Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Suing the traitors of the will of our Nation: See the lawsuit, contribute, or view a copy of the Complaint: https://www.dominionclassaction.com/; Follow the case at https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/19949037/orourke-v-dominion-voting-systems-inc/, check the explanation: https://youtu.be/GP1ZQ54MDco, how to join: https://dominionclassaction.com/how-to-join
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
My comments: "Great video analysis! These were some of the great statements of today by Michael van der Veen, in line with the current video demonstrating PREMEDITATION of the INFILTRATORS: https://youtu.be/1KYHcf383Ic (09:19, Feb 12, 2021): Tragically, as we know now, on January 6th, a small group who came to engage in violent and menacing behavior hijacked the event for their own purposes. According to publicly available reporting, it is apparent that extremists of various different stripes and political persuasions preplanned, and premeditated an attack on the Capitol. One of the first people arrested was a leader of Antifa. Sadly, he was also among the first to be released... The fact that the attacks were apparently premeditated, as alleged by the House managers demonstrates the ludicrousness of the incitement allegation against the president. You can’t incite what was already going to happen. Michael van der Veen: (19:08): In short, this unprecedented effort is not about Democrats opposing political violence, it is about Democrats trying to disqualify their political opposition. It is constitutional cancel culture. History will record this shameful effort as a deliberate attempt by the Democrat Party to smear, censor and cancel, not just President Trump, but the 75 million Americans who voted for him. Now is not the time for such a campaign of retribution. It is the time for unity and healing and focusing on the interests of the nation as a whole. We should all be seeking to cool temperatures, calm passions, rise above partisan lines. The Senate should reject this divisive and unconstitutional effort and allow the nation to move forward: https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/michael-van-der-veen-opening-statement-transcript-trumps-second-impeachment-trial (Saved: https://archive.vn/SyHQ4)."
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
And his real statement at the end of the last (so, he makes the argument that this artificial "plague" imposed on us that attacks mostly the elderly and the vulnerably has locked down with no need to all the rest of humanity, bringing as consequence the heightened suicide rates and the street violence of the youth, which is in general nowadays completely idle):
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Another great delivery by Mr. Matt, to make us THINK: https://youtu.be/6drq48t4Ew8
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
"...The Election Event Designer Log shows that Dominion ImageCast Precinct Cards were programmed with new ballot programming on October 23rd and again on November 5th. That violates the Help America Vote Act (of 2002), which includes a 90-day Safe Harbor Period that prohibits changes to election systems, registries, hardware / software updates without undergoing re-certification..."

The evils of the "Adjudication", when "The vote can be decided by an election worker with no oversight, no transparency and no audit trail."

"Arizona election law states that "procedures shall allow party observers to effectively observe the election process." But many Republicans were escorted from the building by election officials when they protested the illegal situation of not being allowed to effectively observe the process. / Lastly, the same party that told us the 2016 election was stolen by Russia, and warned us of election fraud by use of electronic voting systems, now says the integrity of this election was unsurpassed and that it's impossible to steal an election."

"If this election was compromised, and domestic and foreign interference altered the outcome, then the millions of voters and lawmakers all across the country peacefully calling for election integrity, are courageous, patriotic AMERICANS simply calling for the truth we all deserve." Plus: "Jayden records and declares that people behind him were offending very badly the police (such as the black BLM guy with the red MAGA hat (one more of the hundreds of the very "fake", just like the 2020 Election, Trump "supporters" gathered there to sow mayhem and falsely putting the blame on Trump, reason of that phony "Impeachment" going on today), also seen later on with the very bad actors as one more "preacher" of "the shooting" in the "Benjamin" filming), real MAGA guys do not behave like that, giving the fingers of both hands to the police (even if that was a "fake" police they show their anarchistic "orientation"). As you say, tons of more details can be assimilated, as what Giuliani saw in the Jayden X video of the two guys giving with their heads the "go ahead" to John Sullivan (the same Jayden X) just before of the staged "murder". To-date, the identity of "the murder" is unknown (another BLM bad "actor"), etc., etc., etc. (The corrupt FBI should focus in the faces of the ones herding the crowds and on the ones breaking the windows of the Capitol and not in the stupid sheep that was taken to the slaughter house by those very bad, in both senses, actors)... Thomas Baranyi, a "Peace Corps" infiltrator too, the "Bloody Hand" actor and "Shooting" organizer guy, acquainted with all the actors, patting them on the back, and cue director of such operation was released with a $100,000.00 bond: https://lbry.tv/Baranyi-DC:9, he and his accomplices of this "False Flag" event (including of course Zachary Jordan Alam, the "Helmet Boy": https://archive.vn/wip/jIfKC, that even surprised Jayden when very confidently arrived from behind the police fence acting like an idiot, in such a way that the other elderly shill bends himself laughing, talking about the old guy that says that was hit with bullets at the start of the current and great video, the same Jordan that also goes freely behind the line of the "SWAT" fake actors to hide his hats inside his backpack) had with him in his backpack all the materials proper of a Rioter, and not of a peaceful Trump supporter, as Trump himself indicated, the real MAGA supporters are NOT violent, do NOT break windows, do NOT curse at the Police, and are in general PEACEFUL unless their most basic human rights are violated by a shadow cabal of perverted Globalists not interested in the most minimum in the individual Citizen of the USA. So, there is a definite YES answer to that shill troll asking if there is a CODE of CONDUCT for the real Patriots that are defending their rights under the frame of the legitimate LAW. And the same can be said of the other actors, all of them exaggerated, ridiculous, callous, obnoxious, despicable, fake, false, phony and absurd... Another infiltrator breaking windows "captured" by a fake police can be seen in the original footage captured by Powell, here briefly excerpted: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTW8WXYBTAw, who later on the same day can be seen here free like a bird: https://www.c-span.org/video/?507773-1%2Fprotesters-breach-us-capitol, at about 3:43 PM on the 6th of January, 2021, as per the stamp of C-Span. So deliberately the corrupted and the fake "police" let freely go their rioter pals that were breaking windows and herding the unsuspecting masses, while capturing the idiots that were lured into peacefully entering into the Capitol Building. Plus countless of sets of evidence... like those three Mossad window breakers filmed by Benjamin, the one with sunglasses and characteristic "pink" headphones, and the two slender older, white haired guys, also with gloves as to properly beat down the glass... testimony of the fakery unleashed over us during the 2020 - 2021 by the Globalists that think that they are with full control, the "owners" of us all: "You're being scammed by enemies of America who occupy powerful positions in government and the media... Know your enemy... Right now the country is being torn apart by the biggest political hoax and coordinated mass-media disinformation campaign in living history... In 2015 (same year that Shi from the Wuhan Lab was perfecting the techniques to develop COVID-19 with the help of Baric, a darling of Fauci), as directed by the globalist criminal corruption network known as the Deep State, President Barack Obama authorized millions in funding for the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the location now understood to be the epicenter of the Covid19 outbreak... The research carried out here was to provide the agent for a global biological attack on a scale never before seen - one that would be timed for release within an election year...", etc., etc., etc. with no end...
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
FakeBook did it again! Removing two of my posts, dealing about the Fake "natural" origin of the current senile-demic proclaimed by who - niaid - gates. about the Fake "MAGA" riot set by anarchists infiltrated as Trump "supporters" of many colors, and about the Fake results of the 2020 "riggection", being the last one the purpose of the previous two, here we go again, this time preventing myself from posting links but peacefully and orderly, well documented and with basis "fighting like hell" as our President Trump still requests us to do: "Undeniable facts totally ignored by the currently corrupt "American System" (Gov., MSM, SM, "Justice", etc.), from the words at the end of the current video: "Uncommon Valor Was A Common Virtue": "The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance." Thomas Jefferson."


"Courts dismissed cases before any evidence was presented"!!!

"Contrary to MSM claims, many cases filed by Republicans and/or private plaintiffs in courts around the country were not "lost." In most cases the courts refused to even hear the evidence, or the cases were dismissed because of "lack of standing." No court had all the evidence because new data arose daily. / Sudden and sharp vote dumps for Biden in battleground states were systematically larger than other vote dumps that came into other states, making them especially crucial for swaying election outcomes in the respective states. / No sitting president in 132 years has ever gained votes between his first and second race and lost re-election."

"23x more votes for Biden"??? The most extreme vote update among all states." "This election was decided by four extreme updates, each with a probability of less than 0.1 %"

"Trump won at least 11 million more votes in 2020 than in 2016, including the highest percentage of the non-white vote of any Republican candidate in 60 years (making significant gains among African-American, Latino, Jewish and even Muslim voters), yet allegedly lost. / Despite Biden allegedly receiving 15 million more votes than Obama did in his 2012 re-election, the democrats lost 13 house seats. / Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton's 2016 vote in every major metro area, yet somehow outperformed her in the mayor swing state cities of Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia. / Biden also allegedly won despite having received a record low share of the Democrat primary vote, while Trump set a record for primary votes for an incumbent - 18 million primary votes, doubling the previous record, set by Bill Clinton. / Trump is one of only five incumbents to win more than 90% of the primary vote since 1912."

"No incumbent who has received at least 75% of the primary vote total has ever, until 2020, lost re-election. / In Pennsylvania, only 19% of the vote additions favored Trump from November 4th through November 7th. Moreover, the integral of all vote update differences in this time range results in 578,014 votes for Biden with and only 3,290 for Trump. / McCandless precinct in Allegheny County, PA; had a ratio of 86 Democrat votes to every 14 Republican votes in 2020, but in 2016 the same county had 47 Democrat votes for every 53 Republican votes. / An obvious severe departure from statistical norms. / In Arizona 22,093 mail-in ballots were "received" the day BEFORE they were mailed. / In AZ 33,400 illegal immigrants were estimated to have voted. / In GA, after the recount, the original numbers were used to certify the results. Even though the recount had differing results." "Where is evidence of corrections? Why were results never changed?"

There Were then: "Massive amounts of UNSOLICITED mail-in ballots." Furthermore, there was a: "Non-equal treatment of Republican poll watchers... counting ballots in locations with no poll watchers... Poll watchers not permitted close enough to see the counting process... (Many were seen banging on the windows outside after being kicked out)..." then there were recorded trucks for "shredding ballots" and also "garbage bags full of ballots for Trump."

"Thousands of citizens filed affidavits under oath, (sworn under penalty of perjury) asserting irregularities and illegal activities in voting places. / A Georgia polling manager testified that stacks of hundreds of "mail in" ballots that were tallied, were on perfect flat "pristine" paper that had never been folded. (If a ballot is really mailed, it has to be folded in two places to fit in the envelope). Georgia's Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, without legislative approval, unilaterally abrogated Georgia's statute governing the signature verification process for absentee ballots."

"A sworn affidavit from mathematical analysis of the publically available vote update data showed that: "The repetition of the many different ratios transferring simultaneously across many different precincts located many miles away from each other strongly demonstrates a clear, intentional, deliberate manipulation of the votes completed via software." In AZ, 2,000 voters were "registered" to a vacant lot. / In the Antrim Michigan forensic report of the audit of Dominion Voting System tabulator machines software, it was found that someone had attempted to zero out al election results at 13:53:09 on Nov. 21st / This is a clear and unchallenged example of direct tampering with evidence." Then, there is: "The impossible IDENTICAL RATIO of votes over time...", and the "WEIGHTED RACE DISTRIBUTION, a known feature of "Diebold" voting machines (incorporated into "Dominion"), which gives a value to a vote that can favor one candidate over another." ""Dominion" acquired ES&S in 2010. ES&S had acquired "Diebold" under its new name: "Premier Election Solutions"." (And then, there is the crap of the SolarWinds Software...) And "The claims that "Dominion" voting machines were not connected to the internet ARE COMPLETELY FALSE":

"CISA (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency) and the FBI are aware of an Iranian advanced persistent threat (APT) actor targeting U.S. state websites - to include election websites. CISA and the FBI, assess this actor is responsible for the mass dissemination of voter intimidation emails to U.S. citizens and the dissemination of U.S. election-related disinformation in mid-October 2020." CISA (Oct. 30, 2020)."

"Dominion Voting System is a Canadian owned company with global subsidiaries. It is owned by "Staple Street Capital" which is in turn owned by "UBS Securities LLC", of which 3 out of their 7 board members are Chinese nationals. The "Dominion" software is licensed from "Smartmatic" which is a Venezuelan owned and controlled company. "Dominion" Server locations have been determined to be in Serbia, Canada, the US, Spain and Germany."

