'm technology.” (Yount, ...Baric, J. Virol. 2002, 76, 11065)... urin cleavages already have been successfully spliced into other coronaviruses, including the IBV ...and even into SARS‐CoV, where it increased cell‐to‐cell fusion in in vitro experiments... to impart it with increased lethality..."
"...Vero cells often used in serial passage are derived from kidney epithelial cells extracted from African green monkeys, which have ACE2 receptors very similar to those found in humans..."
"A coronavirus that targets the ACE2 receptor like SARS‐CoV‐2 was first isolated from a wild bat in 2013 by a team out of Wuhan. This research was funded in part by EcoHealth Alliance... and set the stage for the manipulation of bat‐borne coronavirus genomes that target this receptor and can become airborne... one research expedition captured as many as 400 wild viruses... (Aizenman, NPR 2020)...a private repository that has since grown to over 1500 strains of virus... meaning that the Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention has a massive catalogue of largely undisclosed viruses..."!!!
"...in subsequent years, EcoHealth Alliance received funding for project proposals outlining gain‐of‐function research to be done in Wuhan... (all) needed to engineer this novel coronavirus in a laboratory..."
"...(and just as taking the full guilt,) the Wuhan Institute of Virology has refused to release the lab notebooks of its researchers... despite the fact that these notebooks would likely be enough to exonerate the lab from having any role..." producing COVID-19.
"...(all of this is also possible) isolating a progenitor coronavirus from civets and then serially passing it through mammalian ACE2 receptor‐expressing cells—serial passage through host cell lines..." (And none of these methods have been addressed by the same reefers denying the lab origin, while at the same time are the ones with the highest conflict of interests: Daszak, Zheng-Li, Fauci...)
Next we find an interesting phrase integrated by the two first words: "2.3 Ferreting Out the Signs of Serial Passage: / ...studies examining SARS‐CoV‐2's infectivity in ferrets found that it spreads readily among them, and also appears airborne in that animal model... (in) the Netherlands... the novel coronavirus had spread among thirteen different mink (varieties of ferrets, with a fertile interbreeding) farms there, and also to at least one farm in Denmark[39] and to another in Spain where 87% of the mink were infected"!!! (Just as if Sars-CoV-2 were seeking for its "originators"), so: "...the virus spread to fifteen different farms in three countries, but also appears to have spread from minks into farm workers... (so) the fact that SARS‐CoV‐2 (with a from bat viral backbone) spreads from humans to minks and then back to humans demonstrates a high affinity for both species..."!!! Furthermore, similarly demonstrating this: "...an April 2020 preprint: https://archive.vn/i1RDN, quoted in: https://archive.vn/d5PZC, which appears to have been retracted after Chinese authorities implemented the censorship of any papers relating to the origins of the novel coronavirus: "!!!!!!! "This paper found that coronaviruses that target the ACE2 receptor bind with ferret cells more tightly than any other species except the treeshrew (cheaper, smaller, and easier to handle), which only scored about 2% higher... also... used for serial viral passage..."
"...SARS‐CoV‐2 was perfectly adapted to infect humans since its first contact with us, and had no apparent need to for any adaptive evolution at all"!!!: https://archive.vn/xObt8
"...SARS‐CoV‐2 appeared just as adapted to humans at the very start of its epidemic as SARS‐CoV was in the latest stages of its emergence... (both) unexpected finding(s) since viruses are expected to mutate substantially as they acclimate to a new species": http://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.05.01.073262v1.full
"...there is very little serological evidence of any exposure to these coronaviruses even in Chinese villagers living in close proximity to bat caves, and at the epicenter of the current outbreak—no previous exposure was found at all... natural jumps leave wide serological footprints in their new host populations as early variants of a prospective virus make limited and unsuccessful jumps into individuals of the new host species..."!!! this in itself is enough for a reasonable researcher that has not vested interests to realize that COVID-19 is a totally artificial Pandemic.
"However these results do not rule out a much earlier jump into humans somewhere outside Hubei province, an alternative that is awaiting empirical support." And this is where things get really weird as Latham and Wilson have shown, that a deliberate inoculation into humans may have been on their way since 2012-13 out of those fateful six miners!!! So in this case the zoonotic event that I postulated in my article could have happened in HUMANS and not in animals!!!
"...the examination of all past gain‐of‐function serial passage research by the scientific community at large should occur to determine what other definitive genomic signatures serial passage leaves besides the creation of furin cleavage sites, in case more of those (signatures, such as the 22 INSERTIONS of segments of the HIV (the coronavirus was pinpointed back in 2006 as a viable vector for an HIV vaccine and research into a pan‐coronavirus vaccine has been ongoing for decades), as per my, and Perez and Montagnier's research) can be found in this novel coronavirus...: ...SARS‐CoV‐2 possesses a genomic region not found in other coronaviruses that appears to cloak the novel coronavirus from white blood cells, a characteristic also found with HIV": http://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.05.24.111823v1, an interesting article already reviewed here (see above).