From the reports: "...We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results. The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors. The electronic ballots are then transferred for adjudication. The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, no transparency, and no audit trail. This leads to voter or election fraud..." "Cybersecurity specialists identified an error rate of 68.05% which is far above the Federal Election Commission guidelines of 0.0008%. The results of these errors led to tabulation errors and ballots being sent to adjudication, which means that the vote is decided by the election worker using the machine... Although vote adjudication logs for prior years were available, all the logs for the 2020 cycle were missing. Moreover, all server security logs prior to 11:03 PM on November 4th are missing. These logs are vital for audit trails, forensics, and detecting malicious intruders..."
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
And more and more daily evidence emerges of the set-up by the same ones that cheated, they did a rehearsed trap of real and good innocent Patriots: https://www.bitchute.com/video/DYlb92zMkj41/
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
And yes, the clear evidence of voting fraud keeps on accumulating more and more as days go by: https://youtu.be/jsOXMi1E0tQ, https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1204519075770425344
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Denouncing Those BItches That Are Bragging Themselves Proudly About Their Despicable Deceptions: https://archive.vn/uruEB, https://archive.vn/LgNdT, https://archive.vn/ivCtz, https://archive.vn/C0cln, https://archive.vn/bz5R4, etc. Including those false fact-checking pieces of crap such as the current and local Zucker, with a politically biased purpose.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Compartiendo aquí mi versión en español de este tremendo estudio: https://youtu.be/qJVgezRL2pY
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
This is the other reel, that I edited removing the "commercials", that I was uploading when Facebook blocked me to do it: In this transmission that took six hours airing, you can see the peaceful crowd of the rally of Trump, demonstrating that there were provocateurs infiltrated even to the point to have some produced by the FBI such as its founded movement of the "Proud Boys", that originally have nothing to do with peaceful Trump, the No-New-Wars Legitimate President of the USA, the Pro-Law-And-Order Genuine President, the No-Corruption, Authentic President Still of the USA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNQRGohdW9Y (at 34:31 people starts to arrive), the reel one here, is called "US: Protest/DC".
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
My answer to the Facebook repressors: "We the users are in a losing situation in a platform that is YOURS and not ours. I do not even have idea why I have been blocked this time other than I do not agree with your way of thinking and that I was uploading footage from the raw and unedited reels of the official news regarding the peaceful events of the sixth of January, 2021 at the Capitol, as one of the original AP footage labels says: "US: March for Trump". So, the censoring of the free speech is sick, and unsound, I have been censored since my peer-reviewed research of the artificial, lab origin of COVID-19, that me as a dual postdoctoral in molecular biology can clearly detect, then I was censored when I was presenting clear evidence that there was voter fraud in the banana "elections" rigged by Biden, and me more than other countries understand this easily, as being born in Mexico, we have a voter ID which is our official ID in my country, what is lacking in the US. Now I am being censored by demonstrating that the Capitol rally for Trump was peaceful except for infiltrators that purposefully provoked and incited what they are used to and famous to do best: To destroy private property and to be rude with the police, two features that are absent for the civility of the Christian American Patriot and Citizen like me, but that are very present as all the summer demonstrated it, in those anarchists paid and organized to cause disorder, crime, chaos and destruction. So, I claim for my freedom of speech in this note"
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
This is another transmission or "reel" two, with a nice name: "US: March For Trump" (Note: I was uploading my edited version of this second reel of raw footage when I was blocked to do so by FB, as before they blocked my Laptop from uploading fragments of video from it to my "History", 20 second clips, now I do it from my phone!, but, this is the unedited version with the idle long non-recording moments): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJhiMnVpjnw
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
That same day, the time-changing and peaceful rally at the Capitol took place, just like the 1776 Declaration of Independence, here is some footage from that day (the really only violent people there where the Infiltrated Provocateurs of the most diverse anarchist colors, from Antifa, BLM, etc...):
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Even for the transmissions of that day you can see that the post-speech by the great Trump was calmed and relaxed (except for those infiltrators and provocateurs, not seen at all in the video of the raw transmissions of that day):
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
A beautiful message by a Christian and a Patriot, like most of us in the US (the first scene was of a man asking the woman with the white hair if he can pray for her eyes, victims of the tear gas, so he did), are the perverted illegitimate ones that usurped the power from We The People going to prevail in their crimes and in their globalist plans? I do not want to, is going to be the lesson on Patriotism that such valiant and bold Mom was teaching to her son going to the drain, to the trash bag just because the MSM is a prostituted agency that brainwashed many Americans that were not awaken enough to see that this all was a ZionoPlot, from the Plandemics to the steal to the Mossadnicks / Antifas / BLMs, etc... infiltrators at the Capitol putting the blame over these Very Kind, Godly and Peaceful patriots...:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Antifa scum changing their clothes at the Capitol, to fakely "pose" (as fakely poses their example and boss Biden as "President"), as "Trumpers": https://youtu.be/Jc0BAUr6hps
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Antifa Crap Infiltrating the Capitol and posing as "Trump Supporters": https://youtu.be/bH2iTWqpBFI
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
And, here is the longer sequence of how a small brawl was started by Antifa guys at the Capitol, and how the rest of the Patriots just called them off and prevented it to get worse:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Jack A... ngeli prayed in the name of Jesus, and tried to keep order telling all to go home as soon as he realized the message of Trump, so, with the best of his ability, he tried to do the right thing, praying now for him to very soon be free again and out of prison to which he was unjustly taken by being one of the most active at the Capitol Rally:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
This is how a peaceful demonstration of the Rally of Trump looked by hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Americans peaceful congregated at the Capitol, D.C. (excluding the Provocateurs of all colors and shapes that were focused on destroying and vandalizing property):
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Do NOT be discouraged, there is a God, first and foremost, but also, there is evidence, and if there is still conscience within the MIL, something good will happen in the upcoming days. F. asked us to keep on praying for the next seven days or so: https://archive.vn/GBaiN, so, that request we can fulfill!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Before the Big DarkOut:
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Talking about having one more machine to flip votes from T. to B., plus many other tricks, the low rank perpetrators were paid $ 100.00 hr to do "the steal", shame on them all horrible criminals!!!: https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1350141540962873344/pu/vid/778x360/pvJHLJVHDcUHiX5z.mp4?tag=10, the "cheap" cost of the currently known worldwide expensive treason against America!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Caution, a very gross face appears: https://archive.vn/oXDTL
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
My dear bro Gabriel Oliver sent me this: https://youtu.be/dHNpNlFXJcY, pray, God is still into pwoerful deeds and miracles!!! Good Night!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Let us see if these ones go through a corrupted censorship unilaterally biased to lie since the beginning of the virus to the infiltration, passing through the Laptop and the rigged machines: https://ref.q17.ca/declass/documents/The-Immaculate-Deception-12.15.20-1.pdf, https://archive.vn/ff9ij, https://archive.vn/OwMG1, just some of the endless blocked because the perverted people does not want you to see them.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Tracy Layton's comment.
But "the animal" in charge does not allow me to post it (sooner or later he will pay for his faceless CCP censorship):
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Tracy Layton's comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
From the first paragraphs:
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
While the real information of a leaked document contradicts 100% the lies of the MSM about what the nation wants, Citizens want to stop the impious censorship that beasts like the previous one exhibit instead of wasting their time in useless rants!: https://www.scribd.com/document/490496389/Battleground-Survey-Memo-01-12-21
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Another criminal exposed, promoter of a CCP style censorship: https://youtu.be/k2My9sbmGus, the Zucker of my... is next: https://youtu.be/k2My9sbmGus, his actions are the most divisive ever in a free country like the USA, shame on him and on all that are behaving like them!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
As promised, these are the "Declas" days, Graham obeyed his boss President Trump and released the FisaGate Scandal To-Day: https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/fisa-investigation (https://archive.vn/FAFoQ), way far more releases from other departments still to come! To expose those liars serving the Central Banks that want to take back the power of our blessed nation, but NO way!
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
The futile vanity of the evil organizers of the Riot attempted to be blamed on Trump and on his supporters, but indeed having been organized by Antifa & BLM & Insurgence USA is very clear, hear carefully the damning video with the voice of the arses themselves: https://youtu.be/WkSiWfqy1YM, https://archive.vn/eXIF1
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
The interview with the sweet Victoria Jackson, former Comedian at Saturday Night Live (SNL):
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Describing what happened on the Sixth of January, 2021: https://youtu.be/FE4zUzADHPU
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
https://archive.vn/o5Ozl (video link in, at the top of the page)
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Very clear evidence that the agitators, the destroyers of the Capitol were Antifa trash and scum: https://youtu.be/FViI4X7tLdM
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
The real Trump supporters were listening to him, and waited for the command of A. Jones, the one appointed by Trump to lead the peaceful march, his testimony is soaring and clear about it, evidence that him and the ones that were with him did NOT entered The Capitol:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Further evidence that the pesky "rioters" were a completely different "species" than the Trump supporters, anybody with eyes to see can see that the disorder by the Antifa / BLM crowd that was NOT in the Trump speech, were already started in their disorders dressed as Trump supporters, shame on them!!! They are helping the "Democrats" one sided and reprobate Fascism that is very happy promoting censorship to the biggest part of the Americans!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Miguel Fernando Laniere's post.
Intenté hoy corregir a "Escrituras" y reemplazar "Ministerios" por "Servicios" y los malditos comunistas que aman la censura al estilo de la perversa inquisición, agregaron una advertencia, jijos de la..., pagarán tarde que temprano ante la Presencia de Dios, yo los convocaré entonces a juicio delante de Él. Para estos servidores de Satanás es preferible la maldita "vacuna" para implantar a los incautos y a los incrédulos, que un milagro de sanidad de Dios!!!, pensando estoy seriamente en mandar a la... al FB y migrar lo que aquí tengo a otro lado (muy posiblemente a Gab, ya que "Parer" también sufrió la censura unilateral y por ende fascista del comunismo evidente en FB, YT, Tw, y el resto de las redes vendidas al mal, para seguir atrapando incautos).
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
The warnings were there, ahead of time since after the rigged first symptoms of the election: https://archive.vn/X2gQM
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
A real report from a Patriot, just before the infiltrators enter the Capitol, we can clearly see here that the police was the first one to toss tear gas to peaceful protesters, then we can see that there were the Antifa infiltrators tossing that kind of gas to the police that was in one section of the Capitol, shame on all of those deceivers! What Happened on January 6th? Curtis Bowers, Behind the Scenes: https://www.bitchute.com/video/HdIEqFxtTAtq
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
https://twitter.com/i/status/1346137935771385858, he sows the footage from his cellphone, with date of the posting as 4th of January, 2021, which means that the Antifa crew was in cahoots with the DC major, hence the police, and were planing strategically "all that will transpire" on the 6th.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
WARNING! There are several armed protests at state capitols across the country before inaugural ceremonies next week.
The [DS] needs a crisis to take make the case to take weapons away from the people. First they take away your speech then they come for your arms
For the record, these “armed protests” in the coming days ARE NOT sanctioned by the Trump Campaign." Basically, that is a "False Flag" FBI planned operation to lure again Patriots into bringing guns to those events and then to orchestrate something bad themselves to put the blame in the Patriots and their use of arms to remove the rights to bear arms from the hands of the people. You have been warned.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
The police let them all in to the Capitol Building, so they can not be charged with unlawfully trespassing it as the most corrupt FBI wants to:
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
And the second one (organized by the same person that was in the right place at the right time as he has been informed of the events that will take place on that day):
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
MSM also conveniently ignores that there were two events by groups opposed to Trump on that same day, precisely to fine-tune their infiltration moves:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Evidence that the inciters of violence were infiltrated people is obviously totally ignored by MSM who only has a one-sided narrative: https://archive.vn/CHUwS
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
The informative outlet name made and made famous by JFK Jr. is Back!!! https://george.news/; this was my response to Don: "Dear Donald, As I said when you started, inspired by my professor, something (now it is gone as it was written on Twitter): "The Donkeys seek their food on the ground, but the ones aimed at the heights, like you, seek it at the top of the trees"!!! Keep going, we are almost all the initial ones with you, and millions of newer ones awakened by what just had happened, to leave bare naked in the sight of all that have eyes to see: The irremediable corruption of the ones in love with money fed to them from the Central Banks. By the way, the idea of having a site that combines news with a personal way to blog and post is not only good but GREAT!!! Hello George, welcome back!!! Fern." Glory, Glory Hallelujah!: https://youtu.be/kSqrpnBu48M, https://trump.podbean.com/, and the previous "song": https://drive.google.com/file/d/18coKXCSsYsi-iRWHmnhBqYSRbgllPTiB/view
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
https://player.vimeo.com/video/498671924, evidence that Antifa / BLM, etc. was the one with the pre-knowledge and involved causing mayhem and chaos is presented by Rudy G., video evidence from 15:29 to 19:00, and then from 23:48 to 24:15 to 26:32, Sullivan shouts multiple times: "Is time to Webolution", then 27:28 to 27:53, 28:37 to 29:02, 31:37 to 32:15.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
His video in slow-mo: https://lbry.tv/sullivanAffair:a, it seems that he is being propelled to "immortality" by the same ones that "groomed" Obama: https://archive.vn/vIBID, https://archive.vn/svXTk
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Organized by Antifa / BLM, the very same day as the Trump Protests, the same as the radical leftist "Insurgence USA" event organized the same day and at the same time, it is very clear from the right side that they recommended to bring knives, guns, and "pepper spray", the one precisely poured over the police that was in a stakeout situation, so they did all of that and put the blame on Trump and his supporters!!! Shame on all of them, sooner or later they will pay for what they have done against the truth!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
John Sullivan, a.k.a. Jayden X, Jayden Xander, was an insider of what was about to transpire, as pal of Muriel Bowser, the "minor" Major of D.C.: https://archive.vn/Ic4r4, in his own words: "I knew all the situations that were going to transpire", and this is the event that he organized, how many of that group went along the other infiltrator groups entering the Capitol Building??? (below is another flyer from another group also infiltrating Patriots, two fliers organizing events to mess with Trump supporters, and that not even counting the Antifa and the Supremacist guys): https://archive.vn/w5M0B, when he explains his presence there, equating himself to the rest just by entering the Capitol, he does not say anything about his anti-Trump event, or how many were there, or about the other event that he was invited to near the hotel where he stayed: https://twitter.com/insurgenceusa/status/1347775043149975553
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Right Side Broadcasting's post.
Many years ago Assange wrote: "Censorship reveals the fear of reform by knowledge... then some action will take place which will result in some kind of reform." We as Christians know that Light dispels darkness, and that the strategy of the forces of darkness is to censor the truth, but we are more than them, greater is He that is Within Us than he that is with them!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
¡Gracias! ¡Muy necesario!, y seguir confiando en Dios a pesar de la época que nos ha tocado vivir: https://www.whatreallyhappened.com/, (https://archive.vn/JZ4qB)
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
"...the cameraperson knew exactly where the police officer would go and, while running backward, knew exactly where to stop to capture the exchange between the police officer and the “violent mob of Trump supporters.” The cameraman was so good at his or her job, that much like the police officer, he or she was able to help the “violent mob” reach the exact location the media warned about—the Senate Chambers where the evidence of voter fraud was about to be presented and several brave lawmakers were about to stand up to the theft of our elections": http://www.stationgossip.com/2021/01/bizarre-video-shows-police-officer.html (https://archive.vn/Nu0yW)
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
https://archive.vn/v6Bss, this BLM sympathizer, founder of "Insurgence USA" is presented as a left wing extremist since Sept. of 2020, and was in the right place at the right moment of "the shooting of Babbit", even if now he is a "darling" of Anderson Cooper and of CNN: https://archive.vn/5zQpo, and even when the corrupt "fact-checkers" deny that fact, his affiliation and words are very clear: https://archive.vn/oEtGe
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
"...Surveillance companies like SS8 in the U.S., Hacking Team in Italy and Vupen in France manufacture viruses (Trojans) that hijack individual computers and phones (including iPhones, Blackberries and Androids), take over the device, record its every use, movement, and even the sights and sounds of the room it is in. "...
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Why the stupid "Sane Distance"? For them to perfect their tracking devices closer to 50 mts, their "record" thus far then: "...record the location of every mobile phone in a city, down to 50 meters. Systems to infect every Facebook user, or smart-phone owner of an entire population group are on the intelligence market": https://archive.vn/jpxFk (near the end).
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
It seems that they have started to remove files, the currently very corrupt SN:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Many people is asking about the deeds of Trump, mostly good deeds (Democrats say that for them it will take "years" to "undo" all of them), being the most important to put back God at the center of our great nation: https://www.promiseskept.com/, from his site where you can sign to have direct connection with him: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ (the most in touch with the citizens of all presidents thus far and, the Deep State bans him from accessing the citizens!!!), then he promised to release a lot of classified and hidden information (evil hands are disobeying his order, as the President of the US, to do that), Landell Edgin sent: https://file.wikileaks.org/ (released since 2014 with occasional updates)...
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
What is the world transforming into? What is the US transforming into? Censorship today of numerous accounts just indicates that there is somebody unwilling the truth critical to them to be known: https://preview.tinyurl.com/censoringcommies, we better do what we can do best, starting by denouncing them as the real evils of this world, before living in a "global" prison, as a wise NY governor said: "...International Bankers ...control the majority of the newspapers and magazines in this country. They use the columns of these papers to club into submission or drive out of office public officials who refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose the invisible government. It operates under cover of a self-created screen and seizes our executive officers, legislative bodies, schools, courts, newspapers and every agency created for the public protection." -- New York City Mayor John Hylan (1918-1925)."
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
The multitudes of good people supporting Trump: https://www.facebook.com/rsbnetwork/videos/449664179380437
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
But keep moving on, nothing can stop this but death itself: https://tinyurl.com/PncDC-QplanOn
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Oh, noo, looking forward to the future Paradise on earth, because here what the world is living is a repressive hell!, the evil people that wants a total control of the planet has banned our dear President and one of the good sources of information out of the corrupt MSM - SM:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Telling this, to whoever wants to be my woman, whom I do not have yet, whom I do not have now:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
It was known long ago... The Second Term is Coming!
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Concerned Taxpayers of Snohomish County's photo.
Yeah that is the "infamous" stupid infiltrator with the communist sickle and hammer tattooed on his left hand, as an evidence that he is just an infiltrator communist, just like the CCP, those idiots had nothing to do with real Patriotism, shame and prison for them!
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Ah, and the third removed Tweet that Trump posted, telling the truth, which actually was the first one to be posted by him, then the video, then the message of remember this day, was also removed, the one that says:
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
But they are as well experienced in how to deal with the corrupt people of the "swamp", like those satanist Podesta Bros in the past. Now dear Trump has 6K National Guard loyal to him in D.C. to trap with evidence as many swamp "creatures" as possible (so, Zucker, be afraid, be very afraid that also your days as a free deceiver are counted! Not violence here, just a prison, a box with bars for you):
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
But that this will happen was very well known from a while ago, but the blinded by the corrupt MSM and SM people of the Nation needed to see it and to feel it by themselves! And those thousands and millions realized the "farce" by the Deep State and their minions, that are now very well known by everybody, traitors like Pence, like Graham, et al., now perv Schumer wants to desperately still "impeach" Trump from the 13 days that he has left because the swamp knows that Trump can revert all the dice in his favor in a shorter than that period of time!!!:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
13 Days Only!!! 13 To Turn Around The System For the Good and Not for the Bad, Hypocrite and Liar Zucker makes a ladies scandal regarding their own planned infiltrated "riot" and was happy and quiet when the real RIOTS by BLM - Antifa were going on, what a scheme! As days go by, we see that there were infiltrators of these pernicious groups posing as supporters of Trump, and also some policemen were paid to set the stage of such a False Flag, thanks to all that had recording devices as adviced, do not send them to dubious "authorities" that may just disappear them, post them everywhere as these ones (look very clearly the Antifa hand trying to destroy another window and how a real patriot stops him, and then how the corrupt "police" lets everybody in on purpose and how when the tear gas is going on, also hands of Antifa guys in the right side start spreading the very same kind of gas as that that the corrupt police are equally spraying, also corrupt guys posing as "police men" are (instead of stopping them!) indicating the way to their Antifa pals to cause another false scandal versus Trump, part of the same Soros, plus a corrupt Governor et al. well known fraudulent scheme in order to "storm" the place of meetings at the Capitol Building, just to set a ridiculous "show" to demiure the peaceful, God loving real patriots that went to D.C. with peace in their hearts, then notice the call to do such a "False Flag" by leaders of Antifa a day before in the social media calling to their criminal peers, plus other ridiculous shenanigans they did set that bombs planted in the RNC and gas tanks in diverse streets to be ready to falsely, as the whole election was, sponsored by that Zucker aforementioned, put the blame also on peaceful folk, shame on them!!! Some day they will pay here or in a scatological "hell", and this is just a minimal set of the abundant evidence online. My prayer is for 13 days to be enough, as I want to see a lawful Constitutional Nation and not a "schizophrenic" craze to censor and oppress more and more the free Nation of the US, still the best Nation in the world today, the one that gives bread on the tables of all of those traitors like that Zucker cynical, unjust censor, and very despicable individual. Hopefully the Law, Peace and Order of the honest Patriots that are still with Trump could be able to untangle that deception in these 13 days left!!! Pray in the spirit that truth will be done, so as for us to continue freely gathering and not being prevented by ridiculous and unloving man-made and anti-Constitutional "laws" for beasts:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Traitor Pence: https://archive.vn/OljXW, and a moment of weakness of Trump (his statement through Dan Scavino):
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Lincoln Wood, a good man, praying for you: https://parler.com/profile/linwood/posts (all his bold work suspended at Twitter):
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
EYEWITNESS. Says he heard the in-disguise Antifa members talking about their plan. He was behind them when they broke a Capitol window to enter.
#SayIt, #saveamerica https://parler.com/post/88d4c6020ce449548240c18392e5d9be, accumulating evidence by the minute of the "False Flag" of the Antifa paid people dressed as "Trump "supporters"": https://parler.com/profile/EllieBOfficial/posts
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Then later on they totally obscured it, to prevent the Planet to see the citizens that went in support of Donald J. Trump
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
The two tweets by Trump removed by Tweeter: https://lbry.tv/Two-Tweets-Of-Trump-Removed-01_06_2021:9, the supposed rioters pro-Trump were Antifa paid mobsters impersonating Trump supporters to make them look bad: https://archive.vn/Sg3WL, you can see there a despicable post by one of them describing that "impersonation" plan.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Donald J. Trump's post.
In Spanish we say, Pence is a "Maricón"
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
They bitches deleted that tweet of Trump calling for peace and a second one that I did not see because I went to do some chores and, beam!!! Two tweets of our President gone!!! One day they will pay the injustice that they are causing now!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Blocked from re-tweets or from "liking" it, they think they can "brainwash" the planet: https://rumble.com/vchxk5
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
The most recent words but Trump asking for Peace while the evil Tweeter prevents us from the retweet:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on The Victory Channel's live video.
So, the media is with the fraudsters as we all know since more than a 100 years: https://welovetrump.com/2021/01/06/caught-live-cbs-and-cnn-remove-32400-votes-away-from-sen-perdue-during-live-broadcast/ (https://archive.vn/tul4s), and we know that light dissipates darkness! So here is a droplet of light: Christ is Coming!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
The Full "Windows of Grace" day (16th, Feb., 2020) at the Lakewood Church, we, she and I, arrived like at minute 30, our own video captures and photos can be seen above by the side of my edit of such a unique event, a first and maybe only in our lifetimes!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Bold representative of us Texans!!! Valiant for the Truth, Ted Cruz without any leash to restrain him!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on The Victory Channel's live video.
Proud to see Ted Cruz! Valiant for the Truth!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
They have just blocked the webcam that was showing the multitudes supporting Trump at D.C.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Right Side Broadcasting's live video.
Nice, Bold, Honest, Four More Years!!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Donald J. Trump's post.
Keep the faith that no matter what they do, justice can still be done!, and with the proper evidence, film, tampered machines, paperwork or their rushed removal thereof, will in the end add to the legal case that is being brought against them cheaters, anti-Americans and anti-Constitutional.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Doug Gent's comment.
Doug Gent Back and forth supporting truth, and four more years to see the best to come from our dear President Trump!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Brian wrote: "Well remember, if 3 states don’t decertify by or on January 6 when the EC votes are counted, then all the evidence is dropped outside the courts and the Congress. People who take their oaths seriously to defend this nation from domestic threats stand ready to do their duty. They are ***NOT*** going to let a very real and very dangerous national security threat take the Oval Office. Their oaths do not permit it. They would be FORCED to take action. pic.twitter.com/d4X1DreEWM In this thread: "Before even discussing the massive corruption which took place in the 2020 Election, which gives us far more votes than is necessary to win all of the Swing States (only need three), it must be noted that the State Legislatures were not in any way responsible for the massive", President Trump makes it clear he's going to give the Courts, the Congress & the state legislatures **every chance possible** to do the right thing before he will play that final card. Of course, Trump and military intelligence persons who's pictures I showed you are hoping it doesn't come to having to drop the fraud & bribery evidence in public view outside the channels of the courts or the DOJ. But what has to be done will be done, if it comes to that. Evidence classified at the highest levels and currently being used in federal criminal and military intelligence cases that they would really REALLY not want to go public with yet will be made public. Because it would ***have*** to be done. They would not have a choice." A big Cue provider responded: "..right. If all else fails, Military Intelligence currently protected under State Secrets will go live. That is our final TRUMP card. Zero chance CCP gets the WH again. NCSWIC." Trump rightfully also said: "The Swing States did not even come close to following the dictates of their State Legislatures. These States “election laws” were made up by local judges & politicians, not by their Legislatures, & are therefore, before even getting to irregularities & fraud, UNCONSTITUTIONAL!" [My Comment: Sp, we know that the evil will be diminished and controlled, at least for a while, but that it will continue scheming in the darkness, but at least while we are still here, LIGHT dissipates time after time darkness, so, take this shower of light dark evil one!]:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
The lying MSM, "Fact Twisters", SM, etc.: You’re being told by the corporate media right now that state legislatures can’t decertify the slate of electors selected by their governor or secretary of state. This is a lie. Not only can they decertify a slate selected on the basis of fraud, they can certify a new slate. President Trump Joins Call Urging State Legislators to Review Evidence and Consider Decertifying ‘Unlawful’ Election Results
President Trump spoke to 300 state legislators from the battleground states of Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Georgia on Saturday in a Zoom conference call hosted by Got Freedom? in which the 501 (c) (4) non-profit election integrity watchdog group urged those lawmakers to review evidence that the election process in their states was unlawful and consider decertifying the results of the November 3 presidential election. Source; https://www.breitbart.com/2020-election/2021/01/03/mark-meadows-well-100-house-members-dozen-senators-slated-object-certification (https://archive.vn/HmmjH)
Mark Meadows: ‘Well over 100 House Members and a Dozen Senators’ Slated to Object to Election Certification
White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows said that the GOP now has “well over 100 House members” and “a dozen senators” slated to stand up for election integrity and object to the certification of the election on January 6 — a remark that followed the joint-statement released by several Republican senators who, led by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), announced that they will reject the electors from disputed states.
“We’re now at well over 100 House members and a dozen Senators ready to stand up for election integrity and object to certification,” Meadows said Saturday evening,” adding that it is “time to fight back”. D. J. Trump wrote: "Before even discussing the massive corruption which took place in the 2020 Election, which gives us far more votes than is necessary to win all of the Swing States (only need three), it must be noted that the State Legislatures were not in any way responsible for the massive changes made to the voting process, rules and regulations, many made hastily before the election, and therefore the whole State Election is not legal or Constitutional. Additionally, the Georgia Consent Decree is Unconstitutional & the State 2020 Presidential Election is therefore both illegal and invalid, and that would include the two current Senatorial Elections. In Wisconsin, Voters not asking for applications invalidates the Election. All of this without even discussing the millions of fraudulent votes that were cast or altered!" David comments: "Republican member of the House or Senate who refuses to object to election fraud next week is basically finished as a leader in the Republican Party. Time to start packing!" So, According to Peter Navarro, Pence not only has the authority to give them a ten day window, the inauguration date can also be rescheduled: https://twitter.com/i/status/1345585544940630017
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Another big one from there: "BREAKING BIG: Jovan Pulitzer says Georgia Called in Trucks to Get Rid of the Evidence in Fulton County He is Supposed to be Scanning! (VIDEO)
Then Jovan Pulitzer dropped this bomb!
Pulitzer said as soon as he was tasked with auditing the Fulton County ballots trucks pulled up to the facility and the ballots were being loaded into the trucks and were being shredded.
Jovan Pulitzer: I’d like your permission of you and your fine audience that as I answer you that I have your permission to piss you off… The very minute that order went through and that order was followed, and all the legal notices were done, it didn’t even take four hours later where moving trucks with this stuff was backed up to those buildings trying to get rid of the evidence": https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/12/breaking-big-jovan-pulitzer-says-georgia-destroying-fulton-county-evidence-supposed-scanning-video/, https://archive.vn/KQ6hh
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Donald J. Trump's post.
Done!!!! I even added the Historian of the House as witness with the clear evidence of Fraud given by computer experts
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
So, the evidence of the ease to hack the US election in favor of a Globalist piece of crap seems to be endless, but the judges paid by the same globalists are putting their heads under the sand..., can the minimum number of them will come to their senses and rescue America from a most despicable fraud ever: https://youtu.be/7M8iSRqlNuo
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Also, before the election, another bold professor from Georgia Tech, in collaboration with novice hackers from Nevada was able to alter the "Dominion" voting systems in only ONE minute!!! (So this demonstrates that the Scholars of the contested States were very worried and aware of the impending VOTING FRAUD, here we have seen those from PA, GA, NV and more!!!, hopefully these SOBs do not blur this one, just here we have FOUR evidences of the vulnerability of those extremely corrupt "Dominion" trash, they keep blurring this one two, they do NOT want YOU to be aware, they (FB, YT, Tw, paid by the same Global Ones just want to still keep you very "stupid"): https://archive.is/76Cbs, https://twitter.com/nowthisnews/status/1034614864180858880
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
And, before the "elections" another expert from Princeton, Dr. Appel easily hacked a "Dominion" voting machine, so, with access to the Net this hacking to favor a lame and totally corrupt individual such as Biden is, was even way far more easier (this in the bold program of "Jorge Ramos", from Univision, this gets also blurred by the..., so I add here also the link to the extended version: https://vimeo.com/480044940):
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Even this information appeared in an interview to another professor expert in computing at NBC "itself" (listen VERY carefully at the end to see the corroboration of the discoveries by Pulitzer and his team), saying that having those flawed "Dominion" voting machines plugged to the Internet will make piece-of-cake the hacking that went on to falsely and fraudulently favor the completely incompetent Biden, but indeed a very useful idiot for "the Central Banksters" (The first time I posted it, the next video fragment was blurred out, so I deleted the previous one and posted again), as my chosen fragment keeps being interfered here, the link is: https://youtu.be/dgVpIfOFP7Y:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Its Meaning: (You) Love (Her) Plentifully:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
The Legal COUNT Remark on Wed. 6th Jan. 2021:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Our Cue To Legality:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
And I sent, also feeling it to the bone: https://youtu.be/1rEF_iLBp5w
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
And I sent to her, also deeply feeling it: https://youtu.be/iNdBSH_Tv2k
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Earlier, I sent to her one of my adolescence favorites, by the brethren D.D.Sound, Italy. Aka:https://youtu.be/PMVack4Fnyc
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Donald J. Trump's post.
Yes, Research indicates a total Fraud by Biden.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Bold Jovan, featured above, and here he is speaking:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
The linked videos are: 1) Testimony at Georgia of Jovan Hutton Pulitzer: https://youtu.be/KeVAssjxHx0
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
JFK said: "The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society, and we are as a people, inherently and historically, opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweigh the dangers which are cited to justify it." https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/john-f-kennedy-secret-societies-speech-transcript (https://archive.vn/PyfTr)
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
He had it planned for a long time...:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Duane Cates wrote: "January 6th is going to be a 9.0 (of ten, meaning that Trump still has another card to play after that, the 10th!) when President Trump & Vice President Pence do what General Michael Flynn has PLANNED & CAMPAIGNED for over a decade to accomplish=SHAKE THE BOX on a level never before seen in HUMAN HISTORY. To SHATTER the DC Swamp once & for all... absolutely WRECK all of the blatant, HIDEOUSLY ARROGANT & corrupt Domestic Enemies that have, at the same time they appear to be thwarting Trump at every turn are being EXPOSED & SHOWCASED to us to JUSTIFY what he's about to do. Because Trump "WAR-GAMED" all this out YEARS AGO. Understand, President Trump is making GOOD FAITH efforts to resolve this STOLEN ELECTION via these paths. But he & his people know how compromised our Institutions & Agencies are. If you grasped the actual level of #RESISTANCE Trump gets from Gov. your jaw would hit your knees... He's SET THE STAGE for everything that's about to happen. I will say this again=Trump's Election Victory should have been declared on Nov. 3rd but the Democrats have gone INSANE. So now we are being SHOWN the breadth & scope of the SWAMP.
Before he SHAKES THE BOX. I listen to EVERYTHING President Trump says DIRECTLY. I do NOT listen to anyone trying to TELL ME what he said or meant. I look at the ACTIONS of certain people in his Orbit like General Flynn, Sidney Powell, etc. & I look for patterns & trends. I ignore the Dog & Pony Show. Because it's all a distraction... THIS IS A TEST OF FAITH. A CRUCIBLE... I am 1,000 per cent confident what will unfold on Jan. 6th will be WORLD SHATTERING. As I've watched President Trump preparing for it for AT LEAST 10 years. (I had to go back & RESEARCH the years prior to 2016). The actual broad strategy to defeat our Domestic Enemies. By Jan. 7th Americans will know the Swamp has been soundly broken & exposed (still dangerous, mind you but incredibly weakened) or the Republic AS FOUNDED will cease to be..." About the painting (with no media spin): "The “Grand Union Flag” (also known as the “Continental Colors“, the “Congress Flag“, the “Cambridge Flag“, and the “First Navy Ensign“) is considered to be the first national flag of the United States of America. Like the current U.S. flag, the Grand Union Flag has 13 alternating red and white stripes, representative of the Thirteen Colonies. The upper inner corner, or canton, featured the flag of the Kingdom of Great Britain, the country of which the colonies were the subjects."
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Now that we are fighting to be "Righting the Wrongs" ( VoFraBid: Voting Fraud by Biden!), we symbolically need to: https://youtu.be/j_QLzthSkfM
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
This class was very different than the class from yesterday where you can see that textbooks are sources of indoctrination for sucker teachers and their clueless students to fold into the totalitarian globalism that the Rothsch-Banksters want to impose, and they do not even realize it!!! In books on how to teach English those pernicious "doctrines" of humans being the only saviors of humans through globalistm, plus all the other godless accompanying "precepts": Hate your ancestry but love the trees, leave your parents in abandonment, do whatever you like, there is no morals, no precepts, no decency... (the Godless NWO) are very much promoted, this was my response to that NON-SENSE (of course, I started with something good I learnt in the class, then my devastating criticism to the cauterizing "brainwash" through English textbooks): "I was oblivious to the concept of "Satellite Phone", so I will try to incorporate it in my next trip to the great outdoors. Then, being very critical to the texts that are included in the textbook and in the last one that she imposed to them, those seem to be pandering only one biased side of the issues, and I will be very unhappy if I am forced to follow only one textbook thoroughly and I will even renounce of my position if that be the case, curtailing, as now the corrupted MSM and Soc. Med., have been censoring and removing my posts (from FB, YT, that treacherous blue bird, and even from the German RG, that is supposed to be a more open and pro scientifically free space...). For example, I will be very critical to that person exalted by the teacher: https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2013/02/sex-lies-and-separating-science-from-ideology/273169/ , and will also be very critical, as human but also as Postdoctoral PhD, to the so-promoted from the beginning by the globalist “banksters”, the same ones that are bringing now the push to scare humanity with a virus designed in a lab, both strategies of them being a "power grab": http://strai8hts.com/pdfs/Climate-Change-Lie.pdf an attempt over humanity to subdue it into a one world digital economy through "digitization" (in the words of the most evil Gates), meaning inserting a track and trace device, and even worst: https://www.minervanett.no/files/2020/07/13/TheEvidenceNoNaturalEvol.pdf , https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32786014/ , https://archive.vn/gHJPM , https://archive.vn/BgFJE , this were the dreaded interviews that announced that, and now they are silencing what that bad guy himself has done and said: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LekHJc9Hsc , and some of his employees: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6REBEb3v9s , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67qvWw1KDeU
, so, I will fight until the day I die for the real freedom of speech, and to present ALL the evidence, detecting and denouncing the unilateral views and the
ones that recur to character assassination and ridicule as their strategy of intimidation." (Note: The topic was an Advanced Class of Essay production in English, so to robotize "advanced" students to blindly accept the mischievous tenets of "Globalism", also promoted by a twice apostate "Vatican", leading "the masses" to Hell).
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
It was not possible to upload it yesterday, so strategies are in place to keep on doing the informing of our dear fellow Citizens no matter what:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
The Revolution to RESTORE the US for the last time to its Founding days GLORY is on its way: https://archive.vn/IXzK7, https://twitter.com/RepTedBudd/status/1343594586422333440
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
A SILENT revolution is going on in the US (due to the "silencing" caused on purpose by the whore MSM and its child SM) Versus An Unjust And "Partisan" (Banksterical) Censorship: https://archive.vn/3Gkbm , https://twitter.com/MarkMeadows/status/1342993060007997443 ()
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
And the BIGGEST news of a genius mathematician that discovered the PA grand fraud, omitted to every prostitute outlet of the MSM and its "affiliates" (the SMs to be disgraced once our Intrepid Presidente WINS for 4 More Years): https://twitter.com/BobbyPiton3/status/1342996474972540928, https://archive.vn/GjQif (saving it here in case those inane B/R...tards remove it all), https://archive.vn/4fa39
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
The other BIG story regarding the rescued audio of the most dirty money dealings of Joe Biden himself on 2016, with the actual AUDIO with the voice of a Big Mouthed Piece of Slime: https://twitter.com/TheSharpEdge1/status/1343568409334714368 , https://archive.vn/wip/RE7Rd , not present in a corrupt control of information and of "news" of fake that respond to the best bidder.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Things that you do not know, nor hear in a prostituted "mind-controlled" depraved "control of consensus" by the "Banksters": https://budget.house.gov/publications/report/impoundment-control-act-1974-what-it-why-does-it-matter (https://archive.vn/at6uK), as Tracy said: https://archive.vn/rhRvw , "Here! Read about the "Impoundment Control Act of 1974" and ponder the specifics... Seems he (our Dear and Bold President) is staving them off for about a year"!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Thanks to a President who cares for the people! (not like the evil spin of the "Slime" MSM corrupted Mag that misleads Americans as it expects nobody will read the 5K pages with crap interspersed within them, or a lesson on how prostituted mags (basically ALL the "popular" ones, the same the Soc. Med.) working for the criminals spin the information and the truth: https://archive.vn/7VKED)
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Censors of I...-Hel:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Another student proposal "to twist the tongues"!: https://youtu.be/Na3veZfK1Bs
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Then a student that I reviewed her work sent another funny clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTQCbds8hsc, he himself denounced himsel, he said it at the end!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
The other for the class it the unique Dana Carve imitating accents and pronunciations, like that of a good, wealthy "Red Neck": https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Dana+Carvey+imitates+Perot+SNL
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Another, presented this, to be even in mind and body: https://youtu.be/-kQpTMkQo3Y, reminding me of the extraordinary fitness teacher that also my ex-w. is, T. D.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
So, while the Agents of Truth work, so do the Agents of Darkness: https://www.bitchute.com/video/cg276I5nPAgP/, but they will NOT prevail, no matter how much they brag about their evil deeds!
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Tracy Layton's comment.
Deep and Long, Well Said. Trump just wrote: "Made many calls and had meetings at Trump International in Palm Beach, Florida. Why would politicians not want to give people $2000, rather than only $600? It wasn’t their fault, it was China. Give our people the money!", I responded: "Yes! We All Are Watching That Corrupt Congress, A Congress That In A Communistic Way Leaves Its Own Fellow Citizens Last! A Corrupt Congress Controlled By The Deep State, By The Swamp, A Congress That Really Does Not Care About We The People, We The American Citizens! 4+4TRUMP!!!", and I added this to my students to SEE easily disglossed, because as you say, NOBODY reads, but the team of DJT is carefully reading it and busting the sold-out, prostituted and lazy criminal culprits at "Congress"!!!: "“The American Citizens Financial Relief Bill from COVID-19” (Congress obeys to the "Special Interest Groups", read Zio-Banksters, who get the money in the disguise of "foreign" and "alternate" help): 1) $85.5 million for assistance to Cambodia, 2) $134 million to Burma, 3) $1.3 billion for Egypt and the Egyptian military (which will buy it from Russia), 4) $25 million for democracy and gender programs in Pakistan, 5) $505 million to Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama, 6) $40 million for the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC (which is closed), 7) $1 billion for the Smithsonian (also closed), 8) $154 million for the National Gallery of Art (is closed), 9) $7 million for reef fish management, 10) $25 billion to combat Asian carp, 11) $2.5 million to count the number of amberjack fish in the Gulf of Mexico, 12) A provision to promote the breeding of fish in federal hatcheries (with a blank check), 13) $3 million in poultry production technology, 14) $2 million to research the impact of down trees, 15) $566 million for construction projects at the FBI, 16) stimulus checks for the family members of illegal aliens, allowing them to get up to $1,800 each, etc., etc.... that wretched bill presented by the corrupted democrats to the president has as their last interest the support of the American people, which is precisely the reason of the bill!!!, as Trump concludes: “the $900 billion package provides hardworking taxpayers with only $600 each in relief payments and not enough money is given to small businesses”." Shame on the Communistic Zio-Banksters that wrote the "Bill", and on all of the idiots member of "Congress", fat with lard and blind to the needs of their fellow Citizens!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Eight months later, with almost 25K views, which means also 8 times more reads of my work than then, I receive no more "congrats" by RG, one of my posts has been removed at the request of some of the corrupt researchers paid by the pesky "Globalists", and I am just hoping that the whole thread is not removed, so, even if apparently NOTHING is going to happen officially to the real culprits, at least more and more thinking people is aware and alert not to give credence at all to the MSM and the now also very corrupted by the same poisonous culprits, SM. May God forgive, if it is still possible to forgive them (meaning if they are not yet born of "the seed of the serpent", which as far as I have learned, are the ones that have committed the unforgivable sin, you know, the very same "the Sinag. of Sat." of the book of Rev.)
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
And yes, our reviews stood the shill troll censorship and the Austrian bold researcher, joining forces with a Russian researcher, had the Article formally Peer-Reviewed and published in Nov. 2020 (I had the big honor to be Acknowledged at the end in there): https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/bies.202000240
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
E. Pa., one of my students, suggested this for the class: https://youtu.be/KBOqUkyHZz4
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
It is, from the posts within My Story, the song: https://youtu.be/eJfLywS59_0
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Tracy Layton's comment.
Tracy Layton Yeah, he went very easily along with that lie, he was very despicable then, a peeling onion of lies, was that just cowardice on his, wimpy then, part? And now he wants to redeem himself? Since then he was a good friend of Trump, as in that old video when Rudy in a repugnant fashion drag-dressed in the presence of Trump, hopefully his redemption is for real and now he is willing even to die for the truth!, but if it is just for "the theater", that Trump can smell it on time! At least Rudy was not a sissy this time to recognize Zelenko (one of the good Jws) as the one that through his A-HCQ-Z method helped him to recover.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Tracy Layton's comment.
Tracy Layton Yes, sooner or later, they are the first ones accountable for 9/11 and of the current situations.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Tracy Layton's comment.
Tracy Layton Deliberately setting the stage for a pre-planned war that again will benefit the usual suspects while damaging the rest of humanity:
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Tracy Layton's comment.
Tracy Layton Incredible that even there! Well, at least I saved it until they delete it even from there: https://tinyurl.com/JohnFriend-MSKing
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Audio to be discussed in my class: https://tinyurl.com/MSKing-JohnFriend, of whom and about what are they talking about in that Podcast show?
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
ᴅᴀɴ_ʙᴏɴɢɪɪɴᴏ I need NO money at all, and I am very tired of Scumbags and of Scams, I just want a good president like Trump during FOUR more years in office so as for us to be able to earn our money lawfully and orderly, for us to prosper and to be at peace, for him to drain the swamp of all fraudsters and scammers.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Donald J. Trump's photo.
As I said in your twitter, dear DJT, do NOT fall for "False Flag" events and provocations for you to go to war enacted by the usual suspects, those Banksters that benefit the most with wars. Thank you that you are NOT involved in warmongering as all the rest! Please, keep it that way during your next FOUR years!
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Lisa K Townsend Yeah! Praying for, as Dave x22 says: "The Rule of Law versus Insurrections in the US as a Way for a New Birth of Freedom"! Here, Pence is vital.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to a comment.
Dec 23, 2020, 9:58 AM
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to a comment.
Dec 23, 2020, 9:49 AM
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to a comment.
Dec 23, 2020, 8:53 AM
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
My grain of sand, describing the simple math observed here, both in English and in Spanish: https://youtu.be/ztOF-LbRrkw
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Donald J. Trump's video.
Current total US population (and growing every second): 331,940,546 (https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/us-population), on the 19th of October, 2020 there were (deduct some 200,000 to the date of today, thinking of some 3,000 babies born every day in the US) ~ 331,740,000. Registered voters at Oct., 2020: 118,755,704 (https://archive.vn/fnuLk), supposed number of people voting in the 2020 Presidential Election: 159,800,000 (https://archive.vn/4QajR), this means that 41,000,000 of extra voters rushed to register after October and that all the previous registered voters all of them voted with no exception, does that make any sense? (Or is better understood by the Rampant Fraud Perpetrated by Biden and his global banking handlers???).
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1341537886315950080, his transcript that shows as his speech, that the deep state is really NOT interested in the American people, but in their money only: https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/donald-trump-video-speech-transcript-on-covid-relief-bill-december-22
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
The questions that thinking people asks there are very simple, compelling and true, such as: "Baja joes
December 20, 2020 at 7:52 pm
The one item that stuck out more than any other was that 50% of the TOTAL USA POPULATION VOTED! I can’t believe that when you research the amount of people who could Vote." And: "John
December 21, 2020 at 8:41 am
How much more evidence is needed to bypass the lies and cover-up by the democrats on their election fraud and to bring them to justice?"
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
My message with the actual link was blocked by the CCP police of this site: https://archive.vn/o3LUq, further evidence that they do NOT want people to dig-in the Truth!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to a comment.
Dec 21, 2020, 12:22 PM
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Tracy Layton's comment.
Thanks!!! That saves my time!!! They are basically un-redeemable by their own choice!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
If that crap that "Ed Lane" is promoting of the win of Biden was legit, why then all the censorship to whomever does hard core research like that David from the x22 Report, I tried to put his link to acknowledge him and the fart face owner stinker of the FB removed it, why he gave half a million dollars to commit voters fraud in favor of that liar big mouthed Biden???, why the corrupted fake media held the Hunter Biden deals with China in society with his Dad quiet until these later moments??? Here the same funny long haired patriot retweeted by our great and admirable still President Trump says that the "Communist Guidelines" now called "Community Guidelines" used to censor US are absurd, ridiculous and nonsensical for whomever still has eyes to see, video that by the way has also been removed by the other sold-out to the stinky globalist central-bankers:
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Ed Lane's comment.
Endless sources retweeted say otherwise: https://twitter.com/Wordofbeak/status/1340661548914765824
https://twitter.com/EmeraldRobinson/status/1340414251773665280, so, I advice all Bidenials to hold their horses, and to wait until the 20th of January, please, to see how the law and justice can be served making straight the wrongs inflicted by this statistical and logically fallacious voters fraud and impossible win by a lame individual by all reasonable explanation other than fraud.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to a comment.
Dec 20, 2020, 1:42 PM
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Christine Zois's comment.
Christine Zois Absolutely! If the real-deal is that his clients all are being actually cured, and if we can make this and other recipes to heal known, without the need of harmful experimental "stingers", I think it does not matter what deception trash organisms like Fauci and Gates plus their cabal want us to accept coming from them liars, selfish and smooth killers...
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Redeeming another one maligned by the Zio-Ctl., and his anthem that very well could be the Anti-"Plandem"-Song: https://youtu.be/-JUte2PHo6s, https://archive.vn/06gDV, his statement seen within the last link, has been removed from its live video appearance from everywhere..., as a good man said: "Lord God, give us the strength that we may retain our liberty for our children and our children's children, not only for ourselves...": https://archive.vn/MT844
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Dr V. Z. says that if you can not find the H-C_Q, viable alternatives are: Quercetin (dominantly in apples and berries), or EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate, that is present in the Green Tea):
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Their Action:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Their Statement:
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
My Answer:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Signed it!:
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Mercedes Monroy Sánchez's comment.
Mercedes Monroy Sánchez Los medios de comunicación vendidos a los que desean dominar financieramente al mundo están en contra de Trump desde el inicio. Lo apoyo en lugar del otro aunque detesto su prisa de sacar una riesgosa vacuna, al menos en Estados Unidos es voluntaria.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
The best answers are at: https://tinyurl.com/C19VaccPitfallsStart (masked to prevent the stupid CCP "Zucks"), the intro is good, and then the J. Report that starts like after min. 28. I have seen just one hour, I advise to subscribe to his Newsletter where he documents every single statement that he mentions.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Pat Bader's comment.
Pat Bader Yes, all of them, as a vital historical testimony of the times we are living. then, the comments are news mostly posted at the realdonaldtrump of that treacherous platform of the blue bird.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Larone Harris's comment.
Larone Harris, This is just the beginning and Trump IS still sitting on the President's seat, and many things are happening until the 20th of January. The rampant fraud committed against the American Voters needs to be dealt with the Constitution and not as ridiculously is treated by the mass media and by the social media censoring all the evidences and truth regarding this fraud committed in the sight of everyone wanting to see. Just an example: https://www.hngn.com/articles/233168/20201122/trump-slams-biden-cabinet-legal-team-voter-fraud-continues-battle.htm, and even the controlled media of the usual fake news can not restrain anymore the alud of evidences, the corrupt AP, taken by Time Magazine: https://time.com/5919717/tax-hunter-biden-china-investigation/, please do your own research instead of repeating what the sold-out media repeats. It is not over, we will have Trump for a second term (if the plotters of the fraud are stopped on time from killing him, as they did to Kennedy, Lincoln, McKinley, etc.) and you will see all of it. Fernando.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
"Here is a partial list of the Communist-Globalist engineered "progress" that our friend from the 1950's would observe today --- "progress" which would have been absolutely unimaginable in his day, or even as recently as 1975.
• A Federal mandate which imposes fines on poor people who cannot afford health insurance. (Fines repealed in 2018 by President Trump)
• Average American wage earners having a total 50% of their income confiscated -- directly through Federal, State & local taxes -- and indirectly through business taxes and regulatory costs passed onto consumers.
• A $22 Trillion dollar (and growing) National Debt with an annual interest-carrying cost to taxpayers of about $250 Billion
•• A government which now does anything it wants to, while the citizens can act only with permission of the state
• The nation's elderly being killed-off with morphine overdoses so as to free-up resources for illegal aliens and recent immigrants from the Third World
• As many as 35 million "Americans" on food stamps at any given time
• Illegal aliens voting in elections and inner city Blacks voting multiple times as Whites -- out of fear of being labeled "racist" -- remain silent
• Explicit sexual content and outrageous indecency permeating all forms of Hollywood entertainment and music
• Homosexuality and cross-dressing fully normalized, with child molestation being set up for future normalization
• Tens of millions of babies, toddlers and young children raised in government subsidized day-care centers because mommy has to work full-time
• State-imposed Atheism in elementary schools
• Homosexuality and "transgenderism" presented in schools as positive "lifestyles"
• Genital mutilation surgeries (gender reassignment) paid for by taxpayers
• Body parts of aborted babies sold openly
• The White House lit up in homosexual “rainbow” colors to celebrate the state-imposed acceptance of marriage between two people of the same sex
• Bakers, photographers and wedding planners being fines and harassed by the state for refusing to service homosexual “weddings”
• A Marxified Europe (E.U.) under a single political and economic system
• Open borders for the United States and Europe
• Endless wars and other acts of aggression against innocent peoples
• White populations headed for minority status everywhere
• Collapsing rates of marriage and childbirths among White "millennials"
• 40% of children born out-of-wedlock, mainly to poor mothers
• Open and proud promotion of Marxism at the nation's universities
• Proudly advertised racial quotas ("diversity") that discriminate against Whites when it comes to employment, grants, and college admissions
• Pervasive denigration of America's history and its "racist" founders
• Fake News that is far worse than it was even in McCarthy’s day
• A continuous assault upon and chipping-away at the right to own firearms
• Open calls for "Global Governance" by political and “religious" leaders
• Open calls for a "carbon tax" and promotion of the “Global Warming” hoax
• The deliberate off-shoring of good-paying U.S. manufacturing jobs
• A known Marxist serving as Mayor of New York City (Bill DeBlasio)
• Admitted Marxists rising to high public office and running for president as Democrats (Senator Bernie Sanders)
And more -- much more. None of this mass insanity, stupidity, low-wage poverty and moral depravity came about by accident. It happened, and is still getting worse, because "the powers that be" behind The New World Order -- the ultimate targets of "McCarthyism" -- wanted it this way. That's what Joe McCarthy tried to show us, but not enough people were awake." By M. S. K., taken from: http://strai8hts.com/pdfs/Joe-McCarthy.pdf
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Always putting the resurrection of Jesus Christ First: https://youtu.be/I807lon2eJI
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Tina Bain's comment.
Tina Bain Thanks, I re-posted part of it on top, and also at my ResearchGate.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Now, today (10 of the 12th, 2020), 48 States are filing a Class Action against this site (FB) due to its deliberate censorship of the truth with nefarious geopolítical purposes alien, as usual, to the best interests of the American Citizens, and of course, against the interests of any citien of the world!The best example here gathered is that of the crook son of Biden called Hunter, how all the sold-out fake lying news of the mainstream and even the zoo-cial media blocked the making known of that story with purposes of political gain pro-Biden, and it is until now, two months later that people like CNN are starting to mention that, which was a true story, as it can be seen in this brief. I am posting all of these clips as a historical bacup, as long as this cheating and lying platform exists and allows me to do so, but as we can see, it is being sued by, basically, by the Nation of the US!!! It was not possible for me to post this video here as a main post, right there you can see the basd milk coming out of the owner of this pace, a guy totally sold-out to, or part of the NWO globalists Zio-Rotsch-Banksters.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
And it has been saved here, its HTM: https://archive.vn/lUEfB
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
And, I am very humbled by their acknowledgment;
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
What they already put today on the censorship of the truth:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
"According to the Texas lawsuit: Police cars revolving light
The probability of former Vice President Biden winning the popular vote in the four Defendant States—Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and
Wisconsin (given the circumstances)-is less than one in a quadrillion, or 1 in 1,000,000,000,000,000." All Lives Matter: https://twitter.com/PepeMatter/status/1336392382569332736
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
/Ivan E. Raiklin indicates: "I wonder if the following States Attorneys General will be joining in the case. I think #WeThePeople Demand it / Who's with me?! Let's start with: FL, OH, IN, KY & IA. Reason? These are the States with the largest electoral votes and vested interest in a free and fair election nationwide and that they border the Defendant/Contested States. Better argument for standing! BOOM! God Bless Texas!"
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Great News: "Texas files a lawsuit with the U.S. Supreme Court challenging the election procedures in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. &