"...the second preprint identifies a region on the spike‐protein gene found in no other bat‐borne coronavirus that is nearly identical to superantigenic and neurotoxic motifs found in some bacteria, which may contribute to the immune overreaction that leads to the Kawasaki‐like multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, and cytokine storms in adults"!!!: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.05.21.109272v1.full.pdf: "An insertion unique to SARS-CoV-2 exhibits superantigenic character strengthened by recent mutations"!!!, and their supplementary material: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2020/05/21/2020.05.21.109272/DC1/embed/media-1.pdf (which is the also great part here illustrated).
"(So, Engineered and Zoonotic (that can also be originated from a Lab)): Both avenues should be robustly investigated by the scientific community"!!!
"It seems ill‐advised to rule out the possibility that gain‐of‐function techniques such as serial passage may have played a role in the creation of SARS‐CoV‐2..."
"...(like it was said in the pre-planned 9/11 for the bewildered military then, now in the pre-planned COVID-19 it is concluded that:) the emergence of this novel coronavirus has demonstrated that the international public health community is not prepared to handle the leak of a pandemic virus."
"...none of the gain‐of‐function research conducted since 2014 has provided humanity with any tools at all to fight back against the ongoing pandemic caused by this novel coronavirus"!!!!!!!!!!
Their blogs that were the source of the current and excellent article are (mainly the first one. which I proudly quote in my own article are):
Sirotkin, K. & Sirotkin D.: https://harvardtothebighouse.com/2020/01/31/logistical-and-technical-analysis-of-the-origins-of-the-wuhan-coronavirus-2019-ncov/, https://harvardtothebighouse.com/2020/03/23/no-monkey-ever-reheated-a-frozen-burrito-what-the-expanse-tells-us-about-the-covid-19-pandemic/, https://harvardtothebighouse.com/2020/03/19/china-owns-nature-magazines-ass-debunking-the-proximal-origin-of-sars-cov-2-claiming-covid-19-wasnt-from-a-lab/, 2020a, b and c (Web).
And remembering that ANY alternative to the perverted vaccine that Gates, Fauci, Schwab and all of those crooked minds are attempting to implant in us, is very welcome, such as this recent one:" https://chemrxiv.org/articles/preprint/Natures_Therapy_for_COVID-19_Targeting_the_Vital_Non-Structural_Proteins_NSP_from_SARS-CoV-2_with_Phytochemicals_from_Indian_Medicinal_Plants/12661214/2, from my: https://www.researchgate.net/post/Third_Sequence_COVID-19_AATGGTACTAAGAGG_HIV-1_isolate_1966324H9_from_Netherlands_envelope_glycoprotein_env_gene_sequence_ID_GU4555031
Taken | Aug 30, 2020, 9:06 AM |
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Remembering Once More the Original Revelation of Matthew 28:19 for Those Still With Eyes To See: https://web.archive.org/web/20081229235917/http://www.geocities.com/fdocc3/in-my-name.htm (including one PDF by one of the big scholars that studied this: https://www.geocitiesarchive.org/arclc/f/d/fdocc3/conybeare.pdf), and the incomplete index from another of my many sites that is preserving few of my endless pages posted in the good ol' Geocities times! (see some remembrances below):
Taken | Sep 8, 2020, 8:40 AM |
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Para que no se quede en el olvido, el testimonio del descubridor del método CRISPR (un recordatorio del escritor y economista @[1424210929:2048:Alex Spin], quien también escribe de las bellezas naturales: https://archive.vn/LAfm2): https://www.informacion.es/alicante/2020/01/31/francis-mojica-apunta-coronavirus-mutante-4897007.html (https://archive.vn/ds84v), la pregunta es sencilla: "¿Queremos ganarnos al mundo al tiempo que lo perdemos como era antes, o buscamos la verdad para llegar con ella hasta donde ella tope?"
Taken | Sep 17, 2020, 11:29 AM |
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A Very Important posting of today at the RG to my already 18K readers there, make the research of The Ethic Skeptic widely known, please, your offspring is at stake: "The Great Repression": A report on the criminal activities performed by those that organized the current Plandemic of COVID-19, and the informed ways to stop them!!! (Excerpts from TES: https://archive.vn/Doptk).
"I began to apply my skills in order to see if the media and agency-bearing academics were indeed telling the truth. As it turned out, in critical significance, they were not."
"The Great Repression – the period of severe depression economic fallout greater than that of the Great Depression, characterized by 38 million jobs (11.5%) and 500,000 or more lockdown lives lost and 6 million famine lives lost, which resulted from an over-reaction to and/or incompetent understanding of coronaviruses and Covid-19 in particular. Marketing disinformation as an academic, governmental or media authority, in order to compel despair, panic or compliance inside a population under duress of epidemic, war or economic collapse – these things are indistinguishable from war crimes. They are a violation of basic human rights, and as such constitute acts of class harm, scienter, racketeering and oppression."
"Lockdown/Great Repression Fatality – a fatality reported by a state department of health and cataloged by the CDC in which the person’s death was caused by lack of access to medical services (diabetes, heart disease, stroke, other illnesses, etc.), lack of adequate diagnosis (cancer, etc.) or Suicide Addiction Abandonment & Abuse."