Texas is asking the Supreme Court to order the states to allow their legislatures to appoint their electors." https://legalinsurrection.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Texas-v.-Pennsylvania-et-al.-US-Supreme-Court-Motion-To-File-Bill-of-Complaint.pdf
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Other than that Zucker, exposed also as in the lie are Zucker, Vice President David Chalian, Stephanie Becker, and Marcus Mabry: https://archive.vn/LpH0c, and of course all the prostitutes that you see in the news of every NOW controlled network of the US, also corrupting the rest of the planet with their pack of lies!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Veritas versus the Zuker director of CNN, today at 7:00 PM is going to start releasing the private conversations of that scum, which demonstrate that CNN does NOT report the news, it MANUFACTURES a false "consent" of the deceived and "stupidified" by them, US masses: https://redstate.com/mike_miller/2020/12/01/watch-james-okeefe-calls-into-cnns-morning-conference-call-tells-startled-jeff-zucker-hes-going-to-release-two-months-of-calls-tonight-then-lol-n287480 (https://archive.vn/rdRSJ, go with all to expose the lying Mainstream Media that has held you hostage of their NWO driven campaigns of deception for almost a century!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Meanwhile the stinky "twitta" is trying to control where we put our red heart, shame of them big time! Hopefully someday they all will be held accountable of what they are doing now!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
A BP Classic: Bomfunk MC's - (Crack It) Something Going On (Official Video): https://youtu.be/MSqDIWI__Ew, to put rhythm to one good analyst of what is going on: https://rumble.com/vbc9un-ep.-2335b-the-kraken-is-about-to-be-released-no-escape-its-going-to-be-bibl.html, and the rest of his analyses: https://rumble.com/c/X22Report Praying for the current madness and evils to soon go away. In Christ, Fernando.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Donald J. Trumpfacebook.com
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
The second most fraudulent and wretched "Bidennial dump":
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
The fraudulent and wretched "Bidennial dump": https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Katrinna Delfin's post.
Group: FerKat
Thank YOU!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
A couple of my bold colleagues have published another peer-reviewed article regarding the artificial nature of COVID-19 (it all done on purpose for a wretched socio-political gain): https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/bies.202000240
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Directing those expressions to Biden, as statistical impossibilities keep on mounting, we have in the video the pollster that found that in every place Biden (2020) was lower than Clinton (2016), except in the four contested places where clear evidence of vote fraud keeps on coming daily, the other statistical impossibility is presented here: https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/elections/pa-26000-mail-ballots-should-have-been-rejected-year-less-1000-ultimately (https://archive.vn/6mvx0), where the rate of rejected ballots this year when compared with 2016 is 30 % lower, what does it mean? That such lower percent of rejected ballots, i.e. in PA, on this year 2020 is being used to buff-up an illegitimate supposed "win" of lame, manipulable and corrupt Biden!
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
And this is what the real paid criminal supporters of Biden do (shame on them, once arrested and interrogated it will be discovered who is still paying them to cause revolts (Soros, Dems...)): https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1327836002631766016, this is what Trump also said about these crimes: "Radical Left ANTIFA SCUM was easily rebuffed today by the big D.C. MAGA Rally crowd, only to return at night, after 99% of the crowd had left, to assault elderly people and families. Police got there, but late. Mayor is not doing her job!" And "ANTIFA SCUM ran for the hills today when they tried attacking the people at the Trump Rally, because those people aggressively fought back. Antifa waited until tonight, when 99% were gone, to attack innocent #MAGA People. DC Police, get going — do your job and don’t hold back!!!"
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
And on the opposite side, the dishonesty of Biden that just distributed money to gain political influences and favors, in disregard of the real research for cancer, shame on him!: https://nypost.com/2020/11/14/biden-cancer-initiative-spent-millions-on-payroll-zero-on-research-report (https://archive.vn/hsya9)
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Rob Allen's comment.
Sadly, the most corrupt leader of the nation mentioned there is one of the worst and most deceiving, a total hypocrite and corrupt being, a lead member of the international swap, a Khazar, and in exchange of the goodness of Trump towards that nation, he do NOT stand with Trump, he already congratulated the imposter, as if...!
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Rob Allen's comment.
Rob Allen I shared this also into the "realDonaldTrump" site!, there, the post below your statement, widely seen, is also amazing (and widely verifiable as well)!!!:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Real, honest people supports Real Honest Presidents, and the mass gatherings are the proofs (on the other side, Fake, dishonest candidates, are supported by those, either protecting their "status", being outwardly deceived, or bluntly having "a bone" in their deceptions or $$$ for doing the dirty works of the traitors, cheaters, deceivers, liars): https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1327708998662025216
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Election fraud: We investigate the latest credible claims out of Nevada where a whistleblower in the Clark County Elections Department in Nevada claims poll workers fabricated proof of residence for illegal voters: https://www.facebook.com/BenSwannRealityCheck/posts/3688580744540182
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Saulo De Jesus Cruz's comment.
So, what ABC News has now, instead of a gradual graphic of the motions during the counting of those states, is an interactive map, which shows the central red color dominant and all over the USA!: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/2020-Electoral-Interactive-Map (https://archive.vn/mUALU), are they later also going to get rid of it?
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Saulo De Jesus Cruz's comment.
On the 12th of November, FB put this thing when I tried to post something not even related to those old news:
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Very different to how Trump responded the same question with a clear mind and with clear evidences of vote tampering by Democrats, even many days BEFORE of the actual elections! (This is history on the making right here!, and you are an important part of it!):
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
The key moment of the debate, when Chris Wallace asked Biden if he will wait until the voting is INDEPENDENTLY CERTIFIED before claiming victory, and how he violated such pledge, as he does with everything he says and does; being Biden an usual liar, now he attempts, with the complicit prostituted media and social media, to take the power by any means, fully ignoring the Constitution, and ignoring his own promises to the Citizens of the USA, do you want that kind of garbage to came in to your doorstep???:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
One more Affidavit denouncing vote fraud: https://greatlakesjc.org/wp-content/uploads/Complaint-Costantino-FINAL-With-Exhibits.pdf?x44644#page=26, "10. When I arrived at a counting table and began to observe the process, I noticed immediately that part of the process that was being implemented did not conform to what I had
been told in my training and the materials that I had received... 15. What I observed immediately was that the secrecy of the ballot was not being respected.
16. Instead, the second official at the table where I was observing was repeatedly placing her fingers into the secrecy sleeve to separate the envelope and visually peek into the
envelopes in a way that would allow her to visually observe the ballot and identify some of the votes cast by the voter... 19. When that challenger raised the issue with a supervisor, and he was immediately asked “why does it matter?” and “what difference does it make?”... 21. Later that morning, at another table, a challenger identified concerns that ballots
were being placed into “problem ballots” boxes purportedly based on the reason that the voter had failed to place the ballot in the secrecy sleeve, while other ballots at the same table were being passed along and placed into the “ballots to be tabulated” box that also did not have secrecy sleeves...", etc., etc., by Attorney Zachary Larsen.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
The channel of the Praying Medic that reported the big LIE of Biden that he pledged on the debates, that he will stay quiet until an independent certified voting result will be done, and what did Biden do? Just the opposite, he is just a vain and lying person ready to sell America to the best bidder from overseas!: https://rumble.com/c/PrayingMedic
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
The lame excuses to close voting sites, like in Atlanta, Georgia, with the end to rig the election in favor of lying Biden: https://www.politico.com/news/2020/11/03/burst-pipe-delays-atlanta-absentee-vote-433988 (saved at: https://archive.vn/5Liz7)
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
The complete "RAW AUDIO: USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins FULL COERCIVE INTERROGATION By Federal Agents" HE DID NOT RECANT the evidence (and he is not the only one), that the postal bosses had received the orders to predate late Ballots: https://youtu.be/QkNkQ2nDQfc
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Tom Fitton, founder of "Judicial Watch" confirms: "State Legislatures Have Constitutional Authority to Decide the Election!": https://youtu.be/6KFmDjLY3uQ
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Why the globalism of Biden is no good for the USA and how it sends the message saying that for him: "America is Last":
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Katrinna Delfin's post.
Group: FerKat
Thank YOU!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Group: FerKat
And the full text: 2. "Will the Covid19 pandemic put an end to globalization"? The premise that will be considered below is that “The Covid19 pandemic was launched with the purpose to force a quicker path to globalization”, and evidence will be presented, including two of the main players: The WEF and the CCP, out of the many. The plan from the beginning, since the moment of the release of this laboratory designed plague, called COVID-19, as reported and contemplated by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and its allies, including the CCP of China, has been rather, to deliberately accelerate the globalization on purpose. Here are the words of the founder and executive director of the WEF Klaus Schwab: “We have to live up to the expectations which we have created and we will do so”. What are the expectations that “they” have “created”? Those are the use of COVID-19 to implement a global world, as it can be clearly seen in the document from 2019-2020: “Shaping the Future of the New Economy and Society: …Towards a New Compass for the Post-COVID Recovery” . The main paragraph of the previous reference is the next one (in page 14): “The COVID-19 crisis has starkly exposed the inadequacies of our economic systems and institutions... What is needed now is a “Great Reset”, guided by a compass for governments and firms with a broader set of targets that is widely adopted and fully operationalized.” Basically, their aim is at a new world economy (a cashless one), a new government (one world government), and even a new religion, as they speak of “institutions” in plural. It is noticeable that one of the important players in this WEF purpose of a global economy, government and religion; is precisely the leader of the communist party of China (CCP), and the CCP is proud of it as it has it in its official page. Xi Jinping, the President of the People’s Republic of China, calls this new attempted economy by the WEF, the “Schwab economics”, and one of his noticeable remarks pronounced there, is the next one: “the right thing to do is to seize every opportunity, jointly meet challenges and chart the right course for economic globalization”. So, here we have the commitment of Xi with “the Schwab” global economy to “seize every opportunity”, and not only that but “chart the right course”, which means that they are committed even “to force”, not only wait for the opportunity to arrive, but to generate themselves the advent of a new economy. Now, if we consider the origin of COVID-19, we discover that the most thorough study of only the tree main components of the responsible virus for such disease is a good indicator it has been artificially designed. In brief, leaving aside as possible the technical aspects, the backbone of Sars-CoV-2, which is the technical name of the causal virus, belongs to a bat (ZC45), then there are two key components of it that are the ways in which this virus penetrates the human cells, and both of them are optimized to fulfill their function: The Receptor Binding Domain specific for the human ACE2 receptor, and the Furin Cleavage Site, which makes the virus able to attack any cell of the human being, because from the very beginning of the current Pandemic, those sites were already fully functional, with no evidence of any recombination whatsoever in other sites, indicating all of this, that a sudden appearance of the virus already modified in that way was in place, instead of the long process of adaptation if it were natural, which should have left ancestors indicating the progressive virulence of the pathogen, instead of having it as we find it since the first isolation: Completely adapted and ready to attack human beings, especially the most vulnerable: The elderly and the immune-compromised, being attacked precisely in their most vulnerable organs. The viral design in a lab with purposes of increase its virulence is called technically “Gain of Function” (GoF), and all the molecular methods to obtain a virus such as that for COVID-19 are already advanced as to be able to obtain an organism such as the one that currently is causing the forced doom of the economies of the countries and the also forced alternative to have a global “solution”, which is being pushed in the shape of a “vaccine” containing the “Digital Certificate of Immunity”. One of the versions of this concept has been presented in the Wall Street Journal, where we read: “The digital certificate of immunity would be owned by the individual and shown to an employer or airport official”. In conclusion, we can see that the WEF has close ties with the CCP, and that both of them wanted to force a way to reach a new global economy. On the other side, we have the strong scientific evidence, no matter how much individuals with compromised interests deny such fact, which means that COVID-19 seems to have been designed and released on purpose to advance the global agendas.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Group: FerKat
5) https://www.wsj.com/articles/a-cryptocurrency-technology-finds-new-use-tackling-coronavirus-11587675966 (saved at: https://archive.vn/hmkES).
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Group: FerKat
4) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/bies.202000091
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Group: FerKat
3) https://zenodo.org/record/4028830
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Group: FerKat
2) http://www.china.org.cn/node_7247529/content_40569136.htm (saved at: https://archive.vn/1y3c3).
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Group: FerKat
1) https://web.archive.org/web/20201104045610/http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Dashboard_for_a_New_Economy_2020.pdf
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Group: FerKat
Here are the several links to the references as put as notes, that can be put at the end as separate references: References:
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Group: FerKat
Katrinna Delfin I can format in PDF the document
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Group: FerKat
The references are within the notes of the links
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Ned Ryun posted: "PA's dead voters are actually dwarfed in number by “ghost” voters nationwide. These are not the dearly departed, reanimated sort who have graciously decided to enlist in the Democratic cause. Rather, “ghost” voters are those who never were." Commenting on another great hispanic patriot, Pedro Gonzalez: https://amgreatness.com/2020/11/09/on-electoral-fraud-in-2020/ (saved at: https://archive.vn/yV95B), intelligent hispanics for Trump are big time and more than ever, awaken and fine!!! Thank you! As even the WSJ says so: "Joe Biden won South Texas border counties—but just barely. Latinos, mostly lifelong Democrats, moved to President Trump in record numbers. Here's why": https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-democrats-lost-so-many-south-texas-latinosthe-economy-11604871650?mod=e2tw (saved at: https://archive.vn/hY10J)
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Another despicable member of the international swamp (we already saw before, the real planner of 9/11, one bi-bi that is of the 13th tribe, and several names of prostituted republicans such as one mittt):
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Plus one more hero: USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins: “I DID NOT RECANT”: https://youtu.be/ibU5KVFCg4Y, @shawnboburg and @jacobbogage have been played by the same federal agents on the audio ‘coercing,’ ‘scaring’ the whistleblower to water down allegations, shame on the Lying media and on the secret agents in darkness working for the evil ones!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
My Message to Donald Jey:
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Now, the same globalist pieces of cr... that push towards your throat uninvited the COVID-19 terror sponsored by Gates, WEF, JH, the WHO, CCP, Fauci, etc., are the ones that are pushing unrequested either, the fraud of Biden!!! Shame on them!, they will have to pay sooner or later, here or there!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Repugnant depravate Soros is also involved in the voting machines fraud, no surprise because he said in Davos, that he will do all he can to bring down Trump, but now he is busted and discovered as one of the main culprits in the voting machine fraud against Trump:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Pelosi is one, apart of the Clintons, involved in the "Dominion" software programmed to deliberately and falsely defeat Trump, what a hypocrite of the worst sort!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Justice Lovers Stand Forward:
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Mara Borges's comment.
Mara Borges Yes! Supreme Court, do your job!!! And the DOJ can start also acting after ten days, on the 14th, so these are the 10 days of silence by them.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump And here what those blocked messages say when opened, which is true:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Yeah! And here we can see how the censorship CCP style is blocking the truthful statements by our President, sooner or later they will pay their abuses of blocking the truth!!!:
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
The same all of those pieces of sh... in the Republican party that are just cow-towing to the best bidder, non-principled at all:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Then, the traitors that belong to the international swamp, the worldwide ones that are going along with the fraud, as we know Biden is member of the PNAC as well as all those criminals that brought to you 9/11, so, no surprise here that the foreigner "mastermind" of 9/11 is congratulating the lie:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Jhon Darle Milan's post.
Nov 8, 2020, 3:46 PM
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Ashley Corona Maciel's comment.
Ashley Corona Maciel Es que, ambos desean mejorar la condición de los habitantes de ambos países, siempre y cuando sea legal. Por ejemplo, y tú lo corroboras, los medios dicen que Trump dijo que él quería que se dejara de contar los votos, pero lo que Trump realmente dijo es que se dejaran de contar los votos ilegales que habían llegado después de la fecha límite, todos ellos a favor de Biden, convenientemente para que los números falsos de Biden subieran en la madrugada del cuatro de noviembre. Que si se contaban solamente los votos legales y no los falsos, Trump era el ganador, lo cual es cierto. Trump tiene casi dos meses para demostrar su caso en la Corte Suprema y poner en prisión a los perpetradores de semejante fraude, incluyendo a los prostituidos medios de comunicación masiva y a las represoras redes sociales que se ofrecen al mejor postor por ganancias de todo tipo. Aquí está una caricatura desde hace un mes de cómo la censura de las evidencias reales (por parte de los vendidos azules de FB y del pajarito azul) tramposamente estaba ayudando a Biden desde entonces a "mejorar" su engañosa y corrompida imagen, ¡cuánto más ahora tratarán de silenciar a Trump mismo! (Pero aqui o allá, al final, la verdad prevalece):
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Ashley Corona Maciel's comment.
Ashley Corona Maciel Sí, y cada quien tiene su libre albedrío, y tú eres completamente libre de pensar lo que desees, si eso es así, aquí o allá se sabrá la verdad, pero a uno le corresponde investigar. Como investigador, veo completamente anómalo y evidencia de un fraude total, esa línea vertical azul acaecida a las cuatro de la mañana del cuatro de noviembre del presente en los más disputados estados (ejemplo en Wisconsin), una total imposibilidad estadística. ¿Tienes una explicación racional de ello aparte de un fraude total por parte de Biden?, quien sabemos que tiene una bocota desde sus tiempos con Obama, y aquí reconoce él mismo desde Octubre que ellos, los Demócratas estaban listos para cometer fraude electoral: https://youtu.be/WGRnhBmHYN0, tal y como Trump los estaba denunciando desde antes y constantemente. Explica por favor estas dos anomalías.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Here you can find that endless list of persons denouncing such Democratic fraud from all over the world: https://www.google.com/search?q=%22The+state+of+the+race+in+Wisconsin%22+%22Total+presidential+votes+for+each+party+so+far%22 (saved as seen today, 11/8/20: https://archive.vn/cWXnU):
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
One of the endless denouncers of the cynical Democratic fraud seen by all those with eyes to see, Anthony Colpo (researcher, author and physical conditioning specialist), writes about this anomaly: https://anthonycolpo.com/trump-is-right-the-u-s-election-is-being-rigged/ (saved at: https://archive.vn/4rp1D):
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
These Democratic vertical blue lines, a statistical impossibility, that did "SPIKE" at 4:00 AM on the 4th of November, 2020 for Wisconsin and Michigan (source: ABC News), is one of the clearest evidences of the voting fraud perpetrated by Biden (of the endless tricks that they used in their attempt to steal an election, remember that the Supreme Court needs to ponder all of this evidence and that Trump has almost two months to present our case of a warned by Trump since the start, and announced beforehand by Biden on October, about his planned Democratic Election Fraud. The high resolution original images are put as a response of this posting, as well as the proper references for every one to ponder...):
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Awaiting for the Supreme Court to see and ponder all the evidence and more of the current Democratic Election Fraud, evidence that keeps on coming by the minute, here you may see the legal proceedings of all of it (if not censored, silenced and mercilessly removed by all of those criminals-that-be): https://www.youtube.com/c/WhiteHouse
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Salud Hall's comment.
Salud Hall Así es, mientras estemos aquí, que Dios nos siga iluminando para, como Ekklesia, como Cuerpo, y como Llamados, sigamos gozando de la guía y de la protección divina, y que la obedezcamos siempre, aún cuando no sea "popular". Cristo viene, lo que pase aquí, se queda aquí y la justicia tarde que temprano alcanzará a aquellos que obraron con engaño en todas las áreas.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Saulo De Jesus Cruz's comment.
Saulo De Jesus Cruz The evidence is verifiable and clear for anyone that is not yet brainwashed by the sold-out media. For example: https://youtu.be/3P36qnU-Ozc, then the comments of one serious person: https://youtu.be/aY1y7oPNwts. You are free to post whatever you want in your site, and to respect the evidence presented by others, as well as the upcoming one that your eyes will see.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
See the rest of the evidence by yourself: https://rumble.com/c/X22Report
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
The genuine ballots have a watermark, thus the millions of fake ones all over the country will be easily tracked (if the culprits do not destroy them, if they do, that will also indict them): https://elections.cdn.sos.ca.gov/ccrov/pdf/2020/august/20167sl.pdf (saved part of the first page: https://archive.vn/o5P8F). It says: "the Secretary of State’s office has selected a design and color combination for use in the November 3, 2020, General Election.
The watermark for the November 3, 2020, General Election, is the CA Poppy. The tint for the background and watermark is Red PMS 192.
The watermark and tint must appear on the ballot itself, not only on the stub.
Please note that for “color-on-color” combinations, the tint value for the background should produce a light tint. The watermark should be clearly visible and distinct from the background. The screen percentages for the watermark should be such that the outline is darker than the background and the interior area of the watermark is lighter
than the background."
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
And again, these are some of the contributions of the witness, as per books: https://www.google.com/search?tbm=bks&q=%22Steve+Pieczenik%22, and as per his real work: https://archive.vn/ARAEf, https://wiki2.org/en/Steve_Pieczenik, https://archive.vn/HK79k, https://archive.vn/kWcjE, so, again, consult directly with him any of the information that he has expressed... instead of paying any attention to the sold-out whores called "fact-checkers".
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Katrinna Delfin's post.
Group: FerKat
Thanks, Invaluable Jewel !!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
After the very corrupt media interrupts Trump over and over, here is his speech going on today uninterrupted: https://youtu.be/EWM4Dz6HPXU, from the: https://www.whitehouse.gov/live/
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
If you want to ask personally and directly to the filmmaker as per the corrupt "fact-checkers" are fully sold to the devil and are denying these facts, go and ask him with no inter-merdaries, please: "Marko Trickovic: Direct: 480-232-1485, email: trickovic98@gmail.com

Trickovic Real Estate Group

Realtor / Team Leader

Marko Trickovic is your trusted real estate professional with 20 years experience in the Arizona market. He has helped hundreds of buyers and sellers achieve their real estate goals from personal housing to investment properties. You can trust that you are in good hands with Marko and the Trickovic Real Estate Group at all times. Contact him today with any questions you may have."
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Some of the very evil "bidenocratic" shenanigans used in Arizona to steal the votes pro-Trump (apart of the botched mail-in voting rigged and acknowledged by everybody, amongst hundreds of perverted tricks to steal this election from its rightful winner, by the same cabal), filmed and witnessed by Marko Trickovic, a hard working family man who took the video in Queen Creek Arizona: https://archive.vn/snFpY, independent corroborator, Bryan Crawford: https://youtu.be/YsEkRjxjzqs
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
He was a great Dad. I will see you again, at the Jesus prompt: "Awake"!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Metaphors of Gold, language is FIRE that can either motivate as in FIRING UP somebody, or as being ON FIRE such as with A. Keys, or as a CONSUMING FIRE if it is negative, as stated by James, almost as if it were a curse:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
A heavenly blend of this and that: https://youtu.be/cOS5-n7dyj4 plus https://youtu.be/t0bPrt69rag... Thank you Jesus!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Y, a pesar de todo, el bote se mueve...:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
And, the history behind the upcoming Caviezel "Sound of Freedom" movie, based on the inspiring life of Tim Ballard and others: https://youtu.be/7q8dYM90PJA, https://youtu.be/jOHL2-I_a70
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Gay Eppolito Kenny's post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Quickly, people from all over the world is reacting against the mean and evil attempt by the globalists of taking over the planet by a deliberate release of this current evil (as seen in the main link, they were planning their attempted cover-up since 2017-2018 and more recently since October of 2019, shame on them all!!!):
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Lisa K Townsend One of the reports on it: https://archive.vn/T8UPs, there the completely mad-non-doctor posing as doctor Gates can be seen: https://archive.vn/T8UPs, as well as the pursuit of his ill advice of the "Immunity Passport" (it is upsetting to see how his "philanthropic" money can buy everybody), and his ill-branding of Trump just because of his boldness to leave the bed and go back to work!...
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
And even with the extremely obnoxious WHO-Gates-Fauci censorship, thus far more than 6K doctors have signed "The Great Barrington Declaration" against the totally brainless "protocols" supposedly to "contain" the current monster, which have done just the opposite, such as to preserve the cells of infection alive everywhere: "CORONAVIRUS: Over 6000 Scientists, Doctors Sign Anti-lockdown Petition": https://gbdeclaration.org/, so, please, if you wish sign the petition as I have done:
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to 沈信學's comment.
Thank you
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to V Ortiz Damaso's comment.
V Ortiz Damaso Yes! And let us be praying in the spirit for all the family of God on this Planet, that all of their needs and wants be fulfilled, because we only live once! And our Life belongs to HIM!
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to V Ortiz Damaso's comment.
Thank you my dear new sister in Christ and friend from the Philippines, praying for the protection of God over you and over all of your precious family.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Camilo CNN's post.
Muchas felicidades por hablar sobre las bases de la poderosa evidencia de la historicidad de Jesucristo.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Candy McAllister's photo.
My No-Brainer:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Group: FerKat
This is the tutorial that he is talking about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWrnDzjx6QM&list=PLmGfeHeU4DbGYYZtt8n-dtTH0t4QkqNW2, I am watching it now.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Pompeo in his article criticizing the globalist shame called Francis, at the Vatican, a Francis pro-CCP, pro-WHO, pro-WEF, pro-NWO, pro-One Economy, pro-Dems: https://archive.vn/zPGfR
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
But the lay citizens see through the real glass in front of them: https://youtu.be/JiqLTPx7YfQ
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Clinton purposely promoting a fake scandal to bring down the current president even before he took office, and how her party followed through brainessly:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Globalists purposefully promoting since 2019 a deliberate social unrest so as to deviate the attention to the criticism of the WHO absurd "protocols" against their Plandemic:
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
The more noisy ones against justice being served are the predators themselves:
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
My green energy plan..., said Biden, I do not support the green energy plan, I ... the Biden plan ... Antifa is an idea , not a ..., he also said, If I lose, I lose...
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
I am the Democratic Party Now, said Biden... Well, why have you done nothing to stop the riots in the democratic states, responded Trump , you have not even talked to their Majors or Governors, and you expect us , Biden, to believe in your honesty????
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
The contrast between the faces of a bold confidence, and the faces of submission:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Plus the key moments, again, in only 8 minutes for the busy ones: https://youtu.be/0te79YWc1s4
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Group: FerKat
The other names of NY institutions as they appeared in my application of yesterday:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Katrinna Delfin's post.
Group: FerKat
We got it right!!! 9 days for her, 18 days for him! We, men, always delayed...
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Group: FerKat
These are the specifics: http://jobs.unimelb.edu.au/caw/en/job/903169/research-fellow and this is the lead researcher, an indian man: https://biomedicalsciences.unimelb.edu.au/sbs-research-groups/biochemistry-and-molecular-biology-research/debnath-ghosal-laboratory, so we are open to wherever God takes us, but I will be honored to have you by my side in the start of my success!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Group: FerKat
But this problem has two results, as with the formula it gives another result (but backwards, which may be the mistake of the one who designed the problem), that also accounts for the same proportionality: 0.05x = 2 [(100,000 - x) (0.08)] + 800 = 2 (8,000 - 0.08x) + 800 = 16,000 -0.16x + 800; reordering: 0.05x + 0.16x = 16,000 + 800 = 0.21x = 16,800; resulting in x = 16,800/0.21 = 80,000. So, (80,000.00) (0.05) = 4,000.00 and (100,000 - 80,000) (0.08) = (20,000.00) (0.08) = 1,600.00. Corroborating that the sentence of the problem is backwards (a possible reason why we could not get it is the next), this also gives the needed proportionality but for the opposite bank: 2 (1,600.00) + 800 = 4,000.00 !!!, So, with this strategy, she deposits 100,000.00 in these two accounts, and as a result, she gets $ 5,600.00 of interests a year. Concluding, with my trial and error method, the result was faster, in 3 minutes, and the income was better in $ 1,200.00 extra money. Using the formula took me like almost 10 minutes to do the calculations, and the income was less. I have not used the "tables" yet, but I accomodated the formula in my attempt to explain my guessing, and to my surprise I got a perfect proportionality but with different numbers and with the opposite banks!!! Figure that out with your amazing intelligence, that just needs patience and observation, which is concentration. We all can do everything at our own pace and with the examples that get us to better understand these things.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Group: FerKat
And here are their admission steps: MS Admissions For admission into the MS in Ergonomics and Biomechanics, applicants must have an undergraduate degree, or its equivalent, in biology, physics, engineering, or health-related sciences with a cumulative GPA of B (3.0) or higher. All students are required to have successfully completed undergraduate courses in musculoskeletal anatomy and physiology, physics, and calculus. These admission criteria are in addition to the general requirements of NYU’s Graduate School of Arts and Science (GSAS). Opens in a new tab and specific environmental health sciences requirements. You are required to submit a complete application for admission consisting of the following information: Graduate Record Examinations® (GRE®) General Test scores Test of English as a Foreign Language® (TOEFL®) scores, for applicants who are not native English speakers your CV, with clear information regarding your professional or academic experience a statement of purpose three letters of recommendation A personal interview, if requested by the admissions committee, may also be required. Applications are accepted on an open basis for admission for the fall semester only
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Group: FerKat
But here, they have pre requirements that can be taken there: The following are required courses for both tracks of the MS: EHSC-GA 2100 Independent Study: Ergonomics and Biomechanics EHSC-GA 2101 Biomechanics EHSC-GA 2111 Physical Biomechanics EHSC-GA 2112 Applied Biomechanics in the Analysis of Human Performance EHSC-GA 2121 Practicum in Ergonomics and Biomechanics EHSC-GA 2131 Ergonomics Issues I: Physical Factors in the Workplace EHSC-GA 2132 Ergonomics Issues II: Environmental Factors in the Workplace EHSC-GA 2303 Introduction to Biostatistics EHSC-GA 2323 Research Methods in Ergonomics and Biomechanics
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Group: FerKat
There is this MSc at NYU: https://med.nyu.edu/departments-institutes/orthopedic-surgery/specialty-programs/occupational-industrial-orthopedic-center/education/ms-program, let me see...
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Katrinna Delfin's comment.
Group: FerKat
Oh, yeah!, the minimal requirement is: "Be a U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or have Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status": https://med.nyu.edu/education/md-degree/md-admissions/admissions-requirements; that is the point that we considered while in the USA; that to have any privilege to enter into the free-tuition you need to be a Perm.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Group: FerKat
And here are specific MSc from NYU: https://gsas.nyu.edu/content/nyu-as/gsas/programs/masters-programs.html
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Betty Trigo's photo.
Muy Costosa le es a Dios... pero nos tiene la Esperanza grabada en el corazón!!! Oraciones espirituales por Betty y familiares en Cristo.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Group: FerKat
I also sent this to the NMAT team:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Group: FerKat
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Katrinna Delfin's comment.
Group: FerKat
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Group: FerKat
And here is also attached the place to start doing the request Online:
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Group: FerKat
Any one, with you I mean, nothing tastes the same without you!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Group: FerKat
Blessed to the extreme for this possibility!!! Or any one, because he that seeks, shall find!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Aquí está la segunda parte, correspondiente al Apéndice 1 de mis investigaciones personales acerca de "En Mi Nombre", que dijo Jesús en Mateo 28:19: https://youtu.be/5SWzWOqDtf0
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Group: FerKat
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Group: FerKat
This is the space where I am going to read the requirements and act accordingly: https://www.studying.uni-mainz.de/certification-of-recognition-validation-of-foreign-certificates/, also as soon as they respond I will let you know, but the fact that the answer arrived on a timely manner to bring happiness to our beaten (at least mine) hearts, I take it as a sig from heaven. It is an act of our free will and of our free determination. In my case I am putting all I have to make thinks work for the best and for our total blessing as done in the USA all the times we were together. My suggestion is let the emotions take a secondary stance in our decisions and our ironclad will, to be the first to guide us, we under God, indivisibles!!! Getting tired here, so I am going to sleep but will seek you tomorrow after my eye-exercise with my Dad!!! Forgiveness unconditional and projects without boundaries!!! That is our motto!!! Bye for now.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Katrinna Delfin's comment.
Group: FerKat
Yes!!! So, I will prepare my new set of questions and, send them but you need for the start of the process to have your account there!!! So, we can fill all the needed forms together!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Mi Traducción de Ayer, de uno de mis trabajos perdidos: https://youtu.be/_lLQR6i94d0
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Katrinna Delfin's comment.
Group: FerKat
To win Kat, I can be and have been everything and anything that could be needed, I lack nothing as a man, as I am a believer in the Prosperity that God gives on a daily basis, maybe I just need some loving patience and some polishing to improve, but I wish to be the one blessing, caring and treating Kat as Queen, and to respect her as the best diamond there is in the universe.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Katrinna Delfin's comment.
Group: FerKat
Thank you friend. This is the message that I sent to Andrew, plus the attached images (in case there is something else you want to ask): "Dear Andrew, Thank you very much for your response. It is never too late, especially within the current situation. Basically, my question is regarding the possibilities, maybe when all this is gone, to work (in anything) and to be at San Diego in the company of the female friend that I like. She wants to pursue, either an MD or an MSc related to her BSc which was in Sports Science in the Philippines (whatever comes first), or even to work within her field. In my case, I have a PhD in Molecular Biology with Postdoctoral at the Baylor College of Medicine, and I was doing a second one in the NYMC before the crisis up there, so then I left. But I can adapt to do anything. The NIH blackmailed me because of my research on the Origins of COVID-19: Anticovidian v.2 COVID-19: Hypothesis of the Lab Origin Versus a Zoonotic Event which can also be of a Lab Origin: https://zenodo.org/record/3988139, so, as a punishment, they removed three of my last articles that I had uploaded to the PubMed, on the grounds that they were published after my actual timing within the three years of my grant, in disregard of them being a continuation of my previous work while within the grant (screenshots of the search as P.S.). So, I need to work in some place, either teaching or even bar tending, whatever. Any suggestion or advice is very welcome. We like particular San Diego, even if I have never been there, because she was there on Feb. of 2019, and she liked it. With Best, Fernando Castro-Chavez, PhD."
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
I am totally unable to post anymore my eye-opening videoclips in my History. Even when I told them like 20 times that such feature was missing. When they asked: Is there something missing in our "upgrade"? I always added: FREEDOOM!!! Freedom is missing in the current FB!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
The prayer for the future wife of his son, from a Father (in my case, an awesome elderly one, almost 90, who wishes the best of the best for his only son, one, the lady, who respects him as husband (not making him the mockery of everyone), who values him and who loves him in every single aspect, not mocking his sexuality (physical attraction), spirituality (spiritual identification) or mentality (valorating his thoughts and not belittling them); and here of course, the beloved and lovely mother also can be included, 81...):

"Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for my son. Thank you for the good plans you have for him and his future. You “knitted him together” and created him for a special purpose. I know you have also created someone who he will one day choose to marry. I pray that as He keeps his eyes focused on You, he will be drawn to her godly qualities. Your Word tells us in Ephesians 4:2, “Always be humble and gentle.” I pray my son will meet a woman who shows true humility and treats others with a gentle kindness that is “evident to all.” (Philippians 4:5)

I pray she will be someone who supports him and encourages him to seek more of You. As they get to know each other, help them both to be patient. And because of their love, help them to “make allowance for each other’s faults” while inspiring each other to become more like Christ. (Ephesians 4:2) Guide and direct them Lord, while they wait on Your perfect timing for marriage.

Above all, I pray they will “make every effort to keep themselves united in the Spirit, binding themselves together with peace.” (Ephesians 4:3) I pray they will allow the peace of Jesus to wrap around them and comfort them during difficult times. Thank you in advance for the wonderful, godly wife my son will meet one day. May they have unspeakable joy in their relationship, and may their marriage bring glory to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen." (https://archive.vn/ujjyi). And the best Father is GOD, so I receive that praying as coming from my Father God, who wants and inherits to me the best woman that there is for me, and, from the wise point of view of my parents: Not a slippery one with everyone...
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
So, "Social Media" is taking a place and a space that does NOT belong to them, they believe themselves to be the "Brain Washers" of our generation, but NO WAY!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
The FB CCP censorship forbids to put the actual link, shame on them!:
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
This is the actual interview with the voice of The Ethical Skeptic answering the most pivotal questions about the deception by the organizers of the Plandemic, to scare and to keep on scaring the world, and specially the USA population: https://omny.fm/shows/the-todd-herman-show/independent-data-analyst-ethical-skeptic-joins-the
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Finally, these same statements have been independently investigated by another group that has been able to publish a peer-reviewed article, to appear very soon!, about the very same and well documented topic: https://archive.vn/QBLBg, https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpubh.2020.581569/abstract, they previously work in another related article: https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/202005.0322/v2
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Also, a group of lawyers in Ohio!!!:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Some of the MAIN fighters in the USA are the owners of private GYMS, Why Government Gyms are open and the privately owned GYMS are not???
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Clau JGarb's post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Patriot Citizens in the USA are reporting what the depravate media and alphabet "intelligence" corrupted agencies are NOT investigating, arsonists caught either in-fraganti or by camera by the citizens themselves!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
And while the corrupt FBI and the Mass Media look at the opposite side, the US Forest Service, Citizens and County Commissioners realize that the raging fires in the USA all are acts of ARSON for an evil political gain: https://archive.vn/2IX6o, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6fidkEp1eY&feature=youtu.be&t=673, Do NOT be deceived on purpose by Career Demon-Crats attempting to put the blame where it does NOT belong!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Iris Iku's comment.
Exactly, because they are starting to remove her works (and all of those of us that seek the truth)!!!:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
An One More (fearing for his life). Update of an added review: https://youtu.be/V98qdFz2934 reviewing: https://zenodo.org/record/4029545
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Katrinna Delfin's post.
Group: FerKat
Thanks!!! Yeah, as daily: God OPEN the BEST doors for US!!! In JC.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Group: FerKat
You Welcome, Great Woman!!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Estela Abregu's comment.
Muchas Gracias!!! Sí, se nos castiga por ser trabajadores y se suprimen nuestros resultados, pero Dios sigue al centro de Todo y ciertamente Él en su Justicia seguirá Trabajando a nuestro favor!!!, como acaba de poner Kennedy Jr.: https://www.instagram.com/p/CFDEf5cHY6E/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Regarding the subtle ways in which NIH is curtailing critical voices that expose the artificial origins of this Plandemic in general:

The letters that I sent today to the NIH countering the removal of my three articles (here combined into one to save space):

Dear Nihms help,

I will repeat this message three times as you sent me three times the removal of three of my articles from the PubMed database:

On my articles:

"File Compression and Expansion of the Genetic Code by the use of the Yin/Yang Directions to find its Sphered Cube" (NIHMS611184)


"The Digram I Ching Genetic Code Compresses the Genetic Code into 24 Compatible Main Codons" (NIHMS1045332)

I was unaware of the time limit to keep on working on a grant. It seems that my working and productivity is being curtailed by your decision to remove three of my works. Due that I did not know about that and nobody told me, I ask in the kindest way possible to have this and the other two articles that you removed to have them restored, with the understanding from now on not to work or to send absolutely nothing under that same grant. According to your response, I can also consult later on with Francis S. Collins, or you can do it yourself, as he is the one that in one of his eMail sentences, he started by praising my work that you have precisely unilaterally removed from me after being respectively standing during six, four and one year without any problem.