"...Covid directly or indirectly precipitated an increase in deaths attributable to known natural causes (9,079 fatalities overage versus normal)... these additional deaths served to also create a hole in the death rate starting 8 weeks later and onward (13,429 fatality deficit versus normal). In this instance, Covid-19 impacted death rates by ‘pulling forward’ deaths which would have occurred in July and August, and forced those to occur in April and May... it is estimated that we have experienced possibly 40-45% of the pull-forward deficit. The full pull-forward deficit will not be known until as far out as May of 2021."
Oh Patriotic Citizens of the USA and of the World, you are The Owners of The: "Stakeholder Ethics – a principle or condition wherein those who bear the negative impact of a decision can hold those who make that decision, accountable. Further then may dissent, and reverse that decision or remove the decision maker, even if they claim to be an ‘expert’. A claim to science is not a free pass to tyranny."
"NiCFR – net infectious case-fatality rate (risk). The total ‘died of’ and ‘died with’ fatalities from a given pathogen, minus those who died as a result of over-reaction or ignorance around that pathogen, divided by the estimated total population which was infected by that pathogen. Has nothing to do with symptomatic rates."
"...data must be denatured of its noise, into information... then... into intelligence... the only basis from which to infer or take action..."
For the first graphic shown here: "...US Covid-19 progression...: The blue vertical column bars indicate case arrivals each day in the northern 37 states, while the orange vertical bar arrivals show the patterns in the southerly hot 50 border counties or hot 13 states (seen here in Figure 6)... This surge in cases peaked on July 16th, 13 or 14 weeks after the north latitude peak (one quarter of the year)... each case peak adhered to Farr’s Law (https://archive.vn/N1QsO: "...epidemic events rise and fall in a roughly symmetrical pattern. The time-evolution behavior could be captured by a single mathematical formula that could be approximated by a bell-shaped curve")... this latter surge in cases was not a ‘second wave’ as much as it was a sympathetic overflow from southerly latitude patterns of the same virus... This latitudinal effect is called a Hope-Simpson subtropical latitude effect (https://archive.vn/1X7xC). This should have been known before we decided policy. Most predictive models for the pandemic were merely regression models, with high and low banding. None of them predicted the distinct Farr’s Law shape of this latitudinal surge.... this surge in cases formed a peak around July 16th (2020), which was immediately called by The Ethical Skeptic by means of the charts to the lower right, but took a full 3 weeks to be acknowledged by official channels and media, most of whom still did not even mention the tail off by early September (2020)... The curve continued an upward progression until it lost that momentum on 16 July (2020) and never recovered it. The Ethical Skeptic was watching for a confirmatory rise in fatalities 28 days after the initial rise in cases – and indeed a mild rise in fatalities formed, confirming that this reported rise in cases was about 37% real, (and) 63% salting through new practices of case detection ...(this means in blunt terms, that:) the gentle rise in percent positive ...was 37% real cases in our 50 hottest counties composing the July 16th surge, while 63% of that rise was crafted through salting/juking of reported cases"!!!
From a related graph, also applicable to all: "...curves should move in a given ratio throughout the horizon, unless an exception has occurred such as Legacy Data Laundering LDL-1 or Lockdown Death Laundering LDL-2." (See below the definitions of these criminal statistical lies imposed over humanity by the killers-that-be). "...The degree of Lockdown Death Laundering (LDL-2) can be ascertained by comparing the height of each day’s ...column, versus the ...CDC excess all-cause deaths line... adjusted for (the) documented CDC lag..."
"SupraLag – that CDC lag in posting of actual deaths (shortfall in all-cause death count) by date in the MMWR weekly data, which exceeded by a large amount, the typical lag which the CDC had historically exhibited for that same week (current week minus x MMWR weeks). Ideally if both the CDC and analyst tracking them are performing well in their duties, SupraLag should be minimal."
"Death ‘from’/Death ‘with’ Covid – an important principle in that there are those who died of Covid, who simply/trivially had Covid RNA in the nostrils while they were already dying of something else, as opposed to actually dying from Covid as a primary or secondary cause of death. The reason this is important is that the former group causes a ‘pull forward’ effect which will artificially make it appear that suddenly Americans are not dying of other diseases any longer, either now or in the future. This effect as raw data, will serve to mislead."
"...the parody ‘Lemming Cycle of Continuous Impairment’ is also a satirical commentary upon how panicked state level government officials served to foment continued panic and despair around Covid-19. Also derived from the allegory of fictitious lemmings who run off a mythical cliff en masse, in their hysteria to achieve a given inductively derived or panic-fueled goal. The cycle wherein panic over perceived cases of Covid-19, drove demands inside certain state government levels for more testing and track-and-trace team funding, which resulted in increased PCR tests run and false/3-month-old positives being generated, which resulted in ever higher positive case-detects being reported as raw data by the states, which resulted in more panic/despair. Incompetence. Forgetting the data grooming methods employed with annual flu analytics and opting instead to simply report raw data – a scientific error." And I may say a deliberate one, and a crime!!!
"The Lemming Cycle (boosted as well by false positive PCR testing results which were left unchallenged), fueled a feedback cycle of panic inside the media and administrative government decision-makers, regarding Covid-19."
"RNA/Virus Detection Half-Life – the period after which half of those who were infected at one time, can no longer present detectable dead or inactive Covid-19 RNA. The half-life period has been evaluated to be as much as 7 weeks. The entire period of detectability is 14 weeks. This noise in data collection was exploited by nefarious political and power hungry forces during the pandemic."
"Salting/Juking Reported Cases – one or more of a variety of methods of boosting reported cases of Covid-19 in order to make the pandemic seem hotter, growing when actually in decline or larger than is its reality. Includes methods such as
legacy data laundering,
backlog stuffing,
AB testing results mixed with PCR testing,
focus on hot spots,
posting track and trace %-pos results only,
testing prisons care facilities and factories only,
temperature screening selected testing,
report of ‘suspected’ cases,
non-reporting of negative tests,
delay or lag exploitation,
multiple tests on one person,
cross-border cases,
hospital comprehensive screening,
nosocomial cases,
paying people who (or TO) test positive,
batch swab testing followed by individual testing, etc."
"The comparative between ICU Census and deaths allows the astute analyst to observe that reported deaths can contain legacy data up to 12 weeks old in some cases, and most often in excess of 3 weeks old... key in estimating Legacy Death Laundering (LDL2)..."
And for those assholes self-deemed as "fact-checkers": "...every person has a right, responsibility or qualification as a victim/stakeholder to make their voice heard..."!!!
"Agency" (y note: Such as the NIH of Collins, Hehee): "...when a denial is involved, the incentive to double-down on that denial, in order to preserve office, income or celebrity – is larger than either bias or nominal conflict of interest... A "tendentious" person holds their position from a compulsion which they cannot overcome through objective evaluation. One cannot be reasoned out of, a position which they did not reason themselves into to begin with... catch-phrases that a person will employ to demonstrate that they are inside the approved club or academic circle around a particular topic..." (and talking about Francis S. Collins): "...A blindly devoted official, follower, or organization member... One who either ignorantly or obdurately lacks any concern or circumspection ability which might prompt them to examine the harm their position may serve to cause..", from elsewhere in the article: "...Be wary of agency which exploits the appearance of raw data...", and before: "..raw data – which most often will serve to dis-inform..."
"in order to comprehend the risk entailed to the general stakeholding public – and the hazard presented by those who wish to exploit the tragedy as a means to abuse..."
And about Fauci, Gates, CDC (again and again, as the criminal par excelence which that one indeed is) and Birx and the WHO (to all of them felons belong the information below)...: "Catalyseur – ...A conflict exploitation specialist, or any entity which stands to gain under the outcome of a lose-lose conflict scenario which they have served to create, abet or foment. Someone who acts as a third party to two sides in an argument or conflict, who advises about the ‘truth’ of the other party involved, respectively and urges an escalation of factors which drove the conflict to begin with."
"Shopcraft – traits, arrival forms and distributions of data which exhibit characteristics of having been produced by a human organization, policy or mechanism. A result which is touted to be natural, random or unconstrained, however which features patterns or mathematics which indicate (that) human intervention is at play inside its dynamics. A method of detecting agency, and not mere bias, inside a system."
"Slapping the Grizzly/Bear – if someone implies to you that they know exactly the outcome of slapping a grizzly bear in order to get it to go away – they themselves are more dangerous than a virus by far – no matter how many risk PhD’s they may hold. The act of becoming robust to a constrained small-risk of harm/death bearing sound epistemic precedent (a virus with 4 months of observation and multiple precedents) – while exposing (the USA) to an unconstrained large-risk of ruin/death, derived from our actions (an economic Great Repression), which bears no epistemic precedent …is like slapping a grizzly bear to compel it to go away."
"Mobsensus – the inferential will of media, club, mafia, cabal or cartel – in which a specific conclusion is enforced upon the rest of society, by means of threat, violence, social excoriation or professional penalty; further then the boasting of or posing such insistence as ‘scientific consensus’."
And as the WHO and CDC do under the higher-bidder$ orders: "...through sleight-of-hand, changing the context of its employment without the soundness..."
"...never ascribe to happenstance or incompetence, that which coincidentally, consistently ...supports a preexisting agency... a handful of the clever manipulating the ignorance of the millions."
"Marketing disinformation as an academic, governmental or media authority, in order to compel despair, panic or compliance inside a population under duress of epidemic, war or economic collapse – these things are indistinguishable from war crimes. They are a violation of basic human rights, and as such constitute acts of class harm, scienter, racketeering and oppression."
"Indigo Point (Inflection Point) – ...event or mechanism which is manipulated early in a process... which will alter/tip subsequent events towards a specific final outcome. It is the magician’s unremarkable sleeve"!!!
"ingens vanitatum Argument – citing a great deal of expert irrelevance. A posing of ‘fact’ or ‘evidence’ framed inside an appeal to expertise... which serves to dis-inform as to the nature of the argument being vetted or the critical evidence or question being asked."
"Laundering (of Legacy Cases and Fatalities) – partly a term from data management and partly coined for the Covid-19 response. Legacy data is any form of old data which involves work in transcribing into a new system, approach or context. "Laundering" is the process of removing the old undesirable context for an item transacted in a market (information is a market!), and fabricating a new beneficial context of use – free of the old one. Inside the context of a pandemic, this constitutes a method of misrepresentation to at-risk stakeholders. When conducted inside the context of a population under risk, or when exploited by media to incite panic or despair, it is a human rights crime as well."