Collins wrote to me: “Collins, Francis (NIH/OD) [E] collinsf@od.nih.gov To: Fernando Castro-Chavez fdocc@yahoo.com. Dec. 29, 2019, 5:50 PM. (The same day that his contribution against sickle cell anemia appeared on TV, in “60 minutes”). Hi Fernando, Thanks for your message. I am glad to know of the way in which you... (Then, also the names two of my collaborators) have been pursuing visions about contributing to medical advances... Francis S. Collins.

So, leaving the restoration of my three already there from a while until now articles under PubMed, I await eagerly for your response.

With my Best,

Fernando Castro-Chavez, PhD.

What they have done thus far: They at the NIH just automatically assigned cases to my requests, respectively:
Case #: CAS-601278-N2P0Z1, Case #: CAS-601279-Y3X6H3, Case #: CAS-601280-P8T6B3
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Katrinna Delfin's post.
Group: FerKat
Yes!!! Things are MOVING, learning together from the best countries and offers, from community works, our favorites, to farming, my personal favorite, but also the NGOs and the Hostels... God provides understanding to us to choose as one the best of the best of best on the 16th of September, after exploring in the most detail as possible all the options!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Group: FerKat
AMEN!!! As they said a couple of times when going out with the host: "Hallelujah", which is an Hebrew expression!!! Meaning in the original: "Give Praises to JAH"!!! And JAH: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jah, is the abbreviation of Jehovah, also translated Yahweh, of the tetragrammaton: YHWH, one of the many names of God, meaning: "The Faithful God"!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
My other two articles removed, in their original sites: https://archive.vn/GKa6b, and: https://tinyurl.com/YinYangGeneticCode
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
My name still appears in full in the "Google" search even if THEY have already removed its "cache"¨:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
So, after my submission to the NIH of my most recent article: https://zenodo.org/record/3988139, as a punishment, they not even do not published my article there, but also they removed my last three articles already published there, using as pretext the statement that they had been published after the completion of my grant, even if their topics are the continuation, directly related to the ones that were indeed published during that time (2010-2013), but at this point of the game, I really do NOT care, God is my sufficiency, not my PhD or any kind of tainted "grants", so, it is time to reinvent myself!!! Christ in me, which is the spirit of God within me, can not be removed from me!!! Attached, the typical letter sent on behalf the three articles removed from that particular database (so, the actions of the NIH just corroborate their participation and involvement on the manufacture of COVID-19, and are the typical behavior of the attacks under the table characteristic of Fauci and, thus far of his accomplice Collins, to whom I dedicated my work linked above), all of that was well depicted by Mikovits and co-author Kent Heckenlively, so, I do not care anymore of those games by that five sensical folk, one of my removed articles has been attributed to two Chinese guys, even if as CORRESPONDING AUTHOR, my name can be seen, as I am the legitimate author of such article: https://archive.vn/kPy15, go figure:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
My response (just 1 in 2K right now) in support of the tweet by Melania. She said: "Truth Will Prevail!" And I responded: "Yeah! The same ones that rigged Watergate are tossing their last card in their desperate attempt to get Trump, as if they were the real "wizards" knowing ahead of time, the very same things that they are blowing out of proportion now (& they "knew" so to harm), but they will fail"
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Here is my comment posted there on the YT page of his current press conference, as I like to do it, presenting both pros and cons: "So, the paid and corrupted mass media was trying to make at the end of this press conference a big stink against the Woodward declarations of things that not even Woodward himself was sure if those were as informed by the "intelligence" or not (remember the fake manufactured examples in the past, from WMD to the well-known demise of a fake "Osama"), so, with all character Trump responded those girly voices, from beginning to end, voices that kept on trying to make little inconsequential noises. Now, what I really hate of the speech of Trump is his ill-informed praise of vaccines and the mockery of anybody that denounces the venoms, poisons and real toxoids that are injected on a daily basis against our children, somebody like Kennedy Jr. needs to go back to the WH and talk to him in detail to open his eyes, I think it is an idiocy based on ignorance of the facts, that point that Trump made against, as he puts it in demure: "anti-vaxxers" (again, we, well informed on that, are anti-poisons to protect children, and just a little evidence of the 1,500 and growing every day of the harm that vaccines do to humanity: "How much Aluminum is in the vaccines routinely given to children, and what is the allowable limit as per the FDA? Answer as per the available data from 2018 (today it is worse): 5,825 micrograms, being the FDA limit 794.5 micrograms for an adult weighting 350 pounds", and where does all that Al in excess go? To the brain of the child, to fry neurons!!!, so, just that Al ingredient of the many mortal "antibacterials" present in the current vaccines should open the eyes of a real reporter, putting first the health of the USA and of the world and NOT the personal pockets), but at least Trump said that other therapeutics are already working, as to make the vaccines a secondary, and hopefully only voluntary option, and NOT a mandatory one, that will be completely absurd."
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Aún no en nuestra lengua natal , tal vez haga un video traduciendo, Dios, de ser posible.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Edward Snyder's comment.
Edward Snyder Yah! If let loose, will driver the USA to the best bidder: Globalism International, either Communist China or the International Banking, such as in WEF, whoever gives them more $$$
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Jose Francisco Norambuena Michea's comment.
Analizando la evidencia descubrimos que el polio fue causado por el DDT y no por un patógeno, pero para evitar demandas millonarias, los fabricantes del DDT desviaron la atención hacia un virus. Lo mismo ha pasado con todas las otras vacunas, no sirven de nada. ¿Acaso confiaremos en que con intereses ulteriores las fabrican como si diéramos a entender que Dios hizo a nuestra inmunidad insuficiente y que debemos de darle una "ayudada"? No. Aquí la gráfica del momento en el que sacaron las vacunas, ya que la curva de infección terminaba, para adjudicarse un inmerecido crédito, y aquí está una referencia en la que se muestra que las vacunas han sido las causantes de los niños idiotas por todo el mundo y de las alergias y muchos otros daños, básicamente las substancias en ellas se van al cerebro, especialmente de niños indefensos (4 niños por cada niña que enferma de ello, pues son daños ligados al cromosoma X, que los varoncitos no pueden encubrir con genes dominantes al tener sólo una X, pero que las niñitas sí, ya que ellas, (cómo aquella cerveza, usado por mí aquí para ayudar a recordar), son Dos Equis!!!), y carcomen pedazos de neuronas, afectando a unos de una forma, con enfermedades principalmente neurodegenerativas, y a otros de otra (el Aluminio en ellas, según eso como preservativo antibiótico devora al cerebro, lo mismo los fragmentos genéticos contaminantes de RNA y de DNA, así como los pedazos de virus y retrovirus, entre muchas otras innumerables basuras que les ponen (las usan como "estrategia" de control, de población y de individuos, mientras más imbéciles, menos trabas para ellos), yo recomiendo NO vacunar de nada a NINGÚN niño si tenemos la libertad de hacerlo, esto contra los venenos inyectados contra la voluntad de niños y de seres humanos): http://www.wellnessdoc.com/?smd_process_download=1&download_id=1497
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
"Vaccines took credit for eradicating: smallpox, diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), polio, measles. As the data clearly shows, these diseases were never eradicated by vaccines... The side effects are the reason you are 625% more likely to die from the vaccines than the diseases they’re supposed to prevent... Three polio facts:
1) Nearly all recorded polio cases between 1940 and 1970 were caused by the Salk polio vaccine, the pesticide DDT, and other pesticides. Wild polio was and is extremely rare. Polio was not an infectious disease but a manmade disease.
2) The Salk polio vaccine was discontinued in the early 1970s because it was causing polio, cancer, and death in children. Today, the drug companies insist that the Salk polio vaccine saved humanity from polio. In 1972, before a Senate
Committee hearing, polio vaccine inventor Jonas Salk testified that nearly all polio outbreaks since 1961 resulted from or were caused by the oral polio vaccine.
3) There is no such thing as a polio vaccine that can prevent polio. And no such thing as a vaccine that can prevent disease. There are over 150 years of data that proves vaccines are useless and poisonous.
Nearly all recorded polio cases in history were caused by manmade chemicals and the polio vaccine. From 1940 to 1972, the surest way to contract polio was to be exposed to the pesticide DDT or get vaccinated with the polio vaccine—the Salk polio vaccine caused polio, one reason it was discontinued. DDT was made by Monsanto, the same company responsible for Agent Orange, Aspartame, RoundUp, PCBs, Saccharin, and recently GMOs. / For over 150 years, common words that independent doctors and scientists have used to describe vaccination are: useless, dangerous, scam, fraud, racket. A glaring example is polio. Polio (or the symptoms associated with polio) was not
an infectious disease in the traditional sense as the vast majority are miseducated to believe. Many recorded polio cases between 1940 and 1970 were man-made, caused by the pesticide DDT (Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane) and other pesticides. The remaining polio cases were caused by the polio vaccine. Wild polio was and is still rare.
Before the large scale use of DDT in the early 1940s, the word "polio" appeared 0 (zero) times in epidemiological (large population disease) studies between the 1700s to late 1800s. In other words, polio was rare in the USA until DDT's predecessor was used after 1874, then when DDT was widely used in the 1940s. After which, the polio epidemics started.
As the use of DDT significantly increased after 1940, the polio rate also
increased proportionally. The largest polio epidemics in history occurred in the 1940s and 1950s. This timeline coincides with the DDT's wide scale use and the introduction of the Salk polio vaccine. DDT is a poison and a neurotoxin. It causes paralysis and brain/spinal cord disease—both are distinct symptoms of polio.
As the use of DDT decreased, the polio rate also decreased proportionally. DDT was banned in the USA in 1972 by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency).
After which, polio was reclassified—polio is magically a new disease now.
Medical students are taught that the polio people had contracted in the 1940s to 1970s was an infectious disease. It wasn't.
Polio: "1789, British physician Michael Underwood provides first clinical
description of the disease. 1840, Jacob Heine describes the clinical features of the disease as well as its involvement of the spinal cord."
There are many secondary causes of polio (the primary cause is the poliovirus).
One secondary cause of the poliovirus was DDT and other pesticides. Another is unsanitary conditions, "Polio is usually spread via the fecal-oral route (i.e., the virus is transmitted from the stool of an infected person to the mouth of another person from contaminated hands or such objects as eating utensils). Some cases may be spread directly via an oral to oral route." Contaminated water was also cited as a secondary cause of the poliovirus. However, up until chemical pesticides were commonly used and the introduction of he Salk polio vaccine, wild polio was extremely rare. / The predecessor to DDT was first synthesized in 1874 and was used as a pesticide. Its successor, DDT, was commercialized in 1939 when the invention was credited to Paul Muller. / The first polio outbreak in the U.S. was in 1894 in Vermont, with 132 cases.
Another in New York in 1916. The polio outbreaks of 1894, 1916, 1940s, and 1950s have an eerie commonality: they occurred in the summer, when DDT and other pesticides were being sprayed, especially in apple orchards. In addition, of the nearly 200 countries in the world, only countries that used DDT had polio outbreaks. And the higher the DDT usage, the higher the polio rate. / “So as DDT peaked, six months later, polio peaked. DDT comes down, six months later polio comes down. DDT flatlines, polio flatlines. It follows the contour. It’s like taking the same graph and just displacing it by six months.” — Dr. Rashid Buttar, DO": https://fdocc2.files.wordpress.com/2020/08/history-of-vaccination-trung-nguyen.pdf
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
So, this is the full report of Kennedy: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/chd-sues-the-university-of-california-over-mandatory-flu-vaccine-policy/, saved here: https://archive.vn/8JExK: "Napolitano says mandatory flu shots will “lessen the chance of being infected with COVID.” However, prevailing research suggests that flu vaccines actually raise the risk from coronavirus infection. / A January 2020 US Pentagon study (Wolff 2020: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264410X19313647) found that the flu shot INCREASES the risks from coronavirus by 36%. “Receiving influenza vaccination may increase the risk of other respiratory viruses, a phenomenon known as “virus interference…’vaccine derived’ virus interference was significantly associated with coronavirus. / Many other studies suggest the increased risk of viral respiratory infections, including coronavirus, following vaccination for influenza: A 2018 CDC study (Rikin et al 2018: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264410X18303153) found that flu shots increase the risk of non-flu acute respiratory illnesses (ARIs), including coronavirus, in children.
A 2011 Australian study (Kelly et al 2011: https://journals.lww.com/pidj/Abstract/2011/02000/Vaccine_Effectiveness_Against_Laboratory_confirmed.4.aspx) found that flu shots doubled the risk for non-flu viral lung infections.
A 2012 Hong Kong study (Cowling et al 2012: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3404712) found that flu shots increase the risk for non-flu respiratory infections by 4.4 times.
A 2017 study (Mawson et al 2017: https://www.oatext.com/pdf/JTS-3-186.pdf) found vaccinated children were 5.9 times more likely to suffer pneumonia than their unvaccinated peers.” / ...a contrary (perp- shill) study published last month by Gunther Fink et. al... appears to conclude that flu vaccines may be prophylactic against coronavirus. The study, of Brazilian populations, has many dubious unexplained outcomes including a 47% death rate among study subjects, raising numerous unanswered questions about the methodology and validity of this research. UC campuses should not be encouraging flu shots until we have unambiguous science supporting efficacy against COVID."
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
The image continues, it has been cut by the FB:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Katrinna Delfin's post.
Group: FerKat
Thank you!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Also an independent piece of globalist crap corroborates that stockpiling of COVID-19 PCR flawed tests since 2018, the OECD: http://www.oecd.org/coronavirus/policy-responses/trade-interdependencies-in-covid-19-goods-79aaa1d6/, saved at (in case those stinky bitches also try to change it, as already did the previous one): https://archive.vn/iPUZN, and https://web.archive.org/web/20200527142807/http://www.oecd.org/coronavirus/policy-responses/trade-interdependencies-in-covid-19-goods-79aaa1d6/
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
And the more people research the whole scheming on purpose and beforehand of "COVID-19", the more disgusting it gets; where the WHO was already trading with "COVID-19", with that name, since 2018!!!, as per the other pressummed implied on this devilish "Plandemic", the "World Bank": https://wits.worldbank.org/trade/comtrade/en/country/ALL/year/2018/tradeflow/Exports/partner/WLD/nomen/h5/product/902780 (saved to prevent the removal of the criminals, these things are evidence of foul-"play", do all you can to bring down the evil "plan" behind this all and before it is too late for you to act!); https://wits.worldbank.org/trade/comtrade/en/country/ALL/year/2018/tradeflow/Exports/partner/WLD/nomen/h5/product/902780, and https://archive.is/tWO9A
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
I included in that original site a little known aspect of biblical research: https://www.geocitiesarchive.org/arclc/f/d/fdocc3/mc.htm, "THE FORGERY OF MATTHEW 27:52b AND 53" (Which again solves the question mark problem at: https://web.archive.org/web/20091027132813/geocities.com/fdocc3/mc.htm): "Early writings that doesn’t quote the forgery: Tertullian (c. 160-c. 225 A.D.), from Carthage in North Africa, does not include this questionable section in An Answer to the Jews, 13:14, where one would expect him to use it for the benefit of his argument if it were in his text: "when did it "shudder exceedingly" except at the passion of Christ, when the earth also trembled to her centre, and the veil of the temple was rent, and the tombs were burst asunder?" (In: Roberts and Donaldson’s Ante-Nicene Fathers, III, 170)... Melito, The Philosopher (d. 190) of Sardis (about 120 miles northwest of Ephesus), in The Discourse On Soul And Body (his document II) does not quote the forgery either: “And further on:--The earth shook, and its foundations trembled; the sun fled away, and the elements turned back, and the day was changed into night: for they could not endure the sight of their Lord hanging on a tree. The whole creation was amazed” (In: Roberts and Donaldson’s Ante-Nicene Fathers, VIII, 756)", et.., etc...
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
One of my other OLD studies from that "new" site: https://www.geocitiesarchive.org/arclc/f/d/fdocc3/expulsad.htm , but it has the same problem that Geocities initially had (every symbol unknown by that early HTML language is a question mark, bummer!!!), something that the next one, in a later stage, had already corrected: https://web.archive.org/web/20091027144728/http://www.geocities.com/fdocc3/expulsad.htm (in Spanish): "Jn 14:12 De cierto, de cierto os digo: El que en mí cree, las obras que yo hago también él las hará; y mayores que éstas hará; porque yo voy al Padre", "les dio potestad [exousia, autoridad] contra los espíritus inmundos, para que los echasen fuera, y sanasen toda enfermedad y toda flaqueza." Mt. 10:1; "Señor, aun los demonios se nos sujetan en tu nombre"!!! Lc. 10:17; "Que se haga conforme a la fe que ustedes tienen"!!!!!!! (Mt. 9:29).One of my other studies from that "new" site: https://www.geocitiesarchive.org/arclc/f/d/fdocc3/expulsad.htm
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Another of my rescues from those good days of the past are the: "THE CONCEPTION OF JESUS CHRIST, INSIGHTS GIVEN BY PATRICIA T. TALLEY, ARTHUR C. CUSTANCE, Wierwille": "The law regarding the life of the flesh being on the blood (Lev. 17:11) worked out perfectly in this case because this life-giving element is contributed by the father upon conception. The life-giving seed was perfect and sinless in this miraculous conception, therefore Jesus had pure, innocent life in His blood. At the time of conception 23 pairs of chromosomes, which carry thousands of genes are united, whereby the potentialities for growth and development are transmitted to the new organism. The genes carry physical and hereditary characteristics of the parents. They are of two types, either dominant or recessive. The genes from the father and the mother unite and the dominant genes prevail over those that are recessive. Each body cell contains 46 chromosomes. They occur in pairs. One member of each pair comes from the mother, and the other from the father. Within that perfect seed that God created for the conception of Jesus Christ were 23 perfect chromosomes, which carried perfect genes (therefore dominant). Since all human beings had been rendered less than perfect by sin, sickness and disease, no genes from Mary, which united with the perfect ones created by God, could be dominant over those created by God" https://www.geocitiesarchive.org/arclc/f/d/fdocc3/christ.htm
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
This is another of those endless memories: https://www.geocitiesarchive.org/arclc/f/d/fdocc3/good-forward.htm, it costed me in part one of my jobs as I sent this, as the original eMail message that I received from a NASA researcher, to a bad muslim from France who went on crying to complaint about it to our then boss... more that anywhere, this is a very needed message at this time: https://www.geocitiesarchive.org/arclc/f/d/fdocc3/good-forward.htm "A NASA believer in our Lord Christ Jesus forwarded this message:

It's now in your hands
A basketball in my hands is worth about $19.
A basketball in Michael Jordan's hands is worth about $33 million.
It depends whose hands it's in.
A basketball in my hands is worth about $19.
A basketball in Michael Jordan's hands is worth about $33 million.
It depends whose hands it's in.
A baseball in my hands is worth about $6.
A baseball in Mark McGuire's hands is worth $19 million.
It depends on whose hands it's in.
A tennis racket is useless in my hands.
A tennis racket in Venus Williams' hands is a championship winning.
It depends whose hands it's in.
A rod in my hands will keep away a wild animal.
A rod in Moses' hands will part the mighty sea.
It depends whose hands it's in.
A sling shot in my hands is a kid's toy
A sling shot in David's hand is a mighty weapon.
It depends whose hands it's in.
Two fish and 5 loaves of bread in my hands is a couple of fish sandwiches.
Two fish and 5 loaves of bread in Jesus Christ's hands will feed thousands.
It depends whose hands it's in.
Nails in my hands might produce a birdhouse
Nails in Jesus Christ's hands will produce salvation for the entire world.
It depends whose hands it's in.
As you see now it depends whose hands it's in. So put your concerns, your worries, your fears,
your hopes, your dreams, your families and your relationships in God's hands, because...
It depends whose hands it's in.

Original Message Sent By: Bell, Carla M. (JSC-JA) (NASA)."
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Some other of my rescues of those times are the impacting aspects of the great movie by Gibson, "The Passion of the Christ", where we read "It's about faith, hope, LOVE and FORGIVENESS. That's what this film is about. It's about Christ's sacrifice," he said... Jesus Christ "was BEATEN FOR OUR iniquities," Gibson said. "He was WOUNDED FOR OUR transgressions and by his wounds WE ARE HEALED. That's the point of the film... "...see the enormity -- the ENORMITY of that sacrifice -- to see that someone could ENDURE that and still come back with love and forgiveness, even through extreme pain and suffering and ridicule." ("Gibson, who belongs to an ultra-conservative Catholic group that does not recognize the reforms of Vatican II, poured 25 million dollars of his own money into making the film, which he directed..."): https://www.geocitiesarchive.org/arclc/f/d/fdocc3/gibson.pdf, https://www.geocitiesarchive.org/arclc/f/d/fdocc3/passion.pdf...
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
From the memories of those days, for example, somebody no more here, removed himself by his own wretched hands, asked me about some of my early rescues of the works of Ken Petty, so here is one: https://www.geocitiesarchive.org/arclc/f/d/fdocc3/spiritism.htm, and from there we can quote, just to quote something, with my emphasis for the current times: "Chapter Two. Political, Social and Scientific Revolution: ""...Intellectuals [of the 'kin' of Karl Marx] played an extraordinary prominent role. They formulated the revolutionary theories and slogans, [they] LED THE MOBS and TOOK CHARGE of the NATIONAL assemblies and provisional GOVERNMENTS that came into power ONCE LEGITIMATE AUTHORITY COLLAPSED" [Namier, Louis, quoted in: Hexter, J. H., Pipes, R. and Molko, A., Europe Since 1500, Harper and Row, N.Y., 1971, p. 691]." This is what is currently happening with the globalistic demon-kratz, with the techno-repressors, and with the güllible and deceived already leashed in their faces for life, idiots of this planet...; related to what Petty wrote, we also have the next: https://www.geocitiesarchive.org/arclc/f/d/fdocc3/gasson.htm: "INSIGHTS ON EVIL SPIRITS AND THEIR DECEIVING DEVICES, BY W. H. BACON, A. HISLOP, RAPHAEL GASSON, V. P. WIERWILLE, ETC.": "...in October, 1887, in Instantaneously Delivering me from demonic possession which had come about through my tampering with Spiritism, I was led by the spirit of God to true repentance and to follow on to know the Lord" [Bacon, W. H., Spiritism, 1915, Things to Come, 21(4):41-42; 21(5):57-58 and 21(7):79].
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
And their own open indexing of one of my pages, something great that Geocities itself never did!: https://www.geocitiesarchive.org/arclc/f/d/fdocc3/geocities-archive.html
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Happy to see that one more site is concerned with preserving our 1990s Geocities lost research and uploads!!!: https://www.geocitiesarchive.org/arclc/f/d/ (the sites in gray were MINE!!! A MINE of Gold of Word and Science!!!);thus far they have loaded only: https://www.geocitiesarchive.org/arclc/f/d/fdocc3/ (the rest is in the Archive. org..., so, I am a part, with my Bible and Scientific early postings, of the "Early Web Culture" :) !!!):
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
And the usual bullies (shame on them!!!) enacting the wishes of their handlers against pacific manifestants: https://www.facebook.com/BenSwannRealityCheck/videos/987743384984760/
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
So if you put this words as your search words: "The plan of COVID-19 was an old held globalist plot Hopkins Gates WEF", you find absolutely nothing on Google, because its Algorithms are rigged for you NOT to find the information that it is not "convenient" for the criminals-that-be, the same ones that "organized" way ahead of time this COVID-19 "Plandemic", if you put the same strategy of search in DuckDuckGo, the very first page that appears, very informative and clear, is that of scholar Chossudovsky about the issue: https://archive.vn/tJ9bv (saved here to prevent the evil planners to delete it), do any strategic and related search on yourself to open your eyes and do NOT trust at all the lying Mass Media and Social Media invaders that bombard you daily, with you NOT asking them to do so!, about their false and deceiving WHO "news" on the rigged by them "status" of their current ¡Plandemic!.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
The original incoherences shared by perv. Biden (one of several creepinesses said by him in an all time record short time to black kids), only one of them inspired that previous song, but there is more to deride from this perverted person: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DbE2SmV2bs, https://lbry.tv/@fdocc:b/DepravateJoeBiden:c
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Even composers of his party all of these, mocking the dumbest things that he says: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BS5HCi-zsYE
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Creepy Pedo---´´ Joe: "Both friend and foe know you're a no-go... You’re no outsider, just a liar. Please stop! And drop!!": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3FZdGaSUXw
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Katrinna Delfin's comment.
Group: FerKat
It depends on the school, some of them allow the direct path, but others not. Here is supposedly an opportunity to win a free Scholarship of ten thousand euros: https://scholarship.mastersportal.com/international-distinction-awards, oh no, because then it says: "Future students who provide a Letter of Acceptance from the academic institution by the 30th of June 2021"
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Group: FerKat
It is funny that in the same four pages of the Sports MSc they post a lot related to tourism, as seen in the broken link!!! So, we are set to travel!!!, as in remembering our time at the boat of the S.A. Riverwalk, as we have never yet traveled together by plane!!!, and one more: https://www.mastersportal.com/studies/284825/sports-exercise-and-human-performance.html
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Group: FerKat
One more with unknown tuition: https://www.mastersportal.com/studies/267596/sport-management.html
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Group: FerKat
Willing to go anywhere in the world with you, because I really love you, to the end of the earth, to the place where God wants us to be!!!, another free: https://www.mastersportal.com/studies/259869/sport-and-exercise-science.html
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Group: FerKat
Right now, just putting the ones that say free tuition: https://www.mastersportal.com/studies/34963/sports-medical-training-and-clinical-exercise-physiology.html
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Group: FerKat
This has an unknown tuition: https://www.mastersportal.com/studies/285404/sports-science-movement-and-wellbeing.html
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Group: FerKat
Or, also at no tuition: https://www.mastersportal.com/studies/241725/performance-analysis-of-sport.html
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Group: FerKat
0 Euros too: https://www.mastersportal.com/studies/255805/applied-neurosciences-in-sports-and-exercise.html
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Group: FerKat
What about, for Zero Euros: https://www.mastersportal.com/studies/240806/clinical-exercise-science.html
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Group: FerKat
They broke the link at the bracket, it is all together, as in copy and paste from bottom to top, from there, the free ones are.... let me see...
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Group: FerKat
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Katrinna Delfin's comment.
Group: FerKat
Cruisin' With My Heaven!, Kat and Fer By The Beach In A Convertible!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Aquí están:
https://fdocc2.files.wordpress.com/2020/09/ermiliohernandez-soneto-de-1943-de-arreola.pdf, pensaba que tenías la del canto que no se alcanzó a grabar completa ya que se acabó la memoria, Lila deseaba escucharla.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
The Oppressive Repression of the Free Expression by the CCP - Gates "Policed" FB:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Exhaustive List of Achievements by Trump
https://www.google.com/search?q=Exhaustive+List+of+Achievements+by+Trump&oq=Exhaustive+List+of+Achievements+by+Trump&, furthermore, the "rings" of depravity against minors is being busted over and over by him, with endless lists of swamp culprits: https://archive.vn/ciAYR, etc..., since the earl days, Phil Clutts, from Harrisburg, was declaring: "Space precludes a full listing, but here are some accomplishment’s Trump supporters can cite: Gorsuch appointment, illegal immigration at the southwest border is way down, lowest unemployment in 10 years, consumer confidence up and stock market at historic highs, Keystone pipeline approved, veterans allowed private health care options, many burdensome regulations cut, TPP withdrawal, and NATO allies increasing their contributions. Sure, he’s imperfect and can be crude and “unpresidential,” but he is fighting America’s slide into decline and, by the way, donating his entire salary in that effort..."
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BM5Bqhn9I94 (Spanish scripts): "I'm insane but on my toes...
If I'm crazy, I'm on my own
If I'm waitin', it's on my throne
If I sound lazy, just ignore my tone
'Cause I'm always gonna answer when you call my phone
Like, what's up, danger?...
Can't stop me now
I said, "I got you now"
I'm right here at your door
I won't leave, I want more
What's up, danger?
Yeah, what's up, danger?
Can't stop me now, yeah..."
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
"Ayy, gettin' old, they doubted us
Makes it that more marvelous
Sign 'em up, 'cause I'm in this vibe and I get synonymous
What's up, danger....?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-euUGPQZoHw
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
The Third Scene With The "Leap of Faith" Clause:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Teaming up with an akin & bold little crew:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
A Leap of Faith!!! "So, What's up Danger?"
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
The demons-that-be roaming at the FB put the next message when I was about to re-post this great message by my new friend here Robin L. Armstrong
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
https://thehighwire.com/videos/the-cyber-attack-on-truth/, and the website of Dr. Jeffrey Barke, MD, from CA, one of the brave Frontline Doctors: https://www.rxforliberty.com/, and one of his telling articles: "...a patient the other day: “I got a phone call . . . telling me my Covid-19 test came back positive. But I never had the test done, I told the caller. I checked in and completed the paperwork but I left because the wait was too long. They never [actually] tested me.” / Incredibly, the caller didn’t believe my patient. “No,” she insisted, “I am sorry . . . your test results were positive.” Worse, I suspect that these bogus “results” were sent to the state data bank that reports “new cases” to the CDC. One more error in the Johns Hopkins numbers that most of the media rely on...."
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
This seems to be a backup that somebody did to the lost files from the original site, better to backup them and post them everywhere before they are erased again, the title of these files is like a shout against them, against Google telling them as it is: https://archive.org/download/dontbeevil.7z/Don%27t%20Be%20Evil.zip, here are all the downloaded folders with their files as seen in my computer (thinking on binding them all in one sole volume to make easier the reading of it, and another of the videos that has been restricted from access, but only to the insiders of the crimes that Google is perpetrating against the freedom of humanity: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4Y1hHy2MO4UVU1MdndtcWZVUVk/view?ts=570fd7d0):
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
A brief video clip leaked by Z. V.: https://pv-uploads1.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/2019/08/Coffee-Beans.pdf, and one of the fragments of videos showing how Google according to its best bidder, modifies their algorithms to make you impossible to find the good information that you are seeking (this was under the Zach Vorhies folder of "Partisanship"), so get out of Google and seek another search engine and browser (say NO to Chrome, NO to YouTube, also owned by Google, NO to Android, NO to gMail, NO to Google Earth, NO to the "Mind Control" agenda by Google and Gates, Schwab, Fauci, WHO, CCP, ... perverted company!!!):
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
The Patriot Hero at Work; some of the documents rescued by Zach keep on being released on a daily basis: https://pv-uploads1.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/2019/08/IMG_0110.jpg, https://pv-uploads1.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/2019/08/IMG_0114.png:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
The "Machine Learning" methods that they use to block inconvenient truths for those that have bought Goole to their selfish interests. 8/9 of the whistle-blown documents seem to have been removed, even from the also corrupt archive dot org: https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.projectveritas.com/news/google-document-dump/
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Some of the sites biasedly and deliberately blocked by Google, this is here the full list leaked: https://pv-uploads1.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/2019/08/news-black-list-site-for-google-now.txt (https://archive.vn/5Adif)
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Five hours of the manifestations worldwide against the pre-planned Pandemic of COVID-19: https://thehighwire.com/videos/the-world-protests-covid-lockdown/, at hour 4.28.Robert F. Kennedy, Jr speaks from Berlin, Germany!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
The start of the conclusions of the Sirotkin article, inspired mostly from their own blog (big things start somewhere, and from there, they take off!!):
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
The title of that amazing article exposing the facts of COVID-19 as originated from the Lab of Wuhan:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
More videos from Trafalgar Square, in London keep on coming!!!, all of them against the globalist attempt to take over humanity under the disguise of their previously designed "Pandemic": https://www.facebook.com/BenSwannRealityCheck/videos/644469233146043/, problem to see these massive gatherings in the USA is that the same perverse planners of COVID-19 are now intimidating the population to prevent it from going outside, instilling into them a "panic", both of the roaring virus and of the roaring BLM Antifa paid reefers!!! But I hope the USA nation, headed by Trump, also raises up in similar or better signals of opposition, remember, the most educated countries in the world are against the plans of Schwab, Gates, Fauci, the CCP, the WHO, etc., so help us God!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
And the videos from Germany manifesting boldly against that globalist agenda attempted by the evil Schwab, Gates, Fauci, CCP, aiming at "digitizing" humanity, keep on coming: https://www.facebook.com/BenSwannRealityCheck/videos/712308956293791/
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
More on the protests going on right now in Germany and in London against the perverted minds of the Globalists that deliberately released COVID-19 to advance their agenda of world domination, their long held and salivated NWO, but as long as we, Born Again ones are here, Antichrist will fail over and over, will NOT succeed and will be so afraid that will NOT even give anymore his face!!! (Will remain hidden and unknown until we of Christ are GONE to heaven with Christ and God for Seven Years, and then come back to finally arrive to fix things definitely once and for all!!! One way for me to kick the rear of the Adversary! Right now my deal is t be exposing publicly his deeds, so that there will be not a hidden card of his purposes, as in the Old Testament the prophets of God knew every little trick of the Adversary and warned their Kings to take the defensive actions!!!, that is my standing as per my Molecular formation, to expose the Artificial nature of COVID-19 in every single aspect of the term Artificial, what is your standing, oh my dear Christian fellow??? Please, respond this to God, not to us, and then ask HIM what can YOU do!!!): https://www.facebook.com/BenSwannRealityCheck/videos/991194721320790/
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
More and more people from every single denomination and belief is realizing that the best option is Trump. Jesse compared the two full texts of the RNC and of the DNC, and found in the first one that God is mentioned 15 times as Our Creator and in Whom we trust, in the second one only appears three times but not as a direct relationship, but only adjectivated as our God-given abilities, for him, right there he sees who is pro God and who is to gradually remove more and more God from the center arena. He also made a big deal about the forms that not only professionals are in the obligation to sign, but now also the students, if they want to enter to any reputable university the "Diversity Clause" that now is "mandatory" and he said that such right there violates the freedoms of those that like him, refuse to sign and to agree to such abomination, he says. So the worst tyrants in the end are the ones that in the name of the majority, force you to do things that you really do NOT want to Do, so hopefully Trump can also do that about it, as in the person that in the video above asked him if what we were witnessing was a war against Christ in the USA!!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Group: FerKat
Katrinna Delfin Praying in holy spirit within me fervently, and with my understanding for that very soon be possible, for us to keep on making a difference with our presence, where we want to be as a real and enduring team of GOD!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
A Violent Mob of Black and Brainless Paid Idiots: This is how the Soros, and the career politicians of Washington, a.k.a. Political "Democrats" are promoting, as Ben Swan said: Supposedly "“peaceful protestors” (that) surround @senatorrandpaul (Rand Paul, son of the great and bold Patriot Ron Paul) and his wife as they leave RNC. They had to be escorted by Capitol Police who are being hit and pushed. This demonstrates how these “activists” aren’t looking for real change, they are a political mob. Sen. Paul is one of the few members of Congress to actually try to change criminal justice, including restoring voting rights to ex-cons, ending mandatory sentencing and recently the Breonna Taylor act which would end all “no knock” warrants": https://www.facebook.com/BenSwannRealityCheck/videos/588751415125083/, let everybody know the irrationality of the animals paid by those evil globalist forces infiltrated to the USA to destabilize it, no matter how many Americans die or are injured as long as they go along according to their perverted New World Order plan. Say NO to a brainless and idiotic mob wanting to maim and kill everybody that goes out on the streets in the USA!!!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Ben Carson, Neurosurgeon, another man that supports Trump, and that destroys the myth imposed over all the planet by the globalistic mossadian (those that salute you with a smile and stab you in the back) paid and bought altogether media and social networks, that spread the rumor that Trump is "racist" (but all the good black men and women that spoke at the Republican Convention discredits that useless, vain and false rumor by the paid prostituted media, I saw his show the Apprentice, I read his books, he always wants to do what is right according to his conscience, if firing the crooked, the twisted, the lawless and the lazy is "racism", I think we all need to stop right here and start looking at the record of all the good things done by Trump during four years, and realize that the currently crooked algorithms of Google make even hard to find that good information...). If being any lazy people, if being anti people that just wants to live out of the system like full career politicians that do nothing other than oppose those of us that are doing something, if being any censorship and if speaking our minds out is what offends the useless people of this planet that want only their selfish benefits and NOT those of the independent and individual nations, if being hard worker night and day, if being an outspoken Christian, if all those good things and more are something questionable in the eyes of the ones who do not care anymore about God, if being all of these things is questionable, I accept to be also worthy of my crowns in heaven as all of these men that have been either totally ignored or smeared are being able to endure everything just to be honest and up to their own conscience!!! So, I end exactly as Luther ended his plea: "... it is neither safe nor right to go against conscience. I cannot do otherwise, here I stand, may God help me, Amen": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0UjMraOINk
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Jack Brewer, an NFL sportsman, is another Democrat supporting Donald J. Trump, because Donald J. Trump wants to make America Great Again and is the only leader resisting the madness that the Globalists want to impose over all the humanity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MfIEEe2Nis
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
The full final speech of Donald J. Trump: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1i5IIYfFhI, the full first speech of Donald J. Trump: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUs9jLZDYOg
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
The White House field at night:
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Some of her other siblings at her speech:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Ivanka is speaking right now (above), and here is the link to her full speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0QpZDWW3M0, a united family and strong and bold working with what is also, as family, best for our Nation as a whole: I pray for USA to be back to the light-bulb of the planet that it still is at the least while we, Christian believers, are still here!!!:
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Jesse Davis's comment.
Jesse Davis Thank you very much!!! The same prayers for you !!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Jesse Davis's comment.
Dear Jesse, On my knees, thanking God, our good and eternal God, for your life, for you still alive in this day and time when so much needed is the prayer in the spirit, by your speaking in tongues for God to fix, to help us, to fix the current situation where liars and deceivers are attempting to take over the control of the whole planet!!! Thank you dear brother, for staying alive still!!! In Christ, Fernando.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Another earlier warning to Trump against the useless need of a "vaccine" to immunize a world population where almost all humans is already getting a natural immunity against the virus: https://banned.video/watch?id=5bbadae4270ee05a9cf85065
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Warnings given by the banned videos to Trump NOT to fall into their "vaccination" rush game... but it may be already too late...: https://banned.video/watch?id=5f441313df77c4044ef4ce0c
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Y su valiosa esposa, de nuevo, como lo que puse ayer, familias unidas y sólidas enfrentándose al globalismo malsano que los políticos demócratas que no hacen nada más que servir a intereses no Americanos quisieran para beneficiar sus bolsillos y sus vientres bajos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnJGa-imVFc
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Finalmente, el discurso de Mike Pence, el buen cristiano vicepresidente de Trump, quien durante cuatro años ha tenido una conducta intachable, y por eso nada de él se escucha en los podridos y prostitutos medios masivos (y ahora también en las redes sociales invadidas por "porros" del globalismo internacional que están contra él), pido a Dios le conceda otros cuatro años más para aplastar a todas esas revueltas incitadas por Soros, por Gates, por los Demócratas de carrera, tales como Biden, su p-e-d-ó-f-i-l-o candidato globalista: https://lbry.tv/@fdocc:b/DepravateJoeBiden:c, por eso, y porque sabemos que Trump ha liberado miles de niños usados para ese abuso ilegal de menores (lo que tampoco se dice en los pervertidos medios de hoy y hasta se desea negar, o se habla de paso en menos de un minuto...), por eso mis oraciones espirituales van por Pence y por Trump para que ganen otros cuatro años más de desmantelar y atrapar a los seres torcidos como lo eran ese Epstein y su Ghislaine Maxwell, unos malditos operativos mossadianos para pervertir, corromper y desestabilizar al mundo libre e independiente: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMlf0im0jdM, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNmJeqEyBzU
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Otra alma valiente hablando a favor de Donald Trump, el único que se opone de todos los líderes de peso del mundo a la agenda globalista a la que Biden, "progresivamente" se desea someter, ellos nos ven al resto de los humanos como pura "pedacera" para satisfacer sus intereses egoístas y perversos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZrlXvNO9VQ
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Aquí está la lista parcial de los que han hablado en favor de Donald J. Trump como el mejor candidato para cuatro años más, ya que él está defendiendo la paz y las libertades, no sólo mías, para publicar mis investigaciones de la naturaleza pre-planeada de antemano por los globalistas de soltar a esta Pandemia, sino al resto de la humanidad que desea libertad (anexo a esto, otro gran valiente que habla a favor de él: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2I7_rsUCYc4): Monday, August 24: Land of Heroes

Presidential nomination by delegates

U.S. Sen. Tim Scott (S.C.) (Click here to watch speech.)
U.S. Rep. Steve Scalise (La.)
U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz (Fla.)
U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan (Ohio)
Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley (Click here to watch speech.)
RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel
Georgia State Rep. Vernon Jones (D)
Amy Johnson Ford
Kimberly Guilfoyle
Natalie Harp
Charlie Kirk
Kim Klacik
Mark and Patricia McCloskey
Sean Parnell
Andrew Pollack
Donald Trump Jr. (Click here to watch speech.)
Tanya Weinreis

Tuesday, August 25: Land of Promise

First Lady Melania Trump (Click here to watch speech.)
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
U.S. Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.)
Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds
Florida Lt. Gov. Jeanette Nuñez
Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron
Former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi
Abby Johnson
Jason Joyce
Myron Lizer
Megan Pauley
Cris Peterson
John Peterson
Nicholas Sandmann
Eric Trump
Tiffany Trump

Wednesday, August 26: Land of Opportunity

Vice President Mike Pence (Click here to watch speech.)
Second Lady Karen Pence
U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (Tenn.)
U.S. Sen. Joni Ernst (Iowa)
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem
U.S. Rep. Daniel Crenshaw (Texas)
U.S. Rep. Elise Stefanik (N.Y.)
U.S. Rep. Lee Zeldin (N.Y.)
Former Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell
White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway
Keith Kellogg
Jack Brewer
Sister Dede Byrne
Madison Cawthorn
Scott Dane
Clarence Henderson
Ryan Holets
Michael McHale
Burgess Owens
Lara Trump