"Legacy Data Laundering (LDL1) – state departments of health (CDC) may unilaterally, or through direction by higher agency or political intermediaries (WHO), choose to report cases or fatalities over 7-days in age, as if they occurred on the day of reasonable reporting. In this manner, a sufficient amount of old data or newly converted old data (cases or fatalities), can be exploited to craft the appearance a false trend, rise or level."
"Lockdown Death Laundering (LDL2) – state departments of health may unilaterally, or through direction by higher agency or political intermediaries, choose to designate past CDC excess all cause mortality deaths which were not attributed to Covid-19 on a death certificate, as ‘suspected’ or ‘probable’ Covid-19 deaths. In this manner, deaths from lockdown, access and despair can be attributed either as direct Covid deaths or ‘death from Covid upheaval’ – and be reported at a later date as a current Covid-19 fatality. A sufficient amount of these fatality conversions can be exploited to craft the appearance of a false trend, rise or level of fatality."
"Law of Large Numbers – a fallacy wherein an arguer does not perceive that a perceptibly large effect on a small population might serve to produce rather small numbers of outcomes, while a very small or subtle effect on a very large population, may well serve to produce surprisingly large numbers in outcome."
"Lag/Delay/Lag Curve – a delay is the period of time between when something actually occurs and when it is reported or cataloged as data..."
"...It is dishonest for a man deliberately to shut his eyes to principles/intelligence which he would prefer not to know. If he does so, he is taken to have actual knowledge of the facts to which he shut his eyes. Such knowledge has been described as ‘Nelsonian knowledge’, meaning knowledge which is attributed to a person as a consequence of his ‘willful blindness’ or (as American legal analysts describe it) ‘contrived ignorance’."
"Eristic Argument – an argument which is posed with the goal of winning and embarrassing an opposing arguer, as opposed to seeking clarity, value or common ground. Usually stems from the arguer’s past psychological injury, narcissism and combative habituation."
"Attentodemic – a pandemic or other social malady which arises statistically for the most part from an increase in testing and observation activity. From the two Latin roots attento (test, tamper with, scrutinize) and dem (the people). A pandemic/tragedy, whose curve arises solely from increases in statistical examination and testing, posting of latent cases or detected immunity as ‘current new cases’, as opposed to true increases in fact..."
"Backlog Stuffing (BS) – State departments of health may unilaterally, or through direction by higher agency or political intermediaries, choose to delay reporting of data inside one week’s period, and further then report several days of data as if it occurred in a single day. In this manner, a sufficient amount of backlog or infrequent report arrivals, can be exploited to craft the appearance a false trend, rise or record in data. When exploited by media to incite panic or despair inside the context of a population under risk, it is a human rights crime as well."
"Bridgman Point – the point at which a principle can no longer be dumbed-down any further, without sacrifice of its coherency, accuracy, salience or context."
So, Fauci et al., are a: "Scienter – ...a legal term that refers to intent or knowledge of wrongdoing while in the act of executing it. An offending party then has knowledge of the ‘wrongness’ of their dealings, methods or data, but choose to turn a blind eye to the issue, commensurate to executing or employing such dealings, methods or data. This is typically coupled with a failure to follow up on the impacts of the action taken, a failure of science called "ignoro eventum"."
"Wittgenstein Error (Contextual) – employment of words in such as fashion as to craft rhetoric, in the form of persuasive or semantic abuse, by means of shift in word or concept definition by emphasis, modifier, employment or context."
"Wittgenstein Error (Descriptive) – the contention or assumption that science has no evidence for or ability to measure a proposition or contention, when in fact it is only a flawed crafting of language and definition, limitation of language itself or lack of a cogent question or (willful) ignorance... I cannot observe it because I refuse to describe it... Science cannot observe it because I have crafted (a) language and definition so as to preclude its description... "
These one is more specific for Gates and for his employee, the WHO: "melochi kupets (Russian: мелочи купец) – trivia merchant. One who feigns competence or intimidates curious outsiders... One who cannot differentiate the distinction between a peripheral or irrelevant detail and a critical path element or principle."
"Principle of Peerhood – ...I shall not tell an epidemiologist his business... (Otherwise) The stakeholder placed at risk is the peer review... "armchair intelligence"..."
"missam singuli – ...risk being measured as an effect on the whole, while benefit is only evaluated in terms of how it benefits the individual or a single person."
"quo facto malo – Latin for ‘having done this evil’. When a person desires to do evil to another, they will manufacture or fantasize in their mind, (such as with) offenses their target has committed, which serve to therefore justify their actions; harm which they had conducted or intended to conduct from (the) very beginning, but were simply waiting for the right excuse to blame it upon..."
"nulla infantis – a pseudo-argument, sometimes cleverly disguised or hidden inside pleonasm, which basically is the equivalent of saying ‘nuh-uhhh’… Latin for (a) child’s ‘no’. Usually followed by an appeal to have the opponent shut-up or be silenced in some manner." But, now that his Dad is gone (maybe from the very same malady that his own "criature" unleashed under his orders); so, now "baby criminal brat" is almost desolate, as the forces of evil have lost one of their avid participants...