Thursday, August 27: Land of Greatness

President Donald Trump
Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.)
U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton (Ark.)
U.S. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (Calif.)
U.S. Rep. Jeff Van Drew (N.J.)
Ivanka Trump
Ja'Ron Smith
Ann Dorn
Debbie Flood
Rudy Giuliani
Franklin Graham
Alice Johnson
Wade Mayfield
Carl and Marsha Mueller
Dana White
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
The resulting exercise of the last lower points of his "love" site: "BEARING EACH OTHER AGAINST EVERY SINGLE PAIN":
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
This one is my favorite (2010, outside of the G20, at Toronto): GOD KEEP OUR LAND GLORIOUS AND FREE!!! (Amen to that!!!):
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Another very telling message for today since the 2010 outside of the G20 protests at Toronto, Canada: "Censorship Inacceptable: Fear Tactics will NOT silence US!"
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
This is another excerpt from the same video linked in the immediate post before, where since 2010 outside of the G20 the citizens that still think were already aware of what was on the brewing by those despicable globalists: NWO... Potential hazards include: World War Three (the one against the free humanity of today by the globalists), Forced Vaccinations (the digital tagging of Gates and Co. to track you day and night everywhere you go), Prison Industrial Complex (the ridiculous censorship of inconvenient truths by the already prostituted social media of net of today CCP style), Elite Controlled Depopulation (the pre-designed Sars-CoV-2 in the WIV lab by Baric and Zheng-Li, aimed at getting rid of the elderly as they did killing all the elderly mice as shown in the Supplement of their 2015 Nature article)...
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
"You are not in Canada anymore", "you have no more personal rights...": In the next brief and telling actual footage excerpt taken since 2010 by Dan Dicks outside of the G20 at Toronto, Canada, you can see the wretched plans of the globalists convincing authorities that the citizens lose their rights while an event such as G20 is going on, the same globalists hired troublemakers, the Black Bloc (https://web.archive.org/web/20100703135109/https://torontosun.com/news/columnists/joe_warmington/2010/06/30/14564416.html, also removed from its original site), to later-on charge the peaceful citizens with having caused the burnings of cars and the destruction of property (mostly the big window glasses of the nearby places, no lotting is seen at all); then, based on such pre-planned acts, the local authorities enforce their oppressive surveillance over their actual citizens (https://altcensored.com/watch?v=zejD0UkMGGY; there, at minute 23 starts the violent display of authorities pushed by the globalists, the channel of Dicks was removed from the YouTube, one of his disturbing but real videos removed before deleting his channel: https://www.bitchute.com/video/xOcYImGpRm4, his channel, impossible to find in Google: https://pressfortruth.ca/, and his last posting done at YT: https://www.bitchute.com/video/93VJREXyewE):
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
And a day before, Donald Jr. supporting in full to his father!, a family in full support of that one doing something to preserve the current freedoms of human beings: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDEkjuZenLU
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
And my statement is based in the understanding of these great things linked below, that are the full Hope of Christians, just like me: https://fdocc.yolasite.com/resources/TheWhenAndTheForAndWith.pdf
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Soros seems to be from the Seed of the Serpent (as the Bible calls the real "reptilians" investigated by Ike, those that are so in the inside, rather than in only the external appearance, and this happens due to their clear allegiance to the devil), and I say this due to the Soros well known depravity with minors, but also to his very well known financial support to the reefers of the world in his stubborn promotion of the NWO, manipulated duped beasts such as those seen at the Antifa, BLM, Black Bloc, etc., etc. (all of them "False Flaggers" of disorder and of destruction to discredit the pacific protests of the rest of the good citizens of the world, and shame on all of them that sell their lives to him out of a few cents, while they contribute to the ruin of humanity with their selfish actions..., here you can see which company he keeps and how he is really against the light, trying to destroy America in order that the degenerate humans like him, could freely do as they please in this planet, disgracing to whom they want to with no "accountability", so they think...):
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Another Great Speech In Support Of The Resistance Against A Global Agenda To Bankrupt America: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErSd_YiRCAs
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
One More Speech Supporting Self-Determination, Liberties and NO Global Control against humans: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJnShBMG3uY
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Another Great Speech, by a Democrat Patriot Supporting the Principles of Freedom to Make America Great Again, Say NO To Globalism!!!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdchxYt61co
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Group: FerKat
They Make a Beautiful Team!!!, as I Pray us, Likewise, God and Kat Willing, to Be until the End of Our Times!!!, from their collaborative site: https://lovemultiverse.com
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Group: FerKat
4) Four of our places in motion: towards N.O., to Gruene, with you driving, then through Brooklyn towards Long Island in an Uber, with the awesome and oportune film that you took, then through downtown in Houston, with you again driving out of Osteen's towards that Tennessee style chicken saturated inside and empty outside that looked as if nothing were going on inside that you found, as you did with so many things that we enjoyed together in those unique three months that will hang in history thus far as the best days of my life, from Nov. 18th 2019 to Feb 17th, 2020!!!..., then to our Common Bond and walking around the little shops of there, in our very last Sunday together as the next day will be your departure o the 17th of February, 2020, the last time I saw you in person going up towards that escalator of the IAH Airport...
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Group: FerKat
3) My most extremely lonely and depressive five nights from Sunday to Thursday of those darkest and saddest beginnings of a Superbowl February of 2020, when I was completely deposed of house, of woman, of job, of everything, crying at the nights while walking through that Chinatown of Houston...
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Group: FerKat
2) Our unique, exclusive, extremely and extraordinarily awesome, no matter if in the car at night at a lone parking lot or at my rented place at Yaupon, or at the Omni of New Orleans or at the other one at San Antonio, a really tender, lovely and loving, giving, delivering, devoting, not lustful but seeking to bless from the tip of your longest hair to the tip of the toenails... with a most soothing massage with your best calming music that you put from your cellphone to my tip-fingered massage of your head..., and all those unplanned and unexpected things that happened that are even recorded in your cellphone, hairy brown and white with red nails!!!:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Group: FerKat
So, I illustrate our four aspects as per my side: 1) At Galveston, holding hands, it all a precious and divine symbol: Walking at sunset towards the Pleasure Pier, me, barefoot, symbolizing my deposing all of my pride, credentials, self, masks, to give myself to you completely "au naturel"::
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Group: FerKat
So, on reading his current progress, he has fused his first triangular theory of love with another accessory, that I may call the "Role Play Theory of Love", but that he calls the "Theory of Love as a Story", so from his page and considering some of the points that we have experienced, the points thus far explored are: 10. HISTORY. Events of relationship form an indelible record; keep a lot of records--mental or physical. 13. HUMOR. Love is strange and funny. 19. SACRIFICE. To love is to give of oneself or for someone to give of him or herself to you. 24. TRAVEL. Love is a journey. (Note: He tends to see each of his 26 "Love Stories" as a set of more static boxes where a couple tends to stay in during her whole life, but I tend to see them as "places" to where we can go "in and out" at will!!!, what do you think?, oh woman that I wish to be my permanent companion for the rest of times, with a tireless, boring-less, very exciting life together: Thinking, Acting, Traveling, Planning, Exploring, Projecting, Inventing, Developing, Enjoying.... and a thousand things more by common decision and agreement!!!)
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Group: FerKat
The final links found in this page PLUS ONE: https://www.robertjsternberg.com/love (https://archive.vn/cHVx4), and his most current GREAT site: https://lovemultiverse.com (a frozen shot saved as per today: https://archive.vn/PjWGL), https://psychcentral.com/lib/7-simple-steps-to-improve-your-relationship (in brief: https://archive.vn/hFOJj, PLUS ONE highly important too: https://archive.vn/MZqxd) https://psychcentral.com/lib/8-surprising-myths-about-relationships (https://archive.vn/ei3sU) https://psychcentral.com/blog/the-four-ss-of-a-healthy-relationship (https://archive.vn/wip/vYlOF).
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Group: FerKat
Then, the other that I ranked as three instead of four was question 34, because again it does not depend on its totality in myself, if it were, as in the previous one, I had ranked it as four of four (4/4), in my case, I will keep on doing 100% of my part to make it work, to make it so, to make it STABLE, so for me the questions 33 and the 35 are the same and I think that Sternberg repeated them because they are the most important, something to work harder if we want something beautiful to last forever, in disregard of social opinions, judgments, mockeries, etc.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Group: FerKat
So, understanding that "Intimacy", according to Sternberg means the moral, spiritual, intellectual and confidential intense, open and transparent communication, not related with sexual intimacy, this was one of my ranking a three instead of four at this time for the question 18 (of course that I wish to put the number four but it is ot on me to do it as it is a two person situation and not only a one-sided one); also a brief note on question 15, I willed to be very open 100% about everything, but I was told by the one that deeply moves me that some things I should keep them to myself, so I do, not on me but because I have full compliance with and Towards The One My Heart Has Chosen, and those last seven words are the most important that I have ever written about this:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Group: FerKat
These were my results on the test, a single consideration of concern in the Passion arena, and a single one in the Commitment space, but both of them are not on me, as I responded with the highest score of agreement about everything except two things that do not depend on me, where I put a value just one dot below the full agreement, which are: 1) Question 18: My Relationship with them (they say I say: with her, with Kat) is very romantic (so I filled the dot number three form left to right). and 2) Question 34: I have Confidence in the stability of my relationship with them (with her, with Kat, here it was the same, the third dot out of four):
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Group: FerKat
One more: https://www.cs.tufts.edu/~nr/cs257/archive/robert-sternberg/Successful%20Intelligence.pdf
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Group: FerKat
An article: https://web.archive.org/web/20160508213007/https://www.uv.es/genomica/spa/inves/Sternberg.pdf
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Group: FerKat
His video within the slides linked first: https://youtu.be/ow05B4bjGWQ
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Kathleen Hall's comment.
https://www.politifact.com/article/2019/mar/25/who-has-already-been-indicted-russia-investigation/, what others do is not our responsibility, is it? But it is ours to declare and to respect what we consider as good and best, this should be the free market of ideas with no censorship, so, who is advising censoring and why??? Please tell.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Then we have these other two, saving them before they disappear under the perverted and evil hands of Gates and company: https://fdocc2.files.wordpress.com/2020/08/2.a-century-of-vaccination-and-what-it-teaches.pdf,
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own video.
This was his finale:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
"It all began after a 3 hour interview with whistleblower & scientist, Judy Mikovits. Her testimony shines light on the depth of corruption behind key players in our global healthcare system, after this discussion, there was no turning back... We sat down with Dr. Mikovits for a second time to hear her response to the impact of part one and to further disclose details of her story." Mikki Willis.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
My banned article there is the peer-reviewed thoroughly documented with more than 300 references between articles and websites: https://journalofscience.org/index.php/GJSFR/article/view/2749/2610 and https://zenodo.org/record/3988139
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
I was unable to save my research article in the Archive dot Org, the corrupt peoples of this world are attempting to wipe out from history the artificial nature of this COVID-19 plan and virus for this artificial Plandemic:
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
"The fact that someone as senile as Biden is running for president tells you it doesn't matter who the president is, because he's a figurehead and someone else is running the show." Sk.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
"The extreme tech censorship is a desperate attempt to keep control of public opinion, and they are still losing the battle. The more they try to censor the truth, the more people are realizing something is wrong... Now is the time to speak up"!!! Bascett: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/ie7dhw/i_just_found_this, https://archive.vn/3d7qB, https://www.reddit.com/user/Bascett493
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
And this is the actual CDC patent as seen in the movie, the one that those "Lie-Promoters" are denying that exists, so the information provided by David E. Martin, PhD, Founder of the prestigious "IQ100 Index" of Wall Street to Mikki Willis is factual and fully verifiable, he already busted cheaters and deceivers; so, we hope he raises again hell and indictments against all of those liars that are precisely pórtrayed as they are in the great movie that I as a PhD and dual Postdoctoral in Molecular Biology widely recommend: Plandemic II (again, do not trust those "fact-twisters" because they are being paid precisely to deceive and to fool you!!!!) If all of those morons are saying that they did not Planned this Plandemic, then let them completely desist of their antinatural and inhuman push of a devilish mandatory "vaccine" aimed supposedly against a virus that we are almost all already immune against!!! So, their pretext to use the vaccine is to tag you like cattle, do NOT let them do that:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
This is the documented evidence from 2003, 18 years ago: http://www.nbcnews.com/id/3076748/ns/health-infectious_diseases/t/scientists-race-patent-sars-virus, which clearly contradicts the FB lies hanging-on from the tip of an already discredited Zio-outlet, so do NOT believe any "fact-checker" baloney, they are being paid millions to own your body and mind and those of your sons!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
The moronic censors sent me this but I have no idea where they misplaced it to post it (maybe in a very low posting about the first movie of the series), they supposedly are quoting at the corrupt front ot "USAToday" as the "fact-checker" figure that!!! It says as follows, and below it is the rebuttal with the actual documented information as presented in the movie, to shut the covered with masks snouts of those liars:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
It is sad for me to realize that the 26 historical books that were opening the eyes of multitudes have been taken down by the corrupted prostitute of the Archive dot org, so today it is serving the cause of the criminal globalists instead of really preserving the history, and we have already realized that about them, corrupt crooks, since 9/11 when they removed the website of the condecorated first responder hero William Rodriguez due to his documented and well based denunciations of that event having been also a deliberate globalist action to start removing the freedoms of humanity (no way, we will upload them elsewhere over and over to keep on informing the nations about the crimes perpetrated by the enemies of humanity, cloaked under an UN and WHO "white" clothing):
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Marie Ovensmith, It seems that the earlier illegal patent was on the works by Ralph S. Baric, as the expert David E. Martin, PhD National Intelligence Analyst, Founder of IQ100 Index (NYSE), says, since 1999, so the dates as seen in the still not removed Patent of him poses dates such as 2001 for the USA and 2002 worldwide, the evidence indicates that even the SARS of 2003 was already an engineered virus from the UNC Lab of Baric (a globalist dupe or supporter, and in either case, very harmful for humanity!): https://archive.vn/7ud3n, the other early patent that appears in the video is: 2003-2004: https://archive.vn/oWrmE, and the law that forbids doing so: https://archive.vn/4ileW (and some from the NIH database on a ruling about that: https://archive.vn/FmGSz, https://archive.vn/vnhDC), and the protests of the media raised at that time: https://archive.vn/gS6Ig, but today 17 years later, all the media and social networks have already been bought with the big pharma money!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Katrinna Delfin's post.
Group: FerKat
Removing GOOD: ??? Perhaps, aaah... uh?: You may NOT see her again if you do not have a job in NY or if you do not pass the NMAT
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Katrinna Delfin's post.
Group: FerKat
Adding BAD: ? Maybe, eeeh.... uh!: Fernando, you are not making enough money right now as to support her; so, you do NOT deserve her yet: Will you ever be able to deserve her? Will you ever be able to win her heart?, think about it Fernando and do NOT make castles in the sand!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Katrinna Delfin's post.
Group: FerKat
Removing BAD: No more distances between me and Kat.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Katrinna Delfin's post.
Group: FerKat
Adding GOOD: Kat in my life forever.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Mi segundo video en el que rescato páginas y sonidos que tenía en MIDI dentro de esas páginas, de hace 20 años, con el pensamiento y las fórmulas descubiertas por Einstein: https://youtu.be/YUO1DuIYJ-4
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Luis De Jesús's comment.
Y esta visión profética de las constelaciones da cumplimiento a lo revelado en el "Salmo 19:1-6 Los cielos cuentan (narran reiteradamente) la gloria de Dios... una noche a la otra declara sabiduría. No es un lenguaje de palabras... En ellos puso un tabernáculo para el sol; y este, como un novio que sale de su dosel (lecho nupcial: su partida milenaria: Virgo), se alegra como un valiente que emprende la carrera (eclíptica)." Algo que llevó a Ernest L. Martin a definir con precisión los precisos eventos astronómicos que sucedieron al momento del nacimiento de Jesucristo: http://www.askelm.com/star/index.asp, algo tomado y expandido por otros, todo lo cual lo he podido corroborar con software astronómico, así como detallar, por lo que la ilustración de arriba indica que los planetas indicados, incluyendo al símbolo divisor o separador (Júpiter: La Justicia de nuestro Padre) entre los planetas que representan a los tres buenos de aquellos que están representando a los tres malos. Es un balance matemático perfecto. Entonces, bíblicamente los planetas (estrellas móviles), son como los lápices de colores que señalan tiempos y detalles a su paso por las diversas doce constelaciones, que al estudiarlas históricamente, como E. W. Büllinger también lo investigó, se remontan al tiempo primeval de la existencia del ser humano: https://web.archive.org/web/20091021194240/http://www.geocities.com/fdocc/bull.htm (lo que incluí en mi desaparecida Antología de Textos Científicos, que mis alumnos de la Escuela de Medicina de la U. de G. me ayudaron a hacer en el año 2000: https://web.archive.org/web/20060428135027/geocities.com/fdocc/2.htm, a la que hasta le había puesto un increíble MIDI de música (cyb.mid) que al abrirla aún se descarga (a ver si lo puedes escuchar y "enguitarrarlo", cómo cuando enguitarrábamos a "El Personal", o a "Paco Padilla" u otros, sabrá Dios quien compuso ese sonido grato), Heheee!!!).
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Luis De Jesús's comment.
Ethelbert W. Büllnger, mi estudioso de la Biblia preferido, declara, citando a Horsley, desde el S, XIX: "Las fábulas de la mitología griega podrían remontarse a las profecías del Mesías, de quien hicieron una perversión por ignorancia o por diseño. Esto es especialmente cierto sobre Hércules. En sus tareas aparentemente imposibles de derribar enemigos gigantescos y la entrega de prisioneros, podemos ver a través de la sombra y discernir la luz pura de la verdad. Podemos entender cómo la imagen original de la estrella debe haber sido una representación profética de Aquel que destruirá a la Serpiente Antigua, abrirá el camino de nuevo, no para legendarias "manzanas de oro", sino para el propio "árbol de la vida". Él es el que aunque sufriendo en el gran conflicto y traído de rodilla, bajando hasta el "polvo de la muerte", resurgirá en resurrección y advenimiento de gloria, ejercerá Su mazo victorioso, someterá a todos sus enemigos y plantará Su pie en la cabeza del dragón. Porque de Él está escrito: "Tú pisarás sobre el león (Aries sobre Cetus) y la víbora (Leo sobre Hydra), Al león joven (Hércules sobre Draco) y al dragón (Ofiuco sobre el Dragón Rojo: "Scorpio", con sus siete cabezas y su corazón en Antares, la única estrella roja pulsante en a eclíptica!!!...) tú pisotearás bajo los pies". Salmo 91:13.
(Luego E. W. Büllinger declara su frase, como hoy los Renacidos de Cristo más que nunca declaramos): "Ven, Señor y rompe las cadenas de los cautivos, Y pon a los prisioneros libres; Ven, limpia esta tierra de todas sus manchas, Y que sea idónea para ti! Oh, ven y pon fin a los gemidos de la Creación: Sus suspiros, sus lágrimas, su sangre, Y haz de este mundo arruinado otra vez la morada de Dios". Tomado de: https://iglesiamigos3.jimdofree.com/app/download/6678680454/El+Testimonio+de+las+Estrellas+.pdf". En el caso que nos ocupa, lo que he descubierto es la representación astronómica revelada desde el primer siglo: "Ap. 20:10a Y el diablo (Satan - Saturn) que los engañaba fue lanzado al lago de fuego y azufre, donde también están la bestia (Neptuno - Falso Rey - AntiCristo) y el falso profeta (Urano - Falso Profeta - Anti Juan el Bautista)..." Algo, para mí fascinante ya que Urano se descubrió hasta 1781 y Neptuno hasta 1846, pero Juan, inspirado por Dios, ya hablaba de ellos, ya que el Apocalipsis, es una revelación que delinea a las constelaciones de los cielos revelándonos el plan de salvación de Dios!!! Como se lee en el apéndice a ese libro anexado!!! Oh Maravilla de la Sabiduría de Dios que nos deja con la boca abierta ante su grandeza!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
And this one dedicate from the both of us for the both of us, as our big dreams took off at the Gershwin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Z4FgnAVFgM (short), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSq_nwoG43s (long). And the original brief on a live concert!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAuTouBhN5k
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Katrinna Delfin's comment.
Group: FerKat
Katrinna Delfin Yes! I asked if they can be writing recommendation letters for me to the jobs at NYU, but even if I do not get any job, my belief is so strong to be with you, that I can just go to NY and start opening doors with the help of God in person, once being there. Like visiting in person Dr. Abraham at the NYMC, or any other researcher, and if that does not work, to start working in any other thing to have you back and handle all the paperwork needed for you to enter to the NYU Med School
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Katrinna Delfin's comment.
Group: FerKat
That they will despise his recommendation
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Raul Martín Cruz-mireles's post.
Gracias a Raúl que es un encauzador de almas, hehee, también me ha sido posible interactuar con Jean-claude Perez, colaborador de Luc Montagnier, quienes también a mí me incluyen en sus agradecimientos, cómo yo lo hice con Raul Martín Cruz-mireles, cómo se ve abajo, luchando con todo lo que tenemos y de la mejor manera que podemos para que la luz siga brillando en los ojitos de todos aquellos que deseen verla:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
This is another stellar moment, when they, to the best of their knowledge speak about the "Good Book", as Christians we in Love need to Teach, Rebuke and Correct, but always in Love; here their conversation is about the inner temple, naos, of ourselves, and the spiritual power that we have, as well as the current spiritual battle against the forces of evil, is very clear the talk of them also about the babylon and the luciferian attempt with the pretext of the current preplanned COVID-19 to take over freedoms of humanity, but we, the Body of Christ first and foremost, we are not going to let the darkness to take over this planet yet, also inviting all men of all beliefs to do their best if they are up to be honest with their conscience, as Romans says:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Estimado tocayo, lo básico de investigaciones al respecto las he publicado y están aquí: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=%22Castro-Chavez+F%22, pero en breve el indicativo es que lo que dijo David desde hace siglos es una revelación poderosa, abierta y que sigue dándonos de qué estudiar a profundidad: Sal, 139:"Porque tú formaste mis entrañas; me entretejiste en el vientre de mi madre.
14 Te doy gracias, porque
has hecho maravillas.
Maravillosas son tus obras,
y mi alma lo sabe muy bien.
15 No fueron encubiertos de ti mis huesos a pesar de que fui hecho en lo oculto
y entretejido en lo profundo de la tierra.
16 Tus ojos vieron mi embrión
y en tu libro estaba escrito todo aquello que a su tiempo fue formado,
sin faltar nada de ello.
17 ¡Cuán preciosos me son, oh Dios, tus pensamientos!
¡Cuán grande es la suma de ellos!
18 Si los enumerara, serían más que la arena. Despierto, y aún estoy contigo." Corolario: La más avanzada tecnología molecular ya nos estaba revelada en esas palabras reveladas desde lo alto.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Key moments of the interview: Fauci needs to be taken into prison and to a legal court; please, notice the total contradiction (180 degree opposite for his expected political "gain") of his postures due to his complete corruption of that little piece of hell:
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to a comment.
Aug 16, 2020, 3:50 PM
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
So, when evil leads science, like that Watson at the Cold Spring Harbor, or Fauci, 35 years at the NIAID, thinking that he is the king of the universe, calamity strikes like that pre-planned pandemic that is rampant due to people without principles like them!
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Lisa K Townsend What I mean is that we have our DNA for life as a double helix both for humans and for animals. It was a woman, Rosalind Franklin when working with Wilkins who took the best X-Ray Crystallography for the discovery of the double helix, basically Watson got on the way and stole her experiment, rushing with Crick the publication based on her experiment. It was about the original discovery, to be done by a woman (the hands-on strand, such as the Template or Lagged strand) and by a man, Wilkins: her, Franklin and him, Wilkins.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Dear Lisa K Townsend Linus Pauling attempted to represent the DNA as a triple helix and failed, even when as a protein man he even got the Nobel.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Lisa K Townsend I just added the note at the end of the previous one to preise that Thymine in DNA is replaced by Uracil in the RNA.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
The cabal that organized the current COVID-19 Pandemic is the same one that is censoring all the strongest voices in the planet denouncing what is going on as a "Plandemic", such as Mikovits et al, but also such as the other ones most censored (thank God we still have platforms that allow the free flow of their information): https://lbry.tv/@LedaGraceRasmussen:8/Live-with-Sacha-Stone---Del-Bigtree--July-2020:b
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
What I said was also how the ancient Chinese saw the double helix of the DNA, the positive strand at the right, the negative strand at the left, so, there is the complement, and that is beautiful, the same Creator that said a male is for a woman and a woman is for a man, is the one that designed the DNA as a double helix, furthermore that is precisely the origin of our characteristic DNA, the natural product of a father and a mother. So we are talking here of the human created male and the female that was taken out of himself, a fascinating fact that all good science corroborates, even today, it is possible to obtain a female clone out of a male, but not a male clone out of female cells, and this is so due to the XY chromosomes present in the male, but only two XX chromosomes present in the female, women only can produce of themselves female clones, which could mean the extinction of the human race as we know it: A man for a woman and a woman for a male.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Lisa K Townsend The last two are the correct templates but they in themselves are not stop signs until transformed into their complements. The first one you have is the start codon. So, the stop codons are UAG (TAG), UGA (TGA), and UAA (TAA), the one with U for RNA, the one with T as it appears in the DNA, what I mentioned is that to make that, the template is just the complement to make it, for those three ones, their reverse engineered templates are: ATC, ACT and ATT. The starting codon is AUG (ATG), that produces Methionine, and its reverse engineered (the way it appears in the Lagged or Template strand to produce it is as: TAC), always remembering their complements, so in the case of tRNA, the complementary match is exactly as it appears in the Lagged strand while the mRNA is exactly a replica of the Coding strand, which is the opposite complementary strand of the Lagged or Template strand. So, the library of gold is the Coding strand but the laborer to produce its mRNA copies is the Template one. Note: Thymine in the DNA is replaced by Uracil in the RNA.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
An additional revelation from God given by the molecules that He Created, for the awaken, as I responded to Lisa K Townsend: "The Template strand, the minus one, which is of DNA, produces the mRNA, and once outside of the nucleus, in the ribosome, it attaches to its specific corresponding tRNA, if the DNA template is ATC,it will produce the complementary mRNA stop codon UAG (RNA also gets attached to this strand of DNA as primer at the moment of Replication, thanks to the enzyme Primase that produces the RNA Primers that will be recognized by the DNA Polymerase to build the Okazaki fragments), so UAG is equivalent to the Leading, plus or male strand TAG, that is why it is also called the Coding strand, even if the one doing all the real mRNA production work is the female strand."
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
One new article indicating that this COVID-19 had the signature to have been originated in the laboratory: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/bies.202000091
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Luis De Jesús's comment.
En Biología Molecular en Medicina por la U. de G. con postdoctoral en el Colegio Baylor de Medicina y comencé otro en el Colegio Médico de Nueva York pero fue suspendido dadas las circunstancias.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
And the current saved search with those terms: https://archive.vn/PzfGu, and the open ongoing one: https://www.google.com/search?q=Anticovidian+v.2+"Fernando+Castro-Chavez"
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Katrinna Delfin's post.
Dear Delf, My memories are filled with thankfulness for those 50 times that I went in and out of this road, filled with hopes, with dreams, with projects and plans. Very thankful for that celebration day of singing and the best foods, very thankful for the Tokyo Buffet, very thankful for the demonstration of one of the healthiest and tasty foods, very thankful for everything that you did on behalf of the One I love, and for the cabinet, for the opportunity to double celebrate Valentine's at Carrabba's, for the encouragement to go to Galveston, for waking her up to go with Joel Osteen, one of the last opportunities of a massive Christian meeting of 5,000 souls in one place glorifying God, for the last day of her departure, for your rooting for me towards her eyes, and for many, many other good and glad things... (such as when I cry on your shoulder in relation to the indifference towards me of "the One"), praying since the first day that I meet you for all of your lives, and for your family!; For Many More Celebrations Ahead, God Willing!!! Praying in the spirit to go back to the good old normal, Fern.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Bold whistleblower 閻麗夢 declares that COVID-19 is: "actually closest to the Zhoushan bat virus(es: ZC45 (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/MG772933, saved: https://archive.vn/61ozU) and ZXC21 (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/MG772934.1, https://archive.vn/UQdUD), the "backbone" of COVID-19, designed by the PLA: People's Liberation Army of the CCP, from their "Institute of Military Medicine Nanjing Command": https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6135831, https://archive.vn/qPRyD)": https://archive.vn/4n9l0, she and her team have produced a scientific report, and to release it in the near future, she emphasized that COVID-19 is not from nature, but rather it is "lab-modified"!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
From Italy and France (couple of links sent by Jean-claude Perez): https://archive.vn/Nnoru (Luc appears at the upper right).
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to a comment.
Aug 14, 2020, 9:01 AM
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Katrinna Delfin's comment.
Group: FerKat
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Group: FerKat
The other thing that I also retained for the first time, is the always point of attachment to the carbon ONE of the sugars (either Desoxyribose, for the DNA, or Ribose (whose only difference is the presence of an OH attached to the carbon on position 2'), for the RNA: Always to the N at the bottom (numbered as position 1) of the Pyrimidines: C, T (which is U in the RNA, lacking of the CH3 in the upper right C (in position 5 of the ring), while in the Purines: G and A, their attachment to the sugar is at the N that is at the bottom of the smaller ring, numbered as 9, from "nine"!!! So, thank you my Admiration, YOU really inspire me for sure to do an even better science from now on!!! If I did good in my previous 16 research articles thus far (from 2003 to 2020) from now on they will be even better thanks to YOU!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Group: FerKat
And its Introductory message (so, I pray):
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Katrinna Delfin's post.
Group: FerKat
Got it! And I already Logged In here: https://www.cem-inc.org.ph/nmat/nmat/apply, waiting to receive any instruction from them as it says that it is still "Disabled" for me to register!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Estudio Juridico Dra. Analia M. Tadeo & Asociados's post.
Thank you very much, dear Dra. Analia M. Tadeo for posting this legal issue against the criminals of this world that deliberately released the COVID-19 with a socio-political gain in mind to control humanity!!! They will fail, and we will win, it is Written!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Katrinna Delfin's comment.
Group: FerKat
Katrinna Delfin Forever!!! Granting it God!!! 🥰
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
The sounds that inspire my times since the 18th of November, 2019 to-date: https://open.spotify.com/user/zy2hc310jpzbyhsrk0m78c1cs
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Katrinna Delfin's comment.
Group: FerKat
I put the translation above the attachment, and here is the link to her particulars at the University: https://archive.vn/oMNcs
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Group: FerKat
The third is the statement that shows my frustration because of my being very far, far away from you: 3) The "I am distant to the one I want", describing the great photo that you took of me at the "Gershwin Theater", in page 38 of the Appendix B:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Group: FerKat
The other statement alluding to the person that I really, really like is the next: 2) The "girl" statement which was contained in the letter that I originally sent to the Director of the NIH, in page 42 of the Appendix E:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Group: FerKat
These are the three moments of the text where I make allusion to the woman that makes me crazy, 1) The "Hi" statement of her, in page 33 of the Acknowledgements:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Katrinna Delfin's post.
Group: FerKat
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Katrinna Delfin's post.
Group: FerKat
The Third:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Katrinna Delfin's post.
Group: FerKat
The First:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Katrinna Delfin's post.
Group: FerKat
The Second: Great highlight of our times together during three months arrived on the 11th of February of 2020, at the Gershwin Theater, at Broadway, NY, where we were encouraged to defy Gravity (the first prophetic highlight was that we shared New Year's Eve together!!!! At the City Centre of Houston, TX: First New Year shared together, always together), then the third was at Gruene, TX, at the Antique shop of the old 1700 and 1800s Cabinets, from England and from the early USA, where the female attendant when she saw us entering said that she saw us making a POWER HOUSE FOR GOD!!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Group: FerKat
And our step-by-step successes as a team can be an encouraging basis for even greater effort as we go on in life together, always remembering that my oath to Kat is to protect, respect and every leave her free decisions open with NEVER imposing anything that she does not want. Our first success was the freedom through her prayers for me to publish the speak-out against the plans of the globalists to control humanity using and abusing this Pandemic as the pretext, with Anticovidian (so God, let the truth flow openly even within a current, hopefully temporary, streak of repression):
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Katrinna Delfin's post.
Group: FerKat
GOD is gearing us as His A-TEAM to prepare together to keep on helping humans with His guidance!!! This is a Group and Society of TWO, with the first goal to pass the NMAT or any needed Medicine or admission test, and are open to any MSc that arrives to US, first if possible in the USA (but willing to adapt to any place in the Panet with doors wide open for us) while working on our fields if necessary, but willing to bring income no matter how (always in a lawful way). We like to travel because we learn more on practical motions and we are always meek to be corrected if wrong each other. Our living Jesus Christ is our Boss, so we are accountable to him first and foremost.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Francisco Orantes's comment.
Viene junto con ese otro en el mismo paquete original.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
This was our last exchange with Dr. Pascal, with my attached accepted article on the artificiality of the current COVID-19 man-made crisis and its man-made virus, for the record: https://www.researchgate.net/messages/attachment/2048378_fdocc-Anticovidian_v.2.pdf
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
And this is the grand way in which the HTML of the same article looks like, with the three excerpts that mention this humble Doulos: https://www.granthaalayahpublication.org/journals-html-galley/20_IJRG20_B07_3568.html: "14. Is the COVID_19 Spike insertion site of the quadri-amino acid cleaving sequence PRRA the result of chance? / F. Castro-Chavez observed that the PRRA sequence is hyper rich in CG (10/12 bases) [30], we then have the intuition to analyze this region of Spike where PRRA is inserted..."; "ACKNOWLEDGMENT /
...Professor Fernando Castro-Chavez, PhD, Universidad de Guadalajara, MX, former Postdoc, Pharmacology, New York Medical College (NYMC), NY, USA: https://tinyurl.com/Anticovidian2..", and "[30] F. Castro-Chavez, (June 2020), Anticovidian v.2: COVID-19: Hypothesis of the Lab Origin versus a Zoonotic Event Which Can Also be of a Lab Origin, GJSFR (Submitted; to appear in: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/? term=%22Castro-Chavez%20F%22])"
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Then "Marvel Comics" was also involved with bringing the Bible to the youngsters, with its: https://www.zipcomic.com/bible-tales-for-young-folk, which "ran during 1953 through 1954 for 5 issues", https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Bible_Tales_for_Young_Folk_Vol_1; also, another partial attempt to bring some stories from the BIble to the public, was: https://www.zipcomic.com/outrageous-tales-from-the-old-testament, "Bible adaptations from some great British Talent. Neil Gaiman has the dominate amount of stories with six, but writers like Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons also contribute.This book is long out of print and its sought after by many Alan Moore and Neil Gaiman fans (anthology graphic novel, 64 pages, 1987)": "The Book of Judges" (with Mike Matthews)
"Jael and Sisera" (with Julie Hollings)
"Jephitah and His Daughter" (with Peter Rigg)
"Journey to Bethlehem" (with Steve Gibson)
"The Prophet Who Came to Dinner" (with Dave McKean)
"The Tribe of Benjamin" (with Mike Matthews); then a specific one on the Ark of the Covenant: https://www.zipcomic.com/the-covenant, "In ancient times there was no weapon more devastating than The Ark of The Covenant, containing a power that collapsed enemy nations and destroyed hostile invaders. The Philistine army, led by General Thane, seeks to crush the Israelites as they populate the surrounding territories. A bold move on the field of battle robs the Israelites of their mythical weapon, empowering their most deadly enemy. A young priest, Samuel, determines to steal back the Ark and assembled a group of mercenaries to aid him in the most daring raid in history. An untold tale of the Bible that shifted the balance of power in history", etc...
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Then, we have: https://www.zipcomic.com/the-wolverton-bible, "Cartoonist Basil Wolverton was known for his grotesque drawings, fantastically odd creatures, spaghetti-like hair, smoothly sculpted caricatures and insanely detailed crosshatching. His career in the golden age of comic books lasted from 1938 until 1952, after which his illustrations and caricatures extended into such publications as Life, Pageant and MAD magazines. Stylistically, he has been regarded as one of the spiritual grandfathers of underground and alternative comix. Less well known and understood is his work for the Worldwide Church of God, headed until 1986 by radio evangelist Herbert Armstrong. From 1953 through 1974, Wolverton, a deeply religious man, was commissioned and later employed by the church to write and illustrate a narrative of the Old Testament (including over 550 illustrations), some 20 apocalyptic illustrations inspired by the Book of Revelations, and dozens of cartoons and humorous illustrations for various Worldwide Church publications", https://archive.vn/uyw3n
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Then, we have, specialized in my favorite book: https://www.zipcomic.com/the-book-of-genesis-illustrated, "Envisioning the first book of the bible like no one before him, R. Crumb, the legendary illustrator, reveals here the story of Genesis in a profoundly honest and deeply moving way. Originally thinking that we would do a take off of Adam and Eve, Crumb became so fascinated by the Bible’s language, “a text so great and so strange that it lends itself readily to graphic depictions,” that he decided instead to do a literal interpretation using the text word for word in a version primarily assembled from the translations of Robert Alter and the King James bible."
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Next, the one mentioned above: https://www.zipcomic.com/the-action-bible, "Here's the most complete picture Bible ever! And it features a captivating, up-to-date artwork style-making it the perfect Bible for today's visually focused culture. The Action Bible presents 215 fast-paced narratives in chronological order, making it easier to follow the Bible's historical flow-and reinforcing the build-up to its thrilling climax. The stories in The Action Bible clearly communicate to contemporary readers. This compelling blend of clear writing plus dramatic images in an easy-to-navigate digital version offers an appeal that crosses all age boundaries. Brazilian artist Sergio Cariello has created attention-holding illustrations marked by rich coloring, dramatic shading and lighting, bold and energetic designs, and emotionally charged figures. Let this epic digital rendition draw you into all the excitement of the world's most awesome story."
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Another: https://www.zipcomic.com/the-picture-bible, "a comic strip telling of the Bible edited by Iva Hoth with illustrations by Andre LeBlanc. It was first published in full colour form by David C. Cook in 1978", "Bible editor, C. Elvan Olmstead", "was an influence on The Action Bible" (see below).
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
And, on searching for illustrated narratives of the BIble, I found the next ones: https://www.zipcomic.com/the-kingstone-bible, which is a "12 volume series", "the most complete graphic adaptation of the Bible ever done": https://youtu.be/p_JM3_gVNe4, https://youtu.be/IkylfAbZt84, https://archive.vn/5fHbt, i. e.: https://youtu.be/AVGzSstB4IY...
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Here, even leaking the information to the other CCP style (as they had it planned since long ago) repressors at "Amazon" (Heheee!). So, we are still WINNING!!! (By the Grace of our dear Lord Jesus)!!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
After presenting the evidences in every possible language (here in Romanian, using sarcasm), we are winning (not at all because of US but because of GOD, and of His team)!!!:
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
After stinky Tweeter removals of accounts... we are winning (said Charlie Sheen after being "fried alive" for his honest appraisal on the false flag operation known as 9/11 at the Alex Jones show)!!!:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
And as usual, new things are arriving daily, almost to the point of annoyance..., so, I needed to do a swift update asking them to add it at the very tail of my article to make it easier for them! While dreaming awake with her as usual, and while putting her first above and beyond anybody else!!!, new dancing styles, new beats of world music, by another phoenix gone too soon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbYIYvN_fEk, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TytjjVzXTpI, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpkOa7G8pRk, beats I want to dance with my One female, of whose sounds I did learn thanks to Stefano Macedo Reyes, so my most current update before its appearance is (https://archive.vn/wip/LACFF):
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
I received the galleys of it, and am very happy, wishing to dance with her... as we also did endless times within that gray Corolla all over the USA places that we visited, with songs new to me like that of "Amber" by 311 that she introduced to me as a cypher of my NEVER giving up on her, but at the same time to fly like birds with full freedom, even when together... unconditional love... and also some shades of the New Earth!: "You live too far away / Your voice rings like a bell anyway / Don't give up your independence / Unless it feels alright / Nothing good comes easily"... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unfVC9hcUY0, to the most intimate first time ever!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SifFZ3HIGrQ, dear God, please, in your infinite Grace and Mercy, please let it happen all over again!!! (https://archive.vn/YH0WH):
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
And I wish to dance with her... as we joyfully did at the bars of the Bourbon Street (in one of them they even asked her for her ID to verify her age), at the Moon Owl, then at the Gruene Hall, at Numbers (where again they needed to check her ID), but also at the Brooklyn bar, the most romantic and slow dance... this time because after more than three months of backs and forths, finally my research is being seriously considered... ya-hoo!!!:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
La tercera de tres veces que le mando saludos a la dama de mis necesidades y de mis deseos que se encuentra del otro lado del mundo, esta vez mientras proyectaba la transparencia de otra Asiática muy valiente: 3) visto ya hasta hoy por 12,164 seres, hecho hace ya una semana, el Sábado primero de Agosto de este loco 2020, ya acercándonos a las 9:00 PM, con 340 comartires, 466 que les gusta, y al que Yael le puso el título de: "Seguimos cuestionando y dudando con Nuestro Científico Anónimo Post-Doctorado en Biología Molecular y el Karda Doc, Estefano Macedo": https://www.facebook.com/KardagarCoaching/videos/750546699091474
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
La segunda de tres veces que le he mandado mis saludos, en mi segunda entrevista, a la belleza de 23 añitos con la que mi corazón maduro sueña de día y de noche: 2) Con 16,753 personas que lo han visto hasta hoy, filmado por Carlos el Jueves 16 de Julio del 2020, como a las 4:00 PM, con 297 compartires, 585 me-gusta, y cuyo título que Yael le puso es: "Dudando y comentando sobre los protocolos de seguridad" https://www.facebook.com/KardagarCoaching/videos/1194328894267668/
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
La primera de tres veces que le envié saludos, desde mi escondite, en mi primera entrevista, a la MaKaMi Filipina que mi agridulce corazón Kiamoy anhela: 1) Ya con 58,510 vistas al día de hoy, realizada el Jueves del 11 de Junio del presente 2020, aproximadamente a las 3:00 PM, ya con 1,666 compartires, con 1.5K me-gusta, y titulada: "¿De dónde viene el COVID-19? nos responde un Doctor en Biología Molecular": https://www.facebook.com/KardagarCoaching/videos/713879892781432
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
Then a fourth player here is the hero Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (God, protect him not to be killed too soon (as his three closest relatives were)!!!), founder of the "Children's Health Defense" (which supports these efforts), and as things are faring right now, basically the dear Children need to be protected of every sorts of abuses!!!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vlKvogP6vk, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YqkRpvn6jY, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsMQyX-xHo4
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
And then another statement as to denounce the TV and other outlets aimed at burning, cauterizing and destroying the brains of the children, minimizing the importance of the family, of the parents, of their self worth..., as well as that of the proper integration of a loving husband towards his wife, never humiliating her publicly, and the obedience of her out of Love and not out of oppressive compulsion due to a relation based in injustice, despite and indifference:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Then, also considering the "All Things" that we have, a match to "All Spiritual Blessing", remembering for those arriving late, that "holy spirit", according to the REAL Bible, is NOT a third person, but a spiritual gift, a spiritual attribute, it is the Nature of GOD, His spiritual genes dwelling within us after we humbled ourselves to that good plan of God designed to give us for free His son as LORD and SAVIOR!!!:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Remembering the profound and real message on the cartoons of our dear friend Taylor Overbey, exposing the anti-Christian attributes of some of the "unions" of the USA:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
I also love this photo of Dr. Ruscetti, who lives in freedom, never intimidated by the bullying of Fauci, Collins, Varmus vermins already mentioned above, etc... Here, the profiles in brief to his other two collaborators in this, his magnum project of his life!!!: "Dr. Judy A. Mikovits spent twenty years at the National Cancer Institute, working with Dr. Francis W. Ruscetti, one of the founding fathers of human retrovirology, and has coauthored more than forty scientific papers. She co-founded and directed the first neuroimmune disease institute using a systems biology approach in 2006. Dr. Mikovits lives in Southern California with her husband, David.