This one even goes to Cuomo and felons in crime up north, those that went with deliberate policies to kill the elderly to inflate the numbers, Cuomo you say? "Nosocomial – an illness which is contracted or occurs while one is a patient in a hospital, having been admitted for a completely separate condition"
And this this one goes to the usual reefers paid by Fauci (Lipkin, Andersen, Cohen, et al): "Ockham’s Razor – ...also means that once there exists a sufficient threshold of evidence to warrant attention (plurality), then science should seek to address the veracity of a counter claim."
"Omega Hypothesis (HΩ) – the argument which is foisted to end all argument, period. A conclusion promoted under such an insistent guise of virtue or importance, that protecting it has become imperative over even the integrity of science itself."
This one goes for the Criminal-Career Demon-Crafts, including its candidate and its Majo-Lead: "Paradox of Virtue (Covid-19) – if leadership had not shut down, all 150 k Covid deaths would be blamed on that mistake. This flawed virtue signal argument, then forces us to conduct activity which is 5 – 10 x more damaging. Like a bad SAW movie. We are exploited by evil"!!! (His words).
This goes to all those coward scientists that have not taken a position for the Truth, even if their attitude goes in detriment of their future generations: "Pluralistic Ignorance – most often, a situation in which a majority of scientists and researchers privately reject a norm, but incorrectly assume that most other scientists and researchers accept it, often because of a misleading portrayal of consensus by agenda carrying... Therefore they choose to go along with something with which they privately dissent or are neutral."
And, "Except" for this artificially made in a Lab COVID-19: "...coronaviruses are considered to be ‘sharply seasonal’... (https://archive.vn/AI8xF)"
Epidemic Threshold – when a virus is ‘in season’ – the point at which fatalities from that virus exceed 7.2% of all fatalities in a given week."
"Covid-19 Reaction Fatalities – or ‘lockdown deaths’..."
"‘Lockdown Deaths’ are estimated separately by means of the Full Covid Death Accountability Chart each week..."
"...the broken window parable ...proposes that even in disaster, an economy profits on the repair and recovery... The Bastiat Fallacy... states that... The economic benefit of war is never compared to what was lost as a result of the war"
"...baseline (solid beige line), a modified average of each week from 2014 – 2017 (2018 was an exception year and threw the average off to a mis-representative level)."
"Close-Hold Embargo – is a common form of dominance lever exerted by scientific and government agencies to control the behavior of the science press... model of coercion... under the condition that the media outlet not seek any dissenting input, nor critically question the decree, nor seek its originating authors for in-depth query."
"Net Accident Reduction – reduction in auto fatalities and iatrogenic accidental deaths."
"6. Scientific American: COVID-19 Is Likely to Lead to an Increase in Suicides; https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/covid-19-is-likely-to-lead-to-an-increase-in-suicides/‘Cries for help’: Drug overdoses are soaring during the coronavirus pandemic: https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2020/07/01/coronavirus-drug-overdose/"
"10. Dierenbach: The coronavirus response has been deadly: https://pagetwo.completecolorado.com/2020/06/11/dierenbach-the-coronavirus-response-has-been-deadly/"
"Cultivated Ignorance... such that it serves and sustains ignorance on the part of the general population – a dismissal of the necessity to seek what is unknown... its purpose is to socially minimize the number of true experts within a given field of study."
"...new Covid-19 cases per day (are mis-) reported by China to the international community. A green dotted line is fitted as an estimate of a more likely case level, based upon the rates of transmission observed by other nations..."
For the still deceived millions of the world: "5. An ignorance of risk or absence of risk strategy, is itself a risk strategy"
"...false positive outcomes as part of their assay design. When a population is tested by PCR tests, and 99% of that population is well, then there will be a high number of false positives arising from the testing of that population, even and especially compared to false negatives. In addition, beside the issue of test design, is the reality that testing labs may suffer from laxity in procedure, kit contamination or employee error or malfeasance..."
"If we have a 1% rate of false positives, inside a population which is testing at 1% prevalence, in theory almost all of the positives being detected, are indeed false. As of late August the US was conducting on average about 680,000 (COVID-19) tests per day. A 2.3% false positive rate would yield 15,640 false positives per day. The average positives detected during that same time was around 45,000 positives per day. Thus, potentially 35% of those reported positives in late August 2020, were indeed false. A study by Cohen and Kessel, updated and re-printed (18 August 2020), cited a measured median false positive rate of 2.3% for Covid RT-PCR testing. They confirmed the reality that “the likely sources of these false positives (contamination, human error) are more directly connected to laboratory practices and layouts than to which particular assay is used” (https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.26.20080911v3)... positive case detects reported by the states and tallied at "The Covid Tracking Project"... a significant issue of concern, and citizens should be highly upset that this raw data, was passed to the media as ‘truth’."
"False Tail (The Principle of) ...it was estimated that 42% of the reported cases... were from either:
1. The 12 week shadow of RNA PCR detectability/trivial dead RNA, or
2. The lower-band rate of false positives at 0.8 – 2.3% (avg = .0155, see Cohen-Kessel Study in ‘False Positive Rate’)
This amplified caseload lent false support to the notion of keeping society partially shut down – a condition which was fatal to small and medium-sized businesses in the US, but not (to) their conglomerate competitors."