Kent Heckenlively, JD, is a former attorney, a founding editor of Age of Autism, and a science teacher. During college Heckenlively worked for US Senator Pete Wilson, and in law school he was a writer and an editor of the school’s law review and spent his summers working for the US Attorney’s Office in San Francisco. Kent and his wife Linda live in Northern California with their two children, Jacqueline and Ben." The three are a power house impossible to break, like a three intertwined cord!!! And for whom our daily prayers are directed, for the truth to emerge and for the truth to finally, after all of these years, to be served!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
And while my head keeps on spinning, I keep on repeating on my mind the beat of that song filled with Soul, with "Stereo Soul", as one of the radio stations of my childhood place was called (does it still around?, I do not know), but I hope on her part this to miraculously, unexpectedly, astoundingly, stay and stand... better and greater than even in our real-life times at the USA (but only God can do that, it is out of my own human and feeble hands... I mean, to settle her heart on me as I am settled on her... the ironies of life, that may just turn into the miracles of life, of a currently confined life by a manufactured "Pandemic" aimed at smashing the freedoms of the human race, especially those freedoms to freely travel all over the world as I was doing it just before it all awfully started...)!!!:
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
And that song just keeps on echoing the current developments and my attachment like a new cell to its given Chromatids... by the designer hand of Our Creator... so, I keep on attaching myself on my own and at my own decision, risk and consequences, to Her... as if I were an adolescent, and for the first time I decided in person first, to fight for whom I really really want to love or to keep on loving (as that other silly ladies song DJ mixed with an R.E.O. song say...):
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
And while we study all of these wonders of the Creation of God, I keep repeating in my mind something that thousands before me have also felt and said, about my love for One specific woman:
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Christine Zois's comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Other great and brief book telling the truth about well known dangers allowed by corrupted bureaucrats and functionaries that traffic with the human health of the nations, harming specially the most vulnerable of them all: https://deeprootsathome.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Deep-Roots-at-Home-E-Book-2019.pdf
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
And yesterday night we saw, one of the most complex ones, the Meiosis and its two steps, how it goes from 46 Chromosomes, to only 23 Chromatids, how there is finally an exchange of information between the genes of the parents, which in males is a daily deal with millions of possibilities, while in females is a monthly deal with only one winner, while the other three losers are re-absorbed!!! The introspective thought here is that the female gametes (Ovules) are already a numerically pre established and linear continuum in their number since the fetal stage (that is why some call them the "immortal" static ovules), they just need to mature in their due times from adolescence to menopause... while the male gametes (sperms) are just the mathematical opposite!!!: A discontinuous, non-linear not numerically pre assigned limitless daily number of them starting since the adolescence, to the day of death of the male (so, the sperms can be considered the "mortal" swimming sperms), oh wonders of the Creation of God!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Then we saw the specific steps of the Mitosis, where one cell transforms into two identical cells, undergoing the Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, resulting each one of the two, for humans, with 46 chromatids (that transform into full duplicated chromosomes in the next S phase of the cell, so the consideration is that you end up with four repetitions of one same feature, such as body buildup, two given by the father and two by the mother, because each chromatid of the chromosome is identical to the mirroring one, and there are two similar chromosomes, each one belonging to each parent)!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
The amazing things that we saw and advanced in our NMAT practice classes, were we saw the cell cycle: We start with one cell, we end with two somatic cells! Duplicating the organelles and the DNA!!!:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
This great book is also available in English, where we read: "HOW TO “HACK” YOUR GENES Did you know that you can change your genes?Did you know that your own emotions influence your genes?Have you noticed that there are families in which one brother stays slim, no matter what he eats, while the other brother constantly has trouble maintaining his weigh?Classic nutrition focuses on macro-nutrients (carbohydrates, fats and proteins) and micro-nutrients (vitamins and minerals) as the most important elements to consider in alimentation without taking into account the bio-active components of foods such as antioxidants, co-enzymes, phytonutrients, and others. Yet these components contain the elements which give strength to and modify our DNA.With the DNA diet, you will understand terms such as: nutrigenomics, nutrigenetics, and epigenetics. And you will understand how these terms affect your life.With this book, you will learn how to develop strategies for your alimentation and lifestyle that allow you to consciously “hack” your genes and take them to their best possible version. You will also know:•The best foods for you•Genetic strategies to “hack” your genes and slow aging•The genetic benefits of meditation•The genetic benefits of exercise•Scientifically-proven natural treatments which allow you to strengthen your health•If you already have an illness, learn scientifically-proven natural treatments which allow you to recover your health.We have all heard the saying, “you are what you eat”, but with The DNA Diet we take it to the next level, showing you what The Age of Ultra-personalized Medicine has prepared for you.For more information visit: www.centrogenica.com": https://www.amazon.es/gp/product/B087X1JKSX, and his main page, where some videos can be seen: https://www.amazon.es/Estefano-Macedo/e/B087Z3QLRF
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Luego me pregunta en mensaje personal una gran persona acerca de adicionales referencias referentes a esto, y ésto es lo que le respondo: "Con todo gusto!!! Aquí van las partes clave recién subidas al YT (esperando no las remuevan de allí): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0g0Z9AGO98 y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvUjvukmJ-o y todos los tres programas completos, más el primer estudio, peleando con toda la garra que Dios nos da para vencer con LUZ a esta maliciosa y artificial "Plandemia" del diablo: https://www.facebook.com/KardagarCoaching/videos/1194328894267668/, https://www.facebook.com/KardagarCoaching/videos/750546699091474, https://www.facebook.com/KardagarCoaching/videos/713879892781432/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pI5hQByiCJ4, orando en lenguas por que lo más pronto posible se resuelva esto y que los responsables sean atrapados!!! En Cristo, Fernando."
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Aquí tenemos un breve extracto de aquel aspecto que se enfoca tanto en las referencias científicas (100-tíficas, Jejee!), y en la absurdez del uso del "tapa-hocicos", demostradas tanto por la retención de gases tóxicos como de cultivos insanos (malditos sean los que organizaron esta Plandemia y que diseñaron proto-locos tan imbéciles para tener a la humanidad como una babosa y sometida colección de ovejas, cómo dicen en inglés: "Shame on them-all!!!"): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvUjvukmJ-o
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
One more of the bold interviews of Li-Meng Yan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUXm0PepVUQ, courtesy of Alberto Rubio Casillas
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
And here is how only the abstract appears with its references, I got there the link of the corrupted NIH controlled PubMed, but given the current CCP Communist China style censorship rampant all over the net, just as the WHO (September, 2019) and Rockefeller prescribed (2010). only an almost impossible miracle will be able to land it there (furthermore, the link got broken there just before my name, so to see there my previous works on the I Ching and the Genetic Code (something not challenging the current deception yet but that challenged in several of my articles discreetly the 9/11 deception as said, do to see my publications there, you will need to copy and paste the full link that got broken in the middle there. thank you): https://doi.org/10.29121/granthaalayah.v8.i7.2020.678
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Jose Francisco Norambuena Michea's comment.
Jose Francisco Norambuena Michea Así tienen a todo el mundo, lo que indica que es parte de ese plan siniestro en el que los del maligno intentan tomar control como ovejas del resto de los mortales, pero aún nosotros estamos aquí para impedirlo!!! Aquí está su "Manifiesto" diabólico de sus planes: https://apps.who.int/gpmb/assets/annual_report/GPMB_annualreport_2019.pdf, expresados desde Septiembre del 2019, claramente indicando que la WHO, Gates, Fauci y el CCP de China están implicados en ese intento de Tercera Guerra Mundial contra la libertad humana, pero se les va a revertir, porque los santos con espíritu de Dios seguimos aquí cual murallas contra el mal.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Jose Francisco Norambuena Michea's comment.
Han estado inventando y exagerando los casos, les pagan por decir que son más las víctimas que las que en realidad son, en Chile el corrido Srio. de Salud estaba inventando dos mil casos de más: https://archive.vn/XlWXp (y es posible que hasta sean muchos más aún los casos inventados). En China fue al revés, intentaron reducir hasta en dos cifras (o más) el número de sus víctimas: https://archive.vn/wip/y9g5d. pero la luz en todo aspecto es la que disipa las tinieblas!!! Dios, deja inmóvil a Satán y sus huestes mientras seguimos aquí y frustra TODOS sus planes globales de dominación, que le sigamos poniendo nuestros pies en su cabeza para aplastarlo como Cristo nos enseñó!
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
For you to see how brainless is the censorship at YouTube, it has been terminated the account of one of the best independent programs by a former CBS producer, Del Bigtree, called "The Highwire": https://thehighwire.com/, they want a nation of idiots on the planet but we will continue fighting to death while the truth can be told, so download as much information as possible before they remove it, such as the 25 classic books against the evils of vaccination: https://archive.org/details/history-of-vaccination, and the book of the, now already more than 1,500 studies that show that vaccination is antinatural, goes against the plan of natural immunity and develops sick humans depending for life in different pharmaceuticals to make richer and richer the big p/HARM>A: https://www.wellnessdoc.com/1200studies/
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Kent Heckenlively's post.
Dear Kent Heckenlively, I tried today to find the amazing information by Del Bigtree, at "The Highwire" on the YouTube, just to find that it had been cancelled, one of the BEST cancelled!!! We need to go with all to counter those morons that want a repressed robot society (Not yet in our watch!):
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
The personal research database of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. about his crusade on favor of childhood, like in the dangers of vaccination and other substances aimed at having children that are not healthy and not bright, so as not to oppose to anybody or to anything that is wrong, we need acute and awaken children, especially while we are still here on earth: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/research-database/
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
To warn others of fake videos and messages, for example, this was the strange title of such a message:
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Hackers pieces of...:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Ken Enloe's post.
Yeah, the evil hacker send this, that if opened by others, will get them too, especially if they innocently signed the next window (damn hackers!):
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
And the enduring desire to fly all over the universe in our freedom of birds, side by side...: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDnRn1tv7vU
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Like a Jesus piece (very real in our case and in many other....), a very ethereal rendition, WOW!!!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyljyMC-D6c
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
And to the ones behind this Plandemic and COVID-19 whomever all they are!!!, get this!, as you are responsible of all the current financial ruin in the world due to hyping a less than seasonal flu!: https://www.facebook.com/gracegrundymusic/posts/1203086196712714
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
And the full version of it with beautiful and young girls, girls, girls!!!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-X4UIScq-Q
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own photo.
This is just "the hackers" crap, for you never to care or to open anything related or like that:
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Others have been hacked too, with the same prank, like this bro Ken Enloe.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Jeremiah Oliver's post.
Yeah they sent a video in your name asking to access an account with our data, but good think is that we did not do it:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
FBI Perversely Used Counter-intel Briefing with Trump Campaign to Gain Info on Them. So, I, Fernando, am praying and ministering for him as well: "God, keep your angels all around him until the full number of the saints..!, for the Christ in us!": https://twitter.com/CBS_Herridge/status/1286407008808325120
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Mery Toro Droguett's comment.
Sííí!!!! Era el Huracán "Patricia" que iba directito a la casa de mis papás en Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, MX, entonces le ordené que se desviara por el poder investido de Cristo en mí, y ese huracán obedeció, como lo hizo la tempestad ante las Palabras de nuestro Jesús, y entonces terminó apagándose en las montañas de la sierra!!! Se hizo a un lado de su dirección!!! Esta vez, con tu ayuda, santa Mery y de todo el resto de los santos que pueden leer y entender, que con ojos y oídos para esto existen, que al unísono le demos órdenes poderosas a las huestes de Satanás que están coordinando esta "Pandemia" y todos los eventos adversos de estos tiempos: "¡A que se queden inmóviles y restringidos en un rincón distante de este planeta, hasta que todos los renacidos ya nos hayamos ido!!!", la luz disipa las tinieblas, la profecía de Sangat es que antes de irnos le íbamos a dar unas muy fuertes y buenas patadas en el trasero a ese Adversario de Dios y nuestro, y eso es lo que hago, mediante el denunciar sus actos perversos, vertiendo luz sobre ellos, estoy arruinando su "fiestecilla", soy un "aguafiestas" en contra de Lucifer, y así somos todos nosotros, los hijos de Dios aún pisando a esta tierra. Vienen cosas muy fuertes, pero con Dios nosotros somos aún más fuertes!!! Inhalo fuertemente y oro en lenguas por sus vidas todas, muchas gracias por recordar aquello tan poderoso, y hoy nuestras órdenes van a refrenar (to "restrain") TODAS las artimañas del Diablo, hasta que ya hayamos partido de aquí en las nubes!!! (Me sorprende tremendamente, muy amada Mery, el leer que en las nubes volverá!!! Nublado por todos lados en donde haya renacidos de todo el planeta, al momento del Rapto!!! Oh multiforme e inalcanzable ("unfathomable") sabiduría de Dios!!!). Eso tan poderoso que dices que con órdenes de hijo de Dios se cumplió (en un sólo día!!!, cuando oraba yo en lenguas y daba órdenes en mis idiomas con toda la autoridad del Salvador!!!) ha quedado escrito por los ángeles en mi libro de vida, y en la historia temporal terrena!!!:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
And as I just posted to a friend: "That pathetic un-American and wretched being (the most horrible Fauci, after throwing a pitch using a mask so, as Taylor Overbey funnily sayd, Glad style: "So, that no one could catch it"!!!!) is now attempting to seem in appearance sympathetic and American, a P.R. stunt, but sooner or later he must pay, here or there, for all of his crimes, past and present, including the current one of planning with the CCP, with Gates and with the WHO, and now with the DemonCrats (minding you that Biden is one of an original signatory of the diabolical PNAC that brought to you 9/11, another pre-planned "event" by them children of Zion, such as this COVID-19, a diabolical "Plandemic", and Fauci's inane push of an unnecessary vaccine for the ulterior motives to "Digitize" humans, the perverted wishes of Gates!!!! Shame, shame, shame on them, and on that the horrible and monstrous gargoyle in shape and voice bearing the name of Anthony (Tony) Fauci. As we say in Spanish: "Fuchi" Fauci!!! In the photo, from their WHO wretched Manifesto on Waging the current unconventional 3rd World War against humanity: https://apps.who.int/gpmb/assets/annual_report/GPMB_annualreport_2019.pdf, very tellingly he (who as a Deep State minion, has been in "power" at the NIAID during the last 35 years and five presidencies) appears in between two of the members of "Event 201": From Gates and from the CCP, main suspect organizers with him and with the WHO of the current "Plandemonic" (Added word: Or is it already a "Plandemonium"???):"
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Meg Boven's comment.
Taylor Overbey That pathetic un-American and wretched being is now attempting to seem in appearance sympathetic and American, a P.R. stunt, but sooner or later he must pay, here or there, for all of his crimes, past and present, including the current one of planning with the CCP, with Gates and with the WHO, and now with the DemonCrats (minding you that Biden is one of an original signatory of the diabolical PNAC that brought to you 9/11, another pre-planned "event" by them children of Zion, such as this COVID-19, a diabolical "Plandemic", and Fauci's inane push of an unnecessary vaccine for the ulterior motives to "Digitize" humans, the perverted wishes of Gates!!!! Shame, shame, shame on them, and on that the horrible and monstrous gargoyle in shape and voice bearing the name of Anthony (Tony) Fauci. As we say in Spanish: "Fuchi" Fauci!!! In the photo, from their WHO wretched Manifesto on Waging the current unconventional 3rd World War against humanity: https://apps.who.int/gpmb/assets/annual_report/GPMB_annualreport_2019.pdf, very tellingly he (who as a Deep State minion, has been in "power" at the NIAID during the last 35 years and five presidencies) appears in between two of the members of "Event 201": From Gates and from the CCP, main suspect organizers with him and with the WHO of the current "Plandemonic":
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Luis De Jesús's comment.
Luis De Jesús es el increíble pueblito de Zapotlán el Grande, en donde nació uno de tus profesores de pintura: Mr. José Clemente Orozco! El de los pinceles violentos!!!:
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
The Diamond Reportfacebook.com
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
The free Kindle by the second contender, both lawyers, as the MDs, at least for such topic in the USA; are too "sissy" as to engage themselves in a debate of such magnitude: https://read.amazon.com/?asin=B07YL6CRRY, so now we understand why there is not even One man willing to determine the real origins and to solve this deliberate Pandemic ASAP, before they keep on doing that to us, as if they go unscathed, they may think that they know now the way to get their ways!!!
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
What is really going on in the USA and the, as with COVID-19, with a deliberately manufactured racial unrest: Shame on the organizers of both and awful "events"!!!: https://www.facebook.com/flarp.flope/videos/1517842408386916
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
The disgusting alteration of definitions by the perverted WHO since 2005 (https://archive.vn/iqnCG, page 15), in order to fit their agenda of dehumanizing our still own and beautiful blue panet, with the end of humans to be controlled by the globalists as silent and docile dummies in their blood-filled hands:
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to Teresa Wendorff's comment.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7192087/, https://europepmc.org/article/ppr/ppr164102, https://www.news-medical.net/news/20200720/Involvement-of-nicotine-receptors-in-COVID-19.aspx, https://www.qeios.com/read/FXGQSB.2, https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.07.16.206680v1: "of the Spike trimer, the majority of the positive charged amino acids are located near or on the top of the spike protein giving the receptor binding domain a pI=8.906, while the Cov-2 specific Cys538-Cys590 bridge brings in additional charge from 526-560 (with even higher pI=10.03) via the Cys391-Cys525 to positions right next to the receptor binding motif (where the ACE2 receptor is located)... this ...facilitates the dual mode capability, allowing binding to ACE2 and/or to co-receptors/attachments receptors... such ACE2 independent attachment and infectivity is happening and is evidenced clinically by the Covid-19 disease pattern... also reported by Zhou et al" (since "2018")!!!, more at: https://www.minervanett.no/files/2020/07/13/TheEvidenceNoNaturalEvol.pdf, to be posted above in detail.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
But then, before saying: "...as friends!!! ...no more than that", she dedicates and even sings for me this song, so I feel as if I were just crazy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEmuQFjyY1c
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
However, I just feel like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4V3Mo61fJM, as she just wants us to be friends and no more, so this impasse is going on during 8 months; so, as I told her, even if just living one day at a time..., I wish to have somebody willing to engage permanently and with commitment to me... some say to me: "Do not put those things here", but, where else to put them, apart of letting them in the Heart of God, the only One that can really hep me, but I also believe in the spiritual prayer of the spiritual family as well, and there is no other way to find that but by putting this things here. In Christ I say all of these things.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
It is like walking through a garden saturated of flowers, and raising my Sirao hand with the One and Only that can motivate me to be better, and vice versa, nobody else, but the One that forgives, that helps and that continues from a live communication during three awesome months, to an almost infinite, distant one...,, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DBrzaKmYG8, https://www.google.com/search?q=sirao+flower+garden, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtsYsxl72Gk, https://www.pinterest.com.mx/pin/447474912956017413
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Fernando Castro-Chavez replied to his own comment.
Coordinated Deception: Florida Labs Not Reporting Negative COVID-19 Test Results
https://www.foxnews.com/health/coronavirus-update-florida-labs-not-reporting-negative-test-results-report 📁 https://archive.vn/Yc7b7
How important is FL re: 2020 election?
1 lab = possible human-error
'Countless' labs = deliberate [coordinated]
Largest coordinated mis[dis]information campaign ever to be pushed by controlled entities?
Who benefits the most?
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Coverup: CDC Labs Were "Contaminated", Delaying Coronavirus Testing, Officials Say
https://archive.vn/20200424001138/https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/18/health/cdc-coronavirus-lab-contamination-testing.html 📁
How do you provide cover for invalid 'positive' test results?
Think pawpaw.
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
They Manipulated COVID-19 For Political Purposes and the 2020 Election
CDC C19 data [actually] lower than reported?
Why did select [D] govs [4] mandate nursing home C19 positive insert?
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
CDC Has Been Misreporting the Data for Coronavirus to Inflate the Numbers
What would be the primary purpose of inflating C19 numbers?
Who benefits the most?
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on his own post.
Searching for the actual location in New Orleans where she invited me, the classic place of Jazz, I found it since 1947!!!: https://youtu.be/m4jU8IQK5b0, where a Mexican actor appears (Arturo de Córdoba).
Fernando Castro-Chavez commented on Nilda Rosa de Arias's post.
No es una innecesaria vacuna con carga malsana y de rastreo la salvadora, no se necesita vacuna al