"...those who were dying of Covid in Florida were dying much later in life than the average person in the US dies, by age tier for all causes. This demonstrated that the vast majority of those dying of Covid-19, were indeed dying only months earlier than they normally would have. This is still tragic, but constituted critical information we should have had early in the Covid response effort. This allows for the calculation of life-years lost comparatives between Covid-19 fatalities and fatalities from overreaction to Covid-19."
"Gaussian Blindness (see medium fallax) – ...I’ve got my head in the oven, and my ass in the fridge, so I’m OK"
"Gompertz Curve – ...bureaucratic effect – producing a unique form which hints at a blending of a natural arrival distribution, combined with a human arrival distribution (shopcraft)." (Note: Also called: Photoshopped or for the WHO: "Theoretical models are prime over real data"!!! SOBtchs!!!).
"Asymptomatic – those cases who detected positive for Covid-19 by antibody or PCR testing, however who do not recall being sick."
"RNA-Dirty – those who detected positive for Covid-19 however never really were infected with the virus at all, rather simply carried dead fragments in their mucus or clothing. Also those who were infected up to 12 weeks earlier and still shed the dead RNA fragments."
"False Positive – a false detection of Covid-19 by
– sensitivity error
– excessive CT threshold >35
– failures of process and lab design
– individual errors/contamination
– malfeasance/maliciousness"
"...herd resistance ranging from 5% in farming communities, all the way to 70% in prisons, for instance."
Please, quote as: "The Ethical Skeptic, “The Definitive Guide to Ethical Skeptic’s (TES/ES) Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (2019) Analysis”; The Ethical Skeptic, WordPress, 9 Aug 2020; Web, https://theethicalskeptic.com/?p=44989" (There attached a PDF with en Edited view that made more sense to me...): https://www.researchgate.net/post/Third_Sequence_COVID-19_AATGGTACTAAGAGG_HIV-1_isolate_1966324H9_from_Netherlands_envelope_glycoprotein_env_gene_sequence_ID_GU4555031
Taken | Sep 19, 2020, 9:24 PM |
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"...Make me brave, so I can stand and fight the spiritual battles in my life and in our world. Give me your wisdom and discernment so I won't be caught off guard. Together, Lord, we'll win, because in truth, you already have. While evil still roams, the power of Your name and Your blood rises up to defeat and bring us victory against every evil planned against us. While malicious actions may disturb us, we use the armor of God You have given us to stand firm. You will bring justice in due time for all the harm and needless violence aimed at Your children. Until then, we remain in Your presence, aligned with Your purposes, and we look to You as our Supreme Commander and Protector. Help us to avoid temptation, and deliver us from evil, Lord. You are the Mighty One, the One Who will ultimately bring all evil to light. With You, Jesus, we are safe. Amen." Found at QAlerts dot app
Taken | Sep 21, 2020, 8:35 AM |
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Key links to track on a daily basis the constant discoveries of the most ridiculous voting fraud perpetrated by Biden, are (the CCP repressive style FB did not allow me to put the links, I kept on hitting Post and nothing happened, one good day in the future they will pay for what they are doing on repressing information, on repressing freedom, on repressing the truth to be known, shame on them!!!):
Taken | Nov 19, 2020, 7:15 PM |
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In Brief: https://cdn.lbryplayer.xyz/api/v3/streams/free/Israel-and-the-assassinations-of-The-Kennedy-brothers-Trailer/5f9c8b0153a17c71161ba3f00908a95982def1c6/7cdf7d; In Full: https://cdn.lbryplayer.xyz/api/v3/streams/free/Israel-and-the-Assassinations-of-The-Kennedy-brothers/930e20a0c27317ca6829b1d703007618fee98ff3/b42938; Update: In Context: https://ia800405.us.archive.org/11/items/PlanetRothschildPart1/planet%20rothschild%20part1.pdf, https://ia800402.us.archive.org/9/items/PlanetrothschildPart2/planetrothschild%20part2.pdf
Taken | Nov 25, 2020, 10:35 PM |
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The unsettling antecedents of why humanity is being pushed into the current situation right now in our 2020s: https://ia801304.us.archive.org/3/items/TheBadWarTheTruthNEVERTaughtAboutWorldWarII/TheBadWarTheTruthNeverTaughtAboutWorldWarIiversion2MikeKing.pdf (and the same real info in a fictitious literary interview form easier to grasp: https://files.secure.website/wscfus/10348600/7999579/interviewhitler.pdf):
Taken | Dec 1, 2020, 8:56 AM |
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In search of more freedom, I joined "Parler": https://parler.com/profile/Fdocc/posts, and reminding you that my eMail, that is also present in all my research Articles, is fdocc@yahoo.com, in case these crazy sites blackout and keep on censoring at the style of the CCP. This is my profile statement there: "I love freedom, and right now, the globalists are enslaving us, censoring us, and diminishing completely the meaning of individual, of independence, of anything for which our Founding Fathers fought!!", and my first post there: "This is my first message here, I am tired of the absurd censorship of all the others (YT, FB, Twitter...) that think that they are "big", and they are really NOTHING without the people, my research going on is about the evidently artificial nature of COVID-19: As seen in my RG: https://www.researchgate.net/post/Third-Sequence-COVID-19-AATGGTACTAAGAGG-HIV-1-isolate-1966324H9-from-Netherlands-envelope-glycoprotein-env-gene-sequence-ID-GU4555031 and in my Article, entitled, for you to search it if you want, as the link has failed to be posted right "Anticovidian v.2 COVID-19: Hypothesis of the Lab Origin Versus a Zoonotic Event which can also be of a Lab Origin": https://zenodo.org/record/3988139 that Fauci did not like, thus deleting three of my previous works that were already at the PubMed on his absurd basis of being publications "after the expiration of my grants", a ridiculous, very harmful globalist that he is..."
Taken | Dec 15, 2020, 12:24 AM |
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Updated down below. YouTube Removed my Research Regarding the Truth of The Second World War II, They Simply do NOT Want the Historical Truth Anymore, They Produced and Have Turned to the Fables That They Themselves Invented and With Whose They Indoctrinate The Future Generations, here is my set of links that "they themselves "HATE"" (Hehee): 1
http://the DASH eye DOT eu/public/concen.org/The%20British%20Mad%20Dog/British%20Mad%20Dog_%20Debunking%20the%20Myth%20of%20Winston%20Churchill%2C%20The%20-%20M.%20S.%20King.pdf
God vs. Darwin
https://web.archive.org/web/20201127050743/https://media.8kun.top/file_dl/0509b530664e334f9cc3b696d89b49730484bdf438ba2852671a363bc4e7efb2.pdf (https://media.8kun.top/file_dl/0509b530664e334f9cc3b696d89b49730484bdf438ba2852671a363bc4e7efb2.pdf)
The Real Roosevelts
https://b DASH ok DOT lat/book/5216195/a865d3
17 Genghis Monster (sudden download)
Excerpt on Woodrow Wilson:
"The Anti-New York Times" King PDF
Interviews: Audio:
"Ike and McCarthy" Nichols PDF
Documentary Federal Reserve CFR The Global Elite: https://youtu.be/eb3Zaren9gg
Same DOCUMENTARY: The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the American line James Perloff - The Best D
The New American
https://www.nsa.gov/Portals/70/documents/news-features/declassified-documents/cryptologic-quarterly/pearlharbor.pdf, etc. with no end...
Update: Continuation of the Narrative:
Taken | Dec 23, 2020, 7:47 AM |
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A great class with great principles, not only for teaching English but for life: "I always pray", to the great teacher policy of using English only in her class, this is my response as an International student: "...I will not be so strict in the only English policy because sometimes we can learn bunches of things by hearing how a word is known in another language, of course, keeping the international languages to a minimum, say, a maximum of a 3% of the class time, which is approximately 2.5 min. I will do that by putting a word under consideration, like the example that I, as a man of Faith, liked the most: "I Always Pray", and then to ask the students to go to the blackboard and put below the word "PRAY" in their own language, then putting in parenthesis after that their native language. I mean, me, as a teacher, will be more motivated to also learn from them at least a word a class from all of their languages per class!!!"
Taken | Dec 29, 2020, 12:40 PM |
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Another of the best teachers, using Proverbs in her class! "A fool and his money are soon parted", for her teaching, as mine is, on Paraphrasing, I paraphrased this sentence as: "Money plus a Fool equals a broken porcelain vase" (Hehee!) Then I also adopted for my own class the resources that she presented: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/using_research/quoting_paraphrasing_and_summarizing/paraphrasing.html, and the Technology introduced by her that will allow for the interactive participation of the students: https://www.polleverywhere.com, here is one of the several ways that such concept has been translated in the Bible: Proverbs 21:20 says "Precious treasure and oil are in a wise man's dwelling, but a foolish man devours it." Here in the Bible we can see the inspiring wisdom of God through a figure of speech that changes the end from "them" to "IT" so as to make us put our emphasis in the word "WISE" and not in the "fool"!
Taken | Dec 31, 2020, 9:22 PM |
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Please sent your message requesting justice to: history@mail.house.gov, david.ralston@house.ga.gov, mike.dugan@senate.ga.gov, my email sent says:
Demand a Vote on Decertification Against Cheater and Lame Biden
Ralston and Dugan, with a witness (The Historian of the House),
Please, one more of the at least 75 Million Citizens that voted for Trump are requesting from you to:
1) Hear the evidence
2) Correct false statements
3) Demand a vote on decertification
It is historically clear for all the ones that want to see it, from any place in the world, that there was rampant fraud perpetrated by Biden.
Here, just one small historical fact that the historian called as witness here will not deny (check this out before it disappears):
Testimony at Georgia of Jovan Hutton Pulitzer: https://youtu.be/KeVAssjxHx0, Interview of Pulitzer: https://youtu.be/UgeqGmvQXKs
Thank you for attending the truth in this situation,
Fernando Castro-Chavez, PhD
Taken | Jan 1, 2021, 1:54 PM |
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So RON, code monkey Z, the one with tools to see, and one of the Cue heads, is wisely recommending to all those going to D.C. on the 6th of Jan., 2021: "If you are planning to attend peaceful protests in DC on the 6th, i recommend wearing a body camera. The more video angles of that day the better"!!!: https://twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1345599512560078849, https://archive.vn/o1edS
Taken | Jan 4, 2021, 12:10 AM |
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